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Anelídeos poliquetos da região de Ubatuba (SP): padrões de distribuição geográfica


This work constitutes a systematic survey of the Annelida Polychaeta from the sublitoral of the São Paulo State coast (Ubatuba), southeast Brazil. From 105 identified species, 20 are new records for the brazilian coast. An analysis of affinity degree between the fauna of the studied region and of the adjacents biogeographic provinces shows that 25,5% of the species are endemic for the Paulista Province, 19,0% amphi-american, 17,0% cosmopolite and 16,8% amphi-atlantic. An affinity with species from the Patagonian (7,4%) and Caribbean (2,0%) Provinces is smaller than that of other authors, for the southeast Brazilian coast.

Anelídeos poliquetos da região de Ubatuba (SP) - padrões de distribuição geográfica

Eloisa H. Morgado; A. Cecilia Z. Amaral

Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia - UNICAMP - C.P. 6109, 13801 Campinas, SP


This work constitutes a systematic survey of the Annelida Polychaeta from the sublitoral of the São Paulo State coast (Ubatuba), southeast Brazil. From 105 identified species, 20 are new records for the brazilian coast. An analysis of affinity degree between the fauna of the studied region and of the adjacents biogeographic provinces shows that 25,5% of the species are endemic for the Paulista Province, 19,0% amphi-american, 17,0% cosmopolite and 16,8% amphi-atlantic. An affinity with species from the Patagonian (7,4%) and Caribbean (2,0%) Provinces is smaller than that of other authors, for the southeast Brazilian coast.

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* Referências não consultadas

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    11 Ago 2009
  • Data do Fascículo
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