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Using quantitative information for efficient association rule generation


The solution of the mining association rules problem in customer transactions was introduced by Agrawal, Imielinski and Swami in 1993. Their approach was extended in several directions such as adding or replacing the confidence and support by other measures, or how to also account for quantitative attributes. In this paper we present an algorithm that can be used in the context of several of the extensions provided in the literature while preserving its performance, as illustrated by a case study. Our approach is targeted at two of the most computationally demanding phases in the process of generating association rules: the enumeration of the candidate sets and the verification of which of them are frequent. The minimization of the cost of these phases is achieved by pruning early candidate sets based on additional quantitative information about the transactions. In summary, we explore certain multidimensional properties of the data allowing us to combine this additional information as a pruning criterion. Based on synthetically generated data, our strategy reduced the number of candidate sets examined by the algorithm up to 15%. Furthermore, it also reduced the execution time significantly, in the order of 23%.

Data mining; association rules; algorithms; knowledge discovery in databases

Bruno Pôssas, Wagner Meira Jr., Márcio Carvalho and Rodolfo Resende

Department of Computer Science

Federal University of Minas Gerais

Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil



The solution of the mining association rules problem in customer transactions was introduced by Agrawal, Imielinski and Swami in 1993. Their approach was extended in several directions such as adding or replacing the confidence and support by other measures, or how to also account for quantitative attributes. In this paper we present an algorithm that can be used in the context of several of the extensions provided in the literature while preserving its performance, as illustrated by a case study. Our approach is targeted at two of the most computationally demanding phases in the process of generating association rules: the enumeration of the candidate sets and the verification of which of them are frequent. The minimization of the cost of these phases is achieved by pruning early candidate sets based on additional quantitative information about the transactions. In summary, we explore certain multidimensional properties of the data allowing us to combine this additional information as a pruning criterion. Based on synthetically generated data, our strategy reduced the number of candidate sets examined by the algorithm up to 15%. Furthermore, it also reduced the execution time significantly, in the order of 23%.

Keywords: Data mining, association rules, algorithms, knowledge discovery in databases.

1 Introduction

The problem of mining association rules in categorical data presented in customer transactions was introduced by Agrawal, Imielinski and Swami [2]. This seminal work gave birth to several investigation efforts [4,13] resulting in descriptions of how to extend the original concepts and how to increase the performance of the related algorithms.

The original problem of mining association rules was formulated as how to find rules of the form set1 ® set2. This rule is supposed to denote affinity or correlation among the two sets containing nominal or ordinal data items. More specifically, such an association rule should translate the following meaning: customers that buy the products in set1 also buy the products in set2. Statistical basis is represented in the form of minimum support and confidence measures of these rules with respect to the set of customer transactions.

The original problem as proposed by Agrawal et al.[2] was extended in several directions such as adding or replacing the confidence and support by other measures, or filtering the rules during or after generation, or including quantitative attributes.

Srikant and Agrawal [16] describe a new approach where quantitative data can be treated as categorical. This is very important since otherwise part of the customer transaction information is discarded.

Whenever an extension is proposed it must be checked in terms of its performance. The algorithm efficiency is linked to the size of the database that is amenable to be treated. Therefore it is crucial to have efficient algorithms that enable us to examine and extract valuable decision-making information in the ever larger databases.

In this paper we present an algorithm that can be used in the context of several of the extensions provided in the literature but at the same time preserves its performance, as demonstrated in a case study. The approach in our algorithm is to explore multidimensional properties of the data (provided such properties are present), allowing us to combine this additional information in a very efficient pruning phase. This results in a very flexible and efficient algorithm that was used with success in several experiments using categorical and quantitative databases.

The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we describe the quantitative association rules and we present na algorithm to generate it. Section 3 presents an optimization of the pruning phase of the Apriori [4] algorithm based on quantitative information associated with the items. Section 4 presents our experimental results for mining four synthetic workloads, followed by some related work in Section 5. Finally we present some conclusions and future work in Section 6.

2 Quantitative Rules

Items found in relational tables have many different attributes. These attributes may be either quantitative (such as age or salary) or categoric (such as zip code, a boolean value or a license plate number). In this work, any valued attribute will be treated as quantitative and will be used to derive the quantitative association rules presented in this section.

2.1 Formal Definition

Let A = {a1, a2, ..., an} be the set of attributes from a table and V the set of non-negative values for an attribute, and Va be the set of values for an attribute a. We define an item i as the pair á a,qañ, where a is an attribute and qaÎ Va its quantitative value. An itemrange is the contiguous allowable range for an attribute a, represented by a tuple á a: la - hañwhere laÎ Va, haÎ Va, and la£ ha are its low and high limits. We observe that, for each attribute, only a single range is allowed. It may be interesting to consider the case of multiple non-overlapping ranges but this is for further work.

Let us represent a transaction T as the set {t1, t2,} of its items and by D the set of all transactions. A transaction T satisfies a given set of em itemranges I, if for each á aI : la - hañÎ I there exists an áaT, qañÎ T with aI = aT e la£ qa£ ha. A quantitative association rule is an expression of the form X ®Y, where X Ì I, YÌ I, X Ç Y = Æ and I is a set of itemranges. As defined in [2], a rule X ® Y is valid for the transaction set D with confidence c if c% of the transactions in D that satisfy X also satisfy Y. The rule X ® Y has support s in the transaction set D if s of the transactions in D satisfy X È Y. Given a transaction set D, the quantitative association rule generation problem is the problem of generating all rules that have support and confidence greater than some given constants, denoted by minsupp and minconf, respectively.

As an example of application of this rule, consider the supermarket purchase analysis problem. In this model, a transaction is a set of items bought by a customer. A rule may be: "80% of the people who bought between 1 and 5 beers also bought between 2 and 4 bags of potato chips". This information may be strategic when investing in a new advertisement campaign or designing a new layout for the store.

For the sake of this presentation, the solution of the quantitative association rule generation problem is divided into three steps: The first step consists of enumerating the support for the itemranges sets. The second step consists of finding all the itemrange sets that have support values greater than minsupp (these are the frequent or large sets). The last step consists of generating the association rules derived from the frequent sets found in the second step. These steps are the same those of the non-quantitative procedure, but the extra information about the quantities induces an additional dimension on the generated rules, which usually increases the rules' information content.

2.2 Generating Quantitative Rules

In this subsection we describe the algorithm for generating quantitative association rules. The starting point of our algorithm is counting the itemranges in the database, in order to determine the frequent ones. These frequent itemranges are the basis for generating higher-order itemranges using an algorithm similar to Apriori.

We consider the size of a transaction as the number of items that it comprises. We define as a k-itemset a set of items of size k and denote frequent (large) itemsets by Lkand candidate itemsets (possibly frequent) Ck. A j-rangeset is a set of j-itemranges, and each k-itemset has a j-rangeset that stores the quantitative rules of the itemset.

During each iteration of the algorithm, we use just the frequent sets from the previous iteration to generate the candidate sets and check whether their support is above the threshold. The set of candidate sets found is pruned by a strategy that discards sets which contain infrequent subsets. The algorithm ends when there are no more candidate sets to be verified.

Once we determine all frequent sets and their quantitative ranges, the association rules are generated. The general outline of the algorithm is presented in Figure 1. The syntax and semantics of the primitives employed in our algorithm are similar to other approaches in the literature. A short description of the data structures is presented in the next subsection.

2.3 Data structures

We use two data structures for generating quantitative association rules: trees of sets and intervals. The trees of sets keep the itemsets, as the original Apriori does. This tree is divided into levels and each level contains one or more lists of nodes. Each node represents an itemset and stores the item identifier and the occurrence counter of the itemset. The itemset is composed by the item stored in the node itself and the items stored in all of its ancestor nodes. Thus, k-itemsets are stored at level k.

Each node in a tree of sets also contains an interval tree. Interval trees are similar to KD trees [8] and store itemranges information, such as their occurrency frequency. Furthermore, they are binary trees where each node contains a set of itemranges, a rangeset, an occurrency counter, and the tree discriminant. This tree satisfies two properties: (i) ancestor accumulation: the occurrence counter stored in a node is equal to the sum of the counters of all its child nodes and (ii) ancestor inclusion: the itemranges of the child nodes are sub-intervals of the itemranges of the parent node.

The discriminant of a node is an item a of its rangeset and a value daÎ Va, that is, the quantity acquired of the item. The discriminant plays a role similar to a node key in a binary search tree: the left sub-tree contains itemranges where all amounts are less than da, while the right sub-tree contains itemranges where all acquisition values are equal or greater than da. In order to find a node in the interval tree, we start from the root and the path taken from each node is defined by the discriminant item, checking whether the item quantity is smaller than the discriminant quantity. An example of an interval tree can be seen in Figure 2. In this figure the itemranges are represented inside the node and the occurrence counter is represented by "S: n", where n is its value. The discriminant dimension of a node is chosen based on the biggest distance among the items values being inserted and the respective intervals lengths in the rangeset.

Another property of KD trees that also holds for interval trees is that the counters of all leaf nodes are bound to a capacity specified at building time. Thus, whenever the capacity of a node n is reached, an item is chosen as discriminant and the two children of n are created and the rangesets of the children nodes are based on the discriminant. As a consequence, the format of the interval tree is a function of the frequency distributions of the various items and their discriminants.

3 Improving Apriori

In this section we describe how quantitative rules are used for making the generation of association rules more efficient. More specifically, we make the candidate pruning phase more efficient by reducing the number of candidates that are generated to further verification.

The original Apriori approach prunes a candidate itemset C of size k whenever any of its subsets of size k-1 are not frequent (lines 1..4 of the algorithm in Figure 4). Although this approach is safe in the sense that no large itemsets are mistakenly discarded, it is still possible to generate candidates that later show to be not frequent, because the overlap among the transactions accounted in the k-1 itemsets is not large enough for guaranteeing the support to C.

Our strategy, as mentioned, is to use quantitative information to estimate more precisely this overlap in terms of transactions. For instance, if we consider the transaction database from Figure 3 and a support threshold of 3, we find five frequent 2-itemsets AB, AC, AD, BC, and BD, with supports 6, 4, 3, 6, and 4, respectively. The original Apriori approach generates two candidate itemsets, A B C and A B D, but the verification in the transaction database reveals that only A B C is frequent. If we verify the interval trees for A B, A D, and B D in Figure 5, we are able to discover that A B D is unfeasible before the counting phase, as follows. The interval (A:4 D:4) does not match any interval in the tree for A B, since there is no node where A is associated with the quantity 4. Thus, the transactions accounted in A D are not all accounted in A B, as we can see in Figure 3, where transaction 7 does not include B. In this case we say that A B D is unfeasible with respect to A D.

We developed an algorithm that generalizes this procedure and enhances significantly the pruning process. There are two basic issues in implementing the strategy described: (1) how to order intervals for sake of comparison, (2) how to test the overlap among them.

We choose intervals based on a greedy strategy. Since our goal is to prune a candidate k-itemset as early as possible, we focus on the (k-1)-itemset with the smallest support, which presumably is the easiest to be considered unfeasible. We start by checking leaves that have the smallest ranges in all dimensions, which we call rangeset coverage.

We define that two rangesets overlap () when any of their itemranges overlap. More specifically, given two rangesets R = r1, r2,...,rn and S = s1,s2,...,sm, where ri (and sj) are itemranges We say that R S if $ r, s|r Î R, s Î S, ra = as, ri <= sh V sj <= rh.

The starting point of the algorithm presented in Figure 4 represents the original prune approach, where a candidate itemset C is unfeasible if any of its subsets of size

k-1 are not frequent (lines 2..4). The second phase explores the quantitative information present in the interval trees (lines 5..16). The first step of our prune approach finds the k-1 subset (pmin) with the smallest support value (line 6) for further evaluation in the intervals trees of all other k-1 subsets. This evaluation takes into account all interval nodes l from pmin(line 7). The initial overlapped_ support is the support for l itself. We then verify whether this support is valid across all k-1 subsets. Notice that at this level our algorithm is also greedy, since we start with the subset with minimum support and verify whether it holds for all subsets. Thus, for each node considered, the algorithm determines which leaves (k) in the remaining interval trees overlap with the leaves in the interval tree associated with pmin(line 10). We then update overlapped support if the sum of the supports for all k is smaller than its current value (lines 11..12). We should emphasize that this sum of supports is an upper bound on the support that 1 may have in p and, if it the bound is smaller than the current overall support, then it becomes the new support for that itemrange. If, after verifying all nodes, the resultant overlapped_support is 0, the overall support for pminis decremented by the support of l (lines 13..14), meaning that l comprises an itemrange that is not present in all subsets needed for the new candidate. Finally, if the support for pmin after the feasibility verifications is smaller than minsupp then C is assigned as unfeasible (lines 15..16).

4 Experimental Results

4.1 Experiments with Synthetic Data

In order to evaluate the efficiency of our algorithm in pruning the candidate sets, we executed the algorithm on transaction databases generated synthetically, which simulate real workloads. The generator of workload takes into account correlations among items acquired by the same customer, that is, the probability of the occurrence of frequent itemsets which may assume four possible distributions: (1) normal (nor), (2) bimodal (bim), (3) exponential (exp), and (4) random (ran). The transaction sizes varied from 10 to 52 items, and the average size of the largest potentially frequent itemset is 10. To create a workload, our generator program takes five parameters: T - number of transactions, M - average size of transactions, L - average size of the maximal large itemsets, I - number of items, and D - distribution of occurrences of large itemsets.

Our evaluation is based on two sets of workloads. The first (w-trans) contains workloads with varying number of transactions (from 10000 to 50000) and fixed number of itens (500), aiming to quantify the scalability of the algorithm, while the second set (w-items) comprises workloads with varying number of itens (from 500 to 2500) and fixed number of transactions (50000), as a measure of the complexity of the workload. The remaining parameters for both sets of workloads are as follows: the average size of transactions varied from 30 to 40; the average size of the maximal large itemsets is 10; and all four distributions of occurrences aforementioned.

We evaluate our pruning algorithm by considering the number of frequent itemsets in each iteration, the number of candidate itemsets (with and without pruning) and the hit ratio between candidate itemsets and frequent itemsets. We also evaluated the elapsed computational time for executing the algorithm under different workloads and compared execution times that employed or not our pruning strategy. We illustrate these metrics by analyzing the results from four workloads (T=50000, I=500, M=30, L=10, and D = {bim, exp, nor, ran}), considering a 10% support. The number of frequent itemsets at the end of each iteration for these workloads and support are shown in Table 1.

We start our evaluation by verifying the number of candidate itemsets generated during the execution of the algorithm. These data are shown in Table 2, where we can see that our pruning algorithm reduced the overall number of candidate itemsets by up to 16%. In fact, if we consider just the itemsets greater than 2, which are effectively pruned, the gains are over 20% for some workloads.

The effectiveness of our algorithm increases with the size of the itemsets being pruned, as we can see in Table 3, where we compare the number of candidate itemsets per iteration of the algorithm. We can see that our approach reduces the number of itemsets by up 30%. Furthermore, our pruning algorithm detected, in some cases, that all unfeasible candidate itemsets, reducing the overall number of iterations (e.g., 10-itemsets in the exponential and in the random workload).

We also evaluated the "hit ratio" of our algorithm, that is the ratio between the number of frequent itemsets and the number of candidate itemsets found by our pruning algorithm. We can see in Table 4 that the hit ratio for itemsets greater than 2 is above 64% in all cases, reaching 100% in some cases. For instance, in both the exponential and random workloads, the pruning algorithm identified as candidates exactly the frequent 10-itemsets.

Table 5 shows the elapsed time for generating rules using the workload described. We can see that our pruning algorithm enhances the performance of Apriori in all cases, ranging from 16.5% to 23.9%, providing an average improvement of 21.2%. We should notice that the pruning operations never increased the execution time of the algorithm. In fact, our measurements show that these operations represent a very small fraction of the overall execution time (which is dominated by itemset counting), being limited to few seconds per execution.

4.2 Mining Web Logs

In order to confirm the performance trends we observed using synthetic data, we experimented with a real-life dataset: a web log database obtained from an actual virtual bookstore. We present the results of these experiments in this section.

The data consist of the set of requests to a virtual bookstore over an one-week period. We group the requests into sessions, so that each session comprises all requests (that is, services such as browse, search, and pay) for a given user and its frequency, which is its number of occurrences. For sake of applying the quantitative Apriori algorithm, each session becomes a transaction and the resultant rules are common user behaviors that may be used for workload characterization and personalization. The size of the web log is 6 MB and there is a total of 153 items, representing different requests, and 35887 sessions with an average size of 15.

The elapsed time for generating rules with our pruning strategy was 18.5% faster than the basis quantitative algorithm (10% support). The average hit ratio of the algorithm was 77.6% and its value per itemset size reach from 48.1% in the worst case (1-itemsets) and 91.7% in the best case (3-itemsets). Notice that the gains are similar to those observed in synthetic workloads.

4.3 Algorithm Scalability

As described previously, we evaluate the scalability of our algorithm through two sets of workloads (w_trans and w_ items). Table 6 shows the performance gains (the ratio between the overall execution times of the quantitative Apriori algorithms employing or not our pruning strategy) for workloads comprising from 10000 to 50000 transactions. We can observe that the gain usually increases with the number of transactions, however, there are some exceptions as a consequence of the remaining workload parameters being the same in all cases.

Table 7 show the gains, in terms of execution times, for varying number of items per transaction. Again, the gain usually increases with the number of items in the transaction. We can explain this trend by the fact that the support is the same for all experiments, and a larger number of items means that each item is less frequent on average.

5 Related Work

There are several proposals for mining association rules from transaction data. Some of these proposals are constraint-based in the sense that all rules must fulfill a predefined set of conditions, such as support and confidence [1,3,7]. The second class identify just the most interesting rules (or optimal) in accordance to some interestingness metric, including confidence, support, gain, chi-squared value, gini, entropy gain, laplace, lift, and conviction [17,6,11]. However, the main goal common to all of these algorithms is to reduce the number of generated rules. We extend the first group of techniques since we do not relax any set of conditions nor employ a interestingness criteria to sort the generated rules.

In this context, many algorithms for efficient generation of frequent itemsets have been proposed in the literature since the problem was first introduced in [2]. The DHP algorithm [13] uses a hash table in pass k to perform efficient pruning of (k+1)-itemsets. The Partition algorithm [15] minimizes I/O by scanning the database only twice. In the first pass it generates the set of all potentially frequent itemsets, and in the second pass the support for all these is measured. The above algorithm are all specialized techniques which do not use any database operations. Algorithms using only general purpose DBMS systems and relational algebra operations have also been proposed [9.10].

There are some other efforts that exploit quantitative information present in transactions for generating association rules. In [16], the quantitative rules are generated by discretizing the occurrence values of an attribute in fixed-length intervals and applying the standard Apriori algorithm for generating association rules. However, although simple, the rules generated by this approach may not be intuitive, mainly when there are semantic intervals that do not match the partition employed. Other authors [5, 12, 18] proposed novel solutions that minimize this problem by considering the distance among item quantities for delimiting the intervals, that is, their "physical"' placement, but not the frequency of occurrence as a relevance metric. Our quantitative approach was introduced in [14] and a quantitative interestingness metric was also presented.

6 Final Remarks

In this paper we addressed the problem of minimizing the number of candidate sets that are considered while generating association rules. We achieve such reduction by taking into consideration quantitative information that is usually discarded, since traditional association rules focus just on qualitative correlations.

More specifically, our approach reduces the number of candidate sets generated by taking into account the quantitative information associated with each item that occurs in a transaction. This information allows us to make a better estimation of which candidate itemsets are feasible. We evaluated our approach using four synthetically generated workloads, reducing not only the number of sets generated but also the overall execution time of the algorithm.

Quantitative association rules can be used in several domains where the traditional approach is employed. The unique requirement for such use is to have a semantic connection between the components of the item-value pairs. We will investigate its use on other applications, such as discovering web access patterns on web logs, predicting web users surfing paths and spatial data clustering analysis. Future work also includes evaluating the approach on real workloads and extending it to other data mining algorithms, always exploiting the quantitative perspective.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 Jan 2001
  • Date of issue
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