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First record of Potamogetonaceae for the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Potamogetonaceae is a small subcosmopolitan monocot family of aquatic herbs with submersed or floating leaves, belonging to the order Alismatales (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen, 2003HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85.). It is a taxonomically complex family (Kaplan et al., 2013KAPLAN, Z., JAROLÍMOVÁ, V. and FEHRER, J., 2013. Revision of chromosome numbers of Potamogetonaceae: a new basis for taxonomic and evolutionary implications. Preslia, vol. 85, p. 421-482.), which may comprise three or more genera, depending on the including of Zannichelliaceae (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen, 2003HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85.; APGIII 2009; Kaplan et al., 2013KAPLAN, Z., JAROLÍMOVÁ, V. and FEHRER, J., 2013. Revision of chromosome numbers of Potamogetonaceae: a new basis for taxonomic and evolutionary implications. Preslia, vol. 85, p. 421-482.).

Potamogeton is the largest genus of Potamogetonaceae, with ca. of 72 species (Kaplan et al., 2013KAPLAN, Z., JAROLÍMOVÁ, V. and FEHRER, J., 2013. Revision of chromosome numbers of Potamogetonaceae: a new basis for taxonomic and evolutionary implications. Preslia, vol. 85, p. 421-482.), occurring mainly in temperate regions (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen, 2003HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85.). Some species of the genus are ecologically relevant as a source of food, shelter and reproduction site for several aquatic invertebrates and birds (Haynes, 1985HAYNES, RR., 1985. A revision of the clasping-leaved Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). Sida, vol. 11, p. 173-188.).

In Brazil, Bove (2014a)BOVE, CP., 2014a. Potamogetonaceae. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: Access in: 27 Jan 2014.
recorded 12 species in three genera of Potamogetonaceae: Potamogeton, Stuckenia Börner and Zannichellia P. Micheli ex L. In the country, these three genera are found together only in the extreme south state of the Rio Grande do Sul (Bove, 2014aBOVE, CP., 2014a. Potamogetonaceae. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: Access in: 27 Jan 2014.
). On the other hand, Potamogeton is the only genus of Potamogetonaceae occuring in the tropical Northeast region of Brazil, with six species (Bove, 2014aBOVE, CP., 2014a. Potamogetonaceae. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: Access in: 27 Jan 2014.
). Nevertheless, to our knowledge, none species of Potamogeton has been cited for the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Rodrigues and Irgang, 2001RODRIGUES, RS. and IRGANG, BE., 2001. Potamogetonaceae Dumort. no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Iheringia. Série Botânica, vol. 56, p. 3-49.; Haynes and Holm-Nielsen, 2003HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85.; Bove, 2014aBOVE, CP., 2014a. Potamogetonaceae. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: Access in: 27 Jan 2014.
, 2014bBOVE, CP., 2014b. Potamogetonaceae. Checklist das Plantas do Nordeste (Version 1.5). Available from: Access in: 26 Jan 2014.
). As a part of a survey of the aquatic plants in the Apodi-Mossoró river basin (Henry-Silva et al., 2010HENRY-SILVA, GG., MOURA, RST. and DANTAS, LLO., 2010. Richness and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in Brazilian semi-arid aquatic ecosystems. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 147-156.
), this work provides the first record of the Potamogetonaceae for the Rio Grande do Norte state.

Specimens were collected during expeditions in November 2013 to Santa Cruz reservoir, near the municipality of Apodi (05°48′43.59″ S; 037°49′48.56″ W). The specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of the Federal University of Roraima (code, UFRR). The identification of the specimens was based on Rodrigues and Irgang (2001)RODRIGUES, RS. and IRGANG, BE., 2001. Potamogetonaceae Dumort. no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Iheringia. Série Botânica, vol. 56, p. 3-49. and Haynes and Holm-Nielsen (2003)HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85..

Material examined: BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Norte: Apodi, 25/XI/2013, fr., Henry-Silva s.n. (UFRR 3932).

Potamogeton pusillus can be easly recognized among Neotropical species with submersed leaves, free basal sheats and linear blades by the absence of keels in its fruits (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen, 2003HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85.). This species is early cosmopolitan and is represented in the Neotropics only by P. pusillus var. pusillus, where it extends from Mexico to Argentina (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen, 2003HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85.). It has been recorded for some states in all Brazilian regions, with the exception of the northern region (Bove, 2014aBOVE, CP., 2014a. Potamogetonaceae. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: Access in: 27 Jan 2014.
). In the Northeastern region, P. pusillus has been found in the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco (Bove, 2014aBOVE, CP., 2014a. Potamogetonaceae. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: Access in: 27 Jan 2014.
, bBOVE, CP., 2014b. Potamogetonaceae. Checklist das Plantas do Nordeste (Version 1.5). Available from: Access in: 26 Jan 2014.

The record of P. pusillus in the Santa Cruz reservoir extends the known geographic distribution of this species, emphasing the importance of surveying the biodiversity of macrophytes in the state, especially in areas of the Biome Caatinga, where other taxa have been recently recorded (Henry-Silva et al., 2013HENRY-SILVA, GG., SANTOS, RV., MOURA, RST. and BUENO, NC., 2013. Primeiro registro de Chara indica e Chara zeylanica (Charophyceae, Charales, Characeae) em reservatórios do semiárido do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Biotemas, vol. 26, p. 243-248.). In addition, this study adds Potamogetonaceae to the Rio Grande do Norte flora, what is particularly significant since to the state Forzza et al. (2010)FORZZA, RC., BAUMGRATZ, JF., COSTA, A., HOPKINS, MJG., LEITMAN, P., LOHMANN, LG., MARTINELLI, G., MORIM, MP., COELHO, MN., PEIXOTO, AL., PIRANI, JR., QUEIROZ, LP., STEHMANN, J., WALTER, BMT. and ZAPPI, D., 2010. As angiospermas do Brasil. In FORZZA, RC., BAUMGRATZ, JF., BICUDO, CEM., CARVALHO JUNIOR, A., COSTA, A., COSTA, DP., HOPKINS, MJG., LEITMAN, P., LOHMANN, LG., MAIA, LC., MARTINELLI, G., MENEZES, M., MORIM, MP., COELHO, MN., PEIXOTO, AL., PIRANI, JR., PRADO, J., QUEIROZ, LP., SOUZA, VC., STEHMANN, J., SYLVESTRE, L., WALTER, BMT. and ZAPPI, D. Catálogo de plantas e fungos do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio/Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. p. 78-89. have registered the lowest number of flowering plant species among the 27 states of Brazil.


We thank the technician Luiz Carlos Fernandes for the assistance in field sampling; the Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte for the financial support on the research project; the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the scholarships granted to the researches.


  • Angiosperm Phylogeny Group – APG III, 2009. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 161, no. 2, p. 105-121.
  • BOVE, CP., 2014a. Potamogetonaceae. Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: Access in: 27 Jan 2014.
  • BOVE, CP., 2014b. Potamogetonaceae. Checklist das Plantas do Nordeste (Version 1.5). Available from: Access in: 26 Jan 2014.
  • FORZZA, RC., BAUMGRATZ, JF., COSTA, A., HOPKINS, MJG., LEITMAN, P., LOHMANN, LG., MARTINELLI, G., MORIM, MP., COELHO, MN., PEIXOTO, AL., PIRANI, JR., QUEIROZ, LP., STEHMANN, J., WALTER, BMT. and ZAPPI, D., 2010. As angiospermas do Brasil. In FORZZA, RC., BAUMGRATZ, JF., BICUDO, CEM., CARVALHO JUNIOR, A., COSTA, A., COSTA, DP., HOPKINS, MJG., LEITMAN, P., LOHMANN, LG., MAIA, LC., MARTINELLI, G., MENEZES, M., MORIM, MP., COELHO, MN., PEIXOTO, AL., PIRANI, JR., PRADO, J., QUEIROZ, LP., SOUZA, VC., STEHMANN, J., SYLVESTRE, L., WALTER, BMT. and ZAPPI, D. Catálogo de plantas e fungos do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio/Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. p. 78-89.
  • HAYNES, RR. and HOLM-NIELSEN, LB., 2003. Potamogetonaceae. New York: The New York Botanical Garden. Flora Neotropica Monograph, vol. 85.
  • HAYNES, RR., 1985. A revision of the clasping-leaved Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). Sida, vol. 11, p. 173-188.
  • HENRY-SILVA, GG., MOURA, RST. and DANTAS, LLO., 2010. Richness and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in Brazilian semi-arid aquatic ecosystems. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 147-156.
  • HENRY-SILVA, GG., SANTOS, RV., MOURA, RST. and BUENO, NC., 2013. Primeiro registro de Chara indica e Chara zeylanica (Charophyceae, Charales, Characeae) em reservatórios do semiárido do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Biotemas, vol. 26, p. 243-248.
  • KAPLAN, Z., JAROLÍMOVÁ, V. and FEHRER, J., 2013. Revision of chromosome numbers of Potamogetonaceae: a new basis for taxonomic and evolutionary implications. Preslia, vol. 85, p. 421-482.
  • RODRIGUES, RS. and IRGANG, BE., 2001. Potamogetonaceae Dumort. no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Iheringia. Série Botânica, vol. 56, p. 3-49.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Nov 2014


  • Received
    25 Apr 2014
  • Accepted
    9 May 2014
Instituto Internacional de Ecologia R. Bento Carlos, 750, 13560-660 São Carlos SP - Brasil, Tel. e Fax: (55 16) 3362-5400 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil