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Assessment of Broiler Chicken Welfare in Southern Brazil


Scientific literature on broiler chicken welfare in Brazilian industrial systems is scarce. This study aimed at assessing broiler chicken welfare on industrial farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, using the Welfare Quality(r) assessment protocol for poultry, to provide directly applicable scientific information. Results are presented as criteria scores ranging from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better welfare; and percentages of prevalence. The scores classified as excellent (above 80) were absence of prolonged thirst, absence of prolonged hunger, litter quality, breast blister and touch test. Enhanced scores (between 55 and 80) were comfort around resting, plumage cleanliness and dust sheet test. Acceptable scores (between 20 and 55) were thermal comfort, stocking density, absence of injuries, footpad dermatitis and hock burn; and unacceptable scores (below 20) were lameness and qualitative behavioral assessment. The median percentage of mortality and culled birds were 5.2% and 0.6%, respectively. This study provides useful information to select priorities of action on assessed farms and may contribute for setting up legal standards and guiding decisions related to animal welfare issues in Brazil.

Animal welfare; assessment; diagnosis; poultry welfare; Welfare Quality(r)


Brazil is the third broiler chicken meat producer in the world, and the South is the main production region (ABPA, 2014ABPA - Associação Brasileira de Proteína Animal. Relatorio anual 2014 [cited 2014 Dec 29]. Available from:
). Simultaneous to the development of the Brazilian poultry industry, concerns for the welfare of the chickens have become more evident. In many European countries, citizens have already demonstrated concerns about farm animal welfare standards worldwide, resulting in the development of regulations, certification schemes and assessment protocols for animal welfare. For example, the report of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (SCAHAW, 2000SCAHAW- Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare. The welfare of chickens kept for meat production (broilers). 2000 [cited 2014 Nov 30]. Available from:
) presented several animal- and environmental-based problems related to fast growth rate chicken strains reared in commercial settings. This report promoted the development of the European Directive 2007/43 (EC, 2007EC - European Commission. Directive 2007/43/EC of 28 June 2007. Laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production; 2007.), which was the first regulation to limit stocking density in broiler chicken production in European countries, and also linked maximum densities to outputs, such as mortality and contact dermatitis. Additionally, certification schemes have been developed to ensure compliance with minimal or higher welfare standards in European Union (EU) and third countries. As result, there are approximately 67 animal welfare certification protocols in EU (Areté, 2010Areté - Research & Consulting in Economics. Inventory of certification schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs marketed in the EU Member States. Brussels; 2010 [cited 2014 Sep 10]. Available from:
). Considering the assessment protocols, the Welfare Quality(r) (2009)Welfare Quality(r). Welfare Quality assessment protocol for poultry (broilers laying hens). Lelystand: Welfare Quality(r) Consortium; 2009., developed by the EU, proposes four main principles of animal welfare: good feeding, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior. It includes animal-based measures, in addition to farm resources and management practices evaluation, which may provide a more comprehensive welfare assessment (Rushen et al., 2011Rushen J, Butterworth A, Swanson JC. Farm animal welfare assurance: science and application. Journal of Animal Science 2011;89:1219-1228.) and has become a trend worldwide (Butterworth, 2013Butterworth A. On-farm broiler welfare assessment and associated training. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 2013;15:71-78.).

The major welfare problems resulting from the current intensive system of poultry production linked to genetic selection are leg disorders, footpad dermatitis, ascites, and sudden death syndrome (EFSA, 2010EFSA - European Food Safety Authority. Scientific opinion on the influence of genetic parameters on the welfare and the resistance to stress of commercial broilers. EFSA Journal 2010;8:1-82.). The incidence of these diseases vary with animal age, genetic strain and rearing conditions, and has been fully described in international scientific reports (SCAHAW, 2000SCAHAW- Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare. The welfare of chickens kept for meat production (broilers). 2000 [cited 2014 Nov 30]. Available from:
; EFSA, 2010EFSA - European Food Safety Authority. Scientific opinion on the influence of genetic parameters on the welfare and the resistance to stress of commercial broilers. EFSA Journal 2010;8:1-82.; EFSA, 2012EFSA- European Food Safety Authority. Scientific report updating the EFSA opinions on the welfare of broilers and broiler breeders; 2012 [cited 2016 Fev 01]. Available from:
). Leg disorder prevalence has been reported as between 9% to 33% (Sanotra et al., 2003Sanotra GS, Berg C, Lund JD. A comparison between leg problems in Danish and Swedish broiler production. Animal Welfare 2003;12(4):677-683., Knowles et al., 2008Knowles TG, Kestin SC, Haslam SM, Brown SN, Green LE, Butterworth A, et al. Leg disorders in broiler chickens: prevalence, risk factors and prevention. PloS one 2008;3:e1545.) and footpad dermatitis between 22% and 79% (Sanotra et al. , 2003Sanotra GS, Berg C, Lund JD. A comparison between leg problems in Danish and Swedish broiler production. Animal Welfare 2003;12(4):677-683.; Allain et al., 2009Allain V, Mirabito L, Arnould, C, Colas M, Le Bouquin S, Lupo C, et al. Skin lesions in broiler chickens measured at the slaughterhouse: relationships between lesions and between their prevalence and rearing factors. British Poultry Science 2009;50(4):407-417.; Gouveia et al., 2009Gouveia KG, Martins da Costa P, Vaz-Pires P. Welfare assessment of broilers through examination of haematomas, foot-pad dermatitis, scratches and breast blisters at processing. Animal Welfare 2009;18:43-48.). Ascites prevalence was reported as 4.7% (Maxwell & Robertson, 1996Maxwell MH, Robertson GW. UK survey of broiler ascites and sudden death syndromes in 1993. British Poultry Science 1998;39(2):203-215.) and sudden death was 3% (Maxwell & Robertson, 1997Maxwell MH, Robertson GW. World broiler ascites survey 1996. Poultry International 1997;36(4):16-33.), and are the main causes of death in broiler chickens (SCAHAW, 2000SCAHAW- Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare. The welfare of chickens kept for meat production (broilers). 2000 [cited 2014 Nov 30]. Available from:
; Kalmar et al., 2013Kalmar ID, Vanrompay D, Janssens GPJ. Broiler ascites syndrome: Collateral damage from efficient feed to meat conversion. Veterinary Journal 2013;197(2):169-174.).

According to Webster (2013Webster J. International standards for farm animal welfare: science and values. The Veterinary Journal 2013;198:3-4.),it is time to assess general welfare in order to identify specific problems and to stablish actions to address them. Commercial scale assessment and research on broiler chicken welfare are important tools to provide information about real rearing conditions, and they can help producers to make evidenced-based decisions and to anticipate their impacts (Dawkins, 2012Dawkins MS. Commercial scale research and assessment of poultry welfare. British Poultry Science 2012;53:1-6.). Welfare assessment has also been an important tool to develop scientific-based recommendations (OIE, 2014OIE - World Organization for Animal Health. Introduction to the recommendations for animal welfare. In: Vallat B, Thiermann A, editors. Terrestrial animal health code. 23rded. World Organization for Animal Health; 2014.) and there is a perspective to include animal-based indicators to support animal welfare regulation in EU (EC, 2012EC - European Commission. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament on the European Union strategy for the protection and welfare of animals 2012-2015. Brussels; 2012 [cited 2015 Apr 20]. Available from:
). As a consequence, more effective standards would be developed, since maximum levels for contact dermatitis, for example, could be cited instead of regulations for facility characteristics.

In Brazil, most studies have focused on environmental and managing impacts on animal welfare (Garcia et al., 2010Garcia RG, Paz ICL, Caldara FR, Nääs IA, Pereira DF, Freitas LW, et al. Effect of the litter material on drinking water quality in broiler production. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 2010;12(3):165-169.; Menezes et al., 2010Menezes AG, Nääs IA, Baracho MS. Identification of critical points of thermal. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 2010;12(1):21-29.; Martins et al., 2013Martins RS, Hötzel M J, Poletto R. Influence of in-house composting of reused litter on litter quality, ammonia volatilisation and incidence of broiler footpad dermatitis. British Poultry Science 2013;54(6):669-676, 2013.; Carvalho et al., 2014Carvalho CM, Litz FH, Fernandes EA, Silveira MM, Martins JMS, Fonseca LA, et al. Incidence in broilers fed a sorghum-based diet. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 2014;16 (3):291-296.; Lima et al., 2014Lima AOK, Nääs IA, Garcia RG, Borille R, Caldara FR. Impact of diferent light sources on roiler rearing environment. Engenharia Agrícola 2014;34(3):428-434.). However, scientific literature on broiler chicken welfare assessment is scarce in that country, and few studies have been published (Sans et al , 2014Sans ECO, Federici JF, Dahlke F, Molento CFM. Avaliação de grau de bem-estar de frango de corte tipo caipira pelo Welfare Quality. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2014;16:297-306.; Souza et al , 2015Souza APO, Sans ECO, Müller BR, Molento CFM. Broiler chicken welfare assessment in GLOBALGAP certified and non- certified farms in Brazil. Animal Welfare 2015;24(1):45-54.). Thus, this study aimed at assessing broiler chicken welfare on industrial farms in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, using the Welfare Quality(r) assessment protocol for poultry, to provide directly applicable scientific information.

Material and Methods

Birds and facilities

Eleven industrial broiler farms were randomly selected from one slaughterhouse, between October 3rd and 14th, 2011, considering those keeping chickens within one to five days prior to slaughter. All farms visited, as well as the slaughter house, were located in the region of Passo Fundo, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, and operated in an integrated system within the same company. Passo Fundo, according to Köppens climate classification, is humid subtropical, without dry season and with hot summer (Cfa), with an average temperature of 17.7ºC, air humidity of 69% and maximum precipitation of 167 mm in October (EMBRAPA, 2006EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Clima de Passo Fundo. Passo Fundo; 2006 [cited 2015 Apr 29]. Available from:
; Alvares et al., 2013Alvares CA, StapeJL, Sentelhas PC, De Moraes GJL, Sparovek G. Köppen's climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 2013;22(6):711-728.). All farms were conventional open-sided houses, with wire mesh sides covered with curtains, and were equipped with nipple drinkers and automatic (n=9) or manual feeders (n=2) (Figure 1, Table 1). Birds were male Cobb 500(r), and were exposed to a total maximum light period of 16 h composed of natural daylight and extra artificial lighting (5 lux). All farms used deep wood-shavings litter; one farm had concrete flooring and ten had earth floor. One housing unit was randomly selected on farms with more than one shed.

Internal view of a broiler chicken farm in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil, assessed using the Welfare Quality(r) protocol.

Table 1
Characteristics of poultry houses assessed using the Welfare Quality(r) protocol, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.

Description of the protocol assessment

One experienced professional on poultry production, who underwent formal theoretical-practical training on the Welfare Quality(r) protocol, performed all farm assessment. One farm was assessed by day, using the Welfare Quality(r) protocol (2009)Welfare Quality(r). Welfare Quality assessment protocol for poultry (broilers laying hens). Lelystand: Welfare Quality(r) Consortium; 2009., which comprises measures and criteria for each one of the four welfare principles (Tables 2 and 3). Breast blister assessment was adapted, considering any injury observed on breast, additionally to the visual scale proposed by the protocol. Birds were sampled randomly on farm using catching circles and the locations of measures were evenly distributed throughout the house.

Table 2
Welfare Quality(r) protocol principles, criteria and measures

Table 3
Method of analysis, according to the Welfare Quality(r) protocol for poultry assessment

Scores calculation and statistics

Data were transformed into scores that ranged from zero to 100, with 100 being the best, as described by the Welfare Quality(r) protocol (2009)Welfare Quality(r). Welfare Quality assessment protocol for poultry (broilers laying hens). Lelystand: Welfare Quality(r) Consortium; 2009.. Scores were classified as excellent when higher than 80, enhanced when between 55 and 80, acceptable between 20 and 55, and not classified when bellow 20. Nine of the 11 flocks were also assessed at slaughter and the measures collected were hock burns, footpad dermatitis and breast blister. Condemnation data from slaughterhouse are presented as percentages. Descriptive statistics was used on data analysis. Correlations between measures were calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient and were considered moderate if 0.30 ≤ r <0.60 and strong if 0.60 ≤ r <0.90, as described by Callegari-Jacques (2003Callegari-Jacques SM. Bioestatística: princípios e aplicações. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2003.). Correlations were tested for good housing and absence of injuries, litter quality and plumage cleanliness, litter quality and stocking density, plumage cleanliness and dust sheet test, dust sheet test and thermal comfort, thermal comfort and stocking density, lameness and hock burn, lameness and footpad dermatitis, culls on farm and absence of injuries, hock burn and footpad dermatitis.

Results and discussion

The median (min/max) scores are given in Figure 2. The median frequency of emaciated birds in the criterion of absence of prolonged hunger is presented on Table 4. Lower percentages, of 0.03% and 0.02%, were observed by Souza et al. (2015Souza APO, Sans ECO, Müller BR, Molento CFM. Broiler chicken welfare assessment in GLOBALGAP certified and non- certified farms in Brazil. Animal Welfare 2015;24(1):45-54.) on similar housing conditions, probably due to the practice of culling emaciated birds throughout the rearing process. The absence of prolonged hunger score in other studies were 78.8 and 98.0; and absence of prolonged thirst ranged from 70.5 to 80.0 (Welfare Quality(r), 2011Welfare Quality(r). Welfare Auality scoring system. 2011 [cited 2014 Nov 26]. Available from: Accessed: 26 nov 2014.
; Souza et al. , 2015Souza APO, Sans ECO, Müller BR, Molento CFM. Broiler chicken welfare assessment in GLOBALGAP certified and non- certified farms in Brazil. Animal Welfare 2015;24(1):45-54.). Similar high scores for these criteria were observed in the present study (Figure 2), which were classified as excellent, suggesting that access to food and water was adequate in most cases.

Figure 2
Scores of 11 broiler chicken farms assessed using the Welfare Quality(r) protocol, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, October 2011, underlined data refers to median scores. Continuous lines refer to limits of categories 'excellent', 'enhanced', 'acceptable' and 'not classified'. APT, absence of prolonged thirst; APH, absence of prolonged hunger; CAR, comfort around resting; PLU, plumage cleanliness; LIT, litter quality; DST, dust sheet test; THE, thermal comfort; STO, stocking density; ABI, absence of injuries; LAM, lameness; FPD, footpad dermatitis; HOC, hock burn; BRE, breast blister; TOU, touch test; QBA, qualitative behavioral assessment.

Table 4
Animal-based measures of 11 broiler chicken farms assessed using the Welfare Quality(r) protocol, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, October, 2011.

Plumage cleanliness, which presented enhanced scores, was difficult to measure due to poor feathering on the breast area of the birds. Litter was generally in good visual condition in all farms assessed with small wet and compacted areas, usually under the drinkers. The observed litter quality may be a consequence of low stocking density rates (SCAHAW, 2000SCAHAW- Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare. The welfare of chickens kept for meat production (broilers). 2000 [cited 2014 Nov 30]. Available from:
) and the presence of natural light inside poultry houses (Bailie et al., 2013Bailie CL, Ball MEE, O'Connell NE. Influence of the provision of natural light and straw bales on activity levels and leg health in commercial broiler chickens. Animal: International Journal of Animal Bioscience 2013;7:618-626). There was a positive correlation of 0.66 between litter quality and plumage cleanliness, which agrees with Berg (2004Berg C. Pododermatitis and hock burn in broiler chickens. In: Weeks CA, Butterworth A, editors. Measuring and auditing broiler welfare. London: CABI Publishing; 2004. p.37-49.), who states that plumage cleanliness can also reflect litter condition. Dust sheet test enhanced median score suggests that the concentration of dust was not high; thus, dust did not seem a critical welfare issue on studied farms (Figure 2).

The median score for thermal comfort was classified as acceptable, but the lower limit was close to the unacceptable score (Figure 2). This was a consequence of the high number of birds panting in at least one of the five observed locations inside each poultry house. Despite the fact that houses were open-sided and the use of extra fans, the ventilation system did not appear to be always effective to mitigate the heat stress of the birds. However, the use of totally enclosed poultry barns does not seem to be an efficient way to solve the problem of heat stress in broiler chicken production, as there is a trend to increase the stocking density on these units. According to the EFSA (2012)EFSA- European Food Safety Authority. Scientific report updating the EFSA opinions on the welfare of broilers and broiler breeders; 2012 [cited 2016 Fev 01]. Available from:
, the risk of heat stress is increased by higher stocking densities and by the genetic strain. Modern fast-growing broiler chickens have difficulties in coping with heat stress, and slow-growing strains are more resistant to hot climates (EFSA, 2010EFSA - European Food Safety Authority. Scientific opinion on the influence of genetic parameters on the welfare and the resistance to stress of commercial broilers. EFSA Journal 2010;8:1-82.). This was corroborated by Sans et al. (2014Sans ECO, Federici JF, Dahlke F, Molento CFM. Avaliação de grau de bem-estar de frango de corte tipo caipira pelo Welfare Quality. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 2014;16:297-306.), which presented score 100 for thermal comfort criterion in free-range Label Rouge broiler chicken farms as result of absence of panting during the assessment using the Welfare Quality(r) protocol. Thus, heat stress seems to be a critical welfare problem and ought to be addressed in order to improve broiler welfare at the assessed farms.

Stocking density (Table 1) was lower than the maximum stocking densities recommended in existing regulations: 30 kg/m2 (Switzerland, 2011Switezerland. Animal Welfare Ordinance. 2011 [cited 2015 Fev 02]. Available from: html?lang=en&download=NHzLpZeg7t,lnp6I0NTU042l2Z6ln1ad1IZn4Z2qZpnO2Yuq2Z6gpJCFd3t2fmym162epYbg2c_JjKbNoKSn6A--.
), 38 kg/m2 (New Zealand, 2012National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee. Code of welfare 2012 (meat chickens) under section 75 of the Animal Welfare Act 1999. Wellington; 2012 [cited 2015 Feb 01]. Available from:
), and 34 kg/m2 to 42 kg/m2 (EC, 2007EC - European Commission. Directive 2007/43/EC of 28 June 2007. Laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production; 2007.). It was also lower than 42.6 kg/m2 (Welfare Quality(r), 2010Welfare Quality(r). The assessment of animal welfare on broiler farms [Report 18]. Cardiff; 2010.) and 18.9 birds/m2 (Tuyttens et al., 2008Tuyttens F, Heyndrickx M, De Boeck M, Moreels A, Van Nuffel A, Van Poucke E, et al. Broiler chicken health, welfare and fluctuating asymmetry in organic versus conventional production systems. Livestock Science 2008;113:123-132.) observed in totally enclosed broiler houses in the Netherlands and Belgium, respectively. Lower stocking density, as observed in this study, is characteristic of conventional open-sided houses in Brazil (Bracke et al., 2009Bracke M, Horne P van, Fiks T. Welfare of poultry in a global perspective. In: Bracke MBM, editor. Animal welfare in a global perspective. Wageningen: Academic Publishers; 2009. p.88.). Reducing stocking densities far below from those found under commercial conditions has significant beneficial effects on behavioral activities, including disturbance of rest (Buijs et al , 2009Buijs S, Keeling L, Retternbacher S, van Poucke E, Tuyttens FAM. Stocking density effects on broiler welfare: Identifying sensitive ranges for different indicators. Poultry Science 2009;88:1536-1543.). The moderate median score observed for this criterion, classified as acceptable according to the Welfare Quality(r) protocol, indicates that the birds would benefit from even lower stocking densities.

The absence of injuries criterion includes important broiler welfare problems, such as contact dermatitis and lameness. Assessed farms presented low score in this criterion (Figure 2), similar to other studies whose scores varied from 20 to 36 (Welfare Quality(r), 2011Welfare Quality(r). Welfare Auality scoring system. 2011 [cited 2014 Nov 26]. Available from: Accessed: 26 nov 2014.
; Souza et al., 2015Souza APO, Sans ECO, Müller BR, Molento CFM. Broiler chicken welfare assessment in GLOBALGAP certified and non- certified farms in Brazil. Animal Welfare 2015;24(1):45-54.). Scores for hock burns and footpad dermatitis in particular were low, indicating these problems as critical on those farms. Combined for all flocks that were assessed, 84.0% and 43.0% of the birds showed some level of footpad dermatitis and hock burns, respectively, with a positive correlation of 0.53 between them. Footpad dermatitis prevalence in other studies varied from 55.0% to 79.0% (Gouveia et al., 2009Gouveia KG, Martins da Costa P, Vaz-Pires P. Welfare assessment of broilers through examination of haematomas, foot-pad dermatitis, scratches and breast blisters at processing. Animal Welfare 2009;18:43-48.; de Jong et al. , 2012De Jong IC, van Harn J, Gunnink H, Hindle VA, Lourens A. Footpad dermatitis in Dutch broiler flocks: prevalence and factors of influence. Poultry Science 2012;91:1569-74.; Martins et al., 2013Martins RS, Hötzel M J, Poletto R. Influence of in-house composting of reused litter on litter quality, ammonia volatilisation and incidence of broiler footpad dermatitis. British Poultry Science 2013;54(6):669-676, 2013.), and Berg (2004Berg C. Pododermatitis and hock burn in broiler chickens. In: Weeks CA, Butterworth A, editors. Measuring and auditing broiler welfare. London: CABI Publishing; 2004. p.37-49.) estimated a prevalence of 7.0% to 20.0% of hock burn in broiler chickens. According to Greene et al. (1985Greene JA, McCracken RM, Evans, RT. Contact dermatitis of broilers - clinical and pathological findings. Avian Pathology 1985;14(1):23-38.), flocks with a high incidence of footpad dermatitis often also show a high incidence of other types of contact dermatitis, such as breast blisters and hock burns. This was partially confirmed in this study, since no breast blister was observed on birds. Many factors have been suggested to cause footpad dermatitis. According to Santos et al. (2002Santos RL, Nunes VA, Baião NC. Pododermatite de contato em frangos de corte. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 2002;54(6):655-658.) and Mayne (2005Mayne RK. A review of the etiology and possible causative factors of footpad dermatitis in growing turkeys and broilers. World's Poultry Science Journal 2005;61(2):256-267.), the factor most likely to have an effect is litter quality; however, this does not seem to be the case in our results due to excellent median score observed. Kjaer et al. (2006Kjaer JB, Su G, Nielsen BL, Sørensen P. Food pad dermatitis and hock burn in broiler chickens and degree of inheritance. Poultry Science 2006;85:1342-1348.) suggest that, because footpad dermatitis has a relative high heritability, it should also be included in genetic selection programs. Considering that the scores for footpad dermatitis were low, those factors should be addressed to benefit the welfare of the birds.

Lameness also appeared to be a considerable welfare problem, presenting an unacceptable score. The observed median percentage of severe lameness (scores 4 and 5; Table 4) was higher than the prevalence of 3.3% to 6.6% observed in other studies (Knowles et al., 2008Knowles TG, Kestin SC, Haslam SM, Brown SN, Green LE, Butterworth A, et al. Leg disorders in broiler chickens: prevalence, risk factors and prevention. PloS one 2008;3:e1545.; Welfare Quality(r), 2010Welfare Quality(r). The assessment of animal welfare on broiler farms [Report 18]. Cardiff; 2010.; Souza et al., 2015Souza APO, Sans ECO, Müller BR, Molento CFM. Broiler chicken welfare assessment in GLOBALGAP certified and non- certified farms in Brazil. Animal Welfare 2015;24(1):45-54.). The influence of rapid growth can be considered as the main factor for locomotion problems (Dawkins & Layton, 2012Dawkins MS. Commercial scale research and assessment of poultry welfare. British Poultry Science 2012;53:1-6.). Besides the inability to walk, there is evidence that severe lameness is associated with pain (Mench, 2004Mench J. Lameness. In: Weeks CA, Butterworth A, editors. Measuring and auditing broiler welfare. London: CABI Publishing; 2004. p.3-18.). Thus, our results reinforce the need of immediate action to reduce lameness in fast-growing strains, as those used on assessed farms. According to Katanbaf and Hardiman (2010Katanbaf MN, Hardiman JW. Primary broiler breeding-Striking a balance between economic and well-being traits. Poultry Science 2010;89(4):822-824.), more than half of the 50 phenotypic items evaluated on Cobb(r) genetic selection includes animal health, welfare and fitness. However, the EFSA (2010)EFSA - European Food Safety Authority. Scientific opinion on the influence of genetic parameters on the welfare and the resistance to stress of commercial broilers. EFSA Journal 2010;8:1-82. report criticized this information, since the weight of these items on genetic selection is unknown. Thus, items with economic impact may still be more emphasized. Integration between handling and genetics is pointed as an important tool to improve items related to animal production and welfare (Aggrey, 2010Aggrey SE. Modification of animals versus modification of the production environment to meet welfare needs. Poultry Science 2010;89(4):852-854.; Dawkins & Layton, 2012Dawkins M, Layton R. Breeding for better welfare: genetic goals for broiler chickens and their parents. Animal Welfare 2012;21:147-155.), which means that the resolution of broiler chicken welfare problems may go beyond actions carried out by companies on handling procedures.

The absence of disease criterion included the measures of mortality, culls on farm and slaughterhouse condemnations. Total median mortality rate (Table 4) seems coherent with the values of 2.2% and 5.0% found by the Welfare Quality(r) (2010)Welfare Quality(r). The assessment of animal welfare on broiler farms [Report 18]. Cardiff; 2010. study. It was not possible to identify the main reasons for total mortality in this work. Bessei (2006Bessei W. Welfare in broilers: a review. World's Poultry Science Journal 2006;62:455-566.) suggests that sudden death syndrome, ascites, leg problems and contact dermatitis, in addition to high growth rate, are the main reasons for mortality in broiler production systems. Culling reasons on the assessed farms were attributed to small birds (emaciated), birds with injuries and lameness. There was great variation in the culls: mortality ratio (Table 4). The percentage of culled birds in proportion to the total mortality was lower than 20% in eight farms and never higher than 50%. According to Welfare Quality(r) protocol, between 20 and 50% of the total of birds that died should be culled and the ideal situation is when the proportion is higher than 50%. This is recommended considering that high levels of culling can also reflect the best way to prevent animals from suffering when they are sick or injured. However, the ideal situation regarding welfare is when culling is not needed (EFSA, 2010EFSA - European Food Safety Authority. Scientific opinion on the influence of genetic parameters on the welfare and the resistance to stress of commercial broilers. EFSA Journal 2010;8:1-82.). The results suggest that the percentage of culled birds as a proportion of the total mortality should be higher in the evaluated farms.

Considering the abscess measure, other studies in Brazil presented similar or higher percentages, varying from 0.02% to 0.09% ( Jorge, 2008Jorge PS. Avaliacão de bem-estar durante o pré-abate e abate e condição sanitária de diferentes segmentos da produção avícola [dissertation]. Jaboticabal (SP): Faculdade de Ciencias Agrárias e Veterinárias; 2008.; Coelho, 2010Coelho LC. Condenações de carcaças de frangos de corte em linha de inspeção federal no norte do Paraná [dissertation]. Londrina (PR): Universidade Estadual de Londrina; 2010.; Souza et al., 2015Souza APO, Sans ECO, Müller BR, Molento CFM. Broiler chicken welfare assessment in GLOBALGAP certified and non- certified farms in Brazil. Animal Welfare 2015;24(1):45-54.). According to the Welfare Quality(r) (2009)Welfare Quality(r). Welfare Quality assessment protocol for poultry (broilers laying hens). Lelystand: Welfare Quality(r) Consortium; 2009., the warning percentage for ascites is 0.5%. These results suggest that these diseases were not critical points for animal welfare on assessed farms.

Excellent median score for human-animal relation-ship (Figure 2), as measured by the touch test, were due to few avoidance reactions towards humans. A high number of avoidance reactions is thought to reflect fear of humans, which is a major negative emotion (Jones, 1996Jones RB. Fear and adaptability in poultry: insights, implications and imperatives. World's Poultry Science Journal 1996;52:131-174.). Our results suggest, therefore, that fear of humans is not a major welfare concern in most of the assessed farms, even though an important artifact of the assessment methodology related to light intensity in the different types of bird houses was noticed. Light intensity plays an important role in animal behavior, since higher intensities may lead to increased bird activity compared with dim lighting (Bessei, 2006Bessei W. Welfare in broilers: a review. World's Poultry Science Journal 2006;62:455-566.). As consequence, behavioral tests results may differ among farms according to lighting program, and this is an important consideration for comparisons of touch test results across different poultry houses. It is desirable to include this parameter in the Welfare Quality(r) protocol to provide additional information on data analysis. Additionally, lameness may have an important influence on the touch test results, since lame broilers present reduced activity (Weeks et al., 2000Weeks C, Danbury T, Davies H, Hunt P, Kestin S. The behaviour of broiler chickens and its modification by lameness. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2000;67:111-125.), and consequently, be less willing to move.

The unacceptable score for positive emotional criteria, based on qualitative behavior assessment (QBA), suggests high prevalence of negative emotions and low prevalence of emotions characterized as positive. Evidence on poultry feelings are scarce, but behaviors such as running, jumping, eating, resting and dust bathing are considered pleasurable activities, where as hunger, thirst, discomfort, pain, frustration and fear are considered unpleasant situations (Appleby et al., 2004Appleby MC, Mench JA, Hughes BO. Causes and effects. In: Appleby M, editor. Poultry behaviour and welfare. Davis: World Animal Protection; 2004. p.30-44.). According to Boissy et al. (2007Boissy A, Manteuffel G, Jensen MB, Moe RO, Spruijt B, Keeling LJ, et al. Assessment of positive emotions in animals to improve their welfare. Physiology and Behaviour2007;92:375-397.), the absence of signs of pleasure or positive affect may, on its own, be an indication of a state of affective discomfort, and that promoting positive emotions may help in providing animals with a better quality of life. Most commercial broilers are reared under barren environmental conditions with no attractive stimuli (Sanotra & Weeks, 2004Sanotra GS, Weeks CA. Abnormal Behaviour and Fear. In: Weeks CA, Butterworth A, editors. Measuring and auditing broiler welfare. London: CABI Publishing; 2004. p. 71-77.), and our results for emotional state are probably related to this fact. Increasing environmental complexity may positively affect broiler welfare (Bizeray et al., 2002Bizeray D, Estevez I, Leterrier C, Faure JM. Effects of increasing environmental complexity on the physical activity of broiler chickens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2002;79:27-41.). Additionally, for a more effective use of QBA in Brazil, it is our understanding that descriptors based on local terms of positive and negative emotions must be developed applying a method similar to that used to produce the list of English terms used in the Welfare Quality(r) protocol (Wemelsfelder et al., 2000Wemelsfelder F, Hunter EA, Mendl MT, Lawrence AB. The spontaneous qualitative assessment of behavioural expressions in pigs: First explorations of a novel methodology for integrative animal welfare measurement. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2000;67(3):193-215.).


On the basis of the Welfare Quality(r) protocol for the assessment of broiler welfare, the low scores indicated that emotional state, presence of injuries and thermal discomfort appear to be the most severe welfare problems on the assessed farms. Scores of the plumage cleanliness and ease of movement present an intermediate challenge. Absence of prolonged thirst, absence of prolonged hunger and good human-animal relationship showed the best results. This study provides useful information to select priorities of action on the assessed farms and may contribute for setting up legal standards and guiding decisions related to animal welfare issues in Brazil.


This project was approved by the Animal Use Ethics Committee of the Agricultural Sciences Campus of the Federal University of Paraná, protocol 045/2011. The authors wish to thank the company and the farmers, and three anonymous reviewers that offered valuable comments.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Mar 2016


  • Received
    Feb 2015
  • Accepted
    May 2015
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