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Looking at Organizational Change Through the Construction and Reconstruction of the Underpinning Values of the Organization Through Interactions Among Stakeholders



This paper attempts to understand how the stakeholders in an organization - which strives to achieve goals that are sometimes in conflict - construct and reconstruct (through their interactions) their beliefs (values related to organizational competition) and habits of action (practices).


A qualitative single case study was conducted at a tax consulting firm in the service sector in Brazil, with ongoing organizational change. The firm seeks to find an even balance between fostering human and social development and financial earnings. Semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted with the founder, employees, customers and suppliers, in addition to non-participant observation, naturally occurring discussions, and documents.


The analysis of the discursive materials showed that organizational practices reflect values formed over several years through the paradoxical tension between the world views of the founder on how the business world actually is and how it should be. The value of “coherence between what is said and what is done” permeated several reflexivity practices, when decisions were taken and the reasons underpinning them were discussed by management and employees, in pursuit of the goals initially proposed.

Practical implications:

This research contributes to wider-ranging reflections on the competitive world of organizations dealing with the challenges that face them, extending beyond social responsibility. It also illustrates that reflexivity may be particularly helpful in other for-profit organizations, particularly those focused on social innovation.


This study promotes a discussion of change as a continuous process, grounded on a differentiated approach to organizational values, highlighting the emerging characteristics of organizational becoming.

Ongoing organizational change; Values related to organizational competition; Stakeholders; Qualitative case study; Services

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  • 3
    Evaluation process: Double Blind Review
  • 1.
    Research was done on the Spell database in March 2015. By using the terms “change” and “organ” in the title of articles in the area of administration, it was revealed that 131 articles were published between 1976 and 2014 - 56% of them in the last ten years. Of these, two (Reis, 2006; Reis & Antonello, 2006) show the analysis of narratives as one of the possibilities to study change in organizations in a interpretivist paradigm. However, neither of these deal specifically with values, focusing on culture and organizational learning. The only study found that dealt with organizational values (Neiva & Paz, 2012) used quantitative methods, within a “variance” approach instead of “processes narratives” (Van de Ven & Poole, 2005, p.1387). Studies about organizational becoming were not found.



Approximate Period: February 2005 to June 2006


Approximate Period: July 2006 - Early 2010

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr 2015


  • Received
    30 Aug 2014
  • Accepted
    29 May 2015
Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, Av. da Liberdade, 532, 01.502-001 , São Paulo, SP, Brasil , (+55 11) 3272-2340 , (+55 11) 3272-2302, (+55 11) 3272-2302 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil