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Atividades de coleta e origem floral do pólen armazenado em colônias de Plebeia saiqui (Holmberg) (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) no sul do Brasil

Collection activities and floral origin of the stored pollcn in colonies of Plebeia saiqui (Holmberg) (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) in south Brazil


Four colonies of Plebeia saiqui (Holmberg, 1903), of São Francisco de Paula, were studied during the period from October/1998 to October/1999. The counting of the bees was proceeded monthly, differentiated workers that came back with and without pollen in the corbicula. Grains of pollen of pots previously marked were collected monthly and identified. The percentage of the pollen types of the samples was estimated: 20% of Asteraceae, 17% Myrtaceae, 15% type Meliaceae and 10% Euphorbiaceae. The remaining corresponds to other pollen types of small representation, besides those the were no identified. The climatic influence on the pollen collection was analyzed being used simple and multiple regressions. It was verified that in the spring and in the summer the temperature, the solar irradiation and relative humidity were significant for the pollen foraging. During autumn and winter the relative humidity had smaller influence in the pollen collection.

Plebeia; stingless bees; pollen analysis; foraging; climatic influence

Plebeia; stingless bees; pollen analysis; foraging; climatic influence

Atividades de coleta e origem floral do pólen armazenado em colônias de Plebeia saiqui (Holmberg) (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) no sul do Brasil

Collection activities and floral origin of the stored pollcn in colonies of Plebeia saiqui (Holmberg) (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) in south Brazil

Raquel A. PickI,II; Betina BlochteinI

IFaculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Avenida Ipiranga 6681, 90619-900 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

IIBolsista da CAPES


Four colonies of Plebeia saiqui (Holmberg, 1903), of São Francisco de Paula, were studied during the period from October/1998 to October/1999. The counting of the bees was proceeded monthly, differentiated workers that came back with and without pollen in the corbicula. Grains of pollen of pots previously marked were collected monthly and identified. The percentage of the pollen types of the samples was estimated: 20% of Asteraceae, 17% Myrtaceae, 15% type Meliaceae and 10% Euphorbiaceae. The remaining corresponds to other pollen types of small representation, besides those the were no identified. The climatic influence on the pollen collection was analyzed being used simple and multiple regressions. It was verified that in the spring and in the summer the temperature, the solar irradiation and relative humidity were significant for the pollen foraging. During autumn and winter the relative humidity had smaller influence in the pollen collection.

Key words: Plebeia, stingless bees, pollen analysis, foraging, climatic influence

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AGRADECIMENTOS. À Dra. Vera Imperatriz-Fonseca (USP) e Dra. Márcia Ribeiro (USP) pelo auxílio na metodologia. Ao MSc. Sérgio Hilário (USP) pelas sugestões e bibliografias cedidas. Ao Dr. Luiz Glock (PUCRS) e MSc. Walter Castro (PUCRS), pela orientação das análises estatísticas. Ao Dr. Paulo Neves (ULBRA) e à MSc. Suzane Hilgert Moreira (UNISINOS) pelo auxílio na identificação dos grãos de pólen. À Dra. Birgit Harter pela consulta à Palinoteca de Referência do LPB (PUCRS). A CAPES pela concessão da bolsa.

Recebido em 13.VII.2001; aceito em 06.III.2002.

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    19 Maio 2009
  • Data do Fascículo
    Mar 2002


  • Recebido
    13 Jul 2001
  • Aceito
    06 Mar 2002
Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-6823, - Curitiba - PR - Brazil