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Influence of osteopathic manipulation on blood flow velocity of the cerebral circulation in chronic mechanical neck pain* * Received from University Tuiuti of Paraná and Clinicas Hospital, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.



Osteopathic manipulation is indicated for pain, myofascial tensions and/or decreased movement amplitude. This study aimed at checking whether osteopathic manipulation with cervical rhythmic articulatory technique generates abnormal blood flow velocity oscillations or risks to internal carotid, vertebral and basilar arteries circulation.


The sample was made up of 58 individuals with chronic mechanical cervical pain (40 females and 18 males), with mean age of 36 years, submitted to internal carotid, vertebral and basilar arteries ultrasound before and after a single osteopathic manipulation with cervical rhythmic articulatory technique. Individuals were evaluated by ultrasound in three moments: control evaluation, rest control evaluation and study evaluation. Separation was sequential and methods were randomly and blindly applied.


Ultrasound has shown no significant differences in the comparison of flow velocity variables means among evaluations. However, a slight increase in vertebral, intracranial and basilar arteries blood flow was observed after osteopathic manipulation with cervical rhythmic articulatory technique in the study evaluation, without statistical significance.


In this studied population, osteopathic manipulation with cervical rhythmic articulatory technique has not generated significant blood flow velocity oscillation of internal carotid, vertebral and basilar arteries and has not posed risk to brain circulation.

Carotid arteries; Cervical pain; Doppler Ultrasound; Spine manipulation; Vertebral artery


Na presença de dor, tensões miofasciais e/ou redução da amplitude de movimento, é indicada a manipulação osteopática. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a manipulação osteopática com técnica articulatória rítmica cervical gera oscilações anormais de velocidade de fluxo sanguíneo ou riscos à circulação das artérias carótidas internas, vertebrais e basilar.


A casuística foi constituída por 58 indivíduos com cervicalgia mecânica crônica (40 mulheres, 18 homens) com idade média de 36 anos, submetidos a ultrassonografia das artérias carótidas internas, vertebrais e basilar antes e após única manipulação osteopática com técnica articulatória rítmica cervical. Os indivíduos foram analisados pela ultrassonografia em três momentos: exame controle, exame controle de repouso e exame estudo. A separação se deu de forma sequencial e os métodos de forma randomizada e encoberta.


A ultrassonografia demonstrou que não existe diferença significativa em nenhum dos casos analisados, no comparativo das médias das variáveis de velocidade de fluxo entre os exames. Porém, foi observado um discreto aumento na velocidade de fluxo sanguíneo das artérias vertebral, intracraniana e basilar, após a manipulação osteopática com técnica articulatória rítmica cervical no exame estudo sem significância estatística.


Nessa população estudada, a manipulação osteopática com técnica articulatória rítmica cervical não gerou significativa oscilação da velocidade de fluxo sanguíneo das artérias carótidas internas, vertebrais e basilar e não ofereceu risco à circulação cerebral.

Artérias carótidas; Artéria vertebral; Cervicalgia; Manipulação da coluna; Ultrassonografia Doppler


Vertebral somatic dysfunctions and spinal injuries are in general caused by sudden and unexpected movement. These dysfunctions generate medullary, peripheral and autonomic neural circuit sensitization, called sensitization phenomenon or medullary facilitation, where there is sympathetic hyperactivity with increased vascular tone, venous and lymphatic congestion, change in visceral-somatic reflexes and myofascial tensions. This may bring some signs and symptoms such as cervical pain, postural change and decreased amplitude of some movements1Bevilagua-Grossi D, Pegoretti KS, Gonçalves MC, Speciali JG, Bordini CA Bigal ME. Cervical mobility in women with migraine. Headache. 2009;49(5):726-31.

Armijo Olivo S, Magee DJ, Parfitt M, Major P, Thie NM. The association between the cervical spine, the stomatognathic system, and craniofacial pain: a critical review. J Orofac Pain. 2006;20(4):271-87.

Roberge RJ, Roberge MR. Overcoming barriers to the use of osteopathic manipulation techniques in the emergency department. West J Emerg Med. 2009;10(3):184-9.

Jasiewics JM, Treleaven J, Condie P, Jull G. Wireless orientation sensors: their suitability to measure head movement for neck pain assessment. Man Ther. 2007;12(4):380-5.

Strimpakos N, Sakellari V, Gioftsos G, Papathanasiou M, Brountzos E, Kelekis D, et al. Cervical spine ROM measurements: optimizing the testing protocol by using a 3D ultrasound-based motion analysis system. Cephalalgia. 2005;25(12):1133-45.

Fryer G, Morris T, Gibbons P. Paraspinal muscles and intervertebral dysfunction. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2004;27(4):267-74.

Stelle R, Zeigelboim BS, Lange MC, Marques JM. Influência da manipulação osteopática na amplitude de rotação da coluna cervical em indivíduos com cervicalgia mecânica crônica. Rev Dor. 2013:14(4):284-9.
-08Mansilla-Ferragut P, Fernández-de-Las-Penãs C, Albuquerque-Sendín F, Cleland JA, Boscá-GandíaJJ. Immediate effects of atlanto-occipital joint manipulation on active mouth opening and pressure pain sensitivity in women with mechanical neck pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32(2):101-6.

In normal individuals, in spite of the complex pathway, vertebral arteries (VA) blood flow should not be impaired by normal spinal movements, because there is immediate and enough compensation of arterial irrigation to the brain through arterial branches and ccommunications. In case of vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI), clinical tests envolve cervical extension associated to rotation above 45 or 50º, which compress vertebral artery. During these tests, there may be typical symptoms such as dizziness or vertigo, visual disorders, nystagmus or even fainting, but seldom they cause stroke or death9Thomas LC, Rivett DA, Bolton PS. Pre-manipulative testing and the use of the velocimeter. Man Ther. 2008;13(1):29-36.

10 Mitchell J, Keene D, Dyson C, Harvey L, Pruvey C, Phillips R. Is cervical spine rotation, as used in the standard vertebrobasilar insufficiency test, associated with a measureable change in intracranial vertebral artery blood flow? Man Ther. 2004;9(4),220-27.

11 Cleland JA, Mintken PE, Carpenter K, Fritz JM, Glynn P, Whitman J, Childs JD. Examination of a clinical prediction rule to identify patients with neck pain likely to benefit from thoracic spine thrust manipulation and a general cervical range of motion exercise: multi-center randomized clinical trial. Phys Ther.2010;90(9):1239-50.

12 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90.
-1313 R Pérez-Llanes J, Ríos-Díaz JJ, Martínez-Payá ME, del-Baño-Aledo. Fisioterapia. Science Direct J. 2012;34(3):118-24.. However, such signs and symptoms may also suggest benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and not VBI1414 Silva AL, Marinho MR, Gouveia FM, Silva JG, Ferreira Ade S, Cal R. [Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: comparison of two recent international guidelines]. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2011;77(2):191-200. English, Portuguese..

Osteopathic Manipulation (OM) aims at treating somatic dysfunctions or vertebral hypomobility correlated to pain, myofascial tensions, loss of movement amplitude, postural change, dizziness of cervical origin, some headaches, etc.7Stelle R, Zeigelboim BS, Lange MC, Marques JM. Influência da manipulação osteopática na amplitude de rotação da coluna cervical em indivíduos com cervicalgia mecânica crônica. Rev Dor. 2013:14(4):284-9.,8Mansilla-Ferragut P, Fernández-de-Las-Penãs C, Albuquerque-Sendín F, Cleland JA, Boscá-GandíaJJ. Immediate effects of atlanto-occipital joint manipulation on active mouth opening and pressure pain sensitivity in women with mechanical neck pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32(2):101-6,1111 Cleland JA, Mintken PE, Carpenter K, Fritz JM, Glynn P, Whitman J, Childs JD. Examination of a clinical prediction rule to identify patients with neck pain likely to benefit from thoracic spine thrust manipulation and a general cervical range of motion exercise: multi-center randomized clinical trial. Phys Ther.2010;90(9):1239-50.,1212 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90.,1515 Maduro-De-Camargo V, Alburquerque-Sendín F, Bérzin F, Cobos-Stefanelli V, Rodrigues-Pedroni C, Santos K. Immediate effects of the ashmore manipulation technique C5/C6, in muscle activity in patients with mechanical neck pain. Eur J Ost Clin Rel Res. 2012;7(1):2-9.,1616 Orelli JG, RebelattoJR. The effectiveness of manual therapy in individuals with headaches, with and without cervical degeneration: analysis of six cases. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2007;11(4):325-9.. After cervical manipulation or mobilization, it is considered that there is a normalizing effect on the nervous system, allowing normalization of vascular tone (spasm), as well as of vertebral and carotid arteries, with improvement in blood flow velocity by ultrasound analysis1212 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90.,1313 R Pérez-Llanes J, Ríos-Díaz JJ, Martínez-Payá ME, del-Baño-Aledo. Fisioterapia. Science Direct J. 2012;34(3):118-24., improvement of muscle strength and resistance1515 Maduro-De-Camargo V, Alburquerque-Sendín F, Bérzin F, Cobos-Stefanelli V, Rodrigues-Pedroni C, Santos K. Immediate effects of the ashmore manipulation technique C5/C6, in muscle activity in patients with mechanical neck pain. Eur J Ost Clin Rel Res. 2012;7(1):2-9. and decreased headache1616 Orelli JG, RebelattoJR. The effectiveness of manual therapy in individuals with headaches, with and without cervical degeneration: analysis of six cases. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2007;11(4):325-9..

There are different osteopathic techniques, among them the Cervical Rhythmic Articulatory Technique (CRAT)3Roberge RJ, Roberge MR. Overcoming barriers to the use of osteopathic manipulation techniques in the emergency department. West J Emerg Med. 2009;10(3):184-9.,7Stelle R, Zeigelboim BS, Lange MC, Marques JM. Influência da manipulação osteopática na amplitude de rotação da coluna cervical em indivíduos com cervicalgia mecânica crônica. Rev Dor. 2013:14(4):284-9.,8Mansilla-Ferragut P, Fernández-de-Las-Penãs C, Albuquerque-Sendín F, Cleland JA, Boscá-GandíaJJ. Immediate effects of atlanto-occipital joint manipulation on active mouth opening and pressure pain sensitivity in women with mechanical neck pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32(2):101-6,1212 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90.. It is described that VA dissection associated to cervical manipulation is uncommon, but it can be severe or fatal in some cases1717 Leon-Sanchez A, Cuetter A, Ferrer G. Cervical spine manipulation: an alternative medical procedure with potentially fatal complications. South Med J. 2007;100(2):201-3.

18 Chen WL, Chern CH, Wu YL, Lee CH. Vertebral artery dissection and cerebellar infarction following chiropractic manipulation. Emerg Med J. 2006;23(1):e1.
-1919 Khan AM, Ahmad N, Li X, Korsten MA, Rosman A. Chiropractic sympathectomy: carotid artery dissection with oculosympathetic palsy after chiropractic manipulation of the neck. Mt Sinai J Med. 2005;72(3):207-10.. There are reports that cervical manipulation and mobilization do not pose risk to VA and carotids1313 R Pérez-Llanes J, Ríos-Díaz JJ, Martínez-Payá ME, del-Baño-Aledo. Fisioterapia. Science Direct J. 2012;34(3):118-24.,2020 Herzog W, Leonard TR, Symons B, Tang C, WuestS. Vertebral artery strains during high-speed, low amplitude cervical spinal manipulation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2012;22(5):740-6.

21 Haneline M, Triano J. Cervical artery dissection. A comparison of highly dynamic mechanisms: manipulation versus motor vehicle collision. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(1):57-63.
-2222 Wynd S, Anderson T, Kawchuk G. Effect of cervical spine manipulation on a pre-existing vascular lesion within the canine vertebral artery. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2008;26(3):304-9., and it is considered that vertebral and carotid arteries dissection or injury should be attributed to mechanical impact common during car accidents (whiplash) or to arterial diseases, being uncommon for cervical manipulation to generate such injury1313 R Pérez-Llanes J, Ríos-Díaz JJ, Martínez-Payá ME, del-Baño-Aledo. Fisioterapia. Science Direct J. 2012;34(3):118-24.,1919 Khan AM, Ahmad N, Li X, Korsten MA, Rosman A. Chiropractic sympathectomy: carotid artery dissection with oculosympathetic palsy after chiropractic manipulation of the neck. Mt Sinai J Med. 2005;72(3):207-10.,2121 Haneline M, Triano J. Cervical artery dissection. A comparison of highly dynamic mechanisms: manipulation versus motor vehicle collision. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(1):57-63.,2323 Correa E, Martinez B. Traumatic dissection of the internal carotid artery: simultaneous infarct of optic nerve and brain. Clin Case Rep. 2014;2(2):51-6..

Vascular ultrasound is indicated to evaluate blood flow from internal carotid (ICA), vertebral (VA) and basilar (BA) arteries. This is a non-invasive exam that screens arteries and analyzes the integrity of vertebrobasilar or carotid systems through arterial flow velocity and other data1212 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90.,2424 Barbosa MF, Abdala N, Carrete H Jr, Nogueira RG, Nalli DR, Fonseca JR, et al. [Reference values for measures of blood flow velocities and impedance indexes in healthy individuals through conventional transcranial Doppler]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2006;64(3B):829-38. Portuguese.,2525 Yazici B, Erdogmus B, TugayA. Cerebral blood flow measurements of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries with Doppler ultrasonography in healthy adults. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2005;11(4):195-8..

This study aimed at checking whether OM-CRAT generates abnormal oscillations or risks to the circulation of internal carotid, vertebral and basilar arteries. The hypothesis is that OM-CRAT may generate blood flow oscillations shown by ultrasound without impairing health. Is OM-CRAT a safe therapeutic technique for the health of such arteries in individuals with mechanical cervical pain?


Sample was made up of 58 individuals with chronic mechanical cervical pain, being 18 males and 40 females with mean age of 36.0±6.5 years (males: 36.5±6.1 years / females: 34.8±7.3 years), involving a volunteer group of employees of the Clinicas Hospital, Federal University of Paraná. Study period was from August 2010 to March 2012.

Inclusion criteria were individuals of both genders with chronic common cervical pain of mechanical origin, mild to moderate intensity according the Neck Disability Index, aged between 25 to 45 years. Exclusion criteria were any change preventing the performance of the protocol, severe cervical hypomobility (for ex., unco-arthritis, discopathy, bone malformation), spinal deformity (for ex., Scheuermann disease), individuals in post-surgical state, sequelae by brain or spinal trauma, using clutches, walking aids or wheelchair.

Individuals were evaluated by ultrasound in three moments (ICAs, VAs and BA), including control evaluation (CE), 5-min rest control evaluation (RCE) and study evaluation (SE). Separation was sequential and methods were randomly and blindly applied. Procedures were carried out in a single session of approximately 30 min.

After interview, data collection and signature of the Free and Informed Consent Term (FICT), individuals laid down in supine position on a stretch with small and low pillow (children’s style), remaining like this in a silent environment until the end of the following sequence of procedures: (1) Ultrasound (CE); (2) Rest or OM-CRAT; (3) Ultrasound (RCE or SE); 94) OM-CRAT or Rest; (5) Ultrasound (RCE or SE). In a randomized sequence, from 58 individuals, 29 have performed the Rest Method first and then the OM-CRAT method, and the other 29 individuals have performed the OM-CRAT method first and then the Rest Method. This separation was applied in case of possibility of differences in results. Methods were performed always by the same professionals (operator), being operator-1 for ultrasound and operator-2 for rest control and OM-CRAT.

Vascular ultrasound

These exams were performed by the same examiner (operator-1) who was blind to the evaluation moment, with ultrasound device model VIVID E, brand GE, with linear transducer of 7.5 to 10 MHz for extracranial circulation and with transversal transducer of 1.5 to 5 MHz for intracranial circulation.

There were three exam stages (CE, RCE, SE), lasting 3 min each. Soon after each one operator-1 would leave the room for 5 minutes and would return for the next stage. After routine exam to evaluate abnormal findings in carotid and vertebral arteries and lack of pathological changes, arterial Doppler samples were saved for right ICA (RICA), left ICA (LICA), right VA (RVA) and left VA (LVA) (Figure 1), RVA in its intracranial segment (RVAintra), LVA in its intracranial segment (LVAintra) and BA. Second and third stages were started with direct analysis of vessels LICA, LVA, RICA, RVA, LVAintra, RVAintra and BA. From all analyzed vessels, the following variables were collected: peak systolic velocity (PSV); end diastolic velocity (EDV); mean velocity (MV); pulsatility index (PI); resistance index (RI). The three latter were collected by means of a formula.

Figure 1
Arterial ultrasound: image of blood vessel and image of blood flow Doppler effect, and application of the method.


OM-CRAT was performed with the hands of operator-2 involving the neck with second fingers close to each vertebra and its interfacet joint (posterior region of transverse processes). With passive, rhythmic and smooth movements with 3 repetitions for each interfacet joint (zygapophisial), that is, with mobilizations from one side to the other, associating lateral sliding with rotation (Figure 2A), with a movement in "∞" at axial view. The process was started in the first thoacic vertebra (T1) ascending by all cervical vertebrae until antlantoccipital joints. In upper cervical, 3 mobilizations in flexion and 3 in bilateral extension of occipital condyles (atlantoccipital) were added (Figure 2B), plus 3 lateral slidings -for atlas (Figure 2C) and 3 rotations for C3 and 3 rotations r for C2-C1 (Figure 2D). For atlantoccipital vertebrae, one of the hands remained over the head of the subject (frontal or lateral region).

Figure 2
Osteopathic manipulation with cervical rhythmic articulatory technique. (A) Sliding. (B) Atlantoccipital flexion and extension. (C) Atlas sliding. (D) Atlas-axis rotation.


Controlled by operator-2, subjects were oriented to relax and rest for 5 minutes.

Statistical analysis

Student t test was applied with significance level of 0.05 (5%). Soon after the beginning of the study, carotid ultrasound was included in the method, having analyzed 46 individuals for internal carotid artery and 58 individuals for vertebral and basilar arteries. This difference has not interfered with results because the analysis was artery by artery rather than a comparison among different arteries, which differ in size and blood flow. Program used was Excel 2012.

This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (Registration CEP-HC-UFPR: 2233.127/2010-06) and complies with the Declaration of Helsinki.


Table 1 shows no significant difference in the comparison of peak systolic velocity (PSV, EDF, MV) between CE and SE with the application of Student t test with significance level of 0.05 (5%). Table 1 also shows, however without statistical significance, a slight increase in intracranial arteries flow velocity, more noticeable in right intracranial vertebral artery, with PSV from 48.86 to 50.77 cm/sec; EDV from 23.74 to 25.26 cm/sec; MV from 32.11 to 33.77 cm/sec. To decrease table size, pulsatility and resistance indices were excluded.

Table 1
Comparison of mean control and study evaluations

Table 2 shows no significant difference in the comparison of flow velocity variables (PSV, EDV, MV) between RCE and SE, with the application of Student t test with significance level of 0.05 (5%). Table also shows, however without statistical significance, a slight increase in intracranial arteries flow velocity, more noticeable in right intracranial vertebral, with PSV from 47.56 to 50.77 cm/sec; EDV from 32.21 to 25.26 cm/sec; MV from 31.33 to 33.77 cm/sec.

Table 2
Comparison of mean rest control and study evaluations

Table 3 shows significant difference between comparison of flow velocity variables (PSV and MV) between CE and RCE in right carotid artery, by applying Student t test with significance level of 0.05 (5%). A slight decrease in flow velocity (PSV, EDV and MV) in other arteries and of PSV of right internal carotid artery was considered without statistical effect.

Table 3
Comparison between means of control and rest control evaluations


In this study, OM-CRAT was performed in all directions of manipulative movement within spinal physiological limits, including positions similar to classic osteopathic and chiropathic manipulations without using extension with rotation positioning3Roberge RJ, Roberge MR. Overcoming barriers to the use of osteopathic manipulation techniques in the emergency department. West J Emerg Med. 2009;10(3):184-9.,7Jasiewics JM, Treleaven J, Condie P, Jull G. Wireless orientation sensors: their suitability to measure head movement for neck pain assessment. Man Ther. 2007;12(4):380-5.,8Mansilla-Ferragut P, Fernández-de-Las-Penãs C, Albuquerque-Sendín F, Cleland JA, Boscá-GandíaJJ. Immediate effects of atlanto-occipital joint manipulation on active mouth opening and pressure pain sensitivity in women with mechanical neck pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32(2):101-6,1212 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90..

So, results by immediate ultrasound evaluation have shown (Tables 1 and2) that there have been no abnormal2424 Barbosa MF, Abdala N, Carrete H Jr, Nogueira RG, Nalli DR, Fonseca JR, et al. [Reference values for measures of blood flow velocities and impedance indexes in healthy individuals through conventional transcranial Doppler]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2006;64(3B):829-38. Portuguese.,2525 Yazici B, Erdogmus B, TugayA. Cerebral blood flow measurements of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries with Doppler ultrasonography in healthy adults. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2005;11(4):195-8. or significant oscillations in blood flow velocity of the studied population. It is possible to state that OM-CRAT in sliding and rotation has not posed risk to the circulation of such arteries and, according to some literature statements, osteopathic manipulative treatment or vertebral manipulation has not caused injury or undue tension on vertebral and carotid arteries1212 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90.,1313 R Pérez-Llanes J, Ríos-Díaz JJ, Martínez-Payá ME, del-Baño-Aledo. Fisioterapia. Science Direct J. 2012;34(3):118-24.,2020 Herzog W, Leonard TR, Symons B, Tang C, WuestS. Vertebral artery strains during high-speed, low amplitude cervical spinal manipulation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2012;22(5):740-6.

21 Haneline M, Triano J. Cervical artery dissection. A comparison of highly dynamic mechanisms: manipulation versus motor vehicle collision. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(1):57-63.
-2222 Wynd S, Anderson T, Kawchuk G. Effect of cervical spine manipulation on a pre-existing vascular lesion within the canine vertebral artery. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2008;26(3):304-9., providing significantly lower sliding than that of clinical tests for VBI9Thomas LC, Rivett DA, Bolton PS. Pre-manipulative testing and the use of the velocimeter. Man Ther. 2008;13(1):29-36.,1010 Mitchell J, Keene D, Dyson C, Harvey L, Pruvey C, Phillips R. Is cervical spine rotation, as used in the standard vertebrobasilar insufficiency test, associated with a measureable change in intracranial vertebral artery blood flow? Man Ther. 2004;9(4),220-27.,1313 R Pérez-Llanes J, Ríos-Díaz JJ, Martínez-Payá ME, del-Baño-Aledo. Fisioterapia. Science Direct J. 2012;34(3):118-24.,2020 Herzog W, Leonard TR, Symons B, Tang C, WuestS. Vertebral artery strains during high-speed, low amplitude cervical spinal manipulation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2012;22(5):740-6.. So, cervical manipulation performed by a professional was not in this study a risk factor for vertebrobasilar and carotid injury1212 Creighton D, Kondratek M, Krauss J, Huijbregts P, Qu H. Ultrasound analysis of the vertebral artery during non-thrust cervical translatoric spinal manipulation. J Man Manip Ther. 2011;19(2):85-90.,1313 R Pérez-Llanes J, Ríos-Díaz JJ, Martínez-Payá ME, del-Baño-Aledo. Fisioterapia. Science Direct J. 2012;34(3):118-24.,2020 Herzog W, Leonard TR, Symons B, Tang C, WuestS. Vertebral artery strains during high-speed, low amplitude cervical spinal manipulation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2012;22(5):740-6.

21 Haneline M, Triano J. Cervical artery dissection. A comparison of highly dynamic mechanisms: manipulation versus motor vehicle collision. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(1):57-63.

22 Wynd S, Anderson T, Kawchuk G. Effect of cervical spine manipulation on a pre-existing vascular lesion within the canine vertebral artery. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2008;26(3):304-9.
-2323 Correa E, Martinez B. Traumatic dissection of the internal carotid artery: simultaneous infarct of optic nerve and brain. Clin Case Rep. 2014;2(2):51-6..

Results of our study confirm that no individual has presented VBI or carotid failure by ultrasound before and after OM-CRAT, because there have been no significant oscillations on the flow of such arteries on CE-SE (Table 1) and on RCE-SE (Table 2), with results within normality indices2424 Barbosa MF, Abdala N, Carrete H Jr, Nogueira RG, Nalli DR, Fonseca JR, et al. [Reference values for measures of blood flow velocities and impedance indexes in healthy individuals through conventional transcranial Doppler]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2006;64(3B):829-38. Portuguese.,2525 Yazici B, Erdogmus B, TugayA. Cerebral blood flow measurements of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries with Doppler ultrasonography in healthy adults. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2005;11(4):195-8.. The study has involved healthy individuals with common cervical pain, and in comparison to mentioned descriptions, in normal individuals vertebral arteries blood flow should not be impaired by common spinal movements or by cervical manipulation9Thomas LC, Rivett DA, Bolton PS. Pre-manipulative testing and the use of the velocimeter. Man Ther. 2008;13(1):29-36.,2121 Haneline M, Triano J. Cervical artery dissection. A comparison of highly dynamic mechanisms: manipulation versus motor vehicle collision. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2005;28(1):57-63.. As to the hypothesis that OM-CRAT could increase arterial flow velocity this is still not confirmed because, without statistical significance, there has been just a slight increase of intracranial arteries flow velocity after OM-CRAT (SE:Table 1 and2). However, without rest there has been significant or mild decrease in flow velocity (Table 3), so one may state that there is difference between performing or not OM-CRAT, which suggests further studies with individuals with dizziness of cervical origin or headache.

After OM-CRAT, some individuals have reported muscle relaxation or body comfort sensation. No individual submitted to OM-CRAT or to arterial ultrasound has reported pain or any other complaint.

Due to deadline and inclusion and exclusion criteria, we have closed the study with 58 of the 80 individuals proposed in the project draft.

Notwithstanding slight differences in flow increase, further investigations are suggested in individuals with dizziness or vertigo, where there is the possibility of significant flow oscillation.


Our study has shown that there is no significant vertebral (bilateral, intra and extracranial), basilar and internal carotid (bilateral) flow velocity oscillation with OM-CRAT, which brings safety to cervical manipulative treatment without risks of vascular complications as observed in the studied group.

  • Sponsoring sources: none.
  • *
    Received from University Tuiuti of Paraná and Clinicas Hospital, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.


To all who have encouraged or were in charge of this scientific research, especially François Ricard, Rogério A. Queiroz, Renato Tambara Filho, Viviana R. Zurro, Maria José Mocelin, Genoveva Freire D´Aquino and my wife Karin Teuber Stelle.


  • 1
    Bevilagua-Grossi D, Pegoretti KS, Gonçalves MC, Speciali JG, Bordini CA Bigal ME. Cervical mobility in women with migraine. Headache. 2009;49(5):726-31.
  • 2
    Armijo Olivo S, Magee DJ, Parfitt M, Major P, Thie NM. The association between the cervical spine, the stomatognathic system, and craniofacial pain: a critical review. J Orofac Pain. 2006;20(4):271-87.
  • 3
    Roberge RJ, Roberge MR. Overcoming barriers to the use of osteopathic manipulation techniques in the emergency department. West J Emerg Med. 2009;10(3):184-9.
  • 4
    Jasiewics JM, Treleaven J, Condie P, Jull G. Wireless orientation sensors: their suitability to measure head movement for neck pain assessment. Man Ther. 2007;12(4):380-5.
  • 5
    Strimpakos N, Sakellari V, Gioftsos G, Papathanasiou M, Brountzos E, Kelekis D, et al. Cervical spine ROM measurements: optimizing the testing protocol by using a 3D ultrasound-based motion analysis system. Cephalalgia. 2005;25(12):1133-45.
  • 6
    Fryer G, Morris T, Gibbons P. Paraspinal muscles and intervertebral dysfunction. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2004;27(4):267-74.
  • 7
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    30 June 2014
  • Accepted
    03 Nov 2014
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