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Classificação por seqüenciação: uma proposta para a denominação dos ramos retardados


The problem of transposition without distortion of the phylogenetic information of cladograms and trees to a classification has elicited several suggestions from many authors. Both the subordination and sequencing methods have limitations which add up to those intrinsic of the Linnaean system. Conventions were made by Patterson & Rosen (1977) and Wiley (1979) to solve the problems of fossils in classification, of placing groups of uncertain position, of distinguishing tricotomies from sequencing, and of including the ancestral with recent and other fossil groups in the classification. The impossibility of naming inclusive taxa has been a major problem in the sequenced system. Herewith a method is proposed to refer to these groups without increasing the number of categories or names. An initial discussion of the relations between sequenced classification and assymetry of the phylogenies is made.

Classificação por seqüenciação: uma proposta para a denominação dos ramos retardados

Dalton de Souza Amorim

Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo. Bolsista da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Proc. 79/1430)


The problem of transposition without distortion of the phylogenetic information of cladograms and trees to a classification has elicited several suggestions from many authors. Both the subordination and sequencing methods have limitations which add up to those intrinsic of the Linnaean system. Conventions were made by Patterson & Rosen (1977) and Wiley (1979) to solve the problems of fossils in classification, of placing groups of uncertain position, of distinguishing tricotomies from sequencing, and of including the ancestral with recent and other fossil groups in the classification. The impossibility of naming inclusive taxa has been a major problem in the sequenced system.

Herewith a method is proposed to refer to these groups without increasing the number of categories or names. An initial discussion of the relations between sequenced classification and assymetry of the phylogenies is made.

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Este trabalho faz parte da discussão incluída na minha tese de mestrado. A realização de toda a tese foi acompanhada de contribuições preciosas de todos os colegas, amigos e professores que colaboraram comigo e aos quais volto a agradecer. Particularmente, sou profundamente grato ao meu orientador, Dr. Nelson Papavero, que cuidou com um apoio contínuo e encorajador deste período de minha formação.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    28 Ago 2009
  • Data do Fascículo
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