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Characterization of aqueous silver nitrate solutions for leakage tests


OBJECTIVE: To determine the pH over a period of 168 h and the ionic silver content in various concentrations and post-preparation times of aqueous silver nitrate solutions. Also, the possible effects of these factors on microleakage test in adhesive/resin restorations in primary and permanent teeth were evaluated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A digital pHmeter was used for measuring the pH of the solutions prepared with three types of water (purified, deionized or distilled) and three brands of silver nitrate salt (Merck, Synth or Cennabras) at 0, 1, 2, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h after preparation, and storage in transparent or dark bottles. Ionic silver was assayed according to the post-preparation times (2, 24, 48, 72, 96, 168 h) and concentrations (1, 5, 25, 50%) of solutions by atomic emission spectrometry. For each sample of each condition, three readings were obtained for calculating the mean value. Class V cavities were prepared with enamel margins on primary and permanent teeth and restored with the adhesive systems OptiBond FL or OptiBond SOLO Plus SE and the composite resin Filtek Z-250. After nail polish coverage, the permanent teeth were immersed in 25% or 50% AgNO3 solution and the primary teeth in 5% or 50% AgNO3 solutions for microleakage evaluation. ANOVA and the Tukey's test were used for data analyses (α=5%). RESULTS: The mean pH of the solutions ranged from neutral to alkaline (7.9±2.2 to 11.8±0.9). Mean ionic silver content differed depending on the concentration of the solution (4.75±0.5 to 293±15.3 ppm). In the microleakage test, significant difference was only observed for the adhesive system factor (p=0.000). CONCLUSIONS: Under the tested experimental conditions and based on the obtained results, it may be concluded that the aqueous AgNO3 solutions: have neutral/alkaline pH and service life of up to 168 h; the level of ionic silver is proportional to the concentration of the solution; even at 5% concentration, the solutions were capable of indicating loss of marginal seal in the composite restorations; the 3-step conventional adhesive system had better performance regarding microleakage in enamel on primary and permanent teeth.

Silver nitrate; Dental leakage; Adhesives


Characterization of aqueous silver nitrate solutions for leakage tests

José Ferreira CostaI; Walter Luiz SiqueiraII; Alessandro Dourado LoguercioIII; Alessandra ReisIII; Elizabeth de OliveiraIV; Cláudia Maria Coelho AlvesI; José Roberto de Oliveira BauerI; Rosa Helena Miranda GrandeV

IDDS, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Dental School, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luiz, MA, Brazil

IIDDS, PhD, Assistant Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.

IIIDDS, PhD, Adjunctive Professors, Department of Restorative Dentistry, State University of Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil

IVProfessor, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

VDDS, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Dental School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Corresponding address Corresponding address: Rosa Helena Miranda Grande Avenida Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227 - Cidade Universitária 05508-900 - São Paulo - SP Phone/ Fax: +55-11-3091-7840 e-mail:


OBJECTIVE: To determine the pH over a period of 168 h and the ionic silver content in various concentrations and post-preparation times of aqueous silver nitrate solutions. Also, the possible effects of these factors on microleakage test in adhesive/resin restorations in primary and permanent teeth were evaluated.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A digital pHmeter was used for measuring the pH of the solutions prepared with three types of water (purified, deionized or distilled) and three brands of silver nitrate salt (Merck, Synth or Cennabras) at 0, 1, 2, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h after preparation, and storage in transparent or dark bottles. Ionic silver was assayed according to the post-preparation times (2, 24, 48, 72, 96, 168 h) and concentrations (1, 5, 25, 50%) of solutions by atomic emission spectrometry. For each sample of each condition, three readings were obtained for calculating the mean value. Class V cavities were prepared with enamel margins on primary and permanent teeth and restored with the adhesive systems OptiBond FL or OptiBond SOLO Plus SE and the composite resin Filtek Z-250. After nail polish coverage, the permanent teeth were immersed in 25% or 50% AgNO3 solution and the primary teeth in 5% or 50% AgNO3 solutions for microleakage evaluation. ANOVA and the Tukey's test were used for data analyses (α=5%).

RESULTS: The mean pH of the solutions ranged from neutral to alkaline (7.9±2.2 to 11.8±0.9). Mean ionic silver content differed depending on the concentration of the solution (4.75±0.5 to 293±15.3 ppm). In the microleakage test, significant difference was only observed for the adhesive system factor (p=0.000).

CONCLUSIONS: Under the tested experimental conditions and based on the obtained results, it may be concluded that the aqueous AgNO3 solutions: have neutral/alkaline pH and service life of up to 168 h; the level of ionic silver is proportional to the concentration of the solution; even at 5% concentration, the solutions were capable of indicating loss of marginal seal in the composite restorations; the 3-step conventional adhesive system had better performance regarding microleakage in enamel on primary and permanent teeth.

Key words: Silver nitrate. Dental leakage. Adhesives.


The dye penetration technique is one of the most used methods for assessing marginal seal1,14 because it allows penetration of the substance to be verified in contrasting colors at the tooth-restoration interface, without requiring a chemical reaction or the use of radioactive materials28,29. In spite of the variety of dyes mentioned in the literature7, several authors have used chemical tracers4,14,15,19,30, such as 50% silver nitrate (w/v) with special frequency in microleakage assays, using different immersion times of specimens in the agent and different times to reveal the silver3,7,19. The amount and distribution of silver show the extent of damage at the material/tooth interface, which can be measured by using various micro-investigation techniques6,12,28,29,30. Considering the penetration capacity of the silver nitrate solution, its use is considered a very severe test19 because the diameter of the silver ion is very small (0.059 nm) when compared to the mean size of a bacteria (0.5-1.0 µm)13.

Silver nitrate has been extensively used for analyzing the degradation at tooth/material interface, since Sano, et al.21 (1995) detected the presence of silver nitrate in the hybrid layer, calling the phenomenon nanoleakage. Several authors15,16,26 adopted silver nitrate as a tracer for nanoleakage analysis because of its contrast quality observed in microleakage. By its use, it was possible to verify that there is discrepancy between the depth of the demineralized zone and monomer diffusion27, as a result of the presence of water around the collagen fibrils21.

In nanoleakage tests, the pH of silver nitrate solutions, considered acid (4.3), would be disadvantageous, since the samples remain immersed for a long period (24 h)12,15. Therefore, some authors developed buffered solutions25 and others indicated the use of a 5% silver methenamine solution (pH 8.1)9. However, in spite of their relevance, some of the variables15,16,25 are not clear.

The aims of this study were to determine the pH over a period of 168 h and the ionic silver content in various concentrations and post-preparation times of aqueous silver nitrate solutions, as well as to verify the possible effects of these factors on microleakage test in class V composite restorations placed in primary and permanent molars.


pH analysis

In the first phase, the alterations in pH of 50% (w/v) aqueous silver nitrate solutions, stored for up to 168 h, were observed. Water used as solvent for the silver nitrate salt (AgNO3), was treated in three ways: 1) by distillation (Fisatom Equipamentos Científicos, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), 2) by deionization (Permution; Krieger Cia Ltda, Curitiba, PR, Brazil), or 3) by purification (Milli-Q; Millipore Corp, Billerica, MA, USA). Three brands of silver nitrate salt were selected: 1) Merck (Merck & Co Inc, Darmstadt, HE, Germany), 2) Synth (Labsynth, Diadema, SP, Brazil), or 3) Cennabras (Cennabras Ind & Com Ltda, Guarulhos, SP, Brazil). Two types of bottles were used (transparent or dark).

All bottles were coded with regard to the conditions of the experiment18 and 3 replicas per condition were obtained to calculate the mean value. The solutions were prepared, pH readings were taken, and the bottles were stored in an acclimatized room under conditions of fixed temperature (25ºC) and relative humidity (60%).

The silver nitrate salt (2.5 g±0.01 g) was weighed in an analytical balance Adventurer Series (OHAUS Corp, Pine Brook, NJ, USA), 5.0 mL of water were added and the was beaker placed on a magnetic agitator MT2 (Amicon Div; WR Grace & Co, Beverly, MA, USA), with the speed (rpm) at level 4, for 3 min to homogenize the solution. A digital pHmeter (Digimed – DM22; ServMed Analítica, Guarulhos, SP, Brazil), calibrated with standard solutions of pH 4.0 and 6.9, was used to take the pH readings. The pH readings were taken immediately, and after 1, 2, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h.

Ionic silver analysis

The ionic silver was measured considering the post-preparation age (2, 24, 48, 72, 96, 168 h) and concentration of solutions (1%, 5%, 25% and 50%), by means of the atomic emission spectrometry (Spectroflame; Spectro Analytical Instruments, Kleve, NW, Germany). All bottles were coded according to the conditions of the experiment24 and 3 readings per condition were taken to calculate the mean value.

Microleakage test

To analyze the influence of the adhesive system, post-preparation time of the solution and concentration of solutions on the microleakage tests, Class V resin restorations were made in permanent teeth (64 third molars) and primary teeth (20 molars). The teeth were obtained by donation, after the research project had been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of FOUSP (No. 151/2004).

The teeth were stored in 0.5% chloramine at 4ºC for 7 days, cleaned and kept in distilled water until the experimental stage. Then, they were cleaned with pumice and ultrasonicated with distilled water for 5 min (Thornton Eletrônica Ltda, Vinhedo, SP, Brazil).

The roots were sealed with 2 layers of a fast drying nail polish (Maybelline; L'Oréal, New York, NY, USA), embedded in plastic cylinders with acrylic resin, up to the height of the cervical portion. In each tooth, two class V cavities were prepared3, with standardized dimensions of 4 mm (mesiodistal width), 2 mm (occlusogingival height) and 2 mm (depth) on the buccal and lingual surfaces. Cylindrical diamonds burs (FG 3100; KG Sorensen Ind. & Com. Ltda, Barueri, SP, Brazil) under constant water spray cooling were used. The cavosurface angle of preparation was entirely located in enamel, without beveling21, since one of the goals was to analyze the marginal seal2,5,10,14,22,24. The methodology for the primary teeth was the same as described for the permanent teeth.

The permanent teeth were divided into 8 groups (n=8), considering two concentrations of silver nitrate solutions (25 and 50%), two post-preparation times of the solutions (2 and 72 h) and two adhesive systems. The primary teeth were divided into 4 groups (n=5), considering two concentrations of solutions (5 and 50%) prepared 2 h before and two adhesive systems.

The adhesive-restorative procedures were performed in an acclimatized room at a temperature of 25ºC and relative humidity of 60%, by a single operator. After drying, the cavities were re-moistened20 with 2 µL of water applied with an automatic pipette (Socorex ISBA S.A, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland), and the adhesive systems were applied in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications (Figure 1). The cavities were restored with Filtek Z-250 (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) in three horizontal increments, each one light-activated for 40 s (Jet Lite 4000 Plus; J. Morita Corp, Suita, OSA, JPN).

The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37ºC for 24 h1,4,15,23 in a humidifier incubator (Nova Ética Ind & Com Ltda, Vargem Grande Paulista, SP, Brazil). After this period, each restoration was finished with aluminum oxide disks (Sof-Lex; 3M ESPE) of different grain sizes (medium, fine, and extra-fine), under constant water cooling17.

The entire crown of each washed and dried specimen was covered with two layers of the nail polish, leaving exposed only a window of about 1 mm around each restoration.

After immersion in the silver nitrate solutions for 2 h, the specimens were washed, immersed in a photographic developer (Eastman; Kodak Co, Rochester, NY, USA) for 8 h under fluorescent light, and then abundantly washed under running water4,19.

Afterwards, the specimens were sectioned parallel to the long axis in the mesiodistal direction, to obtain two halves with a restoration in each of them, which were then sectioned two times in the cervico-occlusal direction, with diamond saws fitted to a hard tissue cutting machine (Isomet 1000; Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff, IL, USA).

Three sections with 4 surfaces of each restoration per tooth were obtained for visual analysis. To make a linear quantification of the tracer penetration at the bond interfaces, the images of the 4 surfaces of each restoration were captured with a digital camera (Hyper HAD; Sony Corp, Tokyo, TYO, JPN) coupled to a stereoscopic loupe (Citoval 2; Carls Zeiss Corp, Oberkochen, BW, Germany), using Vidcap 32 software. Digital images were generated at 20x magnification. Cavity depth was measured (mm) at the gingival and occlusal walls as well as the depth of tracer penetration, by means of the IMAGELAB 2000 software, developed at LIDO (Computational Laboratory Dedicated to Dentistry at FOUSP). A percentage mean value was defined for each restoration.

Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=5%) to determine the main effects and interactions between the factors of interest18.


In the pH analysis of 50% solution, there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) for the factors salt brand, water purity, bottle type, but there was no difference for the factor post-preparation time (age) of solutions (p=0.99). The mean pH was always higher than 7 (7.9±2.2 to 11.8±0.9), under all of the 18 conditions (Figure 2).

In the analysis of ionic silver in the 5, 25 and 50% solutions, only silver amount was significantly different (p<0.01), that is, the higher the concentration of the solution the higher the amount of silver. The age of solution and interaction (TxC) showed no significant differences (p=0.30). The mean values are shown in Figure 3, with variation of 4.75±0.5 to 293.5±15.3 ppm.

In the microleakage tests, the mean tracer penetration values were calculated according to the adhesive system, concentration and post-preparation time of solutions (Table 1) for permanent teeth. For primary teeth, the mean tracer penetration was calculated according to adhesive and concentration of the solutions (Table 2). Only the factor Adhesive allowed the detection of significant difference (Tables 1 and 2, p=0.000). OptiBond FL showed the lowest mean values of penetration, irrespective of concentration or post-preparation time of solutions (Tables 1 and 2).


The findings of this study showed that the pH of aqueous silver nitrate solutions ranges from neutral to alkaline; this result will always be found whenever the solvent of the solution is water, a finding that has not been explained in previous studies7,28,29.

With the use of silver nitrate in nanoleakage studies and immersion time of 24 h3,11,25, there has been concern about the possible demineralizing effect of the solutions, said to be acid, and this aspect would compromise the results. Nevertheless, the authors who made reference to the acid pH of silver nitrate solutions9,15,16,25 presented no details of their formulation, and some of them did not even mention the term "aqueous". This leads us to suppose that they used nitric acid as the solvent, and consequently obtained solutions with a low pH. Therefore, the results of this study, as regards the acidity of the solutions, are in line with those presented in the literature.

Some authors9,16,25 mentioned the possible problems arising from the use of silver nitrate solutions at concentrations as high as 50%: the need to seal the specimens in order to guarantee that there are no other pathways of silver nitrate penetration, and immersion time of 24 h. Considering the results obtained in this study, it seems that one can use solutions at lower concentrations; it only remains to be verified whether it is really necessary for specimens, in nanoleakage studies, to stay immersed in the solution for 24 h.

Our results corroborate those of Li, Burrow and Tyas15 (2003), proving that an aqueous silver nitrate solution at concentrations lower than 50% (25% or even 5%) is capable of providing a satisfactory and reliable standard of leakage in microleakage tests. It was also noted that the age or post-preparation time of the solutions did not cause significant changes in pH, when the assessment was performed within a period of up to 168 h. Although there are no reports in the literature referring to this important feature, the observations made in this study allow researchers to work in a safe and organized way for a longer period of time, providing a certain leeway in performing the tests.

In the analysis of microleakage in Class V cavities prepared in permanent and primary teeth, the results showed that the variables post-preparation time and concentration of the solutions did not interfere in the mean values obtained.

Nevertheless, for the factor Adhesive, ANOVA showed significant differences, and the OptiBond FL showed better performance in comparison with the OptiBond Solo Plus SE, in both permanent and deciduous teeth (Tables 1 and 2). The results of this study are similar to those found by Ernst, et al.8 (2004) in the enamel cervical margin of Class II restorations, using the OptiBond FL in comparison with the two-step and one-step self-etching adhesive systems.

In a similar manner, Swanson, et al.24 (2008) found significant differences in enamel margins when a total-etch adhesive system was compared with the self-etch in primary and permanent teeth. On the other hand, Silveira de Araújo, et al.22 (2006) did not observe any significant difference in the microleakage scores at the enamel margins when total-etch and self-etch adhesive systems were used. Result confirmed by Borges, Matos and Dias5 (2007), in class V restorations with margins in enamel, using total-etch and self-etch adhesives systems. However, Giachetti, et al.10 (2008), examining both adhesive protocols, observed that the performance of the materials was dependent on the technique sensitivity and the operator skills.


Under the tested experimental conditions and based on the obtained results, it may be concluded that the aqueous silver nitrate solutions: have neutral/alkaline pH and service life of up to 168 h; the level of ionic silver is proportional to the concentration of the solution; even at 5% concentration, the solutions were capable of indicating loss of marginal seal in the composite restorations; the 3-step conventional adhesive system had better performance regarding microleakage in enamel on primary and permanent teeth.


This study was partially supported by FAPESP (03/12192-0 and 03/10416-8), CNPq (307319/06-7) and PQI/CAPES (00090/03-4).

Walter Luiz Siqueira is a recipient of the CIHR New Investigator Salary Award.

Received: June 4, 2009

Modification: October 9, 2009

Accepted: February 16, 2010

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  • Corresponding address:
    Rosa Helena Miranda Grande
    Avenida Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227 - Cidade Universitária
    05508-900 - São Paulo - SP
    Phone/ Fax: +55-11-3091-7840
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      13 June 2011
    • Date of issue
      June 2011


    • Reviewed
      09 Oct 2009
    • Received
      04 June 2009
    • Accepted
      16 Feb 2010
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