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Successful Identification of Duck Genome Region Determining Desirable Uniformity of Meat Performance Traits


The objective of this study was to identify genome regions determining duck meat performance traits with possible small variation. In total, 368 crossbred ducks of F2 generation obtained from two parental lines: Pekin-type ducks of Polish origin (A55) and Pekin-type ducks of French origin (GL-30) were recorded. The following seven traits were analyzed: body weight, breast muscle weight, leg muscle weight, water holding capacity in the breast and leg muscles, and color lightness L* of the breast and leg muscles. All birds (including parental and F1 generations) were genotyped (29 microsatellite markers). Means and coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated for 28 full-sibs (four sires by six dams and one sire by four dams). Number of progeny per full-sib group ranged from 7 to 17. The multivariate cluster analysis using grouping by k-means algorithm was used on transformed data. The multivariate cluster analysis gave two clusters: first group with 10 full-sibs and second one with 18 families. Differences among half-sibs in the CV of the recorded traits were determined. It should be noted that one out of five sire groups showed statistically significant differences from the other ones. Moreover, the CVs in this group were smaller. The analysis of microsatellite markers indicated three alleles from three loci were present only in the “superior” sire group. The obtained results indicate a promising opportunity of effective selection for improving carcass technological quality using molecular markers.

Duck; meat quality; microsatellite markers


Ducks play an important role in the world poultry market. Their number in the structure of commercially-slaughtered poultry has increased, including in Poland. From the perspective of industrial meat processing, the uniformity of the carcass and its parts is desirable. Hence, breeders’ efforts have mainly been focused on the improvement of carcass and meat quality traits and their uniformity. Pekin ducks are successfully used for intensive production of duck meat all over the world. For many years, their selection mainly aimed at increasing carcass weight and meat yield, and decreasing fat content (Pingel, 2011Pingel H. Results of selection for breast muscle percentage and feed conversion ratio in Pekin ducks. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 2011;27(3):769-776.; Xu et al., 2011Xu TS, Liu XL, Huang W, Hou SS. Estimates of genetic parameters for body weight and carcass composition in Pekin ducks. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2011;10(1):23-28.).

For a long time, the market gave preference to whole carcasses without giblets. Duck parts are currently a growing poultry market segment because consumers are willing to pay more for fresh or frozen breast fillets and hind- or forequarters rather than buying cheaper whole carcasses. Raw meat preparations are generally bought by consumers based on overall appearance, with special consideration of color and drip loss (Resurreccion, 2003Resurreccion AVA. Sensory aspects of consumer choices for meat and meat products. Meat Science 2003;66:11-20.; Makała & Olkiewicz, 2004; Nowak & Trziszka, 2010Nowak M, Trziszka T. Consumer behaviour on the poultry meat market. Zywnosc. Nauka. Technologia. Jakosc 2010;1(68):114-120.).

Research to date on fattening ducks (Pekin, Muscovy, and their crosses) has shown that many characteristics of their slaughter value and meat quality are related to species, breed, selection, and sex (Farhat et al., 2000Farhat A, Chavez ER, Touchburn SP, Laguë PC. Comparative performance and carcass composition of two lines of Pekin ducks reared mixed or sex-segregated. Poultry Science 2000;79:460-465.; Baeza et al., 2002Baeza E, Dessay C, Wacrenier N, Marche G, Listrat A. Effect of selection for improved body weight and composition on muscle and meat characteristics in MusCVy duck. British Poultry Science 2002;43:560-568.; Wołoszyn et al., 2011). When subjected to sensory evaluation by a panel of experts, breed (Pekin, Muscvoy and Rouen) was shown (Omojola, 2007Omojola AB. Carcass and organoleptic characteristics of duck meat as influenced by breed and sex. International Journal of Poultry Science 2007;6(5):329-334.) to influence dressing percentage and meat color, whereas breed and sex did not affect texture and overall sensory acceptability of the meat. In a study on four breed/varieties of selected vs. non-selected Pekin-type ducks (Witkiewicz et al., 2006Witkiewicz K, Kontecka H, Ksiazkiewicz J. Basic elements of eviscerated and chemical composition of pectoral muscle in selected and unselected ducks. Archiv fur Tierzucht 2006;49:502-507.), significant (p≤0.05) differences in body weight, proportion of breast muscle, collagen content, and mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA) content of muscle pectoralis superficialis. Similar results for the effect of Pekin duck strains on breast muscle weight were obtained by Smith et al. (2015Smith DP, Northcutt JK, Qudsieh RI, Parisi MA. Effect of strain on duck breast meat quality. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2015;24:401-407.), who concluded that breed had little effect on drip loss and on lightness (L*) and redness (a*) values of the breast muscles. In a study characterizing meat traits and meat quality of Pekin-type ducks strains A-44 and A-55, selected in Poland, the meat of A-55 ducks was found to have higher culinary value (Mazanowski et al., 2003Mazanowski A, Kisiel T, Gornowicz E. Carcass quality, meat traits and chemical composition of meat in ducks of paternal strains A44 and A55. Animal Science Papers and Reports 2003;21:251-263.; Mazanowski & Książkiewicz, 2004; Adamski et al., 2005Adamski M, Bernacki Z, Kuzniacka J. The effects origin and sex on rearing results of ducks from two ancestral paternal strains. Acta Scientarum Polonorum Zootechnica 2005;4(1):13-28.).

The present study is a continuation of earlier works by Mucha et al. (2014a, 2014b) and Moliński et al. (2015) with the same experimental material. It should be mentioned that the parental lines A-55 (Pekin-type ducks of Polish origin) and GL-30 (Pekin-type ducks of French origin) are conventionally used in Poland for production of commercial hybrids (A-55 x F-11, A-55 x P-55, A-55 x P-44 and GL-50 x GL-30) intended for intensive rearing of meat ducks (Wencek et al., 2015Wencek E., Kaluzna I., Kozlecka M., Miszkiel I., Palyszka M., Prokopiak H., Radziszewska J., Suchocki W., Winiarski K., Adamski M., Kuzniacka J. Results of poultry performance recording in 2014. Warszawa: Krajowa Rada Drobiarstwa - Izba Gospodarcza; 2015.).

The objective of this study was to identify genome regions determining desirable duck meat performance traits characterized additionally by a small variation. The analyzed set of traits included maximization of body weight as well as leg and breast muscle weights with acceptable color lightness L*, and breast and leg muscle water holding capacity.



The experimental procedures were approved by the Local Ethical Commission for Animal Experiments in Poznań (Poland) by resolution 60/2009.

The slaughter value of Pekin-type ducks was evaluated using 368 hybrids (F2 generation) of known origin. As already mentioned, two parental lines: A-55 (Pekin-type ducks of Polish origin) and GL-30 (Pekin-type ducks of French origin) were used in the experiment. More details on the crossbreeding experiment are given in the article of Mucha et al. (2014b). All birds of each generation were kept under the same environmental and feeding conditions.

After 11 weeks of rearing, and following 12 hours of feed (but not water) withdrawal, birds were slaughtered and subjected to post-slaughter processing for the next three days. The procedures were consistent with the standard industry practice. Immediately before slaughter, the birds were individually weighed on an AXIS B15S electronic balance with ± 5 g accuracy.

Methods for assessment of slaughter value

The hybrid Pekin ducks were evaluated for body weight (BW) at 11 weeks, and the following breast and leg muscles parameters: weight (BMW and LMW, respectively), water holding capacity (WHCBM and WHCLM, respectively), and color lightness L* (LB and LL, respectively). During dissection (Ziołecki & Doruchowski, 1989), the carcasses were divided into breast muscles (m. pectoralis superficialis and m. pectoralis profundus) and leg (thigh and shank) muscles. The carcasses and individual muscle parts were weighed on an electronic balance (WPT 5C, RADWAG, Poland) with ± 0.2 g accuracy. Color lightness (L*) was measured on the left side muscles.

Meat lightness (L*) was measured 24 h after slaughter, immediately after the breast muscle was removed from the breast bone and ribs and turned inside out. This ensured that the slices of both breast muscles were uniform. Leg muscles were ground. Instrumental color measurement (CIE L*a*b* system; CIE, 1986) was performed using a trichromatic colorimeter (Chroma Meter C580D65, Minolta, Japan) with illuminant, 10º observer, 8-mm aperture, and calibrated using a white plate: L* - 99.18, a* - 0.07, b* - 0.05. In this system, L* stands for lightness, which is a space vector. The color of the homogeneous product (slice of breast muscles) was measured once at three sites, and of the non-homogeneous product (ground leg meat) three times on each of the three sites. Color results are given as the mean value of the measurements made in the different muscle groups.

Ground BM and LM were analyzed for water holding capacity (WHC BM and WHC LM) 48 h postmortem by the Grau and Hamm method (Grau & Hamm, 1952Grau R, Hamm R. A simple method for the determination of water absorption in the meat. Fleischwirtschaft 1952;4:295-297.) as modified by Pohja & Niinivaara (1957Pohja MS, Niinivaara FP. The determination of water holding capacity of meat using constant pressure method. Fleischwirtschaft 1957;9:193-195.).

Molecular analysis

The DNA of 401 individuals (from P, F1, and F2 generations) was extracted from the blood using standard methods. The primers for the amplification of microsatellite sequences were chosen based on the literature (Huang et al., 2006Huang Y, Zhao Y, Haley C, Hu S, Hao J, Wu C, et al. A genetic and cytogenetic map for the duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Genetics 2006;173:287-296.). Finally, 29 polymorphic microsatellite markers were further analyzed. The detailed description of the molecular methods applied in the present study is given in Mucha et al. (2014b). The molecular identification of the sex of the individuals was determined using the method given by Clinton et al. (2001Clinton M, Haines L, Belloir B, Mcbride D. Sexing chick embryos: a rapid and simple protocol. British Poultry Science 2001;42:134-138.).

Statistical analysis

In the first step, the standardization of the observations was performed. Briefly, the mean and standard deviation of each trait were calculated, after which the mean was subtracted from the observed values, and the result was divided by the standard deviation.

Multivariate cluster analysis was applied to the transformed data (McQuenn, 1967McQuenn JB. Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations. Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability; Berkeley: University of California Press ; 1967. p. 281-297.), grouping by k-means algorithm. Two clusters of families were obtained. The results obtained from the progenies of five sires were subjected to analysis of variance and compared by least significant differences.

Next, the coefficients of variation (CV) of the analyzed traits in the half-sibs were calculated and compared by the c2 test of Miller & Feltz (1997Miller GE ,Feltz CJ. Asymptotic inference for coefficients of variation. Communication in Statistics -Theory and Methods 1997;26:715-726.).

In the last step, all sire markers were analyzed. The purpose was to find the loci characteristic for the indicated sire, i.e., loci occurring only in its specific genotype.


The multivariate cluster analysis, grouping by k-means, gave two clusters: the first one with 10 families and the second one with 18 families. The first cluster contains five families of sire 116. Only one of its families is in the other cluster. Moreover, the first cluster groups families with higher values of important traits, such as BW, BMW, and LMW (Figure 1). These results indicate that sire 116 was the most interesting.

Figure 1
Means and standard errors for the standardized variables

Table 1 gives the means and coefficients of variation of the analyzed traits obtained for each sire.

By the analysis of variance, the general hypothesis of the equality of the means of the five sire progenies was rejected for five out of the seven analyzed traits. No differences were stated only for BHCBM and WHCLM. The probabilities of post-hoc tests are given in Table 2. Again, sire 116 was different from the others in most cases.

Table 1
Means and coefficients of variation of the analyzed traits according to sire.
Table 2
Probability for tests of coefficients of variation differences among sires for the evaluated traits.

The c2 test of Miller and Feltz was applied to verify if there were any significant CV differences between the male and female progeny of each sire. In 35 comparisons, the hypotheses were rejected only in five cases at 0.05 significance level and only one at 0.01 level. This allowed us to neglect the sex in the further analysis.

The coefficients of variation (CV) of the seven analyzed traits given in Table 1 show that except for one trait, namely LB, those obtained for the progenies of sire 116 are smaller compared with the those of the other sires. This again indicates that sire 116 produced the most balanced progeny. The last row in Table 1 contains probabilities of c2 statistics used for the verification of the hypothesis about the equality of CVs. The general hypotheses were rejected in three cases: for BW, BMW, and LL.

Considering these results, the molecular analysis (Table 3) was focused on sire 116. Microsatellite markers which were formed by loci that did not occur in the genotypes of other sires were searched. The analysis of all sire markers identified three markers with loci occurring only in the 116 male genotype. These are: SM007, CAUD024 and CAUD069, and may indicate sites responsible for uniform progenies for the analyzed traits.

Table 3
Sire genotypes at the three most differentiated microsatellite markers


In contrast with other livestock and poultry species, the whole duck genome has not been fully analyzed yet. Therefore, the analysis of the association between Anas platyrhynchos the genome and phenotypes is still limited. However, over the last decades a number of studies on the associations of single loci with performance traits of ducks (Huang et al., 2005Huang Y, Tu J, Cheng X, Tang B, Hu X, Liu Z, et al. Characterization of 35 novel microsatellite DNA markers from the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) genome and cross-amplification in other birds. Genetics Selection Evolution 2005;37:455-472., 2006, 2008; Maak et al., 2000Maak S, Wimmers K, Weigend S, Neumann K. First seven microsatellites developed for the Peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Animal Genetics 2000;31:233.; Wu et al., 2008Wu F, Huang Y, Ma Y, Hu S, Hao J, Li N. Evaluation of genetic diversity and relationships within and between two breeds of duck based on microsatellite markers. Progress in Natural Science 2008;19:1581-1986.; Gong et al., 2014Gong P, Yang YP, Yang Y, Ye SK, Deng B, Wang LX, et al. Effects of polymorphism and haplotypes with the MSTN gene on duck growth trait. British Poultry Science 2014;55:37-43.; Mucha et al., 2014b), using different methodological approaches, have been published. Generally, they focus on single measures per individual. Thus, the homogeneity of single traits and their clusters are omitted. Final meat production effectiveness can be perceived as a function of many traits, such as body weight, carcass weight including most important components (breast and leg muscle weights), as well as water holding capacity and color lightness of the mentioned muscles. As already mentioned, some duck genome regions determining some performance traits have been identified. Gong et al. (2014) found significant effects of three polymorphisms within the MSTN gene on body weight of duck in consecutive weeks of age (from 5 to 11 weeks), whereas no effects have been estimated for younger birds. Furthermore, Zhao et al. (2015Zhao NN, Lin S, Wang ZQ, Zhang TJ. VLDLR gene polymorphisms associated with abdominal fat Gaoyou domestic duck breed. Czech Journal of Animal Science 2015;60:178-184.) detected significant associations between the VLDLR gene (for four diplotypes) and body weight at 10 weeks in Gaoyou domestic duck breed. Also, considerable effects of these traits were estimated by Huang et al. (2007a, 2007b). In addition, polymorphisms of the mitochondrial coding gene were also associated with 42-d-old body weight and breast muscle weight in Pekin ducks, but no effect on leg muscle weight has been reported. Some authors found important genome regions determining meat quality traits. Zhang et al. (2010Zhang CL, Wang YH, Xie M, Chen M, Wang XH, Hou SS. Mitochondrial coding gene Polymorphisms associated with carcass traits in Beijing duck. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2010;9:2522-2525.) reported significant effects of the ApoVLDL-II gene on water holding capacity. However, no influence of these polymorphisms on meat color was estimated in the above paper. Zhang et al. (2015) obtained no significant effects of nine polymorphisms of the LXRa gene on water holding capacity in White Muscovy ducks.

As already stated, the population examined here was analyzed in previous studies by Mucha et al. (2014b), who did not find any significant effects of genome regions on the traits included in the present study. The detection of important duck genome regions was performed using classical methodology with construction of a linkage map and estimation of parameters based on a linear unitrait genetic additive model.

The above-mentioned results clearly confirm that body weight and its components have a complex genetic background. On the other hand, it is well known that estimates of single locus effects vary across populations and their genetic structures and size as well as applied methodologies. The effectiveness of statistical inference is considerably determined by the above factors.

From a practical point of view, the breeding goal should be focused on the most important traits. Unfortunately, undesirable dependences between some animal characteristics do not allow to contrast clusters of populations with good and poor traits. Fortunately, a previous study by Molinski et al. (2015) indicated a possibility of successful clustering of the population into two alternative groups. It was an optimistic signal for the present investigation.

The main goal of this study was to investigate some variants of microsatellite loci connected with desirable traits in the context of their level and uniformity. The “discrimination ability” of a given file is mainly determined by the number of variables. Hence, the number of traits included in this study is limited. Seven basic traits were considered in this analysis, although this research project covered 36 traits describing different aspects of meat production in ducks. From an economic point of view, both means of given traits and their uniformity seem to be very important. To our knowledge no reports are available in the literature on duck performance traits.

As already mentioned, the next stage of the analysis was to find the genotypes of sires influencing both desirable level and uniformity of the traits recorded. Applicability of genetic markers in association studies is strongly determined by their polymorphism. Polymorphism Information Content coefficients for these microsatellite loci are as follows (Mucha et al. 2014b): 0.32 (SMO07), 0.84 (CAUD069) and 0.85 (CAUD024). They are obviously positively correlated with the number of alleles and heterozygosity parameters. Averages and variability coefficients of 28 full-sib groups distributed across five sires were analyzed. Even though the number of sires seems to be limited, specific genotypes of one sire were determined. It should be noted that the least polymorphic locus (SMO07) was found by Huang et al. (2007a) as a flanking marker for breast muscle weight. Whereas Molinski et al. (2015) reported that, out of the six studied, the CAUD024 and CAUD069 loci were most important for clustering the present population according to some carcass traits.

The duck hybrids evaluated here were characterized by excellent meat performance traits (Mucha et al. 2014a). The private sire alleles in three of the identified loci seem to be a promising element in further genetic improvement programs. Although the crossbreeding scheme was designed for the detection of quantitative trait loci, it can also be perceived as a suggestion for breeding practice.


The analysis of the microsatellite markers indicated three alleles from three loci that were present only in the “superior” sire group. The obtained results provide a promising opportunity of effective selection for enhancing carcass technological quality using molecular markers.


The research project was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, grant No N N311 239838.


  • Adamski M, Bernacki Z, Kuzniacka J. The effects origin and sex on rearing results of ducks from two ancestral paternal strains. Acta Scientarum Polonorum Zootechnica 2005;4(1):13-28.
  • Baeza E, Dessay C, Wacrenier N, Marche G, Listrat A. Effect of selection for improved body weight and composition on muscle and meat characteristics in MusCVy duck. British Poultry Science 2002;43:560-568.
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  • Gong P, Yang YP, Yang Y, Ye SK, Deng B, Wang LX, et al. Effects of polymorphism and haplotypes with the MSTN gene on duck growth trait. British Poultry Science 2014;55:37-43.
  • Grau R, Hamm R. A simple method for the determination of water absorption in the meat. Fleischwirtschaft 1952;4:295-297.
  • Huang Y, Tu J, Cheng X, Tang B, Hu X, Liu Z, et al. Characterization of 35 novel microsatellite DNA markers from the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) genome and cross-amplification in other birds. Genetics Selection Evolution 2005;37:455-472.
  • Huang Y, Zhao Y, Haley C, Hu S, Hao J, Wu C, et al. A genetic and cytogenetic map for the duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Genetics 2006;173:287-296.
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  • Mazanowski A, Ksiazkiewicz J. Comprehensive evaluation of meat traits of ducks from two sire strains. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 2004;13:175-184.
  • McQuenn JB. Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations. Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability; Berkeley: University of California Press ; 1967. p. 281-297.
  • Miller GE ,Feltz CJ. Asymptotic inference for coefficients of variation. Communication in Statistics -Theory and Methods 1997;26:715-726.
  • Molinski K, Szwaczkowski T, Gornowicz E, Lisowski M, Grajewski B, Dobek A. New approach for the detection of loci determining duck meat quality. European Poultry Science 2015;79. Available from: DOI:10.1399/eps.2015.98.
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  • Mucha S, Grajewski B, Gornowicz E, Lisowski M, Radziszewska J, Szwaczkowski T. Mapping quantitative trait loci affecting some carcass and meat traits in duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Journal of Applied Genetics 2014b;55, 497-503.
  • Nowak M, Trziszka T. Consumer behaviour on the poultry meat market. Zywnosc. Nauka. Technologia. Jakosc 2010;1(68):114-120.
  • Omojola AB. Carcass and organoleptic characteristics of duck meat as influenced by breed and sex. International Journal of Poultry Science 2007;6(5):329-334.
  • Pingel H. Results of selection for breast muscle percentage and feed conversion ratio in Pekin ducks. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 2011;27(3):769-776.
  • Pohja MS, Niinivaara FP. The determination of water holding capacity of meat using constant pressure method. Fleischwirtschaft 1957;9:193-195.
  • Resurreccion AVA. Sensory aspects of consumer choices for meat and meat products. Meat Science 2003;66:11-20.
  • Smith DP, Northcutt JK, Qudsieh RI, Parisi MA. Effect of strain on duck breast meat quality. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2015;24:401-407.
  • Wencek E., Kaluzna I., Kozlecka M., Miszkiel I., Palyszka M., Prokopiak H., Radziszewska J., Suchocki W., Winiarski K., Adamski M., Kuzniacka J. Results of poultry performance recording in 2014. Warszawa: Krajowa Rada Drobiarstwa - Izba Gospodarcza; 2015.
  • Witkiewicz K, Kontecka H, Ksiazkiewicz J. Basic elements of eviscerated and chemical composition of pectoral muscle in selected and unselected ducks. Archiv fur Tierzucht 2006;49:502-507.
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  • Xu TS, Liu XL, Huang W, Hou SS. Estimates of genetic parameters for body weight and carcass composition in Pekin ducks. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2011;10(1):23-28.
  • Zhang CL, Wang YH, Xie M, Chen M, Wang XH, Hou SS. Mitochondrial coding gene Polymorphisms associated with carcass traits in Beijing duck. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2010;9:2522-2525.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2017


  • Received
    15 Dec 2016
  • Accepted
    11 Apr 2017
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