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Public Health

Evaluation of oral health importance according to the perception of hospitalized patients

Fernandes, L.A.; Lima, D.C.; Saliba, N.A.; Garbin, C.A.S.

The presence of dentists in hospital settings is the result of the progresses reached in the formation of a multidisciplinary and integrated team with the goal of offering to the hospital users a larger number of health services. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of oral health according to the perceptions of hospitalized patients in a specialized trauma service in the city of Araçatuba, Brazil. 64 patients were enrolled in this descriptive and transversal study. An open-ended questionnaire was used for data collection and later the analyses were conducted using Epi-Info 2000 v.6.04 statistical program. The results showed that there was a predominance for the 21-30-year-old age range (40.62%) and male population (68.75%). Half of patients affirmed that they had their last dental visit within the past 6 months to 1 year due to periodontal problems (35%) and caries (20%). Regarding the self importance of teeth, 50% reported esthetics, 34.38% mentioned chewing and feeding, 6.25% cited function and 9.37% answered that the teeth are "the life equilibrium". Most respondents (90.63%) believed that the role of the dentist in a hospital setting would be "the care of teeth". It may be concluded that all patients considered oral health important and believed that the presence of a dentist in the hospital staff would be important to help in the promotion of integral health.

Educative tasks for schoolchildren in the state of Rondônia: experience report

Xavier, A.; Pimentel, T.F.; Simões, R.C.S.; Silva, R.P.R.; Merlini, S.P.; Bastos, J.R.M.

The present study aims at presenting an educative-preventive experience work carried out at Mato Grosso School in the city of Monte Negro/RO with primary schoolchildren aged 6 to 10 years. The tasks were carried out in a playful manner in order to allow the children having a better understanding of the tasks. Firstly, an educative theater play was performed focusing on oral health and speech, language and hearing health, with special emphasis on brushing techniques, non-carious diet, general hygiene techniques and guidelines on hearing, vocal health and deleterious habits. Secondly, a recreational educative activity was performed in which a track was used to ask questions about oral and speech, language and hearing health, based on the themes that had been brought up during the theater play. The winner would be the team that walked more spaces of the track, which was indicated by means of a dice, as the participants answered to the questions correctly. After these educative activities, all children performed supervised toothbrushing, separating them by room and using the Bass technique to guide the process. A total of 337 children took part in this activity, receiving, in a playful manner, instructions on oral and speech, language and hearing health during the class period, thus adding extra information to the activities that are part of the beginning of the school year. It may be concluded that the activities provided a greater level of instruction on oral and speech, language and hearing health to the children, who absorbed the information with a high degree of accuracy of the questions and also appeared s quite motivated to do the toothbrushing.

Influence of primary attention and infantile growth on dental caries in preschool children from Borebi, SP

Silvério, M.A.; Oliveira, M.F.S.; Lauris, J.R.P.; Tomita, N.E.

Dental caries is strongly associated with the socioeconomic conditions. In addition to receiving little oral health care, children from low-income families can also have growth deficits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the socioeconomic level on oral health conditions and infantile growth in preschool children. The targets of this article were children aged 4-6 years living in Borebi, SP, Brazil. During the visits to these children, the following activities were performed: oral examination, using oral mirror and periodontal probe (WHO 1997); socioeconomic evaluation of the families using a questionnaire answered by parents/guardians; anthropometric measures were taken (height was measured with a tape measure in millimeters and weight was determined with a digital weighing-machine accurate to 100 g). 75 children were examined of which 46.67% were female and 53.33% were male; 92% attended preventive programs; 50.67% were caries free and the DMF-T index was 1.83. No statistically significant association was observed between the socioeconomic level, infantile growth and dental caries. There was statistically significant negative correlation (p<0.05) between height/age index and DMF-T index, denoting that the more favorable the child growth, the better the oral health conditions. However, it is important to highlight that 92% of the children attend preventive programs in their schools and that the city has 100% of coverage of the Government's Family Health Program, with important repercussions on infantile health situation.

Epidemiology of dental caries in adolescence: influence of primary attention

Oliveira, M.F.S.; Silvério, M.A.; Lauris, J.R.P.; Tomita, N.E.

Many variables have been associated with the occurrence and distribution of dental caries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the socioeconomic variable on oral conditions and growth in adolescents aged 11, 12 and 13 years in the city of Borebi, SP. The development of oral health actions in the primary attention level and their repercussion on dental caries prevalence was also verified. The adolescent growth (height and weight measures) and its association with dental caries were also evaluated. Home visits were done and, after granting parental consent, a socioeconomic questionnaire was applied as well as oral examination and anthropometric measures of the adolescents were done. 108 adolescents were examined and a mean DMF-T = 2.29 was obtained. Statistically significant associations between family income and adolescent anthropometric measures were found (p<0.05). 21 examined adolescents were caries-free and 24 of them presented DMF-T = 1, this was the most frequent index recorded. 40% of the visited families had a mean monthly income between 1 or 2 minimum salaries. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the primary attention to oral health, as most of adolescents presented low DMF-T, even those belonging to families with low socioeconomic conditions. Maximum DMF-T found was 8, in only 3 adolescents; however they had recently moved to the city and were not attending any preventive programs before. It is important to highlight that 98.15% of the examined adolescents attended preventive programs in their schools and that the city has 100% of coverage of the Government's Family Health Program, with important repercussions on the adolescents' view of health.

Knowledge of physical education students from Campo Grande/Brazil of prevention and emergency management of dental trauma

Carminatti, A.R.; Lourenço, G.S.; Zafalon, E.J.; Zárate, C.B.R.; Melani, A.C.F.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge of students attending the last year of the Physical Education Course at two Universities of Campo Grande, MS/Brazil (UNIDERP – University to the Development of the State and the Pantanal Region, and UCDB- Dom Bosco Catholic University, Brazil) of prevention and emergency management of dental trauma. A questionnaire was applied to 53 students. Over 73.6% of the interviewees did not know how to proceed on the management of dental trauma. In case of avulsion, 54.7% reported that they would keep the tooth dry and send the subject to the dentist; 15.1% would throw it away and 3.8% would wash and replaced it. Regarding crown fracture, 88.7% would keep the fragment and refer the subject to the dentist; 9.4% would throw the fragment away. From the total students interviewed in this study, 64.2% knew about the use of mouthguard and 22.7% reported to have used this device. It may be concluded that educational campaigns are necessary to these students, future physical education professionals, regarding the importance of prevention and emergency management in case of tooth injuries.

Treatment of functional unilateral crossbite with Planas direct tracks in public health

Gonçalves, A.S.; Rocha, L.P.G.; Marques, M.A.; Marra, E.M.O.; Maciel, M.; Azevedo, M.R.

Since 1992, the Preventive Dental Area of the Federal University of Uberlândia has been rendering the "Oral health promotion program for babies and pregnant women". Several occlusal-functional alterations are observed in the primary dentition. One of the most often observed types of malocclusion is unilateral crossbite with mandibular postural deviations. Knowing the low socioeconomic level of the families assisted by the program and their small probability of seeking orthodontic treatment in the future, we decided to intervene with educative, preventive actions and treatment, to decrease the incidence and prevalence of these alterations, as it has been demonstrated that the incidence of malocclusions increases with age. The use of Planas direct tracks not only shows efficiency in treating unilateral crossbite (positioning the deviated mandible plane and returning to it to its occlusal balance), but also in rehabilitating the masticatory function, as it positions the mandible and the condyles at the temporomandibular joints. This will favor bone remodeling and occlusal balance of soft and hard structures of stomatognathic system with the physiological possibilities of bone remodeling at this age. As a consequence, this approach is expected to prevent malocclusion aggravations in adulthood. The treatment is based on the principles of the functional orthopedics of the jaws (Simões, 2003) and neuro-occlusal rehabilitation (Pedro Planas, 1997)

Epidemiological survey on the use of fluoride dentifrice and estimation of fluoride intake by children

Moraes, C.M.; Pessan, J.P.; Magalhães, A.C.; Alves, K.M.R.P.; Ramires, I.; Moraes, S.M.

Dentifrices are considered as a source of chronic exposure to fluoride (F) by preschool children, being associated with the development of dental fluorosis. Thus, the aim of this study was to estimate fluoride intake from dentifrice by 0-5-year-old children, residing in the city of Bauru, SP. During a vaccination day, in 2006, 768 parents or persons responsible for the children were personally interviewed about (1) their educational status; (2) children's age; (3) toothbrushing habits (frequency, dentifrice brand and amount applied onto the brush); (4) whether children used to eat the dentifrice directly from the tube or if they used to ingest the paste during toothbrushing; and (5) their knowledge about preventive and toxicological properties of F (dental fluorosis). Data were submitted to descriptive analysis and to chi-square test (p<0.05). More than 70% of children brushed their teeth 2-3X/day, and the most used dentifrices were Tandy (34.5%) and conventional Colgate – for adult use (21.5%). Regarding F intake, approximately 50% of children used to swallow part of all the dentifrice put on the brush and 24% used to eat the dentifrice directly from the tube. The amount of paste most frequently used was, approximately, 0.15-0.30 g, ranging from 0.02 to 0.70 g, according to pre-determined scores. Parents' educational status was positively associated to their knowledge of preventive and toxicological aspects of F and also to toothbrushing frequency. An inverse relationship was observed between knowledge about dental fluorosis and the amount of paste used. It is suggested that fluoride dentifrices can be considered as a risk factor for the development of dental fluorosis in this population and that preventive measures must be implemented, especially directed to populations with the lowest educational status.

Dental treatment to improve the life quality of aged patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Ribeiro, L.N.M.; Pinelli, L.A.P.; Fais, L.M.G.; Tibério, D.; Santos, M.T.B.R.; Montandon, A.F.B.

The treatment of aged patient needs attention, evaluation and specific planning in order to address to their oral, systemic and psychical health characteristics, in addition to their social reality. A 67-year-old patient sought dental treatment because of dissatisfaction with her chewing efficiency and esthetics. After evaluation of the systemic condition, use of medications, cognition and depression status, the intraoral clinical examination the need of periodontal, endodontic, surgical and restorative treatments. The patient had hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis with compromised manual dexterity during oral cleansing. She referred pain on gasping the toothbrush handle. The treatment plan temporarily rehabilitated the patient and included integrated procedures, including cosmetic diastema closing and transformation of the canine into lateral incisor. Two provisional removable dentures were constructed. The toothbrush handle was customized to provide a better toothbrush grasp, thus eliminating pain and cramps and improving oral cleansing and maintenance of good oral conditions. The treatment also was addressed the control of hypertension and contributed to improve the patient's life quality. In conclusion, this case report confirms the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and a comprehensive global evaluation in geriatric dentistry.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Nov 2007
  • Date of issue
    Aug 2007
Faculdade De Odontologia De Bauru - USP Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação FOB-USP, Alameda Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, 17012-901 Bauru SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 14 3235-8373 - Bauru - SP - Brazil