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Soccer is a favored sport for male college students among many sports in China.


According to male college students’ virility and competitive characteristics, an elective soccer course can exercise their bodies and improve their physical quality. Although elective courses positively affect college students’ physical health, different projects have different functions due to their other teaching content, teaching forms, teaching material, and teaching methods.


the implementation of China’s national standards for college students’ physique presents new requirements for the fitness level of male college students. However, the research shows that the overall fitness level of Chinese college students is decreasing, and the exercise intensity of most students cannot meet the requirements.


To study the influence of sports on students’ physique and personality according to the Student Physique and Health Standard, this paper studies and analyzes the impact of college soccer elective courses on college students’ bodies and personalities and discusses their training strategies. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

Soccer; Quality of Life; Student Health



O futebol é o esporte preferido pelos estudantes universitários masculinos entre muitos esportes na China.


De acordo com a virilidade e as características competitivas dos estudantes universitários masculinos, um curso eletivo de futebol pode exercitar seus corpos e melhorar sua qualidade física. Embora os cursos eletivos afetem positivamente a saúde física dos estudantes universitários, diferentes projetos têm funções diferentes devido a seus outros conteúdos didáticos, formas de ensino, material didático, e métodos de ensino.


a implementação dos padrões nacionais da China para o físico dos estudantes universitários apresenta novas exigências para o nível de aptidão física dos estudantes universitários masculinos. No entanto, a pesquisa mostra que o nível geral de aptidão física dos estudantes universitários chineses está diminuindo, e a intensidade de exercício da maioria dos estudantes não pode atender às exigências.


Para estudar a influência do esporte sobre o físico e a personalidade dos estudantes de acordo com o Student Physique and Health Standard, este documento estuda e analisa o impacto dos cursos eletivos de futebol universitário no corpo e na personalidade dos estudantes universitários e discute suas estratégias de treinamento. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos – investigação de resultados de tratamento.

Futebol; Qualidade de Vida; Saúde do Estudante



El fútbol es uno de los deportes favoritos de los estudiantes universitarios masculinos entre los muchos deportes que se practican en China.


De acuerdo con la virilidad y las características competitivas de los estudiantes universitarios masculinos, un curso de fútbol optativo puede ejercitar su cuerpo y mejorar su calidad física. Aunque los cursos optativos afectan positivamente a la salud física de los estudiantes universitarios, los distintos proyectos tienen funciones diferentes debido a otros contenidos didácticos, formas de enseñanza, material didáctico y métodos de enseñanza.


la aplicación de las normas nacionales chinas para el físico de los estudiantes universitarios presenta nuevos requisitos para el nivel de condición física de los estudiantes universitarios varones. Sin embargo, la investigación muestra que el nivel general de forma física de los estudiantes universitarios chinos está disminuyendo, y la intensidad del ejercicio de la mayoría de los estudiantes no puede cumplir con los requisitos.


Con el fin de estudiar la influencia del deporte en el físico y en la personalidad de los estudiantes de acuerdo con el Student Physique and Health Standard, este artículo estudia y analiza el impacto de los cursos optativos de fútbol universitario en el cuerpo y la personalidad de los estudiantes universitarios y discute sus estrategias de entrenamiento. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos – investigación de resultados de tratamiento.

Fútbol; Calidad de Vida; Salud del Estudiante


With the deepening of physical education reform in Colleges and universities, physical education elective course has developed into the basic organizational form of physical education and health course in Colleges and universities, and shows its unique charm, which is deeply loved by the majority of students.11 Guo C. Prediction and evaluation model of physical training for volleyball players’ effect based on grey markov theory. Scientific Programming, 2021. Most colleges and universities in China have set up sports elective courses, students can choose their favorite sports according to their different interests.22 Zheng X. Analyze the impact of different options of physical education teaching on the physical fitness of college students. Contemporary Sports Science and Technology. 2015;5(6):80-1. This greatly improves the enthusiasm and consciousness of students to participate in physical exercise, and also promotes the improvement of physical education teaching effect. Physical exercise ability refers to students’ ability of self-learning, self exercise and self-evaluation in physical activities. Although the optional course has a positive role in promoting the physical health of college students, due to the different characteristics of different projects in teaching content, teaching form, teaching materials and teaching methods, the apparent role is also different.33 Yang HX, Ma Li, Lin H. The construction of college campus football curriculum system from the perspective of physical fitness. Journal of Chizhou University. 2018;32(6):96-9. Optional course teaching has accelerated the development of college physical education curriculum. However, whether there are differences in the promotion of College Students’ physical health development by choosing different sports courses, the exercise value of different types of sports courses, and how to scientifically guide college students to choose courses need to be discussed theoretically and practically.44 Wang JX. Research on the Promotion of Personalized Optional Courses to College Students’ Physical Health Level. Journal of Chifeng University (Nature Edition). 2018;34(3):127-30.

Optional course is a kind of teaching form widely used in college physical education, which helps to cultivate college students’ interest in sports and better realize the purpose of College Physical Education.55 Yang TT, Cao D. The effect of optional physical education courses on the physical fitness of college students. China Management Information Technology. 2016;19(21):234. What are the effects of choosing different sports courses on promoting the healthy development of college boys’ physique, how to effectively regulate the teaching of different projects in the course management and practice process, and how to correctly guide students to choose courses independently have become important problems in college sports work.66 Xu YP, Mao Y, Wu W. The effect of optional aerobics course in Longnan Normal College on the physical health of college students. Sports Science and Technology Literature Bulletin. 2018;26(6):39-40. In order to effectively improve the physical quality of male college students, it is necessary to carry out the necessary reform of physical education in Colleges and universities, and carry out more extracurricular sports activities. College football elective course is an important way for college students to learn football knowledge and skills, not only to help college students understand football, but also to help students establish sports habits. In order to study the influence of sports on students’ physique and personality quality, this paper studies and analyzes the influence of college football elective course on students’ physique and personality quality according to the “students’ physique and health standard”, and probes into its cultivation strategy.

The influence of football on College Students’ health

At the university stage, students’ interest in sports has reached the stage of personalized development, and their personal interest in sports has developed from a considerable interest and desire to try in most sports in their youth to a unique interest in some of them or even a certain project. Therefore, in the process of learning, students should be helped to locate the best sports suitable for individuals. The choice of teaching content of football elective course plays an important role in the enthusiasm of students to participate in the course and the development of students’ personal ability. Through the investigation of the teaching content of football elective course, it is found that the technical skills of football play a large proportion in the teaching content. The main reason is that in the football match, the students usually pay more attention to the skills such as breaking through quickly and fighting for the first landing point of football, which is of great help to improve the students’ speed quality. Football as a combination of technology-based and physical oriented project, body and technology are equally important, so the second teaching content tends to exercise students’ body, to achieve the purpose of strong physique. Figure 1 shows the whole process of test screening, randomization and intervention completion.

Figure 1
The entire process of screening, randomization and completion of the intervention.

In order to avoid boring physical training and technical training, students can not concentrate their attention, the teaching content will be arranged into the football game, so that the teaching content can be smoothly implemented. Students practice football skills through the game, master the skills of football, and can exercise, happy body and mind. This makes students not resist football teaching, which is conducive to football teaching. For basketball, it pays more attention to the upper limb strength of male college students, so the upper limb strength of male college students has been effectively developed in the special course of basketball. It can be seen that different skills have a significant effect on different body parts of male college students. Standardized consideration of students’ physique is to regulate students’ physique through rigid means. Integrate the requirements of students’ physical quality into the evaluation of teachers. This requires teachers to pay attention to the cultivation of students’ physical quality, set up competitive game content in football special class, arouse students’ interest in football special class, and improve the comprehensive physical quality of male college students. The choice of football teaching content has a great impact on students, and has an important impact on the development of students at this stage and in the future. Therefore, the football curriculum reform should focus on the research and improvement of the football curriculum teaching content. It can be seen from Table 1 that the motivation of college students to choose football elective course is mainly reflected in learning football skills and improving physical health.

Table 1
A survey of the motivation of college students in choosing football options.

College students are in an important period of growth and development in life. As far as the whole process of human growth and development is concerned, this period is the stage of continuous improvement of College Students’ physiology. From muscles to bones, from nervous system to internal organs, all of them need corresponding exercise to grow and develop healthily. For non sports majors in Colleges and universities, good physical fitness only through planned training Exercise to maintain all aspects of the body function, can improve health, to achieve the purpose of physical education. Under the pressure of the current competition, college students are often excited and nervous, which will inevitably destroy the balance of their physiological system, resulting in a small number of students’ psychological abnormalities or temporary discomfort. Football emphasizes a relaxed, natural and relaxed form of movement, which is conducive to the regulation of central nervous system inhibition and excitement. It can adjust the nervous body and mind in time, make the practitioners concentrate, and cultivate their self-confidence and performance consciousness. Through trying to succeed, the football students can experience the joy of success, and their personal ability and value can be fully reflected, and their interest also arises spontaneously.

In football teaching, college students can easily locate their sports interest in football, and take the way of football activities in their daily sports activities to obtain physical and mental satisfaction. The investigation of College Students’ satisfaction with the teaching content of football optional course is the evaluation of College Students’ learning experience of football optional course. It objectively and accurately measures the gain and loss of football optional course teaching, and is the recognition and evaluation of students for teachers’ teaching activities. The teaching of football optional course meets the requirements of most students, but it is necessary to improve the teaching of football optional course. The new teaching of football optional course should fully consider the needs of all aspects of students, so as to make the teaching activities of football optional course more perfect.

The influence of football on College Students’ mental health

If external things meet people’s needs, they will cause positive emotional experience, otherwise they will cause negative emotional experience. Football not only pays attention to soft and slow, coherent and even, round and natural movement, but also pursues a stable mood and a peaceful mind. It also emphasizes a clear mind, a contented mind, a concentrated mind, an inner mind, and the elimination of evil thoughts and miscellaneous thoughts, which is very conducive to the elimination of human troubles and the alleviation of inner conflicts, so as to achieve psychological balance. Assessment content as a measure of the football course teaching effect index has important significance, more reasonable assessment content can comprehensively reflect the effect of students’ learning, intuitive performance of students’ mastery of technical skills. Football physical and mental training, in the process of practicing football, not only can obtain a strong physique, but also can cultivate a sound psychology, long-term practice of football people are cheerful, calm, willing to help others, not afraid of setbacks, distinguish right from wrong, self adjustment ability, evaluation ability, self-esteem and self-confidence significantly enhanced.

Among the teachers’ opinions on the reform of football elective course, the development of students’ personal ability occupies a higher position. The new teaching reform should pay attention to the development of students’ ability in all aspects, make full use of the existing teaching resources in teaching, create an environment for students to explore their personal ability and improve their level in all aspects. When practicing football, the activity of motor area of cerebral cortex can be excited, and other areas of cerebral cortex can be inhibited due to negative induction. Therefore, college students can change the excited areas of cerebral cortex after intense study and work, so that the brain can get better regulation and rest. At the same time, it can also reduce the pathological excitement caused by the disease in the cerebral cortex, help the function inhibited or declined by the pathological excitement of the disease get excited, make the symptoms gradually reduce or disappear, so as to achieve better fitness and disease elimination effect. The structure of the method system of football specific sports injury prevention is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
The system structure of the football-specific subject injury prevention method.

Use the following formula to express the second moment of the psychological function of football training:

(1) A I t = ( I t + Q t ) 2 ( I t + Q t ) D t

Establish the linear transformation matrix that produces the factors of athletes’ mental function:

(2) I t + 1 = I t + Q t min ( I t + Q t , D t ) = max ( I t + Q t D t , 0 )

Combining the characteristics of the relationship between football training and the factors that affect athletes’ psychological functions, a sample matrix of psychological functions caused by football training is obtained:

(3) R t ( p 1 t , Q t ) = p 1 t min ( I t + Q t , D t ) ( p 0 t Q t + C t A I t ) + R t 1

Emotions are a component of human psychological activities, a kind of inner feelings or attitude experiences of humans towards various cognitive objects, and the performance of whether human needs are satisfied or not. Self-awareness is a person’s awareness of his physical and mental state and his relationship with the objective world. The college stage is an important period for people to cultivate their personality and perfect themselves. For college students, only by forming a sound self-awareness can they continue to actively transform and improve themselves [13]. In recent years, physical health examinations have exposed the physical problems of young people. The physical health of college students has received extensive attention from society and the country. The nationwide construction has been launched nationwide. Strengthening the physical fitness of young people has become an important task of school sports. Therefore, the teaching reform of football optional courses should be devoted to improving the physical quality of students and giving them a healthy body. A survey of college students’ satisfaction with football teaching content is shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Survey on the degree of satisfaction of college students with football teaching content.

Football requires relaxation, calmness and consciousness leading, which can regulate the transformation of excitation and inhibition mechanism in cerebral cortex. Will is a unique psychological phenomenon of human beings. It is a psychological process in the process of understanding and changing the reality, consciously determining the purpose, choosing, controlling, adjusting and deciding the action according to the purpose, striving to overcome difficulties and achieve the predetermined goal. It is an important personal quality in the process of a person’s growth and development. If college students want to make achievements in their studies and make achievements in their career, they can not do without their tenacious will and the quality of fearing difficulties. Through unremitting exercise, college students can overcome difficulties in their study and work, do not give in to the bad environment and competitors, have the courage to work hard and constantly strive for self-improvement, which is conducive to enhancing their competitiveness in modern social life.


Among college students, relatively speaking, those who have a constant interest in sports have a higher frequency of participating in sports activities, while those who have no fixed interest in sports have a lower frequency of participating in sports activities. The motivation of college students to choose football elective course is mainly to learn football skills and improve their health. Most of the students are satisfied with the teaching content of football optional course. In the process of special technology teaching, we should combine the students’ own physique with the characteristics of the project, combine the characteristics of the project with the requirements of physical health, strive to be novel and diverse in the form of practice, and be full of interest, so as to achieve the educational purpose of improving both sports skills and physical health. Ball special course can improve the vital capacity of male college students, and promote the speed and strength of their lower limbs. It has obvious pertinence to the teaching of football special training for students. According to the special characteristics, it arranges the quality training for male college students to promote the healthy development of students. The teaching of football optional course meets the requirements of most students, but it is necessary to improve the teaching of football optional course. The new teaching of football optional course should fully consider the needs of all aspects of students, so as to make the teaching activities of football optional course more perfect.


  • 1
    Guo C. Prediction and evaluation model of physical training for volleyball players’ effect based on grey markov theory. Scientific Programming, 2021.
  • 2
    Zheng X. Analyze the impact of different options of physical education teaching on the physical fitness of college students. Contemporary Sports Science and Technology. 2015;5(6):80-1.
  • 3
    Yang HX, Ma Li, Lin H. The construction of college campus football curriculum system from the perspective of physical fitness. Journal of Chizhou University. 2018;32(6):96-9.
  • 4
    Wang JX. Research on the Promotion of Personalized Optional Courses to College Students’ Physical Health Level. Journal of Chifeng University (Nature Edition). 2018;34(3):127-30.
  • 5
    Yang TT, Cao D. The effect of optional physical education courses on the physical fitness of college students. China Management Information Technology. 2016;19(21):234.
  • 6
    Xu YP, Mao Y, Wu W. The effect of optional aerobics course in Longnan Normal College on the physical health of college students. Sports Science and Technology Literature Bulletin. 2018;26(6):39-40.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 May 2022
  • Date of issue
    Sep-Oct 2022


  • Received
    11 Dec 2021
  • Accepted
    22 Dec 2021
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