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Greetings from the new Editor-in-Chief! It is a pleasure to contribute to the Brazilian Academy of Management in this challenging position, and also to work with the talented team that makes BAR possible. First, I would like to thank our reviewers for their astonishing job in contributing to BAR and always improving the quality of papers that we share with our readers. Second, I would like to thank the authors that have chosen BAR as the outlet for their research results. As the pressure to publish in reputable journals increases among academics in Brazil, so do BAR standards. We are looking to be an international reference for the Brazilian business academy, and for this, quality and innovation are priorities.

In this edition we have five interesting papers that I do hope you will enjoy reading and learning from their innovative perspectives.

The first article (When a Thousand Words Are (Not) Enough: An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Firm Performance and Attention to Shareholders byLuciana Carvalho de Mesquita Ferreira) tests the explanatory power of the attention-based view (ABV) of the firm and the resource dependence theory (RDT), providing empirical evidence and theoretical explanation for the scarcely explored relationship between firm performance and organizational attention.

The second article (On the Contributions of Knowledge-Intensive Business-Services Multinationals to Laggard Innovation Systems byBruno Brandão Fischer) investigates the impacts of inward Foreign Direct Investment on aggregate outcomes of developing countries' National Innovation Systems, taking into account potential contributions from Knowledge-Intensive Business-Services (KIBS) multinationals and their respective comparison with manufacturing investments.

The third article (Moderating Effects of Sales Promotion Types by Fernando de Oliveira Santini, Cláudio Hoffmann Sampaio, Marcelo Gattermann Perin, LelisBalestrinEspartel and Wagner Junior Ladeira) analyzes the influence sales promotion types have on the relationship between perception of financial risk and perception of utilitarian and hedonic value on consumer purchase intentions, using an experimental approach.

The next piece (Brazilian Multinationals' Ownership Mode: The Influence of Institutional Factors and Firm Characteristics byHenrique de Azevedo Ávila, Angela da Rochaand Jorge Ferreira da Silva) is an invited paper, related to a Ph.D. dissertation that received the 2014 CAPES award as best dissertation in the field of business administration. It investigates whether host countries' institutional factors and firm characteristics can help the understanding of Brazilian multinationals' choices of ownership mode for their foreign direct investments (FDI).

The fifth paper (Profiling the Buzz Agent: Product Referral and the Study of Social Community and Brand Attachment byDanny Pimentel Claro andAdriana BruscatoBortoluzzo) presents a perspective about the consumer who must be recruited as a buzz agent by a firm in a WOM marketing (WOMM) initiative. The study identifies a consumer profile that helps firms select buzz agents for WOMM initiatives.

I would like to invite our readers to submit their work to BAR, keeping always in mind that our academic impact has been improving every year, bringing visibility to the knowledge generated in Brazil and abroad.

Salomão Alencar de Farias

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2015
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil