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Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing’s New Editorial Policy

The online version of many journals have been contribuiting to increase the visibility of the publication duplicity, plagerism, self-plagerism, sliced publication or “salami”, for exemples. Consequentely, there has been great concern with ethical integrity in the scientific communication; and the debate about ethic of publication is drawing the attention to the scientific community worldwide1Miglioli S. Originalidade e ineditismo como requisitos de submissão aos periódicos científicos em Ciência da Informação. Liinc em Revista. Set.2012; 8(2): 378-388.

Instituto Bioética, Pithan LH, Oliveira AP. Ética e integridade na pesquisa: o plágio nas publicações científicas. Revista da AMRIGS, 2013; 57(3): 240-5.
-3Vasconcelos S. Integridade e conduta responsevel na pesquisa: grandes desafios. Pesquisa FAPESP 200. Out, 2012: 58-9. Disponível em:
. Scientific and professional entities have discussed this theme at national and international meetings’ agendas, such as Seminário Nacional de Pesquisa em Enfermagem/SENPE (18th edition of the National Seminar of Research in Nursing, 2015), promoted by the Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem (Brazilian Nursing Association); and the World Congress on Integrity Research (4th, 2015), promoted by the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE). Many publications regarding the theme have been gaining space in different scientific sources of information1Miglioli S. Originalidade e ineditismo como requisitos de submissão aos periódicos científicos em Ciência da Informação. Liinc em Revista. Set.2012; 8(2): 378-388.

Instituto Bioética, Pithan LH, Oliveira AP. Ética e integridade na pesquisa: o plágio nas publicações científicas. Revista da AMRIGS, 2013; 57(3): 240-5.
-3Vasconcelos S. Integridade e conduta responsevel na pesquisa: grandes desafios. Pesquisa FAPESP 200. Out, 2012: 58-9. Disponível em:
or on research grants’ Agencies’ statements, in Brazil, such as CNPq (CNPq’s Research Integrity Comission)4CNPq. Ética e integridade na prática científica. Relatorio da Comissão de Integridade de Pesquisa do CNPq. [Acesso em 2 de maio de 2015]. Disponível em
and from the Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo/FAPESP (São Paulo’s Research Fundation - Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics)5FAPESP. Joint Statement of the II Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (II BRISPE), May 28 – June 1, 2012. [Cited May 2, 2015]. Available in:

Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing, as scientific Journal supported by Anna Nery School of Nursing from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, aims to “publish orginal manuscript related to Nursing, Health and other knowledge areas with Health and Nursing interfaces”6Escola Anna Nery Revista Enfermagem. Instruções aos Autores. Disponível em

With the journal’s entrance in the ScholarOne submission system from Scielo - Scientific Electronic Library Online, authors’ instructions were updated and new selectivity criteria included. Then, before starting a submission and analysis procedures, we recommend to authors, editors, reviewers and ad hoc consultants a very careful reading them. Adjustments to new scientific world tendencies demand us to adopt new work tools to offer to the scientific community a selection of manuscripts based also on rigourous ethic criteria, beyond scientific content analyzed by peer-per-review, in double blind system. To reduce possible conflicts that can exist as a result of subjacent policies to Authors’ Instructions, the present Editorial aims to present some defined characteristics in to these instructions central nucleous.

Exclusive submission to the journal preserves originality and uniqueness meaning, must manuscript not been submitted or published, partially or fully, in another scientific difusion vehicles. Must be aware to not submit texts that already have been published as complete document in Event Memories, book or book chapter, in virtual or written mass media vehicles. To the Journal’s interest, monographs, dissertations and PhD thesis, for being academic production reports, are a different text genre than scientific article. Therefore, articles from this nature’s reports are welcome in the Journal.

Manuscript content accountability7COPE. Committe on Publication Ethics. Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors do Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
reflects the authors’ ontological position, world view and not the Editorial Body and Editors’s, who delimit the journal’s editorial policy. This prerogative grounds itself on Brazilian Copyright8Presidência da República. Casa Civil. Lei nº 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998. Altera, atualiza e consolida a legislação sobre direitos autorais e dá outras providências. Publicada Disponível em:
law (art 22 and 28 from Law nº 9.610, February 19th, 1998), that ideas belong to those who conceived them. Moreover, author/s is/are responsible for the manuscript’s original and unique content, adopting good practices on its publication.

Manuscript property is another guideline that should understood with clarity, to avoid authoral rights volation interpretations, when it proceeds to the authors’ ideas’ publishing rights transference in a scientific communication vehicle. Also, on doing so, the Journal holds this right. The author holds the moral and equity rights on the manuscript they produced, therefore its publication implicates on property transfer, so the journal is not interdicted for violating these authoral right. The meaning of moral right (art 22 from Law nº 9.610, February 19th 1998) comprehends exclusive exploitation of the created work, and equity (art. 28, from the same Law), work’s use and disposition exclusivity, including the scientific ones9Maggio VPR. Considerações sobre a violação de Direito Autoral. 2013. JusBrasil. Disponível em:
. On the same thought thread, there is property usage for purposes beyond the one that originated publishing property rights transference. So one, text is published on Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing fully or partially in another form (book, book chapter, translation to another language etc), the author must ask for the Journal’s authorization, justifying reasons to do so, as well as commit themselves to explict informations needed to locate the article in the Journal.


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2015
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil