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Ichthyofauna of the inner shelf of Paraná, Brazil: checklist, geographic distribution, economic importance and conservation status

Ictiofauna da plataforma interna do Paraná, Brasil: checklist, distribuição geográfica, importância econômica e estado de conservação


Comprehensive species checklists are essential to effectively implementing preservation and recovery measures, and should assess conservation status, vulnerability degree and anthropogenic threats. This checklist was compiled from fish species recorded in surveys conducted over the last 30 years in the shallow inner continental shelf in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Information on biogeography, conservation status, economic importance and degree of species’ vulnerability are provided. A total of 272 fish species were recorded, spanning 25 orders and 88 families. The most speciose family was Sciaenidae (25 species), followed by Carangidae (23), Engraulidae (10), Carcharhinidae (9), Epinephelidae (9) and Paralichthyidae (9). Most species occurring in Paraná’s shallow inner continental shelf are restricted to the West Atlantic. In terms of economic importance, 93% (253) of the species recorded were of fishery, aquaculture or aquaria interest. A notable fraction (39%) of the recorded species was classified as having moderate to very high vulnerability to extinction. In particular, 28 species (10%) were listed as globally endangered, and 34 species (12%) were listed as endangered in the Brazilian territory.

fish assemblage; species list; Southwest Atlantic; vulnerability


Listas abrangentes de espécies são essenciais para a implementação efetiva de medidas de preservação e devem avaliar o estado de conservação e o grau de vulnerabilidade das comunidades ecológicas. Esta lista foi compilada a partir de espécies de peixes registradas em pesquisas realizadas nos últimos 30 anos na plataforma continental interna rasa do Estado do Paraná. Foram fornecidas informações sobre biogeografia, estado de conservação, importância econômica e grau de vulnerabilidade das espécies. Um total de 272 espécies de peixes foram registradas, abrangendo 25 ordens e 88 famílias. A família com maior número de espécies foi Sciaenidae (25 espécies), seguida de Carangidae (23), Engraulidae (10), Carcharhinidae (9), Epinephelidae (9) e Paralichthyidae (9). A maioria das espécies registrada na plataforma continental interna do Paraná está limitada ao Atlântico Oeste. Em termos de importância econômica, 93% (253) das espécies incluídas nesta lista são comercialmente viáveis, seja na pesca, aquicultura ou aquariofilia. Uma fração notável (39%) das espécies registradas foi classificada como de vulnerabilidade moderada a muito alta. Em particular, 28 espécies (10%) estão listadas como ameaçadas de extinção em escala global, e 34 espécies (12%) estão listadas como ameaçadas de extinção no território brasileiro.

assembleia de peixes; lista de espécies; Atlântico Sudoeste; vulnerabilidade


The State of Paraná, in southern Brazil, has a 98 km long coastline, and is cut by two large estuarine complexes, namely, the Paranaguá Bay to the north and the Guaratuba Bay to the south. Its continental shelf extends from 175 to 190 km offshore, and is dominated by sandy bottoms, and a few rocky substrates (Brandini 2014BRANDINI, F. 2014. Marine biodiversity and sustainability of fishing resources in Brazil: a case study of the coast of Paraná state. Reg. Environ. Chang. 14(6):2127–2137.).

Paraná’s continental shelf harbors a rich fauna, particularly in its inner region which is nutrient enriched by the continental drainage system. Like the estuaries, the inner shelf functions as habitat for reproduction and development of many fish species; therefore, it performs a vital role in their life cycles (Blaber 2000BLABER, S.J.M. 2000. Tropical estuarine fishes: ecology, exploitation, and conservation. Fish and Aquatic Resources Series 7. Blackwell Science, CSIRO Marine Research. Cleveland, Queensland, Australia.). In addition, the continental shelf contains several fish species of commercial importance.

There have been several studies on the fish fauna in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (Hackradt et al. 2009HACKRADT, C.W., PICHLER, H.A., FÉLIX, F.C., SCHWARZ JR., R., SILVA, L.O. & SPACH, H.L. 2009. A estrutura da comunidade de peixes em praias de baixa energia do complexo estuarino da Baía de Paranaguá, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Zoociências. 11(3):231–242.; Félix-Hackradt et al. 2010FÉLIX-HACKRADT, F.C., SPACH, H.L., MORO, P.S., PICHLER, H.A., MAGGI, A.S., HOSTIM-SILVA, M., HACKRADT, C.W. & HACKRADT, F.C.F. 2010. Diel and tidal effects on surf zone fish fauna in Southern Brazil. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res. 38(3):447–460.; Ignácio & Spach 2010IGNÁCIO, J.M. & SPACH, H.L. 2010. Variação entre o dia e a noite nas características da ictiofauna do infralitoral raso do Maciel, Baía de Paranaguá, Paraná. 32(2):163–176.; Contente et al. 2011CONTENTE, R.F., STEFANONI, M.F. & SPACH, H.L. 2011. Fish assemblage structure in an estuary of the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot (southern Brazil). Ichthyol. Res. 58(1):38–50.; Passos et al. 2012PASSOS, A.C., CONTENTE, R.F., ARAUJO, C.C.V., DAROS, F.A.L.M., SPACH, H.L., ABILHÔA, V. & FÁVARO, L.F. 2012. Fishes of Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, South West Atlantic. Biota Neotrop. 12(3):
; Pichler et al. 2015PICHLER, H.A., SPACH, H.L., GRAY, C.A., BROADHURST, M.K., SCHWARZ, R. & OLIVEIRA NETO, J.F. 2015. Environmental influences on resident and transient fishes across shallow estuarine beaches and tidal flats in a Brazilian World Heritage area. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 164:482–492., 2017PICHLER, H.A., GRAY, C.A., BROADHURST, M.K., SPACH, H.L. & NAGELKERKEN, I. 2017. Seasonal and environmental influences on recruitment patterns and habitat usage among resident and transient fishes in a World Heritage Site subtropical estuary. J. Fish Biol. 90(1):396–416.; Possatto et al. 2017POSSATTO, F.E., BROADHURST, M.K., GRAY, C.A., SPACH, H.L. & LAMOUR, M.R. 2017. Spatiotemporal variation among demersal ichthyofauna in a subtropical estuary bordering World Heritage-listed and marine protected areas: implications for resource management. Mar. Freshw. Res. 68(4):703–717.) and in the Guaratuba Bay (Chaves & Corrêa 1998CHAVES, P.T.C. & CORRÊA, M.F.M. 1998. Composição ictiofaunística da área de manguezal da Baía de Guaratuba, Paraná, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 15(1):195–202.; Chaves & Vendel 2001CHAVES, P.T.C. & VENDEL, A.L. 2001. Nota complementar sobre a composição ictiofaunística da Baía de Guaratuba, Paraná, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 18(suppl 1):349–352.). On the other hand, few studies have focused on the continental shelf region, especially those assessing the taxonomic composition of the ichthyofauna (Santos 2006SANTOS, C. 2006. Comunidade de peixes demersais e ciclo reprodutivo de quatro espécies da família Sciaenidae na plataforma interna entre Superagüi e Praia de Leste, PR. Curitiba. PhD Thesis, Federal University of Paraná, Paraná.; Carniel 2008CARNIEL, V.L. 2008. Interação de aves costeiras com descartes oriundos da pesca artesanal no litoral centro-sul Paranáense. Dissertação de Mestrado, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Paraná.; Schwarz-Junior 2010). Of concern is the threat to the region’s fish biodiversity, most notably due to overfishing, deposition of dredged sediments, habitat loss, and deployment of new habitats, such as artificial reefs, whose impact on biodiversity is not yet fully understood. In this study, we have compiled a checklist of fish species inhabiting the shallow inner continental shelf of Paraná. Considerations about geographic distribution, conservation status, economic importance, and degree of vulnerability to extinction are provided. This checklist compiles useful information in a single document that should be of great help in devising measures of preservation and species recovery.

Material and Methods

Data on fish species inhabiting the inner continental shelf of the State of Paraná were compiled from the peer-reviewed literature (Corrêa et al. 1986CORRÊA, M.F.M., CORDEIRO, A.A.M. & JUSTI, I.M. 1986. Catálogo dos peixes marinhos da coleção da divisão de zoologia e geologia da prefeitura municipal de Curitiba - I. Rev. Nerítica. 1(1): 1-83.; Chaves et al. 2003CHAVES, P.T.C., COVA-GRANDO, G. & CALLUF, C. 2003. Demersal ichthyofauna in a continental shelf region on the south coast of Brazil exposed to shrimp trawl fisheries. Acta Biol. Paraná. 32(4):69–82.; Godefroid et al. 2004GODEFROID, R.S., SPACH, H.L., SANTOS, C., MACLAREN, G. & SCHWARZ JR., R. 2004. Mudanças temporais na abundância e diversidade da fauna de peixes do infralitoral raso de uma praia, sul do Brasil. Iheringia. Série Zool. 94(1):95–104.; Costa & Chaves 2006COSTA, L. & CHAVES, P.T.C. 2006. Elasmobrânquios capturados pela pesca artesanal na costa sul do Paraná e norte de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Biota Neotrop. 6(3) : abstract?article+bn02706032006
; Gomes & Chaves 2006GOMES I.D. & CHAVES P.T. 2006. Ictiofauna integrante da pesca de arrasto camaroeiro no litoral sul do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Fish faunal composition in the shrimp fisheries at the southern coast of Paraná, Brazil. Bioikos 20(1): 9–13.; Santos et al. 2006SANTOS, C., CORTELLET, G.M., ARAUJO, K.C. & SPACH, H.L. 2006. Estrutura populacional da raia-viola Zapteryx brevirostris (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae) na plataforma adjacente à Baía de Paranaguá, PR. Acta Biol. Leopondensia. 28(1):32–37.; Félix et al. 2007aFÉLIX, F.C., SPACH, H.L., MORO, P.S., HACKRADT, C.W., QUEIROZ, G.M.L.N. & HOSTIM-SILVA, M. 2007a. Ichthyofauna composition across a wave: energy gradient on Southern Brazil beaches. Brazilian J. Oceanogr. 55(4):281–292.; Félix et al. 2007bFÉLIX, F.C., SPACH, H.L., MORO, P.S., SCHWARZ, R.J., SANTOS, C., HACKRADT, C.W., HOSTIM-SILVA, M. & FÉLIX, F.C. 2007b. Utilization patterns of surf zone inhabiting fish from beaches in Southern Brazil. Panam. J. Aquat. Sci. 2(1):27–39.; Bornatowski et al. 2009BORNATOWSKI, H., ABILHOA, V. & CHARVET-ALMEIDA, P. 2009. Elasmobranchs of the Paraná Coast, southern Brazil, south-western Atlantic. Mar. Biodivers. Rec. 2:e158.; Hackradt & Hackradt 2009; Hackradt et al. 2011; Daros et al. 2012DAROS, F.A., BUENO, L.S., VILAR, C.C., PASSOS, A.C. & SPACH, H.L. 2012. Checklist of rocky reef fishes from the Currais Archipelago and Itacolomis Island, Paraná state, Brazil. Check List. 8(3):349–354.; Bornatowski et al. 2014aBORNATOWSKI, H., BRAGA, R.R., ABILHOA, V. & CORRÊA, M.F.M. 2014a. Feeding ecology and trophic comparisons of six shark species in a coastal ecosystem off southern Brazil. J. Fish Biol. 85(2):246–263.; Bornatowski et al. 2014bBORNATOWSKI, H., SANTOS, L., ROBERT, M.D.C. & WEISER, P.A. 2014b. Occurrence of the narrowmouth catshark Schroederichthys bivius (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) in southern Brazil. Mar. Biodivers. Rec. 7:e51.; Rossi-Wongtschowski et al. 2014ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C.L.D.B., VAZ-DOS-SANTOS, A.M. & SILIPRANDI, C.C. 2014. Checklist of the marine fishes collected during hydroacoustic surveys in the southeastern brazilian bight from 1995 to 2010. Arq. Zool. 45(esp):73–88., Santos et al. 2016SANTOS, L. O., CATTANI, A.P. & SPACH, H.L. 2016. Ictiofauna acompanhante da pesca de arrasto para embarcações acima de 45 hp no litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Bol. do Inst. Pesca. 42(4):816–830.) as well as less accessible academic literature (Santos 2006SANTOS, C. 2006. Comunidade de peixes demersais e ciclo reprodutivo de quatro espécies da família Sciaenidae na plataforma interna entre Superagüi e Praia de Leste, PR. Curitiba. PhD Thesis, Federal University of Paraná, Paraná. and Carniel 2008CARNIEL, V.L. 2008. Interação de aves costeiras com descartes oriundos da pesca artesanal no litoral centro-sul Paranáense. Dissertação de Mestrado, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Paraná. - master thesis; Schwarz-Junior 2010 and Spier 2016SPIER, D. 2016. Integrating ecological niche modelling and beta diversity analysis in marine systems management. PhD Thesis, Federal University of Paraná, Paraná. - PhD thesis) published over the past 30 years. The full extent of Paraná’s shallow inner continental shelf was sampled down to the 20 m isobath, including areas near the mouth of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex and the Guaratuba Bay (Figure 1). Overall, gillnetting, trawling, and underwater visual census were the main sampling methods used in the studies compiled in this work. Further details on sampling methods and sampling areas are provided in Table 1. The taxonomic classification and nomenclature follows Marceniuk (2005)MARCENIUK, A.P. 2005. Chave para identificacao das espécies de bagres marinos (Siluriformes, Ariidae) da costa brasilera. Bol. do Inst. da Pesca. 31(2):89–101., Craig & Hastings (2007)CRAIG, M.T. & HASTINGS, P.A. 2007. A molecular phylogeny of the groupers of the subfamily Epinephelinae (Serranidae) with a revised classification of the Epinephelini. Ichthyol. Res. 54(1):1–17., Smith & Craig (2007)SMITH, W.L. & CRAIG, M.T. 2007. Casting the Percomorph Net Widely: The Importance of Broad Taxonomic Sampling in the Search for the Placement of Serranid and Percid Fishes. Copeia. (1):35–55., Figueiredo & Menezes (2009)FIGUEIREDO, J.L. & MENEZES, N.A. 2009. Manual de peixes marinhos do sudeste do Brasil. Volumes I, II, III, V. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo., Carvalho-Filho et al. (2010)CARVALHO-FILHO, A., SANTOS, S. & SAMPAIO, I. 2010. Macrodon atricauda (Günther, 1880) (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), a valid species from the southwestern Atlantic, with comments on its conservation. Zootaxa. 2519:48–58., Menezes et al. (2010)MENEZES, N.A., OLIVEIRA, C. & NIRCHIO, M. 2010. An old taxonomic dilemma: the identity of the western south Atlantic lebranche mullet (Teleostei: Perciformes: Mugilidae). Zootaxa. 2519:59–68. and Eschmeyer et al. (2014)ESCHMEYER, W.N., FRICKE, R. & VAN DER LAAN, R. 2014. Catalog of fishes: genera, species, references. V. 3882. (W.N. Eschmeyer, R. Fricke, & R. van der Laan, Eds.)
. Orders and families are listed according to phylogenetic order (Eschmeyer et al. 2014ESCHMEYER, W.N., FRICKE, R. & VAN DER LAAN, R. 2014. Catalog of fishes: genera, species, references. V. 3882. (W.N. Eschmeyer, R. Fricke, & R. van der Laan, Eds.)
) and the species inside each family are organized in alphabetical order.

Figure 1
Map of the shallow inner continental shelf of Paraná, Brazil, showing the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex and the Guaratuba estuary. The contour represents the 20-meter isobath.
Table 1
Details on methods and sampling areas of the different sources consulted. “x”indicates absence of depth data.

To analyze the zoogeographic affinities of the fauna, the species were classified in geographic distribution categories based on Floeter et al. (2008)FLOETER, S.R., ROCHA, L.A., ROBERTSON, D.R., JOYEUX, J.C., SMITH-VANIZ, W.F., WIRTZ, P., EDWARDS, A.J., BARREIROS, J.P., et al. 2008. Atlantic reef fish biogeography and evolution. J. Biogeogr. 35:22–47., Luiz Jr et al. (2008)LUIZ JR, O.J., CARVALHO-FILHO, A., FERREIRA, C.E.L., FLOETER, S.R., LUIZ GASPARINI, J. & SAZIMA, I. 2008. The reef fish assemblage of the Laje de Santos Marine State Park, Southwestern Atlantic: annotated checklist with comments on abundance, distribution, trophic structure, symbiotic associations, and conservation. Zootaxa. 1807:1–25., Eschmeyer et al. (2014)ESCHMEYER, W.N., FRICKE, R. & VAN DER LAAN, R. 2014. Catalog of fishes: genera, species, references. V. 3882. (W.N. Eschmeyer, R. Fricke, & R. van der Laan, Eds.)
and Froese & Pauly (2017)FROESE, R. & PAULY, D. 2017. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available: [2017, May 15].
. The categories were: CT = Circumtropical, TA = Trans-Atlantic (Western and Eastern Atlantic Ocean), WA = Western Atlantic (Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean), SWA = Southwest Atlantic (ranging from Northern Brazil to Argentina), SSWA = Southern Southwest Atlantic (Southeastern and Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina), Ca = Caribbean (ranging from Florida to Venezuela), Br = Brazilian Province [ranging from the Orinoco River Delta in Venezuela to the State of Santa Catarina in Brazil (sensuBriggs & Bowen 2012)BRIGGS, J.C. & Bowen, B.W. 2012. A realignment of marine biogeographic provinces with particular reference to fish distributions. J Biogeogr 39:12−30.], and EP = Eastern Pacific.

Regarding species’ economic importance in Brazil, we defined four categories, namely, 1) food: referring to human consumption, 2) animal feed, 3) aquarium, and 4) none: referring to species without any identified commercial purpose. Categories 1, 2, and 4 were implemented based on the work of Menezes et al. (2003)MENEZES, N.A., BUCKUP, P.A., FIGUEIREDO, J.L. & MOURA, R.L. 2003. Catálogo das Espécies de Peixes Marinhos do Brasil. Museu de Zoologia da USP. São Paulo.; Figueiredo & Menezes (2009)FIGUEIREDO, J.L. & MENEZES, N.A. 2009. Manual de peixes marinhos do sudeste do Brasil. Volumes I, II, III, V. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.; Froese & Pauly (2017)FROESE, R. & PAULY, D. 2017. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available: [2017, May 15].
, as well as on the authors’ previous knowledge. Category 3 was implemented based on the technical and scientific bulletin of CEPENE (2005)CEPENE. 2005. Lista de peixes marinhos e estuarinos permitidos à captura. 3(1) (
, which lists marine fish species allowed for capture in Brazil. Furthermore, we also indicate which species have economic importance specifically for the State of Paraná, based on the authors’ knowledge.

Vulnerability to extinction was categorized as low, low to moderate, moderate, moderate to high, high, high to very high, and very high, following FishBase (Froese & Pauly 2017FROESE, R. & PAULY, D. 2017. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available: [2017, May 15].
). These categories were determined based on the life history and ecological characteristics of each species (Cheung et al. 2005CHEUNG, W.W.L., PITCHER, T.J. & PAULY, D. 2005. A fuzzy logic expert system to estimate intrinsic extinction vulnerabilities of marine fishes to fishing. Biol. Conserv. 124(1):97–111.). Species were also classified according to the IUCN categories (IUCN 2017IUCN. 2017. The IUCN red list of threatened species. International ed. IUCN Global Species Programme Red List Unit. Available:
) and the national status of conservation proposed by the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA 2014MMA 2014. Portaria Nº445 de 7 de setembro de 2014. [ (accessed in 9 May 2017)). Conservation status and vulnerability to extinction provide a rough assessment of species’ endangerment.


A total of 272 fish species (234 Actinopterygii and 38 Elasmobranchii) distributed over 25 orders and 88 families were recorded in the shallow inner continental shelf of Paraná (Table 2). The order richest in species was Perciformes (146), followed by Pleuronectiformes (18), Rajiformes (18), Clupeiformes (16) and Carcharhiniformes (15). Sciaenidae was the richest family with 25 species, followed by Carangidae (23), Engraulidae (10), Paralichthyidae (9), Epinephelidae (9) and Carcharhinidae (9). Cynoscion (6) and Carcharhinus (6) were the dominant genus in number of species, followed by Anchoa (5), Gymnothorax (5) and Lutjanus (5).

Table 2
Taxonomic classification of the ichthyofauna recorded in the shallow inner shelf of Paraná, Brazil. Geographic Distribution: CT = Circuntropical, TA = Trans-Atlantic, WA = Western Atlantic, SWA = Southern West Atlantic, SSWA = Southern Southwest Atlantic, Ca = Caribbean, Br = Brazilian Province and EP = Eastern Pacific. Global conservation status according to IUCN (2010) and national conservation status according to MMA (2014)MMA 2014. Portaria Nº445 de 7 de setembro de 2014. [ (accessed in 9 May 2017): NE= not evaluated, LC= least concern, NT = near threatened, DD = data deficient, VU = vulnerable, EN= endangered, CR = critically endangered. Economic importance in Brazil. Asterisk indicate which species have economic importance specifically for the State of Paraná.

The geographic distribution of species across the different categories defined in the previous section are illustrated in Figure 2. Many of the recorded species are widely distributed over the Western Atlantic, and can be further separated into two groups with distinct distribution: the first, characteristic of the Caribbean fauna, is also found in the Caribbean and Brazilian Province; and the second, with temperate affinities, is characteristic of the Southern Southwest Atlantic, including Argentina and Uruguay.

Figure 2
Geographic distribution of the species recorded in the shallow inner continental shelf of Paraná. CT = Circumtropical, TA = Trans-Atlantic, WA = Western Atlantic, SWA = Southwest Atlantic, SSWA = Southern Southwest Atlantic, Ca = Caribbean, Br = Brazilian Province, EP = Eastern Pacific.

In terms of Brazilian economic importance, 156 species (57%) are used for human consumption, 74 species (27%) for aquaria and 30 species (11%) for animal feed. Only 19 species (7%) have no commercial importance in Brazil. In the State of Paraná, on the other hand, only 57% of species of economic interest in Brazil are exploited. In particular, 21 species used for human consumption in other parts of Brazil have no economic importance in Paraná. Moreover, the aquaria and animal feed industries are relatively underdeveloped, with only 9 of 74 potentially viable species used in aquaria, and 4 of 30 potentially viable species commercialized for animal feed. In short, of 253 species of economic interest in Brazil, only 144 are exploited in the State of Paraná (Figure 3).

Figure 3
Number of catalogued species with economic importance in the State of Paraná only, versus the number with economic importance in Brazil overall.

A total of 61% of species were categorized as having low to moderate vulnerability to extinction, and 39% ranged from moderate to very high vulnerability (Table 2). Most Elasmobranchii (29 species) were highly or very highly vulnerable. Among the Perciformes, 50 of the 146 species were classified as having moderate to very high vulnerability. Considering both red lists, 82% of catalogued species in Paraná’s inner shelf were assessed for their risk of extinction. Two hundred and forty-two species occurring in the shallow inner continental shelf of Paraná appear in the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN 2017IUCN. 2017. The IUCN red list of threatened species. International ed. IUCN Global Species Programme Red List Unit. Available:
), where 185 are listed as least concern, 17 as data deficient, 12 as near threatened, 17 as vulnerable, 8 as endangered, and 3 as critically endangered. The Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA 2014MMA 2014. Portaria Nº445 de 7 de setembro de 2014. [ (accessed in 9 May 2017)) classified substantially less species in the area (85 species), however with higher risk of extinction (12 vulnerable, 7 endangered, 15 critically endangered) (Figure 4).

Figure 4
Global conservation status according to IUCN (2017)IUCN. 2017. The IUCN red list of threatened species. International ed. IUCN Global Species Programme Red List Unit. Available:
and National conservation status according to MMA (2014): NE= not evaluated, LC= least concern, NT = near threatened, DD = data deficient, VU = vulnerable, EN= endangered, CR = critically endangered.


The vastness of the Brazilian coast and its large ecosystem and biodiversity contributed to a false perception of inexhaustible fishing resources, and the misguided adoption of policies that neglected resource sustainability and focused primarily on species of commercial importance (Nahum et al. 2009NAHUM, V.J.I., CASTELLO, J.P. & ROSENTHAL, H. 2009. Special issue: modern fisheries research approaches in Brazil. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 25(3):243–243.). A necessary step towards implementing better informed policies is to obtain an accurate assessment of species occurrence, and their respective economic importance and vulnerability to extinction. Such comprehensive assessment is still lacking for Paraná’s shallow inner continental shelf, in Southern Brazil, home to several threatened species. In an attempt to remedy this situation, this study compiled the results of surveys of Paraná’s shallow inner continental shelf performed over the past 30 years, providing a comprehensive checklist of fish species, along with information on biogeography, conservation status, economic importance and degree of species’ vulnerability.

Extracting correlations between the various factors that could influence species vulnerability to extinction, and hence pinpointing its causes, is beyond the scope if this work. Nonetheless, we believe that our checklist provides valuable information for future studies on the ecology and conservation of the fish fauna of the area.

In our study, we have confirmed a rich fauna of Elasmobranchii in the continental shelf of Paraná, comprising 24% of Brazilian’s elasmobranch fauna (Rosa & Gadig 2014ROSA, R.S. & GADIG, O.B.F. 2014. Conhecimento da diversidade dos Chondrichthyes marinhos no Brasil: a contribuição de José Lima de Figueiredo. Arquivos de Zoologia. São Paulo. Vol. 45(esp.):89–104.). Several elasmobranchs that occur in Paraná seem to use the southern coast of Brazil for reproduction (Bornatowski & Abilhoa 2012BORNATOWSKI, H. & ABILHOA, V. 2012. Tubarões e raias capturadospela pesca artesanal no Paraná: guia de identificação. Curitiba, Paraná: Hori Consultoria Ambiental. Available from:
). Vooren et al. (2005)VOOREN C.M., KLIPPEL S. AND GALINA A.B. 2005. Elasmobrânquios das águas costeiras da Plataforma Sul. In Vooren C.M. and Klippel S. (eds) Ações para conservação de tubarões e raias no sul do Brasil, Capítulo 7. Porto Alegre: Igará, pp. 114–120. recorded 21 species that use areas on the southern continental shelf for reproduction. It is suspected that several species also use Paraná’s coast as parturition and nursery grounds, such as Carcharhinus limbatus, Rhizoprionodon lalandii, Sphyrna lewini, Narcine brasiliensis, Rioraja agassizi, Pseudobatos percellens and Zapteryx brevirostris.

According to Castello (1994)CASTELLO, J.P. 1994. Oceanografia Biológica (nécton). In Diagnóstico ambiental oceânico e costeiro das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil. N. Yamaguti, M. Corrêa, & B. Ledo, Eds. Rio Grande do Sul. 361–379., the coastal fish fauna in Southeastern and Southern Brazil is composed of a mixture of species with tropical to subantarctic affinities, explaining the richness of the fish fauna in Paraná’s inner shelf. Among the Actinopterygii, Sciaenidae was the most representative family in other continental shelves of Brazil (Rocha & Rossi-Wongtschowski 1998ROCHA, G.R.A. & ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C.L.D.B. 1998. Demersal fish community on the inner shelf of Ubatuba, southeastern Brazil. Rev. Bras. Oceanogr. 46(2):93–109.; Muto et al. 2000MUTO, E.Y., SOARES, L.S.H. & ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C.L.D.B. 2000. Demersal fish assemblages off São Sebastião, southeastern Brazil: structure and environmental conditioning factors (summer 1994). Rev. Bras. Oceanogr. 48(1):09–27.; Moraes et al. 2009MORAES, L.E., ROMERO, R., ROCHA, G.R.A. & MOURA, R.L. 2009. Ictiofauna demersal da plataforma continental interna ao largo de Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil. Biota Neotrop. 9(4):
) and its occurrence in Paraná’s inner continental shelf is associated with Coastal Water (Muto et al. 2000MUTO, E.Y., SOARES, L.S.H. & ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C.L.D.B. 2000. Demersal fish assemblages off São Sebastião, southeastern Brazil: structure and environmental conditioning factors (summer 1994). Rev. Bras. Oceanogr. 48(1):09–27.). Sciaenidae and Carangidae were also the most speciose families in both estuaries of the region: the PEC (Passos et al. 2012PASSOS, A.C., CONTENTE, R.F., ARAUJO, C.C.V., DAROS, F.A.L.M., SPACH, H.L., ABILHÔA, V. & FÁVARO, L.F. 2012. Fishes of Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, South West Atlantic. Biota Neotrop. 12(3):
) and the Guaratuba Bay (Chaves & Corrêa 1998CHAVES, P.T.C. & CORRÊA, M.F.M. 1998. Composição ictiofaunística da área de manguezal da Baía de Guaratuba, Paraná, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 15(1):195–202.; Chaves & Vendel 2001CHAVES, P.T.C. & VENDEL, A.L. 2001. Nota complementar sobre a composição ictiofaunística da Baía de Guaratuba, Paraná, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Zool. 18(suppl 1):349–352.). In Brazilian waters, there are 37 species of Sciaenidae and 25 species of Cynoscion, with 25 species of Sciaenidae and 9 of Cynoscion occurring in Paraná (Nelson et al. 2016NELSON, J.S., GRANDE, T.C., WILSON, M.V.H. 2016. Fishes of the world. Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 752p.). That means that only three species of Cynoscion do not occur, or were not registered, in the State of Paraná. Cynoscion guatucupa, for instance, is not listed in this checklist, but its range of occurrence goes from southeastern Brazil to Uruguay. The other two Cynoscion species (C. similis and C. steindachneri) only occur in the Northern Brazilian coast (Nelson et al. 2016NELSON, J.S., GRANDE, T.C., WILSON, M.V.H. 2016. Fishes of the world. Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 752p.).

Fishery activities on the coast of Paraná are mostly artisanal or small-scale commercial operations, mainly utilizing two basic types of gear, gillnets and bottom trawl-nets (IPARDES 1981IPARDES (Parana Institute of Economic and Social Development), 1981. Comercialização do pescado no litoral paranaense. Secretaria do Estado de Planejamento, Curitiba, pp. 179.; Andriguetto-Filho 2002ANDRIGUETTO-FILHO, J.M. 2002. Sistemas técnicos de pesca no litoral do Paraná: caracterização e tipificação. In: Desenvolvimento e meio ambiente: em busca da interdisciplinaridade. Pesquisa urbanas e rurais. C. Raynaut, M. Zanoni, P. C. Lana, D. Floriani, A. D. D. Ferreira, J. M. Andriguetto-Filho (Eds). Editora UFPR (Universidade Federal do Paraná), Curitiba, pp. 213–233.; Chaves & Robert 2003CHAVES, P.T.C. & ROBERT, M.C. 2003. Embarcações, artes e procedimentos da pesca artesanal no litoral Sul do Estado do Paraná, Brasil (Boats, gears and procedures of the artisanal fishing at the southern coast of Paraná state, Brazil). Atlântica, 25: 53–59.; Robert & Chaves 2006ROBERT, M.C.; CHAVES, P.T.C. 2006. Dinâmica da atividade pesqueira artesanal em duas comunidades da regia˜o litora^nea limı’trofe Santa Catarina-Paraná, Brasil (Dynamics of the artisanal fishing activity in two communities on the south coast of Brazil). Bol. Inst. Pesca 32: 15–23.; Andriguetto-Filho et al. 2009ANDRIGUETTO, J.M., KRUL, R. & FEITOSA, S. 2009. Analysis of natural and social dynamics of fishery production systems in Paraná, Brazil: implications for management and sustainability. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 25(3):277–286.). They target different resources over the year based on seasonal changes in species abundance and tourism (Robert & Chaves 2006ROBERT, M.C.; CHAVES, P.T.C. 2006. Dinâmica da atividade pesqueira artesanal em duas comunidades da regia˜o litora^nea limı’trofe Santa Catarina-Paraná, Brasil (Dynamics of the artisanal fishing activity in two communities on the south coast of Brazil). Bol. Inst. Pesca 32: 15–23.). Trawling targets shrimp, Xiphopenaus kroyeri (Heller, 1862), Litopenaeus schmitti (Burkenroad 1936) and Farfantepenaeus sp. (Branco & Verani 2006BRANCO, J.O. & VERANI, J.R. 2006. Pesca do camarão sete-barbas e sua fauna acompanhante, na Armação do Itapocoroy, Penha, SC. In: Bases ecológicas para um desenvolvimento sustentável: estudos de caso em Penha, SC. J. O. Branco, A. W. C. Marenzi (Eds). Editora UNIVALI (Universidade do Vale do Itajaí), Itajaıí, SC, pp. 153–170.; Robert et al. 2007ROBERT, R.; BORZONE, C.A.; NATIVIDADE, C.D. 2007. Os camarões da fauna acompanhante na pesca dirigida ao camarão-sete-barbas (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) no litoral do Paraná (Shrimp composition of the sea bob (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) fishery by-catch at the coast of Paraná). Bol. Inst. Pesca. 33: 237–246), while gillnetting targets mainly teleosts and elasmobranchs such as Carcharhiniformes and Rhinobatidae (Costa & Chaves 2006COSTA, L. & CHAVES, P.T.C. 2006. Elasmobrânquios capturados pela pesca artesanal na costa sul do Paraná e norte de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Biota Neotrop. 6(3) : abstract?article+bn02706032006
; Robert & Chaves 2006ROBERT, M.C.; CHAVES, P.T.C. 2006. Dinâmica da atividade pesqueira artesanal em duas comunidades da regia˜o litora^nea limı’trofe Santa Catarina-Paraná, Brasil (Dynamics of the artisanal fishing activity in two communities on the south coast of Brazil). Bol. Inst. Pesca 32: 15–23.; Bornatowski & Abilhoa 2012BORNATOWSKI, H. & ABILHOA, V. 2012. Tubarões e raias capturadospela pesca artesanal no Paraná: guia de identificação. Curitiba, Paraná: Hori Consultoria Ambiental. Available from:
). A considerable number of species (109) with economic importance in Brazil are not commercialized in Paraná. These species can be considered as bycatch in the region, following Guanais et al. (2015)GUANAIS, J.H.D.G., MEDEIROS, R.P., MCCONNEY, P.A. 2015. Designing a framework for addressing bycatch problems in Brazilian small-scale trawl fisheries. Marine Policy 51, 111–118. who define bycatch as the portion of the total catch that is effectively discarded. Sciaenidae, such as Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, Isopisthus parvipinnis, Larimus breviceps, Menticirrhus americanus, Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Stellifer brasiliensis and Stellifer rastrifer, although reported as shrimp bycatch in other studies (Cattani et al. 2011CATTANI, A.P., SANTOS, L.O., SPACH, H.L., BUDEL, B.R. & GUANAIS, J.H.D.G. 2011. Avaliação da ictiofauna da fauna acompanhante da pesca do camarão sete-barbas do município de Pontal do Paraná, litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Bol. do Inst. da Pesca. 37(2):247–260.; Santos et al. 2016SANTOS, L. O., CATTANI, A.P. & SPACH, H.L. 2016. Ictiofauna acompanhante da pesca de arrasto para embarcações acima de 45 hp no litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Bol. do Inst. Pesca. 42(4):816–830.), have some economic importance in the region.

The lack of risk assessment for 18% of the species catalogued in this study under global lists can be attributed to the lack of studies on basic biology, habitat requirement, abundance, and distribution (Lamas et al. 2016LAMAS, R.A., LÚCIA, C., BIANCO, D. & CONTENTE, R.F. 2016. Checklist of the fish fauna of the Araçá Bay, São Sebastião. Check List 12(6): 2004.), as well as lacking fishery statistics (discontinued in 2012) (Dario et al. 2015DARIO, F., ALVES, C.B.M., BOOS, H. et al. 2015. A better way forward for Brazil’s fisheries. Science. 347:1079.; Barreto et al. 2017BARRETO, R.R., BORNATOWSKI, H., MOTTA, F.S., SANTANDER-NETO, J., VIANNA, G.M.S., & LESSA, R. 2017. Rethinking use and trade of pelagic sharks from Brazil. Mar. Policy. 85, 114-122.). Therefore, is imperative that fishery monitoring programs be reinstated in Brazil to allow for science-based management (Dario et al. 2015DARIO, F., ALVES, C.B.M., BOOS, H. et al. 2015. A better way forward for Brazil’s fisheries. Science. 347:1079.).

We conclude with a few cautionary comments. First of all, the sampling methods and sampling efforts varied across the different studies compiled in this checklist, and therefore comparisons of their results, or statistical inferences based on combined results, are not straightforward to make. Hard conclusions should not be drawn before taking such systematic differences into account. Secondly, the sampling areas also differed across studies, so it was not possible to draw conclusions regarding temporal variations of species’ occurrence. Nonetheless, our results, combined with effective monitoring of fishing activities, deposition of dredged sediments, and deployment of artificial habitats, could inform policy making regarding management and administration of the fishery resources of the Brazilian continental shelf.


We are grateful to the Geological Oceanography Laboratory at the Center for Marine Studies, UFPR, for providing its map database. We are also indebted to Pâmela Emanuelly Cattani for her help with maps. The work of Daphne Spier were partially supported by a PhD’s grant from the Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES-Brazil).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    19 May 2017
  • Reviewed
    12 Jan 2018
  • Accepted
    24 Jan 2018
Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESP Departamento de Biologia Vegetal - Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP CP 6109, 13083-970 - Campinas/SP, Tel.: (+55 19) 3521-6166, Fax: (+55 19) 3521-6168 - Campinas - SP - Brazil