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Autoxidation of Ni(II) and Co(II) tetra, penta and hexaglycine complexes accelerated by oxy sulfur radicals


The autoxidation of Ni(II) and Co(II) complexes with tetra, penta and hexaglycine, in borate medium, is accelerated by sulfur(IV) species (H2SO3, HSO3- and SO3(2-)). The formation of Ni(III) and Co(III) complexes was followed spectrophotometrically at 325 and 265 nm, respectively. Electrochemical techniques were also employed to characterize the generation of these complexes. The autoxidation rate increases with S(IV) concentration and is maximum at pH <FONT FACE=Symbol>@</FONT> 8.5. The process is autocatalytic with Ni(III) or Co(III) acting as initiators, formed by spontaneous oxidation by oxygen. The dependence of the pseudo first order rate constant with sulfite concentration showed evidences of back or parallel reactions with formation of mixed ligand complex prior to the oxidation step.

nickel; cobalt; pentaglycine; hexaglycine; sulfite

A autoxidação dos complexos de Ni(II) e Co(II) com tetra, penta e hexaglicina, em meio de tampão borato, é acelerada por espécies de enxofre(IV) (H2SO3, HSO3- and SO3(2-)). A formação dos complexos de Ni(III) e Co(III) foi acompanhada espectrofotometricamente em 325 e 265 nm, respectivamente. Técnicas eletroquímicas também foram empregadas para caracterizar a geração destes complexos. A velocidade da reação de autoxidação aumenta com a concentração de S(IV) e é máxima em pH <FONT FACE=Symbol>@</FONT> 8,5. O processo é autocatalítico com Ni(III) ou Co(III) atuando como iniciadores, formados pela oxidação espontânea de Ni(II) ou Co(II) pelo oxigênio molecular. A dependência da constante de velocidade de pseudo-primeira ordem com a concentração de sulfito evidenciou possíveis reações paralelas com formação de um complexo com ligantes mistos antes da etapa da oxidação.


Autoxidation of Ni(II) and Co(II) tetra, penta and hexaglycine complexes accelerated by oxy sulfur radicals

Luciana B. Carvalho; María V. Alipázaga; Denise Lowinsohn; Mauro Bertotti; Nina Coichev* * e-mail:

Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo, CP 26077, 05513-970 São Paulo-SP, Brazil


The autoxidation of Ni(II) and Co(II) complexes with tetra, penta and hexaglycine, in borate medium, is accelerated by sulfur(IV) species (H2SO3, HSO3– and SO3). The formation of Ni(III) and Co(III) complexes was followed spectrophotometrically at 325 and 265 nm, respectively. Electrochemical techniques were also employed to characterize the generation of these complexes. The autoxidation rate increases with S(IV) concentration and is maximum at pH @ 8.5. The process is autocatalytic with Ni(III) or Co(III) acting as initiators, formed by spontaneous oxidation by oxygen. The dependence of the pseudo first order rate constant with sulfite concentration showed evidences of back or parallel reactions with formation of mixed ligand complex prior to the oxidation step.

Keywords: nickel, cobalt, pentaglycine, hexaglycine, sulfite


A autoxidação dos complexos de Ni(II) e Co(II) com tetra, penta e hexaglicina, em meio de tampão borato, é acelerada por espécies de enxofre(IV) (H2SO3, HSO3– and SO3). A formação dos complexos de Ni(III) e Co(III) foi acompanhada espectrofotometricamente em 325 e 265 nm, respectivamente. Técnicas eletroquímicas também foram empregadas para caracterizar a geração destes complexos. A velocidade da reação de autoxidação aumenta com a concentração de S(IV) e é máxima em pH @ 8,5. O processo é autocatalítico com Ni(III) ou Co(III) atuando como iniciadores, formados pela oxidação espontânea de Ni(II) ou Co(II) pelo oxigênio molecular. A dependência da constante de velocidade de pseudo-primeira ordem com a concentração de sulfito evidenciou possíveis reações paralelas com formação de um complexo com ligantes mistos antes da etapa da oxidação.


The S(IV) induced autoxidation of Ni(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) in the presence of complexing medium, where the formation of the metal ion in the 3+ oxidation state can be followed, has been studied by our research group.1-17 Detailed kinetics and mechanistic studies have been done for the systems: Co(II)/(III)/N3–,2 Mn(II)/(III)/N3–,3 Fe(II)/(III)/H2O,18,19 Mn(II)/(III)/Ac–,9 Co(II)/(III)/TRIS,4,15 Ni(II)/(III)/cyclam,7,8 Ni(II)/(III)/OH–,6 Ni(II)/(III)/tetraglycine,14,17 Co(II)/(III)/tetraglycine17 and Cu(II)/(III)/tetra, penta and hexaglycine.5,10,11,16

The oxidation of S(IV) occurs simultaneously with the consumption of oxygen and oxidation of the metal ion complex to the 3+ oxidation state, which could be followed in a suitable complexing medium by spectrophotometric 4,5,10,11,15-17 or amperometric13 methods.

Some sensitive analytical methods for S(IV) in air, rain water, juices, wines and white sugar have been developed based on the linear dependence of the concentration of the metal ion complex (at 3+ oxidation state) and the initial concentration of S(IV).4,5,10,11,14

The S(IV) induced autoxidation of Ni(II) and Co(II) tetraglycine complexes is very fast.17,20 On the other hand, Cu(II) tetraglycine complexes react slowly but traces (10-6 mol L-1) of Ni(II) and Co(II) ions accelerate the oxidation.16 The formation of Ni(III) and Co(III) tetraglycine complexes can be followed spectrophotometrically by absorbance changes at 325 and 265 nm, respectively.

This article reports additional information on the S(IV) induced autoxidation of Ni(II) and Co(II) tetra (G4), penta (G5) and hexaglycine (G6) complexes. Some analytical potentialities and a comparative study on the reactivity of Ni(III) and Co(III) complexes are also described.



All reagents were of analytical grade (Merck or Sigma) and were used as received. Solutions were prepared by using deionised water purified with a Milli-Q Plus Water system (Millipore).

Stock solutions of sulfite (1.00´10-2 mol L-1) were daily prepared by dissolving the Na2S2O5 salt in water previously purged with nitrogen. Water was flushed with nitrogen for at least half an hour to remove dissolved oxygen. To prepare diluted solutions of sulfite, small volumes of the stock solutions were properly added to air saturated water. The sulfite content of the stock solution was determined by iodimetry.21

Ni(II) (0.200 mol L-1) stock solution was prepared from the direct reaction of Ni (powder) (99.99%) with double distilled nitric acid.

Co(II) (0.965 mol L-1) stock solution was prepared from the direct reaction of Co(II) carbonate with perchloric acid followed by standardization with EDTA.22

Spectrophotometric measurements

The metal ion complex solutions containing [Ni(II)] = 4.0´10-4 mol L-1 in borate medium 0.10 mol L-1 (pH = 7.51 - 10.1) or [Co(II)] = 2.0´10-4 mol L-1 in borate buffer 0.10 mol L-1 (pH = 8.48 - 9.30); ionic strength 0.2 mol L-1 (NaClO4), were freshly prepared. NiIIGn and CoIIGn solutions were prepared by dissolving tetraglycine (G4), pentaglycine (G5) or hexaglycine (G6) in borate solution followed by the addition of Ni(II) or Co(II) solution (prepared to have 100% or 10% excess of peptide, respectively).

The kinetics was followed at the wavelength of maximum absorption of the NiIIIGn or CoIIIGn complexes by using an HP8453A diode array spectrophotometer.

The data were obtained by mixing an equal volume of sulfite solution (2.0 - 14) ´ 10-5 mol L-1 and the metal ion complex solution (in borate buffer) in a double compartment cell (0.875 cm optical path length quartz cell) for slow reactions. Pro-K.2000 Stopped-Flow Mixing Accessory was used for the experiments at short time intervals. The final concentrations after the mixture are indicated in all figures.

Air saturated solutions were employed in all experiments and the oxygen concentration was considered to be 2.5´10-4 mol L-1.23 Water was used as reference solution (blank).

A pHmeter Metrohm model 713 with a glass electrode (filled with sat. NaCl) was used in the pH measurements. The temperature was kept at 25.0 °C.

Electrochemical measurements

An Autolab PGSTAT 30 (Eco Chemie) bipotentiostat with the data acquisition software (GPES 4.8 version) was used. Experiments were done in an electrochemical cell with a Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl) and a platinum wire as reference and counter electrodes, respectively. Voltammetry with a rotating ring-disc electrode (RRDE) was carried out using an analytical rotator (AFMSRX) connected to the bipotentiostat. The glassy carbon/glassy carbon ring-disk electrodes (AFMT29) had the following dimensions: disk radius = 0.5613 cm, inner radius of the ring = 0.6248 cm and outer radius of the ring = 0.7925 cm. During rotating ring-disk electrode voltammetric experiments, the disk electrode potential was scanned between the limits 0.2 and 1.0 V, the ring being maintained at 0.0 V to collect the material generated at the disk. 0.05 mol L-1 NaClO4 in borate buffer was used as supporting electrolyte.

The voltammograms were obtained from air saturated solutions containing the metal ion complexes in borate buffer. In order to evaluate the effect of S(IV) on the voltammetric profile, very small volumes of S(IV) solutions were added to the electrochemical cell. The S(IV) concentration in the final solutions is indicated in the figures.

Results and Discussion

The sulfite induced autoxidation of NiIIGn

NiIIGn complexes have maximum absorbance peaks at 250 and 410 nm. In the case of NiIIG4 complex, literature24 reports an equilibrium between the blue octahedral [NiIIG4]+ and the yellow square planar [NiII(H–3G4)] complexes. The amount of [NiII(H–1G4)] and [NiII(H–2G4)]– in solution is not appreciable at pH = 9.0 (H–1Gn, H–2Gn and H–3Gn refer to the peptide ligand with 1, 2 and 3 deprotonated peptide nitrogen coordinated to nickel ion). In the present work, the transition from the octahedral to the square-planar geometry could be followed at 250 nm by the absorbance increasing, a constant value being reached after 10 minutes.

NiIIG5 (2.0´10-4 mol L-1) reacts slowly with oxygen in an autocatalytic process with induction period of 10000 s (at pH=8.50, borate buffer). However, in the presence of S(IV) the formation of NiIIIG5 complexes becomes much faster and reaches an absorbance limit after 1 s.

The S(IV) induced autoxidation of NiIIGn complexes was studied following the absorbance changes at 325 nm. Figure 1A and 1A' show the spectra obtained before and after 0.8 s of addition of 5.0x10-5 mol L-1 sulfite to a NiIIG5 solution. An absorption band at 325 nm is observed due to the formation of NiIIIG5.

Figure 2 shows the effect of the medium acidity on the formation and decomposition of NiIIIG5. The maximum absorbance is reached at approximately 0.8 s as result of the fast S(IV) induced autoxidation of NiIIG5 complex; a maximum value was observed at pH=8.50. The further decomposition of NiIIIG5 complex increases with the increase of the pH, a similar behavior being observed with NiIIIG4 and NiIIIG6 complexes. The NiIIIG4 complex formed in absence of sulfite decomposes with oxidation of the ligand.20

The Olis Kinfit25 and Pro-K.2000 26 set of programs were employed to fit the absorbance-time traces. However, no good approach was achieved. Therefore, the first order formation of NiIIIGn (kobs) was obtained by the initial slope (ln (Absorbancet) – ln (Absorbancei) vs. time plots, neglecting the induction period (less than 0.1 s). Unfortunately, the software from Pro-K.2000 Stopped-Flow Mixing Accessory (on line with HP8453A diode array spectrophotometer) allows data acquisition with time interval of 0.1 s, such as after the induction period only three or four points were available to obtain the initial slope. This part of the kinetic trace exhibits the maximum rate for NiIIIGn formation.2,27

The kobsvs. pH, represented in Figure 2(B), can be subject of some error due to the interference of the induction period (an evidence of autocatalytic process) and further decomposition of NiIIIG5 complex (especially at higher pH). kobs values increase with pH in the range of 7.5 – 9.0 likely because of the different degree of protonation of the nickel complexes, which is dependent on the medium acidity. The [NiII(H–3G5)] is probably the main species in solution at pH 8.5 - 9.0.

For instance, the pK3 for NiIIG4 ([NiII(H-3G4)]. [H+]/[NiII(H-2G4)] –) is 8.120 showing that at this pH the ratio [NiII(H-2G4)]– : [NiII(H-3G4)] is 1:1. At pH = 8.5, the predominant specie of Ni(III) complexes must be [NiIII(H–3G4)]–.

For comparative studies, a kinetic investigation on the S(IV) induced autoxidation of NiIIGn complexes was carried out at pH=8.50, in air saturated solution. At this pH, the Ni(III) formation was more efficient and its decomposition is slower (Figure 2(A)).

The dependence of NiIIIG5 formation on the S(IV) concentration (Figure 3(A)) could only be studied over a limited concentration range where the initial [S(IV)] = (0.05 – 0.35) ´ [Ni(II)]. At [S(IV)] > 7´10-5 mol L-1 the reduction of NiIIIG5 formed may occur in an air saturated solution ([O2] @ 2.5´10-4 mol L-1).23 Experiments following NiIIIG4 and NiIIIG6 formation showed similar Absorbance ´ time profiles (data not shown). Experiments at [S(IV)] lower than 1´10-5 mol L-1 would better define the intercept observed in the Figure 3(B), which is due to either a back or parallel reaction. However, the absorbance changes at such lower S(IV) concentrations were not significant. Due to the lack of sufficiently detailed experimental information, the proposed kinetic data treatment yields a semi-quantitative description. Therefore, in the present work only the main pathways in the intrinsic mechanism are described.

Figure 3(A) shows a small induction period, which depends on the initial [S(IV)]. Absorbance values after 1 s are linear with initial [S(IV)], hence they may be used for analytical purposes. At longer scale (t > 3s) the absorbance decreases as a consequence of the decomposition of NiIIIGn complexes.


As already shown in our previous work,7,17 the sulfite induced autoxidation of NiIIG4 is an autocatalytic process involving a chain of redox reactions with free radical formation.

The Scheme 1 describes the main reactions involving a redox cycling for the oxidation of NiIIGn complexes promoted by the strong oxidizing agents (SO4•–, SO5•– and HSO5–) generated in the reaction.

The autocatalytic process needs the initiator NiIIIGn to start the reaction (equation 6). Small amounts of this species are produced by direct oxidation of NiIIGn by dissolved oxygen (equation 1).17,20 This step initiates the reaction between NiIIIGn and SO3 (equation 6) with formation of SO3•–, which reacts with O2 producing SO5•– (equation 7). The oxidation of NiIIGn occurs with simultaneous consumption of O26,8,9 and S(IV) oxidation. The balance of S(IV) and O2 controls the redox cycling process.2,3,6,8,18,19,28-36 In this process type the interaction of the metal ion (such as Fe3+, Mn3+, Co3+ and Ni3+) with HSO3– or SO3, at low concentrations, results in the oxidation of SO3 to the radical SO3•– and the reduction of the metal ion to the 2+ state. In the presence of oxygen, the metal ion is oxidized back to higher oxidation state. This redox cycling was clearly demonstrated for Co(II)/(III)/ N3–,33 Mn(II)/(III)/N3–,33 Fe(II)/(III)/H2O,32 Ni(II)/(III)/OH–,6 Ni(II)/(III)/cyclam.8

Some studies in the literature9,31 clearly show the importance of Fe(III) as one possible initiator, present as unavoidable impurity in chemicals or even in highly purified water. If Fe(III) is considered as the initiator, SO3•– could be generated by the reduction of Fe(III) by SO3 (similar to equation 6), with further oxidation of NiIIGn (equations 8, 10-12). As the present studies were carried out at pH = 8.50, Fe(III) impurities may be present as hydrolyzed species and equation 6 must be important in the initiation process.

The intercept and constant value of kobs at higher S(IV) concentration (in the case of NiIIG5 and NiIIG6 autoxidation) in Figure 3(B) can be interpreted as an evidence of back or parallel reaction, as represented by equation 5. The formation of mixed ligand complex (equations 2 and 3), prior to the oxidation step (equation 4), may involve a slow dechelation process of the Gn ligand with coordination of sulfite and O2 to NiIIGn. An internal electron transfer could produce [NiIII (H–2Gn)SO3] (equation 4). In a posterior step Ni(III) is reduced by SO3 to give [NiII(H-3Gn)] and SO3•–.

Two studies in the literature about Ni(II)/(III) peptide complex are relevant in the present discussion. Lepentsiotis et al.36 proposed the formation of NiIIIL (SO4•–) (L=lysylglycylhistidine carboxiamide), where the SO4•– radical may coordinate to NiIIIL complex. Green et al.37 considered the formation of reactive dimmer species of Ni(II) and Ni(III)Gly2HisGly complexes in the oxidative self-decomposition of Ni(III) complex.

The sulfite induced autoxidation of CoIIGn

Figure 1B shows the spectrum of a CoIIG5 solution (pH = 9.05) recently prepared. The CoIIIG5 formation in air saturated solution, in absence or presence of S(IV), can be followed by the absorbance changes at 265 nm (Figure 1B').

A solution of 1.0´10-4 mol L-1 of CoIIGn complexes was chosen for the kinetic studies since Co(OH)3 may be formed at higher concentrations of Co(II) after 120 minutes. The precipitation of Co(OH)3 could also be prevented by keeping Gn ligand in excess (10%).

In the absence of sulfite the autoxidation of CoIIG5 is relatively slow and becomes faster by increasing the pH (Figure 4(A)). At pH 8.48 – 9.05 (Figure 4(B) a-c) the effect of S(IV) by accelerating CoIIIG5 formation can be better evaluated (compare Figure 4(A) and 4(B)), since the spontaneous oxidation by dissolved oxygen is slower.

Similarly to NiIIGn complexes, the reaction rate and effectiveness of Co(III) formation may be related to the different reactive species of CoIIG5 due to the different protonation degree of the coordinated ligand, which is dependent on the solution acidity. As pK values for [CoII (H-xGn)](1-x) or [CoIII(H-xGn)](2-x) are unknown, it is not possible to define the distribution diagram of the different species in the solution. Besides, a shift in the HSO3–/SO3 equilibrium (pK2 = 7.2)38 will lead to an increase in the redox rate constant at pH>7.

The spontaneous oxidation of CoIIGn by dissolved oxygen was faster by increasing the pH, CoIIGn and ligand concentrations. For instance, the CoIIIGn formation in the presence or absence of sulfite exhibits a remarkable dependence on the free ligand concentration (G5 was kept in excess 0 – 200% over CoIIG5, data not shown), the reaction becoming faster with higher CoIIIG5 formation.

In order to better evaluate the accelerating effect of S(IV) on the CoIIIGn formation, experimental conditions must be such that the spontaneous oxidation by O2 is minimized (Figure 5, [S(IV)]=zero) and the S(IV) effect is more pronounced.

Comparing NiIIG5 and CoIIG5 ([MIIG5]=1.0´10-4 mol L-1, 100% G5 in excess, at pH = 9.05, data not shown), the later reacts faster with O2 (in absence of S(IV)). However, Co(III) complexes formation is much slower in the presence of sulfite (compare Figures 3(A) and 5(B)). CoIIIGn complexes seem to be stable for 20 hours (the monitored time) since the absorbance at 265 nm does not change.

Figure 5 shows no clear induction period, which may indicate the formation of a significant amount of Co(III) as a result of spontaneous oxidation by oxygen.

Also in this case, the dependence of Co(III) formation with S(IV) concentration was studied over a limited concentration range [S(IV)] = (0.1-0.5) ´ [Co(II)]. The experiments were not carried out under pseudo-first order conditions (Co(II) and O2 in large excess over S(IV)).

The Olis Kinfit25 set of program was employed to fit the absorbance-time traces and two exponential functions could be fitted (Table 1), resulting k1obs and k2obs. It means that there are at least two consecutive steps, with rate constant values with different order of magnitude. However, it was not possible to fit the complete absorbance vs time trace with three or four exponential functions.

For CoIIG4 complex, k1obs showed a dependence with S(IV), while k2obs = 2.0x10-3 s-1 was found to be constant. These results are in agreement with our previous work.17 k1obs and k2obs do not depend on S(IV) concentration for CoIIIG5 and CoIIIG6 complexes formation.

The fact that the sulfite induced autoxidation of CoIIG4 is faster than CoIIG5 and CoIIG6 complex could be associated to a steric effect of the ligands.

The CoIIIGn formation, especially in the case of CoIIIG5 (Figure 5(B)) and CoIIIG6 (Figure 5(C)), is the sum of spontaneous oxidation by dissolved oxygen and S(IV) accelerating effect. Initially, the sulfite induced autoxidation of CoIIGn occurs with simultaneous oxidation of S(IV). After the S(IV) consumption, the autocatalytic CoIIIGn formation is due to the oxygen still remaining in solution (the absorbance did not reach a limit value).

The sulfite induced autoxidation of CoIIGn complexes also shows evidence for a mechanism involving formation of radicals. The initiation may also involve a parallel reaction with formation of a mixed ligand complex. Accordingly, literature shows that CoIISO3 is fairly stable.39

In the Scheme 1 (proposed for the sulfite induced autoxidation of NiIIGn), additional steps must be considered in the initiation process for CoIIIGn generation, with formation of dimeric complexes with oxygen adduct and peroxo bridges.

Studies40 with Co(II) peptides (gly-gly, gly-ala, ala-gly and ala-ala) showed the formation of dimeric complexes with m-superoxo bridges. In the case of CoIIaspargine, the formation of dioxygen complex occurs prior to the oxidation of the metal center.41

The pH dependence of CoIIGn oxidation by oxygen (in the presence or absence of sulfite), Figure 4, may be explained by the possible formation of oxygen adduct or m-superoxo bridge. This property of Co(II)/(III) complexes may explain the different behavior of CoIIGn compared to NiIIGn in the presence of oxygen and sulfite.

Electrochemical studies of the oxidation of NiIIG4 and CoIIG4

The voltammetric behavior of NiIIG4 complexes (in borate medium pH=9) has been already described in a previous work.17 Data obtained in this work suggested that the electrochemical process is reversible, the electrogenerated NiIIIG4 is not stable in solution (see Figure 2d) and its is decomposed via ligand oxidation. Rotating ring-disc electrode voltammetry was used to characterize the degradation reaction of the NiIIIG4 generated species.

We have extended in this work the investigation of the electrodic process of Ni(II) penta and hexaglycine complexes. Figure 6(a) shows RRDE voltammograms of a NiIIG5 solution; from the analysis of the data it is possible to conclude that a free-soluble species is generated during the sweep to positive potentials owing to the signal appearance at the ring. The anodic wave and the concurrent cathodic wave are one-electron processes represented by equations 13 and 15.

Similar results were obtained by carrying out the electrochemical experiments in solutions containing hexaglycine (results not shown). Data from this work are similar to those reported in the NiIIG4 system by analyzing both the existence of an anodic signal at around 0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl and the formation of a Ni(III) complex in solution.

The collection efficiency (N), defined as the ratio of the limiting current values measured at the ring and the disk electrodes, indicates the amount of material electro generated at the disk that reaches the ring. Typical N values for Fe(CN)6 (an electroactive species whose cathodic reduction leads to the stable Fe(CN)6 anion) are close to 0.37; it is necessary to point out that in the Fe(CN)6/ Fe(CN)6 system any subsequent chemical reaction occurs after the generation of Fe(CN)6. Collection efficiency (N) values were measured for the NiIIG4, NiIIG5 and NiIIG6 systems and the respective values ranged from 0.22 to 0.27, 0.29 to 0.32 and 0.25 to 0.31, by performing experiments at different rotation rate values (400 to 3600 rpm); these results indicate that degradation of the electro generated Ni(III) complexes occurs during the transport to the ring (equation 14), as previously suggested for the NiIIG4 system.

Upon addition of S(IV) to solutions containing NiIIG6 no significant change was observed in the voltammetric profile, a comparable behavior being observed when experiments were performed in medium containing NiIIG5. These results suggest that the small amount of NiIIIG6, formed by the sulfite induced autoxidation of NiIIG6, probably is converted to the same Ni(II) complex during the timescale of the experiment, justifying the superposition of voltammetric curves in Figure 6(b). It should be pointed out that in the NiIIG4 system a small decrease in the anodic signal was observed,17 that would suggest a different pathway for the Ni(III) degradation in solutions containing G4.

Voltammetric experiments were also carried out for solutions containing CoIIG5 and CoIIG6. Similar results as those described in the CoIIG4 system were observed, i.e., an irreversible anodic process with peak potential around 0.5 V.17 After addition of S(IV) a decrease in the anodic response was observed for both CoIIG5 and CoIIG6 complexes, as shown in the voltammetric cycles in Figure 7. This is an evidence of the chemical formation of some Co(III) complex, which is electro inactive at the potential range studied. As previously discussed, there is also a possible formation of a mixed ligand complex between CoIIG5 and SO3 in the solution, prior to the CoII oxidation. The slight shift of the half wave potential by increasing S(IV) concentration can be an evidence of the different nature of the Co(II) electroactive species still remaining in the solution.


In the present work the formation of Ni(III) and Co(III) complexes could be followed by spectrophotometry and cyclic voltammetry. The exact nature of these complexes and of the products (structures, protonation degree of the ligands and mixed complexes) is unknown.

The complexity of the system does not allow a definitive assignment of the involved species. The redox process is more effective when oxygen is kept in large excess over sulfite concentration and higher pH. An important aspect to consider is the decomposition of NiIIIGn complexes at pH higher than 9.0, so it was not possible the accurate data treatment.

The mechanism elucidation for the autoxidation of CoIIGn complex is more complicated since species as mixed ligand complex and dimeric complexes with µ-superoxo bridges may be involved.

The redox cycling represented in the Scheme 1, involving changes in the oxidation state of the metal ion complex, is active as long as sulfite and oxygen are present in the solution to generate the SO5•–, HSO5– and SO4•– species.

The understanding of the redox cycling process of NiIIIGn/NiIIGn and CoIIIGn/CoIIGn is of interest not only in atmospheric processes but also in the treatment of gaseous effluents to assist pollution control systems development since these metal ion complexes can be efficient catalysts of sulfur compounds. Is necessary to mention also that DNA and RNA damage can be correlated with nickel and cobalt ion catalyzed S(IV) autoxidation.48-51


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (CNPq) (Brazilian agencies).

Received: April 17, 2006

Published on the web: October 5, 2006

FAPESP helped in meeting the publication costs of this article.

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  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      29 Jan 2007
    • Date of issue
      Dec 2006


    • Accepted
      05 Oct 2006
    • Received
      17 Apr 2006
    Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química - UNICAMP, Caixa Postal 6154, 13083-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel./FAX.: +55 19 3521-3151 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil