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Dear readers and collaborators

With much joy and satisfaction we came to the last issue of this year. Large transformations have occurred in our Journal and further changes are under way.

After January 2004 the Online Submission System will be available, which shall be accessed at http:// More detailed information will soon be available on this address and on the JAOS website ( Besides facilitating the submission of papers, the purpose of this system is to allow the submissions to be tracked, to reduce the time and processing errors and to enhance the visibility for authors and reviewers. Therefore, we invite our readers, assistants and authors to visit it and read the instructions for online submission in order to get familiar with the process. We still shall accept paper submissions for a given period, yet they will not have the benefit of faster review provided by the new system.

The system that will be employed was gently supplied by the iFOUR company, which developed the MakeNews SGA – Articles Management System, a completely online system that manages all the complexities of the process of edition of scientific publications and of scientific congresses with submission of papers, providing a fast and reliable process. Further information may be achieved at (/ /

We were fortunately awarded the special opportunity to try this system after a drawing performed during the Brazilian Meeting of Scientific Editors, held at Ribeirao Preto Dental School, USP, from October 16 th to 18 th 2003. This event was a landmark in the history of Brazilian dental publications, since it allowed an intense and deep discussion of the current status of national journals that publish on science in Dentistry. The event gathered several national and international editors, directors of index databases, of SciELO and Capes. Detailed information on the event, which certainly is of interest to the entire community, is available at At completion of the Meeting a summary report was prepared, which is published in this issue of JAOS.

In fulfillment of the strict criteria established by the National Index Systems (BBO, LILACS, SciELO), important additions were made to the JAOS guidelines. Therefore, we ask our authors and reviewers to check this information in the Journal guidelines, published in the present issue and available on the Internet (http://

Another measure to increase the quality of the Journal was the establishment of an English technical review. Now the papers are submitted to an English language review before the galley proofs are sent to the authors for final approval.

This issue further includes a report on the performance and evolution of the Journal in the last three years (2001-2003). This clearly shows the increased quality achieved by the Journal, thanks to the unconditional support from the Direction of FOB (Dr. Maria Fidela de Lima Navarro) and to the tough work of our staff, who harmoniously and dedicatedly works in collaboration with our authors and readers. However, this analysis also reveals the many steps we must take toward the excellence and internationalization of JAOS. Working together and with the strength of mind of all of us, we shall surely reach our primary goal: to diffuse the high-quality Brazilian science to the whole world in a boundless manner.

Resources are needed for that purpose. Now that we are sure about the excellent product we may provide, we are officially offering the possibility to subscribe to the Journal. Enclosed in this issue are the instructions and fees for subscription. Join this large community!! Help us achieve the economic feasibility of this excellent means of diffusion of our science.

Our motivation and happiness about such news are huge. Finalizing this wonderful year, we are honored to publish an extensive review on the employment of calcium hydroxide in pulpotomy, written by Dr. Carlos Estrela (UFG) and Roberto Holland (UNESP), masters of our Dentistry. It is an amazing and dense article that shall be fundamental in any discussion about this subject.

At this end of the year, after so many important conquests, it is fundamental to be thankful. Thank you for all people that directly or indirectly contributed to the evolution of JAOS. Our Journal would just make no sense without you. Thank you so much.

For the last year, we wish that we may go on contributing to the Brazilian dental science and relying on your collaboration, and maybe help to transform our community.

Peace and all good,


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 June 2004
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2003
Faculdade De Odontologia De Bauru - USP Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação FOB-USP, Alameda Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, 17012-901 Bauru SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 14 3235-8373 - Bauru - SP - Brazil