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Adjusting Editing With the International State of the Art: Paidéia Adopts XML Language to Markup Full Texts

Paidéia takes yet another important step on the route towards internationalization, adopting XML language to mark full texts as from this issue. In cooperation with the editors of the journals indexed in the collection SciELO Brazil, the SciELO/FAPESP Program is promoting the adoption of editing and publication services in accordance with the international state of the art, based on full texts marked up in XML language, following the new adapted DTD SciELO, with slight modifications in the DTD of PubMed Central (PMC), maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine ( By adopting this new DTD to mark its papers, Paidéia is taking the forefront among its fellow Brazilian Psychology journals.

The main advantage in the adoption of publications in XML by the SciELO/FAPESP is to enrich the lay-out and, hence, the treatment of the texts, with detailed identification of the bibliographic elements and other structures of the paper, permitting different types of presentation in a wide range of devices. Texts in XML permit the production of texts in HTML, PDF, EPUB, among others, at a considerably lower cost.

Editors and publishers are becoming familiar with the characteristics of publishing in XML and the advantages of adopting the mark-up of texts according to the PMC, with a view to publication in the SciELO collection. Health science journals are expected to implement this updated lay-out and publication technology by December 2013, and the other journals in SciELO by the end of 2014. Paidéia is starting the process simultaneously with Health Science journals, following the recommendation to journals in other areas to adopt the new DTD as quickly as possible, due to the advantages this language offers.

Pursuing the internationalization movement, as from issue 54, Paidéia is published solely in English, in the on-line as well as the print version. The publication in English is in line with the targets set in the journal’s Plan of Action, with a view to enhancing the impact of its articles and broadening the dialogue with the international community.

This issue 55, volume 23 of Paidéia opens with the article entitled Cultural Consonance, Religion and Psychological Distress in an Urban Community , authored by William W. Dressler, from the University of Alabama, USA, aimed at investigating if religion can moderate the association between cultural consonance and psychological distress. This paper focuses on a research conducted in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, using a mixed-methods design in a survey of 271 individuals. The results show that low cultural consonance was associated with higher psychological distress in a multiple regression analysis, and that members of Pentecostal Protestant churches reported lower psychological distress, independently of the effect of cultural consonance.

Subsequently, the article Intergenerational Solidarity and Satisfaction With Life: Mediation Effects With Emerging Adults , written by Susana Coimbra from Universidade do Port o, Portugal, and Marina Goulart Mendonça from Keele University, Staffordshire, UK, aimed to examine the mediation effect of familism, filial maturity and relationship satisfaction between different directions of support and satisfaction with life. Data was collected in a convenience sample of 243 emerging adults, students and workers. Results proved the mediation effect of the study variables and suggest that the magnitude of this impact depends on the direction of the support.

The study Development of Instruments to Assess Shame and Guilt in Adolescents: Empirical Differences Between the Constructs , authored by Lorena Maria Laskoski, Jean Carlos Natividade and Claudio Simon Hutz from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil, aimed to develop and validate instruments to assess shame and guilt and to test the empirical independence of the constructs. The constructs showed to be correlated but independent. The authors considered that there is sufficient evidence to affirm that shame and guilt are emotions with distinctive peculiarities and can be measured using the instruments developed in this research.

The article Bender Gestalt Visual-Motor Test - Sistema de Pontuação Gradual (B-SPG): A Study With Different Samples , authored by Ana Paula Porto Noronha, Fabián Javier Marín Rueda and Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos Santos, from Universidade de São Francisco , Brazil, aimed to analyze differences between children’s performances on the Bender – Sistema de Pontuação Gradual (B-SPG) [Gradual Scoring System] in the States of Minas Gerais and Paraíba, Brazil, and to compare them with the results presented in the test manual. The mean B-SPG scores between the children from Minas Gerais and Paraiba were very similar and not statistically significant. Regarding the comparison between the two states and the normative sample, three results were significant, two of which favored the children from São Paulo and the other the children from Minas Gerais and Paraíba, showing little variation in the results of the B-SPG.

The following article, Graduate and Undergraduate Studies: Neighbors Without Affinity? , written by Paulo Rogério Meira Menandro from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo , Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho from Universidade Federal do Pará , Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos from Universidade Federal da Bahia , and Oswaldo Hajime Yamamoto from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte , Brazil, presents two sets of information of historical interest for Psychology: regarding the context in which the profession of psychologist was regulated, and the graduate education. These sets of information are used to discuss the difficulty in promoting de facto articulation between undergraduate and graduate level programs.

The study entitled Multimodal Analysis of Estimated and Observed Social Competence in Preschoolers With/Without Behavior Problems , by Talita Pereira Dias, Maria Stella Coutinho de Alcântara Gil and Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette, from Universidade Federal de São Carlos , Brazil, was aimed at assessing the differences and similarities in the social competence of 26 preschoolers. Children’s performance in each situation was assessed by judges and estimated by mothers and teachers. There was a similarity in the social competence estimated by mothers, teachers and in the performance observed. The authors stated that only the teachers distinguished the groups in terms of higher social competence in the group with social skills and lower in the internalizing and mixed groups.

The next article, Parent-Infant Psychotherapy and Postpartum Depression: The Father’s Participation , written by Milena da Rosa Silva from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Luiz Carlos Prado from Instituto da Família de Porto Alegre , and Cesar Augusto Piccinini from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil, presents an investigation of the participation of fathers in parent-infant psychotherapy in the context of maternal postpartum depression. Two families participated in this study, both with a child aged between seven and eight months old, whose mothers showed depressive symptoms. Results revealed that the analysis of the fathers’ participation in psychotherapy showed that their presence during sessions enables the therapy to address aspects of parenthood, and also reduce the feeling of mothers as being the only ones responsible for the family’s process of change.

Following the contributions, the article Naming New Stimuli After Exclusion Selection , by Aline Roberta Aceituno da Costa from the Universidade de São Paulo (Bauru), Priscila Crespilho Grisante from the Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo), and Camila Domeniconi, Júlio César Coelho de Rose and Deisy das Graças de Souza from Universidade Federal de São Carlos , Brazil, aimed to investigate the amount of exposure required for eight preschoolers to name two undefined pictures, matched by exclusion, to two undefined words. Results showed that correct naming tended to occur more forceful when control was by selection.

The article The Role of Morphosyntactic Awareness in Conventional Lexical Segmentation , by Sandra Regina Kirchner Guimarães from Universidade Federal do Paraná , Brazil, examined the conventional segmentation of words and its relation to morphosyntactic awareness in a sample of students in the 4th and 5th years of elementary education in public schools. Results revealed a discrepancy between the oral identification of words and performance in the segmentation of writing.

The study Learning Strategies and Emotional Regulation of Pedagogy Students , written by Denise Bortoletto and Evely Boruchovitch from Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brazil, investigated the learning strategies and emotional regulation of 298 students of private and public university teacher training courses in a city in the State of Minas Gerais. The study also examined the joint contribution of emotional regulation, age group and course year in the learning strategy scores of the participants. Results showed a positive, significant, moderate correlation between learning strategies and emotional regulation strategies.

The article Skills Society and Cognition Policies in the Formation of Teachers , by Rosimeri de Oliveira Dias and Virgínia Kastrup from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro , Brazil, analyzed the preparation of teachers and its relationships with the skills society. The investigation suggests that the processes that reduce formation to training and information, aiming for the development of abilities and competences, consider formation as the acquisition of knowledge ready to be consumed. In another direction, training is an inventive process, which is based on problematization and the knowledge construction experience.

The next article, Childhood Cancer: Meanings Attributed to the Disease by Parent Caregivers , by Alberto Manuel Quintana, Shana Hastenpflug Wottrich, Valéri Pereira Camargo and Evandro de Quadros Cherer, from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria , Brazil, aimed to comprehend the meanings that parents/caregivers of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer attribute to their child’s disease. Data were collected through group discussions and individual interviews with the parents/caregivers of children/adolescents and categorized using content analysis. It was concluded that the childhood cancer causes repercussions in the family relationships.

Concluding the issue, the review Consequences of Exposure to Domestic Violence for Children: A Systematic Review of the Literature , by Lélio Moura Lourenço from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora , Makilim Nunes Baptista from Universidade de São Francisco , Luciana Xavier Senra, Adriana A. Almeida, Caroline Basílio and Fernanda Monteiro de Castro Bhona from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora , Brazil, reports on a systematic review of the literature on the consequences of exposure to domestic violence for children. 122 articles were selected. The United States and Brazil accounted for the majority of the publications, with children being the main victims.

This issue closes with the Paidéia Publication Standards. We hope the readers can appreciate the richness of the contributions and have a fruitful and enjoyable reading.

Manoel Antônio dos Santos

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    May-Aug 2013
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Av.Bandeirantes 3900 - Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, Tel.: (55 16) 3315-3829 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil