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Perioperative nurses’ activities in the brazilian scenario: a scoping review



To map perioperative nurses’ main activities in the Brazilian scenario, explained in the current literature.


This is a scoping review prepared in accordance with current JBI guidelines, using the checklist for conducting and reporting the study. The search was carried out by two independent researchers, between August and December 2021, in six databases in the health area, using the descriptors nurses, nurse role, intraoperative period, perioperative nursing, surgical centers. Articles published between January 2011 and October 2022, in English, Portuguese or Spanish, were part of the sample. The information was extracted, classified, synthesized and presented descriptively.


Eighteen were included in the research synthesis. The analysis of results made it possible to highlight the implementation of surgical safety measures as prevalent activities in care (50%); in management, material, input and equipment (72%) and room preparation (39%) management; in teaching, permanent nursing education (50%). No studies related to researcher activity were identified.


In the Brazilian scenario, perioperative nurses’ activities range from management to assistance with a smaller proportion in teaching, highlighting their strategic position in mobilizing actions that promote safety and quality in perioperative processes. Protocol registration on the Open Science Framework platform:

Intraoperative period; Operating room nursing; Nurse’s role; Surgicenters



Mapear as principais atividades do enfermeiro de Centro Cirúrgico no cenário brasileiro, explicitadas na literatura vigente.


Trata-se de uma scoping review elaborada de acordo com as diretrizes vigentes do Joanna Briggs Institute, utilizando o checklist para condução e relatório do estudo. A busca foi realizada por duas pesquisadoras independentes, no período entre agosto e dezembro de 2021, em seis bases de dados da área da saúde, utilizando os descritores: nurses, nurse role, intraoperative period, perioperative nursing, surgical centers . Fizeram parte da amostra artigos publicados entre janeiro de 2011 e outubro de 2022, nos idiomas inglês, português ou espanhol. As informações foram extraídas, classificadas, sintetizadas e apresentadas descritivamente.


Foram incluídos 18 na síntese da pesquisa. A análise dos resultados possibilitou evidenciar como as atividades prevalentes na assistência a implementação de medidas de segurança cirúrgica (50%); na gestão, o gerenciamento de materiais, insumos e equipamentos (72%) e preparo das salas (39%); no ensino, educação permanente da enfermagem (50%). Não foram identificados estudos relacionados à atividade de pesquisador.


No cenário brasileiro, as atividades do enfermeiro de Centro Cirúrgico circundam-se entre gerenciais, assistenciais com menor proporção no ensino, destacando-se sua posição estratégica na mobilização das ações que promovem segurança e qualidade nos processos perioperatórios.

Período intraoperatório; Enfermagem de Centro Cirúrgico; Papel do profissional de enfermagem; Centros cirúrgicos



Mapear las principales actividades de los enfermeros de quirófano en el escenario brasileño mencionadas en la literatura vigente.


Se trata de una scoping review elaborada de acuerdo con las directrices vigentes del Joanna Briggs Institute, utilizando la lista de chequeo para la conducción e informe del estudio. La búsqueda fue realizada por dos investigadoras independientes, entre agosto y diciembre de 2021, en seis bases de datos del área de la salud, utilizando los descriptores: nurses, nurse role, intraoperative period, perioperative nursing, surgical centers . Artículos publicados entre enero de 2011 y octubre de 2022, en inglés, portugués y español formaron parte de la muestra. La información se extrajo, se clasificó, se sintetizó y se presentó descriptivamente.


Se incluyeron 18 artículos en la síntesis del estudio. El análisis de los resultados permitió evidenciar las siguientes actividades predominantes: en la atención, la implementación de medidas de seguridad quirúrgica (50 %); en la gestión, la administración de material, insumos y equipos (72 %) y la preparación de las salas (39 %); en la enseñanza, la educación permanente de la enfermería (50 %). No se identificaron estudios relacionados con la actividad del investigador.


En el escenario brasileño, las actividades de los enfermeros de quirófano giran en torno de la gestión, la atención con menor proporción la enseñanza, y se destaca su posición estratégica en la movilización de las acciones que promueven seguridad y calidad en los procesos perioperatorios. Registro do protocolo na plataforma Open Science Framework:

Periodo Intraoperatorio; Enfermería de quirófano; Rol de la enfermera; Centros quirúrgicos


The surgical center (SC) is a hospital unit where anesthetic-surgical procedures of different complexities are performed. The context of growing development and technological evolution in work processes in this sector make up a scenario where numerous practices interact and integrate for effective patient care practice. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . )

When considering SC’s organizational aspects, it is verified that the integration between the management of patient care, material resources, work processes developed by the multidisciplinary team, professionals’ permanent education and scientific research development encouragement are attributions of nurses who work in this area. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . , 22. Martins KN , Bueno AA , Mazoni SR , Machado VB , Evangelista RA , Bolina AF . Management process in surgicenters from the perspective of nurses . Acta Paul Enferm . 2021 ; 43 : eAPE00753 . )

Although it is possible to point out institutional specificities and particularities that interfere with the role of nurses in the SC, one of their main competences is to manage perioperative care in interrelationship with different professionals and sectors of the institution, including actions that promote the management of available resources in order to improve care quality and safety. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . , 33. Silva MJ , Nogueira LS , Fontes FL , Santos AR , Corado JR , Lacerda AR , et al . Atividades gerenciais desempenhadas pelo enfermeiro no centro cirúrgico: obstáculos enfrentados pelo profissional no setor . Rev Eletrônica Acervo Saúde . 2019 ; 17 : e652 . )

The organization and planning of this unit requires a dynamic professional with the ability to make decisions quickly and assertively to assist in emergency procedures through roster and nursing staff reorganization, dictating the workflow pace. ( 44. Rodrigues AL , Torres FB , Gomes DC , Carvalho DR , Santos EA , Cubas MR . Fluxo de trabalho e tomada de decisão do enfermeiro de centro cirúrgico: revisão integrativa . Rev Gaúcha Enferm . 2020 ; 41 : e20190387 . )

In Brazil, there is no specific legislation that provides for perioperative nurses’ activities. In care practice, the lack of specialization does not prevent nurses from working in the SC, however, there is a recommendation from the professional association for nurses to be specialists in the area in which they work. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . )

Therefore, considering the complex system in which the SC is inserted, in the different institutional profiles, the question is: what are the activities carried out by nurses in the Brazilian scenario? The justification for mapping and identifying the performance of nurses in an essential care area for health care is based on the need to base strategies for the elaboration of guidelines and actions related to the performance and visibility of perioperative nurses’ role in Brazil.

Thus, this article aimed to map perioperative nurses’ activities in the Brazilian scenario, explained in the current literature.


This is a scoping review structured in accordance with the JBI 2020 guidelines. ( 55. Aromataris E , Munn Z , editors . JBI manual for evidence synthesis . Australia : JBI ; 2020 [ cited 2021 Dec 19 ]. Available from:

The choice for the scoping review was based on the need to explore and seek evidence on the subject in order to identify and analyze existing gaps in knowledge in the literature. We used the checklist Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) for conducting the study, presenting the results and preparing the final report, with a view to transparency and improvement in the methodological quality of the research. ( 55. Aromataris E , Munn Z , editors . JBI manual for evidence synthesis . Australia : JBI ; 2020 [ cited 2021 Dec 19 ]. Available from:

6. Tricco AC , Lillie E , Zarin W , O’Brien KK , Colquhoun H , Levac D , et al . PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMAScR): Checklist and Explanation . Ann Intern Med . 2018 ; 169 : 467 – 73 .
- 77. Peres AM , Ciampone MH . Gerência e competências gerais do enfermeiro . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2006 ; 15 ( 3 ): 492 - 9 . )

Thus, from the need to synthesize and disseminate the findings of research developed and available on perioperative nurses’ activities in the Brazilian perioperative nursing scenario and based on the JBI guidelines for scoping review, the following steps were taken for the development of this study. ( 77. Peres AM , Ciampone MH . Gerência e competências gerais do enfermeiro . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2006 ; 15 ( 3 ): 492 - 9 . )

The first stage comprised the definition and alignment of the objective and research question, the research question being: What are the activities performed by perioperative nurses in the Brazilian scenario? It was structured according to the PCC mnemonic process (P - population: nurses; C - concept: role, performance or activities developed by nurses; C - context: SC).

The second stage consists of aligning the inclusion criteria with the objective and research question, and the third stage comprised the search description, selection, data extraction and evidence presentation.

In the fourth stage, searches were carried out in the virtual databases with the help of a librarian in August 2021 and updated in October 2022, with the purpose of covering the most current evidence on the subject. Databases checked were MEDLINE (via PubMed), EMBASE, LILACS, CINAHL, Web of Science and Scopus, using the descriptors/MESH: nurses, nurse role, intraoperative period, perioperative nursing, surgical centers. The general search strategy was as follows: ( enferme * OR nurse*) OR (“ papel do profissional de enfermagem ” OR “nurse* role” OR “ rol de la Enfermera ”) OR (“ enfermagem perioperatória ” OR perioperative nursing” OR “ enfermería perioperatoria ”) AND (“ centro* cirúrgico *” OR “ centro * quirúrgico *” OR surgicenters OR “ centro * de cirurgia *” OR “ centro * de quirurgia *”) OR (“ período intraoperatório ” OR “intraoperative period”). The website was consulted, which provides gray literature resources in health services research as well as analysis of reference lists of selected articles to identify potential literature not identified through the search strategy.

Articles developed in the Brazilian practice scenario, available in English, Portuguese or Spanish, published between January 2011 and October 2022, were included. The choice of this period is justified based on the development of perioperative nursing as well as the development and publications of research of this area. Articles that did not meet the criteria and objectives of this study, theses, dissertations and publications in journals without Qualis-Periódicos (a Brazilian journal assessment system) assessment by CAPES were excluded.

Selection was carried out in the fifth stage, by two independent reviewers, based on the inclusion criteria, based on article title and abstract assessment. In the next phase, the results were compared and disagreements were resolved by consensus or by consulting a third reviewer. To assist in selection, organization, filing and exclusion of duplicates of articles, the Zotero reference manager was used. Potentially relevant articles selected at this stage were retrieved in full through access to the databases.

In the sixth stage, data were extracted by two reviewers, using a specific form with the following information: data according to the specific form containing author, article title, year of publication, journal, research design and nurses’ activities. Each reviewer informed the reason for excluding the studies. In cases of disagreement, assessment was performed by a third reviewer.

In the seventh step, evidence analysis was carried out, which were not assessed in relation to evidence quality in the articles, as this is not within the scope of this study. Qualitative synthesis and interpretation of results occurred after reading the texts and presenting them descriptively. The eighth stage comprised the presentation of results, and the classification of perioperative nurses’ activities was based on Peres’ and Ciampone’s assumption, considering their work subdivided into the processes of caring/assisting, administering/managing, researching and teaching. ( 77. Peres AM , Ciampone MH . Gerência e competências gerais do enfermeiro . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2006 ; 15 ( 3 ): 492 - 9 . ) The ninth and final step covered the summary of evidence regarding the purpose of the review, conclusions and implications of the findings.


A total of 1,198 articles were found in database searches, duplicates were excluded (114 articles), titles were read, and 1,017 did not meet the eligibility criteria, with 67 selected for abstract reading. Of the 35 articles read in full, 19 were excluded, composing a sample of 16 articles. The search in the references of these articles made it possible to include two works, obtaining a final sample of 18 articles The selection of publications was prepared by two researchers, and is shown in figure 1 .

Figure 1
Article search and selection flowchart

The characterization of the 18 selected articles is described in chart 1 along with the activities carried out by perioperative nurses. Each study received a code between A1 and A18.

Chart 1
Activities developed by perioperative nurses

The articles’ methodological design is arranged as follows: six (33.5%) integrative reviews; ( 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1111. Campos JA , Costa AC , Dessotte CA , Silveira RC . Scientific production in perioperative nursing from 2003 to 2013 . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 2 ): 81 - 95 . , 1414. Miranda AB , Fogaça AS , Rizzetto M , Lopes LC . Surgical positioning: nursing care in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 1 ): 52 - 8 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . , 2323. Souza SS , Farias MT , Bandeira AK , Magalhães MS , Sales MG , Rodrigues AS , et al . Condutas da enfermeira em centro cirúrgico no cenário da pandemia por COVID-19 . Rev Nursing . 2022 ; 25 ( 291 ): 8394 - 8 . ) four (22%) qualitative studies; ( 22. Martins KN , Bueno AA , Mazoni SR , Machado VB , Evangelista RA , Bolina AF . Management process in surgicenters from the perspective of nurses . Acta Paul Enferm . 2021 ; 43 : eAPE00753 . , 1010. Santos FK , Silva MV , Gomes AM . Understanding the forms of care of nurses in the operating room - a construction based on the grounded theory method . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2014 ; 23 ( 3 ): 696 - 703 . , 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . , 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . ) three (17%) experience reports; ( 1212. Xavier AG , Almeida TC . Systematization of nursing care in perioperative of pulmonary segmentectomy: case studies . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2015 ; 9 ( 4 ): 7468 - 73 . , 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . ) two (11%) methodological studies; ( 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 1818. Berwanger DC , Matos FG , Alves DA , Oliveira JL . Links between diagnostics, results and nursing interventions for patients in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 4 ): 195 - 204 . ) one (5.5%) reflective study; ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . ) one (5.5%) quantitative study; ( 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) and one (5.5%) theoretical study. ( 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . ) Regarding the time period of publication, it is identified that from 2013 onwards, studies were developed regarding perioperative nurses’ activities, highlighting the years 2015, 2016 and 2022 with three (20%) publications in each of them. From the compilation of 18 reviewed articles, the activities developed by nurses were grouped into three major areas that express the lines of action of this professional in the SC, according to the subdivision of Peres and Ciampone (2006), ( 77. Peres AM , Ciampone MH . Gerência e competências gerais do enfermeiro . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2006 ; 15 ( 3 ): 492 - 9 . ) as shown in chart 2 .

Chart 2
Classification of activities performed by perioperative nurses


Based on the definition of nurses’ lines of action explained by Peres and Ciampone, the activities found in the articles were classified into three areas: management, assistance and teaching. ( 77. Peres AM , Ciampone MH . Gerência e competências gerais do enfermeiro . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2006 ; 15 ( 3 ): 492 - 9 . ) It was found that the role of perioperative nurse (SC) manager was highlighted in 83.3% of studies, unfolding in five activities: material, input and equipment management; ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 .

10. Santos FK , Silva MV , Gomes AM . Understanding the forms of care of nurses in the operating room - a construction based on the grounded theory method . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2014 ; 23 ( 3 ): 696 - 703 .
- 1111. Campos JA , Costa AC , Dessotte CA , Silveira RC . Scientific production in perioperative nursing from 2003 to 2013 . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 2 ): 81 - 95 . , 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 .

16. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 .
- 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 .

20. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review .
- 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . , 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . ) surgical roster management; ( 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . , 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . ) SC preparation management; ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 .

16. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 .
- 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . ) people management ( 22. Martins KN , Bueno AA , Mazoni SR , Machado VB , Evangelista RA , Bolina AF . Management process in surgicenters from the perspective of nurses . Acta Paul Enferm . 2021 ; 43 : eAPE00753 . , 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 1111. Campos JA , Costa AC , Dessotte CA , Silveira RC . Scientific production in perioperative nursing from 2003 to 2013 . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 2 ): 81 - 95 . , 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2323. Souza SS , Farias MT , Bandeira AK , Magalhães MS , Sales MG , Rodrigues AS , et al . Condutas da enfermeira em centro cirúrgico no cenário da pandemia por COVID-19 . Rev Nursing . 2022 ; 25 ( 291 ): 8394 - 8 . ) and care indicator management. ( 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . ) In 94.4% of studies, the following care activities were mentioned: SAEP; ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1212. Xavier AG , Almeida TC . Systematization of nursing care in perioperative of pulmonary segmentectomy: case studies . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2015 ; 9 ( 4 ): 7468 - 73 . , 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 1818. Berwanger DC , Matos FG , Alves DA , Oliveira JL . Links between diagnostics, results and nursing interventions for patients in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 4 ): 195 - 204 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) nursing guidance for surgical patients; ( 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1212. Xavier AG , Almeida TC . Systematization of nursing care in perioperative of pulmonary segmentectomy: case studies . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2015 ; 9 ( 4 ): 7468 - 73 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 .

20. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review .
- 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . ) nursing records; ( 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 .

16. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 .
- 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) care protocol elaboration and application; ( 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . , 2323. Souza SS , Farias MT , Bandeira AK , Magalhães MS , Sales MG , Rodrigues AS , et al . Condutas da enfermeira em centro cirúrgico no cenário da pandemia por COVID-19 . Rev Nursing . 2022 ; 25 ( 291 ): 8394 - 8 . , 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . ) anesthetic induction monitoring; ( 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) implementation of measures involving surgical safety; ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 .

18. Berwanger DC , Matos FG , Alves DA , Oliveira JL . Links between diagnostics, results and nursing interventions for patients in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 4 ): 195 - 204 .

19. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 .
- 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . , 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . ) surgical positioning and injury prevention; ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1212. Xavier AG , Almeida TC . Systematization of nursing care in perioperative of pulmonary segmentectomy: case studies . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2015 ; 9 ( 4 ): 7468 - 73 . , 1414. Miranda AB , Fogaça AS , Rizzetto M , Lopes LC . Surgical positioning: nursing care in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 1 ): 52 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . , 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . ) prevention measures of infection; ( 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . ) technical procedures performed by nurses; ( 1010. Santos FK , Silva MV , Gomes AM . Understanding the forms of care of nurses in the operating room - a construction based on the grounded theory method . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2014 ; 23 ( 3 ): 696 - 703 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) shift change as a transfer of care ( 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) ; and robotic surgery assistance. ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . ) As a teaching activity, nursing staff permanent education stood out ( 22. Martins KN , Bueno AA , Mazoni SR , Machado VB , Evangelista RA , Bolina AF . Management process in surgicenters from the perspective of nurses . Acta Paul Enferm . 2021 ; 43 : eAPE00753 . , 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1414. Miranda AB , Fogaça AS , Rizzetto M , Lopes LC . Surgical positioning: nursing care in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 1 ): 52 - 8 .

15. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 .
- 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . , 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . ) in 50% of the articles reviewed.

The findings related to the managerial and care role confirm, in the Brazilian scenario, the magnitude of nurses’ performance in care management, evidencing their involvement in all processes of the sector, enabling assistance to surgical patients. ( 1010. Santos FK , Silva MV , Gomes AM . Understanding the forms of care of nurses in the operating room - a construction based on the grounded theory method . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2014 ; 23 ( 3 ): 696 - 703 . , 1414. Miranda AB , Fogaça AS , Rizzetto M , Lopes LC . Surgical positioning: nursing care in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 1 ): 52 - 8 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . )

Within the SC processes, forecasting material resources and equipment requires nurses’ ability to articulate both in support services and with multidisciplinary teams. ( 22. Martins KN , Bueno AA , Mazoni SR , Machado VB , Evangelista RA , Bolina AF . Management process in surgicenters from the perspective of nurses . Acta Paul Enferm . 2021 ; 43 : eAPE00753 . , 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . , 1111. Campos JA , Costa AC , Dessotte CA , Silveira RC . Scientific production in perioperative nursing from 2003 to 2013 . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 2 ): 81 - 95 . , 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . ) This activity is a daily challenge, considering that the quality of care is intrinsically related to the structural, input and work conditions available. ( 1010. Santos FK , Silva MV , Gomes AM . Understanding the forms of care of nurses in the operating room - a construction based on the grounded theory method . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2014 ; 23 ( 3 ): 696 - 703 . )

Faced with the different socioeconomic realities that make up a veritable health mosaic in Brazil, perioperative nurses find varied conditions for acquiring the necessary supplies for procedures both in the public health system’s reality and in private institutions. Their participation is often limited to a part of the material management process within the SC, when, in reality, they should be involved in the entire process, including their selection and purchase. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . ) The importance of equipment management was an activity recognized in 13 studies of this work. These findings converge with a North American study on the reduction of errors during the perioperative period, in which it is pointed out that the ability of an individual to perform a job safely and to its full potential depends on the interactions they have with other system users, with equipment, tasks, environments and organization. ( 2525. Lorenzi C , Duffy CC . Incorporating human factors in perioperative nursing to reduce errors . AORN J . 2021 ; 114 ( 4 ): 380 - 6 . )

Surgical roster management is a peculiar practice inherent to perioperative nurses, which is guided by planning the agenda of elective, urgent and emergency procedures that demand agility in decision-making with different professional teams and services. ( 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . ) In this context, nurses take over a strategic leadership position in institutions for satisfactory outcomes in perioperative care, as they play a leading role in organizing the work rhythm in the SC.

Monitoring environment and material cleaning quality during SC preparation is one of the essential factors for infection prevention and assembly completeness. ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 .

16. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 .
- 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . ) Reducing the time between surgeries is a challenge, due to the complexity of the numerous synchronized processes that involve this activity. ( 2626. Peralta T , Santos AA , Bourscheit F , Oliveira Junior NJ , Somensi RM , Treviso P . Factors that interfere in the interval time between surgeries: an observational study . Cogit Enferm . 2022 ; 27 : e80800 . ) The management of this condition by nurses has the potential to reduce costs and maintain the flow of care, improving institutional performance. ( 22. Martins KN , Bueno AA , Mazoni SR , Machado VB , Evangelista RA , Bolina AF . Management process in surgicenters from the perspective of nurses . Acta Paul Enferm . 2021 ; 43 : eAPE00753 . )

The number of insufficient staff requires nurses to articulate the staff to reorganize the staff during procedures and reorganize the scale to cover absenteeism, leave, vacations and days off. ( 1616. Martins FZ , Dall’Agnol CM . Surgical center: challenges and strategies for nurses in managerial activities . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2016 ; 37 ( 4 ): e56945 . ) A recent study indicates that due to the need to carry out concomitant activities and a shortage of staff, nurses may face difficulties in managing daily activities and providing care to patients. ( 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) This presented condition finds similar scenarios in the investigated studies, checking elements of the reality of the Brazilian perioperative nursing work organization.

Aiken et al . point out that a higher proportion of nurses working in direct care was associated with better outcomes for patients, better working conditions and hospital safety. ( 2727. Aiken LH , Sloane D , Griffiths P , Rafferty AM , Bruyneel L , McHugh M , Maier CB , Moreno-Casbas T , Ball JE , Ausserhofer D , Sermeus W ; RN4CAST Consortium . Nursing skill mix in European hospitals: cross-sectional study of the association with mortality, patient ratings, and quality of care . BMJ Qual Saf . 2017 ; 26 ( 7 ): 559 - 68 . ) Factors related to the perception of a high workload among perioperative nurses, due to long working hours, may lead to an increase in cases of negligence in SC. ( 2828. Savci A , Karacabay K , Çömez S , Çakir SK , Çelik N . Determining individual workload perceptions and malpractice tendencies among operating room nurses . Clin Exp Health Sci . 2020 ; 10 : 348 - 54 . ) The need to improve the dimensioning of nursing staff in the SC emerges as a strategy to qualify existing practices and increase the safety of the services offered.

To qualify institutional practices, organizations have sought to focus actions on the safety of patients’ experience. For this purpose, the monitoring of care indicators has become an important management tool, in which nurses have performed fundamental activities for data collection and situational analysis. The performance assessment of SC activities through indicators paves the way for the critical review of the main processes, enabling the intervention and development of improvements. ( 2929. Amaral JA , Spiri WC , Bocchi SC . Quality indicators in nursing with emphasis in the surgical center: integrative literature review . Rev SOBECC . 2017 ; 22 ( 1 ): 42 - 51 . Review . )

The implementation of measures to promote the safety of patients through surgery checklist application is also an activity of nurses. ( 22. Martins KN , Bueno AA , Mazoni SR , Machado VB , Evangelista RA , Bolina AF . Management process in surgicenters from the perspective of nurses . Acta Paul Enferm . 2021 ; 43 : eAPE00753 . , 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 1818. Berwanger DC , Matos FG , Alves DA , Oliveira JL . Links between diagnostics, results and nursing interventions for patients in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 4 ): 195 - 204 . , 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . ) However, the main difficulties stand out: the imposing approach, the deficiencies in staff organization for new practices, the composition of the instrument and the understanding of the importance by the staff. Actions and strategies are essential for the implementation process, such as training staff on the subject, feedback on local data, discussions of responsibility and support for leaders and integration of the instrument to existing practices. ( 3030. Ramírez-Torres CA , Pedraz-Marcos A , Maciá-Soler ML , Rivera-Sanz F . A Scoping review of strategies used to implement the surgical safety checklist . AORN J . 2021 ; 113 ( 6 ): 610 - 9 . Review . , 3131. Liu LQ , Mehigan S . A Systematic review of interventions used to enhance implementation of and compliance with the World Health Organization Surgical Safety checklist in adult surgery . AORN J . 2021 ; 114 ( 2 ): 159 - 70 . ) The implementation of measures involving security in the SC, even in the face of the evolution in the face of investments in recent years, still needs to be improved for its effectiveness in institutions’ different realities. ( 3232. Porcari TA , Cavalari PC , Roscani AN , Kumakura AR , Gasparino RC . Safe surgeries: elaboration and validation of a checklist for outpatient surgical procedures . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2020 ; 41 : e20190321 . )

Another care activity carried out by nurses deals with the implementation of a protocol for preventing inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia through the use of forced air equipment and also passively, using heated fluids and keeping patients covered. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . , 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . ) This care is of fundamental importance for postoperative complication prevention such as increased morbidity and surgical infection. ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 99. Guido LA , Goulart CT , Brum CN , Lemos AP , Umann J . Nursing perioperative care:an integrative review of literature . J Res Fundam Care . 2014 ; 6 ( 4 ): 1601 - 9 . ) The incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is associated with risks related to the transoperative period and the immediate postoperative period. The application by nurses of the Caprini scale to identify patients at greater risk of DVT during surgery allows their intervention in the management of resources and equipment available in the institution for this condition. ( 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . )

Within nurses’ care activities, infection prevention demands coordinated actions in all processes: from identifying that instruments are sterilized as well as training the staff and supervising the maintenance processes of the aseptic technique in procedures. ( 1414. Miranda AB , Fogaça AS , Rizzetto M , Lopes LC . Surgical positioning: nursing care in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 1 ): 52 - 8 . )

It is also perceived, by the multidisciplinary team, as an important factor in patient safety for injury prevention resulting from pressure, nurses’ performance within the SC during surgical positioning. ( 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . , 3333. Lopes CM , Haas VJ , Dantas RA , Oliveira CG , Galvão CM . Assessment scale of risk for surgical positioning injuries . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2016 ; 24 : e2704 . ) Nurses must act in assessing patients for risk of injury and participate in positioning along with anesthetists, surgeons and nursing staff. ( 1818. Berwanger DC , Matos FG , Alves DA , Oliveira JL . Links between diagnostics, results and nursing interventions for patients in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 4 ): 195 - 204 . , 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . , 2424. Trevilato DD , Costa MR , Magalhães AM , Caregnato RC . Nurses’ conceptions regarding patient safety during surgical positioning . Rev Gaucha Enferm . 2022 ; 43 : e20210045 . , 3333. Lopes CM , Haas VJ , Dantas RA , Oliveira CG , Galvão CM . Assessment scale of risk for surgical positioning injuries . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2016 ; 24 : e2704 . ) The risk assessment scale for the development of injuries resulting from surgical positioning (ELPO) is one of the tools, developed in Brazil, available for nurses to carry out this preventive action, together with specific devices for patients’ needs. ( 3333. Lopes CM , Haas VJ , Dantas RA , Oliveira CG , Galvão CM . Assessment scale of risk for surgical positioning injuries . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2016 ; 24 : e2704 . )

With a focus on patient care in the perioperative period, SAEP is expressed in the reception and preparation of patients and their families and in clarifying doubts about the perioperative dynamics that support the identification of nursing diagnoses and necessary interventions for safe and humanized care. ( 3434. Luciano FR , Rosa LM , Alvarez AG , Kuze EB . Validation of an instrument to register the systematization of perioperative nursing care . Rev SOBECC . 2019 ; 24 ( 4 ): 200 - 10 . ) Care is developed throughout patients’ stay in the SC until their referral to post-anesthesia recovery or Intensive Care Unit.

Among the new technologies that involve nurses’ care work, robotic surgery demands their presence in the room during the entire procedure, responsibility for setting it up, reviewing equipment, positioning the patient and approaching the robot. ( 1919. Pinto EV , Lunardi LS , Treviso P , Botene DZ . Nurse role in robotic surgery: challenges and prospects . Rev SOBECC . 2018 ; 23 ( 1 ): 43 - 51 . , 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . ) This condition requires nurses to have knowledge of equipment and be prepared to deal with an eventual failure in its components and intercurrences, such as bleeding and conversion to conventional surgery. ( 2020. Martins RC , Trevilato DD , Jost MT , Caregnato RC . Nursing performance in robotic surgeries: integrative review . Rev Bras Enferm . 2019 ; 72 ( 3 ): 795 - 800 . Review . )

In the SC, the nursing care records carried out systematically contribute to the legal documentation of activities and the production of care indicators, by providing information for work process organization. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . , 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . ) The communication of critical information through the shift handover to the nurses of the unit that will receive patients from the SC allows continuity of care. ( 1313. Howes FM , Treviso P , Caregnato RC . Donor-related lung transplant surgeries: nursing practice in the transoperative period . Rev SOBECC . 2015 ; 20 ( 3 ): 171 - 8 . , 1515. Sene ES , Jardim DP . Nursing practice in minimally invasive video-assisted cardiac surgery . Rev SOBECC . 2016 ; 21 ( 3 ): 170 - 7 . , 1717. Lemos CS , Poveda VB , Peniche AC . Construction and validation of a nursing care protocol in anesthesia . Rev Lat Am Enfermagem . 2017 ; 25 : e2952 . , 2222. Lemos CS , Poveda VB . Role of perioperative nursing in anesthesia: a national overview . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2022 ; 56 : e20210465 . ) The use of an instrument for transfer of care is a recommended good practice as a way to standardize information. ( 11. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . Diretrizes de práticas em enfermagem cirúrgica e processamento de produtos para a saúde . 8 a ed. São Paulo : Manole ; 2021 . , 3535. Rose MW , Newman S , Brown C . Postoperative information transfers: an integrative review . J Perianesth Nurs . 2019 ; 34 ( 2 ): 403 – 24 . Review . )

The nursing staff allocation with different professional experiences, the need for ongoing job training as well as turnover and absenteeism rates can also be considered as crucial elements for anesthetic-surgical care. Faced with the technical-scientific evolution and numerous processes present in the SC, it becomes imperative that nurses identify the continuous need for training to provide excellent care. ( 88. Sousa CS , Gonçalves MC , Lima AM , Turrini RN . Advances in the role of surgical center nurses . Rev Enferm UFPE On Line . 2013 ; 7 ( Spe ): 6288 - 93 . , 2121. Gomes ET , Assunção MC , Lins EM , Püschel VA . Nursing in mechanical prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical patients . Rev Esc Enferm USP . 2021 ; 55 : e03738 . ) Permanent health education policies have evolved in their implementation, considering the dynamics of work processes and certification and accreditation programs. However, it is worth pointing out some existing gaps related to the teaching of specific knowledge in SC during nursing graduation. A study identifies that students who attended the SC subject in graduation feel more secure in caring for patients, given the complexity of surgical procedures. ( 3636. Leite AS , Turrini RN . Análise do ensino de Enfermagem em centro cirúrgico nas escolas de São Paulo . Rev Bras Enferm . 2014 ; 67 ( 4 ): 512 - 9 . )

From the review of the literature reviewed, it is identified that the role played by perioperative nurses in the Brazilian scenario approached the bases of their training according to the curricular guidelines: health care, decision-making, communication, leadership, administration and management and permanent educator role ( 3737. Brasil . Ministério da Educação . Conselho Nacional de Educação . Câmara de Educação Superior . Resolução CNE/CES 3/2001 de 9 de Novembro de 2001. Seção 1 , p. 37 [ citado 2022 Mar 1 ]. Disponível em:
) as well as the classification proposed by Peres and Ciampone in the subdivision of nurses’ work process into caring/assisting, administering/managing, researching and teaching. ( 77. Peres AM , Ciampone MH . Gerência e competências gerais do enfermeiro . Texto Contexto Enferm . 2006 ; 15 ( 3 ): 492 - 9 . ) However, there is still a lack of development of activities related to the role of educator and health researcher, emphasizing that the latter was not found in the results of this study.

It was found that perioperative nurses’ managerial activity is not dissociated from direct assistance to patients, giving this professional a strategic leadership position by articulating multiple knowledge and actions in this scenario. This is an invitation to transpose an anachronistic role related to “aseptic isolation” to the role of nurses in mobilizing resources and work processes in the SC for patient-centered care. ( 3838. Associação Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico , Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização (SOBECC) . SOBECC 30 anos: a história da enfermagem em centro cirúrgico, recuperação anestésica e centro de materiais e esterilização/pesquisa histórica e redação: Monica Musatti Cytrynowicz . São Paulo : Narrativa Um ; 2021 . 192 p. )

As a limitation of this study, we understand the methodological choice based on the Brazilian scenario, considering that studies referring to international practices could bring attributions that do not belong to this reality, but that could expand the field of discussion and identification of opportunities in different contexts.


Perioperative nurses’ activities in the Brazilian scenario predominantly revolve around the management and care areas, and to a lesser extent the teaching area. The findings of this study indicate that the performance of nurses in the surgical center is one of the pillars of support for the processes that involve the implementation of surgical treatment. As a contribution to nursing, this review allows identifying gaps in the literature about nurses’ activities in SC in its measurable dimension as well as intervention studies with a view to testing hypotheses about the actions performed by nurses in this area, reverberating opportunities for future research.


To the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Brazil (CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior Brasil ), for the support through the Graduate Support Program (PROAP - Programa de Apoio à Pós-Graduação ).


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Edited by

Associate Editor (Peer review process): Edvane Birelo Lopes De Domenico ( Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Aug 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 July 2022
  • Accepted
    31 May 2023
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil