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O desmatamento está se acelerando na Amazônia brasileira?


Estudos recentes sugerem que as taxas de desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira poderiam aumentar rapidamente como resultado dos mais de 40 bilhões de dólares planejados em investimentos no asfaltamento de estradas e na implantação novos projetos de infraestrutura na região. Estes estudos têm sido questionados por ministros e importantes autoridades brasileiras, que asseguram que os melhoramentos recentes na legislação ambiental e no seu cumprimento, e nas políticas e atitudes públicas, têm reduzido fundamentalmente a ameaça sobre as florestas que poderiam ser causadas por estes projetos. Nós testamos a idéia de que os riscos para as florestas da Amazônia vêm diminuindo durante a última década, utilizando dos dados disponíveis sobre as taxas de desmatamento de 1978 a 2000. Embora as altas taxas de perda de floresta de 1978 a 1989 (1.98 milhões de hectares ano-1) tenham tido um declínio em 1990-1994 (1.38 milhões de ha ano-1), as taxas retomaram um nível alto em 1995-2000 (1.90 milhões ha ano-1). Análises de correlação e de regressão revelaram que tanto as taxas absoluta como per-capita de perda de floresta se aceleraram significativamente durante a última década. Estas tendências não sustentam a afirmativa de que a pressão de desmatamento nas florestas da Amazônia tem sido mantida sob controle. Nós sugerimos que o pobre cumprimento das leis ambientais existentes, a rápida expansão de atividades madeireiras e de mineração, o aumento da pressão populacional e outros desafios estão dificultando os esforços para tentar limitar os impactos ambientais das atividades de desenvolvimento na Amazônia Brasileira.

Amazônia; Brasil; desmatamento; política de desenvolvimento; crescimento populacional; floresta tropical

IRecent studies suggest that deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon could increase sharply in the future as a result of over $40 billion in planned investments in highway paving and major new infrastructure projects in the region. These studies have been challenged by several Brazilian ministries, which assert that recent improvements in environmental laws, enforcement, and public attitudes have fundamentally reduced the threat posed to forests by such projects. We tested the notion that hazards to Amazonian forests have declined over the last decade by assessing available data on deforestation rates from 1978 to 2000. Although the alarmingly high rate of forest loss from 1978-1989 (1.98 million ha yr-1) declined somewhat from 1990-1994 (1.38 million ha yr-1), it rebounded to a high level from 1995-2000 (1.90 million ha yr-1). Moreover, correlation and regression analyses reveal that both absolute and per-capita rates of forest loss accelerated significantly over the last decade. These trends fail to support the assertion that deforestation pressure in Amazonian forests has been brought under control. We suggest that poor enforcement of existing environmental laws, rapidly expanding logging and mining industries, increasing population pressure, and other challenges are greatly hindering efforts to limit the environmental impacts of development activities in Brazilian Amazonia.

Amazon; Brazil; deforestation; development policy; population growth; tropical rainforest


O desmatamento está se acelerando na Amazônia brasileira?

William F. LauranceI, II, * * Autor para correspondência: William F. Laurance - ; Ana K. M. AlbernazII; Carlos da CostaII

ISmithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Republic of Panamá

IIProjeto Dinâmica Biológica de Fragmentos Florestais, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), C.P. 478, Manaus, AM 69011-970, Brazil. Email:


Estudos recentes sugerem que as taxas de desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira poderiam aumentar rapidamente como resultado dos mais de 40 bilhões de dólares planejados em investimentos no asfaltamento de estradas e na implantação novos projetos de infraestrutura na região. Estes estudos têm sido questionados por ministros e importantes autoridades brasileiras, que asseguram que os melhoramentos recentes na legislação ambiental e no seu cumprimento, e nas políticas e atitudes públicas, têm reduzido fundamentalmente a ameaça sobre as florestas que poderiam ser causadas por estes projetos. Nós testamos a idéia de que os riscos para as florestas da Amazônia vêm diminuindo durante a última década, utilizando dos dados disponíveis sobre as taxas de desmatamento de 1978 a 2000. Embora as altas taxas de perda de floresta de 1978 a 1989 (1.98 milhões de hectares ano-1) tenham tido um declínio em 1990-1994 (1.38 milhões de ha ano-1), as taxas retomaram um nível alto em 1995-2000 (1.90 milhões ha ano-1). Análises de correlação e de regressão revelaram que tanto as taxas absoluta como per-capita de perda de floresta se aceleraram significativamente durante a última década. Estas tendências não sustentam a afirmativa de que a pressão de desmatamento nas florestas da Amazônia tem sido mantida sob controle. Nós sugerimos que o pobre cumprimento das leis ambientais existentes, a rápida expansão de atividades madeireiras e de mineração, o aumento da pressão populacional e outros desafios estão dificultando os esforços para tentar limitar os impactos ambientais das atividades de desenvolvimento na Amazônia Brasileira.

Palavras-chave: Amazônia; Brasil; desmatamento; política de desenvolvimento; crescimento populacional; floresta tropical.


IRecent studies suggest that deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon could increase sharply in the future as a result of over $40 billion in planned investments in highway paving and major new infrastructure projects in the region. These studies have been challenged by several Brazilian ministries, which assert that recent improvements in environmental laws, enforcement, and public attitudes have fundamentally reduced the threat posed to forests by such projects. We tested the notion that hazards to Amazonian forests have declined over the last decade by assessing available data on deforestation rates from 1978 to 2000. Although the alarmingly high rate of forest loss from 1978-1989 (1.98 million ha yr-1) declined somewhat from 1990-1994 (1.38 million ha yr-1), it rebounded to a high level from 1995-2000 (1.90 million ha yr-1). Moreover, correlation and regression analyses reveal that both absolute and per-capita rates of forest loss accelerated significantly over the last decade. These trends fail to support the assertion that deforestation pressure in Amazonian forests has been brought under control. We suggest that poor enforcement of existing environmental laws, rapidly expanding logging and mining industries, increasing population pressure, and other challenges are greatly hindering efforts to limit the environmental impacts of development activities in Brazilian Amazonia.

Key Words: Amazon; Brazil; deforestation; development policy; population growth; tropical rainforest.

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Nós agradecemos Mark Cochrane, Philip Fearnside e Eric Yensen por seus comentários relevantes sobre a versão preliminar do manuscrito. Esta é a publicação número 362 da série técnica do PDBFF. O apoio para a pesquisa foi fornecido pelo programa NASA-LBA, Fundação A. W. Mellon, INPA e Smithsonian Institution.

Literatura Citada

ABRAMOVITZ, J. 1998. Taking a Stand: Cultivating a New Relationship with the World's Forests. Washington, D.C.: World Watch Institute.

A CRÍTICA 2001. Combate deflagrado: operação é para evitar mais crimes ambientais. A Critica, Manaus, Brazil, 26 May.

ALVES, D. S., PEREIRA, J., DE SOUSA, C., SOARES, J. & YAMAGUCHI, F. (1999) Characterizing landscape changes in central Rondônia using Landsat TM imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 20: 2877-2882.

AMARAL, S. S. 2001 Threat to the Amazon. The Independent, London, 26 January.

BARBOSA, R. I. & FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1999. Incêndios na Amazônia brasileira: estimativa da emissão de gases do efeito estufa pela queima de diferentes ecossistemas de Roraima na passagem do evento "El Niño" (1997/98). Acta Amazonica 29:513-534.

BROWDER, J. O. & GODFREY, B. J. 1997. Rainforest Cities: Urbanization, Development, and Globalization of the Brazilian Amazon. New York: Columbia University Press.

BROWN, K. & PEARCE, D. W. 1994. The Causes of Tropical Deforestation: The economic and Statistical analysis of Factors Giving Rise to the Loss of Tropical Forests. London, U.K: University College London Press.

BUGGE, A. 2001. Destruction of Amazon jungle hits 5-year high. Reuters News Service, 15 May.

CARVALHO, G., BARROS, A. C., MOUTINHO, P. & NEPSTAD, D. C. 2001. Sensitive development could protect the Amazon instead of destroying it. Nature 409: 131.

COCHRANE, M. A., ALENCAR, A., SCHULZE, M., SOUZA, C., NEPSTAD, D., LEFEBVRE, P. & DAVIDSON, E. 1999. Positive feedbacks in the fire dynamics of closed canopy tropical forests. Science 284: 1832-1835.

COCHRANE, M. A. & SCHULZE, M. D. 1998. Forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon. Conservation Biology 12: 948-950.

EHRLICH, P. R., EHRLICH, A. & DAILY, G. C. 1995. The Stork and the Plow. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.

ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS NETWORK 2000. Amazon t i m b e r s t e w a r d s b u s t e d f o r b r i b e s . Environmental News Network, 11 October.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1986. Human Carrying Capacity of the Brazilian Rainforest. New York: Columbia University Press.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1987. Causes of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In: The Geophysiology of Amazonia: Vegetation and Climate Interactions, ed. R. F. Dickson, pp. 37-61. San Francisco, California: John Wiley.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1990. Environmental destruction in the Amazon. In: The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development?, eds. D. Goodman & A. Hall, pp. 179-225. London, UK: MacMillan.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1993a. Desmatamento em Amazônia: quem tem razão o INPE ou a NASA? Ciência Hoje 16: 6-8.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1993b. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: the effect of population and land tenure. Ambio 8: 537-545.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1997. Monitoring needs to transform Amazonian forest maintenance into a global warming-mitigation option. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2: 285-302.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1999. Biodiversity as an environmental service in Brazil's Amazonian forests: risks, value and conservation. Environmental Conservation 26: 305-321.

FEARNSIDE, P. M. & FERRAZ, J. 1995. A conservation gap analysis of Brazil's Amazonian vegetation. Conservation Biology 9: 1134-1147.

FEARNSIDE, P. M., TARDIN, A. T. & MEIRA FILHO, L. G. 1990. Deforestation rate in Brazilian Amazonia. National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 8 p.

FRIENDS OF THE EARTH 1999. Programa Fogo: Emergência Crônica. Brazilian Amazonia, São Paulo, Brazil.

GOIDANICH, R. 2001. The future of the Brazilian Amazon. Science Debates, 26 January.

GOODMAN, G. & HALL, A. 1990 The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development? London, UK:MacMillan.

HOMMA, A. K. O., WALKER, R. T., SCATENA, F., DE CONTO, A., CARVALHO, A. DA ROCHA, A, FERREIRA, C. & DOS SANTOS, A. 1992. A Dinâmica dos Desmatamentos e das Queimadas na Amazônia: Uma Análise Microeconômica. Unpublished manuscript, Belém, Brazil: EMBRAPA.

IBGE. 2000. Censo Demográfico, Dados Distritais: XI Recenseamento Geral do Brasil Brasilia: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.

IMBERNON, J. 2000 . Deforestation and population pressure in the state of Rondônia, B r a z i l . Bois et Foréts des Tropiques 266:23-33.

INPE 1998. Deforestation estimates in the Brazilian Amazon, 1995-1997. National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil.

INPE 2000. Deforestation estimates in the Brazilian Amazon, 1998-1999. National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil.

LAURANCE, W. F. 1998. A crisis in the making: responses of Amazonian forests to land use and climate change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13: 411-415.

LAURANCE, W. F. 2000. Mega-development trends in the Amazon: implications for global change. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 61: 113-122.

LAURANCE, W. F. 2001. Tropical logging and human invasions. Conservation Biology 15: 4-5. LAURANCE, W. F., COCHRANE, M. A., BERGEN, S., FEARNSIDE, P. M., DELAMONICA, P., B A R B E R , C . , D ' A N G E L O , S . & FERNANDES, T. 2001a The future of the Brazilian Amazon. Science 291: 438-439.

LAURANCE, W. F., FEARNSIDE, P. M., COCHRANE, M. A., D'ANGELO, S., BERGEN, S. & DELAMONICA, P. (2001b) Development in the Brazilian Amazon: response. Science 292: 1652-1653.

LAURANCE, W.F., ALBERNAZ, A.K.M., SCHROTH, G., FEARNSIDE, P.M., BERGEN, S., VENTOCINQUE, E.M. & DA COSTA, C. (submetido) Predictors of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Biogeography.

MINISTÉRIO DE RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES 1998. Fernando Henrique lança programa contra incêndios florestais na Amazônia Legal. Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations, Brasília, Brazil.

MORAN, E. F. 1981. Developing the Amazon. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press.

NEPSTAD, D. C., KLINK, C., UHL, C., VIERA, I., L E F E B V R E , P. , P E D L O W S K I , M . , MATRICARDI, E., NEGREIROS, G . , BROWN, I., AMARAL, E., HOMMA, A. & WALKER, R. (1997) Land-use in Amazonia and the cerrado of Brazil. Ciencia e Cultura 49: 73-86.

NEPSTAD, D. C., MOREIRA, A., VERISSIMO, A., LEFEBVRE, P. , SCHLESINGER, P. , POTTER, C., NOBRE, C., SETZER, A., KRUG, T., BARROS, A., ALENCAR, A. & PEREIRA, J. 1998. Forest fire prediction and prevention in the Brazilian Amazon. Conservation Biology 12: 951-955.

NEPSTAD, D. C., VERISSIMO, A., ALENCAR, A., NOBRE, C., LIMA, E., LEFEBRE, P., S C H L E S I N G E R , P. , P O T T E R , C . , M O U T I N H O , P. , M E N D O Z A , E . , COCHRANE, M. & BROOKS, V. 1999a Large-scale impoverishment of Amazonian forests by logging and fire. Nature 398: 505-508.

NEPSTAD, D. C., MOREIRA, A. G. & ALENCAR, A. A. 1999b. Flames in the Rain Forest: Origins, Impacts, and Alternatives to Amazonian Fires. Brasília, Brazil: Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest, The World Bank.

O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO 2001. Um rumo para a Amazônia. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 February.

O LIBERAL 2001. Amazônia cede as terras e o governo se esquece das verbas. O Liberal, Belém, Brazil, 4 April.

PHILLIPS, O. L., MALHI, Y., HIGUCHI, N., LAURANCE, W. F., NUNEZ, P., VASQUEZ, R., LAURANCE, S. G., FERREIRA, L., STERN, M., S., BROWN & GRACE, J. 1998. Changes in the carbon balance of tropical forests: evidence from long-term plots. Science 282: 439-442.

SALATI, E. & VOSE, P. B. 1984. Amazon basin: a system in equilibrium. Science 225: 129-138.

SHEIL, D., BURSLEM, D. & ALDER, D. 1995. The interpretation and misinterpretation of mortality rate measures. Journal of Ecology 83: 331-333.

SILVEIRA, J. P. 2001. Development in the Brazilian Amazon. Science 292: 1651-1652.

SKOLE, D. & TUCKER, C. J. 1993. Tropical deforestation and habitat fragmentation in the Amazon: satellite data from 1978 to 1988. Science 260: 1905-1910.

SMITH, N. J. H. 1982. Rainforest Corridors: The Transamazon Colonization Scheme. B e r k e l e y : U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a Press. STEININGER, M. K., TUCKER, C. J., Ersts, P., Killeen, T. J., Villegas, Z. & Hecht, S. B. 2001a Clearance and fragmentation of tropical deciduous forest in the Tierras Bajas, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Conservation Biology 15:856-866.

STEININGER, M. K., TUCKER, C. J., TOWNSHEND, J. R. G., KILLEEN, T. J., DESCH, A., BELL, V. & ERSTS, P. 2001b. Tropical deforestation in the B o l i v i a n A m a z o n . E n v i r o n m e n t a l Conservation 28:127-134.

UHL, C. & BUSCHBACHER, R. 1985. A disturbing synergism between cattle ranch burning practices and selective tree harvesting in the eastern Amazon. Biotropica 17: 265-268

WEBER, D. 2001. Ministério contesta estudo sobre devastação. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 21 January.

WOOD, C. H. & PERZ, S. 1996. Population and land-use change in the Brazilian Amazon. In: Population Growth and Environmental Issues, eds. S. Ramphal & S. Sindig, pp. 95-108. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

WOOD, C. H. & SKOLE, D. 1998. Linking satellite, census, and survey data to study deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In: People and Pixels: Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science, pp. 70-92. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Recebido em 27 de agosto de 2001

Revisado em 22 de novembro de 2001

Publicado em 04 de março de 2002

  • ABRAMOVITZ, J. 1998. Taking a Stand: Cultivating a New Relationship with the World's Forests. Washington, D.C.: World Watch Institute.
  • A CRÍTICA 2001. Combate deflagrado: operação é para evitar mais crimes ambientais. A Critica, Manaus, Brazil, 26 May.
  • ALVES, D. S., PEREIRA, J., DE SOUSA, C., SOARES, J. & YAMAGUCHI, F. (1999) Characterizing landscape changes in central Rondônia using Landsat TM imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 20: 2877-2882.
  • AMARAL, S. S. 2001 Threat to the Amazon. The Independent, London, 26 January.
  • BARBOSA, R. I. & FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1999. Incêndios na Amazônia brasileira: estimativa da emissão de gases do efeito estufa pela queima de diferentes ecossistemas de Roraima na passagem do evento "El Niño" (1997/98). Acta Amazonica 29:513-534.
  • BROWDER, J. O. & GODFREY, B. J. 1997. Rainforest Cities: Urbanization, Development, and Globalization of the Brazilian Amazon. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • BROWN, K. & PEARCE, D. W. 1994. The Causes of Tropical Deforestation: The economic and Statistical analysis of Factors Giving Rise to the Loss of Tropical Forests. London, U.K: University College London Press.
  • BUGGE, A. 2001. Destruction of Amazon jungle hits 5-year high. Reuters News Service, 15 May.
  • CARVALHO, G., BARROS, A. C., MOUTINHO, P. & NEPSTAD, D. C. 2001. Sensitive development could protect the Amazon instead of destroying it. Nature 409: 131.
  • COCHRANE, M. A., ALENCAR, A., SCHULZE, M., SOUZA, C., NEPSTAD, D., LEFEBVRE, P. & DAVIDSON, E. 1999. Positive feedbacks in the fire dynamics of closed canopy tropical forests. Science 284: 1832-1835.
  • COCHRANE, M. A. & SCHULZE, M. D. 1998. Forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon. Conservation Biology 12: 948-950.
  • EHRLICH, P. R., EHRLICH, A. & DAILY, G. C. 1995. The Stork and the Plow. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS NETWORK 2000. Amazon t i m b e r s t e w a r d s b u s t e d f o r b r i b e s . Environmental News Network, 11 October.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1986. Human Carrying Capacity of the Brazilian Rainforest. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1987. Causes of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In: The Geophysiology of Amazonia: Vegetation and Climate Interactions, ed. R. F. Dickson, pp. 37-61. San Francisco, California: John Wiley.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1990. Environmental destruction in the Amazon. In: The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development?, eds. D. Goodman & A. Hall, pp. 179-225. London, UK: MacMillan.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1993a. Desmatamento em Amazônia: quem tem razão o INPE ou a NASA? Ciência Hoje 16: 6-8.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1993b. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: the effect of population and land tenure. Ambio 8: 537-545.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1997. Monitoring needs to transform Amazonian forest maintenance into a global warming-mitigation option. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2: 285-302.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. 1999. Biodiversity as an environmental service in Brazil's Amazonian forests: risks, value and conservation. Environmental Conservation 26: 305-321.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M. & FERRAZ, J. 1995. A conservation gap analysis of Brazil's Amazonian vegetation. Conservation Biology 9: 1134-1147.
  • FEARNSIDE, P. M., TARDIN, A. T. & MEIRA FILHO, L. G. 1990. Deforestation rate in Brazilian Amazonia. National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 8 p.
  • FRIENDS OF THE EARTH 1999. Programa Fogo: Emergência Crônica. Brazilian Amazonia, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • GOIDANICH, R. 2001. The future of the Brazilian Amazon. Science Debates, 26 January.
  • GOODMAN, G. & HALL, A. 1990 The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development? London, UK:MacMillan.
  • HOMMA, A. K. O., WALKER, R. T., SCATENA, F., DE CONTO, A., CARVALHO, A. DA ROCHA, A, FERREIRA, C. & DOS SANTOS, A. 1992. A Dinâmica dos Desmatamentos e das Queimadas na Amazônia: Uma Análise Microeconômica. Unpublished manuscript, Belém, Brazil: EMBRAPA.
  • IBGE. 2000. Censo Demográfico, Dados Distritais: XI Recenseamento Geral do Brasil Brasilia: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.
  • IMBERNON, J. 2000 . Deforestation and population pressure in the state of Rondônia, B r a z i l . Bois et Foréts des Tropiques 266:23-33.
  • INPE 1998. Deforestation estimates in the Brazilian Amazon, 1995-1997. National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil.
  • INPE 2000. Deforestation estimates in the Brazilian Amazon, 1998-1999. National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil.
  • LAURANCE, W. F. 1998. A crisis in the making: responses of Amazonian forests to land use and climate change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13: 411-415.
  • LAURANCE, W. F. 2000. Mega-development trends in the Amazon: implications for global change. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 61: 113-122.
  • LAURANCE, W. F. 2001. Tropical logging and human invasions. Conservation Biology 15: 4-5.
  • LAURANCE, W. F., COCHRANE, M. A., BERGEN, S., FEARNSIDE, P. M., DELAMONICA, P., B A R B E R , C . , D ' A N G E L O , S . & FERNANDES, T. 2001a The future of the Brazilian Amazon. Science 291: 438-439.
  • LAURANCE, W. F., FEARNSIDE, P. M., COCHRANE, M. A., D'ANGELO, S., BERGEN, S. & DELAMONICA, P. (2001b) Development in the Brazilian Amazon: response. Science 292: 1652-1653.
  • LAURANCE, W.F., ALBERNAZ, A.K.M., SCHROTH, G., FEARNSIDE, P.M., BERGEN, S., VENTOCINQUE, E.M. & DA COSTA, C. (submetido) Predictors of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Biogeography.
  • MINISTÉRIO DE RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES 1998. Fernando Henrique lança programa contra incêndios florestais na Amazônia Legal. Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations, Brasília, Brazil.
  • MORAN, E. F. 1981. Developing the Amazon. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press.
  • NEPSTAD, D. C., KLINK, C., UHL, C., VIERA, I., L E F E B V R E , P. , P E D L O W S K I , M . , MATRICARDI, E., NEGREIROS, G . , BROWN, I., AMARAL, E., HOMMA, A. & WALKER, R. (1997) Land-use in Amazonia and the cerrado of Brazil. Ciencia e Cultura 49: 73-86.
  • NEPSTAD, D. C., MOREIRA, A., VERISSIMO, A., LEFEBVRE, P. , SCHLESINGER, P. , POTTER, C., NOBRE, C., SETZER, A., KRUG, T., BARROS, A., ALENCAR, A. & PEREIRA, J. 1998. Forest fire prediction and prevention in the Brazilian Amazon. Conservation Biology 12: 951-955.
  • NEPSTAD, D. C., VERISSIMO, A., ALENCAR, A., NOBRE, C., LIMA, E., LEFEBRE, P., S C H L E S I N G E R , P. , P O T T E R , C . , M O U T I N H O , P. , M E N D O Z A , E . , COCHRANE, M. & BROOKS, V. 1999a Large-scale impoverishment of Amazonian forests by logging and fire. Nature 398: 505-508.
  • NEPSTAD, D. C., MOREIRA, A. G. & ALENCAR, A. A. 1999b. Flames in the Rain Forest: Origins, Impacts, and Alternatives to Amazonian Fires. Brasília, Brazil: Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest, The World Bank.
  • O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO 2001. Um rumo para a Amazônia. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 February.
  • O LIBERAL 2001. Amazônia cede as terras e o governo se esquece das verbas. O Liberal, Belém, Brazil, 4 April.
  • PHILLIPS, O. L., MALHI, Y., HIGUCHI, N., LAURANCE, W. F., NUNEZ, P., VASQUEZ, R., LAURANCE, S. G., FERREIRA, L., STERN, M., S., BROWN & GRACE, J. 1998. Changes in the carbon balance of tropical forests: evidence from long-term plots. Science 282: 439-442.
  • SALATI, E. & VOSE, P. B. 1984. Amazon basin: a system in equilibrium. Science 225: 129-138.
  • SHEIL, D., BURSLEM, D. & ALDER, D. 1995. The interpretation and misinterpretation of mortality rate measures. Journal of Ecology 83: 331-333.
  • SILVEIRA, J. P. 2001. Development in the Brazilian Amazon. Science 292: 1651-1652.
  • SKOLE, D. & TUCKER, C. J. 1993. Tropical deforestation and habitat fragmentation in the Amazon: satellite data from 1978 to 1988. Science 260: 1905-1910.
  • SMITH, N. J. H. 1982. Rainforest Corridors: The Transamazon Colonization Scheme. B e r k e l e y : U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a Press.
  • STEININGER, M. K., TUCKER, C. J., Ersts, P., Killeen, T. J., Villegas, Z. & Hecht, S. B. 2001a Clearance and fragmentation of tropical deciduous forest in the Tierras Bajas, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Conservation Biology 15:856-866.
  • STEININGER, M. K., TUCKER, C. J., TOWNSHEND, J. R. G., KILLEEN, T. J., DESCH, A., BELL, V. & ERSTS, P. 2001b. Tropical deforestation in the B o l i v i a n A m a z o n . E n v i r o n m e n t a l Conservation 28:127-134.
  • UHL, C. & BUSCHBACHER, R. 1985. A disturbing synergism between cattle ranch burning practices and selective tree harvesting in the eastern Amazon. Biotropica 17: 265-268
  • WEBER, D. 2001. Ministério contesta estudo sobre devastação. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 21 January.
  • WOOD, C. H. & PERZ, S. 1996. Population and land-use change in the Brazilian Amazon. In: Population Growth and Environmental Issues, eds. S. Ramphal & S. Sindig, pp. 95-108. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
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  • *
    Autor para correspondência: William F. Laurance -
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      11 Jun 2013
    • Data do Fascículo


    • Aceito
      04 Mar 2002
    • Revisado
      22 Nov 2001
    • Recebido
      27 Ago 2001
    Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESP Departamento de Biologia Vegetal - Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP CP 6109, 13083-970 - Campinas/SP, Tel.: (+55 19) 3521-6166, Fax: (+55 19) 3521-6168 - Campinas - SP - Brazil