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Effect of Egg Weights on Hatching Results, Broiler Performance and Some Stress Parameters


The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of hatching egg weight of broiler parent stocks on hatching results, chick performance, carcass characteristics, internal organ weights and some blood stress parameters. Eggs were divided into 3 egg weight groups (55.0 to 60.0 g (light), 60.1 to 65.0 g (medium) and 65.1 to 70.0 g (heavy)) for the experiments. After incubation, mixed-gender broiler chicks from the hatcher were placed into 27 grower pens (2x1 m) with 9 replications for 3 weight groups by using randomized block design. Each pen had 25 broiler chicks. Therefore, 225 chicks were used for each group and 675 chicks in total. The experiment was designed with nine replicates. Chi-square test, variance analysis test and Duncan multiple range test were used during statistical analysis. Hatching egg weight significantly affected egg shell thickness (p=0.042), egg weight loss on 18th day of incubation (p<0.001), number of healthy chick (p=0.001) and deformed chicks (p=0.003), hatchability (p=0.003), hatchability yield (p=0.002), hatching weight and 7 day chick body weight (p=0.001), fresh carcass yields (p=0.002), and cooled carcass yields (p<0.001), blood triglyceride level (p=0.031), back toe relative asymmetry (p=0.032) and back toe fluctuating asymmetry (p=0.038). It was concluded in the present study that medium-weight eggs yielded better hatching results and the chicks of medium-weight eggs also yielded better outcomes with regards to other investigated parameters.

Asymmetry; Chicken; Hatchability traits; Growing performance; Tonic immobility.


Hatching results and broiler performances are mostly affected by genetic and environmental factors. These factors include storage duration of eggs, genetic characteristics, egg internal and external quality parameters, feeding, bodyweight and age of breeder hens, season, housing system and health conditions (Roberts & Nolan, 1997Roberts JR, Nolan JV. Egg and eggshell quality ın five strains of laying hen and the effect of calcium source and age. Proceedings of the 7º European Symposium on The Quality of Eggs and Egg Products; 1997; Poznan. Poland; 1997. p. 38-44.). Egg weight is also a significant quality parameter and has an impact on broiler performance (Ulmer-Franco et al., 2010Ulmer-Franco AM, Fasenko GM, O’Dea Christopher EE. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poultry Science 2010;89:2735-2742.). There are significant relationships between poultry egg weights and hatching results. Egg weight directly effects hatchability, hatching duration, embryonic mortality, hatching weights and subsequent performance of chicks (Witt de & Schwalbach, 2004Witt de F, Schwalbach LMJ. The effect of egg weight on the hatchability and growth performance of new hampshire and rhode ısland red chicks. South African Journal of Animal Science 2004;34(2):62-64.; Alkan et al., 2008Alkan S, Karabag K, Galic A, Balcioglu MS. Effects of genotype and egg weight on hatchability traits and hatching weight in Japanese quail. South African Journal of Animal Science 2008;38(3):231-237.; Çağlayan et al., 2009Çağlayan T, Garip M, Kırıkçı K, Günlü A. Effect of egg weight on chickweight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges (A. graeca). Italian Journal of Animal Science 2009;8(4):567-574. ; Alabi et al., 2012Alabi OJ, Ng’ambi JW, Norris D, Mabelebele M. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and subsecuent performance of potchefstroom koekoek chicks. Asiana Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2012;7(8):718-725.). Therefore, relatively heavier or lighter eggs are not preferred as hatching eggs (Abiola et al., 2008Abiola SS, Meshioye OO, Oyerinde, BO, Bamgbose MA. Effect of eggsize on hatchability of broiler chicks. Archivos de Zootecnia 2008;57(217):83-86.). Some researchers (Elibol & Brake, 2008Elibol O, Brake J. Effect of egg weight and position relative to incubator fanon broiler hatchability and chick quality. Poultry Science 2008;87:1913-1918. ; Hesna Sahin et al., 2009Sahin EH, , Yardimci M , Cetingul IS. Relationship between pre-incubation egg parameters from old breeder hens, egg hatchability and chick weight. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(1):115-119.; Ulmer-Franco et al., 2010Ulmer-Franco AM, Fasenko GM, O’Dea Christopher EE. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poultry Science 2010;89:2735-2742.; Alabi et al., 2012Alabi OJ, Ng’ambi JW, Norris D, Mabelebele M. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and subsecuent performance of potchefstroom koekoek chicks. Asiana Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2012;7(8):718-725.) observed that egg size within the intermediate range would hatch better than small eggs. While lower egg weights usually increase hatchability, heavier weights reduce hatchability. However, hatching weights and survival rate of chicks from lighter eggs are usually at low levels. Furthermore, there are positive correlations between chick weights and further growth performances of hens (Jiang & Yang 2007Jiang RS, Yang N. Effect of day-old body weight on subsequent growth, carcass performances and levels of growth-related hormones in quality meat-type chicken. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 2007;71(2):93- 96.).

Rapid growth capacity and environmental factors may reduce the meat quality and result in some negative cases like ascites, destruction in fear level and body symmetry. Tonic immobility is a welfare indicator to be used to measure and evaluate the poultry fear levels (Gallup, 1979Gallup GG.Tonic immobility as a measure of fear in domestic fowl. Animal Behavior 1979;27:316-317.). Under ideal conditions, right and left side of a characteristic are symmetric. Deviations from full symmetry are called fluctuating asymmetry (Van Nuffel et al., 2007Van NuffelA, Tuyttens FAM, Van Dongen S, Talloen W, Van Poucke E, SonckB, et al. Fluctuating asymmetry in broiler chickens:a decision protocol for trait selection in seven measuring methods. Poultry Science 2007;86(12):2555-2568. ). Fluctuating asymmetry is the most common welfare parameter used to assess the physical characteristics of broilers. It is a significant parameter for optimum flock performance (Van Poucke et al., 2007Van Poucke E , Van Nuffel A, Van Dongen S , Sonck B, Lens L, Tuyttens AM. Experimental stress does not increase fluctuating asymmetry of broiler chickens at slaughter age. Poultry Science 2007;86 (10):2110- 2116. ). Effects of egg weight on pullet performance have been widely studied (Witt de & Schwalbach, 2004Witt de F, Schwalbach LMJ. The effect of egg weight on the hatchability and growth performance of new hampshire and rhode ısland red chicks. South African Journal of Animal Science 2004;34(2):62-64.; Alkan et al., 2008Alkan S, Karabag K, Galic A, Balcioglu MS. Effects of genotype and egg weight on hatchability traits and hatching weight in Japanese quail. South African Journal of Animal Science 2008;38(3):231-237.; Jiang & Yang 2007Jiang RS, Yang N. Effect of day-old body weight on subsequent growth, carcass performances and levels of growth-related hormones in quality meat-type chicken. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 2007;71(2):93- 96.; Ulmer-Franco et al., 2010Ulmer-Franco AM, Fasenko GM, O’Dea Christopher EE. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poultry Science 2010;89:2735-2742.; Egbeyale et al., 2011Egbeyale LT, Abiola SS , Sogunle OM, Ozoje MO. Effect of egg size and strain on growth performance of cockerel. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 2011;2(12):1445-1453.; Iqbal et al., 2016Iqbal J, Khan SH, Mukhtar N, Ahmed T, Pasha RA. Effects of egg size (weight) and age on hatching performance and chick quality of broiler breeder. Journal of Applied Animal Research 2016;44(1):54-64.). However, such studies do not gather growth, carcass parameters, internal organ weights, blood parameters, asymmetry and tonic immobility in a single study.

This study was concluded to determine of the best egg weight group in term of effects of hatching egg weights on hatching results, broiler performance, carcass parameters, internal organ weights, asymmetry, tonic immobility duration and some blood parameters.


Broiler chicks, hatched from the eggs supplied from a commercial broiler facility housing 32 weeks old broiler breeder flock (Ross-308), were used as the animal material of the experiments. The criteria set by NIH (National Institute of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals) were strictly obeyed during the experiments. Eggs were weighed with a balance (0.01 g accuracy) and divided into 3 groups as of light (55.0 to 60.0g), medium (60.1 to 65.0g) and heavy (65.1 to 70.0g). A total of 1080 eggs, 360 eggs for each weight group, were placed into the incubator. Before placing into incubator, pre-heating treatment was applied to eggs in a room with 25 ºC temperature and 80% relative humidity.

During the incubation period, temperature was set at 99.68 ºF (37.6 ºC) and relative humidity was set as 85 ºF wet-bulb temperature. Fertility checks were performed on the 18th day of incubation in a dark room. 30 eggs from each replication were randomly selected and they were weighed and fertile eggs of each replication were then transferred to hatching unit in separate trays. In the hatching unit, the temperature was set as 97.88 ºF (36.6 ºC) and relative humidity was set as 90 ºF wet-bulb temperature. Infertile eggs and the eggs with a dead embryo were transferred to the laboratory to determine the time of death. Following the complete hatching, available healthy and deformed chicks from each egg-weight group were counted and recorded.

For hatching results, available healthy chicks were taken into consideration to calculate average fertility rates (FR), hatchability (H) and hatchability yield (HTE) of each egg-weight group. These traits were calculated by using the equations stated by Sahin et al. (2009Sahin EH, , Yardimci M , Cetingul IS. Relationship between pre-incubation egg parameters from old breeder hens, egg hatchability and chick weight. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(1):115-119.). Also on the 18th day of incubation, egg weight loss (in g and %), embryonic mortality (early, medium and late) and egg shell thickness were determined. Egg weight loss was calculated by subtracting the weights of 90 fertile eggs randomly selected from each group during the egg transfer from the hatching weights of the eggs. During the transfer process (18th day), infertile eggs and the eggs with a death embryo were broken and analyzed under light microscope to determine the time of death. The eggs were marked as infertile, early-period embryo mortality (0 to 6 days), medium-period embryo mortality (7 to 17 days) and late-period embryo mortality (18 to 21 days). Egg shell thickness was measured over the infertile eggs taken out from the incubator on the 18th day. Thickness was measured over the shell pieces (cleared off from the membrane) taken from bump and pointed ends and middle sections of the egg with a micrometer (1/100 mm accuracy) and the average of these three sections were taken as the shell thickness. Healthy chicks of each group on the 21st day were totally weighed and average chick hatching weight of each group was determined.

Mixed-gender broiler chicks from the hatcher were placed into 27 grower pens (2x1 m) with 9 replications for 3 weight groups by using randomized block design. Each pen had 25 broiler chicks. Therefore, 225 chicks were used for each group and 675 chicks in total. All day, 24 hours, lighting was provided during the experiments. Wood shavings were used as bedding material.

An ad-libitum feeding program was implemented as; 1st period (23.0% CP, 3100 Kcal/kg ME) chick feed during the days 1 to 10; 2nd period (22.0% CP, 3000 Kcal/kg ME) broiler grower feed during the days 12 to 21; 3rd period (20.0% CP, 3100 Kcal/kg ME) broiler developer feed for the days 22 to 31; 4th period (18.0% CP, 3200 Kcal/kg ME) broiler finisher feed for the days 32 to 39.

Experimental animals were weighed weekly by a balance with 1g accuracy and weekly average body weights (BW) were determined. Weekly feed consumptions were also recorded regularly until the end of experiments and feed conversion ratios corresponding to feed consumption per unit increase in BW (g feed / g BWI) were calculated. Survival rates (%) of each group were also calculated by recording the number of deaths.

At the end of the experiments (39th day), hens were hungered for 8 hours and a total of 108 broilers (36 hens from each group, 4 hens (2 male and 2 female) from each replication) were selected. Initially, tonic immobility (TI) was assessed in selected hens (Gallup, 1979Gallup GG.Tonic immobility as a measure of fear in domestic fowl. Animal Behavior 1979;27:316-317.). The selected hens were tested individually for TI by placing it on its back on a U-shaped wooden cradle and restrained for 15 seconds. The duration of TI was recorded the time until the bird stood up. If TI could not be induced after five attempts, the bird was deemed not to be susceptible and its TI duration score was recorded as 0. If the bird did not stand after 10 min, a maximum score of 600 s was recorded for TI duration (Campo & Prieto, 2009Campo JL, Prieto MT. Associations among fluctuating asymmetry, duration of tonic immobility, heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, and one-legged standing, crooked toes, or footpad dermatitis in chickens. Poultry Science 2009;88:65-71.; Dávila et al., 2011Dávila SG, Campo JL, Gil MG, Prieto MT, Torres O. Effects of auditory and physical enrichment on 3 measurements of fear and stress (tonic immobility duration, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, and fluctuating asymmetry) in several breeds of layer chicks. Poultry Science 2011;90:2459-2466.).

Then, blood samples were taken into vacuum tubes from V. cutanea ulnaris of selected hens. Serum was obtained by centrifuging blood samples at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. Serum samples were preserved at -20 ºC and transferred to the laboratory for analysis in a cold-chain (Güneş et al., 2002Güneş N, Polat Ü, Petek M. Alternatif barındırma sistemlerinde yetiştirilenpiliçlerin biyokimyasal kan parametrelerindeki değişikliklerin incelenmesi. Uludað Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2002;21(1):39-42. ). In vitro enzymatic colorimetric method was employed in glucoses, triglyceride and cholesterol measurements.

The hens that had blood samples taken were transferred to slaughter. Fresh carcass weights were determined right after the slaughter (Bochno et al., 2006Bochno R, Murawska D, Brzostowska U. Age-related changes in the distribution of lean fat with skin and bones in goose carcasses. Poultry Science 2006;85(11):1987-1991. ). Body parts of right and left sides of fresh carcass were measured with a caliper (Van Nuffel et al., 2007Van NuffelA, Tuyttens FAM, Van Dongen S, Talloen W, Van Poucke E, SonckB, et al. Fluctuating asymmetry in broiler chickens:a decision protocol for trait selection in seven measuring methods. Poultry Science 2007;86(12):2555-2568. ). By using the measurements taken from right (R) and left (L) sides of the hen, fluctuating asymmetry (FA=(½R-L½)) and relative asymmetry (RA= =(½R-L½) / [(R+L)/2].100) were calculated (Menteş, 2008). A general total index was created by adding the calculated fluctuating and relative asymmetries for relevant body parts (Yang, 1998Yang A. Bilateral asymmetry in chickens of different genetic backgrounds [dissertation]. Blacksburg: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity;1998.).

Relative weights (g/100g BW) of the heart, liver and spleen were determined by weighing with a balance (0.01 g accuracy) (Yalçınkaya et al., 2010Yalçınkaya İ, Güngör T, Başalan M, Çınar M, Saçaklı P. The effect of organic selenium and vitamin e on performance, internal organ weight and blood parameters in broiler rations. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2010;16(1):27-32. ). Measurements of pH from the left side of breast meat were taken from three different sections and the average was taken as the pH value. Breast meat color was evaluated with an DE value [DE=(L2+a2+b2)½] calculated by using L*(lightness) a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values taken by a chromameter (Konica Minolta Chromameter model CR-300) from three different sections of skinned breast. The average of three DE values was taken as breast meat color (Ingram et al., 2008Ingram DR, Hatten III LF, Homan KD. A study on the relationship between eggshell color and eggshell quality in commercial broiler breeders. International Journal of Poultry Science 2008;7(7):700-703.).

Carcasses were aged in cold water for 6 hours, stored at +4 ºC for 24 hours and then cooled carcass weights were determined (Bochno et al., 2006Bochno R, Murawska D, Brzostowska U. Age-related changes in the distribution of lean fat with skin and bones in goose carcasses. Poultry Science 2006;85(11):1987-1991. ). Cooled carcasses were chopped in accordance with Turkish Standards Institution (TSI, 1988). Relative weights (g/100g cooled carcass) of resultant pieces (breast, drumstick, wing, back and neck) were determined with a balance (1 g accuracy).

Chi-square test was used to determine the effects of egg weights on embryo mortalities and survival rate. Other data were compared by variance analysis carried out with SPSS software in accordance with randomized block design. Duncan multiple range test was used to compare treatment means (Özdamar, 1999Özdamar K. Paket programlar ile istatiksel veri analizi. Ankara; 1999.).


Effects of egg weight on the 18th day, egg weight loss in grams (p<0.001), egg shell thickness (p=0,042), number of deformed chicks (p=0.001), number of healthy chicks (p=0.003), hatchability (p=0.003) and hatchability yield (p=0.002) were found to be significant. However, the effects of egg weights on % egg weight loss, number of early-period (0 to 6 days) embryo mortality, medium-period (7 to 17 days) embryo mortality, late-period (18 to 21 days) embryo mortality (p=0.118), total (0 to 21 days) embryo mortality (p=0.061) and fertility rate (p=0.619) weren’t found to be significant.

Table 1
The effect of egg weight on hatching results
Table 2
The effect of egg weight on broiler performance and carcass characteristics.
Table 3
The effect of egg weight on some blood parameters, internal organ weights and tonic immobility duration.
Table 4
The effect of egg weight on relative asymmetry.
Table 5
The effect of egg weight on fluctuating asymmetry.

While the effects of egg weight on broiler hatching weight (p<0.001), 7 day body weight (p=0.001), fresh (p=0.002), and cooled carcass (p<0.001), yields were found to be significant, the effects on the 14th (p=0.178), 21 (p=0.426), 28 (p=0.097), 35 (p=0.396), 39 (p=0.627) day body weights (g), survival rate (p=0.400), feed conversion ratios (0 to 21 (p=0.916), 21 to 39 (p=0.349) and 0 to 39 (p=0.639) days), relative ratios of carcass parts (breast (p=0.329), drumstick (p=746), wing (p=942), back (p=0.354), neck (p=0.475), breast meat color (p=0.121) and pH (p=0.341) were not found to be significant.

Egg weight had also significant effects on blood triglyceride levels (mg/dL) (p=0.031). However, effects of egg weights on blood glucose level (p=0.314), blood cholesterol level (p=0.063) and internal organ (liver (p=0.594), hearth (p=0.741) and spleen (p=0.514) weights were not found to be significant. Tonic immobility duration of the hens from heavy eggs were found to be shorter than the durations of hens from light and medium weight eggs, but such differences were not significant (p=0.117).

While the effects of egg weight on back toe length relative and fluctuating asymmetry lengths were found to be significant (p=0.032), effects on other investigated relative (0.064≤p≤0.961) and fluctuating (0.077≤p≤0.850) asymmetry traits were not found to be significant. With regard to general relative asymmetry, statistical differences were not observed in increasing general asymmetry values of hens hatched from light to heavy eggs (p=0.546).

With regard to general fluctuation asymmetry index, although the hens from light eggs had lower fluctuating asymmetry values, such differences were not found to be significant (p=0.683).


Egg weight loss in grams increased significantly from the light egg group to the heavy egg group however, differences in % egg weigh losses of weight groups were not significant. Findings of the present study were similar with findings of Abiola et al., (2008Abiola SS, Meshioye OO, Oyerinde, BO, Bamgbose MA. Effect of eggsize on hatchability of broiler chicks. Archivos de Zootecnia 2008;57(217):83-86.) as weight losses (%) were found to be higher in medium-weight group. The similarity in the results obtained on egg weight loss may suggest that the 3 egg size categories used for the study probably had equal proportion of pore areas and pore diameter regardless of the size of the egg (Abiola et al., 2008).

With regard to embryo mortality during incubation, except for the highest early-period (0 to 6 days), medium-period (7 to 17 days) and late-period (18 to 21 days) embryo mortality rates of the heavy weight group, insignificant differences in mortality rates of weight groups totally comply with the results of earlier studies (Toplu et al., 2007Toplu HDO, Fidan ED, Nazlıgül A. Japon bıldırcınlarında kuluçkalıkyumurta ağırlığı ve depolama süresinin kuluçka özellikleri ve civciv çıkış ağırlığı üzerine etkileri. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2007;4(1):11-16. ; Çağlayan et al., 2009Çağlayan T, Garip M, Kırıkçı K, Günlü A. Effect of egg weight on chickweight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges (A. graeca). Italian Journal of Animal Science 2009;8(4):567-574. ). Egg weight has no significant effect on embryo mortality rates but total (0-21 days) embryo mortality rates was increased with increasing egg weight. Also, embryo mortality rates depend more on storage and incubation conditions (Nakage et al., 2003Nakage ES, Cardozo JP, Pereira GT, Queiroz SA, Boleli IC. Effect of temperature on incubation period, embryonic mortality, hatch rate, egg water loss and partridge chick weight (Rhynchotus rufescens). Revista Brasileira de Ciencia Avicola 2003;5(2):131-135.; Bergoug et al., 2013Bergoug H, Burel C, Guinebretière M, Tong Q, Roulston N, Romanini CEB, et al. Effect of pre-incubation and incubation conditions on hatchability, hatch time and hatch window, and effect of post-hatch handling on chick quality at placement. World’s Poultry Science Journal 2013;69:313-334 ).

Toplu et al. (2007Toplu HDO, Fidan ED, Nazlıgül A. Japon bıldırcınlarında kuluçkalıkyumurta ağırlığı ve depolama süresinin kuluçka özellikleri ve civciv çıkış ağırlığı üzerine etkileri. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2007;4(1):11-16. ) reported increasing fertility rates with decreasing egg weight and indicated that such differences were not significant. Contrariwise, Çağlayan et al. (2009Çağlayan T, Garip M, Kırıkçı K, Günlü A. Effect of egg weight on chickweight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges (A. graeca). Italian Journal of Animal Science 2009;8(4):567-574. ) and Dere et al. (2009Dere S, Inal S, Caglayan T, Garip M, Tilki M. The effect of parent age, egg weight, storage length and temperature on fertility and hatchability of Japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) eggs. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(7):1289-1291.) reported increasing fertility rates with increasing egg weight and indicated such differences as significant. Therefore, present study complies with the findings of Çağlayan et al. (2009)Çağlayan T, Garip M, Kırıkçı K, Günlü A. Effect of egg weight on chickweight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges (A. graeca). Italian Journal of Animal Science 2009;8(4):567-574. and Dere et al. (2009)Dere S, Inal S, Caglayan T, Garip M, Tilki M. The effect of parent age, egg weight, storage length and temperature on fertility and hatchability of Japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) eggs. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(7):1289-1291. with regard to increasing fertility rates with increasing egg weight and complies with the findings of Toplu et al. (2007)Toplu HDO, Fidan ED, Nazlıgül A. Japon bıldırcınlarında kuluçkalıkyumurta ağırlığı ve depolama süresinin kuluçka özellikleri ve civciv çıkış ağırlığı üzerine etkileri. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2007;4(1):11-16. with regard to insignificance of differences. These discrepancies in the literature depends on the use of animals from different breeds and ages in different studies because fertility is a hereditary trait and also depends on environmental factor (Wolc et al., 2009Wolc A, White IMS, Olori VE, Hill WG. Inheritance of fertility in broiler chickens. Genetics Selection Evolution 2009;41:47.) but it is mostly related with breeder flock ages and breed of chicks (Ulmer-Franco et al., 2010Ulmer-Franco AM, Fasenko GM, O’Dea Christopher EE. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poultry Science 2010;89:2735-2742.). Also fertility can highly vary even within the same breed mainly due to poor management and improper proportion of males or poor ability of males in the flock to produce viable sperms (Malago & Baitilwake, 2009Malago JJ, Baitilwake MA. Egg traits, fertility, hatchability and chick survivability of Rhode Island Red, local and crossbred chickens. Tanzania Veterinary Journal 2009;26(1):24-36.)

Çağlayan et al. (2009Çağlayan T, Garip M, Kırıkçı K, Günlü A. Effect of egg weight on chickweight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges (A. graeca). Italian Journal of Animal Science 2009;8(4):567-574. ) reported significantly low hatchability for light eggs but indicated insignificant differences between weight groups. Results obtained on hatchability in the present study conform to earlier findings (Elibol & Brake, 2008Elibol O, Brake J. Effect of egg weight and position relative to incubator fanon broiler hatchability and chick quality. Poultry Science 2008;87:1913-1918. ; Hesna Sahin et al., 2009Sahin EH, , Yardimci M , Cetingul IS. Relationship between pre-incubation egg parameters from old breeder hens, egg hatchability and chick weight. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(1):115-119.; Ulmer-Franco et al., 2010Ulmer-Franco AM, Fasenko GM, O’Dea Christopher EE. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poultry Science 2010;89:2735-2742.; Alabi et al., 2012Alabi OJ, Ng’ambi JW, Norris D, Mabelebele M. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and subsecuent performance of potchefstroom koekoek chicks. Asiana Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2012;7(8):718-725.) which recommended the setting of average sized eggs for the purpose of incubation. As many researcher suggested that eggs should be in average weight in order to achieve good hatchability (Elibol & Brake, 2008Elibol O, Brake J. Effect of egg weight and position relative to incubator fanon broiler hatchability and chick quality. Poultry Science 2008;87:1913-1918. ; Hesna Sahin et al., 2009Sahin EH, , Yardimci M , Cetingul IS. Relationship between pre-incubation egg parameters from old breeder hens, egg hatchability and chick weight. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2009;8(1):115-119.; Ulmer-Franco et al., 2010Ulmer-Franco AM, Fasenko GM, O’Dea Christopher EE. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poultry Science 2010;89:2735-2742.; Alabi et al., 2012Alabi OJ, Ng’ambi JW, Norris D, Mabelebele M. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and subsecuent performance of potchefstroom koekoek chicks. Asiana Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2012;7(8):718-725.).

With regard to hatching weights of chicks, present findings comply with the researches reporting significant impacts of egg weights on hatching weights and lighter chicks from light eggs and heavier chicks from heavy eggs (Yıldırım &Yetişir, 1998Yıldırım İ, Yetişir R. Japon bıldırcınlarında (coturnix coturnix japonica) kuluçkalık yumurta ağırlığı ve ebeveyn yasının civciv çıkış ağırlığı ve 6. hafta canlı ağırlığı üzerine etkileri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 1998;22(4):315-320.; Witt de& Schwalbach, 2004Witt de F, Schwalbach LMJ. The effect of egg weight on the hatchability and growth performance of new hampshire and rhode ısland red chicks. South African Journal of Animal Science 2004;34(2):62-64.; Nazlıgül et al., 2005NazlıgülA, Türkyılmaz MK, Bardakçıoğlu HE. Effects of hatching eggweight on hatching chick weight, posthatching growth performance and livability in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2005;31(2):33-40. ; Çağlayan et al., 2009Çağlayan T, Garip M, Kırıkçı K, Günlü A. Effect of egg weight on chickweight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges (A. graeca). Italian Journal of Animal Science 2009;8(4):567-574. ). Significant effects of egg weight on body weight were lost after the second week as Yıldırım & Yetişir (1998)Yıldırım İ, Yetişir R. Japon bıldırcınlarında (coturnix coturnix japonica) kuluçkalık yumurta ağırlığı ve ebeveyn yasının civciv çıkış ağırlığı ve 6. hafta canlı ağırlığı üzerine etkileri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 1998;22(4):315-320. reported. But some researchers report that hatching egg weights affect the growth performance until the slaughter of hens (Petek et al., 2003Petek M, Baspinar H, Ogan M. Effects of egg weight and length of storage on hatchability and subsequent growth performance of quail. South African Journal of Animal Science 2003;33(4):242-247.; Nazlıgül et al., 2005NazlıgülA, Türkyılmaz MK, Bardakçıoğlu HE. Effects of hatching eggweight on hatching chick weight, posthatching growth performance and livability in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2005;31(2):33-40. ). This situation could be explained by compensative growth as Nazlıgül et al., (2005) reported that chicks could be reached to the normal levels from smaller and bigger eggs with intensive care.

In terms of survival rate, the present study complies with most studies (Witt de & Schwalbach, 2004Witt de F, Schwalbach LMJ. The effect of egg weight on the hatchability and growth performance of new hampshire and rhode ısland red chicks. South African Journal of Animal Science 2004;34(2):62-64.; Nazlıgül et al., 2005NazlıgülA, Türkyılmaz MK, Bardakçıoğlu HE. Effects of hatching eggweight on hatching chick weight, posthatching growth performance and livability in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2005;31(2):33-40. ; Egbeyale et al., 2011Egbeyale LT, Abiola SS , Sogunle OM, Ozoje MO. Effect of egg size and strain on growth performance of cockerel. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 2011;2(12):1445-1453.; Alabi et al., 2012Alabi OJ, Ng’ambi JW, Norris D, Mabelebele M. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and subsecuent performance of potchefstroom koekoek chicks. Asiana Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2012;7(8):718-725.) which report that there is an insignificant effect of egg weights on survival rate. Also, Singh et al. (2003Singh BP, Taparia AL, Tailor SP, Jain LS. Factors affecting mortality pattern in chicken. Indian Journal of Poultry Science 2003;38(2):173-177) who noticed that the egg weight has no effect on the survival rate as the age of parent affected.

Feed conversion ratios was not affected by egg weights because FCR is related mostly with environmental factor such as age, sex, air temperature, stress, form of diet and diet ingredients like amount of fiber (Amad et al., 2011Amad AA, Männer K, Wendler K.R, Neumann K, Zentek J. Effects of a phytogenic feed additive on growth performance and ileal nutrient digestibility in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 2011;90:2811-2816 ; Mateos et al., 2012Mateos GG, Jiménez-Moreno E, Serrano MP, Lázaro RP. Poultry response to high levels of dietary fiber sources varying in physical and chemical characteristics. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2012;21:156-174.). Current findings were similar to findings of previous researchers (Petek et al., 2003Petek M, Baspinar H, Ogan M. Effects of egg weight and length of storage on hatchability and subsequent growth performance of quail. South African Journal of Animal Science 2003;33(4):242-247.; Witt de & Schwalbach, 2004Witt de F, Schwalbach LMJ. The effect of egg weight on the hatchability and growth performance of new hampshire and rhode ısland red chicks. South African Journal of Animal Science 2004;34(2):62-64.; Ulmer-Franco et al., 2010Ulmer-Franco AM, Fasenko GM, O’Dea Christopher EE. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poultry Science 2010;89:2735-2742.; Egbeyale et al., 2011Egbeyale LT, Abiola SS , Sogunle OM, Ozoje MO. Effect of egg size and strain on growth performance of cockerel. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 2011;2(12):1445-1453.).

In the current study, the effects of egg weights on fresh and cooled carcass yields of broilers were found to be significant. Carcass yields of pullets from medium weight eggs were better than the others. The proportion of dressed weight to live weight determines the carcass quality (Egbeyale et al., 2011Egbeyale LT, Abiola SS , Sogunle OM, Ozoje MO. Effect of egg size and strain on growth performance of cockerel. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 2011;2(12):1445-1453.). It can be concluded from the result of this study that setting of medium egg sizes could be advantageous for producers if the target was to get better carcass yield as mostly aimed. However, the effects of egg weights on breast, drumstick, wing, back and neck weights were not significant in this study and previous ones (Egbeyale et al., 2011Egbeyale LT, Abiola SS , Sogunle OM, Ozoje MO. Effect of egg size and strain on growth performance of cockerel. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 2011;2(12):1445-1453.).

The effects of egg weights on broiler meat color and pH were found to be insignificant. Lighter breast meat colors are preferred in broilers (McCurdy et al., 1996McCurdy RD, Barbut S, Qinton M. Seasonal effect on pale soft exudative (PSE) occurence in young turkey breast meat. Food Research International 1996;29(3-4):363-366. ; Owens et al., 2000Owens CM, Hirscler EM, Mckee SR, Martinez-Dawson R, Sams RA. Thecharacterization and incidence of pale, saft, exudative turkey meat in commercial plant. Poultry Science 2000;79(4):553-558. ). Meat color and pH are closely related in broilers and lower pH levels indicate better animal welfares before the slaughter (Castellini et al., 2002Castellini C, Mugnai C, Dal Bosco A. Effect of organic production systems on broiler carcass and meat quality. Meat Science 2002;60(3):219-225.). Similarly, internal organ weights may also indicate animal welfare levels (Puvadolpirod & Thaxton, 2000Puvadolpirod JP, Thaxton S. Model of physiological stres in chickens 1. Pesponse parameters. Poultry Science 2000;79(3):363-369.; Ravindran et al., 2006Ravindran V, Thomas DV, Thomas DG, Morel PC. Performance and welfare of broiler as affected by stocking density and zinc bacitracin supplementation. Animal Science Journal 2006;77(1):110-116.). Egg weights of the current study did not have any significant effects on internal organ (liver, heart and spleen) weights of broilers. In the present study, while the egg weights did not have any effect on glucose and total cholesterol levels, blood triglyceride levels differed by egg weights. Blood parameters of broilers are mostly specified by genotype, feed, climate, growing and housing systems, age and physical state of hens (Meluzzi et al., 1992Meluzzi A, Primiceri G, Giordina R, Fabris G. Determination of blood constituents reference values in broilers. Poultry Science 1992;71:337-345. ). Blood constituents may also be used as an indicator for animal welfare level (Mitchell & Kettlewell, 1998Mitchell MA, Kettlewell PJ. Physological stres and walfare of broiler chickens in transit: solutions not problems. Poultry Science 1998;77(12):1803-1814. ). Most of the traits are symmetric in broilers. Such traits are expected to grow symmetrically under optimum conditions but minor random deviations may sometimes be observed in bilateral characteristics. Fluctuating asymmetry level is a good indicator for compatibility of a hen against environmental stress factors (Møller & Swaddle, 1997Møller AP, Swaddle JP. Asymmetry, developmental stability and evolution. New York: Oxford University; 1997.). Egg weights in the present study had significant effects on back-toe length in terms of relative and fluctuating asymmetry levels of broilers. Increased relative and fluctuating asymmetry values were observed with increasing egg weights. However, such differences with other weight groups were not found to be significant. Although tonic immobility durations of hens as a welfare indicator (Gallup, 1979Gallup GG.Tonic immobility as a measure of fear in domestic fowl. Animal Behavior 1979;27:316-317.) from medium weight eggs were relatively higher than the others, differences again were not found to be significant. In the light of these results of stress parameters, it can be concluded that egg size has no adverse effect on broiler welfare levels.


It was concluded in the present study that medium-weight eggs had better hatching results and the chicks of medium-weight eggs also yielded better outcomes with regards to other investigated parameters. Therefore, it was recommended that medium-weight eggs should be preferred for hatching implementations.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2017


  • Received
    Dec 2016
  • Accepted
    Feb 2017
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