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Políticas sociais em transformação: crianças e adolescentes na era dos direitos


Observa-se que, no Brasil, apesar das inovações referentes aos direitos da criança e do adolescente, persistem idéias e práticas antigas que, não garantindo estes direitos, continuam voltadas para situações de emergência, como os programas de atenção aos chamados "meninos de rua". É recente e ainda pouco expressiva a busca de ações preventivas, desenvolvidas em suas famílias e comunidades e voltadas para a proteção, defesa e garantia de seus direitos. Neste texto, é analisada a importância destas ações como um dos meios possíveis de melhorar as oportunidades de vida para a população jovem de baixa renda no contexto urbano, mudando de enfoque, situando a criança na chamada "era dos direitos" e discutindo um sistema que vise o desenvolvimento integral de todas as crianças no Brasil.

Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente; prevenção; era dos direitos

In spite of innovations concerning children and teenagers' rights, old practices are still present in Brazil, as these rights are not guaranteed .Only in emergency cases , attention to the so called street boys and girls is given. Actually search for preventive actions is very little; as they are developed in families and communities concerned with these issues. In this paper, the importance of these actions as a way of making living chances for young and poor fellows better in the urban context is analysed ; likewise changing approaches which place children at a time of human rights are also analysed . A system which will thoroughly develop all Brazilian children is discussed.

Statute of Children and Teenagers'; prevention; right time


Políticas sociais em transformação: crianças e adolescentes na era dos direitos

Irene Rizzini; Gary Barker; Neide Cassaniga


Observa-se que, no Brasil, apesar das inovações referentes aos direitos da criança e do adolescente, persistem idéias e práticas antigas que, não garantindo estes direitos, continuam voltadas para situações de emergência, como os programas de atenção aos chamados "meninos de rua". É recente e ainda pouco expressiva a busca de ações preventivas, desenvolvidas em suas famílias e comunidades e voltadas para a proteção, defesa e garantia de seus direitos. Neste texto, é analisada a importância destas ações como um dos meios possíveis de melhorar as oportunidades de vida para a população jovem de baixa renda no contexto urbano, mudando de enfoque, situando a criança na chamada "era dos direitos" e discutindo um sistema que vise o desenvolvimento integral de todas as crianças no Brasil.

Palavras-chave: Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, prevenção, era dos direitos.


In spite of innovations concerning children and teenagers' rights, old practices are still present in Brazil, as these rights are not guaranteed .Only in emergency cases , attention to the so called street boys and girls is given. Actually search for preventive actions is very little; as they are developed in families and communities concerned with these issues. In this paper, the importance of these actions as a way of making living chances for young and poor fellows better in the urban context is analysed ; likewise changing approaches which place children at a time of human rights are also analysed . A system which will thoroughly develop all Brazilian children is discussed.

Key-words: Statute of Children and Teenagers', prevention, right time.

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CENTER FOR POLICY STUDIES IN EDUCATION, FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY. Asserting the education rights of street and working children: lessons from the field. Tallahassee, Florida, 1994.

CHALHUB, T. Homeless children in Rio de Janeiro : Exploring the Meanings of Street Life. Children & Youth Care Forum, New York, v. 26, n. 3, June 1997.

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PILOTTI, F.; RIZZINI, I. (Ed.). A arte de governar crianças: a história das políticas sociais, da legislação e da assistência à infância no Brasil [The art of governing children: the history of social policies, legislation and child welfare in Brazil]. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Interamericano del Niño/CESPI/USU/AMAIS, 1995.

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PROJETO AXE. Meninos que vivem nas ruas de Salvador - Mapeamento e contagem [Children living in the streets of Salvador - Mapping and counting]. Salvador, Bahia (Unpublished mimeog), 1993.

RIBEIRO, R.; SABÓIA, A. L. Children in Brazil: Legislation and citizenship. In: RIZZINI, I. (Ed.). Children in Brazil today: a challenge for the third millennium. Rio de Janeiro: EDUSU, 1994.

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  • ADORNO, S. Children in Brazil: legislation and citizenship. In: RIZZINI, I. (Ed.). Children in Brazil today: a challenge for the third millennium. Rio de Janeiro: EDUSU, 1994.
  • BARKER, G. Assisting at-risk urban youth in Northeast Brazil: a project to prevent delinquency, abandonment and child prostitution. Brasilia: U.S. Agency for International Development (unpublished report), 1994.
  • ______. Integrated service models for youth: an analysis of selected international experiences. Washington : World Bank (unpublished working paper), 1996.
  • ______; FONTES, M. Review and analysis of international experience with programs targeted on at-risk youth Washington: World Bank/Working Paper n. 5, 1996.
  • ______; KNAUL, F. Exploited entrepreneurs: street and working children in developing countries. New York: Childhope-USA/Working Paper n. 1, 1991.
  • BLACK, M. Street and working children. INNOCENTI GLOBAL SEMINAR (1993: Florence). Summary Report Florence: UNICEF, 1993.
  • BOYDEN, J.; HOLDEN, P. Children of the Cities London: 1991.
  • BRUCE, J. et al. Families in focus : new perspectives on mothers, fathers, and children. New York: Population Council, 1995.
  • CARVALHO, M. A. C. de. Street pedagogy: principles extracted from a practical analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON LEARNING (1992: Porto Alegre). Paper... Porto Alegre, 1992.
  • CENTER FOR POLICY STUDIES IN EDUCATION, FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY. Asserting the education rights of street and working children: lessons from the field. Tallahassee, Florida, 1994.
  • CHALHUB, T. Homeless children in Rio de Janeiro : Exploring the Meanings of Street Life. Children & Youth Care Forum, New York, v. 26, n. 3, June 1997.
  • DEWEES, A.; KLEES, S. J. Social movements and the transformation of national policy : street and working children in Brazil. Comparative Education Review, v. 39, n. 1, Feb. 1995.
  • ECA em Revista [The Statute of the Child and Adolescent]. São Paulo. April/May/1997.
  • ENNEW, J.; MILNE, B. The next generation - Lives of the third world children. London: Zed Books Ltd., 1989.
  • ERIKSON, E. Childhood and Society New York: W.W. Norman & Company, 1963.
  • FAUSTO, A.; CERVINI, R. O trabalho e a rua: crianças e adolescentes no Brasil urbano in the 1980's (Work and Street: Children and Adolescents in Urban Brazil in the 1980s). São Paulo: Cortez, 1991.
  • GAMBONE, M.; ARBETON, A. Safe havens: The contributions of youth organizations to healthy adolescent development. Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures, 1997.
  • MYERS, W. Alternative services for street children: the brazilian approach. In: BEQUELE, A.; BOYDEN, J. Combating child labour Geneva: International Labour Office, 1988.
  • ______. (Ed.). Protecting working children London: Zed Books/UNICEF, 1991.
  • NETO, P. Reform and social development project: evaluation of the program Living and Learning - ABC Community Project. Fortaleza, 1994. Unpublished.
  • OLIVEIRA, J.S. (Org.). O traço da desigualdade social no Brasil [Social inequality in Brazil]. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 1993.
  • PILOTTI, F.; RIZZINI, I. (Ed.). A arte de governar crianças: a história das políticas sociais, da legislação e da assistência à infância no Brasil [The art of governing children: the history of social policies, legislation and child welfare in Brazil]. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Interamericano del Niño/CESPI/USU/AMAIS, 1995.
  • PITTMAN, K.; CAHILL, M. A new vision: promoting youth development. Washington, DC/New York: Center for Youth Development and Policy Research/Academy for Educational Development (Commissioned Paper #3), 1991.
  • RIBEIRO, R.; SABÓIA, A. L. Children in Brazil: Legislation and citizenship. In: RIZZINI, I. (Ed.). Children in Brazil today: a challenge for the third millennium. Rio de Janeiro: EDUSU, 1994.
  • ______.(1997b). Childhood and national identity. Paper presented at the urban childhood conference. The Norwegian Centre For Child Research. Trondheim, Norway.
  • ______. Poor children in Latin America: a case example of social inequality. Children's Legal Rights Journal, Chicago, v. 18, n. 1, 1998a.
  • ______. et al. Childhood and urban poverty in Brazil: Street and working children and their families. Florence, Italy: UNICEF International Child Development Centre, 1992.
  • ______.; BARKER, G., CASSANIGA, N. From street children to all children. improving the opportunities of low income urban children and youth in Brazil. In: THE JOHANN JACOBS CONFERENCE (1998d). Lake Constance, Germany, 1998d.
  • ______.; BARKER, G. One step forward, two steps back: children and youth in the face of change in Brazil. South Carolina: Childwatch International, 1998b. Mimeog.
  • ______.; BETTEGA, M. O.; SILVA, P. V. B. da. Criança, adolescente e integração social Curitiba: Secretaria Municipal da Criança (Geprocari), 1998c. Mimeog.
  • SALES, M. A.; ALENCAR, M. M. T. de. O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e a Política Social para a Infância e Juventude. Em Pauta, Rio de Janeiro, n. 11, 1997.
  • SCHNIEDMAN, M. Targeting at-risk youth: rationales, approaches to service delivery and monitoring and evaluation issues. Washington, DC: World Bank (Unpublished mimeog.), 1996.
  • SHERRADEN, M. Community-based youth services in international perspective Washington, DC: Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 1992.
  • STEPHENS, S. Children and the politics of culture New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • UNDP Report (1993, 1994).
  • UNICEF. Situation analysis-country programme 1994 -2000 Children and adolescents - Right to have rights. Brasília: UNICEF, 1993.
  • WHALEN, S.; WYNN, J. Enhancing primary services for youth through an infrastructure of social services. Journal of Adolescent Research, v. 10, n. 1, Jan. 1995.
  • WORLD BANK. World development report 1997: the state of a changing world. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    06 Mar 2015
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1999
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