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Weak solutions for the electrophoretic motion of charged particles


We introduce a weak formulation for a system of electrostatic and hydrodynamic equations modelling the electrophoretic motion of charged particles in ionized fluids. We obtain a local in time existence theorem, using the results established in [11] and properties of the solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. These properties follows from singular integral operators techniques.

Poisson-Boltzmann equation; singular integral operators; Stokes problem; electrophoresis

Weak solutions for the electrophoretic motion of charged particles

Luciano BedinI; Mark ThompsonII

IDepartament of Mathematics, UFSC, Trindade, 88040-900 Florianópolis, SC. E-mail:

IIDepartament of Pure and Applied Mathematics, IM, UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, 91509-900 Porto Alegre, RS. E-mail:


We introduce a weak formulation for a system of electrostatic and hydrodynamic equations modelling the electrophoretic motion of charged particles in ionized fluids. We obtain a local in time existence theorem, using the results established in [11] and properties of the solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. These properties follows from singular integral operators techniques.

Mathematical subject classification: 35J60, 92C05, 35J50, 42B20.

Key words: Poisson-Boltzmann equation, singular integral operators, Stokes problem, electrophoresis.

1 Introduction

In this paper we establish results on existence and uniqueness of the weak solutions for a system modelling the motion of a charged particle driven by the action of an external electrical field. This phenomena is known as electrophoresis and is important in many technical applications (a vast literature is available: see for example [29], [24], [27], [2], [1], [3], [13], [30], [14]).

We are considering a particle (a charged polymer, for example) immersed in an ionized solution (a viscous incompressible fluid). On the boundary of the enclosure an external electric field induces the electrical potential inside the enclosure which is determined by the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (see [19], [10]). The hydrodynamic behavior of the system is governed by the Navier-Stokes equation.

We are not considering the usual approximation for the effect of the electrical field on the particle based on Prandtl boundary layer theory well known in colloid science, the so called slip-velocity condition (for details see [4], [22], [27]); their derivation requires better regularity properties of the boundary of the particle (see [28] and the discussion in the introduction of [27]).

As remarked in [24] the theoretical analysis of the electrophoretic motions is quite difficult, as it combines specific features of polymer physics with the intrinsic complexity of electrokinetic phenomena. From a mathematical standpoint the difficulties reside in the treatment of the electrical-hydrodynamic couple and on the low regularity of the data. We have established elsewhere [6] the existence of a H1-variational solution for the electrostatic potential, for a general class of domains. In the case of Lipschitz regions we have established a H3/2-regularity result by means of the singular integral operators theory; this regularity is optimal, even in C1-domains (see the comments and negative results in [20]). For C1,a-domains, 0 < a < 1, and suitable charge distribution this theory can be applied in the classical sense ([25], [18], [7]) in order to obtain more regularity for the potential [5].

Recently, the motion of rigid bodies in a bounded domain filled with a viscous flow has been treated rigorously ([11], [17]). Special techniques (from the transport theory [23]) have been used in order to obtain existence and properties of the suitable weak solutions for these systems. In particular in [11] a global weak formulation is introduced and existence of solutions local in time is established when a L2 body force and C1,1-domains are considered. Evidently, in the study of the electrophoretic motion we can not use directly these results because we have an external electrical field interacting with the ionized solution. However, we obtain a similar result of local existence (see Theorem 3.1); this is obtained as a consequence of uniform bounds and convergence properties involving the electrical force term F (Corollary 4.1, Theorem 4.2). Following the discussion in [6] we choose to prove these properties restricted to the case which the surface charge distribution of the particle and the fixed charge distribution (in the particle and in the solution) are L2 and L¥ functions, respectively; in this case we need only consider the Lipschitz regularity on the boundary of the particle. The existence of weak solutions obtained in Theorem 3.1 follows from the additional hypothesis that the particle domain is of class C1,1. More properties on F can be obtained in the C1,a context if we assume stronger hypotheses [5] on the charge distributions but we do not consider this situation in this paper.

2 The governing equations

Consider a rigid, charged particle immersed in a electrolyte solution under the action of an external electrical field. We suppose that the solution (a viscous fluid) occupies a region D Ì 3 and at the initial moment of time, the particle (a rigid body) occupies a compact region 0Ì D such that its center of mass is located at the origin y = 0 of a Cartesian coordinates y.

Let us define K(t) as the domain occupied by the particle in the time t and f(x,t) as a real valued function which represents the electrical potential in (x,t) Î D × [0,T], where "t Î [0,T], dist(¶DK(t)) > d, where d is a fixed constant. We set y(x,t) = , where L is the temperature (constant) of the system and e is the electron charge. The governing equations and boundary conditions to y are (see [6], [19])


  • k : D × [0,T] ® L (3,3) is defined as kij(x,t) = dijk1 if x Î K(t), kij(x,t) = dijk2 if x Î D\, where k1, k2 are the dielectric constants in K(t) and D\ respectively.

  • b : D × ® , b(x,y(x,t)) = k2 sinh y(x,t) if x Î D\, b(x,y(x,t)) = 0 if x Î K(t), is the Debye radius [10].

  • Y(x) = , y1(x,t) = y(x,t)|K(t) and y2(x,t) = y(x,t).

  • s is a superficial charge distribution and r(x,t) = (r1(x,t),r2(x,t)), where

are the charge distribution in K(t) and D\ respectively.

The action of the electrical field on the particle produce its motion. The motion of fluid is described by the velocity field vf(x,t) (velocity of the fluid material point which has Cartesian coordinates x at time t) and satisfies the Navier-Stokes equation

for all t Î (0,T). Here h > 0 is the viscosity of the fluid, f > 0 is the homogeneous fluid density (of the mass) and WT = {(t,x)/t Î (0,T), x Î D\}; denoting rions as the ion density of the solution, we have F = -(+rions)Ñf2 as the electrical force on the fluid domain (see [30]). Then F = (r2+k2sinh(y2))(Ñy2) , using the Boltzmann distribution for rions (see [16]).

Let us set xc(t) as the center of mass of the particle; w(t) the rotation vector; R(t) the translational velocity; A the symmetric inertial matrix; vp the velocity of the particle. We observe that if p > 0 is the density (of the mass) of the particle,

for all y Î 3. We have also vp(x,t) = R(t) + w(t) × (x – xc(t)) for x Î K(t). It is important to observe the implicit dependence of F on vp.

From the Newtonian mechanics for rigid bodies and the stress tensor in fluid dynamics, if M is the mass of the particle, the evolution law for the motion is given by


If we set D(vf) = vf + (Ñvf)T) then sH(x,t) = 2hD(vf(x,t)) – p(x,t)I is the stress tensor of the fluid;

is the electrostatic tensor (see [30]).

We assume the following hypotheses on the data

(i) K0 is a Lipschitz domain.

(ii) D is a C2-domain, Y Î H1DCD), s(. ,t) Î L2K(t)), r(. ,t) Î L¥(D), "t Î [0,T].

Remark 2.1. As remarked in the introduction of this paper, under the above hypotheses we have established elsewhere [6] that

y(. ,t) = (y1,y2)(. ,t) Î H1(D) Ç (H3/2(K(t)), H3/2(D\)),

for all t Î [0,T]. This regularity result and Trudinger's inequality (see discussion in [6]) give us that

Recalling the Sobolev embedding H1/2(D) Ì L3(D), the Hölder's inequality gives us

Then F(. ,t) Î L2(D)3, "t Î [0,T] (evidently this implies F Î L2((0,T) × D)3). A similar calculation shows us that (. ,t) Î L3/2(D\), "t Î [0,T].

As can be seen in the following section an existence result local in time of the suitable weak solutions for (2.2) coupled with (2.1) is available if we assume that K0 is a C1,1-domain.

3 The notion of weak solution

Following [11], let us define the Eulerian densities np(x,t) = pIK(t)(x),nf(x,t) = f(x) and the global density n = np+ nf. We also define the global velocity in D as

In view of the conservation of mass, n satisfies the linear transport equation in D

tn + div(nu) = 0.

We require that vp · n = vf · n and sH · n = T in ¶K(t), where –T is the force applied by the particle on the fluid. We can write T = S · n, where S is the Cauchy stress tensor in the body.

On the walls, we enforce homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions u|D = 0. Moreover, the incompressibility of the fluid, the rigidity of the structure and vp · n = vf · n imply that div u = 0.

The evolution laws of the momentum for the fluid and for the particle are given by

respectively. Here D(u) = u + (Ñu)T) is the global rate-of-deformation tensor.

Introducing the global stress tensor

we obtain the global system in '((0,T) × D)3,

We reproduce here, following the paper [11], the notion of the weak solution of the above system

Definition 3.1. (n,u) is a weak solution of (3.1)-(3.3) in (0,T) if it satisfies the a priori energy bounds

n Î L¥((0,T) × D), u Î L¥(0,T; L2(D))3Ç L2(0,T; (D))3,

and if for all fÎ and for almost every t Î (0,T),

where is defined by

= {j Î H1((0,T) × D)3 / j(t) Î V(t), "t Î (0,T)},


V(t) = {j Î (D)3/div j = 0, npD(j) = 0}.

The following existence theorem for the above weak solutions is available [11]

Theorem 3.1. Under the hypothesis (ii)-(v) (see Section 4) and the additional assumptions that K0is a C1,1-domain,u0Î (D)3, div u0 = 0, npD(u0) = 0 and d(0) > d, there exist T* Î (0,+¥] and a solution (n,u) of (3.4) such that

(i) b(n) Î C([0,T]; Lp(W)) Ç L¥((0,¥) × D) for all T < T*, p < ¥ and b Î C1(;).

(ii) u Î L¥(0,T; (D))3andtu Î L2((0,T) × D)3for all T < T*.

In [11] the hypothesis F Î L2((0,T) × D)3 (a body force) is assumed (see Remark 2.1) and the proof of the existence theorem as Theorem 3.1 is based on the solution of an approximated system (obtained by regularization techniques). The existence of the approximated solutions is obtained by the Schauder fixed-point theorem (see [5]), via a solution of an appropriate inhomogeneous (linear) Stokes equation. Using the C1,1-regularity of the domains and the smoothness of the coefficients, this linear problem has a solution with the necessary regularity. The solution (u,n) is built as a limit of these approximations; the existence of this limit is derived from the compactness properties of the linear transport equation [12]. This is made possible if we can obtain elliptic estimates and a priori bounds for u as well as energy bounds for n (see Section 4 in [11]). However as F depends on u we need to take some care in this regard. More precisely let us define for each m Î , (u(m),n(m),F(m)) such that n(m) is bounded in L¥((0,T) × D) uniformly in m, u(m) is bounded in L2(0,T;(D) Ç W1,4(D))3, ¶tu(m) is bounded in L2((0,T) × D)3 uniformly in m, converges to n0 in L2(D), converges to u0 in L2(D)3 and (3.4) is valid, for all j(m)Î (m). We set K(m)(t) = M(m)(t)K0, where M(m)(t) is an invertible affine transformation, and we suppose that d = inf{d(m)(t),t Î [0,T],m > 0} > d, where d(m)(t) = dist(¶DK(m)(t)); F(m) is defined by the calculation of y(m), the solution of (2.1) considering (K(m)(t),r(m),s(m)). We have to show that < C, where C does not depends on m.

Admitting this uniform bound on F(m), the stability results [12] for linear transport equation can be used as in [11]: there exist (n,u) such that up to the extraction of a subsequence, b(n(m)) converges to b(n) weak* in L¥((0,T) × D) and in C([0,T]; Lp(D)) for all p < +¥ and all b Î C1(), and u(m) converges to u in C([0,T]; (D))3 for all s < 1. However, if F is related with y, where y is the solution of (2.1) considering K(t),r,s, it is not obvious that (3.4) holds for (u,n,F) for all given j Î . This is established by the special argument in Section 4 of [11] if we can show that

As we shall see in the next section, in order to establish these results for F(m),F, we need to study the properties of the solution y of (2.1). Additional hypotheses on r and s are also necessary and as remarked in the Section 2 we shall prove the results in a more general framework: we assume hypothesis (i), i.e., K0 is a Lipschitz domain.

4 Bounds and convergence for the potentials

As remarked in [6], the determination of the charge densities in bio-molecular systems is a non-trivial question which is treated in some computational studies using Hartree-Fock approximation techniques (see [9], [26]). Here we assume explicitly the following hypothesis

(iii) Let r(m) as in the Section 3. Then ||r(m)

< C, where C does not depend on m;

(iv) For all t Î [0,T], s(m)(M(m)(t)x,t) = s(M(m)(t)x ,t) = s(M(t)x,t) = s(x,0), "x Î ¶K0.

(v) ||r(m) – r® 0, m ® +¥.

Recalling that Y Î H1D) and following [6] we consider the problem

which has a solution Î H3/2(D) such that Î L2K(t)), "t Î [0,T] and

where C depends only on the Lipschitz nature of ¶K0 (see the papers [8], [31] for details). We observe also that (. ,t) Î L¥(D) (see [15] or [21]).

Introducing y = + , we see that (2.1) may be reformulated as

Let us consider t Î [0,T] fixed and recall the weak formulation for (4.2).

Find u Î V = (D) such that b(x,u + ) Î L2(D) and satisfying


is the usual trace operator. Here k(x,t) = k1 if x Î K(t), k(x,t) = k2 if x Î D\.

As can be seen in [6] (see also [19]), this problem is equivalent to find the minimum in (D) of the functional

where J(.) is defined as

Below we establish the first bound on y derived from (4.3)

Lemma 4.1. Let us assume the hypothesis (i)-(iv). Then the solution y Î H1(D) of (2.1) belongs to L¥(0,T; H1(D)) and < M, where M depends only on ||r, ||s(. ,t)||0,2,¶K(t), k1, k2, , D, ¶K0 and Y.

Proof. By y = + we only need to prove the lemma for . Using (4.3) we have, for all t Î [0,T],


where we have used inequalities of Schwarz and Young. Now, recalling that is the minimum of the functional F(.) defined in (4.4), we have F() < F(0) = 0 so that


By the trace theorem and Poincaré's inequality there exist constants l1 = l1K0,D) > 0 and l2 = l2(D) > 0 such that ||g0(. ,t)||0,2,¶K(t)< l1||(. ,t)||1,2,D and ||(. ,t)||1,2,D< l 2||Ñ(. ,t)||0,2,D. If we choose 0 < < min(k1, k2)/(2), 1 = 4 = , 2 = 3 = > 0 we have, for C1 = C1(k1, k2, l1, l2), C2 = C2(k1, k2, l1, l2),

Finally, Poincaré's inequality gives us



where M = M(C*,Y, ,||s||0,2,¶K(t)).

The following theorem is central in order to establish an uniform boundfor F(m).

Theorem 4.1. Let us assume hypotheses (i)-(iv) then the solution y(m)of (2.1) related with (K(m)(t),r(m),s(m)) satisfies, for each t Î [0,T],

where C does not depends on m.

Proof. We only need to obtain the bounds for . Let us consider the problems


Using a variational formulation analogous to that in (4.3) we obtain solutions (weak) v(m), f(m)Î (D) of the problems (4.5) and (4.6), respectively. We observe that f(m) + v(m) satisfies (2.1) (in the weak sense), from the uniqueness of the variational solution for this problem, we have (m) = f(m) + v(m).

The Theorem follows from the lemmas below.

Lemma 4.2. Under hypotheses (i)-(iv) the solution v(m)Î (D) of (4.5) has the additional regularity

for each m> 0 and t Î [0,T]. Furthermore

where C does not depends on m.

Lemma 4.3. Under hypotheses (i)-(iv) the solution f(m)Î (D) of (4.6) belongs to C0() and, for each t Î [0,T],

Furthermore, (. ,t) Î H3/2(K(m)(t)), (. ,t) Î H3/2(D\) and there exists C > 0 such that

where C does not depends on m.

Proof of Lemma 4.2. Let us consider m > 0 and t Î [0,T] fixed and define , then satisfies (in the weak sense)

where µ2 = and µ1 = . Following [31], we seek a solution in the form

for z(m)(. ,t) Î H1K(m)(t)), j(m)(. ,t) Î L2K(m)(t)) and c(m)(. ,t) Î H1D). Here

where G(x) = . The boundary conditions in (4.7) give us (see [6] for details)



For each m Î and t Î [0,T], the operators

are continuous [8] with operator norms depending only on K0, D. Observing that

is an equivalent norm to || . ||1,2,¶D (see [32], Definition 1.9) and using the hypothesis |x – y| > d, "x Î ¶K(m)(t), "y Î ¶D, a direct calculation gives us that the following trace operators

are bounded and compact, with operator norms depending only on K0, D and d. The compactness follows from an analogous argument as in [7] (Theorems 1.6, 1.7 and 1.10) if we observe that the kernels are continuous.

Now it follows as in the paper by Torres and Welland [31] that exist and is a bounded operator on X(m) = H1K(m)(t)) × L2K(m)(t)) × H1D) to X(m). The operator norm |||| depends only on d, K0, D. Then

where X(m) is equipped with the product norm.

As observed in [31], the operator norms of the operators in (4.9) and its appropriate inverses depend only on the Lipschitz character of the domain, so that there exist L1 = L1K0) > 0, L2 = L2D, ¶K0) > 0, such that, "t Î [0,T],

Hence, using hypothesis (iv), we have established that

where C does not depends on m.

Proof of Lemma 4.3. Let us consider m > 0 and t Î [0,T] fixed. The variational solution f(m) of (4.6) satisfies

Then the Young's inequality gives us that

Using a similar calculation as in Lemma 4.1, the bound established there for ||

(m)(. ,t)||1,2,D and hypothesis (iii), we have ||f(m)(. ,t)||1,2,D< C, where C does not depends on m and t. Observing that D is a C2-domain, standard elliptic estimates (see Chapter 14, Theorem 2.1 in [21]) show us that f(m)(. ,t) Î C0(). Let us define

In effect, let us suppose that R(t) = +¥, then there exist a subsequence related with , such that (t) ® +¥ with k ® +¥. Let us choose Î such that = (t), then there exists > 0 such that

Recalling that |D = 0, if we take k ® ¥ we have, by the bound ||(. ,t)||0,2,D< C, ® 0. In this case ||Ñ(. ,t)||0,2,D® +¥, which contradicts the bound ||(. ,t)||1,2,D< C.

If we set h(m) = b(x,f(m) + v(m) + + r(m) we have h(m)(. ,t) Î L2(D), for all t Î [0,T] and m > 0. Extending h(m) to be zero outside of D and setting g(m) = G*h(m) we have Dg(m)(. ,t) = h(m)(. ,t) a.e. in D and g(m)(. ,t) Î H2(D); if

we have

(see the proof of Theorem B in [20]), while (. ,t) – (. ,t) = 0 a.e. in ¶K(m)(t). Hence the solution f(m) of (4.6) can be written as (see [6])


and . The operators in (m) were defined in (4.9) and (m) was defined in Lemma 4.2. The uniform estimate in the H3/2-norm follows in a similar way as in Lemma 4.2 if we get uniform H3/2-bounds for g(m)(. ,t) and H1-bounds for . From the continuous imbedding H2(D) Ì H3/2(D) and by the boundedness of the operator F : L2(D) ® H2(D), where Fh(m)(. ,t) = G*h(m)(. ,t) = g(m)(. ,t) (see the proof of Theorem 1 in [32]) we have the bounds

where l depends only on D. A direct calculation and the above estimate give us

where l' = l'(K0,l), l'' = l''(D,l). Hence we need only obtain an uniform estimate for

We observe that

The result follows using the fact that Y Î L¥(D), recalling that by Lemma 4.3 we have < +¥ and from the estimate

(see [6] and Lemma 4.2).

Corollary 4.1. < C, where C does not depends on m.

As remarked in the preceding section the solution of (3.4) is constructed as a limit of a sequence of the appropriate approximation solutions and depends on the respective convergence of the force term F(m) to F in L2((0,T) × D)3. Below we show in detailed manner how to do this. We begin with a technical lemma.

Lemma 4.4. Let us assume hypothesis (i)-(v) and consider y(m), y the solutions of (2.1) related with (K(m)(t),r(m),s(m)) and (K(t),r,s), respectively. Then, ||y(m)(. ,t) – y(. ,t)||1,2,D ® 0, with m ® +¥, for each t Î [0,T].

Proof. Let us set hm = y(m) – y. The variational formulation for y,y(m) gives us


If we define A(m)(t) = K(m)(t) Ç K(t), B(m)(t) = D\ we have, after subtracting the above expressions,

Using Young's and Hölder's inequalities and positiveness of the second integral on the right side, we have

Now, following [11],

with m ® +¥, since u(m) converges to npu in C([0,T]; L2(D))3. Hence |K(m)(t)\A(m)(t)|, |K(t)\A(m)(t)| ® 0, m ® +¥. We observe that, by the Theorem 4.1 and the Sobolev imbedding H1/2(K(m)(t)) Ì L3(K(m)(t)),

where C does not depend on m. Similarly, using the Sobolev embedding H1(D) Ì L4(D), Lemma 4.1 and hypothesis (iii) and (iv) we see that uniform bounds to ||hm||0,2,D, ||hm||0,4,D are available. From hypothesis (v), ||(r(m) – r)(. ,t)||0,¥,D® 0. Theorem 4.1 and similar argument as in (4.10) give us that

where C does not depend on m.

Using the rigidness of the particle we have

Now, we introduce, for each m, the usual -regularization {} for hm such that ||( – hm)(. ,t)||1,1,D ® 0 when h ® 0. Observing that

the first integral in (4.12) tends to zero with m ® +¥, as can be seen using the usual trace theorem. Analogously we have the same result for the second integral in (4.12), recalling that , the hypothesis (iv) and regularity (. ,t) Î H3/2(D).

Theorem 4.2. Let us consider j(m)Î H1((0,T) × D)3 such that j(m)® j strongly in C([0,T];L2(D))3 and j Î H1((0,T) × D)3. Then

for all t Î (0,T).

Proof. Recalling that F(m) = , we can write

where C1 = and C2 = .

In what follows we shall estimate the integral of each term above.

with m ® +¥. Here we have used the Hölder's inequality, the embeddings H1/2(D) Ì L3(D) and H1/2(D) Ì H3/2(D), Theorem 4.1 jointly with a similar estimate as in (4.10) and the convergence ® 0.


Ñy sinh(y) – Ñy(m) sinh(y(m))

= sinh(y)(Ñy – Ñy(m)) + Ñy(m)(sinh(y) – sinh(y(m)))

we have

Now, observing that if

y(m) – y > 0, cosh2(y(m) + q(y – y(m))) < cosh2(y) and if

y(m) – y < 0, cosh2(y(m) + q(y – y(m))) < cosh2(y – y(m)),

we have, by Schwarz's inequality

where we have used a similar estimate as in (4.10), Theorem 4.1 and Lemma 4.4. Hence the dominated convergence theorem, Theorem 4.1 and Lemma 4.4 gives us that the terms in (4.15) tends to zero with m ® +¥. Passing the terms in (4.14) to the limit m ® +¥, using (4.11) and Theorem 4.1 we obtain the desired result for the second term in (4.13). The convergence of the others terms in (4.13) to zero follows from a completely similar way, using hypothesis (iii), (iv) and (v), Theorem 4.1 and Lemma 4.4.

Acknowledgment. The first author was supported by a Doctoral Scholarship of the CNPq-Brasil.

Received: 08/IX/04. Accepted: 29/IX/05.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    28 Sept 2006
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Sept 2004
  • Accepted
    29 Sept 2005
Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional - SBMAC, Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900 , 16º. andar - Sala 163, 13561-120 São Carlos - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax: 55 16 3412-9752 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil