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Tribute to Editors of Acta Paulista de Enfermagem who influenced generations and connected research and researchers

Professor Sonia Maria Oliveira de Barros

Mentioning the contributions of the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Sonia Maria Oliveira de Barros, to the Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, takes us back to historical moments related to the increasing professionalization in editorial activities of the Journal. Professor Sonia started her career working exhaustively on the implementation of the ScholarOne submission system and on the reconfiguration of the graphic design. It allowed Editorial Office collaborators at that time to attend courses in the publishing area so the management of articles could be based on the main quality requirements of a scientific journal of excellence.

Technological and firm in her purposes, Sonia revisited all the indexing processes of the Acta Paulista de Enfermagem and tried to make successful partnerships in favor of the dissemination of its scientific contents. The social networks of Acta Paulista were created during her administration, together with the first contents made available in mobile applications for iPad and Smarthphone. At the same time, as Editor-in-Chief, she carried out a selection process with all specialists who made up the team of independent collaborators to make sure that during the implementation of the new platform, all editorial processes took place effectively and in a decentralized manner. She created a new web page and redefined the assignments of Reviewers and Editors. She redid the instructions to authors and included international criteria in Acta’s editorial policy.

During her management, she sought to implement Acta’s financial sustainability project that continues to this day. Always very quick and attentive to editorial needs, she worked with a financial specialist to prepare a budget that would guarantee the continuity of the journal uninterruptedly. Through publication fees, if we did not have the incentive to continue the activities of the journal, we could guarantee that no administrative and editorial process suffered with the changes taking place in the public sphere. At the time, the value would guarantee our long-term permanence without the need to redefine strategies.

Without a doubt, her special mark was the attention given to resources of communication and information technology. It was also under her administration that Editorial Office collaborators began to perform the entire editorial process of publication exclusively through digital means. Weekly alignment meetings were held with the team and specialists involved in this new strategic direction. In this context, important work was done in the process of forming Acta’s hybrid collection and making the contents available to authors and readers.

Professor Sonia filled the environment with her spontaneity and charisma. How many smiles, how many conversations, how many experiences in a sweet and very firm personality, sure of her purposes. This was Sonia Maria Oliveira de Barros’ definition according to all who had the privilege of being by her side in the face of professional challenges throughout this period.

Academic trajectory of Professor Sonia:

  • 1977 - Graduated in Nursing, Escola Paulista de Medicina

  • 1990 - Master in Obstetric Nursing, UNIFESP

  • 1994 - PhD in Maternal and Child Nursing, UNIFESP

  • 2000 - Lecturer in Nursing in Women’s Health, EEUSP

  • 2003-2011 - Full member of the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP)

  • 2000-2006 - Director of the Faculty of Nursing at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

  • 2012-2013 - Vice-director of the Escola Paulista de Enfermagem at UNIFESP

  • 2013-2015 - Director of the Escola Paulista de Enfermagem at UNIFESP

  • 2016-2017 - Head of the Department of Nursing in Women’s Health of the Escola Paulista de Enfermagem at UNIFESP

  • 2017 - Retired as Full Professor, UNIFESP

Professor Nilce Piva Adami

Professor Nilce Piva Adami was a professional who changed the history of Revista Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. Owner of indescribable competence and dedication, she was always the one at the forefront of Acta’s scientific analysis processes during the 90’s. Professor Nilce was one of the main precursors in the continuity of the journal. She used to tell us that between mid-1994 and 1996, the journal went through a serious crisis related to its publication and permanence in printed format. Dissatisfied with the direction that Acta would take at the time, Professor Nilce was responsible for gathering publication results to maintain the periodicity and studies linked to Acta.

Since the creation of the journal, Professor Nilce has never left Acta! Always attentive to editorial trends, she made scientific corrections of articles, took care of the delivery of printed editions, helped members of the Editorial Office in correction processes and, in partnership with Professors at the time, she was responsible for the main indexing processes of Acta.

Professor Nilce used to tell us about the commitment and dedication employed to maintain the journal’s periodicity. When we asked about the biggest difficulties at the time to guarantee excellence in the technical content of articles, she told us it was the quality of abstracts. When we contextualize her speeches nowadays, we realize that time tells us a story narrated and predicted by her attentive and professional look in the directions of scientific publishing.

In the 2000s, Professor Nilce remained close to the boards responsible for the Acta journal. In postgraduate school, she sought to raise good works to publish them in the Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. She encouraged undergraduate and postgraduate students to keep an eye on the current guidelines at the time for submitting their scientific findings to the journal. Professor Nilce managed initial years of insecurity of the journal by encouraging new generations to value the Acta Paulista de Enfermagem and contribute to the publication of articles on professional nursing practice. In 2012, already retired, Professor Nilce ended her career at Acta Paulista de Enfermagem in a professional and successful way and sure that the future was a blank page ready to be written on.

It is inevitable to reflect that the editorial identity of Acta is surrounded by her expertise and professional maturity. In our daily routines, we often remember her dedication and involvement with the journal. The Acta Paulista de Enfermagem was certainly one of her great passions at Escola Paulista de Enfermagem. Her concern for the journal has always kept us motivated to deliver fruitful work that generates results.

Whether the essence of saudade (word in Portuguese that means the feeling of missing something) can be translated, we do not know, but in our minds, we are sure that time passed too fast and brought us good references from those who will never leave our hearts and make us relive unforgettable memories.

Academic trajectory of Professor Nilce:

  • 1991 – Lecturer, UNIFESP

  • 1996 – Ad hoc consultant for CAPES and CNPq

  • 1997 – Full Professor Contest

  • 200-2003 – Deputy Head of the Nursing Department

  • 1992-2002 – Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Nursing, UNIFESP

  • 1998- 2001 – Head of Discipline of Public Health Nursing and Administration Applied to Nursing


We thank Specialist Bruno Henrique Sena Ferreira for his intellectual contribution and narration of historical facts in the development of the editorial.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Aug 2022
  • Date of issue
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil