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Emergency care network: stroke care



To analyze how the care of patients with acute ischemic stroke occurs, considering the care flows and the restrictive and facilitating elements of care in the emergency care network.


This is a study based on the Grounded Theory methodological framework. We interviewed 75 health professionals from the Brazilian Mobile Emergency Care Service, Emergency Care Unit and reference hospital in the city of Salvador, Bahia.


A total of 14 categories and 66 subcategories emerged that represented the phenomenon studied, revealing causal factors of network fragmentation such as lack of vacancies and resources, need for improvement in the care protocol, hospital bureaucratization, lack of knowledge by the population, despite the efforts of professionals to meet this patient. Professional interaction revealed the absence of a single language, obstacles in professional relationships, lack of knowledge of the other’s role, difficulty in regulating patients and sharing some goals in the network. Consequently, patients left the care line, care for patients outside the therapeutic window, the need to impose a ‘zero vacancy’, and better care when patients had access to specialized unit. Facilitating elements also concern the sharing of goals in the network and the effort of professionals to attend to window patients.


The network fragmentation reveals the need for management interventions to improve care, standardizing it and making care comprehensive and equitable.

Ischemic stroke; Emergency nursing; Emergency service, hospital; Emergency medical services; Patient transfer; Answering services



Analisar como ocorre o atendimento de pacientes com Acidente Vascular Cerebral isquêmico agudo considerando os fluxos assistenciais e os elementos restritivos e facilitadores do atendimento na Rede de Atenção às Urgências e Emergências.


Trata-se de estudo fundamentado no referencial metodológico da Grounded Theory. Foram entrevistados 75 profissionais de saúde do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, da Unidade de Pronto Atendimento e do Hospital Referência na cidade de Salvador, Bahia.


Emergiram 14 categorias e 66 subcategorias que representaram o fenômeno estudado, revelando fatores causais da fragmentação da rede como falta de vaga e de recursos, necessidade de melhoria no protocolo de atendimento, burocratização hospitalar, desconhecimento da população, apesar dos esforços dos profissionais em atender esse paciente. A interação profissional revelou ausência de linguagem única, entraves nas relações profissionais, desconhecimento do papel do outro, dificuldade em regular o paciente e compartilhamento de alguns objetivos na Rede. Consequentemente houve a saída do paciente da Linha de Cuidado, atendimento dos pacientes fora de janela terapêutica, necessidade de imposição da ‘vaga zero’, e um melhor atendimento quando o paciente teve acesso à unidade especializada. Elementos facilitadores dizem respeito também ao compartilhamento de objetivos na rede e ao esforço dos profissionais para atender o paciente em janela.


A fragmentação da Rede revela necessidade de intervenções gerenciais no sentido de aprimorar o atendimento, padronizando-o e tornando a assistência integral e equânime.

AVC isquêmico; Enfermagem em emergência; Serviço hospitalar de emergência; Serviços médicos de emergência; Transferência de pacientes; Serviços de atendimento



Analizar cómo se realiza la asistencia a pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular isquémico agudo considerando los flujos de asistencia y los elementos restrictivos y facilitadores de la atención en la Red de Atención de Urgencias y Emergencias.


Se trata de un estudio basado en el marco referencial metodológico de la Grounded Theory. Fueron entrevistados 75 profesionales de la salud del Servicio de Atención Móvil de Urgencia, de la Unidad de Pronta Atención y del Hospital Referencia de la ciudad de Salvador, estado de Bahia.


Surgieron 14 categorías y 66 subcategorías que representan el fenómeno estudiado y revelan factores causales de la fragmentación de la red, como falta de camas y recursos, necesidades de mejora del protocolo de atención, burocracia hospitalaria, desconocimiento de la población, a pesar de los esfuerzos de los profesionales en atender ese paciente. La interacción profesional reveló ausencia de un lenguaje único, trabas en las relaciones profesionales, desconocimiento del papel del otro, dificultades para regular al paciente e intercambio de algunos objetivos de la red. Consecuentemente, se produjo la salida del paciente de la línea de cuidado, la atención a pacientes fuera de la ventana terapéutica, la necesidad de aplicación de la “cama de reserva” y una mejor atención cuando el paciente tuvo acceso a la unidad especializada. Los elementos facilitadores también se refieren a compartir objetivos en la red y al esfuerzo de los profesionales para atender al paciente en ventana.


La fragmentación de la red revela la necesidad de intervenciones gerenciales en el sentido de mejorar y estandarizar la atención para que sea completa y ecuánime.

Accidente cerebrovascular isquémico; Enfermería de urgencia; Servicio de urgencia en hospital; Servicios médicos de urgencia; Transferencia de pacientes; Servicios de contestadora


Stroke is a disabling disease with high morbidity and mortality, which affects more and more young people, being divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic, the former being the most prevalent.(11. Machado VS, Hahn LM, Martins MI, Marrone LC. Conhecimento da população sobre acidente vascular cerebral em Torres RS. Rev Bras Neurol. 2020;56(3):11-4.) It is intrinsically related to comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus, which are risk factors on a growth curve in the Brazilian population.(11. Machado VS, Hahn LM, Martins MI, Marrone LC. Conhecimento da população sobre acidente vascular cerebral em Torres RS. Rev Bras Neurol. 2020;56(3):11-4.) Initial care for patients with ischemic stroke needs to be fast and accurate, due to the specificity of a thrombolytic medication that can only be used within just 4.5 hours for patients with ischemic stroke, requiring a high level of coordination between services.(22. Leibinger F, Sablot D, Van Damme L, Gaillard N, Nguyen Them L, Lachcar M, et al. which patients require physician-led inter-hospital transport in view of endovascular therapy? Cerebrovasc Dis. 2019;48(3-6):171-8.)

The Emergency Care Network (ECN) has ports, of the most diverse complexities, through which patients can access care. Thus, patients enter the network through the Brazilian Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU - Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência) and Emergency Care Unit (ECU), and in some realities there may also be entry directly through hospital emergencies.(33. Oliveira SN, Ramos BJ, Piazza M, Prado ML, Reibnitz KS, Souza AC. Emergency Care Units (Upa) 24h: The nurses’ perception. Texto Context Enferm. 2015;24(1):238-44.) In this way, the efficiency and effectiveness of assistance offered in any of these health units are imperative.(33. Oliveira SN, Ramos BJ, Piazza M, Prado ML, Reibnitz KS, Souza AC. Emergency Care Units (Upa) 24h: The nurses’ perception. Texto Context Enferm. 2015;24(1):238-44.) Success is related to the population’s level of education, to the network structure and professional interaction,(44. Hogan TM, Malsch A. Communication strategies for better care of the elderly in the emergency department. Clin Geriatr Med. 2018;34(3):387-97. Review.)which need to be aligned and articulated in effectively referring patients through services.

Although stroke is an acute disease, when there is no intersectoral collaboration for the effectiveness of care, there are implications related to sequelae for patients and the significant economic impact generated by dependence on the public health system.(55. Rajsic S, Gothe H, Borba HH, Sroczynski G, Vujicic J, Toell T, et al. Economic burden of stroke: a systematic review on post-stroke care. Eur J Health Econ. 2019;20(1):107-34.) Thus, it is essential to consider the barriers to access for patients to reach health services.(66. Li T, Munder SP, Chaudhry A, Madan R, Gribko M, Arora R. emergency medical services providers’ knowledge, practices, and barriers to stroke management. Open Access Emerg Med. 2019;11:297-303.)

In addition, there are few studies that assess the connection of services in the network care for these patients, with more frequent studies that internally assess health services, or refer occasionally to a measure that has been used to improve care.

In this way, there is an urgent need to verify how care is provided to this patient, given that there are several technologies and resources already being used so that there is effectiveness in care and success in acute care in a structured network system.(77. Whetten J, Van der Goes DN, Tran H, Moffett M, Semper C, Yonas H. Cost-effectiveness of Access to Critical Cerebral Emergency Support Services (ACCESS): a neuro-emergent telemedicine consultation program. J Med Econ. 2018;21(4):398–405.) Thus, the question is: how is care provided to patients with acute ischemic strokes within the Unifies Health System (SUS – Sistema Único de Saúde) emergency network?

Thus, this study aimed to analyze how the care of patients with acute ischemic stroke occurs, considering care flows and restrictive and facilitating elements of care at the ECN in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.


This is a study based on the Grounded Theory (GT) methodological framework. GT is characterized as a method of comparative analysis that starts from an empirical investigation to build a theory that favors the understanding of reality from the meanings attributed by those who experience it. (88. Corbin J, Strauss A. Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing ground theory. 4th ed. Los Angeles: Artmed; 2015. 456 p.)

The study was carried out in health units that make up the ECN and that treat patients with acute ischemic stroke, delimiting itself to SAMU, to two ECUs located in different and extreme health districts of the city, and to the referral hospital for stroke in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

Data collection was carried out between October 2019 and October 2020.

The study population consisted of professionals, nurses and doctors from the four services.

For the selection of participants in the sample groups, Health professionals from the services that make up the ECN and who assist acute stroke (SAMU, ECU, hospital) or head of these health units were included, in addition to having been working for at least one year in the function. ECU and hospital professionals who reported not feeling comfortable in participating were excluded from the study.

The study participants were constituted by theoretical sampling, which involves the formation of sample groups, initially directed to the research problem,(99. Baggio MA, Erdmann AL. Teoria fundamentada nos dados ou Grounded Theory e o uso na investigação em Enfermagem no Brasil. Rev Enferm Refer. 2011;(3):177-85.) the first sample group (SG) participants were previously defined, and the other groups were unveiled throughout the research process.(88. Corbin J, Strauss A. Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing ground theory. 4th ed. Los Angeles: Artmed; 2015. 456 p.) From the analysis of data obtained with the first sample group (SAMU), participants were included according to theoretical sampling, and the following sample groups were directed according to the hypotheses raised with the data from the previous groups. Thus, the first SG was composed of 31 professionals from SAMU, 17 nurses and 14 doctors; the second group was composed of 24 professionals from two ECU, being 18 nurses and six doctors; and, finally, the third SG was composed of 20 health professionals from the reference hospital, being 12 nurses and eight doctors, totaling 75 health professionals.

Data collection was directed from individual interviews through the research’s guiding question, “Tell me about the care of patients with suspected stroke”, allowing free expression on the topic. According to participants’ responses, new questions were directed in order to elucidate or clarify the points raised by them, in order to obtain an in-depth interview.

The interviews were carried out until theoretical data saturation, with the consolidation and articulation of the categories that make up the substantive theory.

As in GT, data collection and analysis took place concomitantly, and memoranda were prepared after each interview to assist in data analysis. The analysis was performed in three stages: open coding, axial coding and integration(88. Corbin J, Strauss A. Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing ground theory. 4th ed. Los Angeles: Artmed; 2015. 456 p.) applied from the transcript of the interviews. Initially, line-by-line reading was performed, with assignment of substantive codes with characteristics of participants’ speeches (open coding). Afterwards, the codes were grouped and concepts were elaborated, delimiting the phenomenon (axial coding). Finally, with the constant comparison of interview data in the development of categories and subcategories, the central category “Revealing the Emergency Care Network fragmentation in the care of patients with acute stroke” was delimited (integration).

Participants were identified by the letter “I” for interview, followed by the institution’s initial letter(s): “S” for SAMU, or “ECU” or “H” for hospital, followed by the number ordinal according to the interview sequence, for instance, “IS1”, “IECU3”, “IH15”.

To assist the data organization process, we use NVIVO®. To validate the theoretical model, the validity instrument was sent by email to two health professionals from each of the types of institution that participated in the research and to two specialists in the method, totaling eight professionals.

In order to ensure quality in qualitative research, we have adopted the Consolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research (COREQ) guidelines.(1010. Tong A, Sainsbury P, Craig J. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. Inter J Qual Health Care. 2008;19(6):349-57.)

The development of this study complied with ethical standards in research involving human beings. The research was submitted to the Public Health Institute’s Research Ethics Committee, Universidade Federal da Bahia, approved under CAAE (Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética - Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration) 17763719.9.0000.5030 and Opinion 3,538,900, meeting the ethical requirements of the research according to Resolutions 466/2012(1111. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Resolução nº 466, de 12 de dezembro de 2012. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2012 [citado 2021 Mar 2]. Disponível em:
) and 510/2016(1212. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Resolução nº 510, de 07 de abril de 2016. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2016 [citado 2021 Mar 2]. Disponível em:
) of the Brazilian National Health Council. All participants confirmed their acceptance of their participation by signing the Informed Consent Form.


The central category that emerged from the analysis was entitled “Revealing the Emergency Care Network fragmentation in the care of patients with acute stroke”, considering the restrictive and disconnected elements for care, pointed out in condition, action-interaction and consequences categories. The integrative diagram below represents articulation between the central category and3 the other categories that make up the paradigm of the phenomenon (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Integrative diagram of the phenomenon

The condition component was represented by five categories and 27 subcategories, as shown in chart 1.

Chart 1
Condition component categories and subcategories

The action-interaction component was represented by five categories and 24 subcategories, according to chart 2.

Chart 2
Action-interaction component categories and subcategories

The consequence component was represented by four categories and 15 subcategories, according to chart 3.

Chart 3
Consequences component categories and subcategories


As the network is the fundamental structure for the care of seriously ill patients, which should occur with a focus on social, population and individual needs, with intersectoral interactions,(1313. Viana AL, Bousquat A, Melo GA, Negri Filho A, Medina MG. Regionalization and Health Networks. Cien Saude Colet. 2018;23(6):1791-8.) the phenomenon “Revealing the emergency care network fragmentation to patients with acute stroke” goes against the project proposed by SUS.

As conditioning elements of such fragmentation, the results of this study point to the lack of space and resources to care for patients with stroke, by the centralization of care in the reference hospital, which is also a reference to numerous specialties, with a profile of chronic patients who have prolonged hospitalization, which implies lower turnover of beds. Thus, it is observed that the emergency room overcrowding originates in hospital overcrowding.(1414. Salway RJ, Valenzuela RS. Superação do departamento de emergência (ed): respostas baseadas em evidências para as perguntas mais frequentes. Rev Med Clin Condes. 2017;28(2):213-9.)

The lack of a thrombolysis vacancy in Stroke Unit, although less frequent, shows signs of bed failure in Stroke Unit, considering the increasing number of patients who are victims of the disease.(1515. Holmes DR, Hopkins N. O avanço da cardiologia intervencionista e do cuidado do acidente vascular cerebral agudo. J Am College Cardiol. 2019;73(12):47-54.) Still, considering that, usually, several factors interfere in the arrival of patients to the reference hospital in window,(1616. Brandão PC, Ferraz MO, Sampaio ES. Retardo na chegada da pessoa com acidente vascular cerebral a um serviço hospitalar de referência. Rev Nurs. 2020;23(271):4979-84.) it is essential that those who arrive have treatment available in a shorter time in order to obtain better recovery of neurological deficits.(1717. Hanauer MC, Moser GA, Souza SS, Oliveira D, Celich KL, Paz M, et al. Characterization of the care carried out by the SAMU. Rev Enferm UFPE On Line. 2018;12(12):3476-83. Review.)

Thus, according to data, usually, the lack of vacancy happens in a greater proportion for out-of-window patients, even with acute symptoms, with its treatment and diagnosis postponed, imaging and neurological assessment not performed in the first 24 hours of the event. This fact is in contradiction with the need for targeted and effective care(11. Machado VS, Hahn LM, Martins MI, Marrone LC. Conhecimento da população sobre acidente vascular cerebral em Torres RS. Rev Bras Neurol. 2020;56(3):11-4.) also for out-of-window patients who need tertiary level care.

Moreover, professionals miss thrombectomy, a treatment that has the possibility of being offered in a longer time, when compared to thrombolysis,(1515. Holmes DR, Hopkins N. O avanço da cardiologia intervencionista e do cuidado do acidente vascular cerebral agudo. J Am College Cardiol. 2019;73(12):47-54.) but which is not yet used in the reference hospital. In Brazil, this is a managerial element, which has restricted availability in SUS,(1818. Alves AE, Cese BC, Reyna CF, Oliveira JF, Kaneko JS, Gouveia MS, et al. Trombectomia mecânica no acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico agudo: revisão de literatura. Arq Méd. 2018;63(2):110-4. Review.) due to lack of comprehensive stroke treatment centers and low availability of neurointerventional professionals.(1919. Rodriguez-Castro E, López-Dequit I, Santamaría-Cadavid M, Arias-Rivas S, Rodríguez-Yanez M, Pumar JM, et al. Trends in stroke outcomes in the last ten years in a European tertiary hospital. BMC Neurol. 2018;18:164.) However, it was introduced in other Latin American countries, being pointed out as a tool that enables high recanalization rate, low number of complications and good recovery of patients.(2020. Alet M, Lucci FR, Ameriso S. Mechanical thrombectomy for reperfusion of acute ischemic stroke in a Stroke Unit in Argentina. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2020;78(1):39-43.)

In addition to the need for vacancies and resources, the data indicate that despite the efforts of professionals to assist patients in therapeutic window, protocols and institutional flows are also not well established within the network. Thus, the lack of protocol constitutes a barrier to care, which could be solved with planning and management intervention. Although there are ministerial protocols, there seems to be ignorance of these tools and processes.

On the other hand, studies indicate that, when protocols are well established, they tend to reduce patient care times and suggest that establishing nurses on the hospital front line as a viable strategy, trained to recognize patients with stroke in the emergency room, as these are often the first professionals to have contact with patients, with speed, efficiency and scientific knowledge being fundamental for the success of care.(2121. Silveira Junior JL, Melo EA, Vasconcelos NN, Lima MC, Damazio LC. Os efeitos da capacitação de enfermeiros sobre avaliação de pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral. Rev Enferm UFPE On Line. 2017;11(5):1763-8.)

Related to this, the lack of professional training pointed out by professionals from the four services investigated prevents standardization and makes it difficult to achieve success in protocols, and it is essential that professionals at the end of care know how to recognize, apply specific and simple scales for neurological assessment, quickly and reliably,(2121. Silveira Junior JL, Melo EA, Vasconcelos NN, Lima MC, Damazio LC. Os efeitos da capacitação de enfermeiros sobre avaliação de pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral. Rev Enferm UFPE On Line. 2017;11(5):1763-8.) understanding that for this patient time is fundamental. Educational interventions to improve health professionals’ technical and care knowledge regarding initial care protocols also provide space for collective reflection and analysis of the reality in which they are inserted.(2222. Moura LV, Pedreira LC, Menezes TM, Gomes NP, Coifman AH, Santos AA. Management of elderly people with Stroke: strategies based on action research. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(6):3054-62.)

Moreover, in this context, SAMU professionals find obstruction in patients’ flow that often make it impossible to refer them to the most appropriate destination. However, the organization of flows is one of the strategic actions proposed to expand and consolidate the line of care for stroke in adults, aiming at safe therapeutic planning at different levels of care.(2323. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção Primária à Saúde. Linha de Cuidado do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) no adulto. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2020 [citado 2022 Jan 7]. Disponível em:
) The creation of care flows allows services and professionals to be situated within an organization and to have a definition of responsibilities, knowing where and when to refer patients in the network.

Regarding hospital bureaucracy, there are criticisms related to the need to assess patients in RSR when a pre-stratification of this patient has already been made by the SAMU team. The need to go through RSR at this time is in line with the State Risk Stratification Protocol, which provides that critically ill patients must be stabilized, entering the hospital through a specific entrance door, and risk stratification can be performed later.(2424. Bahia. Governo do Estado. Secretaria da Saúde. Equipe do HGRS participa de curso promovido pelo Hospital Sírio-Libanês [citado 2019 Fev 1]. Disponível em:

Among the causes of fragmentation in the network that are beyond the control of emergency health professionals, the population’s misinformation appears in the research as a limiting factor for care. Considering that stroke treatment is only possible if people correctly identify signs and symptoms and seek medical attention,(2525. Dumay GT, Campelo JR, Miquilino MP, Lacerda GS, Souza Neto DS, Cardoso CE, et al. Knowledge of the population of Vassouras - RJ on Cerebral Vascular Accident. Rev Saúde. 2019;10(2):2-6.) the unsatisfactory level of knowledge of lay people is also due to the low educational level, the few educational campaigns and the reduced bond between users and teams.(2626. Moita SM, Cardoso AN, Guimarães IP, Rodrigues KS, Gomes ML, Amaral VF, et al. Reconhecimento dos sinais e sintomas e dos fatores de risco do acidente vascular cerebral por leigos: uma revisão integrativa. Res Society Development. 2021;10(10):e587101019340. Review.)

Data from the interviews add that obstacles in professional relationships are related to working conditions(2727. Duarte ML, Glanzner CH, Pereira LP. O trabalho em emergência hospitalar: sofrimento e estratégias defensivas dos enfermeiros. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2018;39:e2017-e0255.) and, notoriously, happen because professionals do not see the network functioning and do not see themselves as elements of this. When network elements are disconnected, there is difficulty in communication and workers’ lack of knowledge about service functioning, which may compromise the articulation between them.(2828. Brondani JE, Leal FZ, Potter C, Silva RM, Noal HC, Perrando MS. Desafios da referência e contrarreferência na atenção em saúde na perspectiva dos trabalhadores. Cogitare Enferm. 2016;21(1):1-8.) Thus, given the complexity of relationships visualized in the present study, interventions are needed regarding the organization and socio-professional relationships in order to improve cooperation in networks.(2929. Cavalcante JB, Silva Júnior GB, Bastos ML, Costa ME, Santos AL, Maciel RH. Rede de relações em um serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência: análise de uma equipe de trabalho. Rev Bras Med Trab. 2018;16(2):158-66.)

Pre-notification, signaled by professionals as a previous contact between the pre-hospital service and the hospital, is an example of an element that facilitates the connection between services, which can shorten the delivery time for CT scans and improve the care of patients with acute stroke.(3030. Zhang S, Zhang J, Zhang M, Zhong G, Chen Z, Lin L, et al. Prehospital Notification Procedure Improves Stroke Outcome by Shortening Onset to Needle Time in Chinese Urban Area. Aging Dis. 2018;9(3):426–34.) Thus, it is noted that for collaboration and teamwork to provide safe and high-quality care, effective communication, common goals, recognition of others’ work, interdependence of actions and patient-centered care are necessary.(3131. Peduzzi M, Agreli HL, Silva JA, Souza HS. Trabalho em equipe: uma revisita ao conceito e a seus desdobramentos no trabalho interprofissional. Trab. Educ. Saúde. 2020;18(Suppl 1):e0024678.)

In terms of consequences of network fragmentation, patients leave Stroke care line, through hospital counter-referral, which makes it impossible to continue care at the tertiary level. This is at variance with the objective of counter-referral, which is to ensure comprehensive care for patients, through organization between services, with mechanisms of agreement and establishment of flow.(2828. Brondani JE, Leal FZ, Potter C, Silva RM, Noal HC, Perrando MS. Desafios da referência e contrarreferência na atenção em saúde na perspectiva dos trabalhadores. Cogitare Enferm. 2016;21(1):1-8.) Naturalization is also noted in the act of hospital counter-referral when in the hall of justification of the referrer there are: the lack of patient profile when considering that those who are outside the window do not need to be welcomed in the hospital, considering that patients only need a neurological assessment and considering that patients have an ECU profile. However, Stroke Unit, located in the reference hospital, should welcome patients in acute condition, not only in the window, even if the condition is transient, regardless of severity.(3232. Lange MC, Braga GP, Nóvak EM, Harger R, Felippe MJ, Canever M, et al. Key performance indicators for stroke from the Ministry of Health of Brazil: benchmarking and indicator parameters. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2017;75(6):354–8.)

Thus, after the counter-referral, the destination of most of these patients is the ECU, which has limitations in care because it was not designed to be an inpatient unit, much less to be a neurological unit. In this way, these units, considered as hospital rearguards, face significant limitations in care pending regulation by the State Center, where patients remain hospitalized.(3333. Konder M, O’dwyer G. As Unidades de Pronto Atendimento como unidades de internação: fenômenos do fluxo assistencial na rede de urgências. Physis. 2019;29(2):e290203.) In this way, “hospitalization” in a pre-hospital environment contrasts with the ECU’s objective, which has to refer patients in the network who have not had their complaints resolved, with the purpose of continuity of care for up to 24 hours.(3434. Langhorne P, Ramachandra S. Organised inpatient (stroke unit) care for stroke: network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020;4(4):CD000197.) Thus, it is essential that there is the network organization for adequate backup, and with a maximum waiting time in the ECU until referral to the hospital bed.

Otherwise, elements that facilitate care are perceived when professionals indicate that patients who had access to Stroke Unit found better care, considering the availability of a referral bed, a specialized multidisciplinary team and use of a standard approach to manage common problems after stroke,(3232. Lange MC, Braga GP, Nóvak EM, Harger R, Felippe MJ, Canever M, et al. Key performance indicators for stroke from the Ministry of Health of Brazil: benchmarking and indicator parameters. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2017;75(6):354–8.) including etiological investigation in order to reduce clinical conditions after admission and improve outcome after discharge.

Furthermore, the category of this study that reveals that patients are better served when there is access to Stroke Unit is intrinsically related to the lack of vacancy as a causality, because access is restricted to those in the therapeutic window, and it is necessary to expand the capacity of these units for patients outside the window in an acute condition, for patients with transient ischemic attack and for those with hemorrhagic stroke. According to the regulations on rear beds, capacity must be intrinsically related to epidemiological data,(2424. Bahia. Governo do Estado. Secretaria da Saúde. Equipe do HGRS participa de curso promovido pelo Hospital Sírio-Libanês [citado 2019 Fev 1]. Disponível em:
) accompanying its growth, which does not seem to happen in the investigated reality, since the number of beds has been maintained since the Unit implementation.

The difficulty in accessing beds leads to the need to impose a “zero vacancy” by professionals who work at the Emergency Regulation Center, directing patients to hospital units even when they do not have beds available to care for them. This is an exclusive prerogative of emergency physicians, and should be used in exceptional situations, when there is no vacancy in another suitable place for patients, being an essential resource to guarantee access to patients at risk of death or intense suffering,(3535. Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM). Resolução CFM nº2.077/14. Dispõe sobre a normatização do funcionamento dos Serviços Hospitalares de Urgência e Emergência, bem como do dimensionamento da equipe médica e do sistema de trabalho. Brasília (DF): CFM; 2014 [citado 2022 Jan 7]. Disponível em:
) being imposed, often, amidst of conflicts.

This can often happen due to permanent investment and valuation of the hospital component, without public policies aimed at the ECN’s other elements, with the network being wrongly structured in referral hospitals, as if this were the solution to problems of other emergency care components.(3535. Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM). Resolução CFM nº2.077/14. Dispõe sobre a normatização do funcionamento dos Serviços Hospitalares de Urgência e Emergência, bem como do dimensionamento da equipe médica e do sistema de trabalho. Brasília (DF): CFM; 2014 [citado 2022 Jan 7]. Disponível em:

The limitations of this study refer to the circumscription of the results to a specific context, and there may be generalization of data in relation to the issues relevant to the study site, considering the different settings that ECN can have in Brazil. Analyzes on the care of patients with hemorrhagic stroke, nor on the comprehensiveness of care after hospital discharge were not included. However, significant advances have been observed in research on care for patients with stroke in the network, which have taken place in an expanded form, considering a better view of the process of referring patients to the health services, focusing on interprofessional relationships both within and between institutions. In all of them, nursing constitutes the majority and is effectively linked to all stages of care for this patient, being able to benefit from the results of this research, in helping to implement improvements for care and assistance to patients with stroke.


The findings of this study show the fragmentation between services in the care of patients with acute stroke in ECN. The care flow is not well established and the communication mechanisms between professionals can be effective or they can encounter physical barriers and conflicts in services and between services, varying according to who is providing care. Although there are facilitating elements for care, restrictive elements reveal the need for managerial interventions to improve care, standardizing it and making care comprehensive and equitable. To this end, one of the tools that can be used is continuing education with a focus on stroke and the proper functioning of ECN.


  • 1
    Machado VS, Hahn LM, Martins MI, Marrone LC. Conhecimento da população sobre acidente vascular cerebral em Torres RS. Rev Bras Neurol. 2020;56(3):11-4.
  • 2
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Edited by

Associate Editor (Peer review process): Juliana de Lima Lopes ( Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Feb 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 Jan 2022
  • Accepted
    20 June 2022
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil