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The school nurse: objectives


"The school nurse: objectives&quot

Alexandra Schmitt RascheI; Maria da Soledade Simeão dos SantosII

IMestranda da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/UFRJ. Professora Substituta do Departamento de Metodologia da Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/UFRJ. Bolsista Nota 10 da FAPERJ. Membro do Núcleo de Pesquisa Educação e Saúde em Enfermagem NUPESENF

IIDoutora em Enfermagem. Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Metodologia da Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/UFRJ. Membro da Diretoria do Núcleo de Pesquisa Educação e Saúde em Enfermagem - NUPESENF


The present article "THE SCHOOL NURSE. OBJECTIVES', written by Nurse Edith Fraenkel in 1936 and published in Annals of Nursing, presents the School Nurses' main activities It defines the School Nurse's functions' and presents a program for the specialization course in School Nursing with the necessary requirements for the exercise of this Profession. The author considers that the School Nurse is part of any educational organization and that it is his or her duty to promote health awareness, promoting health related issues, stressing the importance of this issues and the need to conserve them. The article identifies the ratio of action of the School Nurse as "vast". An interest that extends from the school to the home, and then to the community". The School Nurse contributes to the organization of the teaching programs, in ways that insure the maximum health standards and an intelligent contribution for the student". It emphasizes that in developed activities; the School Nurse does not only have contact with the students but also with the family, teachers and Assistance institutions, being a liaison among them. For the author Fraenkel, the School Nurse, due to its experience and knowledge, must take action not only in the school, but also at home, in the praxis of prophylaxis and with the public in general.In the School, the main objectives are: disease control and the registration of anthropometric measurements of the students, control of the School's hygienic conditions and cooperation with the teachers for the inclusion of hygiene classes in the teaching programs. At home: to evaluate the family's situation in health related issues in order to create planning actions to instruct the Parents on health and life related subjects. Prophylaxis: to control the vaccine administration and the physical exam of all members of the family. To cooperate in public health issues, to act as a bridge between the school and home for the solution of problems and difficulties. And with the public in general, the School Nurse works together with the medical doctor, a member of the parent groups and participant of reunions, conferences and congresses of Hygiene and education.The author as a conclusion to this article defines School Nursing as a specialization of Nursing. She states that for a "perfect execution" of this profession the Nurse has to undergo a theory and practical course in order to be able to convey its "delicate mission". The technical course must contain History, fundamental principles, organization, problems and objectives of public health. Also, administration, legislation and objectives of public health, sociology, and nutrition guided towards the students. For the practical course: nursing in the public health arena, School Nursing in Public Health, School Nursing in the urban zones and social assistance.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Nov 2009
  • Date of issue
    Sept 2008
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil