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Identification of Virulence-Associated Markers in Escherichia Coli Isolated from Captive Red-Browed Amazon Parrot (Amazona Rhodocorytha)


Due to the genetic similarity of pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from birds and pathotypes of human origin, it is suggested that they have a common ancestor and may exchange virulence-associated genes. This study aimed to detect virulence-associated genes in E. coli strains isolated from the Red-browed Amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha) kept at a conservation institute in Brazil. High genetic variability in virulence was observed, since 12 virulence profiles were found among 14 strains. The number of virulence-associated genes of single strains ranged from 5 to 22 out of 33 genes tested, and only one strain did not present any virulence genes. Regarding adhesion genes, most strains presented from two to five genes, and crlA (85.7%) and fimC (85.7%) were the most frequent. Frequencies were similar for invasion and iron acquisition genes. Variations among genes were observed for serum resistance and toxin-related genes. Some of the E. coli strains isolated from parrots presented virulence genes that are commonly associated with pathotypes of human origin, including newborn meningitis E. coli, uropathogenic E. coli, and sepsis-associated E. coli. It is noteworthy that some of these genes were present in the majority of the analyzed strains. Our results indicate that these strains detected in clinically healthy parrots can be potential reservoirs of several virulence-associated genes. These genes can be transmitted to other E. coli strains, including those that affect humans. These E. coli strains present a high pathogenic potential of virulence-associated genes in extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains.

Escherichia coli; parrot; public health; virulence genes


The Psittacidae family comprises approximately 350 species, most of which are found in the tropics (British Trust for Ornithology, 2021). Brazil has the greatest diversity of species belonging to this family, ranging from small species such as parakeets to its largest representatives, the macaws (Sigrist, 2006Sigrist T. Birds of Brazil: an artistic view. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Avis Brasilis; 2006.). The Red-browed Amazon (Amazona rhodocorytha), also known as Chauá-Parrot, is a species endemic to the Atlantic Forest in eastern Brazil. It is threatened by both habitat loss and trapping for illegal trade (BirdLife International 2021).

Escherichia coli is a part of both the animal and human commensal flora and can be found in several environments. Pathogenic Escherichia coli can cause intestinal and extraintestinal infections. Gastrointestinal infections are related to diarrheagenic E. coli (DEC), while extraintestinal infections, including sepsis, urinary tract infections and meningitis, are associated with extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) (Cunha et al., 2017Cunha MPV,Saidenberg AB, Moreno AM, Ferreira AJP, Vieira MAM, Gomes TAT, et al. Pandemic extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) clonal group O6-B2-ST73 as a cause of avian colibacillosis in Brazil. PLoS One 2017;12:e0178970.; Saka et al., 2019Saka HK, Dabo NT, Muhammad B, García-Soto S, Ugarte-Ruiz M, Alvarez J. Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli pathotypes from children younger than 5 years in Kano State, Nigeria. Front Public Health 2019;7:348.). Despite comprising many lineages, only specific ExPEC isolates are responsible for the majority of infections (Manges et al., 2019Manges AR, Geum HM, Guo A, Edens TJ, Fibke CD, Pitout JDD. Global extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) lineages. Clinical Microbiological Reviews 2019;32:e00135-18.). Among the ExPEC isolates, avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) is responsible for colibacillosis in poultry, an economically important disease that threatens food safety and avian welfare worldwide. (Cunha et al., 2017). Avian colibacillosis is a multifaceted syndrome that can be associated with respiratory disease, septicemia, swollen head syndrome, yolk-sac infection, omphalitis, and cellulitis (Kim et al., 2020Kim YB, Yoon MY, Ha JS, Seo KW, Noh EB, Son SH, et al. Molecular characterization of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli from broiler chickens with colibacillosis. Poultry Science 2020;99(2):1088-95.; Rocha et al., 2021Rocha DT, Salle FO, Borges KA, Furian TQ, Nascimento VP, Moraes HLS, et al. Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC): characterization and comparison. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 2021;15(7):962-71.).

ExPEC strains present a wide range of virulence-associated markers and an important plasticity of the genome. Their virulence traits include adhesins, invasins, iron acquisition and serum resistance factors, toxins, and proteases. These virulence factors are encoded by genes found in pathogenicity islands, plasmids, and other mobile genetic elements (Sarowska et al., 2019Sarowska J, Koloch BF, Kmiecik AJ, Madrzak MF, Ksiazczyk M, Ploskonska GB, et al. Virulence factors, prevalence and potential transmission of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from different sources: recent reports. Gut Pathogens 2019;11:1-16.). Studies have shown genetic similarity between APEC and pathotypes of human origin, suggesting a common ancestral origin and an ability of potentially pathogenic strains to compromise human health (Ewers et al., 2007Ewers C, Li G, Wilking H, Kie?ling S, Alt K, Antáo EM, et al. Avian pathogenic, uropathogenic, and newborn meningitis-causing Escherichia coli: how closely related are they? International Journal of Medical Microbiology 2007;297:163-76.).Close similarities in serogroup, virulence factors, phylogenetic group, and sequence type have been shown between APEC and human ExPEC (Cunha et al., 2017Cunha MPV,Saidenberg AB, Moreno AM, Ferreira AJP, Vieira MAM, Gomes TAT, et al. Pandemic extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) clonal group O6-B2-ST73 as a cause of avian colibacillosis in Brazil. PLoS One 2017;12:e0178970.), suggesting the important role of APEC strains to be a reservoir of virulence genes for ExPEC strains in humans (Rocha et al., 2017Rocha SLS, Furian TQ, Borges KA, Rocha DT, Moraes HLS, Salle CTP, et al.Classification of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and human uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) in phylogenetic groups and association with pathogenicity in vivo. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae2017;45:1-8.). It is especially important in those species with close contact with humans such as captive birds.

In this context, this study aimed to detect virulence-associated genes in E. coli strains isolated from the Red-browed Amazon of a conservation institute in Brazil.


Ethical approval

All experimental procedures were approved by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) under protocol number 38772-1. All methods were carried out in accordance with ICMBio relevant guidelines and regulations.

Red-browed Amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha)

The birds selected for this study were maintained captive in an enriched vivarium at the National Institute of the Atlantic Forest (Santa Teresa, ES, Brazil). The parrots kept at the Institute come from illegal trade and cannot be returned to their habitat. Husbandry, feed, and water were provided by the employees of the Institute. A total of 14 clinically healthy parrots of different ages and both sexes were randomly selected for this study.

Escherichia coli strains

A total of 14 stool samples were collected using a cloacal swab, individually identified, and stored in a cool box for conservation during transportation to the laboratory. In the laboratory, swabs were individually inoculated into brain heart infusion broth (BHI; Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) and aerobically incubated at 37 ºC. After 24 hr, the content was plated onto eosin methylene blue agar (Oxoid) and aerobically incubated for 24 hr at 37 ºC. Colonies morphologically consistent with those of E. coli (dark metallic green sheen with a low, convex, and smooth shape) were selected for biochemical tests (Lee et al., 2008Lee MD, Nolan LK, Dufour-Zavala L. Colibacillosis. In: Dufour-Zavala L, editor. A laboratory manual for the isolation, identification and characterization of avian pathogens. Georgia: AAAP; 2008. p.10-11.). Biochemical tests included Gram stain (Gram negative rods), oxidase (negative), indol (positive), H2S production (negative), glucose (positive), lactose (positive), lysine (positive), and urease (negative). The confirmed isolates were stored at -20 ºC in BHI broth supplemented with 15% glycerin (Synth, Diadema, Brazil) until use. Isolates were reactivated on MacConkey agar (Oxoid) and incubated at 37 ºC for 24 hr. A bacterial colony was solubilized in 200 µL ultra-pure water for DNA extraction.

Detection of virulence-associated genes

DNA extraction was carried out by heat treatment as described by Borsoi et al. (2009Borsoi A, Santin E, Santos LR, Salle CTP, Moraes HLS, Nascimento VP. Inoculation of newly hatched broiler chicks with two Brazilian isolates of Salmonella Heidelberg strains with different virulence gene profile, antimicrobial resistance and pulsed field gel electrophoresis pattern to intestinal changes evaluation. Poultry Science 2009;88:750-8.) and stored at -20 ºC until use. Isolates were screened for the presence of 33 virulence genes using four multiplex PCRs (Ewers et al., 2007Ewers C, Li G, Wilking H, Kie?ling S, Alt K, Antáo EM, et al. Avian pathogenic, uropathogenic, and newborn meningitis-causing Escherichia coli: how closely related are they? International Journal of Medical Microbiology 2007;297:163-76.): multiplex-1 (kpsMTII, hlyA, pic, fimC, hrlA, iha, neuC, afa/draB, malX, and sfa/foc), multiplex-2 (chuA, ibeA, traT, sitD chr., gimB, iroN, ompA, and sitD ep.), multiplex-3 (EAST-1, iss, irp2, papC, cvi/cva, iucD, tsh, and vat), and multiplex-4 (crlA, ireA, cnf1/2, tia, sat, fyuA, and mat). Genes functions, primer sequences, and references are listed in Table 1. All PCR amplifications were performed in a mixture (25 µL) consisting of 10 × PCR Buffer [3 µL; 200 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.4), 500 mM KCl] (2.5 µL), Taq thermostable DNA polymerase (0.3 µL, 5U/µL), MgCl2 (1.25 µL, 25 mM), dNTPs (0.5 µL each, 2.5 mM), extracted template DNA (5 µL) and each of the primers (2 µL each, 20 pmol/L). Sterile Milli-Q water was added in sufficient quantity to achieve a volume of 25 µL. Reaction mixtures were subjected to the following conditions in a thermal cycler (Biocycler Peltier Thermal Cycler MJ96+/MJ96G, Hercules, USA): 3 min at 94 ºC, 25 cycles of 30 s at 94 ºC, 30 s at 58 ºC, and 3 min at 68 ºC, with a final cycle of 10 min at 72 ºC, followed by a hold at 10 ºC (Ewers et al., 2007). For visualization of the PCR products, 10 µL aliquots were subjected to electrophoresis in a 2% agarose gel in Tris-acetylated EDTA buffer. DNA bands were stained with ethidium bromide for 2 hr at 100 V, viewed under an ultraviolet transilluminator, and photographed. Positive controls included four international E. coli reference strains [IMT5155 (APEC), IMT2470 (APEC), IMT7920 (uropathogenic E. coli - UPEC), and IMT9267 (neonatal meningitis E. coli - NMEC)] and three APEC strains isolated from broiler sources that belong to our stock collection (TK3, CC192, and CC158). Negative control included a mixture of all constituents of the PCR mixed without the addition of extracted DNA.

Table 1
Genes: functions, primers sequences, and primer references.

Statistical Analysis

The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis using the PASW Statistics software. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the frequency distribution. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests were used to compare the frequencies of virulence-associated genes. Statistical significance was defined at p<0.05 and Bonferroni correction was applied to adjust the confidence intervals for multiple hypothesis testing.


Previous studies have shown that there are differences in the gut microbiota between captive and wild birds. Wild birds usually have a small number of Gram-negative bacteria in the gut microbiota, most of which are transient in healthy birds (Lopes et al., 2016Lopes ES,Maciel WC, Teixeira RSC, Albuquerque AH, Vasconcelos RH,Machado DN, et al. Isolation of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli from psittacine: public health importance. Arquivos do Instituto Biológico 2016;83:1-10.). In contrast, captive birds usually present abundant amounts of E. coli in their microbiota (Saidenberg et al., 2017Saidenberg ABS, Knöbl T, Melville PA, Zuniga E, Salaberry SRS, Benites NB, et al. An atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolate with possible human and domestic animal origin from a free-living Lear's Macaw (Anodorhynchusleari). Journal of Wildlife Disease 2017;53:396-8.). In these birds, intestinal colonization by E. coli is dependent on the animal’s health status as well as the environment in which they are kept, because the birds that live in the same enclosure usually use the same feeders and drinkers (Lopes et al., 2016).

The frequency of detection of virulence-associated genes according to their function is shown in Table 2. E. coli was present in all parrots. However, the detection of this microorganism does not characterize enteric disturbance or disease in the animal since the birds appeared healthy (Calaça et al., 2020Calaça KL, Cervi RC, Reis SA, Nunes IA, Jayme VS, Andrade MA. Occurrence of Escherichia coli in captive psittaciformes: antimicrobial susceptibility and virulence genes. Ciência Animal Brasileira 2020;21:1-12.). Of the 33 genes analyzed, only four genes were not detected (tsh, ireA, sitD ep., astA). The number of virulence-associated genes of single strains ranged from 5 to 22, except for one strain (#5) that did not contain any virulence genes. Our results indicate high genetic variability in virulence since we found a total of 12 virulence profiles among 14 strains (Table 3). Profiles I and VII represent two strains each. In Profile XII, no virulence gene was detected. In Profile XI, only five genes were detected, and VI is the profile with the highest number of detected genes (22 of 33 genes). Other profiles presented, from 9 to 19 virulence markers.

Table 2
Relative (%) and absolute frequencies (n) of virulence genes, according to the function-related groups, and individual results.

Table 3
Virulence profiles identified among Escherichia coli strains (n=14).

Considering the nine genes associated with adhesion (afa/drab, crlA, fimC, hrlA, iha, papC, sfa/focD, tsh, and mat), only one strain (#5) did not present any gene; other strains presented from two to five genes. The presence of crlA (85.7%) and fimC (85.7%) genes was significantly higher (p<0.007) than afa/draD (21.4%), hrlA (14.3%), iha (14.3%), papC (14.3%), and sfa/focD (7.1%). Invasion genes (gimB, ibeA, and tia) presented similar (p>0.05) frequencies of detection among strains, and two strains (#5 and #14) did not present any genes. Only two strains (#5 and #11) did not present any iron acquisition genes (chuA, fyuA, ireA, iroN1, irp2, iucD, sitD chr., and sitD ep.) and the frequencies of detection were similar (p>0.05) among the strains. The presence of serum resistance genes cvi/cva (78.6%) and ompA (85.7%) was significantly higher (p<0.008) than iss (21.4%). Two strains (#5 and #14) did not present any toxin-related genes. The cnf1/2 (85.7%) gene showed significantly higher (p<0.010) detection than sat (28.6%). The autotransporter serine protease associated gene (pic) and the pathogenicity island associated gene (malX) were not detected in eight (#1, #2, #4, #5, #9, #10, #12, and #14) and three (#5, #11, and #14) strains, respectively. It is likely that the absence of some specific genes does not reflect a decrease in virulence, since they may be replaced by other functionally related groups (Beceiro et al., 2013Beceiro A, Tomás M, Bou G. Antimicrobial resistance and virulence: a successful or deleterious association in the bacterial world? Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2013;26:185-230.).

Of the 33 analyzed genes, 12 genes were frequently foundin E. coli isolated from birds (fimC, papC, crlA, ibeA, iucD, iroN1, sitD ep., sitD chr., traT, iss, cvi/cva, vat). However, the others are commonly found in E. coli of human origin, including newborn meningitis E. coli (NMEC), uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), and sepsis-associated E. coli (SEPEC) (Sarowska et al., 2019Sarowska J, Koloch BF, Kmiecik AJ, Madrzak MF, Ksiazczyk M, Ploskonska GB, et al. Virulence factors, prevalence and potential transmission of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from different sources: recent reports. Gut Pathogens 2019;11:1-16.). Some of these genes were present in the majority of the analyzed strains, including cnf1/2(85.7%), neuC (71.4%), mat (71.4%), kpsMTII (64.3%), and chuA (57.1%). According to Robins-Browne et al. (2016Robins-Browne RM, Holt KE, Ingle DJ, Hocking DM, Yang J, Tauschek M. Are Escherichia coli pathotypes still relevant in the era of whole-genome sequencing? Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2016;6:141.), the mobility of most of the genes that encode virulence is common and may often occur. However, our results indicate that these strains detected in clinically healthy parrots may be opportunistic pathogens and may cause disease in immunosuppressed birds (Calaça et al., 2020Calaça KL, Cervi RC, Reis SA, Nunes IA, Jayme VS, Andrade MA. Occurrence of Escherichia coli in captive psittaciformes: antimicrobial susceptibility and virulence genes. Ciência Animal Brasileira 2020;21:1-12.). It is a concerning result, since poultry may be a vehicle or even a reservoir for human ExPEC strains, and can be considered potential zoonotic agents (Ewers et al., 2007Ewers C, Li G, Wilking H, Kie?ling S, Alt K, Antáo EM, et al. Avian pathogenic, uropathogenic, and newborn meningitis-causing Escherichia coli: how closely related are they? International Journal of Medical Microbiology 2007;297:163-76.; Sarowska et al., 2019). This is of special concern in captive parrots because of their direct contact with humans.

The strains showed high genetic variability in virulence. Our results indicate that these strains detected in clinically healthy parrots can be potential reservoirs of several virulence-associated genes and can be transmitted to other E. coli strains, including those that affect humans (UPEC, NEMEC, and SEPEC). These E. coli strains present a high pathogenic potential of virulence-associated genes in ExPEC strains. The use of techniques to group similar bacteria together is helpful to understand the distribution of virulence markers. Further studies can include the whole genome sequencing (WGS) of E. coli strains. The combination of WGS techniques and clinical and epidemiological data would allow the determination of which strains within a subtype are more virulent than others.


The authors thank Dr. Fabiana Horn (UFRGS), who kindly provided reference strains used for positive controls.


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  • Borsoi A, Santin E, Santos LR, Salle CTP, Moraes HLS, Nascimento VP. Inoculation of newly hatched broiler chicks with two Brazilian isolates of Salmonella Heidelberg strains with different virulence gene profile, antimicrobial resistance and pulsed field gel electrophoresis pattern to intestinal changes evaluation. Poultry Science 2009;88:750-8.
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  • Rocha DT, Salle FO, Borges KA, Furian TQ, Nascimento VP, Moraes HLS, et al. Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC): characterization and comparison. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 2021;15(7):962-71.
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  • Saidenberg ABS, Knöbl T, Melville PA, Zuniga E, Salaberry SRS, Benites NB, et al. An atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolate with possible human and domestic animal origin from a free-living Lear's Macaw (Anodorhynchusleari). Journal of Wildlife Disease 2017;53:396-8.
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  • Sarowska J, Koloch BF, Kmiecik AJ, Madrzak MF, Ksiazczyk M, Ploskonska GB, et al. Virulence factors, prevalence and potential transmission of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from different sources: recent reports. Gut Pathogens 2019;11:1-16.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Aug 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 Feb 2022
  • Accepted
    13 Apr 2022
Fundação de Apoio à Ciência e Tecnologia Avicolas Rua Barão de Paranapanema, 146 - Sala 72, Bloco A, Bosque., CEP: 13026-010. , Tel.: +55 (19) 3255-8500 - Campinas - SP - Brazil