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A construção de um instrumento de avaliação da proficiência oral do professor de língua estrangeira


This article presents a theoretical background and some results from a research project that aimed at investigating the issue of EFL teacher's oral language proficiency (OLP-EFLT) in contexts of English Language and Literature undergraduate courses (Licenciatura em Letras, henceforth Letter courses) in Brazil.The project analyses OLP-EFLT from the perspective of students' and teachers' views and expectations about OLP in English and by means of a language test.The Test of Oral Proficiency English, labelled as TEPOLI (Teste de Proficiência Oral em Língua Inglesa), designed as a research instrument, was taken by graduating students from three Letters courses in two consecutive years. The data presented here derive from results and transcripts of TEPOLI concerning one of the contexts investigated. Such results contribute for a definition of the characteristics of OLP-EFLT, especially among graduating students of Letters, and the design of an oral test to assess their OLP. However, the investigation indicates the needs for further research on linguistic aspects and oral tasks that are more representative of OLP-EFLT. The theoretical and methodological aspects dealt with here may nevertheless motivate future work in the issue of teachers' language proficiency and how to make valid and reliable claims about OLP-EFLT.

testing; oral proficiency; linguistic and communicative competence

testing; oral proficiency; linguistic and communicative competence


A construção de um instrumento de avaliação da proficiência oral do professor de língua estrangeira

Douglas Altamiro Consolo

UNESP - São José do Rio Preto & The University of Melbourne


This article presents a theoretical background and some results from a research project that aimed at investigating the issue of EFL teacher's oral language proficiency (OLP-EFLT) in contexts of English Language and Literature undergraduate courses (Licenciatura em Letras, henceforth Letter courses) in Brazil.The project analyses OLP-EFLT from the perspective of students' and teachers' views and expectations about OLP in English and by means of a language test.The Test of Oral Proficiency English, labelled as TEPOLI (Teste de Proficiência Oral em Língua Inglesa), designed as a research instrument, was taken by graduating students from three Letters courses in two consecutive years. The data presented here derive from results and transcripts of TEPOLI concerning one of the contexts investigated. Such results contribute for a definition of the characteristics of OLP-EFLT, especially among graduating students of Letters, and the design of an oral test to assess their OLP. However, the investigation indicates the needs for further research on linguistic aspects and oral tasks that are more representative of OLP-EFLT. The theoretical and methodological aspects dealt with here may nevertheless motivate future work in the issue of teachers' language proficiency and how to make valid and reliable claims about OLP-EFLT.

Keywords: testing, oral proficiency, linguistic and communicative competence.

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1 Agradeço a Matilde Ricardi Scaramucci pelas contribuições, durante o período de Hospitalidade Acadêmica junto ao DLA/IEL-Unicamp, à minha reflexão sobre o tema abordado neste artigo.

2 Bolsista fapesp junto à Universidade de Melbourne, Austrália (pós-doutoramento _ processo 03/03981-0).

3 Projeto apoiado pelo cnpq (processo 520272/99-4 (nv). Agradeço a todos os colaboradores que participaram do Projeto no escopo do recorte aqui tratado, especialmente a Camila Bellintani Pereira, Elen Dias e Vera Lúcia Teixeira da Silva.

4 Vide, por exemplo, Consolo (2003) e Scaramucci (2000) para discussões mais amplas sobre essa terminlogia.

5 Vide Guerreiro e Hatugai, 2002.

6 Englesh for Speakers of Other Languages.

7 Vide Consolo (1996) para uma discussão detalhada sobre as funções discursivas no discurso pedagógico (por exemplo, directives, evaluates e encouragements).

8 No original: "[...] everything that 'normal' language users might be expected to be able to do in the context of both formal and informal communication as well as a range of specialist skills."

9 Dentre os alunos formandos testados pelo tepoli alguns já atuavam como professores de ile.

10 Tais considerações baseiam-se no texto Manual do Exame do celpe-bras (2003: 6-7).

11 No original: "There are rules of use without which the rules of grammar would be useless. Just as rules of syntax can control aspects of phonology, and just as rules of semantic perhaps control aspects of syntax, so rules of speech acts enter as a controlling factor for linguistic form as a whole."

12 No original: "Communicative competence is relative, not absolute, and depends on the cooperation of all participants involved. It makes sense, then, to speak of degrees of communicative competence."

13 No original: "competence is taken as referring to language in the sense of what constitutes ability to speak a language".

14 No original: "the speaker's competence, i.e. his ability to speak a language".

15 Para maiores detalhes sobre a construção de faixas de proficiência (rating scales), vide Underhill (1987: 98-100).

16 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages _ Oral Proficiency Interview.

17 The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.

18 International English Language Testing System.

19 No original: "a face-to-face spoken interaction usually between two participants (although other combinations do occur), one of whom is an expert (usually a native or near-native speaker of the language in which the interview is conducted), and the other a nonnative speaker (NNS) or learner of the language as a second or foreign language. The purpose of the LPI is for the expert speaker _ the interviewer _ to assess the NNS's ability to speak the language in which the interview is conducted. The participants meet at a scheduled time, at a prearranged location such as a classroom or office in a school, and for a milited period. In the case of scripted interviews, as agenda specifying the topics for conversation and the activies to take place during the LPI is prepared in advance. The agenda is always known to the interviewer but not necessarily to the NNS. In addition to the agenda, the interviewer (but usually not the NNS) has access to one or more scales for rating the NNS's ability in the language of the interview."

20 No original: "[...] 'rarely look at global performance features such as hesitations, false starts, repairs and corrections', and, as a result, their meaning for aspects of communicative competence is unknown. Without this information, as description of sociointeracional, sociocultural, and sociocognitive ability cannot be included in oral proficiency rating scales."

21 PUB2 refere-se a uma instituição pública de ensino superior no estado do Rio de Janeiro e PAR1 a uma instituição particular no interior do estado de São Paulo.

22 No caso específico desses níveis, assuntos e funções comunicativas apresentadas em uma gama de livros didáticos para o ensino de ILE.

23 Três testes escritos, os quais incluíram avaliação de compreensão oral, um teste oral realizado ao final do primeiro semestre letivo e um seminnário temático apresentado em classe.

24 Nas palavras dos alunos: "I'm a bit nervous" (A10).

25 Dois alunos com notas altas, aluno com nota igual à mediana, e dois alunos com notas mais baixas.

26 Baseado nas faixas para proficiência oral propostas por Oskarson (1980).

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    16 Jan 2014
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 2004
UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil