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This paper presents a comprehensive interface and electrochemical phenomena review of different anodes for SOFC. In this way, it was possible to select some mixed electronic and ionic conductor materials alternatives to the conventional anode, Ni-YSZ conductor. New materials must present a satisfactory electronic and ionic conductivity at intermediate temperatures, be able to operate under different types of hydrocarbon fuels without deactivation, present stability under redox cycles and thermal expansion compatible with the other materials. Among all new materials, Sr0.86Y0.08TiO3, a Y-doped strontium titanate (YST), presented the highest measured conductivity, of 82 S cm-1 at 800 °C. In addition, this material showed excellent stability time and coefficient of thermal expansion compatible with materials used as cathode, strontium-doped lanthanum manganite and electrolyte, yttria stabilized zirconia. SrTiO3 (ST) compounds synthesized by solid-state reaction method, calcined, and sintered to obtain undoped (ST), 4% (YST04) and 8% (YST08) of Y-dopant and as a heterojunction with yttria-stabilized zirconia (YST08/YSZ). It was observed that calcination under Ar/5%H2 atmosphere has increased the dopant maximum concentration in the SrTiO3 cubic crystal structure when compared to inert atmosphere. When the Y solubility limit was exceeded, a pyrochlore phase Y2Ti2O7 was formed on the intergranular region due to the deficiency of oxygen vacancies, especially in the presence of inert atmosphere.

anode; interfacial phenomena; MIEC; SOFC


One of the main characteristics that affect solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) performance is the structure of its electrodes (anode and cathode). Such characteristics are determined by the type of the structure utilized and its manufacturing process. Moreover, the electrochemical reactions that occur on the anode surface and on the interface of anode/electrolyte are different from other heterogeneous reactions.11 Fiuza, R. P.; Silva, M. A.; Pontes, L. A. M.; Teixeira, L. S. G.; Boaventura, J. S.; Quim. Nova 2012, 35, 1635. Thus, it is necessary to study how the anode behaves on microscopic and nanoscopic scales.

For more than forty years, Ni-YSZ cermet composites have been the main anode applied to SOFCs due to their excellent catalytic activity with hydrogen fuel, high electronic conductivity,22 Amado, R. S.; Malta, L. F. B.;Garrido, F. M. S.; Medeiros, M. E.; Quim. Nova 2007, 30, 189. reasonable ionic conductivity at high temperature, stability under the conditions of SOFC operations and relatively low manufacturing cost. This material has shown a satisfactory performance when compared to many other applied cermets such as Ru/ZrO2, Mg-YSZ, and pure Ni. In this cermet conventional anode, the chemical reaction occurs on a three-phase boundary (3PB) defined as an interface composed by an oxygen-ion conductor phase YSZ (electrolyte), an electronic conductor phase (Ni metal) and a fuel gas phase. If the oxygen-ions or the fuel gas molecules do not reach the reaction site, or the electrons cannot be removed from the site, then the 3PB is not able to contribute to the good performance of the SOFC (see Figure 1).

Figure 1
Simplified scheme of a SOFC applying conventional anode

However, there are many limitations to the use of Ni-YSZ as an anodic material, mainly including a Ni agglomeration in a long-term operation and the formation of carbon deposits with the breaking of the C-C bond with the use of hydrocarbons. Ni is an excellent catalyst; therefore, carbon is deposited on the Ni surface, diffusing the Ni particle structure, and leading to the formation of carbon filaments,33 Torabi, A., Etsell, T. H.; J. Power Sources 2012, 212, 47. bringing the impossibility to operate using hydrocarbon fuels.

In this sense, in mixed ionic and electronic conductors (MIEC), charge carriers are combined in one single phase. In this type of material, ionic conductivity can be one order of magnitude higher than in conventional materials as YSZ, which allows decreasing the operation temperature, improving the SOFC performance and durability, as well as, making it possible to reduce the manufacturing costs of this fuel cell. Moreover, these materials can extend the active electrochemical regions for whole electrode surface. MIEC performs both as catalyst and as electrons and ions carrier. The electrochemical reactions are not restricted to the conductor interface but can occur along the entire surface.44 Curi, M. O.; Silva, E. R.; Secchi, A. R.; Furtado, J. G. de M.; Ferraz, H. C.; XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, Fortaleza, Brasil, 2016.

Comparing Figure 1 with Figure 2, it can be noted that the oxygen vacancy region, using MIEC as an anode, is not only restricted to the anode/electrolyte interfacial region, but it is also present along the anode thickness of (la) .

Figure 2
Simplified scheme of a SOFC applying MIEC anode

Figures 3 and 4 present micrographs of a potential material composed by 8% Y-doped SrTiO3. It is possible to notice a well-defined grain boundary with an efficient interface formation between YSZ and YST08 grains, showing that both are compatible with no physical segregation. Another important characteristic shown in the structure is the possibility of assembling samples with porosity among 20 - 40 %. In 8% Y-doped SrTiO3, porosity of 36.7 ± 7.2 % was found using 10% w/w of graphite before the sintering process. It is possible to observe that there is wide pore network, this feature is important to maintain the fuel gas diffusivity and the product exhaustion.

Figure 3
YSZ/YST08 heterojunction using graphite - porosity 27.01%

Figure 4
YSZ/YST08 heterojunction using graphite - porosity 38.82%

SOFC anodes

The YSZ grains constitute a support which acts as an inhibitor to the sintering of Ni powders during the SOFC operation, since the Ni thermal expansion coefficient (TEC), 16.9×10-6 K-1, is higher than that of YSZ (11×10-6 K-1). Therefore, the use of YSZ makes the TEC of the Ni/YSZ composite close to the other components of the SOFC. Additionally, due to the high electronic conductivity of Ni, the ionic conductivity of the material is improved, since the proportion in volume percentage of Ni and YSZ ranges from 35:65 to 55:45, providing a conductivity of the material ranging from 0.1 to 103 S cm-1.55 Tarôco, H. A.; Santos, J. A. F.; Domingues, R. Z.; Matencio, T. In Ceramic Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells; Sikalidis, C., ed.; InTech: London, 2011, cap. 19.

The poisoning of the Ni /YSZ anode by impurities containing sulfur in the H2 current has been studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and direct current (DC) polarization method. There are models that describe the loss of electrode performance due to the presence of H2S, however, according to Matsuaki and Yasuda,66 Matsuzaki, Y.; Yasuda, I.; Solid State Ionics 2000, 132, 261. the exact mechanism responsible for the loss of performance is not clearly defined yet due to the lack of experimental data in these specific conditions. The polarization resistance and electrode overpotential increased when the H2S concentration exceeded 0.05, 0.5 and 2 ppm at 1023, 1173 and 1273 K, respectively. The time required for the sulfide to influence saturation was approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes, 2 hours and 30 minutes, and 1 hour at 1023, 1173 and 1273 K, respectively. Although there are many benefits in reducing the operating temperature, it must be considered that at low temperatures the sulfides can be strongly adsorbed on the surface of the anode electrode of the SOFC and degrade the resistance against impurities (sulfides) reducing the conductivity due to microstructural degradation. This was later confirmed by Lussier et al.77 Lussier, A.;Sofie, S. W.; Dvorak, J.; Idzerda, Y. U.; Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2008, 33, 3945. who showed a mechanism that reveals the degeneration of Ni/YSZ and Ni/GDC anodes exposed to H2S, thus compromising the electrical conductivity of the anode and, consequently, the SOFC performance.

According to Flores and Rodríguez88 Flores, J.A.; Rodríguez, L. A.; Revista Mexicana de Física 2013, 59, 66. and Tarôco et al.,55 Tarôco, H. A.; Santos, J. A. F.; Domingues, R. Z.; Matencio, T. In Ceramic Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells; Sikalidis, C., ed.; InTech: London, 2011, cap. 19. in general, the anode must meet the following requirements:

  • High electronic conductivity (~ 100 S cm-1);

  • Chemical stability at low oxygen partial pressures (10-20 bar) and with other fuel cells (FC) components (electrolyte and interconnector);

  • High catalytic activity for oxidation reaction of the selected fuel gas;

  • Coefficient of thermal expansion similar to other components;

  • Ability to avoid carbon deposition;

  • Optimization of the electric transport microstructure (ionic + electronic);

  • Stability in reducing environment;

  • It must be thin enough to transport mass and minimize ohmic losses, but also have a certain thickness to distribute the electric current;

  • Adequate porosity (20-40%) for fuel supply and removal of the product from the reaction.

  • The anode, besides providing the electrochemical reaction of oxidation of the fuel, must also transfer the electrons. The oxygen anions migrate, through the electrolyte, from the cathode to the anode, due to the potential difference, where they are consumed by the oxidation of the fuel according to the following reactions:99 Sun, C.; Stimming, U.; J. Power Sources 2007, 171, 247.

(1) H 2 + O 2 2 e

(2) CO + O 2 2 e

(3) C n H 2 n + 2 + 3 n + 1 O 2 nCO 2 + n + 1 H 2 O + 6 n + 2 e

As showed in Equations 1 and 2, two electrons are transferred for each mole of water and CO2 formed, respectively. The molar flow rate of water (RH2O) and CO2 (RCO2) formation can be determined by Faraday’s Law (Equations 4 and 5). Details on the development of these equations can be found at Curi.1010 Curi, M. O.; Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2011.

(4) R H 2 O = i 2 F

(5) R CO 2 = i 2 F

where i is the current drained by a charge coupled to the FC unit and F is the Faraday constant.

Regarding those problems, new materials should be researched and applied to replace Ni-YSZ-based anodes, focusing mainly on compounds that are flexible to the type of fuel used, and those more resistant to sulfur impurities, and also suitable for operation in low temperatures and long-term operation. The different SOFC anodes found in the literature are presented.

Perovskite anodes

The crystalline structure of a perovskite has the composition ABX3, where A and B are cations with different oxidation numbers and X is an anion.1111 Magalhães, R. S.; Junior, W. D. M.; Souza, A. E.; Teixeira, S. R.; Li, S. M.; Longo, E.; Quim. Nova 2017, 40, 166. B cation occupies the cell unit center, while A cation and X anion occupy the vertices and edges of the unit cell, respectively.1212 Meulenberg, W. A.; Ivanova, M. A.; Serra, J. M.; Roitsch, S. In Advanced Membrane Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Applications; Basile A., Nunes, S. P., eds.; Woodhead Publishing Limited: Cambridge, 2011, cap. 17.,1313 Raphael, E.; Silva, M. N.;Szostak, R.; Schiavon, M. A.; Nogueira, A. N.; Quim. Nova 2018, 41, 61. A typical perovskite is exemplified with the structure of SrTiO3 in Figure 5. Due to steric impediments from combinations of different ions, with different ionic radius, perovskite structures can present different degrees of distortions that even lead to different crystalline systems.

Figure 5
Crystalline structure of strontium titanate (SrTiO3), Sr atoms are represented by green spheres, O atoms in red and Ti in blue. Adapted from ref. 14

Vashook et al.1515 Vashook, V.; Vasylechko, L.; Knapp, M.; J. Alloys Compd. 2002, 354, 13. synthesized a series of perovskite-type compounds La1-aCaaCr0.2Ti0.8O3-δ by the solid-state reaction technique (calcination temperature of 1350 °C). The increase in the concentration of Ca decreases the thermal stability of the oxides related to the dissociation of oxygen. The maximum conductivity observed was 50 S cm-1 for a composition of a = 0.95 of dopant. This Ca composition corresponds to a Cr3+/Cr4+ = 1 ratio, oxygen stoichiometry (3-δ) = 3 and the oxidation states of La, Ca and Ti ions of 3+, 2+ and 4+, respectively. In reducing atmosphere, the maximum conductivity is observed with a concentration of a = 0.6 of dopant, corresponding to the ratio of Ti3+/Ti4+ = 1, oxygen stoichiometry (3-δ) = 2.92 and the oxidation states of La, Ca and Ti of 3+, 2+ and 3+, respectively. The change in conductivity of La1-aCaaCr0.2Ti0.8O3-δ from n-type to p-type occurs with an increase in Ca content from a = 0.7 to a = 0.9. In addition, a change in the type of conductivity with a = 0.8 was observed in extremely reducing atmospheres pO2 < 10-10, where the conductivity is n-type (slope of the log(Σ) versus log(pO2) is negative), while in oxidizing atmospheres La0.2Ca0.8Cr0.2Ti0.8O3-δ becomes a p-type semiconductor.

In Vashook et al.1616 Vashook, V.; Vasylechko, L.; Ullmann, L.H.; Guth, U.; Solid State Ionics 2003, 158, 263. work, two series of perovskite La(1-x)CaxTiO3 (x = 0.2 - 1) and La2(1-x)/3CaxTiO3 (x = 0.2 - 1) compounds were synthesized by the solid-state reaction technique (calcination temperature of 1350 °C). Perovskite La0.4Ca0.4TiO3 revealed a tetragonal structure between 470 K and 1070 K, and cubic at 1170 K. The structure of the perovskite La2(1-x)/3CaxTiO3 is stabilized with small amounts of Ca. Point defects are considered for La(1-x)CaxTiO3-δ and La2(1- x)/3CaxTiO3. The n-type conduction can be explained by the creation of defects, associated with the reduction of Ti4+ to Ti3+ by the removal of oxygen (Equation 6):

(6) 2 Ti Ti x + O O x 2 Ti Ti ' + V O ¨ + 0 . 5 O 2

Huang et al. (2006a)1717 Huang, H.Y.; Dass, R. I.; Xing, X. L.; Goodenough, J. B.; Science 2006, 312, 254. showed that each oxygen vacancy reduces 2 moles of Mo6+ to Mo5+, providing good electronic conductivity to Sr2MnMoO6-δ and Sr2MgMoO6-δ anodes. In the same work, it was found that the electronic conductivity decreases with the increase in the partial pressure of O2, but the conductivity of the Sr2MnMoO6-δ was more sensitive to pressure variation.

In Lepe et al.188. 1 Lepe, F. J.; Fernandez-Uurban, J.; F.; Mestres, L.;Martínez-Sarrión, M. L.; J. Power Sources 2005, 151, 74. work, oxides with the general formula Ln2/3-xTiO3-3x/2 (Ln = La, Pr and Nd; 0.07 ≤ x <0.13) were prepared by a new synthesis route, adding Ln2/3-xLi3xTiO3 precursors, prepared by two methods: solid-state reaction and sol-gel (modification of the Pechini process),1919 Pechini, M. P.; US pat. 3,330, 697, 1967. followed by dehydration and calcination steps. Results from EIS showed that the resistance in the grain boundaries three times greater than that of the bulk for the lanthanum and praseodymium titanates. Comparing the two titanates, it was concluded that the resistance in the grain boundary region with La is smaller than that with Pr. This result can be attributed to small structural differences since the diffractogram of the compound with Pr shows peaks attributed to the tetragonal phase. The type of imperfections depends on the way the crystal was formed. Defects modify the electrical behavior of the material. Results presented proved that the conductivity in the bulk of the compound with La is greater than that with Pr.

Pudmich et al.2020 Pudmich, G.; Boukamp, B. A.; Gonzalez, M. C.; Solid State Ionics 2000, 135, 433. investigated materials with perovskite-type structures based on lanthanum chromates and strontium titanates as possible materials for SOFC anodes. Table 1 shows the studied materials. It was found that the higher the concentration of Ti, the greater the electronic conductivity of the material while the increase in the concentration of Cr reduces the electronic conductivity of the same compound. In samples rich in Cr, the electronic conductivity in air was higher than in the presence of H2. Thus, as a p-type conductor (excess of electron holes), conductivity is decreased in reducing atmospheres due to the reduction in electron holes in combination with increased O2 vacancy concentration. In the case of Ti-rich samples, conduction is n-type (excess of electrons) and charge carriers (electrons) are formed during the reaction. EIS measurements and analysis showed a certain activity of the La0.7Sr0.3Cr0.8Ti0.2O3 electrode on hydrogen oxidation, but the performance remained low when compared to the Ni-YSZ composite.

Table 1
Name, chemical composition, and crystallographic properties of the powders after sintering 1400 ºC. Adapted from ref. 2020 Pudmich, G.; Boukamp, B. A.; Gonzalez, M. C.; Solid State Ionics 2000, 135, 433.

Chen and Liu2121 Chen, F.; Liu, M..; J. Solid State Electrochem. 1998, 3, 7. evaluated the conductivity of La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8M0.2O3 (LSGM) with M = Co, Mn, Cr, Fe or V. Among the transition metals studied, the samples doped with Mn and Co showed conductivity larger than the other samples. La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mn0.2O3 presented the highest conductivity in the bulk. La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Co0.2O3 disintegrated under H2-reducing conditions and cannot therefore be used with anodic material. Among the different dopants for LaGaO3, Co resulted in the highest conductivity in air, while Mn provided the highest conductivity in a reducing atmosphere. Electrochemical measurements showed that La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mn0.2O3 is a MIEC material with significant ionic conductivity, ionic and electronic resistance at 780 °C of 2.47 Ω and 9.47 Ω, respectively, while La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Co0.2O3 presented high electronic conductivity (ion transfer number less than 1), ionic and electronic resistance at 780 °C of 33.56 Ω and 2.43 Ω, respectively.

In Chen and Liu2121 Chen, F.; Liu, M..; J. Solid State Electrochem. 1998, 3, 7. work, oxides of transition metals were doped with LaGaO3 in order to increase electronic conductivity while maintaining ionic conductivity, LSGM can be used as MIEC for SOFC and its use has two advantages: first, they are chemically and physically compatible with LSGM electrolytes, minimizing interfacial reactions due to diffusion or chemical reaction; second, their coefficients of thermal expansion are similar to that of the electrolyte, minimizing stress at the interface during the thermal cycle and, thus, improving the adhesion between the electrode and the electrolyte. However, measures of thermal expansion coefficients were not presented in that work.

LaxSr1-xCrO3 (LSC) has good stability in an anodic environment, however, LaxSr1-xMnO3 (LSM) has high electronic conductivity but is not stable in reducing atmospheres. For this reason, metal oxides with La0.75Sr0.25Cr1-xMnxO3 (LSCM) composition (x = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6) were synthesized and examined as anode material for SOFC.2222 Zha, S.; Tsang, P.; Cheng, Z. J.; Liu, M.; J. Solid State Chem. 2005, 178, 1844. La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.6Mn0.4O3, La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 and La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.4Mn0.6O3 powders were synthesized by the glycine combustion. It was found that the conductivity of the anode increases with the partial pressure of oxygen and decreases with the Cr content. The densified samples show no differences in morphology. However, the crystalline structure changed from hexagonal, in air, to orthorhombic, in a reducing environment. In that same work, the LSCM tolerance to H2S was measured, introducing 10% H2S into the hydrogen stream and the results showed that under open-circuit conditions the reaction products (MnS and MnOS) are conductive, which can reduce the resistance and improve the supply of electric current. This phenomenon can be explained because SOFC obtained a small increase in its performance after being fed with fuel contaminated with sulfur. However, under potentiostatic conditions (control of the voltage difference between the working electrode and the reference electrode with current injection), the intermediate species and the products formed can accelerate anode poisoning, especially in the 3PB.

The physical properties and the level of mixed conduction presented by the compounds Sr0.97Ti0.6Fe0.4O3-δ (STFO) and La0.4Sr0.5Ti0.6Fe0.4O3-δ (LSTFO) were studied by Fagg et al.2323 Fagg, D. P.;Kharton, V. V.; Kovalevsky, A.V.; Naumovich, E. N.; Frade, J. R.; J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2001, 21, 1831. The powders were prepared by the solid-state reaction from TiO2, Fe2O3, La2O3 and SrCO3. STFO was sintered at 1400 °C and LSTFO at 1600 °C. The use of the highest temperature for LSTFO is necessary to achieve phase purity and good densification. Deficiency at the A site (La and Sr in LSTFO, and Sr in STFO) was introduced in both compositions, with a unit ratio of A/ (Ti + Fe), in order to improve the stability of these materials. The lowest total conductivity for LSTFO was observed, which can be attributed to the low concentration of electron holes under oxidation conditions. The main factor that affects the level of ionic conduction is the high activation energy of LSTFO, which may be due to the significant formation of vacancy mobilities, in addition, the increase in temperature should increase the concentration of vacancies present. It should also be considered that LSTFO exhibits an orthorhombic structure while STFO exhibits cubic structure. These two structures do not exhibit the same enthalpy for ion migration and vacancy formation. However, the polymorphism change is not related to the high activation energy. Examples against this hypothesis are that compounds such as La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ with orthorhombic structure, still exhibit high levels of ionic conductivity with activation energy around 100 kJ mol-1. In that work, the ionic conductivity was separated from the total conductivity by using the Faradaic efficiency, based on EIS measurement data, presented in Kharton et al.2424 Kharton, V. V.; Kovalevsky, A. V.; Viskup, A. P.; Figueiredo, F. M.; Frade, J. R.; Yaremchenko, A. A.; Naumovich, E. N.; Solid State Ionics 2000, 128, 117. The number of ions transfer ranged from 0.005 to 0.08 to Sr0.97Ti0.6Fe0.4O3-δ, decreasing as the temperature decreases. The conductivity of the electron holes of the oxide was small, but exceeded the ionic conductivity, showing that the behavior of the p-type semiconductor was more pronounced. The activation energy for the electronic conductivity was 35 kJ mol-1 between 470 and 890 K (calculated by the Arrhenius model), being reduced to higher temperatures. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in different atmospheres showed that at temperatures above 770 K the Sr0.97Ti0.6Fe0.4O3-δ perovskite phase is stable concerning the reaction with CO2. However, the exposure of STFO powders to lower temperatures can result in the decomposition of its surface associated with the formation of SrCO3.

Ruiz-Morales et al.2525 Ruiz-Morales, J. C..; Canales-Vázquez, J.; Savaniu, C.; Marrero-López, D.; Nature 2006, 439, 568. studied the substitution of Ti in La4Sr8Ti12-xMxO38-δ with M = Mn, Ga or Sc controlling oxygen stoichiometry. The best composition for the lowest polarization resistance observed for the oxide was M = Ga and x = 0.5 (La4Sr8Ti11.5Ga0.5Mn0.5O37.5) (LSTMG) both in reducing conditions with H2 fuel (2.3% v/v H2O) as with CH4 (2.3% v/v H2O), presenting a lower polarization resistance of 0.20 and 0.57 Ω cm2, respectively, which were less than for x = 0 (2.97 and 8.93 Ω cm2, respectively), M = Sc and x = 0.6 (0.5 and 1.20 Ω cm2, respectively) and M = Mn and x = 1 (0.43 and 1.14 Ω cm2, respectively). Mn and Ga have lower coordination numbers (fewer neighboring atoms), especially Mn3+, and thus facilitate the migration of the oxygen ion. Thus, with the addition of Mn and Ga, MIEC is promoted by accelerating the electrocatalytic processes at the interfaces.

In the study by Vernoux et al.,2626 Vernoux, P.; Guillodo, M.; Fouletier, J., Hammou, A.; Solid State Ionics. 2000, 135, 425. La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.97V0.03O3 anode (LSCV) in the conversion of methane exhibited low activity at 800 and 850 °C, but no carbon deposition was detected after 30 h of operation. EIS measurements of the LSCV-YSZ composite showed that the high-frequency semicircle (HF) is probably related to the electrode/electrolyte microstructure interface, while the medium frequency semicircle (MF) may be associated with electrochemical reaction in 3PB.

In the article by Vernoux et al.,2727 Vernoux, P.; Djurado, E.; Guillodo, M.; J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2001, 84, 2289. LSC, LCR and LSCM powders with a nominal composition of La0.8Sr0.2CrO3-δ, LaCr0.95Ru0.05O3-δ and La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.8Mn0.2O3-δ, respectively, were synthesized by spray pyrolysis (ultrasonic atomization technique) and the films were prepared by spray printing (deposition and printing from atomized powders). Results of catalytic activity prove that the insertion of Ru in the structure accelerates the methane reform. The thermal behavior of La0.8Sr0.2CrO3-δ (LSC) was assessed using dilatometry. At 500 °C, a contraction was observed, probably due to the decomposition of LaNO3. LSC X-ray diffractometry (XRD) studies have shown the presence of MCrO4 (M is La or Sr), which is a product of the decomposition of chromium and lanthanum nitrates in the air. In the XRD of LSC powders prepared by spray pyrolysis (SP), the investigated phase of LSC was visible after SP at 800 ºC for 8 s. The presence of a secondary phase can be attributed to the presence of the monoclinic structure SrO4, or the solid solution, such as lanthanum or strontium chromates. Other results show that the secondary phase disappeared after 1100 ºC for 4 hours.

TGA curves showed in mass loss between 750 °C and 780 °C, in that same temperature range, there was a drop in the dilatometric curve. In this way, it can be said that the chromates of La and Sr were completely transformed into LSC between 750-780 °C to 1230 °C. Chromatographic analyzes showed two peaks of CO and CO2 for the Ni-YSZ anode and only one peak of O2 for LSCM, this means that the carbon formed by the coke reaction is present on the Ni-YSZ surface. Results from EIS showed that Mn insertion improves the electrochemical activity of perovskites. LCR was not investigated via EIS due to its low electronic conductivity (no Sr content).2727 Vernoux, P.; Djurado, E.; Guillodo, M.; J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2001, 84, 2289.

Sfeir2828 Sfeir, J.; J. Power Sources 2003, 118, 276. analyzed the stability of LaCrO3 when doped with Mg, Ca, Sr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni against various atmospheres (air, humidified hydrogen, CO and CO2). Experimental and thermodynamic data showed at the A-site, the substitution of Sr is more stable than that of Ca in reducing atmospheres since the solubility limit of Ca is low under partial pressure of O2 at 10-9 atm at 1600 °C. CO and CO2 did not affect the stability of these perovskites, once there is no carbon formation and secondary phases were observed. H2O and H2 cause corrosion in these perovskites because the volatility of Ca, Sr and Cr is pronounced due to the formation of hydroxyls. The secondary phases formed during the decomposition can react quickly with YSZ at 800 °C, although the substituting compounds of the B-site (Mg, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni) have shown to be more thermodynamically unstable.

Ceramics with perovskite-type structures, such as SrTiO3, have a great possibility of improving and/or altering their physical and chemical properties and characteristics through doping processes aiming application as SOFC anodes. Doping cations introduce mixed valences and oxygen vacancies into the unit cell. However, when doping those structures, the stability of the material is altered, since the insertion of impurity ions causes distortions in the structural geometry of the crystal lattice, as they present ionic radii that differ from the original configuration.2929 Neagu, D.; Irvine, J. D. S. In Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II; Reedijk, J., Poeppelmeier, K., eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2013, cap. 4.15.

30 Ma, Q.; Iwanschitz, B.; Dashjav, E.; Baumann, S.; Sebold, D.; Raj, I. A.; Mai, A.; Tietz, F.; J. Power Sources 2015, 279, 678.
-3131 Chen, C.; Zhang, T.; Donelson, R.; Tan, T. T.; Li, S.; J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 629, 49. In the A-site, in order to accommodate an ion with an ionic radius greater than the ionic radius of Sr theTiO6 octahedron elongates slightly. Because of this, the Ti ion is no longer the center of symmetry of the unit cell.3232 Marques, A. C.; Tese de Doutorado, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 2009. When ions with an ionic radius smaller than the ionic radius of Sr or with an ionic radius smaller than that of Ti are introduced at sites A and B, respectively, the tolerance factor (T) becomes smaller than 1. In this case, the ion located at site A no longer contacts the 12 oxygen ions. Then the structure adjusts by performing rotations in the TiO6 octahedron, to maintain the regularity of the structure and the correct sharing of spaces between the ions, so that the ions coming from the TiO6 octahedron approach the smaller ion now located at A-site.3333 Muhamad, N. F.; Osman, R. A. M.; Idris, M. S.; Yasin, M. N. M.; EPJ Web of Conferences 2017, 162, 1052. This rotation in the structure has as the main consequence (besides the loss of symmetry), the change in the angle of the Ti-O-Ti connection from 180° to approximately 165°. This effect also leads to a decrease in the coordination number of the A-site cation from 12 to a value between 8 and 10. Both effects alter the electrical characteristics of the material, as they will change the interatomic distances, leading to changes in the band diagrams and in the strength of the Ti-O-Ti bond.2929 Neagu, D.; Irvine, J. D. S. In Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II; Reedijk, J., Poeppelmeier, K., eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2013, cap. 4.15.

Perovskite structures such as SrTiO3 in their stoichiometric form (Sr/Ti = 1, O/Sr = 3) have a bandgap of 3.2 eV at 0 K. They are considered a proper material for applications as an insulator.3434 Suwanwong, S.; Eknapakul, T.; Rattanachai, Y.;Masingboon, C.; Rattanasuporn, S.; Pattanakun, R.; Nakajima, H.; King, P.; Hodak, S. K.; Meevasana, W.; Appl. Surf. Sci. 2015, 355, 210.,3535 Mohamed, E. A.; Moustafa, M. G.; Kashif, I.; J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2018, 482, 223. By convention, it is considered that all compounds with a bandgap above 2 eV are insulator, and less than that, semiconductor (remembering that in metallic materials there is no bandgap due to an overlap of the conduction and valence bands).3636 Shackelford, J. F. In Ciência dos Materiais; Sousa, A., Pace, M., eds.; Pearson Publishing: London, 2008. When there is no compensatory distortion in the TiO6 octahedron, the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) that corresponds to the valence band is predominantly atomic (2s and 2p oxygen orbitals). The conduction band, which corresponds to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), is predominantly cationic and it comes from the unoccupied energy states of the Ti-d orbital. Such difference between the states of HOMO and LUMO is what characterizes SrTiO3 as a robust insulator (dielectric).

There are many studies on the doping process at B-site, mainly with the substitution by cations of Fe3+/2+ and Al3+. Synthesis of B-sites doped SrTiO3 structures is widely applied in order to change the ionic and electronic transport properties of the material. Normally, cations with a valence greater than or equal to 3+ are used and the structure is compensated by the formation of oxygen vacancies. Kharton et al.3737 Kharton, V. V.; Kovalevsky, A. V.; Viskup, A. P.; Jurado, J. R.; Figueiredo, F. M.; Naumovich, E. N.; Frade, J. R.; J. Solid State Chem. 2001, 156, 437. used iron ions to perform the doping process at site B, and a decrease in the size of the crystalline cell due to the steric compensations was noted. The authors observed that the structure had an increase in ionic and electronic conductivities, showing that such doping is advantageous. The activation energy for ionic conductivity was independent of the dopant concentration and it has varied from 97 to 104 kJ mol-1. The TEC is feasible with that relative to the YSZ (1.05 × 10-5 K-1):3838 Flores, J. J. A.;Rodríguez, M. L. A.; Espinosa, G. A.; Vera, J. V. A.; Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2018, 44, 12529. in a temperature range between 300 and 720 K, they have found 1.2 × 10-5 K-1 to the minor concentration of dopant and 2.1 × 10-5 K-1 to 8% Fe. Kharton et al.3737 Kharton, V. V.; Kovalevsky, A. V.; Viskup, A. P.; Jurado, J. R.; Figueiredo, F. M.; Naumovich, E. N.; Frade, J. R.; J. Solid State Chem. 2001, 156, 437. were based on studies by Steinsvik et al.3939 Steinsvik, S.; Bugge, R.; Gjonnes, J.; Norby, J. T. T.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1997, 6, 969. They have doped the titanate structure with iron concentrations that varied from 0 to 8% and concluded that the structures compensate for the charge imbalance with the formation of oxygen vacancies. When the doping concentration was greater than 6%, a crystalline cell was formed, characterized as a superstructure with a lattice constant twice than the one from the simple perovskite. This phenomenon was associated due to structural reorganization from the accumulation of oxygen vacancies. The authors have also concluded that the high level of mixed ionic/electronic conductivity makes this material able to use as an electrode of SOFC.

Doping processes with Fe cations are the most representative model for doping with acceptors in SrTiO3 electroceramics with wide bandgap. The mixture of valence Fe3+ and Fe2+ creates a series of imbalances with the charges. This will be compensated by the creation of oxygen vacancies whose concentration varies according to the partial pressure regime of oxygen. Kubacki et al.4040 Kubacki, J.; Kajewski, D.; Goraus, J.; Szot, K.; Koehl, A.; Lenser, C.; Dittmann, R.; Szade, J.; J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 154702. studied the influence of Fe insertion in the SrTiO3 band structure and concluded that Fe+3 and Fe+2 affect energy bands differently. The first results in a peak-shaped energy state just above the top of the valence band, while the second results in a wider-shaped state in the prohibited band just below 0.5 eV. No state in the Fermi energy region has been created, although there is a hybridization between the Ti and Fe and Ti orbitals and oxygen vacancies, these generate new electronic states proportional to the Fe concentration. Baker et al.,4141 Baker, J. N.; Bowes, P. C.; Long, D. M.; Moballegh, A.; Harris, J .S.; Dickey, E. C.; Irving, D. L.; Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 110, 122903. studying the influence of Fe ions on the position of Fermi energy, concluded that when the Fe atom is at the Ti (FeTi) site, it assumes valences that can vary from 1+ to 2- in its new energetic state in the middle of the bandgap, this is in the position of 1.7 eV above the top of the valence band. Li et al.,4242 Li, R.; Liu, F.; Zhang, C.; Liu, J.; Zhou, J.; Xu, L.; Ceram. Int. 2019, 45, 21684. aiming at the application of SrTiO3 structures in the anode compartment of a SOFC, inserted iron cations at B-site and concluded that the conductivity increased proportionally with the increase in the concentration of impurity and the increase in temperature up to the maximum by around 800 °C then started to decrease. Such conductivity profile in relation to the increase in temperature indicates a predominance of concentration of holes as mainly a source of generation of electrical conductivity.

The study of the influence of Al3+ ions has also been shown to be representative in the synthesis of extrinsic p-type semiconductors of SrTiO3 electroceramics. Morin and Oliver4343 Morin, F. J.; Oliver, J. R.; Phys. Rev. B 1973, 8, 5847. studied the formation of energy levels in the forbidden band with the introduction of aluminum atoms. An energy level of holes (also called an electron trap) was identified below the beginning of the conduction band with 0.3 eV. This band showed a higher density of holes at 0.09 eV below conduction.

Zhao et al.4444 Zhao, Z.; Gonçalves, R. V.; Barman, S. K.; Willard, E. J.; Byle, E.; Perry, R.; Wu, Z.; Huda, M. N.; Moulé, A. J.; Osterloh, F. E.; Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12, 1385. found that the incorporation of Al3+ reduces the possibility of recombination between Ti3+ and Ti4+, however, in contrast, it decreases Fermi energy by approximately 0.5 eV. The influence of aluminum ions in the structure will depend on their respective locations in relation to oxygen vacancies: if the oxygen vacancy is surrounded by less than two Al3+ ions, adjacent Ti4+ ions are formed, generating a complex {Ti4+/VO}. However, due to Fermi’s low energy, these states are not permanently occupied by electrons, and can, therefore, promote electron-hole recombination. Bowes et al.,4545 Bowes, P. C.; Baker, J. N.; Irving, D. L.; J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2019, 00, 1. when publishing a collection of physicochemical and band information of various types of impurities in SrTiO3 structures, showed that when inserting Al3+ ions into the Ti site, Fermi energy is located in values between 0.01 and 0.15 eV, depending on the compensation mechanism of the structure to recover the load balance.

There are also promising studies on doping with niobium (Nb5+): Smith et al.4646 Smith, H. B.; Holler, W. C.; Gross, M. D.; Solid State Ionics 2011, 192, 383. synthesized SrTiO3 structures doped with Ta5+ at concentrations of 1%, 5% and 10%. The authors concluded that the lattice constant increases proportionally with the increase in the concentration of dopant and this happens due to the fact that, instead of the replacement of Ti4+ by Ta5+, there is an electronic compensation that occurs by converting Ti4+ to Ti3+ and the latter presents greater ionic radius. Such a mechanism is favored by the presence of reducing agents in the atmosphere, leading to the simultaneous formation of oxygen vacancies. The authors also studied the compatibility between the synthesized structures and YSZ and observed that there was no additional phase or chemical and/or physical segregation on the interface.

Zhang et al.,4747 Zhang, C.; Wang, C. L.; Li, J. C.; Yang, K.; Zhang, Y. F.; Wu, Q. Z.; Mater. Chem. Phys. 2008, 107, 215. in their results, showed that with the insertion of Nb, the Fermi level moves considerably towards the conduction band, due to the accumulation of electrons; that is generated with the incorporation of defects. The valence band will consist of the states O 2p and the conduction band will be formed by the states Ti 3d and Ti 4d. Blennow et al.4848 Blennow, P.; Hagen, A.; Hansen, K. K., Wallenberg, L. R.; Mogensen, M.; Solid State Ionics 2008, 179, 2047. studied the transport of defects and electrons in SrTiO3 structures doped with Nb, the authors showed that the concentration of Nb directly affects the density of states close to the Fermi energy, changing it to energies with values closer to the conduction band. The compensation mechanisms consisted in the presence of electronic exchange (Ti4+ atoms are reduced to Ti3+), with no vacancy formation. The Nb atoms remain with fixed oxidation and the partial pressure of oxygen has no direct influence on conductivity. The authors also found evidence that the presence of niobium intensifies the overlapping of the atomic Ti orbitals, intensifying the electrical conductivity of the structure. Ozdoganet al.4949 Ozdogan, K.; Kahaly, M. U.; Kumar, S. R. S.; Alshareef, H. N.; Schwingenschlögl, J.; J. Appl. Phys. 2012, 111, 054313. showed that, in addition to the energy levels mentioned above, niobium influences the conduction band more through the overlapping of the Ti 3d and Nb 4d energy states than in the valence band. Blennow et al.4848 Blennow, P.; Hagen, A.; Hansen, K. K., Wallenberg, L. R.; Mogensen, M.; Solid State Ionics 2008, 179, 2047. applied structures of SrTiO3 doped with Nb at the B-site in SOFC anodes, and they have not obtained catalytic activity for the redox reactions. Smithet al.4646 Smith, H. B.; Holler, W. C.; Gross, M. D.; Solid State Ionics 2011, 192, 383. studied the effect of doping with tantalum on the operation as an anode of a SOFC and they obtained good chemical compatibility with the electrolyte of YSZ during the redox cycles.

Regarding the doping of A-site, there are many studies about the insertion of lanthanum as an electron donor. Biswas et al.5050 Biswas, A.. Li, N.; Jung, M. H.; Lee, Y. W.; Kim, J. S.; Jeong, Y. H.; J. Appl. Phys. 2013, 113, 183711. studying this structure with 10% of dopant have found a Fermi energy of 0.2 eV from the base of the conduction band. The authors have stated that negative charge carriers were inserted in the structure satisfactorily by the incorporation of La ions and that the conduction band consists mainly of the 3d and 5d orbitals (coming from Ti) since the contributions of the s and p orbitals are minimal. Electrical conduction takes place mainly in hybrid Ti-O orbitals that the authors call channels. Hashimoto et al.5151 Hashimoto, S.; Kammer, K.; Larsen, P. H.; Finn, L.; Poulsen, F. W.; Mogensen, M.; Solid State Ionics 2005, 176, 1013. have studied how the conductivity of the material behaved in face of changes in temperature and atmosphere and they have concluded that in a reducing atmosphere the structure has undergone a significant hysteresis depending on the temperature and, above a concentration of 3% La, the material has a conductivity that is slightly dependent on temperature or partial pressure of oxygen. They also concluded that an oxidizing atmosphere promotes the excess of charges, which causes compensation with the formation of a secondary SrO phase, leading to a decrease in electronic conductivity. Marina et al.5252 Marina, O. A.; Canfield, N. L.; Stevenson, J. W.; Solid State Ionics 2002, 149, 21. concluded that SrTiO3 doped with La presents a higher total conductivity when analyzed in a reducing atmosphere. However, Li et al.5353 Li, X.; Zhao, H.; Zhou, X; Xu, N.; Xie, Z.; Chen, N.; Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010, 35, 7913. reported that sintering in a reducing atmosphere compensates the A-site deficiencies by charge reorganization, generating oxygen vacancies and increasing the valence of titanium atoms. Therefore, once deficiencies at A-site increase, ionic conductivity also increases (since it is proportional to the concentration of vacancies) and electronic conductivity decreases (because there is less possibility of exchange between the 3+ and 4+ valences of titanium).

Another ion that has shown potential in doping A-site of SrTiO3 structures is yttrium. The band structure of such material was studied by Drozdz et al.,5454 Drozdz, E.;Lacz, A., Kolezynzky, A.;Mikula, A.; Mars, K.; Solid State Ionics 2017, 302, 173. the authors show that, when introducing such a dopant, there is a shift in the Fermi level from the bandgap to the conduction band. An increase in the concentration of Y intensifies this shift towards higher energy in the same band and decreases the curvature of the band shape near the base of the conductive band.

Shan and Yi5555 Shan, K.; Yi, Z.; Scr. Mater. 2015, 107, 119. evaluated the electronic conductivity of SrTiO3 structures co-doped with Y and In, as a function of temperature, finding maximum electronic conductivity in the temperature range between 400 and 500 °C. Chen et al.5656 Chen, C.; Zhang, T.; Donelson, R.; Tan, T. T.; Li, S.; J. Alloys Compd. 2015, 629, 49. observed that these structures exhibit metallic conduction behavior from a temperature of approximately 300 °C, with maximum conductivity also at this temperature, but did not evaluate the behavior at temperatures above 700 °C. They also showed that the concentration of Ti3+ ions increases with the dopant increase up to the value of 8%, then remains constant due to the formation of the secondary phase of pyrochlore Y2Ti2O7. Although these studies correlate the electronic conductivity of the material in the face of the effect of temperature and dopant concentration, there is little information about the influence of processing parameters (as in the calcination and sintering steps) on the electrical properties of the material. Gao et al.5757 Gao, F.; Zhao, H.; Li, X.; Cheng, Y.; Zhou, X.; Cui, F.; J. Power Sources 2008, 185, 26. when synthesizing strontium titanate structures doped with yttrium also showed an increase in the concentration of oxygen vacancies that arise to compensate for the decrease in the concentration of Ti3+. As this is responsible for electronic conduction, as seen in the state density, it will result in a decrease in electrons in the allowed states of the conduction band. Since compensation is via vacancies, they help to increase ionic conductivity.

Hui and Petric5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215. studied the redox behavior of Sr0.88Y0.08TiO3-δ and noticed that the variation in electrical conductivity in both the reduction and oxidation processes exhibit parabolic dependence over time. However, the reduction rate is slower than the oxidation rate (Equation 7).

(7) O O x 2 e + V O ¨ + 1 2 O 2 g

For a material to be a potential candidate as FC anode, the variation in electrical conductivity must be rapid in both oxidation and reduction. The reduction of Sr0.88Y0.08TiO3-δ implies the release of oxygen from the network and results in the electrons and vacancies; the reverse process occurs during oxidation. The redox process performance can be described by the following Equation 8.5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215.

(8) η = Δ W t Δ W 0 Δ W Δ W 0

where ΔW is the weight loss or oxygen variation from stoichiometry in relation to the theoretical composition, t, 0 and ∞ correspond to arbitrary, initial and final times, respectively. In terms of conductivity, this performance is given by Equation 9: 5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215.

(9) η = σ t σ 0 σ σ 0

Results showed the conductivity of Sr0.88Y0.08TiO3-δ changes quickly at the beginning and reached a plateau, which is a typical behavior of diffusion-controlled processes;5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215. it is shown when there was a rapid pressure change on the surface at 800 °C for both processes (oxidation and reduction). Changes in composition must be due to mass transport via diffusion of the gas-solid interface for reduction or vice-versa in oxidation. In the reduction process, the Sr0.88Y0.08TiO3-δ nucleus was reduced by the diffusion of oxygen vacancies and at the reduced/oxidized oxide interface whose area decreased with time. The distance from this interface to the surface increased over time, as do the reduction rates or the conductivity decreases over time. For most oxides, diffusion of oxygen at the grain boundary is faster than diffusion in the bulk of grains. As a result, when partial pressure of oxygen is varied, a change in stoichiometry occurs at the grain boundary. They can perform as a reduction path or as a blocking barrier during oxidation.

The performance of Sr0.85Y0.10Ti0.95Ga0.05O3-δ and Sr0.85Y0.10Ti0.95Co0.05O3-δ compounds, using La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.3O2.8 (LSGM) and YSZ electrolyte, was studied by Hui and Petric.5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215. Both compositions resulted in low power densities (maximum value of 58 mW cm-2 at 900 °C and partial pressure of O2 10-20 atm) that can be attributed to the high contact resistance between the anode and electrolyte. The ohmic resistance can be reduced by decreasing the thickness of the electrolyte and the electrode with the use of tape manufacturing and laminating techniques, such as tape casting and screen printing of the electrodes.

Hui and Petric5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215. also studied the effect of porosity on the conductivity of Sr0.88Y0.08TiO3-δ and Sr0.85Y0.10Ti0.95M0.05O3-δ with the addition of 20% (w/w) of carbon. There was a decrease in conductivity in porous samples compared to dense samples. They proposed a mathematical model that agrees with the results obtained experimentally. This model is a relationship between the conductivity of the dense and porous material (s/s0) as a function of the porosity of ceramic materials, and considers that the spherical pores are evenly distributed in the dense materials, as it is shown by Equation 10.

(10) σ / σ 0 = 1 ε / 1 + 0 . 5 ε

where ε = (1- ρ / ρ0) is the porosity, ρ and ρ0 are the real and theoretical densities, respectively.

Hui and Petric5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215. measured the electrical conductivity of SrTiO3 doped with yttria with different transition metals added as load accepting dopants (M = V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Mg, Zr, Al or Ga) in the temperature range of 600-900 °C in a reducing atmosphere. The substitution of 5% (mol) of Ti by dopants decreases the conductivity of Sr1-1.5xYxTiO3-δ, that is, the degree of conductivity depends on the type of dopant. The catalytic activity of perovskites depends mainly on the ions of the B site, that is, on a metal after its reduction, and its effectiveness in decreasing order can be described as Co > Mn > Ni > Fe > Cr and Sr is the ion from the corresponding A-site that has the best catalytic activity at 800 °C in the partial oxygen pressure range between 10-20 and 0.21 atm. Results of the effects of charge acceptor dopants on the conductivity at 800 °C as a function of the partial pressure of oxygen in the compounds Sr0.85Y0.10Ti0.95M0.05O3-δ and Sr0.88Y0.08Ti0.95M0.05O3-δ showed that in all cases conductivity decreased (except for Co). This is because the conductivity of perovskites depends mainly on the B-O bond strength, the electrons induced by the reduction consequently of the ease of breaking the B-O bond. B, in this case, can be the ions of the transition metals of Co, Mn, Ni, Fe or Cr. Thus, the enthalpy of formation (ΔH0) of MOx can be used as an indication of the bond strength of the metal-oxygen in the oxides, in general and ΔH0 does not depend on the valence of the metal. Conductivity results of Sr0.85Y0.10Ti0.95M0.05O3-δ and Sr0.88Y0.08Ti0.95M0.05O3-δ as a function of the bonding strength of oxides V2O5, CrO3, MnO3, Fe2O3, CoO, NiO and CuO showed that the less stable MO bond, easier oxygen forms electronic defects for conduction. Conductivity variation over time at 800 °C was also evaluated, with Sr0.85Y0.10Ti0.95Co0.05O3-δ having the highest conductivity (17.5 S cm-1) after 24 h of oxidation while in reducing atmospheres (pO2 = 10-19 atm) the maximum conductivity obtained was 45 S cm-1. Compounds with the mixed-valence Co3+-Co4+ and Mn3+-Mn4+ presented high electrical conductivities.

The hypothesis that Sr content decreases the number of oxygen vacancies can be explained by Equation 11,5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215. where there is a deficiency limit (xlim) from which perovskite is no longer able to maintain vacancies and new phases will be formed.

(11) SrTiO 3 Sr removal Sr 1 x TiO 3 x deficiency lim it Sr 1 x lim Ti 1 y O 3 x lim + y Ti n O 2 n 1

The titanium oxide phases formed when the Sr content was reduced in reducing atmospheres are called Magnelli phases (TinO2n-1, 4 < n < 9). As strontium titanate has high electrical conductivity in reducing atmospheres, it is interesting to investigate the activity of a multiphase system in which there is high electronic conductivity in both phases (magnelli and strontium titanate). XRD results with different proportions of Sr/Ti showed that the crystalline structures of cubic perovskite and rutile (TiO2) are present and there is high titanate deficiency (Sr/Ti ≤ 0.9), heated at 1200 °C for 12 h in air. The concentration of the rutile phase was reduced by increasing the Sr/Ti ratio. In titanates with few deficient A sites (0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.05), the presence of the rutile phase and structures of Sr2Ti6O13 and Sr2Ti5O12 were observed. Samples calcined in air with 7% H2 with reduced deficiency at A sites showed pure structure of cubic perovskite Sr/Ti ≥ 0.98, Magnelli phases being possible impurities. TGA curves showed that the titanate and Magnelli phases were completely oxidized between 600 and 800 °C.5858 Hui, S.; Petric, A.; Mater. Res. Bull. 2002, 37, 1215.

Torabi and Etsell5959 Torabi, A.; Etsell, T. H.; J. Power Sources 2013, 225, 51. investigated the Yttrium-doped SrTiO3 (YST), deposited in YSZ, as an alternative material to the conventional sulfur and carbon tolerant anode for SOFC. The three samples were infiltrated four times in two heat treatment steps with air (150 °C for 5 min and 350 °C for 15 min). After each infiltration step, the samples were submitted to 3 different types of heat treatments: (a) YST-A was infiltrated four times and treated with air at 900 °C / 6 h, (b) YST-H was infiltrated four times and treated with hydrogen at 900 °C / 6 h and (c) YST-AH was first infiltrated twice, followed by treatment with air at 900 °C/6 h. Then it was infiltrated two more times followed by treatment with hydrogen 900 °C/6 h. Results of EIS with three types of symmetrical YST-YSZ cells (Table 2) showed that the ohmic resistance (R0) did not vary from one cell to another. However, the non-ohmic resistance showed some differences: an arc at intermediate frequency (100 kHz - 100 Hz) and an arc at low frequency (<100 Hz). The first is attributed to the electron-ion transfer processes at the interface (R1), and the second is attributed to the unloaded transfer processes (R2), including surface reactions and gas diffusion in the solid.6060 Tarôco, H. A.;Andrade, S. T. P.;Brant, M. C.; Domingues, R. Z.; Matencio, T.; Quim. Nova 2009, 32, 1297. Table 2 shows that the processes without load transfer were affected by the different heat treatments. The YST-H sample showed the best electrochemical performance (lower R1 and R2) compared to the YST-A and YST-A-H samples.

Table 2
Ohmic and non-ohmic polarization of YST cells infiltrated in YSZ with different treatments

Many studies have been presented Y-doped SrTiO3 as a potential alternative material for electrical, electrochemical, and chemical applications due to its mixed (ionic and electronic) conduction and its morphological characteristics.6161 Rosa Silva, E.; Nicolini, J. V.; Yamauchi Jr., L.; Machado, T. M.;Curi, M.; Furtado, J. G.; Secchi, A. R.; Ferraz; H. C.; Ceram. Int. 2020, 46, 3592.

In the work, Zhao et al.,6262 Zhao, H.; Gao, F.; Li, X., Zhang, C.; Zhao, Y.; Solid State Ionics 2009, 180, 193. SrTiO3 doped with yttria, deficient at the A (Sr) site, ((Y0.08Sr0.92)1-xTiO3-δ) was synthesized by the solid-state reaction. The A deficiency limit was lower than 6% (mol) in 5% H2 in air at 1500 °C. The sinterability of the samples ((Y0.08Sr0.92)1-xTiO3-δ) decreased with increasing of x deficiency level. The ionic conductivity of ((Y0.08Sr0.92)1-xTiO3-δ) decreases, while the electronic conductivity reduced with the number of A deficient sites. Chemical analysis of the defects indicated that the introduction of the deficiency at the A-site results not only an increase in oxygen vacancy concentration, but also in decreasing Ti3+ concentration.

In the work of Huang et al. (2006 (b)),6363 Huang, X.; Halei, Z.; Shen, W.; Qiu, W.; Wiu, W.; J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2006, 67, 2609. Yttrium-doped strontium titanate (YxSr1-xTiO3) was prepared by the solid-state reaction. The maximum electrical conductivity found was with x = 0.08, 71 S cm-1 at 800 °C.

In the work of Rosa Silva et al.,6464 Rosa Silva, E.; Curi,M.; Furtado, J. G.; Secchi, A. R.; Ferraz; H. C.; Ceram. Int. 2019, 45, 9761. SrTiO3 was synthesized by solid-state reaction method, calcined, and sintered to obtain undoped (ST), 4% (YST04) and 8% (YST08) of Y-dopant and as a heterojunction with yttria-stabilized zirconia (YST08/YSZ). The effects of calcination atmosphere and dopant concentration on formation of the perovskite and grain size distribution of the material were investigated. It was observed that calcination under Ar/5%H2 atmosphere increased the dopant maximum concentration in the SrTiO3 cubic crystal structure when compared to inert atmosphere. When the Y solubility limit was exceeded, a pyrochlore phase Y2Ti2O7 was formed at the intergranular region due to the deficiency of oxygen vacancies, especially in the presence of inert atmosphere. According to Drozdz et al.,5454 Drozdz, E.;Lacz, A., Kolezynzky, A.;Mikula, A.; Mars, K.; Solid State Ionics 2017, 302, 173. the insertion of Y2O3 in the crystalline structure of SrTiO3 is conducted as shown by the reaction presented in Equation 12. The donated electrons can occupy empty spaces in the conduction band, create small polarons located in the titanium sites, reduce ions from Ti4+ to Ti3+ or they can be associated with oxygen vacancies.

(12) Y 2 O 3 SrTiO 3 2 Y Sr + 2 e ' + 3 O O x

Thus, in order to replace a Y3+ cation at a Sr2+ site, there must be enough oxygen vacancies to absorb the three oxygen atoms from Y2O3. In the same work, Drozdz et al.5454 Drozdz, E.;Lacz, A., Kolezynzky, A.;Mikula, A.; Mars, K.; Solid State Ionics 2017, 302, 173. also showed the effect of the reducing atmosphere on oxygen present in the SrTiO3 structure, as seen in Equation 13. Therefore, when exposing the SrTiO3 structure to a reducing atmosphere, a greater amount of oxygen vacancies appears, and they are necessary for the incorporation of Y3+ in the crystalline structure of the perovskite, thus increasing the solubility of the material for this type of doping.

(13) O O x H 2 1 2 O 2 + V O ¨ + 2 e '

TGA and DTA curves presented a peak of water desorption and two overlapping peaks of SrCO3 phase change and decomposition. Ceramic microstructure was studied by SEM-EDS and the results showed that Y incorporation inhibits the grain growth in sintering step, reaching a smallest value of grain size in YST08/YSZ heterojunction under Ar/5%H2 atmosphere.6464 Rosa Silva, E.; Curi,M.; Furtado, J. G.; Secchi, A. R.; Ferraz; H. C.; Ceram. Int. 2019, 45, 9761.

Curi6565 Curi, M. O.; Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2015. developed a one-dimensional and isothermal phenomenological mathematical model of ion transport and electronic transport anode bilayer structures MIEC/electrolyte used in SOFC. Performance simulation results showed that yttrium-doped strontium titanate can replace conventional anode because it reached minimal polarization resistance at 670 °C, which is lower than the electronic conduction temperature of the conventional anode Ni/YSZ. Furthermore, the decrease in anode thickness, which reduces the ohmic polarization, also increased the charge transfer rates.

Pyrochlore anodes

Pyrochlores are the only oxides in which simultaneous transformations of order and disorder of cations and anions align the structure. Some crystals have characteristics of allotropy and polymorphism, that is, they exist in more than one crystalline form depending on the conditions of the medium (pressure and temperature). Curi6565 Curi, M. O.; Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2015. mentioned that the crystalline Ti and Zr structures at room temperature are hexagonal (HC) and at temperatures above 883 °C in the case of Ti and 872 °C, for Zr, they become body-centered cubic (BCC). For Ca it is a face-centered cubic (FCC) at room temperature and BCC at temperatures above 447 °C. This structural change can be explained by the atomic packing factor (APF) and coordination number, which give the metals less energy and stability arrangements. However, HC and FCC crystals have the same APF value (74%) and a coordination number of 12, however, the atomic packing is differentiating them.

Defect pyrochlore oxide powders ABi2Ta5O16 in pseudo-binary systems BiTaO4-ATa3O8 (A=Na, Tl) were prepared by the solid-state method (Ahmed et al., 2019).6666 Ahmed, O. A. S.; Bourja, L.; Chagraoui, A.; Tairi, A.; Moussaoui, A.; Oulahyane, H. A.; Manoun, H.; Villain, S.; Heliyon 2019, 5, 1891. The structural study showed cubic crystal lattice with Fd3m space group to all oxides. The FTIR and Raman bands observed for these compositions are consistent with the Raman spectra expected for defect pyrochlores, ABBO’O7-x. The morphology of sintering ceramics indicates good densification of the materials. The dielectric constants are in the range of 107-110 with a negative temperature coefficient of permittivity. Dielectric losses of the compound NaBi2Ta5O16 presented the maximum values versus temperature and frequency, this phenomenon is related to dielectric relaxations. The activation energy and relaxation time τ0 corresponding these phenomena were found to be 0.16 eV and 0.6 × 10-13 s, respectively. Such dielectric and electrical properties make the compound NaBi2Ta5O16 attractive in the electrochemical applications.

In pyrochlore oxides (A2B2O7), there are different valence combinations in A and B cations, but most of the known pyrochlores, including in the work by Wuensh et al.,6767 Wuensh, B. J.; Eberman, K. W.; Journal of Sedimentary Environments 2000, 52, 19. the phases contain A3+ and B4+. Among the physical properties of these materials, the high mobility of oxygen ions is attractive for applications in SOFC.6868 Pirzada, M.; Grimes, R. W.;Minervini, L.;Maguire, J. F.; Siackafus, K. E.; Solid State Ionics 2001, 140, 201. The substitution of species A or B leads to disorder as the substitution reduces the difference between the average radii of the species that occupy these sites. The size difference between the cations can be the driving force for ordering the pyrochlore superstructure. Usually, the replacement of a larger tetravalent cation at the B-site or a smaller trivalent cation at the A-site, or the heating of the phases can lead to some structure disorder, but in the case of pyrochlore oxides, which the strength of the covalent bond is strong, it does not.

In Kaiser et al.,6969 Kaiser, A.; Bradley, J. L.; Slater, P. R.; Irvine, J. T. S.; Solid State Ionics 2000, 135, 519. Sr0.2Ba0.4Ti0.2Nb0.8O3 was investigated as a material with potential for application as SOFC anode with analysis by EIS and DC conductivity in air under partial oxygen pressure variation at 10 S cm-1 (pO2 = 10-20 atm and 930 °C). EIS measurements show a Warburg-like behavior, indicating that the process is limited by diffusion. This diffusion limitation may be due to the low ionic conductivity of the oxide or to the layer formed during the sintering of the anode on the electrolyte at temperatures above 1250 °C.

In Kramer and Tuller7070 Kramer, S.A.; Tuller, H. L.; Solid State Ionics 1995, 82, 15. titanates conducting oxygen ions (Gd1-xAx)2(Ti1-yBy)2O7 were prepared by the Pechini method.1919 Pechini, M. P.; US pat. 3,330, 697, 1967. Electron acceptors of sites A (Ca) and B (Al) were incorporated into the A2B2O7 structure network. For Gd2(Ti1-yAly)2O7 the Al (0 < y < 1) solubility was determined using lattice constant measurements by X-ray diffraction, as Al3+ is less than Ti4+ lattice parameter decreased up to 0.002 Å. For y > 0.01 there was no apparent variation in the lattice constant, thus it was concluded that the limit of solubility of Al+3 in Gd2 (Ti1-yAly)2O7 is for y < 0.01. Total electrical conductivity measured in the bulk (Σ) of (Gd1-xCax)2Ti2O7, x = 0.0025, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.10 as a function of the oxygen partial pressure and temperatures T = 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 1050 and 1100 °C showed that for all cases (x and T) for pO2≥ 10-6Σ is independent of the oxygen partial pressure, and for x = 0.005 and 0.10 and T ≤ 900 Σ is also independent of the oxygen partial pressure. Ionic conductivity measurements (Σi) of (Gd1-xCax)2Ti2O7 showed that the greater x, and the greater the temperature, the greater the Σi, in addition, the greater x the smaller the variation in Σi as a function of temperature. Total electrical conductivity measurements in the Gd2(Ti0.99Al0.01)2O7 bulk as a function of the oxygen partial pressure showed that for pO2≥ 10-10Σ is independent of the oxygen partial pressure for all temperatures. At 1000 °C, Σi (Gd1-xCax)2Ti2O7 increased with the increase of x and practically declined with an increase of y in Gd2(Ti1-yAly)2O7. This result is consistent with the expected since the introduction of accepting impurities Ca2+ and Al3+ results in the generation of compensating charges for oxygen vacancies. However, the conductivity behavior is slightly different from the linear dependence predicted by the models proposed in the article.

Table 3 summarizes main studies in the literature on electrical conductivity (electronic + ionic) of anodic materials with respective operation temperature and measurement atmosphere (oxidizing or reducing atmosphere). Although there are other anodic materials, such as fluorite and carbide anodes, those were not the focus of this work.

Table 3
SOFC Conductivity for different anode materials as function of temperature and atmosphere

In Table 4, there is a summary of the SOFC power densities for different anode materials, operating temperature, and fuel. Comparing the same anodic material, using the same fuel and the same cathode, in all cases the SOFCs showed higher power density at higher temperatures. Increasing the CH4 concentration increases the SOFC power density, applying CG4 as an anode and LSM as the cathode. In studies that analyzed the influence of the fuel, SOFCs with anodes powered by pure H2 tended to present a higher power density than those powered by hydrogen mixture, H2/H2S or other fuels (CH4, C2, C3, and EtOH). The infiltration of the WC anode increased the power density compared to the conventional WC anode for the same operating temperature.

Table 4
SOFC power densities for different anode materials as a function of temperature and atmosphere


In this work, the authors had the approach of reviewing a large number of published works about materials applied to SOFC anodes. First, we concluded that the currently used material composed by a cermet of Ni/YSZ is not applicable to the new requirements such as the feed with other types of fuels and temperature operation. Subsequently, different types of promissory candidates were discussed, concluding that perovskite compounds are structures with great potential for this kind of application once they are stable under a reducing atmosphere and can be easily synthesized. The major advantage of perovskite anodes is the possibility of changing the physical-chemical characteristics (such as electronic/ionic conductivity and thermal expansion) through doping processes. Many different types of cations can be used as dopants in the A and B sites of the compounds, generating different semiconductors with distinct redox properties and electrocatalytic activity. Among those candidates, the material with mixed, ionic and electronic conductivity consisted by yttrium doped-SrTiO3 stands out as a promising candidate as it can be operated with hydrocarbons fuels (once it does not catalyze the breakage of carbon bonds) at lower temperatures when compared to the operation with Ni/YSZ anodes. These structures showed a satisfactory performance regarding its conductivity, mainly when doped with 8% of the Y cation. However, at this concentration, the solubility limit of the dopant is reached and a secondary phase of pyrochlore is formed, this phase presents an electric insulating character. Hence, it was concluded that the presence of a reducing agent in the calcination atmosphere decreases this insulating phase concentration, improving conductivity. Although the research about adequate materials for SOFC anode is advanced and satisfactory, there are still many challenges in the future such as a significant reduction in the operation temperature (~300 - 600 °C), a deeper understanding on the reaction mechanisms of generation and degradation, and constant optimization of electrodes morphology to improve efficiency.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Finance Code 001, The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and The Electrical Energy Research Center (Cepel/Eletrobrás).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Mar 2021
  • Date of issue
    Jan 2021


  • Received
    17 June 2020
  • Accepted
    27 Aug 2020
  • Published
    08 Oct 2020
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil