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Food insecurity and financial aid among university students: Pre-Covid-19 scenario of a public university in southeastern Brazil

Insegurança alimentar de estudantes universitários e permanência estudantil: cenário pré-Covid-19 em uma universidade pública no sudeste do Brasil



To estimate the prevalence of food insecurity among beneficiary and non-beneficiary university students of financial aid and associated factors.


A cross-sectional study, with a probabilistic sample of 100 university students, was conducted at a federal university located on the coastal city of São Paulo in southeastern Brazil. The data made it possible to address sociodemographic aspects, food security and food quality markers. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, Fisher’s exact association test and Mann-Whitney comparisons of means were used to investigate the prevalence of food insecurity between groups and associations with covariables at 5%.


The results revealed significant differences between groups. Receiving financial aid was associated with more vulnerability to facing food insecurity: 94% have some level of food insecurity (p=0.001); non-white skin color (p=0.019); overseeing one’s own income (p=0.001); the amount of money available to stay at the university (p=0.030). According to food quality markers, both groups often consumed ultra-processed foods (unhealthy quality marker). In contrast, most (92.3%) were concerned with consuming healthy foods.


The pre-Covid-19 scenario reveals that despite receiving financial aid, a large part of students faced food insecurity in the three months prior to the study. Therefore, food insecurity should be recognized as a public health concern among university students, and adequate resources should be made available to avoid the occurrence of dropouts and assist in breaking the intergenerational cycle of social exclusion and the human right to food.

Fellowships; scholarships; Food insecurity; Food security; Students


Objetivo :

Estimar a prevalência de Insegurança Alimentar entre estudantes universitários que recebem ou não Auxílio Permanência Estudantil e fatores associados.


Estudo transversal exploratório, conduzido com amostra probabilística de 100 estudantes de uma universidade federal brasileira, situada no litoral paulista, na região sudeste do Brasil. Os dados coletados permitiram abordar aspectos sociodemográficos, de segurança alimentar e marcadores de qualidade alimentar. Conduziu-se análises descritivas, teste de associação Exato de Fisher e comparação de médias Mann-Whitney, para descrever a prevalência de insegurança alimentar entre bolsistas e não bolsistas e fatores associados a 5%.


Os resultados mostram que o grupo de estudantes bolsistas é mais vulnerável e significativamente associado ao enfrentamento da insegurança alimentar - 94% dos bolsistas em algum nível de insegurança alimentar (p=0.001), à não ser branco (p=0.019), ao grau de escolaridade dos pais (p=0.001), a ser o principal responsável pela própria renda (p=0.001) e ao valor disponível para se manter na universidade (p=0.030). Ambos os grupos consomem alimentos ultraprocessados com frequência, por outro lado, a maioria deles (92,3%) se preocupa em consumir alimentos saudáveis.


O cenário pré Covid-19, revela que mesmo recebendo o auxílio, a maioria dos universitários enfrentou insegurança alimentar nos 3 meses anteriores à pesquisa. Portanto, a insegurança alimentar deve ser reconhecida como um problema de saúde pública entre universitários, ganhar espaço na agenda pública brasileira e recursos suficientes para evitar a ocorrência da evasão escolar, promovendo a quebra do ciclo intergeracional de exclusão social e o direito humano à alimentação.

Bolsa de estudo; Insegurança alimentar; Segurança alimentar; Estudantes


According to the 2020 report from the Food and Agriculture Organization, an estimated 8.9% of the world population suffered from hunger in 2019 [11. Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020: transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets. Rome: Organization; 2020.]. Latin America and the Caribbean are among the most vulnerable regions, where food insecurity rates rose quickly from 22.9% in 2014 to 31.7% in 2019, and are expected to increase another 2.0% by 2030. The main factors related to food insecurity in the region are being female, having many children in the family, low income, and place of residence [22. Smith MD, Kassa W, Winters P. Assessing food insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean using FAO’s Food Insecurity Experience Scale. Food Policy. 2017;71(71):48-61.
]. Specifically, in Brazil, the Covid-19 pandemic is yet another element that can increase hunger and food insecurity in the country [33. Neves JA, Machado ML, Oliveira LDA, Moreno YMF, Medeiros MAT, Vasconcelos FAG. Unemployment, poverty, and hunger in Brazil in Covid-19 pandemic times. Rev Nutr. 2021;34:e200170.

As stated by Food and Agriculture Organization [11. Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020: transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets. Rome: Organization; 2020.], “[…] a person is food insecure when they do not have regular access to sufficient safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development and an active and healthy life. This could be due to unavailability of food and/or lack of resources to obtain food”. The international literature points to university students as a population highly vulnerable to Food Insecurity (FI). The most comprehensive scoping review in the current literature produced on FI estimated 41% rate among American university students [44. Nikolaus CJ, An R, Ellison B, Nickols-Richardson SM. Food Insecurity among college students in the United States: a scoping review. Adv Nutr. 2020;11(2):327-48.
]. This estimate is compatible with that reported in a systematic review, which found 35 to 42% average rates in grey and peer-reviewed literature, respectively [55. Bruening M, Argo K, Payne-Sturges D, Laska M. The struggle is real: a systematic review of Food Insecurity on postsecondary education campuses. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020;117(11):1767-91.
]. An online cross-sectional study conducted at an Australian university in 2017-2018 found 48% FI rate [66. Whatnall MC, Hutchesson MJ, Patterson AJ. Predictors of Food Insecurity among Australian University students: a cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;17(1):60.
]. A multicenter study conducted at four universities in the state of Illinois, USA, found a 35% FI rate among students, and a study conducted in the state of North Carolina, USA, found 46.2% rate among university students [77. Morris LM, Smith S, Davis J, Null DB. The prevalence of Food Security and insecurity among Illinois University students. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2016;48(6):376-82.
,88. Mcarthur LH, Ball L, Danek AC. A high prevalence of Food Insecurity among University students in Appalachia reflects a need for educational interventions and policy advocacy. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2017:1-10.

Different studies report the following risk factors for FI among university students: limited budget or financial dependence; increase in the cost of a university education; expenditures on housing outside the parental home; increase in dependence on credit cards and loans; ineligibility for federal food assistance programs; and non-development of money management skills [55. Bruening M, Argo K, Payne-Sturges D, Laska M. The struggle is real: a systematic review of Food Insecurity on postsecondary education campuses. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020;117(11):1767-91.
,66. Whatnall MC, Hutchesson MJ, Patterson AJ. Predictors of Food Insecurity among Australian University students: a cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;17(1):60.
,99. Gaines A, Robb CA, Knol LL, Sickler S. Examining the role of financial factors, resources and skills in predicting food security status among college students. Int J Consum Stud. 2014;38(4):374-84.
]. These studies also report associations between FI and other adverse conditions, such as precarious health and poor academic performance.

In Brazil, education has been recognized as a right regulated by the state since the 1930s. Laws and decrees have since been created to ensure benefits that aid students in situations of vulnerability. With the promulgation of Federal Constitution in 1988, institutions were created to regulate student access to financial aid, and the Brazilian National Student Aid Plan was created only in 2010, which ensures access to higher education to socially vulnerable students in the country [1010. Imperatori K. The trajectory of student assistance in Brazilian higher education. Serv Soc Soc. 2017;(129):285-303.

A study conducted at a public university in the state of São Paulo revealed that 75.0% of financial aid beneficiaries considered the amount insufficient to stay at the university. The majority (54.1%) required support from the family, others worked at informal “under-the-table” jobs (18.7%) and some received donations (4.1%) or had formal employment (2.4%) [1111. Araújo MAM, Almeida LL, Louro DW, Del-Masso MCS. O impacto da Política de Permanência Estudantil na Unesp: a percepção do aluno bolsista. Rev Cienc Ext. 2011;7(2):16-28.].

Besides the high prevalence of FI among university students, studies state that FI and its consequences, such as its effect on academic performance, are urgent issues that deserve a more in-depth investigation [44. Nikolaus CJ, An R, Ellison B, Nickols-Richardson SM. Food Insecurity among college students in the United States: a scoping review. Adv Nutr. 2020;11(2):327-48.

5. Bruening M, Argo K, Payne-Sturges D, Laska M. The struggle is real: a systematic review of Food Insecurity on postsecondary education campuses. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020;117(11):1767-91.
-66. Whatnall MC, Hutchesson MJ, Patterson AJ. Predictors of Food Insecurity among Australian University students: a cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;17(1):60.
,99. Gaines A, Robb CA, Knol LL, Sickler S. Examining the role of financial factors, resources and skills in predicting food security status among college students. Int J Consum Stud. 2014;38(4):374-84.
]. As FI among university students is a public health concern, and considering the scarcity of Brazilian studies on this issue, the present investigation aimed to estimate the prevalence of FI among university students who receive and do not receive financial aid and associated factors in the pre-Covid-19 scenario.


A cross-sectional study was conducted at a Brazilian federal university [1212. Times Higher Education. World University Rankings 2019. Amsterdã: Elsevier; 2019 [cited 2019 Aug 21]. Available from: Available from:!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/scores .
], in 2018, in the campus of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo), in the coastal city of São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil, which has the third highest gross domestic product in the state and is home to the largest port complex in Latin America [1313. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. IBGE Cidades. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto; 2019 [cited 2019 June 20]. Available from: Available from:

University students, except for freshmen, were included and divided into two groups: those who received financial aid and those who did not receive financial aid.

Sample size was calculated considering the response variable to be FI, a test power higher than 0.8 and a significance level lower than 0.05. A minimum of 30 students was determined for each group.

Three data collection instruments were used to achieve the objectives: a sociodemographic questionnaire; the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale; and a questionnaire addressing food quality markers [1414. Pérez-Escamilla R, Segall-Correa AM. Food insecurity measurement and indicators. Rev Nutr. 2008;21:15-26.
]. All instruments were made available online so that as many students as possible could fill in the forms.

The sociodemographic questionnaire was used to determine student profile with regard to sex, ethnicity/skin color, age, monthly income available for staying at the university, person in charge of the income, housing situation, having children (yes or no), work (yes or no), parents’ education and other information related to receiving financial aid and the undergraduate course.

The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (BFIS) was used to investigate students’ perception of FI [1414. Pérez-Escamilla R, Segall-Correa AM. Food insecurity measurement and indicators. Rev Nutr. 2008;21:15-26.
]. In a previous study, Gwacela et al. [1515. Gwacela M, Kolanisi U, Thamaga-Chitja J. Food insecurity in higher educational institutions: a case study of first year students on academic probation at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African J Phys Heal Educ Recreat Danc. 2015;1(2):355-63.] used the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale - the questionnaire from which the BFIS was adapted to the Brazilian population - adjusted for use at the individual level, as both the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale and BFIS were designed to investigate FI at the household level. Thus, the BFIS was also adapted to the individual level, followed by a pilot study, the results of which revealed no problems with understanding or erroneous interpretations of the adapted items. The scale presented 8 (for those who do not have underage dependents) or 14 claims (for those who have underage dependents), and the respondent must answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the sentence, agreeing or not with that statement. The score can vary from 1 to 8 or 1 to 14, respectively, determining the level of FI [1414. Pérez-Escamilla R, Segall-Correa AM. Food insecurity measurement and indicators. Rev Nutr. 2008;21:15-26.
,1616. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Pesquisa de orçamentos familiares 2017-2018: análise da segurança alimentar no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto; 2020 [cited: 2022, June 15]. Available from: Available from:

A questionnaire addressing food quality markers was developed and tested for the qualitative assessment of eating habits. This questionnaire was based on the NOVA classification proposed by Monteiro et al. [1717. Monteiro CA, Cannon G, Moubarac JC, Levy RB, Louzada MLC, Jaime PC. The un Decade of Nutrition, the NOVA food classification and the trouble with ultra-processing. Public Health Nutr. 2018;21(1):5-17.
]. Volunteers were asked about their cooking habits and food choices. Some examples of foods were grouped according to the NOVA classification. University students should mention how many times they had eaten those foods or similar in the last week; they could also include other usual foods and these were included in the last version, after the pilot test. The Dietary Guide for the Brazilian Population was used as reference to group foods and thus qualify consumption, which recommends giving preferences to whole or minimally processed foods and the moderate processed food consumption, recommending that ultra-processed foods should be avoided as much as possible [1818. Ministério da Saúde (Brasil). Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. Brasília: Ministério; 2014 [cited: 2018, July 15]. Available from: Available from:

The form was publicized on the university’s digital platforms of and sent by email to all classes that met the inclusion criteria, which were be over 18 years old, be attending at least the second semester and be enrolled in the last 3 month. Prior to answering the survey, participants needed to agree with the informed consent statement, as the form only opened after completing this step. University students were randomly selected, according to their response to the email expressing availability and interest. To increase participation, emails were sent on two occasions to the academic community, calling attention to both groups of students, from different courses.

Data analysis involved simple descriptive statistics and association tests: Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables, Student’s t-test for continuous variables and Mann-Whitney test for comparison of means, as normality assumption was not satisfied [1919. Tukey JW. Exploratory data analysis. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; 1977]. All analyses were performed with the aid of Core Team™ [2020. R Core Team. R: a language and environment for statistical computing. Version 4.2.2 [software]. 2022. [cited 2022, July, 5]. Available from: Available from:
]. The level of significance considered was 5%. The choice of using Fisher’s exact test, for categorical variables, was due to the fact that it is an accurate test for all sample sizes and because its p-value is conditional on the marginal totals of the table. Therefore, it does not suffer from inaccuracies when the “n” inside the table cells is small [2020. R Core Team. R: a language and environment for statistical computing. Version 4.2.2 [software]. 2022. [cited 2022, July, 5]. Available from: Available from:

This study was conducted in accordance with current ethical guidelines and received approval from the Institutional Review Board, under Process 1352.0001.11/2017.


Ninety-one students (33 financial aid beneficiaries and 58 non-beneficiaries) participated. Table 1 shows sociodemographic characterization.

Table 1.
Sociodemographic characterization of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo) students according to financial aid status (n=91). Santos (SP), Brazil, 2018.

The analysis revealed that not having white skin color (p=0.019), having parents with fewer years of education (p=0.001) and being responsible for their own income (p=0.001) are conditions significantly associated with receiving financial aid.

Beneficiaries’ income emerged from assistance or informal work, whereas non-beneficiaries had their parents as responsible for their income (p=0.001).

Parents’ education was another factor that differed between the two groups. While the majority of both parents had a higher education in the financial aid non-beneficiary group, less than 10% reached this level of education in the beneficiary group (p=0.001).

About the amount available for staying at the university, the average value is greater among financial aid non-beneficiaries (p=0.001). Regarding the FI situation among students, the BFSI analysis revealed many students in both groups faced FI in the three months prior to the study, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2.
Food (in)security status of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo) students according to financial aid status (n=91). Santos (SP), Brazil, 2018.

The level of FI was significantly associated with being a financial aid beneficiary (94%) in some level (p=0.001). This finding confirms the fact that beneficiaries are more socially vulnerable and that financial aid is reaching the individuals to whom it is intended.

Regarding dietary quality-related issues, university students were asked about their habit of cooking and whether they considered themselves to be skilled in the kitchen (Table 3). Thus, we investigated how students were feeding themselves and whether they had cooking knowledge that helped them make decisions. However, no significant difference was found between them (p=0.575).

Table 3.
Cooking habits and skills among Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo) students according to financial aid status (n=91). Santos (SP), Brazil, 2018.

Most of them (92.3%) reported being concerned with the choice of healthy foods. This proportion was higher among non-beneficiaries (96.6%). Regarding ultra-processed food consumption, 31.9% reported not consuming such products every day, whereas 47.3% consumed one to two ultra-processed products per day, and a smaller proportion (20.8%) reported consuming three or more per day. Ultra-processed food consumption was not statistically associated with receiving financial aid (p=0.066).


Non-beneficiaries’ ethnicity/skin color is similar to the general profile of students at federal universities in southeastern Brazil: mostly white students (53.5%), followed by brown students (30.2%), a smaller number of black students (9.16%) and of Asian descent (2%) and finally indigenous students (0.35%) [2121. Observatório do Fórum Nacional de Pró-Reitores de Assuntos Estudantis. V Pesquisa Nacional de perfil socioeconômico dos (as) graduandos (as) das IFES - 2018 Brasília: Fronaprace; 2019 [cited: 2019, Dec 15]. Available from: Available from:
]. Regarding the ethnicity/skin color of the nearly 3,000 students all university campuses in 2019, 30.5% were black, brown or indigenous, whereas the vast majority was white (69.5%) [2222. Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Seminário apresenta perfil dos estudantes ingressantes. São Paulo: Unifesp; 2019 [cited: 2019 June 20]. Available from: Available from:
]. However, the percentage of black people in the financial aid beneficiary group (27.3%) was higher than that found in the financial aid non-beneficiary group (6.9%) and even higher than the average for the Southeast region of the country (9.16%). This fact demonstrates the need to consider this social vulnerability marker in the Brazilian National Student Aid Plan aiming at reducing ethnic-racial inequality and contributing to an anti-racist policy in universities and, consequently, in the country.

Regarding parents’ education, general data for southeastern Brazil indicate that approximately 30 to 40% of parents have a higher education, which is closer to the figure found among the non-beneficiaries [2121. Observatório do Fórum Nacional de Pró-Reitores de Assuntos Estudantis. V Pesquisa Nacional de perfil socioeconômico dos (as) graduandos (as) das IFES - 2018 Brasília: Fronaprace; 2019 [cited: 2019, Dec 15]. Available from: Available from:

Analyzing the other sociodemographic differences between the groups, from the perspective of FI, and the significant difference in the FI condition found between the groups, the results presented are similar to data described by Chaparro et al. [2323. Chaparro MP, Zaghloul SS, Holck P, Dobbs J. Food insecurity among college students at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Public Health Nutr. 2009;12(11):2097-103.
], in a study conducted in Hawaii, that found that students who live in student housing face FI more than those who live with their parents. Students in university dormitories are generally those with less purchasing power, which was the case of those in the present study who lived in residences shared with other students, as the university campus does not have a dormitory policy.

These results are similar to data described by Dubick et al. [2424. Dubick J, Mathews B, Cady C. Hunger on campus: the challenge of food insecurity for college students. Florida: College and University Food Bank Alliance; 2016 [cited: 2018 Aug 15]. Available from: Available from:
] on food security among university students in the USA, who found that those who are the first generation of university students in the family are more likely to face FI. These results underscore the importance of financial aid as a social policy for breaking the intergenerational cycle of social vulnerability, as most financial aid beneficiaries are the first generation of their families to attend higher education.

The results revealed that 63.8% of students faced some degree of FI, which is higher than the Brazilian national average (36.7%) [1616. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Pesquisa de orçamentos familiares 2017-2018: análise da segurança alimentar no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto; 2020 [cited: 2022, June 15]. Available from: Available from:
]. Similar findings were reported by several American universities (41 to 48%), while the national average was 14% [44. Nikolaus CJ, An R, Ellison B, Nickols-Richardson SM. Food Insecurity among college students in the United States: a scoping review. Adv Nutr. 2020;11(2):327-48.
,2424. Dubick J, Mathews B, Cady C. Hunger on campus: the challenge of food insecurity for college students. Florida: College and University Food Bank Alliance; 2016 [cited: 2018 Aug 15]. Available from: Available from:
]. The authors also point out that other studies report rates that can reach four times the national average [2424. Dubick J, Mathews B, Cady C. Hunger on campus: the challenge of food insecurity for college students. Florida: College and University Food Bank Alliance; 2016 [cited: 2018 Aug 15]. Available from: Available from:
]. A study conducted at a rural university in Canada reported a 37.2% rate of FI among students [2525. Reynolds E, Johnson C, Jamieson JA, Mawhinney H. Prevalence and correlates of food insecurity among students attending a small,Rural Canadian University. Can J Diet Pract Res. 2018;79(3):e004.
]. These figures underscore the need for further studies on FI among university students [2626. Cady C. Food Insecurity as a Student Issue. J Coll Character. 2014;15(4):265-71.

The number of students who faced FI was higher among financial aid beneficiaries. Micevski et al[2727. Micevski DA, Thornton LE, Brockington S. Food insecurity among university students in Victoria: a pilot study. Nutr Diet. 2014;71(4):258-64.
] found a similar situation at an Australian university, where financial aid beneficiaries were two or more times more likely to go hungry than non-beneficiaries. In the present study, the proportion of students with severe FI was 5.2% among non-beneficiaries and 27.3% (more than fivefold higher) among financial aid beneficiaries. Moreover, Meldrum et al. [2828. Meldrum LA, Willows ND. Food insecurity in university students receiving financial aid. Can J Appl Physiol. 2006;67(1):43-46.] Micevski et al. [2727. Micevski DA, Thornton LE, Brockington S. Food insecurity among university students in Victoria: a pilot study. Nutr Diet. 2014;71(4):258-64.
], Dubick, et al. [2424. Dubick J, Mathews B, Cady C. Hunger on campus: the challenge of food insecurity for college students. Florida: College and University Food Bank Alliance; 2016 [cited: 2018 Aug 15]. Available from: Available from:
] and Payne-Sturgeset al. [2929. Payne-Sturges DC, Tjaden A, Caldeira KM, Vincent KB, Arria AM. Student hunger on campus: food insecurity among college students and implications for academic institutions. Am J Heal Promot. 2018;32(2):349-54.
] found that a large portion of students who face FI received some type of aid such as housing assistance, financial assistance, food stamps, etc. Also, the ethnicity/skin color of students who face FI is generally similar to that report in international studies. In such studies, Latino students are also at greater risk of experiencing this problem [44. Nikolaus CJ, An R, Ellison B, Nickols-Richardson SM. Food Insecurity among college students in the United States: a scoping review. Adv Nutr. 2020;11(2):327-48.
,88. Mcarthur LH, Ball L, Danek AC. A high prevalence of Food Insecurity among University students in Appalachia reflects a need for educational interventions and policy advocacy. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2017:1-10.
,2424. Dubick J, Mathews B, Cady C. Hunger on campus: the challenge of food insecurity for college students. Florida: College and University Food Bank Alliance; 2016 [cited: 2018 Aug 15]. Available from: Available from:
,2929. Payne-Sturges DC, Tjaden A, Caldeira KM, Vincent KB, Arria AM. Student hunger on campus: food insecurity among college students and implications for academic institutions. Am J Heal Promot. 2018;32(2):349-54.

Despite differences between the groups, the percentage of FI was high in both. This may be explained by findings described in studies by Gaines et al. [99. Gaines A, Robb CA, Knol LL, Sickler S. Examining the role of financial factors, resources and skills in predicting food security status among college students. Int J Consum Stud. 2014;38(4):374-84.
], in the United States, and Ukegbu et al. [3030. Ukegbu P, Nwofia B, Ndudiri U, Uwakwe N. Food insecurity and associated factors among university students. Food Nutr Bull. 2019;20(5):1-11.
], in Nigeria, stating that factors related to FI among university students include the limited budget, ineligibility for assistance programs, non-development of money and food management skills, students’ source of income and parents’ occupation.

Some of these factors can also be considered in the case of financial aid non- beneficiaries. Many had greater amounts of money than the financial aid beneficiaries to maintain themselves (Table 1), but were still in a situation of FI. It is plausible that these students do not know how to manage money well or there may be a portion of students in this group whose socioeconomic status approaches the eligibility criteria for assistance and, therefore, these students may also be in a situation of social vulnerability.

Regarding eating habits, the Dietary Guide for the Brazilian Population highlights the importance of having and valuing cooking skills, as such skills not only assist in cooking, but also in making decisions about which foods to buy [1818. Ministério da Saúde (Brasil). Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. Brasília: Ministério; 2014 [cited: 2018, July 15]. Available from: Available from:
]. If recipe repertoire is wide, the possibility of choosing a greater variety of foods is greater compared to someone who does not know how to cook. Therefore, the present results seem satisfactory, as most students (60.4%) reported having both the skill and habit of cooking. In contrast, approximately 24% did not have the independent skill of having or not the habit of cooking. This reveals an opportunity for university extension that can enable students to develop this liberating practice.

Most of the overall sample (92.3%) reported being concerned with the choice of healthy foods. This proportion was higher among non-beneficiaries (96.6%). Regarding ultra-processed food consumption, 31.9% reported not consuming such products every day.

Even though no significant difference was found between the groups regarding ultra-processed food consumption, it is important to conduct further studies, with larger samples, since a diet rich in ultra-processed foods is of poor quality, as it is related to excessive caloric intake and is consequently associated with overweight and obesity. Moreover, there is sufficient evidence regarding its association with an increase in the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, depression and other adverse health conditions [3131. Hall KD, Ayuketah A, Brychta R, Cai H, Cassimatis T, Chen KY, et al. Ultra-Processed diets cause excess calorie intake and weigh gain: an inpatient randomized controlled trial of ad libitum food intake. Cell Metab. 2019;30:67-77.

32. Levy RB, Rauber F, Chang K, Louzada MLC, Monteiro CA, Millett C, et al. Ultra-processed food consumption and type 2 diabetes incidence: a prospective cohort study. Clin Nutr. 2021;40(5):3608-14.

33. Srour B, Fezeu LK, Kesse-Guyot E, Allès B, Méjean C, Andrianasolo RM, et al. Ultra-processed food intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: prospective cohort study (NutriNet-Santé). BMJ. 2019;365:l1451.
-3434. Elizabeth L, Machado P, Zinöcker M, Baker P, Lawrence M. Ultra-processed food and health outcomes: a narrative review. Nutrients. 2020;12(7):e1955.

The fact that students consumed these products may be related to their low cost, high palatability and wide availability at cafeterias, restaurants and markets in general [3535. Monteiro CA, Moubarac JC, Cannon G, Ng SW, Popkin B. Ultra-processed products are becoming dominant in the global food system. Obes Rev. 2013;14:21-8.
]. Moreover, some studies that assessed FI reinforces the need of assessing eating habits and food quality, due to BFIS’s lack of sensibility to assess ultra-processed food consumption, for instance. Moreover, studies recently carried out in Brazil found an association between FI and ultra-processed food consumption, which alerts us to need to investigate this relation more closely [3636. Vale D, Morais CMM, Pedrosa LFC, Ferreira MAF, Oliveira AGRC, Lyra CO. Correlação espacial entre o excesso de peso, aquisição de alimentos ultraprocessados e o desenvolvimento humano no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet. 2019;24(3):983-96.
,3737. Cantanhêde LS, Alves RL, Schott E. (In)segurança alimentar e disponibilidade domiciliar de alimentos de moradores da região norte do Estado do Tocantins. Demetra. 2021;16:e51091.
]. According to the Dietary Guide for the Brazilian Population recommendations, there is no reference regarding the ideal quantity of ultra-processed foods, and the recommendation is to avoid such products [1818. Ministério da Saúde (Brasil). Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. Brasília: Ministério; 2014 [cited: 2018, July 15]. Available from: Available from:

This scenario of FI among Brazilian university students is particularly alarming. Recent national surveys have revealed an important increase of FI and hunger in Brazil during the first year of Covid-19 pandemic, aggravated by the health, environmental, economic, institutional and, above all, political crises in the country, resulting in the aggravation of social inequality and vulnerability as well as feelings of discouragement and helplessness among most of Brazilians [3838. Inquérito Nacional sobre insegurança alimentar no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Rede PENSSAN; 2021 [cited: 2021 Apr 6]. Available from: Available from:
,3939. Galindo E, Teixeira MA, Araújo M, Motta R, Pessoa M, Mendes L, et al. Efeitos da pandemia na alimentação e na situação da segurança alimentar no Brasil. Berlin: Food for Justice: Power, Politics, and Food Inequalities in a Bioeconomy.

The Brazilian National Student Aid Plan resources were previously insufficient and suffered a 21% reduction in 2021, which would likely lead to dropouts, putting an end to the dreams of thousands of Brazilian students of breaking the intergenerational cycle of social exclusion [4040. Estadão Conteúdo. Com corte previsto de R$ 1,2 bi, universidades federais temem evasão. Isto é Dinheiro; 2021 Mar 18 [cited 2021 Mar 19]. Available from: Available from:
]. A year later, the Brazilian FI situation worsened. The scenario in 2022, here called post-covid, reveals an increase of 14 million more people in a situation of hunger [4141. II Inquérito Nacional sobre insegurança alimentar no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil. São Paulo: Fundação Friedrich Ebert: Rede PENSSAN; 2022 [cited: 2022 June 14]. Available from: Available from:

In the case of more vulnerable university students, the impact of Ministry Education’s budget cuts for federal universities will undoubtedly lead to a reduction or even the unfeasibility of knowledge production through the funding of teaching, research and extension activities, which will result in greater difficulty for these students to stay at universities [4242. Cardoso A, Zigani C, Manhas C, Saraiva L, Gerbase L, Pinheiro N, et al. A conta do desmonte: balanço do Orçamento Geral da União 2021. Brasília: INESC; 2021 [cited: 2022 Apr 15]. Available from: Available from:
,4343. Silva JB, Zelesco G. Balanço Anual Orçamento do Conhecimento 2021. Brasília: SIOP; 2021 [cited: 2022 May, 17]. Available from: Available from:

This study has some limitations, as although the number of students needed in each group has been reached, they represent university students from a single campus of a Brazilian federal university. Another point to mention is that the food questionnaire was not previously validated, as it was only tested in the population and adapted. Currently, there are questionnaires that assess food using the premises of Dietary Guide for the Brazilian Population, but at the time it did not yet exist, so the option was made for adaptation [1818. Ministério da Saúde (Brasil). Guia alimentar para a população brasileira. Brasília: Ministério; 2014 [cited: 2018, July 15]. Available from: Available from:

Even so, the findings and hypotheses raised may serve as the basis for further studies that broaden our understanding of FI perception among university students as well as guide strategies that promote food security in this group.

The lack of cooking skills of nearly one-fourth of the sample underscores the need for intervention and reveals opportunities for university extension that can enable students to develop them.


The IF scenario found in university students prior to the Covid-19 pandemic is revealing. Despite receiving financial aid, a large portion of students faced FI and hunger in the three months prior to the survey. FI was associated with socioeconomic status, as occurs in the Brazilian population in general. However, it was also associated with the fact of being a university student, as even those who are not in a situation of social vulnerability may face some degree of FI.

The data are insufficient to explain this association, which is a limitation. However, several international and national studies have demonstrated that university students are at risk of FI regardless of socioeconomic status, revealing the importance of taking the results presented as a basis for conducting further studies with larger samples.

Considering the overlapping crises in Brazil, the growing disinvestment of the Ministry of Education in science, technology and student aid, and the impacts on the lives of thousands of Brazilian students and their families, further studies are needed along these lines. Monitoring the Brazilian FI situation among university students is essential to contribute to the struggle for the continuity and improvement of student aid programs to ensure basic social rights, including the human right to food.


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  • Support: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (Edital n° 0012, 2017/2018).

How to cite this article

  • 3
    Angotti AA, Zangirolani LTO. Food insecurity and financial aid among university students: Pre-Covid-19 scenario of a public university in southeastern Brazil. Rev Nutr. 2022;35:e220061.

Data availability

Data citations

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Pesquisa de orçamentos familiares 2017-2018: análise da segurança alimentar no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto; 2020 [cited: 2022, June 15]. Available from: Available from:

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 Nov 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 Mar 2022
  • Reviewed
    06 Sept 2022
  • Accepted
    13 Oct 2022
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Núcleo de Editoração SBI - Campus II , Av. John Boyd Dunlop, s/n. - Prédio de Odontologia, 13059-900 Campinas - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 19 3343-6875 - Campinas - SP - Brazil