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Glutamine supplementation influences the secretory apparatus in the right atrial cardiomyocytes of resistance trained aged rats

A suplementação de glutamina influencia o aparelho secretor dos cardiomiócitos do átrio direito de ratos idosos submetidos a treinamento de resistência

La suplementación de glutamina influye en el aparato secretor de los cardiomiocitos de la aurícula derecha de ratones viejos sometidos a entrenamiento de resistencia


We investigated the effects of glutamine supplementation on the secretory apparatus of natriuretic peptides in atrial cardiomyocytes of aged rats undergoing resistance training. Two groups of resistance-trained rats were studied: resistance trained, and resistance trained and supplemented with glutamine group. Both groups of rats were trained to climb a 1.1 m vertical ladder with weights tied to their tail. The cardiomyocytes from resistance trained and supplemented rats showed increased density and sectional area of natriuretic peptides granules, higher relative volumes of the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and nuclear euchromatin, and nuclear pore density compared with resistance trained rats. In conclusion, glutamine supplementation caused hypertrophy of the secretory apparatus in the cardiomyocytes of aged rats undergoing resistance training.

Atrial muscle cells; Amino acid supplementation; Anaerobic training; Natriuretic peptide


Foi investigado o efeito da suplementação de glutamina no aparelho secretor de peptídeos natriuréticos dos cardiomiócitos do átrio de ratos idosos submetidos a treinamento de resistencia. Foram estudados dois grupos: grupo de treinamento de resistência e grupo de treinamento de resistência suplementado com glutamina. Os ratos de ambos os grupos escalaram uma escada vertical de 1,1 m com pesos progressivamente maiores atrelados à cauda. Os resultados mostraram que os cardiomiócitos de ratos do grupo treinado e suplementado apresentaram maior densidade e maior área de seção de grânulos de peptideos natriuréticos, maiores volumes relativos de mitocôndrias, retículo endoplasmático, complexo de Golgi e eucromatina nuclear e maior densidade de poros nucleares em comparação com ratos do grupo de treinamento de resistência. Em conclusão, a suplementação com glutamina causou hipertrofia do aparelho secretor dos cardiomiócitos de ratos idosos submetidos ao treinamento de resistência.

Células musculares do átrio; Suplementação de aminoácidos; Treinamento anaeróbio; Peptídeo natriurético


Se investigó la influência de la suplementación de glutamina en el aparato secretor de péptidos natriuréticos de cardiomiocitos auriculares de ratones viejos sometidos a entrenamiento de resistencia. Se formaron dos grupos: grupo de entrenamiento de resistencia y grupo de entrenamiento de resistencia suplementado con glutamina. Los ratones escalaron una escalera vertical de 1,1 m con pesos atados a la cola. Los resultados mostraron que los cardiomiocitos de ratones del grupo de entrenamiento de resistência suplementado presentaron mayor densidad y área de sección de gránulos de péptidos natriuréticos, mayores volúmenes relativos de mitocondrias y de eucromatina nuclear y mayor densidad de poros nucleares en comparación con los ratones del grupo de entrenamiento de resistencia. En conclusión, la suplementación de glutamina causó hipertrofia del aparato secretor en los cardiomiocitos de ratones viejos sometidos al entrenamiento de resistencia.

Células del músculo del atrio; Suplementación de aminoácidos; Entrenamiento anaeróbico; Péptidos natriuréticos


It is well known that feeding athletes before and/or immediately after training with nutritional supplements such as creatine, l-carnitine and l-glutamine positively affects strength development and resistance training recovery (Raastad et al., 2000Raastad T, Bjoro T, Hallen J. Hormonal responses to high and moderate-intensity strength exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000;82:121-8.; Williams et al., 2002Williams AG, Ismail AN, Sharma A, Jones DA. Effects of resistance exercise volume and nutritional supplementation on anabolic and catabolic hormones. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002;86:315-21.; Volek and Rawson, 2002Volek JS, Rawson ES. Scientific basis and practical aspects of creatine supplementation for athletes. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002;56:585-92.; Rawson and Volek, 2003Rawson ES, Volek JS. Effects of creatine supplementation and resistance training on muscle strength and weightlifting performance. J Strength Cond Res. 2003;17:822-31.; Volek, 2004Volek JS. Influence of nutrition on responses to resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004;36:689-96.; Kraemer et al., 2007Kraemer WJ, Hatfield DL, Spiering BA, Vingren JL, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Volek JS, Anderson JM, Maresh CM. Effects of a multi-nutrient supplement on exercise performance and hormonal responses to resistance exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2007;101:637-46.; Bent et al., 2011Bent RR, Nygaard H, Raastad T. Physiological elevation of endogenous hormones results in superior strength training adaptation. Eur J Appl Physioly. 2011;111:2249-59.). Among nutritional supplements, glutamine is one of the most used by athletes (Novelli et al., 2007Novelli M, Strufaldi MB, Rogero MM, Rossi L. Supplementation of glutamine applicated for physical activity. R Bras Cien Mov. 2007;15:109-17.). Glutamine supplementation increases muscle cell volume and stimulates protein and glycogen synthesis (Varnier et al., 1995Varnier M, Leese GP, Thompson J, Rennie MJ. Stimulatory effect of glutamine on glycogen accumulation in human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol. 1995;269:E309-15.; Low et al., 1996Low SY, Taylor PM, Rennie MJ. Responses of glutamine transport in cultured rat skeletal muscle to osmotically induced changes in cell volume. J Physiol (London). 1996;492:877-85.; Antonio and Street, 1999Antonio J, Street C. Glutamine: a potentially useful supplement for athletes. Can J Appl Physiol. 1999;24:1-14.; Fontana et al., 2003Fontana KE, Valdes H, Valdissera V. Glutamina como suplemento ergogênico. Rev Bras Ciên Mov. 2003;11:91-6.; Gleeson, 2008Gleeson M. Dosing and efficacy of glutamine supplementation in human exercise and sport training. J Nutr. 2008;138:2045S-9S.; Coqueiro et al., 2017Coqueiro AY, Raizel R, Hypólito TM, Tirapegui J. Effects of supplementation with L-glutamine and L-alanine in the body composition of rats submitted to resistance exercise. Rev Bras Cien Esport. 2017;39(4):417-23.).

Atrial muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) produce, store, and secrete natriuretic peptide hormones (NP). NP plays an important role in the normal regulation of arterial blood pressure (Debold, 1999Debold MLK. Estrogen, natriuretic peptides and the renin–angiotensin system. Cardiovasc Res. 1999;1:524-31.; Daniels and Maisel, 2007Daniels LB, Maisel AS. Natriuretic peptides. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007;50:2357-68.; Casserly, 2010Casserly B. Cardiac atria are the primary source of ANP release in hypoxia adapted rats. Life Sci. 2010;87:382-9.; De Vito, 2014De Vito P. Atrial natriuretic peptide: an old hormone or a new cytokine?. J Pept. 2014;58:108-16.). Previous studies showed that specific atrium granules contain NP pro-hormones (O'Donnell et al., 2003O'Donnell PJ, Driscoll WJ, Bäck N, Muth E, Mueller GP. Peptidylglycine-alpha-amidating monooxygenase and pro-atrial natriuretic peptide constitute the major membrane-associated proteins of rat atrial secretory granules. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2003;35:915-22.). The production and secretion of NPs into the bloodstream depends on the structural components of the cardiomyocyte, named the secretory apparatus of the cardiomyocyte (Maksimov et al., 2004Maksimov VF, Korostyshevskaya IM, Markel AL, Shmerling MD, Yakobson GS. Structural characteristics of cardiomyocytes in the right atrium of NISAG rats. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2004;138:1-4.; De Souza et al., 2014De Souza RR, De Oliveira VC, Pithon-Curi TC, Maldonado D. Effects of ovariectomy on the secretory apparatus in the right atrial cardiomyocytes of middle-aged mice. Clinics. 2014;69:554-8.). Previous studies have shown that the function of the secretory apparatus of cardiomyocytes is influenced by several factors such as fatty acids, hypertension, protein deprivation, training, hormones, hydrogen peroxide and glutamine (Jing et al., 2000Jing X, Kang, Leaf A. Prevention of fatal cardiac arrhythmias by polyunsaturated fatty acids. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;71:202S-7S.; Maksimov et al., 2004Maksimov VF, Korostyshevskaya IM, Markel AL, Shmerling MD, Yakobson GS. Structural characteristics of cardiomyocytes in the right atrium of NISAG rats. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2004;138:1-4.; Gama et al., 2007Gama EF, Liberti EA, De Souza RR. Effects of pre- and postnatal protein deprivation on atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) granules of the right auricular cardiocytes. An ultrastructural morphometric study. Eur J Nutr. 2007;46:245-50.; Pan, 2008Pan SS. Alterations of atrial natriuretic peptide in cardiomyocytes and plasma of rats after different intensity exercise. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2008;18(3):346-53.; Firmes et al., 2012Firmes LB, Belo NO, Reis AM. Conjugated equine estrogens and estradiol benzoate differentially modulate the natriuretic peptide system in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Menopause. 2012;20:554-60.; De Vito et al., 2013De Vito P, Incerpi S, Affabris E, Percario Z, Borgatti M, Gambari RZ, Pedersen J, Luly P. Effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on reactive oxygen species-induced by hydrogen peroxide in THP-1 monocytes: role in cell growth. Migrat Cytokine Rel Pept. 2013;50:100-8.; Ferro et al., 2013Ferro M, Witter C, De Souza RR, Buriti MA. Meta-analysis about Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP). J Morphol Sci. 2013;30:121-5.; De Souza et al., 2014De Souza RR, De Oliveira VC, Pithon-Curi TC, Maldonado D. Effects of ovariectomy on the secretory apparatus in the right atrial cardiomyocytes of middle-aged mice. Clinics. 2014;69:554-8.; De Souza et al., 2015De Souza RR, Caldeira CAV, Carbone PO, Pianca EV. Influence of glutamine on the effect of resistance exercise on cardiac ANP in rats. Rev Bras Cienc Esp. 2015;37:74-9.).

The purpose of the present study was to extend previous findings in two important ways. First, it is known that during aerobic training, blood pressure rises, which causes an increase in the secretion of NPs in the bloodstream (Marie et al., 2004Marie PY, Martes PM, Hassan-Sebbag N, de Talence N, Djaballah W, Friberg J, et al. Exercise Release of cardiac peptides is markedly enhanced when patients with coronary artery disease are treated medically by beta-blockers. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004;43:353-9.). A previous study of young animals demonstrated that glutamine significantly enhances cardiac ANP, thus implicating the beneficial effects of glutamine supplementation to the ANP system (De Souza et al., 2015De Souza RR, Caldeira CAV, Carbone PO, Pianca EV. Influence of glutamine on the effect of resistance exercise on cardiac ANP in rats. Rev Bras Cienc Esp. 2015;37:74-9.). However, there are no studies of NP system, where aged animals undergoing resistance training and supplemented with glutamine are compared with non-supplemented trained controls. The first objective of the present study was to observe the influence of glutamine supplementation on the effects of resistance training on the number and size of NP granules of aged rats.

The second objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of glutamine supplementation on the secretory apparatus of the atrial cardiomyocytes of resistance trained rats, including the number of pores per 10 µm of nuclear membrane, the relative volumes (%) of euchromatin, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. We hypothesize that supplementation could enhance the effects of resistance training by promoting hypertrophy of the secretory apparatus in cardiomyocytes and influencing positively the synthesis of NPs.

Materials and methods

Sixteen aged male Wistar rats (15 months old) were obtained from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Rats were maintained at 23 °C under a cycle of 12 h light/12 h darkness. At the end of the 15th month, rats were randomly assigned to the resistance trained group (RT, n = 8) or resistance trained supplemented with glutamine (RTG, n = 8) group. An aqueous solution of l-glutamine was given to rats from the RTG group by gavage (1 g kg−1 body weight in 3 mL saline) 1 h before the training session according to Shewchuk et al. (1997)Shewchuk LD, Baracos VE, Field CJ. Dietary l-glutamine supplementation reduces the growth of the Morris hepatoma in exercise-trained and sedentary rats. J Nutr. 1997;127:158-66. and Lagranha et al. (2004)Lagranha CJ, Senna SM, De Lima TM, Silva E, Doi SQ, Curi R, Pithon-Curi TC. Beneficial effect of glutamine on exercise-induced apoptosis of rat neutrophils. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004;36:210-7.. Glutamine solution was freshly prepared before administration to avoid glutamine hydrolysis. Rats from RT group received 3 mL of saline (0.1 mol/L citrate, pH 4.5) as placebo. The University Ethics Committee approved handling of animals (Ethical Protocol number 015/2006), in accordance with the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research involving Animals.

Training protocol

All animals underwent a pre-adaptation to the training protocol and equipment for five days. The equipment used to carry out the strength-training program with rats was a vertical ladder made of wood with iron steps. The equipment (ladder) height is 110 cm (43.3 inches) with an inclination angle of 80°. On the top of the equipment, there is a plastic box lined with newspaper for the rats' accommodation in the interval between sets (Campbell et al., 1998Campbell DJ, Anastasopoulos F, Duncan A-M, James GM, Kladis A, Briscoe TA. Briscoe-effects of neutral endopeptidase inhibition and combined angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase inhibition on angiotensin and bradykinin peptides in rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1998;287:567-77.; Hornberger and Farrar, 2004Hornberger TAJ, Farrar RP. Physiological hypertrophy of the FHL muscle following 8 weeks of progressive resistance exercise in the rat. Can J Appl Physiol. 2004;29:16-31.). The training protocol was progressive, and the load was adjusted every week. The load was composed of lead weights attached to the rats' tails with a Velcro tape. Animals were supposed to climb the ladder to reach the resting area at the top, which was considered one repetition. The adaptation process lasted one week with six repetitions every day. The training of animals included six continuous repetitions per day, with a rest interval of 45 s between repetitions, five days a week for 12 weeks. The load increase was established from Heyward's proposal (Heyward, 1998Heyward VH. Practical body composition assessment for children, adults, and older adults. Int J Sport Nutr. 1998;8(3):285-307.). After measurement of the maximum weight lifted (1 maximum carried load test), the training load was set at 60% of 1 maximum carried load test. As the load was related to the weight of animals, every week all animals were weighed, and their loads were adjusted according to their body weight.

Body weight and Systolic Blood Pressure measurement

At the moment of the sacrifice, (i.e., 18 months of age) rats were anesthetized (ketamine-xylazine 80:40 mg/kg i.p.), weighed, and blood pressure was evaluated by indirect measurement using the tail-cuff method (Britto et al., 1997Britto RR, Santos RAS, Fagundes-Moura CR, Khosla MC, Campagnole-Santos MJ. Role of angiotensin-(1-7) in the modulation of the baroreflex in renovascular hypertensive rats. Hypertension. 1997;30:549-56.).

Determination of the number and sizes of NP granules, and the relative volumes of the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and Golgi complex

Under anesthesia, trained animals were heparinized prior to fixation to optimize perfusion-fixation. The right and left atria were perfused through the left and right ventricles at a constant pressure of 80 mmHg, using 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (3 min) followed by 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution diluted in the same buffer. Next, the right atrium was isolated and divided into slices approximately 3 mm wide and 5 mm long. These tissue slices were post-fixed in osmium tetroxide in sodium cacodylate buffer for 1 h. The tissue was dehydrated in graded alcohols and embedded in Epon resin, and sectioned so that myocytes were cut in longitudinal section. Thin sections for transmission electron microscopy were stained with uranyl acetate, and lead citrate (Mifune et al., 2004Mifune H, Honda J, Takamori S, Sugiyma F, Yagami K, Suzuki S. A-type natriuretic peptide level in hypertensive mice. Exp Anim. 2004;53:11-9.). Two randomly chosen blocks from each atrium, in which the myocytes were sectioned longitudinally were used for quantitative analysis. The ultrathin sections were placed on a copper grid and randomly chosen fields were selected for micrographs taken with a Jeol transmission electron microscope.

Ten electron micrographs per animal were taken, then chosen by systematic random sampling of squares at a final magnification of 15,000×, and were used to obtain the following: the number of granules per 96 µm2, the area of granules (µm2) and the relative volume of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi complex. The number of granules present in each field was determined and its area measured using an image analysis program (Axio Vision, Zeiss).

Determination of the number of pores in the nuclear membrane

Ten electron micrographs per rat, examined with a final magnification of 15,000× were used to determine the number of pores per 10 µm of nuclear membrane.

Calculation of the relative volumes

The relative volume of a structure corresponds to the area occupied by the structure presented as a %. It was obtained using a test system equipped with 110 points (considered as 100%), which was allocated on each electronic image where the points for each component were counted (Mandarim-De-Lacerda, 2003Mandarim-De-Lacerda CA. Stereological tools in biomedical research. Anais Acad Bras Cienc. 2003;75:1-25.) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1
Shows the test system (A) equipped with 110 points (considered as 100%), which was allocated on the electronic image where the points for each component were counted (B). N, nucleus; M, mitochondria; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; G, Golgi complex.

The following formula was used to obtain the relative volumes: Vv[struct] = ΣP [struct]100/PT; where Vv[struct] = relative volume, ΣP [struct] = number of points that hit the structure in question, and PT = total number of points (110) of the test system (Gundersen, 1986Gundersen HJ. Stereology of arbitrary particles. A review of unbiased number and size estimators and the presentation of some new ones, in memory of William R. Thompson. J Microsc. 1986;143:3-45.; Mayhew and Lucocq, 2008Mayhew TM, Lucocq JM. Quantifying immunogold labelling patterns of cellular compartments when they comprise mixtures of membranes (surface-occupying) and organelles (volume-occupying). Histoch Cell Biol. 2008;129:367-78.). The measurements were performed using the image analysis program, Axio Vision (Zeiss, 2009).

Statistical analysis

All results are means ± SE. Data from the two groups were compared using unpaired Student's t-test with p < 0.05 as the level of significance. The GraphPad Prism 5 program (Graph Pad Software, San Diego, CA, USA) for Windows was used for data analysis.


The body weight and the mean systolic blood pressure measured at the end of the experiment at rest showed no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05) (Table 1).

Table 1
Body weight and systolic blood pressure in the two studied group of rats after 12-wk of training.

One repetition maximum

Fig. 2 shows an increase in the absolute values of weight lifted by the trained group that were obtained during the repetition maximum test. RT and RTG rats had similar values for repetition maximum at the beginning of the experiment (day 0). After 6 weeks, the load lifted by rats in the RT group was 19% higher than the load lifted in the first test, and that lifted by rats in the RTG group was 22% higher than that in the first test (p < 0.05). At the end of 12 weeks, the load lifted by RT rats was 24% higher than that in the first test, and that lifted by rats in the RTG group was 26% higher than that in the first test (p < 0.05). In summary, at all stages of training, the load lifting capacity was always higher in the RTG group than in the RT group.

Figure 2
Values for 1 repetition maximum test. Results are mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, compared with the RT group at 6 mo. **p < 0.05, compared with the RT group at 12 mo. Groups were compared using one-way ANOVA and Student's t test.

Number and sizes of NP granules

Cytoplasmic secretory granules were predominantly arranged in groups among the mitochondria (Fig. 3) and near the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex (Fig. 4). The number of NP granules/cardiomyocyte was significantly higher in RTG rats (64 ± 3) compared to RT rats (53 ± 4) (p < 0.05). The number and size (areas) of granules was significantly higher in RTG rats (0.09 ± 0.01) µm2) compared to RT rats (0.13 ± 0.02) (p < 0.05) (Fig. 5).

Figure 3
Electron micrographs of left atrium cardiomyocytes in RT (A) and RTG (B) rats. In the RTG rat (B) more granules are observed in the cytoplasm than in the RT. N, nucleus; M, mitochondria.

Figure 4
Electron micrographs of left atria cardiomyocytes in the RT (A) and RTG (B) rats observed with higher magnification. NP granules with varied sizes (white arrows) are dispersed among mitochondria (M), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex (G). The nucleus (N) shows the euchromatin disperse (E) and the heterochromatin (HE) as a band near the nuclear membrane. The nuclear membrane appears as two thin membranes showing the nuclear pores (black arrows).

Figure 5
Mean data showing the effects of glutamine supplementation on the number (A) and size (B) of NP granules in RA cardiomyocytes of rats. RT, resistance trained group; RTG, resistance trained and supplemented with glutamine group. *p < 0.05 vs. RT. Values are means ± SD. Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis.

Relative volume of Golgi complex, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum

RTG rats showed higher relative volumes of the Golgi complex, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum (%) compared with the RT group (in all cases, p < 0.05) (Table 2).

Table 2
Morphometric indexes of the cardiomyocyte nucleus and cytoplasm in the right atrial cardiomyocytes of RT and RTG rats.

Number of pores in the nuclear membrane

In the two groups, the euchromatin appeared disperse, whereas the heterochromatin appeared as a peripheral band near the nuclear membrane (Fig. 4). The ultrastructural sections showed the nuclear membrane as two ultrathin parallel membranes showing pores as spaces where the inner and outer nuclear membranes join (Fig. 4). The density of pores in the nuclear membrane was significantly higher in the RTG group compared to the RT group (p < 0.05) (Table 2).


There are two major findings in the present study. First, the NP levels in the atrial cardiomyocytes were significantly increased in resistance trained aged animals supplemented with glutamine compared to the trained non-supplemented group, which indicates that glutamine enhances the effects of resistance training on the atrial biosynthetic process. Second, resistance trained aged rats supplemented with glutamine exhibited a significant increase in relative volumes for components of the secretory apparatus in RA cardiomyocytes compared to resistance-trained controls. Presented data suggest that glutamine supplementation induced a distinct pattern of the secretory apparatus.

In the present study, resistance trained aged animals supplemented with glutamine showed a significant improvement in the number and size of cardiac NP granules when compared to the RT group. The mechanism by which glutamine associated with resistance training significantly increased NP levels in cardiomyocytes is unknown. It is known that glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in plasma, as well as in muscle, and accounts for more than 60% of the total intramuscular free amino acid pool (Antonio and Street, 1999Antonio J, Street C. Glutamine: a potentially useful supplement for athletes. Can J Appl Physiol. 1999;24:1-14.; Kreider, 1999Kreider R. Dietary supplements and the promotion of muscle growth with resistance exercise. Sports Med. 1999;27:97-110.; Gleeson, 2008Gleeson M. Dosing and efficacy of glutamine supplementation in human exercise and sport training. J Nutr. 2008;138:2045S-9S.). It is also a precursor for the synthesis of proteins, nucleotides, and many other biological molecules (Smith, 1990Smith RJ. Glutamine metabolism and its physiologic importance. J Parenter Enter Nutr. 1990;14:40S-4S.; Watford, 2000Watford M. Glutamine and glutamate metabolism across the liver sinusoid. J Nutr. 2000;130:983S-7S.; CurI et al., 2005CurI R, Lagranha CJ, Doi SQ. Molecular mechanisms of glutamine action. J Cell Physiol. 2005;204:392-401.). Studies in skeletal muscle showed that glutamine supplementation contributes as a substrate for gluconeogenesis by resulting in increased cell components (Antonio and Street, 1999Antonio J, Street C. Glutamine: a potentially useful supplement for athletes. Can J Appl Physiol. 1999;24:1-14.; Fontana et al., 2003Fontana KE, Valdes H, Valdissera V. Glutamina como suplemento ergogênico. Rev Bras Ciên Mov. 2003;11:91-6.; Coqueiro et al., 2017Coqueiro AY, Raizel R, Hypólito TM, Tirapegui J. Effects of supplementation with L-glutamine and L-alanine in the body composition of rats submitted to resistance exercise. Rev Bras Cien Esport. 2017;39(4):417-23.). It is possible that the same mechanism could be responsible for the results of the present study.

In addition, another mechanism for enhanced cardiomyocyte production of NPs observed in supplemented trained rats might relate to oxytocin. During resistance training, there is an increase in blood pressure that promotes the atrium wall distention and causes cardiomyocytes to secrete NP into the plasma, decreasing NP levels in cardiomyocytes (Schiebinger and Greening, 1992Schiebinger RJ, Greening KM. Interaction between stretch and hormonally stimulated atrial natriuretic peptide secretion. Am J Physiol. 1992;262:H78-83.; Seul et al., 1992Seul KH, Cho KW, Kim SH. Right atrial predominance of atrial natriuretic peptide secretion in isolated perfused rat atria. Regul Pept. 1992;39:67-81.; Ohba et al., 2001Ohba H, Takada H, Musha H, Nagashima J, Mori N, Awaya T, Omiya K, Murayama M. Effects of prolonged strenuous exercise on plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide in healthy men. Am Heart J. 2001;141:751-8.; Chien et al., 2008Chien JY, Lin MS, Huang YCT, Chien YF, Yu CJ, Yang PC. Changes in B-type natriuretic peptide improve weaning outcome predicted by spontaneous breathing trial. Crit Care Med. 2008;36:1421-6.). After training, as cardiac oxytocin receptor of cardiomyocytes is coupled with NP release (Gutkowska et al., 1997Gutkowska J, Jankowski M, Lambert C, Mukaddam-Daher S, Zingh HH, Mccann SM. Oxytocin releases atrial natriuretic peptide by combining with oxytocin receptors in the heart. PNAS. 1997;94:11704-9.), the higher production of NPs may be due to activation of cardiac oxytocin receptor and subsequent improvement of NP synthesis (Gutkowska et al., 2007Gutkowska J, Paquette A, Wang D, Lavoie JM, Jankowski M. Effect of exercise training on cardiac oxytocin and natriuretic peptide systems in ovariectomized rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007;293:R267-75.). Possibly, this mechanism was enhanced by glutamine, which may have influenced the increase of NP production in supplemented rats.

In the present study, resistance trained rats receiving glutamine exhibited the more significant enhancement of components of cardiomyocyte secretory apparatus (mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and number of pores in the nuclear membrane) compared with the RT group, which indicates that glutamine increases the effects of resistance training on the secretory apparatus of NPs in cardiomyocytes. The effect of supplementation with glutamine on the secretory apparatus of cardiomyocytes in trained animals can be explained in two ways. First, resistance training is associated with significant elevations in anabolic hormones. There are four major anabolic hormones that indirectly or directly affect the secretory apparatus and protein synthesis of cardiomyocyte. They are the growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and testosterone (Kraemer and Ratamess, 2005Kraemer WJ, Ratamess NA. Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training. Sports Med. 2005;35:339-61.; Kraemer et al., 2007Kraemer WJ, Hatfield DL, Spiering BA, Vingren JL, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Volek JS, Anderson JM, Maresh CM. Effects of a multi-nutrient supplement on exercise performance and hormonal responses to resistance exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2007;101:637-46.), which increase protein synthesis (Herbst and Bhasin, 2004Herbst KL, Bhasin S. Testosterone action on skeletal muscle. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2004;7:271-7.; Olsen et al., 2006Olsen S, Aagaard P, Kadi F, Tufekovic G, Verney J, Olesen JL, Suetta C, Kjaer M. Creatine supplementation augments the increase in satellite cell and myonuclei number in human skeletal muscle induced by strength training. J Physiol. 2006;573:525-34.). Second, several studies indicate that glutamine supplementation stimulates protein and glycogen synthesis (Varnier et al., 1995Varnier M, Leese GP, Thompson J, Rennie MJ. Stimulatory effect of glutamine on glycogen accumulation in human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol. 1995;269:E309-15.; Low et al., 1996Low SY, Taylor PM, Rennie MJ. Responses of glutamine transport in cultured rat skeletal muscle to osmotically induced changes in cell volume. J Physiol (London). 1996;492:877-85.; Antonio and Street, 1999Antonio J, Street C. Glutamine: a potentially useful supplement for athletes. Can J Appl Physiol. 1999;24:1-14.). Probably, the effects of glutamine supplementation on the secretory apparatus of NPs in cardiomyocytes of resistance trained animals observed in the present study could be related to these two mechanisms.


In conclusion, the results of the present work indicate that in aged rats with normal arterial pressure undergoing resistance training, glutamine ingestion promoted hypertrophy of atrial cardiomyocytes and intensive synthesis of NPs.

  • Funding
    Universidade São Judas Tadeu.


  • Antonio J, Street C. Glutamine: a potentially useful supplement for athletes. Can J Appl Physiol. 1999;24:1-14.
  • Bent RR, Nygaard H, Raastad T. Physiological elevation of endogenous hormones results in superior strength training adaptation. Eur J Appl Physioly. 2011;111:2249-59.
  • Britto RR, Santos RAS, Fagundes-Moura CR, Khosla MC, Campagnole-Santos MJ. Role of angiotensin-(1-7) in the modulation of the baroreflex in renovascular hypertensive rats. Hypertension. 1997;30:549-56.
  • Campbell DJ, Anastasopoulos F, Duncan A-M, James GM, Kladis A, Briscoe TA. Briscoe-effects of neutral endopeptidase inhibition and combined angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase inhibition on angiotensin and bradykinin peptides in rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1998;287:567-77.
  • Casserly B. Cardiac atria are the primary source of ANP release in hypoxia adapted rats. Life Sci. 2010;87:382-9.
  • Chien JY, Lin MS, Huang YCT, Chien YF, Yu CJ, Yang PC. Changes in B-type natriuretic peptide improve weaning outcome predicted by spontaneous breathing trial. Crit Care Med. 2008;36:1421-6.
  • Coqueiro AY, Raizel R, Hypólito TM, Tirapegui J. Effects of supplementation with L-glutamine and L-alanine in the body composition of rats submitted to resistance exercise. Rev Bras Cien Esport. 2017;39(4):417-23.
  • CurI R, Lagranha CJ, Doi SQ. Molecular mechanisms of glutamine action. J Cell Physiol. 2005;204:392-401.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 Sept 2019
  • Date of issue
    Jul-Sep 2019


  • Received
    25 Nov 2017
  • Accepted
    11 Aug 2018
  • Published
    16 Oct 2018
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