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Mamíferos da Fazenda Nhumirim, sub-região de Nhecolândia, Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul: I - levantamento preliminar de espécies


The pantanal is one of the world's richest freshwater wetlands. The pantanal is located in the flood plain of the headwaters of the Paraguai river, covering 140,000km². The habitats of the Pantanal are present in a complex mosaic. The major habitat types are: pockets of forests, called capão or cordilheira, seasonally flooded grasslands or campos, and permanent or temporary lagoons, called baías. The Pantanal harbors both rich and abundant mammal fauna. A survey was conducted at Fazenda Nhumirim, a research station run by the Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Pantanal (CPAP) in Corumbá, a research branch of EMBRAPA. The Fazenda covers an area of 4,310 ha in the sub-region of Nhecolândia, appoximately 150km east of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul. The area receives an average annual rainfall of 1,022mm, and has a mean monthly temperature that varies between 29.1ºC (January) and 22.0ºC (June). Four routes were followed between two times during ten days of each month. The survey routes were covered on horseback by between two and four observers. Each route was followed and equal number of times in the morning and in the afternoon, to eliminate bias related to the activity patterns of mammals. In order to evaluate relative abundance of nocturnal species, we also conducted a number of nocturnal censuses. These censuses were done by car; a high intensity searchlight was used to spot the animals. We also conducted a trap-mark-recapture survey of the small mammals at Fazenda Nhumirim. After the census period, we continued to collect observations on the occurrence of mammals at the Fazenda, noting wherever possible the kind of habitat in which the animals were observed. The survey identified a diversity of mammals at Fazenda Nhumirim: six orders, 14 families, 19 genera, and 20 species. Nasua nasua was the most frequently observed species during the diurnal census, accounting for 61.5 percent of all observations. Dusicyon (formely Cerdocyon) thous was the most frequently observed species on the nocturnal census (39.13%). The small mammal community of Fazenda Nhumirim is composed of seven species: one marsupial, four cricetine rodents and two echimyid rodents.

Mamíferos da Fazenda Nhumirim, sub-região de Nhecolândia, Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul. I - Levantamento preliminar de espécies* * Trabalho conduzido na Fazenda Nhumirim, Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Pantanal, EMBRAPA, com auxílio da OEA - Organização dos Estados Americanos, através do CNPq, fornecido ao Dr. Cleber J.R. Alho (Conta nº 03-85-528-517-BR-1)

Cleber J.R. AlhoI; Thomas E. Lacher, Jr.II; Zilca M.S. CamposIII; Humberto C. GonçalvesIII

ICentro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Pantanal e Departamento de Biologia Animal da Universidade de Brasília, 70.910 Brasília, D.F. Brasil

IIHuxley College of Environmental Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 98255 E.E.U.U

IIIInstituto de Preservação e Controle Ambiental do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil


The pantanal is one of the world's richest freshwater wetlands. The pantanal is located in the flood plain of the headwaters of the Paraguai river, covering 140,000km2. The habitats of the Pantanal are present in a complex mosaic. The major habitat types are: pockets of forests, called capão or cordilheira, seasonally flooded grasslands or campos, and permanent or temporary lagoons, called baías. The Pantanal harbors both rich and abundant mammal fauna. A survey was conducted at Fazenda Nhumirim, a research station run by the Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Pantanal (CPAP) in Corumbá, a research branch of EMBRAPA. The Fazenda covers an area of 4,310 ha in the sub-region of Nhecolândia, appoximately 150km east of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul. The area receives an average annual rainfall of 1,022mm, and has a mean monthly temperature that varies between 29.1ºC (January) and 22.0ºC (June). Four routes were followed between two times during ten days of each month. The survey routes were covered on horseback by between two and four observers. Each route was followed and equal number of times in the morning and in the afternoon, to eliminate bias related to the activity patterns of mammals. In order to evaluate relative abundance of nocturnal species, we also conducted a number of nocturnal censuses. These censuses were done by car; a high intensity searchlight was used to spot the animals. We also conducted a trap-mark-recapture survey of the small mammals at Fazenda Nhumirim. After the census period, we continued to collect observations on the occurrence of mammals at the Fazenda, noting wherever possible the kind of habitat in which the animals were observed. The survey identified a diversity of mammals at Fazenda Nhumirim: six orders, 14 families, 19 genera, and 20 species. Nasua nasua was the most frequently observed species during the diurnal census, accounting for 61.5 percent of all observations. Dusicyon (formely Cerdocyon) thous was the most frequently observed species on the nocturnal census (39.13%). The small mammal community of Fazenda Nhumirim is composed of seven species: one marsupial, four cricetine rodents and two echimyid rodents.

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Os autores agradecem a Araê Book e a Kazuyoshi Ofugi as facilidades criadas para tornar este trabalho possível no CPAP. Muitas pessoas na Fazenda Nhumirim participaram entusiasticamente dos trabalhos de campo, quer seguindo as rotas de censo, quer ajudando a armar as armadilhas, entre estes Eleutério P. Santos, Nauílio A. Costa e Ernande Ravaglia. A OEA concedeu ajuda em nome de um dos autores (Dr. Alho) que tornou possível a participação de T. Lacher Jr. O CNPq também concedeu ajuda à pesquisa. Lacher Jr. agradece o apoio logístico do Bureau for Faculty Research da Western Washington University. Gonçalves e Campos tiveram apoio do Instituto de Preservação Ambiental - INAM-SEMA, do Mato Grosso do Sul.


Alho, C.J.R.; Campos, Z.M.S. e Gonçalvez, H.C. Ecologia de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, Rodentia) do Pantanal: I - habitat, densidades e tamanho do grupo. Revista Brasileira de Biologia. No prelo.

Alho, C.J.R.; Campos, Z.M.S. e Gonçalves, H.C. Ecologia de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, Rodentia) do Pantanal: II - atividade sasonalidade, uso do espaço e manejo. Revista Brasileira de Biologia. No prelo.

Alho, C.J.R. 1986. Capivaras: uma vida em família. Ciência Hoje. Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. Vol. 4. n.º 23:64-68.

Anderson, D.R. e R.S. Pospahala. (1970). Correction of bias in belt transect studies of immobile objects. J. Wildl. Manag. 34:141-146.

Cadavid Garcia, E.A. 1984. O clima do Pantanal. Corumbá, EMBRAPA, UEPAE de Corumbá, Circular Técnica 14, 39 pp.

Cant. J.G.H. (1977). A census of the agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) in seasonally dry forest at Tikal, Guatemala, with some comments on strip censusing. J. Mamm. 58:688-690.

Eisenberg, J.F., M.A. O'Conell, e P.V. August. (1979). Density, productivity, and distribution of mammals in two Venezuela habitats. In. J.F. Eisenberg (ed.). Vertebrate Ecology in the Northern Neotropics. pp. 187-207. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

Eisenberg, J.F. e T.W. Thorington, J.R. (1973). A preliminary analysis of a neotropical mammal fauna. Biotropica 5:150-161.

EMBRAPA. 1984. Boletim Agrometeorológico: cinco anos de observações meteorológicas, Corumbá, MS, 1977-1981. Corumbá, EMBRAPA, UEPAE de Corumbá, 52 pp.

Fadem, B.H., G.L. Trupin, E. Malianiak, J.L. Vandeberg, e V. Hayssen. 1982. Care and breding of the gray, short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). Lab. Anim. Sci. 32:405-409.

Glans, W.E. (1982). The terrestrial mammal fauna of Barro Colorado Island: censures and long-term changes. In E.G. Laigh, Jr., A.S. Rand. & D.M. Windsor (eds.). The Ecology of a Tropical Forest. pp. 455-468. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

Honacki, J.H., K.E. Kinman, & J.W. Koeppl. (1982). Mammal Species of the World. Allen Press, Lawrence.

Kelker, G.H. (1945). Measurement and interpretation of forces that determine population of managed deer. Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. of Michigan, ann Arbor.

Lacher, T.E. Jr., & C.J.R. Alho. (no prelo). Densities and microhabitat preferences of the mammals of Fazenda Nhumirimm, Sub-region Nhecolândia, Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. Ciência Interamericana.

Schaller, G.B. (1983). Mammals and their biomass on a Brazilian ranch. Arqos. Zool., S. Paulo 31 (1):1-36.

Schaller, G.B. & P.G. Crzwshaw Jr. (1980). Movement patterns of jaguar. Biotropica 12 (3):161-168.

Schaller, G.B. & J.M.C. Vasconcelos. (1978a). Jaguar predation on capybara. Z. Säugertierk. 43 (5):296-301.

Schaller, G.B. & Y.M.C. Vasconcelos. (1978b). A marsh deer census in Brazil. Oryx 14 (4):345-351.

  • Alho, C.J.R.; Campos, Z.M.S. e Gonçalvez, H.C. Ecologia de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, Rodentia) do Pantanal: I - habitat, densidades e tamanho do grupo. Revista Brasileira de Biologia. No prelo.
  • Alho, C.J.R.; Campos, Z.M.S. e Gonçalves, H.C. Ecologia de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, Rodentia) do Pantanal: II - atividade sasonalidade, uso do espaço e manejo. Revista Brasileira de Biologia. No prelo.
  • Alho, C.J.R. 1986. Capivaras: uma vida em família. Ciência Hoje. Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. Vol. 4. n.º 23:64-68.
  • Anderson, D.R. e R.S. Pospahala. (1970). Correction of bias in belt transect studies of immobile objects. J. Wildl. Manag. 34:141-146.
  • Cadavid Garcia, E.A. 1984. O clima do Pantanal. Corumbá, EMBRAPA, UEPAE de Corumbá, Circular Técnica 14, 39 pp.
  • Cant. J.G.H. (1977). A census of the agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) in seasonally dry forest at Tikal, Guatemala, with some comments on strip censusing. J. Mamm. 58:688-690.
  • Eisenberg, J.F., M.A. O'Conell, e P.V. August. (1979). Density, productivity, and distribution of mammals in two Venezuela habitats. In. J.F. Eisenberg (ed.). Vertebrate Ecology in the Northern Neotropics. pp. 187-207. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Eisenberg, J.F. e T.W. Thorington, J.R. (1973). A preliminary analysis of a neotropical mammal fauna. Biotropica 5:150-161.
  • EMBRAPA. 1984. Boletim Agrometeorológico: cinco anos de observações meteorológicas, Corumbá, MS, 1977-1981. Corumbá, EMBRAPA, UEPAE de Corumbá, 52 pp.
  • Fadem, B.H., G.L. Trupin, E. Malianiak, J.L. Vandeberg, e V. Hayssen. 1982. Care and breding of the gray, short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). Lab. Anim. Sci. 32:405-409.
  • Glans, W.E. (1982). The terrestrial mammal fauna of Barro Colorado Island: censures and long-term changes. In E.G. Laigh, Jr., A.S. Rand. & D.M. Windsor (eds.). The Ecology of a Tropical Forest. pp. 455-468. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Honacki, J.H., K.E. Kinman, & J.W. Koeppl. (1982). Mammal Species of the World. Allen Press, Lawrence.
  • Kelker, G.H. (1945). Measurement and interpretation of forces that determine population of managed deer. Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. of Michigan, ann Arbor.
  • Lacher, T.E. Jr., & C.J.R. Alho. (no prelo). Densities and microhabitat preferences of the mammals of Fazenda Nhumirimm, Sub-region Nhecolândia, Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. Ciência Interamericana.
  • Schaller, G.B. (1983). Mammals and their biomass on a Brazilian ranch. Arqos. Zool., S. Paulo 31 (1):1-36.
  • Schaller, G.B. & P.G. Crzwshaw Jr. (1980). Movement patterns of jaguar. Biotropica 12 (3):161-168.
  • Schaller, G.B. & J.M.C. Vasconcelos. (1978a). Jaguar predation on capybara. Z. Säugertierk. 43 (5):296-301.
  • Schaller, G.B. & Y.M.C. Vasconcelos. (1978b). A marsh deer census in Brazil. Oryx 14 (4):345-351.
  • *
    Trabalho conduzido na Fazenda Nhumirim, Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Pantanal, EMBRAPA, com auxílio da OEA - Organização dos Estados Americanos, através do CNPq, fornecido ao Dr. Cleber J.R. Alho (Conta nº 03-85-528-517-BR-1)
  • Datas de Publicação

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      20 Ago 2009
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