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Effects of β-mannanase on Egg Production Performance, Egg Quality, Intestinal Microbiota, Viscosity, and Ammonia Concentration in Laying Hens


Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of β-mannanase on egg production performance, egg quality, intestinal microbiota, viscosity, and ammonia concentration in laying hens. In Exp. 1, two hundred and seventy 30-wk-old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were assigned to 6 diets arranged in a 3 × 2 factorial of three levels of MEn and CP [(a corn-soybean meal based diet (HEHP), a diet containing 50 kcal of MEn/kg and 1.0% less energy and CP than the HEHP (MEMP), and a diet containing 80 kcal of MEn/kg and 1.5% less energy and CP than HEHP (LELP)], and β-mannanase supplementation (0 or 0.04%). In Exp. 2, A total of two hundred and sixteen62-wk-old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were assigned to 6 dietary treatments in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. In Exp. 1, β-mannanase supplementation increased egg production rate in hens fed LELP diet, but not in those fed HEHP or MEMP diet (interaction, p<0.01), and the interaction was significant (p<0.01) for egg mass. β-mannanase supplementation decreased (p<0.05) ammonia concentration. In Exp. 2, the supplementation of β-mannanase increased egg production rate and egg mass in hens fed LELP diet, whereas no differences were found in those fed HEHP or MELP diet (interaction, p<0.01). The supplementation of β-mannanase in a lower energy and protein diet resulted in similar production performance when compared to high-energy and high-protein diet during early and late stages of egg production.

β-mannanase; egg quality,laying hens; metabolizable energy; performance


In monogastric animal diets, exogenous enzymes have been used to reduce anti-nutritive factors such as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), the polysaccharide present in the common corn-soybean meal (SBM) diets. β-mannans, one of the NSP, are mainly found in the hull and fiber fractions of SBM and make up to 1.3 or 1.6% in the dehulled or nondehulled SBM, respectively (Hsiao et al., 2006Hsiao HY, Anderson DM, Dale NM. Levels of β-mannan in soybean meal. Poultry Science 2006;85:1430-1432.). The water-soluble structure of NSP increases digesta viscosity (Lee et al., 2003Lee JT, Bailey CA, Cartwright AL. β-mannanase ameliorates viscosity associated depression of growth in broiler chickens fed guar germ and hull fractions. Poultry Science 2003;82:1925-1931.), which may limit the access of digestive enzymes to their substrates (Dale, 1997Dale N. Current status of feed enzymes for swine. In: Hemicell, Poultry and swine feed enzyme. Gaithersburg: ChemGen Crop; 1997.) and therefore decreases nutrients digestibility (Smits et al., 1997Smits CH, Veldman A, Verstegen MW, Beynen AC. Dietary carboxymethylcellulose with high instead of low viscosity reduces macronutrient digestion in broiler chickens. Journal of Nutrition 1997;127:483-487.). Additionally, highly viscous NSP present in feed may negatively alter microbiota profiles by providing substrates for the fermentation of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the hindgut, such as Escherichia coli and Clostridium spp. (Hopwood et al., 2002Hopwood DE, Pethick DW, Hampson DJ. Increasing the viscosity of the intestinal contents stimulates proliferation of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Brachyspirapilosicoli in weaner pigs. British Journal of Nutrition 2002;88:523-532.). The use of NSP enzymes can minimize the quantity of undigested NSP that reaches the hindgut and limit proliferation of potential pathogenic microbes (O’Neill et al., 2014O'Neill HVM, Smith JA, Bedford MR. Multicarbohydrase enzymes for non-ruminants. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2014;27:290-301.).

β-mannanase supplementation has shown to increase AMEn and has beneficial effects on growth performance when added into poultry diets (Kong et al., 2011Kong C, Lee JH, Adeola O. Supplementation of β-mannanase to starter and grower diets for broilers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 2011;91:389-397.; Kim et al., 2017Kim MC, Kim JH, Pitargue FM, Koo DY, Choi HS, Kil DY. Effect of dietarybeta-mannanase on productive performance, egg quality, and utilization of dietary energy and nutrients in aged laying hens raised under hot climatic conditions. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2017;30:1450-1455.). In laying hens, egg production of hens fed a reduced energy diet was similar ompared to an energy sufficient diet when β-mannanase was added into the diet (Jackson et al., 1999Jackson ME, Fodge DW, Hsiao HY. Effects of β-mannanase in corn-soybean meal diets on laying hen performance. Poultry Science 1999;78:1737-1741.). Latham et al. (2016Latham RE, Williams M, Smith K, Stringfellow K, Clemente S, Brister R, et al. Effect of β-mannanase inclusion on growth performance, ileal digestible energy, and intestinal viscosity of male broilers fed a reduced-energy diet. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2016;25:40-47.), studying the efficacy of β-mannanase in broiler diet, found that the addition of this enzyme in diets with reduced metabolizable energy and crude protein promoted similar growth performance to those fed a diet with adequate energy and nutrient levels. However, there is limited information on how β-mannanase would affect intestinal microbiota and viscosity in laying hens fed reducedenergy and crude protein diets. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of β-mannanase on egg production performance, intestinal microbiota, and viscosity of laying hens when added into corn-SBM based diets with different levels of energy and crude protein during early or late egg production period.


The experimental protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Konkuk University (KU13188). β-mannanase (CTCZYME®, 800,000 U/kg) were provided by CTCBIO Inc. (Seoul, Republic of Korea).

Experiment 1

Animals and experimental design

A total of two hundred and seventy30-wk-old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were used in this study. Five replicates of 9 hens each (3 adjacent cages containing 3 hens/ 45 × 62 × 66 cm cage) were randomly allotted to 6 dietary treatments based on 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. The three diets containing different levels of energy and CP were made as follows: HEHP, a corn-soybean meal based diet that met or exceeded NRC (1994NRC. Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th ed. Washington: National Academy Press; 1994.) nutrient requirements containing 2,810 kcal of MEn and 18.0% CP per kg feed; MEMP, a diet that contained lower energy and CP levels than HEHP with 2,760 kcal of MEn and 17.0% CP per kg feed; LELP, a diet that contained lower energy and CP levels than MEMP with 2,730 kcal of MEn and 16.5% CP per kg feed. Each of the three diets was supplemented with either 0 or 0.04% β-mannanase to make 6 dietary treatments (Table 1). The experiment lasted 7 wks. A room temperature of 25 ± 3 ºC and a photoperiod of 16 L: 8 D were maintained throughout the experimental period. Hens were given ad libitum access to water and diets.

Table 1
Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets (Exp. 1)1.

Sample collection

Feed intake was recorded weekly by replicate. Eggs were collected daily, and egg production and egg mass were determined weekly. The mean egg weight was measured on a weekly basis and the quality of the eggs were measured biweekly according to the method described by Zheng et al. (2012Zheng L, Oh ST, Jeon JY, Moon BH, Kwon HS, Lim SU, et al. The dietary effects of fermented chlorella vulgaris (CBT) on production performance, liver lipids and intestinal microflora in laying hens. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2012;25:261-266.).

At the end of the experiment, 10 birds per treatment were slaughtered using carbon dioxide gas. Ammonia concentration of the cecal digesta was measured according to Lee et al. (2010Lee SY, Kim JS, Kim JM, An BK, Kang CW. Effects of multiple enzyme (ROVABIO(r) Max) containing carbohydrolases and phytase on growth performance and intestinal viscosity in broiler chicks fed corn-wheat-soybean meal based diets. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2010;23:1198-1204.) using an ammonia assay kit (Product codeAA0100, Sigma).

Experiment 2

Animals and experimental design

A total of two hundred and sixteen 62-wk-old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were used in this study. Four replicates of 9 hens each (3 adjacent cages containing 3 hens/ 45 × 62 × 66 cm cage) were randomly allotted to 6 dietary treatments based on 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. The three diets containing different levels of energy and CP were made as follows: HEHP, a corn-soybean meal based diet that met or exceeded NRC (1994NRC. Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th ed. Washington: National Academy Press; 1994.) nutrient requirements containing 2,770 kcal of MEn and 16.0% CP per kg feed; MELP, a diet that contained lower energy and CP levels than HEHP with 2,700 kcal of MEn and 15.0% CP per kg feed; LELP, a diet that contained lower energy than MELP with 2,650 kcal of MEn and 15.0% CP per kg feed. Each of the three diets was supplemented with either 0 or 0.04% β-mannanase to make 6 dietary treatments (Table 5). The experiment lasted 7 wks. A room temperature of 25 ± 3 ºC and a photoperiod of 16 L: 8 D were maintained throughout the experimental period. Hens were given ad libitum access to water and diets.

Sample collection

Feed intake was recorded weekly by replicate. Egg production rate and egg mass were recorded on a daily basis and determined on a replicate basis throughout the experiment. The mean egg weight and egg qualities were measured with the same method as shown in Exp. 1.

At the end of the experiment, 10 birds per treatment were slaughtered using carbon dioxide gas. Cecal microbiota was measured according to the method described by Zheng et al. (2012Zheng L, Oh ST, Jeon JY, Moon BH, Kwon HS, Lim SU, et al. The dietary effects of fermented chlorella vulgaris (CBT) on production performance, liver lipids and intestinal microflora in laying hens. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2012;25:261-266.).

Ileal digesta were collected to measure viscosity according to the method described by Lee et al. (2010Lee SY, Kim JS, Kim JM, An BK, Kang CW. Effects of multiple enzyme (ROVABIO(r) Max) containing carbohydrolases and phytase on growth performance and intestinal viscosity in broiler chicks fed corn-wheat-soybean meal based diets. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2010;23:1198-1204.). Ammonia concentration of the cecal digesta was measured according to Lee et al. (2010) using an ammonia assay kit (Product code AA0100, Sigma).

Statistical analysis

Data were analyzed as a complete randomized design by two-way ANOVA using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS Inc., 2002) to determine effects of energy and protein levels, and enzyme, and interactions. The cage lot (3 adjacent cages) was considered as an experimental unit. Differences were declared significant when p<0.05 or highly significant at p<0.01, and trends were noted when 0.05 ≤ p<0.10. When significant interactions occurred, means among treatments were compared in a pairwise manner using the probability of differences (PDIFF) option of SAS.


Experiment 1

Egg production

During the whole experimental period, no interactions between β-mannanase and energy and protein levels were observed for feed intake; however, there was an increase (p<0.05) in feed intake with β-mannanase supplementation (Table 2). An interaction between β-mannanase and energy and protein levels was observed for egg production rate (p<0.01). Supplementation of β-mannanase increased (p<0.05) egg production rate in laying hens when added into LELP diet, but did not affect that when supplemented into HEHP or MEMP diet. The interaction between β-mannanase and energy and protein levels tended to be significant (p=0.09) for egg weight. β-mannanase and the diet effects were shown in egg weight, respectively (p<0.01; p<0.01). An interaction between the enzyme and the energy and protein levels was found for egg mass (p<0.01). Supplementation of β-mannanase increased (p<0.01) egg mass in hens fed HEHP or LELP diet but did not affect that when fed MEMP diet. The egg mass of hens fed HEHP and MEMP diets were higher (p<0.01) than those fed LELP diet when fed without β-mannanase.

Table 2
Egg production performance of laying hens fed diets with three levels of energy and crude protein and β-mannanase from 32 to 39 weeks of age (Exp.1)1.

Egg quality

No differences or interactions were observed for egg quality including eggshell color, eggshell thickness, eggshell strength, egg yolk color, or Haugh Unit (Table 3).

Table 3
Egg quality of laying hens fed diets with three levels of energy and crude protein and β-mannanase from 32 to 39 weeks of age (Exp.1) 1.

Ammonia concentration

No interactions between β-mannanase and energy and protein levels were observed for ammonia concentration; however, there was a decrease (p<0.05) in ammonia concentration with β-mannanase supplementation (Table 4).

Table 4
Cecalmicrobiota of laying hens fed diets with three levels of energy and crude protein and β-mannanase from 32 to 39 weeks of age (Exp.1)1.
Table 5
Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets (Exp. 2)1.

3Mineral mixture provided the following nutrients per kg: Fe, 30,000 mg; Zn, 25,000 mg; Mn, 20,000 mg; Co, 150 mg; Cu, 5,000 mg; Ca, 250 mg; Se, 100 mg.

Experiment 2

Egg production

No differences or interactions were observed for feed intake (Table 6). An interaction between β-mannanase and energy and protein levels was observed for egg production rate (p<0.01). Supplementation of β-mannanase increased (p<0.01) egg production rate in laying hens when added into LELP diet, whereas no differences were found when supplemented into HEHP or MELP diet. An interaction between β-mannanase and energy and protein levels was observed for egg weight (p<0.01) and egg mass (p<0.01), respectively. Supplementation of β-mannanase increased (p<0.01) egg mass of laying hens when added into LELP diet but did not affect that when added into HEHP or MELP diet. β-mannanase supplementation increased (p<0.01) egg mass.

Table 6
Egg production performance of laying hens fed diets with three levels of energy and crude protein and β-mannanase from 62 to 69 weeks of age (Exp. 2)1.

Egg quality

No differences or interactions were observed for eggshell color, eggshell thickness, egg yolk color, or Haugh Unit (Table 7); however, there was a trend for decreased (p=0.09) eggshell strength by feeding LELP diet compared to feeding HEHP or MELP diets. The Haugh Unit was lower (p<0.05) when feeding HEHP or LELP diet than feeding MELP diet.

Table 7
Egg quality of laying hens fed diets with three levels of energy and crude protein and β-mannanase from 62 to 69 weeks of age (Exp. 2)1.

Cecal microbiota, ammonia concentration, and viscosity of ileal digesta

The interaction between β-mannanase and energy and protein levels tended to be significant (p=0.07) for cecal lactic acid bacteria (Table 8). No differences or interactions were observed for total microbes or coliform bacteria. In addition no differences or interactions were observed for ammonia concentration and viscosity in the ileal digesta.

Table 8
Cecalmicrobiota, ammonia concentration and viscosity of ileal diesta in laying hens fed diets with three levels of energy and crude protein and -mannanase from 62 to 69 weeks of age (Exp. 2)1.


Egg production

Results of the current study demonstrate the beneficial effects of the use of β-mannanase on egg production and egg mass in the early and late egg production. It is interesting to note that the egg production and egg mass of hens fed LELP diets supplemented with β-mannanase were similar to those of hens fed HEHP diets without β-mannanase. Similar results were found in a previous study, egg production of hens fed diets with a 99 kcal lower energy levels that supplemented β-mannanase was similar with those fed diets containing sufficient energy levels (Jackson et al., 1999Jackson ME, Fodge DW, Hsiao HY. Effects of β-mannanase in corn-soybean meal diets on laying hen performance. Poultry Science 1999;78:1737-1741.). The study showed that β-mannanase can increase egg production, whereas no interactions between the enzyme and energy levels for egg production were found. In a study with broilers, where the birds were fed diets containing 97 kcal lower energy levels than a control diet,with the supplementation of β-mannanase, the growth performance was similar to those fed a control diet (Latham et al., 2016Latham RE, Williams M, Smith K, Stringfellow K, Clemente S, Brister R, et al. Effect of β-mannanase inclusion on growth performance, ileal digestible energy, and intestinal viscosity of male broilers fed a reduced-energy diet. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2016;25:40-47.). β-mannanase (endo-1,4-β-mannanase) used in the present study cleaves randomly within the β-D-1,4 mannopyranoside linkages, and is speculated to produce mannan-oligosaccharides and a small amount of mannose when added into diets (McCleary, 1988McCleary BV. β-D-mannanase. Methods in Enzymology 1988;160:596-610.; Dhawan & Kaur, 2007Dhawan S, Kaur J. Microbial mannanases: an overview of production and applications. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2007;27:197-216.).In the previous studies evaluating the effects of β-mannanase on energy utilization showed it can increase energy values of the diets when fed to laying hens(Kim et al., 2017Kim MC, Kim JH, Pitargue FM, Koo DY, Choi HS, Kil DY. Effect of dietarybeta-mannanase on productive performance, egg quality, and utilization of dietary energy and nutrients in aged laying hens raised under hot climatic conditions. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2017;30:1450-1455.)and broiler chickens(Kong et al., 2011Kong C, Lee JH, Adeola O. Supplementation of β-mannanase to starter and grower diets for broilers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 2011;91:389-397.). The release of the mannose in the small intestine by the addition of β-mannanase would lead to the increase of the ME of the diet which then can result in decreases in feed intake. However, in the present study, β-mannanase supplementation showed to increase feed intake in the early phase of egg production. It can be speculated that the improved energy utilization by the β-mannanase supplementation might partially improve the production performance; however, it cannot fully explain the beneficial effects shown in the present study. The addition of β-mannanase has shown to lead to the improvement in the digestibility of nutrients such as crude fiber (Li et al., 2010Li Y, Chen X, Chen Y, Li Z, Cao Y. Effects of β-mannanase expressed by Pichia pastoris in corn-soybean meal diets on broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, energy utilization and immunoglobulin levels. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2010;159:59-67.), digestibility of amino acids (Mussini et al., 2011Mussini FJ, Coto CA, Goodgame SD, Lu C, Karimi AJ, Lee JH, et al. Effect of a β-mannanase on nutrient digestibility in corn-soybean meal diets for broilers chicks. International Journal of Poultry Science 2011;10:774-777.), and phosphorus digestibility (Lv et al., 2013Lv JN, Chen YQ, Guo XJ, Piao XS, Cao YH, Dong B. Effects of supplementation of β-mannanase in corn-soybean meal diets on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2013;26:579-587.). The beneficial effects showed on egg production might be related to the positive effects on the nutrient absorption, but further research is needed to elucidate it.

Cecal microbiota, ammonia concentration, and viscosity of ileal digesta

Excessive NSPs presented in the diet may lead to the growth of potential harmful intestinal microbiota (Choct et al., 2010Choct M, Dersjant-Li Y, McLeish J, Peisker M. Soy oligosaccharides and soluble non-starch polysaccharides: A review of digestion, nutritive and anti-nutritive effects in pigs and poultry. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2010;23:1386-1398.). Mannan-oligosaccharides have been shown to improve growth performance by reducing potential pathogen populations in the large intestine (Mourão et al., 2006Mourão JL, Pinheiro V, Alves A, Guedes CM, Pinto L, Saavedra MJ, et al. Effect of mannan oligosaccharides on the performance, intestinal morphology and cecal fermentation of fattening rabbits. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2006;126:107-120.). They reduce the colonization of pathogens (Spring et al., 2000Spring P, Wenk C, Dawson KA, Newman KE. The effects of dietary mannanoligosaccharides on cecal parameters and the concentrations of enteric bacteria in cecal of salmonella-challenged broiler chicks. Poultry Science 2000;79:205-211.), maintain epithelial integrity (Baurhoo et al., 2007Baurhoo B, Phillip L, Ruiz-Feria CA. Effects of purified lignin and mannan oligosaccharides on intestinal integrity and microbial populations in the ceca and litter of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 2007;86:1070-1078.), and enhance immune function (Davis et al., 2004Davis ME, Brown DC, Maxwell CV, Johnson ZB, Kegley,EB, Dvorak RA. Effect of phosphorylated mannans and pharmacological additions of zinc oxide on growth and immuno-competence of weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science 2004;82:581-587.). Additionally, the reduction of the intestinal viscosity is the main purpose of the use of exogenous enzymes and it showed to be linked with the enhanced intestinal ecosystem (Adeola & Cowieson, 2011Adeola O, Cowieson AJ. Board-invited review: opportunities and challenges in using exogenous enzymes to improve nonruminant animal production. Journal of Animal Science 2011;89:3189-3218.). The intestinal microbiota and viscosity were measured to establish a possible mechanism of promoting egg production. These may partially explain the positive effects on egg production shown in the present study. In the present study, supplementation of β-mannanase tended to increase cecal lactic acid bacteria in hens fed LELP, but not in those fed HEHP or MELP diet. The alteration in the composition of gut microbiota in the large intestine might have reduced the pathogenic bacterial attachment to the enterocytes (Spring et al., 2000) which can enhance mucosal immune system and production performance. No differences were observed in the viscosity of ileal digesta in the present study. The inconsistent results may be related to the diet composition and age of birds. Furthermore, ammonia concentration decreased with β-mannanase supplementation in the ceca in the Exp. 1.β-mannanase supplementation reduced excreted nitrogen and increased amino acid digestibility when fed to broiler chickens (Ferreira et al., 2016). The reduction in ammonia concentration shown in the present study might be related to improvement in crude protein digestibility.

In conclusion, supplementation of β-mannanase in a low-energy and low-protein diet, laying hens were able to produce similar production performance when compared to a high-energy and high-protein diet during early and late egg production. Supplementation of β-mannanase can increase lactic acid bacteria population, but further research is needed to elucidate it.


This paper was supported by the KU Research Professor Program of Konkuk University (314028-03-3-CG000).


  • Adeola O, Cowieson AJ. Board-invited review: opportunities and challenges in using exogenous enzymes to improve nonruminant animal production. Journal of Animal Science 2011;89:3189-3218.
  • Baurhoo B, Phillip L, Ruiz-Feria CA. Effects of purified lignin and mannan oligosaccharides on intestinal integrity and microbial populations in the ceca and litter of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 2007;86:1070-1078.
  • Choct M, Dersjant-Li Y, McLeish J, Peisker M. Soy oligosaccharides and soluble non-starch polysaccharides: A review of digestion, nutritive and anti-nutritive effects in pigs and poultry. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2010;23:1386-1398.
  • Dale N. Current status of feed enzymes for swine. In: Hemicell, Poultry and swine feed enzyme. Gaithersburg: ChemGen Crop; 1997.
  • Davis ME, Brown DC, Maxwell CV, Johnson ZB, Kegley,EB, Dvorak RA. Effect of phosphorylated mannans and pharmacological additions of zinc oxide on growth and immuno-competence of weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science 2004;82:581-587.
  • Dhawan S, Kaur J. Microbial mannanases: an overview of production and applications. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2007;27:197-216.
  • Ferreira Jr HC, Hannas MI, Albino LFT, Rostagno HS, Neme R, Faria BD, et al. Effect of the addition of beta-mannanase on the performance, metabolizable energy, amino acid digestibility coefficients, and immune functions of broilers fed different nutritional levels. Poultry Science 2016;95:1848-1857.
  • Hopwood DE, Pethick DW, Hampson DJ. Increasing the viscosity of the intestinal contents stimulates proliferation of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Brachyspirapilosicoli in weaner pigs. British Journal of Nutrition 2002;88:523-532.
  • Hsiao HY, Anderson DM, Dale NM. Levels of β-mannan in soybean meal. Poultry Science 2006;85:1430-1432.
  • Jackson ME, Fodge DW, Hsiao HY. Effects of β-mannanase in corn-soybean meal diets on laying hen performance. Poultry Science 1999;78:1737-1741.
  • Kim MC, Kim JH, Pitargue FM, Koo DY, Choi HS, Kil DY. Effect of dietarybeta-mannanase on productive performance, egg quality, and utilization of dietary energy and nutrients in aged laying hens raised under hot climatic conditions. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2017;30:1450-1455.
  • Kong C, Lee JH, Adeola O. Supplementation of β-mannanase to starter and grower diets for broilers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 2011;91:389-397.
  • Latham RE, Williams M, Smith K, Stringfellow K, Clemente S, Brister R, et al. Effect of β-mannanase inclusion on growth performance, ileal digestible energy, and intestinal viscosity of male broilers fed a reduced-energy diet. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2016;25:40-47.
  • Lee JT, Bailey CA, Cartwright AL. β-mannanase ameliorates viscosity associated depression of growth in broiler chickens fed guar germ and hull fractions. Poultry Science 2003;82:1925-1931.
  • Lee SY, Kim JS, Kim JM, An BK, Kang CW. Effects of multiple enzyme (ROVABIO(r) Max) containing carbohydrolases and phytase on growth performance and intestinal viscosity in broiler chicks fed corn-wheat-soybean meal based diets. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2010;23:1198-1204.
  • Li Y, Chen X, Chen Y, Li Z, Cao Y. Effects of β-mannanase expressed by Pichia pastoris in corn-soybean meal diets on broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, energy utilization and immunoglobulin levels. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2010;159:59-67.
  • Lv JN, Chen YQ, Guo XJ, Piao XS, Cao YH, Dong B. Effects of supplementation of β-mannanase in corn-soybean meal diets on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2013;26:579-587.
  • McCleary BV. β-D-mannanase. Methods in Enzymology 1988;160:596-610.
  • Mourão JL, Pinheiro V, Alves A, Guedes CM, Pinto L, Saavedra MJ, et al. Effect of mannan oligosaccharides on the performance, intestinal morphology and cecal fermentation of fattening rabbits. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2006;126:107-120.
  • Mussini FJ, Coto CA, Goodgame SD, Lu C, Karimi AJ, Lee JH, et al. Effect of a β-mannanase on nutrient digestibility in corn-soybean meal diets for broilers chicks. International Journal of Poultry Science 2011;10:774-777.
  • NRC. Nutrient requirements of poultry. 9th ed. Washington: National Academy Press; 1994.
  • O'Neill HVM, Smith JA, Bedford MR. Multicarbohydrase enzymes for non-ruminants. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2014;27:290-301.
  • SAS Institute. SAS/STAT user's guide: statistics, release 8.2 edition. Cary; 2002.
  • Smits CH, Veldman A, Verstegen MW, Beynen AC. Dietary carboxymethylcellulose with high instead of low viscosity reduces macronutrient digestion in broiler chickens. Journal of Nutrition 1997;127:483-487.
  • Spring P, Wenk C, Dawson KA, Newman KE. The effects of dietary mannanoligosaccharides on cecal parameters and the concentrations of enteric bacteria in cecal of salmonella-challenged broiler chicks. Poultry Science 2000;79:205-211.
  • Zheng L, Oh ST, Jeon JY, Moon BH, Kwon HS, Lim SU, et al. The dietary effects of fermented chlorella vulgaris (CBT) on production performance, liver lipids and intestinal microflora in laying hens. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science 2012;25:261-266.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    05 June 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 Sept 2019
  • Accepted
    01 Feb 2020
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