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Behaviour and orcadian rhythm of the fish bathygobius soporator Valenciennes (Gobiidae) under the influence of environmental salinity and temperature


The behavioural patterns and their cireadian rhythms may be adaptive to the peculiar environmental conditions of subtropical brackish waters where Ba-thygobius soporator Valenciennes, 1837 live. Adult fish were caught at the southern Brazilian coast from mangrove rivers and rocky shores in a bay, where temperature and water salinity vary during the day and through the year. Observation on the behaviour of the animals was undertaken in salinity 8.5ppt, 17.0ppt, 25.5ppt and 34.0ppt, each one in temperatures of 18ºC and 28ºC. Temperature and salinity affect the frequency and intensity of some of the behavioural events, more than its pattern or rhythm. Swimming is rare, decreasing along the day and with temperature increase, being even lower at low salinity; aggressiveness is the highest in the morning being not affected by temperature, but by salinity, being higher the higher it is; territory defence decreases along the day and is lower at high temperature and extreme salinities; fish hide more at high temperature and with the decrease of salinity, but this is not rhythmical; a higher proportion of fish rest in vertical position when salinity and temperature are high, increasing slightly at the beginning of the afternoon; respiratory frequency increases with temperature, salinity and in the afternoon; the colour of the fish is mainly light with spots in all hours of the day and in all temperatures and different levels of salinity, but with a tendency of the presence of some dark fish during the morning and some light ones in the afternoon, showing a higher variability of colours at low temperature and extreme salinities. Besides temperature, salinity and light, feeding seems to be one of the determinant factors for the performance of the typical behaviour of B. soporator.

Bathygobius soporator; fish; behaviour; cireadian rhythm; salinity; temperature

Behaviour and orcadian rhythm of the fish bathygobius soporator Valenciennes (Gobiidae) under the influence of environmental salinity and temperature

Edith Fanta

Departamento de Biologia Celular, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19031, 81531-970 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil


The behavioural patterns and their cireadian rhythms may be adaptive to the peculiar environmental conditions of subtropical brackish waters where Ba-thygobius soporator Valenciennes, 1837 live. Adult fish were caught at the southern Brazilian coast from mangrove rivers and rocky shores in a bay, where temperature and water salinity vary during the day and through the year. Observation on the behaviour of the animals was undertaken in salinity 8.5ppt, 17.0ppt, 25.5ppt and 34.0ppt, each one in temperatures of 18ºC and 28ºC. Temperature and salinity affect the frequency and intensity of some of the behavioural events, more than its pattern or rhythm. Swimming is rare, decreasing along the day and with temperature increase, being even lower at low salinity; aggressiveness is the highest in the morning being not affected by temperature, but by salinity, being higher the higher it is; territory defence decreases along the day and is lower at high temperature and extreme salinities; fish hide more at high temperature and with the decrease of salinity, but this is not rhythmical; a higher proportion of fish rest in vertical position when salinity and temperature are high, increasing slightly at the beginning of the afternoon; respiratory frequency increases with temperature, salinity and in the afternoon; the colour of the fish is mainly light with spots in all hours of the day and in all temperatures and different levels of salinity, but with a tendency of the presence of some dark fish during the morning and some light ones in the afternoon, showing a higher variability of colours at low temperature and extreme salinities. Besides temperature, salinity and light, feeding seems to be one of the determinant factors for the performance of the typical behaviour of B. soporator.

Key words:Bathygobius soporator, fish, behaviour, cireadian rhythm, salinity, temperature

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The author wishes to thank CNPq for financial support to the laboratory of Environmental Impact Studies; J.L. Figueiredo (Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo), for the systematic confirmation of the species; A.T. Boscardim, C.P.S. Greca and A.C.S. Greca for temporary technical assistance and A.T.B. Guimarães for computational help.


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Baird, R.C. 1968. Aggressive behavior and social organization in Mollinesia latipinna Le Sueur. Texas Jour. Sci. 20: 157-176.

Brawn, V.M. 1961. Aggressive behavior in the cod (Gadus callarias L.). Behaviour 18: 107-147.

______. 1969. Feeding behavior of cod {Gadus morhua). Jour. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 583- 596.

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Crawshaw, L.I. 1977. Physiological and behavioral reactions of fishes to temperature change. Jour. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34: 730-739.

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______. 1995. Influence of background color on the behavior of the fish Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae). Arq. Biol. Tecnol. 38 (4): 1237-1251.

Fanta, E.; P.H. Lucchiari & M. Bacila. 1989a. The effect of environmental O2 and CO2 levels on the tissue oxygenation and the behavior of Antarctic fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 93A (4): 819-831.

______. 1989b. The effect of temperature increase on the behavior of Antarctic fish. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 2: 123-130.

______. 1990. Circadian rhythm of oxygen consumption and oxygen levels in the muscle of Notothenia neglecta (Pisces, Teleostei). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 96C (1): 151-155.

Fanta, E.; M.F. Luvizotto & A.A. Meyer. 1995. Gill structure of the Antarctic fishes Notothenia (Gobionotothen) gibberifrons and Trematomus newnesi, Nototheniidae, stressed by salinity changes and some behavioral consequences. Nankyoku shiryô (Antarctic Record) 39 (1): 25-39.

Fanta, E.; A.A. Meyer & S.R. Grötzner. (in press). On the feeding behavior of some Antarctic Nototheniidae fish. Nankyoku shiriô (Antarctic Record).

Fanta, E.; A.A. Meyer; S.R. Grötzner & M.F. Luvizotto. 1994. Comparative study on feeding strategy and activity patterns of two Antarctic Fish: Trematomus newnesi Boulenger 1902 and Gobionotothen gibberifrons (Lönnberg, 1905) (Pisces, Nototheniidae) under different light conditions. Nankyoku Shiryô (Antarctic Record) 38 (1): 13-29.

Fanta-Feofiloff, E. 1983. Temperature and low oxygen tolerance in three species of fresh water Pimelodidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes). Arq. Biol. Tecnol., Curitiba, 26 (4): 495-507.

Fanta-Feofiloff, E.; D.R. de B. Eiras; A.T. Boscardim & M. Lacerda-Krambeck. 1986. Effect of salinity on the behavior and oxygen consumption of Mugil curema (Pisces, Mugilidae). Physiol, and Behav. 36 (6): 1029-1034.

Fanta-Feofiloff, E.; N.S. Takahashi & A.T. Boscardim. 1983. Behavioral changes with temperature increase in the Ariidae Genidens genidens (Teleostei, Siluriformes). Arq. Biol. Tecnol., Curitiba, 26 (4): 535-544.

Fenderson, O.C.; W.H. Everhart & K.M. Muth. 1968. Comparative agonistic and feeding behavior of hatchery-reared and wild salmon in aquaria. Jour. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25: 1-14.

Fitzgerald, G.J. 1985. Salinity preferences of four sympatric species of Sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) during their reproductive season. Copeia 1:209-213.

Fry, F.E.J. 1947. Effects of the environment on animal activity. Ontario Fish. Res. Lab. Publ.68: 1-62.

______. 1964. Animals in aquatic environment: Fishes, p.715-728. In: J. Field. (Ed.) Handbook of Physiology. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 852p.

______. 1971. The effect of environmental factors on the physiology of Fish, p. 1-98. In: W.S. Hoar & D.J. Randall (Ed.) Fish Physiology. New York, Academic Press, vol. 6.

HESS, E.H. 1952. Temperature as a regulator of the attach-response of Betta splendens. Z. Tierpsychol. 9 (1): 379-382.

Hochachka, P.W. & G.N. Somero. 1984. Biochemical adaptations. New Jersey, Princeton Univ. Press, 537p.

Ihering, R. von. 1968. Dicionário dos Animais do Brasil. Brasília, Ed. Univ. Brasília, 790p.

Jenkins Jr., T.M. 1969. Social structure, position choice and microdistribution of two trout species (Salmo trutta and Salmo gairdneri) resident in mountain streams. Anim. Behav. Monogr. 2: 57-123.

Lagler, K.F.; J.E. Bardach & R.R. Miller. 1962. Ichthyology. New York, J. Willey & Sons, 545p.

Love, R.M. 1970. The chemical biology of Fishes. London, Acad. Press, 547p.

______. 1980. The chemical biology of Fishes. Advances 1968-1977. New York, Acad. Press, vol. 2, 943p.

Lucchiari, P.H.; E. Fanta & M. Bacila. 1988. The effect of temperature on the muscle oxygen levels in Antarctic fish. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 2: 117-122.

Martin, P. & P. Bateson. 1993. Measuring Behavior. Cambridge Univ. Press, 222p.

McClanahan, L.L.; CR. Feldmeth; J. Jones & D. Soltz. 1986. Energetics, salinity and temperature tolerance in the mohave Tui Chub, Gila bicolor mohavensis. Copeia 1: 45-52.

Menezes, N.A. & J.L. Figueiredo. 1976. Manual de Peixes marinhos do sudoeste do Brasil. Teleostei. São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia.

Newman, M.A. 1956. Social behavior and interspecific competition in two trout species. Physiol. Zool. 29: 64-81.

Nikolski, G.V. 1963. The ecology of Fishes. New York, Acad. Press, 352p.

Norman, J.R. & P.H. Greenwood. 1974. A history of Fishes. London, Ernest Benn, 467p.

Olla, B.L. & A.L. Studholme. 1971. Daily and seasonal rhythms of activity in the bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), p.303-326. In: H.E. WINN & B.L. Olla (Ed). Behavior of Marine Animals 2. New York, Plenum Publ. Corp. .

______. 1975. The effect of temperature on the behavior of young tautog Tautoga onitis L. Proc. 9th Europ. Mar. Biol. Symp.: 75-93.

Olla, B.L.; A.L. Studholme; A.J. Bejda; C. Samet & A.D. Martin. 1978. Effect of temperature on activity and social behavior of the adult tautog Tautoga onitis under laboratory conditions. Marine Biology 45: 369-378.

Paterson, R.H. & J.M. Anderson. 1969. Influence of temperature change on spontaneous locomotor activity and oxygen consumption of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar acclimated to two temperatures. Jour. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 26: 93-109.

Pickering, A.D. 1981. Stress and Fish. London, Acad. Press, 367p.

Prosser, C.L. 1965. Theory of physiological adaptation on poikilotherms to heat and cold. Univ. of Missouri Agr. Expth. Sta. Spec. Rept. 59: 31p.

Schwassmann, H.O. 1971. Biological rhythms, p.371-428. In: W.S. Hoar & D.J. Randall. (Eds). Fish Physiology. London, Acad. Press, vol. 6, 559p.

Silva, H.C.; G.H.S. Medina; E. Fanta & M. Bacila. 1993. Sub-lethal effects of the organophosphate Folidol 600 (Methyl Parathion) on Callichthys callichthys (Pisces, Teleostei). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 105C (2): 197-201.

Spieser, O.H. 1978. Zentralnervöse und periphere Wirkung von 2,2'-und 4-4'Dichlorbiphenyl sowie Clophen A50 bei Fischen. GSF Ber. Tox. 71:72-87.

Swift, D.R. 1965. Activity cycles in the Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) I. Fish feeding naturally. Hydrobiologia 20 (3): 241-247.

Thorpe, J.E. (ed) 1978. Rhythmic activity of Fishes. London, Acad. Press., 185p.

Welty, J.C. 1934 Experiments in group behavior of fishes. Physiol. Zool. 7: 85-128.

Recebido em 26.IX.1996; aceito em 19.V.1997.

  • Albrecht, H. 1966. Zur Stammesgeschichte einiger Bewegungsweisen bei Fischen untersucht am Verhalten von Haplochromis (Pisces, Cichlidae). Z. Tierpsychol. 23: 270-301.
  • Alee, W.C.; B. Greenberg; G.M. Rosenthal & P. Frank. 1948. Some effects of social organization on growth in the green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus. Jour. Exptl. Zool. 108: 1-20.
  • Baird, R.C. 1968. Aggressive behavior and social organization in Mollinesia latipinna Le Sueur. Texas Jour. Sci. 20: 157-176.
  • Brawn, V.M. 1961. Aggressive behavior in the cod (Gadus callarias L.). Behaviour 18: 107-147.
  • ______. 1969. Feeding behavior of cod {Gadus morhua). Jour. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 583- 596.
  • Bulger, A.J. 1984. A daily rhythm in heat tolerance in the Salt Marsh Fish Fundulus heteroclitus. Jour. Exptl. Zool. 230: 11-16.
  • Bulger, A.T. & S.C. Tremaine. 1985. Magnitude of seasonal effects on heat tolerance in Fundulus heteroclitus. Physiol. Zool. 58 (2): 197-204.
  • Crawshaw, L.I. 1977. Physiological and behavioral reactions of fishes to temperature change. Jour. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34: 730-739.
  • Davis, R.E. & I.E. Bardach. 1965. Time co-ordinated prefeeding activity in Fish. Animal Behavior 13 (1): 154-162.
  • Fanta, E. 1991. Ação de poluentes sobre tecidos, p.32-37. In: H.S.L. Santos (Ed.) Histologia de Peixes. São Paulo, FCAU-UNESP, 83p.
  • ______. 1994. Estudos de comportamento de Peixes dentro de um contexto multidisciplinar e sua aplicação prática. An. Soc. bras. Etologia 12: 14-29.
  • ______. 1995. Influence of background color on the behavior of the fish Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae). Arq. Biol. Tecnol. 38 (4): 1237-1251.
  • Fanta, E.; P.H. Lucchiari & M. Bacila. 1989a. The effect of environmental O2 and CO2 levels on the tissue oxygenation and the behavior of Antarctic fish. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 93A (4): 819-831.
  • ______. 1989b. The effect of temperature increase on the behavior of Antarctic fish. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 2: 123-130.
  • ______. 1990. Circadian rhythm of oxygen consumption and oxygen levels in the muscle of Notothenia neglecta (Pisces, Teleostei). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 96C (1): 151-155.
  • Fanta, E.; M.F. Luvizotto & A.A. Meyer. 1995. Gill structure of the Antarctic fishes Notothenia (Gobionotothen) gibberifrons and Trematomus newnesi, Nototheniidae, stressed by salinity changes and some behavioral consequences. Nankyoku shiryô (Antarctic Record) 39 (1): 25-39.
  • Fanta, E.; A.A. Meyer & S.R. Grötzner. (in press). On the feeding behavior of some Antarctic Nototheniidae fish. Nankyoku shiriô (Antarctic Record).
  • Fanta, E.; A.A. Meyer; S.R. Grötzner & M.F. Luvizotto. 1994. Comparative study on feeding strategy and activity patterns of two Antarctic Fish: Trematomus newnesi Boulenger 1902 and Gobionotothen gibberifrons (Lönnberg, 1905) (Pisces, Nototheniidae) under different light conditions. Nankyoku Shiryô (Antarctic Record) 38 (1): 13-29.
  • Fanta-Feofiloff, E. 1983. Temperature and low oxygen tolerance in three species of fresh water Pimelodidae (Teleostei, Siluriformes). Arq. Biol. Tecnol., Curitiba, 26 (4): 495-507.
  • Fanta-Feofiloff, E.; D.R. de B. Eiras; A.T. Boscardim & M. Lacerda-Krambeck. 1986. Effect of salinity on the behavior and oxygen consumption of Mugil curema (Pisces, Mugilidae). Physiol, and Behav. 36 (6): 1029-1034.
  • Fanta-Feofiloff, E.; N.S. Takahashi & A.T. Boscardim. 1983. Behavioral changes with temperature increase in the Ariidae Genidens genidens (Teleostei, Siluriformes). Arq. Biol. Tecnol., Curitiba, 26 (4): 535-544.
  • Fenderson, O.C.; W.H. Everhart & K.M. Muth. 1968. Comparative agonistic and feeding behavior of hatchery-reared and wild salmon in aquaria. Jour. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25: 1-14.
  • Fitzgerald, G.J. 1985. Salinity preferences of four sympatric species of Sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) during their reproductive season. Copeia 1:209-213.
  • Fry, F.E.J. 1947. Effects of the environment on animal activity. Ontario Fish. Res. Lab. Publ.68: 1-62.
  • ______. 1964. Animals in aquatic environment: Fishes, p.715-728. In: J. Field. (Ed.) Handbook of Physiology. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 852p.
  • ______. 1971. The effect of environmental factors on the physiology of Fish, p. 1-98. In: W.S. Hoar & D.J. Randall (Ed.) Fish Physiology. New York, Academic Press, vol. 6.
  • HESS, E.H. 1952. Temperature as a regulator of the attach-response of Betta splendens. Z. Tierpsychol. 9 (1): 379-382.
  • Hochachka, P.W. & G.N. Somero. 1984. Biochemical adaptations. New Jersey, Princeton Univ. Press, 537p.
  • Ihering, R. von. 1968. Dicionário dos Animais do Brasil. Brasília, Ed. Univ. Brasília, 790p.
  • Jenkins Jr., T.M. 1969. Social structure, position choice and microdistribution of two trout species (Salmo trutta and Salmo gairdneri) resident in mountain streams. Anim. Behav. Monogr. 2: 57-123.
  • Lagler, K.F.; J.E. Bardach & R.R. Miller. 1962. Ichthyology. New York, J. Willey & Sons, 545p.
  • Love, R.M. 1970. The chemical biology of Fishes. London, Acad. Press, 547p.
  • ______. 1980. The chemical biology of Fishes. Advances 1968-1977. New York, Acad. Press, vol. 2, 943p.
  • Lucchiari, P.H.; E. Fanta & M. Bacila. 1988. The effect of temperature on the muscle oxygen levels in Antarctic fish. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 2: 117-122.
  • Martin, P. & P. Bateson. 1993. Measuring Behavior. Cambridge Univ. Press, 222p.
  • McClanahan, L.L.; CR. Feldmeth; J. Jones & D. Soltz. 1986. Energetics, salinity and temperature tolerance in the mohave Tui Chub, Gila bicolor mohavensis. Copeia 1: 45-52.
  • Menezes, N.A. & J.L. Figueiredo. 1976. Manual de Peixes marinhos do sudoeste do Brasil. Teleostei. São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia.
  • Newman, M.A. 1956. Social behavior and interspecific competition in two trout species. Physiol. Zool. 29: 64-81.
  • Nikolski, G.V. 1963. The ecology of Fishes. New York, Acad. Press, 352p.
  • Norman, J.R. & P.H. Greenwood. 1974. A history of Fishes. London, Ernest Benn, 467p.
  • Olla, B.L. & A.L. Studholme. 1971. Daily and seasonal rhythms of activity in the bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), p.303-326. In: H.E. WINN & B.L. Olla (Ed). Behavior of Marine Animals 2. New York, Plenum Publ. Corp.
  • ______. 1975. The effect of temperature on the behavior of young tautog Tautoga onitis L. Proc. 9th Europ. Mar. Biol. Symp.: 75-93.
  • Olla, B.L.; A.L. Studholme; A.J. Bejda; C. Samet & A.D. Martin. 1978. Effect of temperature on activity and social behavior of the adult tautog Tautoga onitis under laboratory conditions. Marine Biology 45: 369-378.
  • Paterson, R.H. & J.M. Anderson. 1969. Influence of temperature change on spontaneous locomotor activity and oxygen consumption of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar acclimated to two temperatures. Jour. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 26: 93-109.
  • Pickering, A.D. 1981. Stress and Fish. London, Acad. Press, 367p.
  • Prosser, C.L. 1965. Theory of physiological adaptation on poikilotherms to heat and cold. Univ. of Missouri Agr. Expth. Sta. Spec. Rept. 59: 31p.
  • Schwassmann, H.O. 1971. Biological rhythms, p.371-428. In: W.S. Hoar & D.J. Randall. (Eds). Fish Physiology. London, Acad. Press, vol. 6, 559p.
  • Silva, H.C.; G.H.S. Medina; E. Fanta & M. Bacila. 1993. Sub-lethal effects of the organophosphate Folidol 600 (Methyl Parathion) on Callichthys callichthys (Pisces, Teleostei). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 105C (2): 197-201.
  • Spieser, O.H. 1978. Zentralnervöse und periphere Wirkung von 2,2'-und 4-4'Dichlorbiphenyl sowie Clophen A50 bei Fischen. GSF Ber. Tox. 71:72-87.
  • Swift, D.R. 1965. Activity cycles in the Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) I. Fish feeding naturally. Hydrobiologia 20 (3): 241-247.
  • Thorpe, J.E. (ed) 1978. Rhythmic activity of Fishes. London, Acad. Press., 185p.
  • Welty, J.C. 1934 Experiments in group behavior of fishes. Physiol. Zool. 7: 85-128.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 July 2009
  • Date of issue


  • Accepted
    19 May 1997
  • Received
    26 Sept 1996
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