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Caffeine Effect on Bone Metabolism in Rats: a Systematic Review


Caffeine is a highly-consumed substance around the world and can be found in various food sources and certain medications. The present systematic review aimed to evaluate the effect of caffeine on bone metabolism in rats. A systematic review was conducted in the PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Cocharane, Embase, and Clinical databases, and the Guidelines for Preferential Reporting for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) were followed. In vivo experimental studies that presented caffeine as the study object were included, and studies which did not evaluate the bone metabolism and/or evaluated the caffeine in association with other substances were excluded. The quality evaluation of the selected studies was carried out following the guidelines of the Systematic Review Center for Laboratory Animal Experimentation (SYRCLE) and the Animal Research Reporting In Vivo Experiment (ARRIVE). Nine of the 472 initially identified articles met the inclusion criteria and were selected for qualitative evaluation. There was a variation between the included studies regarding the administered caffeine doses in each experimental group, as well as their frequency and duration of ingestion. Most studies show that caffeine can interfere with bone metabolism, be it in a negative way by accelerating bone loss and delaying bone repair, or in a beneficial way by activating osteogenesis and bone neoformation. There is a need for further studies to better understand the real effect of caffeine on bone metabolism.

caffeine; metabolism; bone; bone remodeling; rats


  • Nine of 472 initially identified articles were selected for qualitative evaluation.

  • Most studies show that caffeine can interfere with bone metabolism.

  • Caffeine can accelerate bone loss and delay bone repair.

  • In contrast, caffeine can activate osteogenesis and bone neoformation.


  • Nine of 472 initially identified articles were selected for qualitative evaluation.

  • Most studies show that caffeine can interfere with bone metabolism.

  • Caffeine can accelerate bone loss and delay bone repair.

  • In contrast, caffeine can activate osteogenesis and bone neoformation.


Caffeine is probably the most widely used pharmacologically active substance in the world [11 Reissig CJ, Strain EC, Griffiths RR. Caffeinated energy drinks - a growing problem. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2009;99(1-3):1-10.]. This substance exists in some common beverages (coffee and tea), cocoa-rich products and some medications. In addition, consumption of high-caffeine energy drinks has risen sharply in recent years and has probably been the cause of problems such as increased caffeine intoxication [11 Reissig CJ, Strain EC, Griffiths RR. Caffeinated energy drinks - a growing problem. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2009;99(1-3):1-10.,22 Aknouche F, Guibert E, Tessier A, Eibel A, Kintz P. Suicide by ingestion of caffeine. Egypt. J. Forensic Sci. 2017;7(6):1-3.,33 Ishigaki S, Fukasawa H, Kinoshita-Katahashi N, Yasuda H, Kumagai H, Furuya R. Caffeine intoxication successfully treated by hemoperfusion and hemodialysis. Intern. Med. 2014;53(23):2745-7.,44 Yamamoto T, Yoshizawa K, Kubo SI, Hara K, Waters B, Umehara T. Autopsy report for a caffeine intoxication case and review of the current literature. J. Toxicol. Pathol. 2015;28(1):33-6.].

Caffeine has a variety of cellular and pharmacological responses, producing biological effects such as anti-oxidation, anti-mutation, angiogenesis, antibiotic action, anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti-hypertension and anti-inflammatory action on bone metabolism [55 Sugiyama K, He P, Wada S, Saeki S. Teas and other beverages supress d-galatosamine induced liver injury in rats. J. Nut. 1999;129(7):1361-67.].

The hypothesis that caffeine could exert an influence on bone metabolism has been evaluated in several experimental studies with conflicting results. Some researchers, such as Bezerra and coauthors (2008)[66 Bezerra J P, Da Silva LRF, Lemos VAA, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Administration of high doses of caffeine increases alveolar bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. J. Periodontol. 2008;79(12):2356-60.] and Tsuang and coauthors (2006)[77 Tsuang YH, Sun JS, Chen LT, Sun SC, Chen SC. Direct effects of caffeine on osteoblastic cells metabolism: the possible causal effect of caffeine on the formation of osteoporosis. J. Orthop. Surg. Res. 2006;1(7):1-10.] have suggested that caffeine predisposes the development of osteoporosis and periodontal disease, while others have found no correlation between this substance and bone loss or periodontal disease[88 Sakamoto W, Nishihira J, Fujie K, Iizuka T, Handa H, Ozaki M. Effect of coffee consumption on bone metabolism. Bone. 2001;28(3):332-6.]. An in vitro study has shown that caffeine may increase the apoptosis rate of osteoblasts, thus exerting a potential deleterious effect on the viability of these cells. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that caffeine can positively influence mineralization and the mechanical characteristics of bone tissues at specific doses [99 Folwarczna J, Pytlik M, Zych M, Cegiela U, Kaczmarczyk-Sedlak I, Nowin ́ska B. Favorable effect of moderate dose caffeine on the skeletal system in ovariectomized rats. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2013; 57(10):1772-84].

In view of the above, the objective of this study is to investigate the real relationship between caffeine and bone metabolism in rats through a systematic review of the literature.


The present study was conducted following the guidelines of Preferential Items of PRISMA[1010 Moher D, Liberat A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. PLoS Med. 2009;6(7):1-6.].

Bibliographic research strategy and selection of studies

An electronic search using the PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Cocharane, Embase and Clinical databases was conducted by searching articles published in the dental literature with the following keywords: caffeine AND metabolism AND bone, without restrictions with respect to the year. As inclusion criteria, the articles should be written in the English language, present caffeine as the study object and represent experimental studies in vivo. We excluded studies which did not evaluate bone metabolism and those that evaluated caffeine in combination with other substances. The first selection stage of the work was done by analyzing the titles and abstracts by two evaluators who carried out the search in double blind format to reduce bias during the research and in selecting the works. These evaluators selected the relevant articles according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Evaluation of the methodological quality of included studies

Two tools were used based on the study [1111 Michelogiannakis D, Rossouw PE, Al-Shammery D, Akram Z, Khan J, Romanos GE. Influence of nicotine on orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic review of experimental studies in rats. Arch. Oral Biol. 2018;93:66-73.] to evaluate the quality of the studies included in the present systematic review. Thus, we used the SYRCLE, adapted to verify aspects of the bias risk of the included studies which play an important role in experiments with animals, and the ARRIVE tool[1212 Kilkenny C, Altman DG. Improving bioscience research reporting: arrive-ing at a solution. Lab. Anim. 2010; 44(4):377-8].

In general, the studies were considered through eight detailed aspects: selection bias (randomization and concealment of allocation), performance bias (study participant/caregiver blindness), detection bias (blindness of outcome assessors), completeness of the follow-up period, among others. Thus, they were classified as “high risk of bias” (high), “low risk of bias” (low) or “inaccurate” (?) for each of the eight sections[1313 Higgins JP, Altman DG, Gotzsche PC, Juni P, Moher D, Oxman AD. The cochrane collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials. BMJ. 2011; 343:d5928.].

The selected studies were considered as: (i) low risk of bias when all criteria were observed (adequate randomization and concealment of allocation; “yes” response to all questions on completeness of outcome data and blinding, and “no” response to selective reports and other sources of bias); (ii) clear risk of bias when one or more criteria were partially met; or (iii) high risk of bias when one or more criteria were not met [1313 Higgins JP, Altman DG, Gotzsche PC, Juni P, Moher D, Oxman AD. The cochrane collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials. BMJ. 2011; 343:d5928.].

In addition, the selected studies were submitted to another tool for evaluation of methodological quality: the ARRIVE - following the guidelines of Kilkenny and Altman, (2010)[1212 Kilkenny C, Altman DG. Improving bioscience research reporting: arrive-ing at a solution. Lab. Anim. 2010; 44(4):377-8]., a pre-defined classification was established applied to 20 specific criteria, comprising: (1) Title (concise and precise); (2) Summary (summary of background, objectives, methods, main results and conclusions); (3) Introduction (basic objectives, relevance to human biology); (4) Introduction (primary and secondary objectives); (5) Methods (ethical statement, national and institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals); (6) Methods (study design, measures taken to minimize bias such as concealment of allocation, blinding and randomization); (7) Methods (experimental procedure with precise details); (8) Methods (details of experimental animals, including species, gender, age, weight and source); (9) Methods (accommodation and management conditions, such as cage type, light/dark cycle, temperature, access to food and water); (10) Methods (sample size); (11) Methods (allocation of animals to experimental groups, randomization); (12) Methods (results of experiments); (13) Methods (statistical analysis); (14) Results (baseline data, animal health status); (15) Results (number of animals analyzed, reasons for exclusion); (16) Results (results and estimation, results for each analysis); (17) Outcomes (adverse events); (18) Discussion (interpretation, scientific implications, study limitations including animal model); (19) Discussion (generalization and translation, relevance to human biology); and (20) Discussion (sources of funding, role of funders, conflicts of interest).

Each criterion was classified as “0” (not reported) or “1” (reported). The combined reporting frequency for each criterion in all included studies was recorded.


Study selection flowchart

Initially, 472 articles were identified. In the first step, 442 publications which did not respond to the focus question or were duplicated were excluded. A total of nine studies met the inclusion criteria and were then entered into the present systematic review and processed for data evaluation. Figure 1 summarizes the literature search strategies according to the PRISMA guidelines[1010 Moher D, Liberat A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. PLoS Med. 2009;6(7):1-6.].

Figure 1
Study Flowchart.

General characteristics of included studies

The studies included in the present systematic review were mostly performed with male rats and only studies of Lacerda and coauthors (2010) [1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204] and Olchowik and coauthors (2011) [1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.] with females. Also, most of the rats were of the Wistar lineage, whereas only three studies used Sprague Dawley rats. The number of rats ranged from 16 to 51. In addition, the mean age of the rats ranged from 22 to 90 days. Variations regarding study groups and other details are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1
Characteristics related to the samples of the experiments.

Characteristics related to caffeine

Details of the caffeine doses administered in each experimental group, as well as their frequency and time of ingestion are given in Table 2.

Table 2
Characteristics related to caffeine.

Methodological characteristics of the experiments and the main results analyzed

The effect of caffeine on bone metabolism was evaluated by means of different experimental units from the nine selected publications, so that the evaluated parameters, the types of analyzes used and the main results were divergent. These variations are described in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3
Methodological characteristics of the experiments.

Table 4
The impact of caffeine on bone metabolism. Main results found in the analyzed studies.

Risk of bias in the studies

Table 5 shows the overall results of the risk of bias assessment of the nine included articles. All studies reported that the experiments were randomized to some degree. Sequence allocation, similar groups at the start of the experiment and random animal lodging showed low risk of bias in 88.88 to 100% of the studies. For the analyzed studies, the blindness of caregivers or researchers, random selection to evaluate the results and incomplete data were not clear. Regarding the blindness of the outcome evaluator, there was a high risk of bias since 66.7% of the studies did not reveal this data. In general, about 50% of each study was scored as low risk of bias, since they adequately addressed only half of the evaluated criteria, and others were not well informed.

Table 5
Risk of bias verified through the SYRCLE tool, average per item. Legend: NI: Not informed.

Quality assessment of included studies

The total score of included studies based on the ARRIVE criteria is summarized in Table 6. The average score for the nine included studies of this tool was 16.44 from a maximum of 20 points. Regarding the individual criteria, the highest reporting frequencies were recorded for: title, abstract, baseline information in the introduction, study design, animal details, experimental results, statistical analysis in the methods, number of animals analyzed, results and estimation of each analysis in the results, interpretation, scientific implications, generalization and translation in the discussion (100%).

Table 6
ARRIVE criteria: list of criteria reported by included studies.


The present systematic review aimed to find the best scientific evidence regarding the influence of caffeine on bone metabolism. In the initial research, a significant number of studies were found on the subject; however, after a careful analysis it was observed that most did not present the necessary inclusion criteria. Therefore, only 9 experimental studies performed on rats were included in this study[66 Bezerra J P, Da Silva LRF, Lemos VAA, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Administration of high doses of caffeine increases alveolar bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. J. Periodontol. 2008;79(12):2356-60.,88 Sakamoto W, Nishihira J, Fujie K, Iizuka T, Handa H, Ozaki M. Effect of coffee consumption on bone metabolism. Bone. 2001;28(3):332-6.,1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204,1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.,1616 Bezerra JP, Siqueira A, Pire AG, Marques MR, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Effects of estrogen deficiency and/or caffeine intake on alveolar bone loss, density, and healing: a study in rats. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84(6):839-49,1717 Choi MJ. Moderate intake of caffeine has no effect on bone health in growing male rats. Curr. Top Nutraceut. R. 2011;9(3):77-82.,1818 Glajchen N, Ismail F, Epstein S, Jowell PS, Fallon M. The effect of chronic caffeine administration on serum markers of bone mineral metabolism and bone histomorphometry in the rat. Calcif. Tissue. Inte. 1988; 43(5):277- 280.,1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.,2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.].

Among the studies included in the present systematic review (although four studies had information which was not detailed by the authors), all showed low risk of bias and frequency of 16.44 in methodological quality, thus demonstrating good qualification. From a total of 9 studies, 6 showed that caffeine modified some aspect of bone metabolism[66 Bezerra J P, Da Silva LRF, Lemos VAA, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Administration of high doses of caffeine increases alveolar bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. J. Periodontol. 2008;79(12):2356-60.,1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204,1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.,1616 Bezerra JP, Siqueira A, Pire AG, Marques MR, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Effects of estrogen deficiency and/or caffeine intake on alveolar bone loss, density, and healing: a study in rats. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84(6):839-49,1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.,2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.], while three showed that there was no relationship between caffeine consumption and bone metabolism[88 Sakamoto W, Nishihira J, Fujie K, Iizuka T, Handa H, Ozaki M. Effect of coffee consumption on bone metabolism. Bone. 2001;28(3):332-6.,1717 Choi MJ. Moderate intake of caffeine has no effect on bone health in growing male rats. Curr. Top Nutraceut. R. 2011;9(3):77-82.,1818 Glajchen N, Ismail F, Epstein S, Jowell PS, Fallon M. The effect of chronic caffeine administration on serum markers of bone mineral metabolism and bone histomorphometry in the rat. Calcif. Tissue. Inte. 1988; 43(5):277- 280.].

The studies by Bezerra and coauthors (2008) [66 Bezerra J P, Da Silva LRF, Lemos VAA, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Administration of high doses of caffeine increases alveolar bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. J. Periodontol. 2008;79(12):2356-60.]; Bezerra and coauthors (2013) [1616 Bezerra JP, Siqueira A, Pire AG, Marques MR, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Effects of estrogen deficiency and/or caffeine intake on alveolar bone loss, density, and healing: a study in rats. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84(6):839-49]; Lacerda and coauthors (2010) [1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204]; Olchowik and coauthors (2011)[1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.]; Shin and coauthors (2015) [1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.]; Yi and coathors (2016) [2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.] which found a relationship between caffeine and bone metabolism, suggest that caffeine is associated with a significantly increased risk of periodontal disease, delayed bone repair, loss of bone tissue in pregnant women, reduction of bone neoformation in extracted teeth, decrease in mass gain and the activation of orthodontic movement, with the potential impact of this substance on the bone tissue usually attributed to its capacity to increase calcium excretion [2121 Massey LK, Whiting SJ. Caffeine, urinary calcium, calcium metabolism and bone. J. Nutr. 1993;123(1):1611-14.]. In addition, studies by Lacerda and coauthors (2010)[1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204], Shin and coauthors (2015)[1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.] and Yi and coauthors (2016)[2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.] agree that caffeine acts to increase calcium levels in plasma and urine, which decreases bone mineral density, thus interfering with the bone repair process.

In addition, the studies[66 Bezerra J P, Da Silva LRF, Lemos VAA, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Administration of high doses of caffeine increases alveolar bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. J. Periodontol. 2008;79(12):2356-60.,88 Sakamoto W, Nishihira J, Fujie K, Iizuka T, Handa H, Ozaki M. Effect of coffee consumption on bone metabolism. Bone. 2001;28(3):332-6.,1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204,,1616 Bezerra JP, Siqueira A, Pire AG, Marques MR, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Effects of estrogen deficiency and/or caffeine intake on alveolar bone loss, density, and healing: a study in rats. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84(6):839-49,1717 Choi MJ. Moderate intake of caffeine has no effect on bone health in growing male rats. Curr. Top Nutraceut. R. 2011;9(3):77-82.,1818 Glajchen N, Ismail F, Epstein S, Jowell PS, Fallon M. The effect of chronic caffeine administration on serum markers of bone mineral metabolism and bone histomorphometry in the rat. Calcif. Tissue. Inte. 1988; 43(5):277- 280.,1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.,2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.] which similarly evaluated the effect of caffeine on bone metabolism in male or female rats aged 21-90 days, another study [1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.] was also carried out which expanded this investigation to evaluate this effect in rats during the gestational period. Findings from this last experiment revealed that caffeine in fact exerted a negative influence on the bone tissue of pregnant rats. For these authors, the impact of caffeine on bone tissue is also related to calcium metabolism, since this substance slightly impairs its absorption by the intestine, diverging from the previously reported findings of Lacerda and coauthors (2010) [1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204], Shin and coauthors (2015) [1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.] and Yi and coauthors (2016) [2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.]; however, such a substance has no effect on urinary calcium excretion. Thus, the authors suggest that caffeine intake causes a decrease in bone mass and an increased risk of bone fracture.

In agreement with the previous study [1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.] other reports [2222 Kaur M, Pearson D, Godber I, Lawson N, Baker P, Hosking D. Longitudinal changes in bone mineral density during normal pregnancy. Bone. 2003;32(4):449-54.,2323 Namgung R, Tsuang RC. Bone in the pregnant mother and newborn at birth. Clin. Chim. Acta. 2003;333(1):1-11.] in the literature have shown that pregnancy exerts a negative influence on the bone tissue. Therefore, the gestational status of the rats investigated in the study by Olchowik and coauthors (2011) [1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.] may have increased the predisposition to loss of bone tissue, which may represent a bias in the aforementioned study. Corroborating this, Namgumg and Tsuang (2003) [2323 Namgung R, Tsuang RC. Bone in the pregnant mother and newborn at birth. Clin. Chim. Acta. 2003;333(1):1-11.] found that gestational markers of bone resorption increase in the first trimester of pregnancy, whereas bone formation markers only increase in the last trimester. Such events may be justified by the hormonal component involved in the gestational period to maintain maternal calcium homeostasis and meet the requirements of fetal development.

The experiment by Yi and coauthors (2016)[2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.] demonstrated that caffeine, at least in a specific concentration, can increase the osteoclastogenesis induced by cells of the periodontal ligament under static compression, which may stimulate bone resorption and accelerate orthodontic movement. Therefore, coffee consumption is not counter-indicated during orthodontic treatment. In contrast, the study by Shin and coauthors (2015)[1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.] found that caffeine compromises osteogenic activity in vivo and may interfere with the physiological alterations of hormone secretion and metabolic activity relevant to the osteogenesis necessary for the bone repair process. Still, further studies will be needed to investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which caffeine affects osteogenesis.

The way that caffeine interferes in the bone repair process is not yet fully elucidated in the literature [1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204,1616 Bezerra JP, Siqueira A, Pire AG, Marques MR, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Effects of estrogen deficiency and/or caffeine intake on alveolar bone loss, density, and healing: a study in rats. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84(6):839-49]. It is known that such a substance can modulate various aspects of the innate and adaptive immune and inflammatory response [2424 Yeh JK, Aloia JF, Semla HM, Chen SY. Influence of injected caffeine on the metabolism of calcium and the retention and excretion of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper in rats. J. Nutr. 1986; 116(2):273-80.]. In relation to this, Lacerda and coauthors (2010)[1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204] suggested a change in the role of macrophages by their reduced activity and/or apoptosis, as well as a decrease in the production of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) by T lymphocytes, with consequent decrease in the stimulatory effects of this mediator on the phagocytic and secretory functions. In view of the reduced viability of the macrophages at the repair site, there is also a reduction in the levels of cytokines and growth factors secreted by these cells, especially those that stimulate fibroblasts. As several of these mediators secreted by macrophages act on chemotaxis, proliferation, collagen production and granulation tissue formation, it is possible that their reduction causes a deficiency in granulation tissue formation and maintenance of blood clotting. Moreover, interferences in the differentiation, proliferation, bone matrix production and mineralization processes by osteoblasts and osteocytes could also act as a synergic factor, increasing the intensity of the alterations in the dynamic process of alveolar bone repair [77 Tsuang YH, Sun JS, Chen LT, Sun SC, Chen SC. Direct effects of caffeine on osteoblastic cells metabolism: the possible causal effect of caffeine on the formation of osteoporosis. J. Orthop. Surg. Res. 2006;1(7):1-10.,2525 Kamagato-Kiyoura Y, Ohta M, Cheuk G, Yazdani M, Saltzman MJ, Nakamoto T. Combined effects of caffeine and prostaglandin E2 on the proliferation of osteoblast-like cells. J. Periodont. 1999; 70(3):283-8].

Although most of the studies in this review showed that there was an association of caffeine with alterations in some aspect of bone metabolism, there was no significant association between these factors in three studies. In the study [1818 Glajchen N, Ismail F, Epstein S, Jowell PS, Fallon M. The effect of chronic caffeine administration on serum markers of bone mineral metabolism and bone histomorphometry in the rat. Calcif. Tissue. Inte. 1988; 43(5):277- 280.], chronic administration of high caffeine doses resulted in a slight increase in osteocalcin serum levels in rats. However, caffeine at different doses did not cause changes in serum parathyroid levels and no change in bone morphometric parameters was observed, therefore there is no corroborating evidence that caffeine alters bone metabolism or is a risk factor for osteoporosis.

The study by Sakamoto and coauthors (2001) [88 Sakamoto W, Nishihira J, Fujie K, Iizuka T, Handa H, Ozaki M. Effect of coffee consumption on bone metabolism. Bone. 2001;28(3):332-6.] also did not find data in its findings which justified the influence of caffeine on bone metabolism. There were no significant differences in body weight changes, serum or urinary biochemical markers of bone metabolism and bone histomorphometry between the diet and coffee groups. Only the urinary excretion of phosphorus after 140 days of both diets was significantly increased (p <0.05) compared to the control. In addition, coffee diets did not show any association with the cytokines TNF-α and IL-6, which together with IL-1β have been implicated in the pathogenesis of bone loss. The study concluded that caffeine does not stimulate bone loss in rats. Similarly, the study by Choi (2011)[1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204] showed that moderate (25 mg/kg) caffeine intake by rats increases urinary calcium loss, but does not affect any of the markers used to assess bone density or the bone mineral content of the spine and femur associated with detrimental effects on bone quality, thus concluding that coffee is unlikely to stimulate bone loss in rats.

The controversial results of this systematic review may be associated with several confounding factors, including caffeine dosage, age variation of animals, experimental units and different evaluation methods used. For example, caffeine dosages varied in the studies from 2.5 mg/kg of body weight to 180 mg/kg. With regard to age, the variation occurred from 22 to 90 days. Also, the maxilla molars, tibia, femur, pelvis, blood, urine and mandible were investigated regarding the experimental units. Finally, there was a wide variation in relation to the analysis type, including histochemical analysis for the quantification of osteoclasts by analysis of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), histological and histomorphometric analyses, biomechanical tests, Elisa method and the three-point bending test. Altogether this means that such a lack of standardization in the methodologies used in the experiments constitutes a limitation of the present study, since it is difficult to compare the results from experiments with diverging methodologies [66 Bezerra J P, Da Silva LRF, Lemos VAA, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Administration of high doses of caffeine increases alveolar bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. J. Periodontol. 2008;79(12):2356-60.,88 Sakamoto W, Nishihira J, Fujie K, Iizuka T, Handa H, Ozaki M. Effect of coffee consumption on bone metabolism. Bone. 2001;28(3):332-6.,1414 Lacerda SA, Matuoka RI, Macedo RM, Petenusci SO, Campos AA, Bretegani L G. Bone quality associated with daily intake of coffee: a biochemical, radiographic and histometric study. Braz. Dent. J. 2010;21(3):199-204,1515 Olchowik G, Chadaj-Polberg E, Tomaszewski M, Polberg M, Tomaszewska M. The influence of caffeine on the biomechanical properties of bone tissue during pregnancy in a population of rats. Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. 2011; 49(3): 504-11.,1616 Bezerra JP, Siqueira A, Pire AG, Marques MR, Duarte PM, Bastos MF. Effects of estrogen deficiency and/or caffeine intake on alveolar bone loss, density, and healing: a study in rats. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84(6):839-49,1717 Choi MJ. Moderate intake of caffeine has no effect on bone health in growing male rats. Curr. Top Nutraceut. R. 2011;9(3):77-82.,1818 Glajchen N, Ismail F, Epstein S, Jowell PS, Fallon M. The effect of chronic caffeine administration on serum markers of bone mineral metabolism and bone histomorphometry in the rat. Calcif. Tissue. Inte. 1988; 43(5):277- 280.,1919 Shin J, Choi Y, Kim J, Yu AR, Shin JS, Choi YY. High doses of caffeine reduce in vivo osteogenic activity in prepubertal rats. J. Anat. 2015;227(1):10-20.,2020 Yi J, Yan B, Li M, Wang Y, Zheng W, Li Y. Caffeine may enhance orthodontic tooth movement through increasing osteoclastogenesis induced by periodontal ligament cells under compression. Arch. Oral. Biol. 2016;64(1):51-60.].


Despite the existence of still quite controversial results in the literature and the lack of methodological standardization in the conducted studies, most of the studies in this systematic review have reported that caffeine can interfere in bone metabolism, whether in a negative form by accelerating bone loss and retarding bone repair, or in a beneficial way by activating osteogenesis and consequently new bone formation. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct additional well-delineated studies in order to better understand the real effect of caffeine on bone metabolism.


Not applicable in this section.


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  • Funding:

    This research received no external funding.

Edited by


Alexandre Rasi Aoki

Associate Editor:

Sinvaldo Baglie

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    21 Feb 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 Dec 2020
  • Accepted
    07 June 2021
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