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Palatal Schwannoma: An Analysis of 45 Literature Reports and of an Illustrative Case



Schwannomas are benign tumors originating from differentiated Schwann cells. Being the least common intraoral neoplasm of neural origin, it is rarely seen in the palate. The literature lacks an extensive review of intraoral schwannoma confined to the palate.


To review previously reported cases of palatal schwannoma along with an illustrative case, and to provide a better insight regarding clinicopathological and radiological features of this neural tumor in a rare intraoral site.

Data Synthesis

We present a case of palatal schwannoma in a 16-year-old female. An additional 45 cases were identified in 2 medical database searches (PubMed and Google Scholar) published fromthe year 1985 onwards, and from13 countries, in the 5 continents. The ages of the patients ranged from3 to 84 years old. Palatal schwannoma showed a slight predilection to females, with a male/female ratio of ~ 1:1.81. Hard palate involvement is almost twice greater than soft palate involvement. Surgical excision was employed inalmost all of the cases, and recurrence was reported only once.


Palatal schwannomas, although rare, have been reported both over the hard and the soft palate. They mostly present as a painless, firm, well-encapsulated, slow-growing solitary lesion over the lateral palatal aspect. Imaging can add to suspicion and can delineate a differential diagnosis, but the diagnosis is confirmed by pathological examination. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is almost always inconclusive. Immunohistochemistry can assist in confirming a diagnosis, but is more important to rule out close differentials. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice, and recurrence or malignant transformation are extremely rare.

neurilemmoma; palate; schwannoma; S100


Schwannoma or neurilemmoma is a benign tumor of neuroectodermal origin that is derived from Schwann cells of the neural sheath.11 Shah AA, Latoo S, Ahmad I, Malik AH, Singh AP, Hassan S. Schwannoma causing resorption of zygomatic arch. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2011;15(01):80-84 22 Pfeifle R, Baur DA, Paulino A, Helman J. Schwannoma of the tongue: report of 2 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001;59(07):802-804 33 Colreavy MP, Lacy PD, Hughes J, et al. Head and neck schwannomas- a 10 year review. J Laryngol Otol 2000;114(02):119-124 In 1910, Verocay first described the microscopic features of this tumor under the term neurinoma.44 Verocay J. Zur Kenntnis der Neurofibrome. Beitr Pathol Anat 1910;156:1-68 The term schwannoma was introduced by Masson in 1932.55 Masson P. Experimental and Spontaneous Schwannomas (Peripheral Gliomas): I. Experimental Schwannomas. Am J Pathol 1932;8(04):367-388.1, 1 Later, in 1935, Stout33 Colreavy MP, Lacy PD, Hughes J, et al. Head and neck schwannomas- a 10 year review. J Laryngol Otol 2000;114(02):119-124 used the term, neurilemmoma, and further detailed its histopathology. In 1940, Tarlov described the tumor to be of fibroblastic origin and coined the term perineural fibroblastoma.66 Tarlov IM. Origin of perineural fibroblastoma. Am J Pathol 1940;16(01):33-40, 7 About between 25 and 45% of all schwannomas are found in the head and neck region, and only between 1 and 12% of them have an intraoral origin.77 Buric N, Jovanovic G, Pesic Z, et al. Mandible schwannoma (neurilemmoma) presenting as periapical lesion. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2009;38(03):178-181 88 Subhashraj K, Balanand S, Pajaniammalle S. Ancient schwannoma arising from mental nerve. A case report and review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14(01):E12-E14 99 Jahanshahi G, Haghighat A, Azmoodeh F. Intraosseous neurilemmoma of the mandible: report of a rare ancient type. Dent Res J (Isfahan) 2011;8(03):150-153 However, the palatal location is rare. The present article presents a specific systematic review of the published literature on palatal schwannomas, along with an illustrative case.

Review of the Literature

Case Presentation

A 16-year-old female presented with a complaint of a painless swelling over the palatal region. She first noticed a small nodule 2 months before, which was gradually increasing in size. She was otherwise healthy and did not report a history of alcohol consumption or of smoking. No genetic or syndromic abnormalities were reported from her family. Her laboratory reports were unremarkable. In the intraoral examination, a solitary, nontender, firm swelling, ∼ 2.5 × 2 cm in dimension, was noted over the left soft palate. The tumor had a whitish-yellow appearance, and the overlying mucosa was ulcerated (Fig. 1). A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a well-defined, hypodense, soft tissue lesion measuring 27.8 × 21.6 × 18.2 mm involving the left side of the soft palate (Fig. 2). With a probable clinical diagnosis of benign salivary gland tumor, the lesion was completely excised and the defect was allowed to heal by secondary intention. The histological examination of the lesion revealed a predominant presence of Antoni A areas with spindle-shaped cells arranged in a palisading pattern and central acellular areas representing Verocay bodies (Figs. 3 and 4). Some areas also showed a hypocellular and less organized arrangement, as seen in the Antoni B type. The immunohistochemical (IHC) examination with S-100 protein revealed intense positivity in the cells of the tumor (Fig. 5). The tumor cells also showed positive expression of SRY-related HMG-box 10 (SOX-10) protein (Fig. 6). Based on the clinical behavior, as well as on the histological and IHC findings, the final diagnosis was of a benign schwannoma of the soft palate (conventional variant).

Fig. 1
Painless swelling over the left soft palate with ulceration of the overlying mucosa.

Fig. 2
Computed tomography shows a hypodense, soft tissue lesion involving the soft palate on left side (red arrow).

Fig. 3
Section showing a spindle cell tumor and areas of collagenization (Hematoxylin and eosin staining; 100x).

Fig. 4
Section showing proliferating fusiform cells arranged in palisading pattern and areas of acellular eosinophilic regions representing Verocay bodies (Hematoxylin and eosin staining; 200x).

Fig. 5
Section showing tumor cells expressing strong nuclear and cytoplasmic S-100.

Fig. 6
Section showing tumor cells expressing SRY-related HMG-box 10 (SOX-10).


A systematic review of the literature was performed in August 2018 on 2 different databases (PubMed and Google Scholar). The database was searched for full-length articles and abstracts using the following Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): palate, AND schwannoma, AND/OR neurilemoma, AND/OR neurilemmoma AND hard AND/OR soft palate, AND/OR intraoral MINUS tongue, vestibule and other intraoral anatomical locations. The search included synonymous terms and was confined to studies or reports in humans. The review included isolated case reports or articles with up to 2 cases of palatal schwannomas published after 1984 in English, German or Japanese. Articles containing > 2 cases of palatal schwannoma, or larger case series, were not included. Cases diagnosed as malignant schwannoma at the initial presentation were not included. No age limits were applied. Information from the included articles was collected in a predesigned Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) spreadsheet.


A total of 46 cases (45 published cases and an illustrative case) of palatal schwannoma were included in the present review. From the included articles, clinical, histopathological, radiological, and treatment findings were charted (Tables 1 and 2).1010 Yamashita N, Kameyama T, TakenakaM, et al. Schwannoma of the soft palate: Report of a case. Jpn J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1985;31 (10):2467-2470 1111 Jones JA, McWilliam LJ. Intraoral neurilemmoma (schwannoma): an unusual palatal swelling. Oral Surg OralMed Oral Pathol 1987;63(03):351-353 1212 Hieda T, Okina T, Wakae H, et al. A case of neurilemoma of the palate. Kurume Med J 1987;34(02):75-81 1313 Krolls SO, McGinnis JP Jr, Quon D. Multinodular versus plexiform neurilemoma of the hard palate. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994;77(02):154-157 1414 Amir R, Altman KW, Zaheer S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60(09):1069-1071 1515 Rabbels J, Scheer M, Heibel H, Wickenhauser C, Kübler AC. [Neurinoma of the hard palate in an 11-year-old girl. Case report]. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 2005;9(06):400-403 1616 López-Carriches C, Baca-Pérez-Bryan R, Montalvo-Montero S. Schwannoma located in the palate: clinical case and literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14(09):e465-e468 1717 Baliga M, Uppal N, Ramanathan A. Schwannomas of the head and neck: a case series. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2009;8(03):283-286 1818 Murthy VA, Ramaswamy S, Sunita M. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Indian J OtolaryngolHeadNeck Surg 2009;61(Suppl 1):52-54 1919 Lollar KW, Pollak N, Liess BD, Miick R, Zitsch RP III. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Am J Otolaryngol 2010;31(02):139-140 2020 Parikh NR, Desai N. Intraoral schwannoma (neurilemmoma): an unusual anterior palatal swelling-A case report. J Int Oral Health 2010;2(04):87-91 2121 Isildak H, Yilmaz M, Ibrahimov M, Aslan M, Karaman E, Enver O. Schwannoma of the hard palate. J Craniofac Surg 2010;21(01):276-278 2222 Santos PP, Freitas VS, Pinto LP, Freitas RA, de Souza LB. Clinicopathologic analysis of 7 cases of oral schwannoma and review of the literature. Ann Diagn Pathol 2010;14(04):235-239 2323 Chawla O, North S, Yates JM. Schwannoma presenting in the soft palate of a nine-year-old boy. Dent Update 2011;38(05):327-328 2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321 2525 Dhupar A, Yadav S, Dhupar V. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A Rare Case. The Internet J Head Neck Surg [1937-819X]. 2010; 4: [about 4p.]. Available from: the-internet-journal-of-head-and-neck-surgery/volume-4-number-2/schwannoma-of-the-hard-palate-a-rare-case.html the...
2626 Handschel J, Heikaus S, Depprich R, et al. Intraoral schwannoma: review of the literature and presentation of a rare case. Cranio 2012;30(02):150-153 2727 Shetty SR,Mishra C, Shetty P, Kaur A, Babu S. Palatal schwannoma in an elderly woman. Gerodontology 2012;29(02):e1133-e1135 2828 Prasanna Kumar D, Meghashri K. Schwannoma of the hard palate: a case report and review of literature. J Adv Oral Research. 2012;3:24-29 2929 Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis I, Petousis A, Fiska A, Stavrianaki A. Plexiform (multinodular) schwannoma of soft palate. Report of a case. Folia Med (Plovdiv) 2012;54(03):62-64 3030 Rahpeyma A, Jafarian AH, Khajeh Ahmadi S, Sarabadani J. A schwannoma of the soft palate in a child: histological and immunohistochemical features and surgical method. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2012;24(67):95-99 3131 Venkatachala S, Krishnakumar R, Rubby SA. Soft palate schwannoma. Indian J Surg 2013;75(Suppl 1):319-321 3232 Gainza-Cirauqui ML, Eguía-Del Valle A, Martínez-Conde R, Coca- Meneses JC, Aguirre-Urizar JM. Ancient Schwannoma of the hard palate. An uncommon case report and review. J Clin Exp Dent 2013;5(01):e62-e65 3333 Chikhale NP, Mishra A, Patel RD, Chaturvedi UP, Jayalakshmi V, Cherian S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate: report of a case and review of literature. Int J Head Neck Surg 2013;4:123-125 3434 Moradzadeh Khiavi M, Taghavi Zenouz A, Mesgarzadeh AH, Sabetmehr O, Mahmoudi SM, Kouhsoltani M. Schwannoma in the midline of hard palate: a case report and review of literature. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect 2014;8(02):114-117 3535 Aboh IV, Chisci G, Cascino F, et al. Giant palatal schwannoma. J Craniofac Surg 2014;25(05):e418e20 3636 Parhar S, Singh HP, Nayyar A, Manchanda AS. Intra-oral schwannoma- a case report. J Clin Diagn Res 2014;8(03):264-265 3737 Sahoo PK, Mandal PK, Ghosh S. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2014;5(01):39-41 3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025 3939 Meundi MA, Anekar J, A C R, Patil US, Mustafa SM. Intraosseous schwannoma of the maxilla mimicking a periapical lesion: a diagnostic challenge. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9(03):ZD01-ZD04 4040 Tibbetts KM, Cheng J. Pediatric palate schwannoma. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Extra 2014;9:122-124 4141 Yaga US, Mengji AK, Besta R, Gollamudi N. Rare case of palatal schwannoma: Case report and review of literature. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2015;27:484-487 4242 Karatas M, Sarikaya Y, Dogan S, Erdogdu IH, Bulut HT, Yücetas SC. A SlowGrowing Mass of Hard Palate: Schwannoma-Case Report. J Clin Med Case Reports. 2015;2(01):1-4 4343 Morgan GK, Packiaraj I, Rajan A, Rahman A. Rare case of schwannomain anterior palate. J Indian Acad Dent Spec Res. 2015;2:30-33 4444 Sicca C, Cistaro A, Quartuccio N, Sardo E, BerroneM. Correlation of MRI Pattern and Histological Features in a Schwannoma of the Soft Palate in a 13-Year-Old Girl. OMICS J Radiol 2015;4(01):177 4545 Barhmi I, Tazi N, Mahdoufi R, Abada R, Rouadi S. Schwannoma palate in children: rare case. J Case Rep Stud. 2016;4:202 4646 Shi LL, Justicz N, Panella NJ, Henriquez OA. Soft Palate Schwannoma: A Rare Case of an Intraoral Mass. Ann. Clin Case Rep 2016;1:1057 4747 Eroglu CN, Keskin Tunc S, Gunhan O. Soft Tissue Schwannomas of the Hard Palate and the Mandibular Mentum. Case Rep Dent 2017;2017:7401631 4848 Poonja PA, Sattur AP, Burde KN, Hallikeri K, Anehosur VS. An unusual case of neural palatal swelling. Int J Health Sci (Qassim) 2017;11(03):71-73 4949 Vera-Sirera B, Fernades-Ciacha L, Floria LM, Vera-Sempere F. Palatal ancient schwannoma: optical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study with literature review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2017;274(12):4195-4202 5050 Gueiros LA, Barkokebas A, Carvalho AT, Leão JC. Small palatal swelling: an uncommon presentation of intraoral schwannoma. Gen Dent 2017;65(03):58-61 5151 Melo CA, Almeida-Júnior P, de Carvalho Melo AU, et al. Giant schwannoma of the hard palate: a literature review and report of an uncommon case. Gen Dent 2018;66(01):62-65 5252 Khalele BA. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A case report and a systematic review of literature. Future Dental Journal 2018:1-6 5353 Murakami N, Fukuya Y. Surgically excising an intraoral schwannoma of the soft palate using a buccinator flap: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2018;49:17-20 5454 Kawakami R, Kaneko T, Kadoya M, et al. Schwannoma in the sublingual space. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2004;33(04):259-261

Table 1
Review of previously reported palatal schwannomas
Table 2
Updated clinical profile of reported cases of palatal schwannomas

Out of 46 compiled cases, 29 were female (64%), and 16 were male (in 1 case, no gender was reported).4545 Barhmi I, Tazi N, Mahdoufi R, Abada R, Rouadi S. Schwannoma palate in children: rare case. J Case Rep Stud. 2016;4:202 The ages ranged from 3 to 84 years old, with an average of 30.04 years old. The mean duration of the lesion from 38 reported cases was of 25.63 months (range: 5days–20 years), while in the remaining 8 cases no information about the duration of the tumor could be retrieved (either the exact numerical duration was not stated, or the lesion was incidentally detected).1010 Yamashita N, Kameyama T, TakenakaM, et al. Schwannoma of the soft palate: Report of a case. Jpn J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1985;31 (10):2467-2470 1717 Baliga M, Uppal N, Ramanathan A. Schwannomas of the head and neck: a case series. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2009;8(03):283-286 3333 Chikhale NP, Mishra A, Patel RD, Chaturvedi UP, Jayalakshmi V, Cherian S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate: report of a case and review of literature. Int J Head Neck Surg 2013;4:123-125 3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025 3939 Meundi MA, Anekar J, A C R, Patil US, Mustafa SM. Intraosseous schwannoma of the maxilla mimicking a periapical lesion: a diagnostic challenge. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9(03):ZD01-ZD04 4444 Sicca C, Cistaro A, Quartuccio N, Sardo E, BerroneM. Correlation of MRI Pattern and Histological Features in a Schwannoma of the Soft Palate in a 13-Year-Old Girl. OMICS J Radiol 2015;4(01):177 4646 Shi LL, Justicz N, Panella NJ, Henriquez OA. Soft Palate Schwannoma: A Rare Case of an Intraoral Mass. Ann. Clin Case Rep 2016;1:1057 4747 Eroglu CN, Keskin Tunc S, Gunhan O. Soft Tissue Schwannomas of the Hard Palate and the Mandibular Mentum. Case Rep Dent 2017;2017:7401631 Some articles reported the duration of onset in days, weeks or years. Therefore, the approximate lesional age was converted and charted into months. The incorporated cases were reported from 13 countries: India (n =15), USA (n =5), Brazil (n =5), Japan (n =4), Spain (n =3), Turkey (n =3), UK (n =2), Germany (n =2), Iran (n =2), Italy (n =2), Greece (n =1), Morocco (n =1), and Egypt (n =1) (Fig. 7). The majority of the cases has been reported from India, indicating either a high prevalence or a greater awareness about the disease in that country.

Fig. 7
Worldwide distribution of reported cases of palatal schwannomas.

The tumor involved the soft and the hard palate in 15 (32.6%) and in 31 (67.4%) subjects, respectively. Among the 15 soft palatal lesions, 8 involved the right side, 5 involved the left side, 1 was in the midline, and no specific site over the soft palate was mentioned in 1 case.2222 Santos PP, Freitas VS, Pinto LP, Freitas RA, de Souza LB. Clinicopathologic analysis of 7 cases of oral schwannoma and review of the literature. Ann Diagn Pathol 2010;14(04):235-239 Out of 31 hard palatal lesions, 13 were confined to the right hard palate, 11 involved the left side, 5 were in the midline, 1 involved the entire hard palate, and no specific hard palatal location was reported in 1 case.2929 Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis I, Petousis A, Fiska A, Stavrianaki A. Plexiform (multinodular) schwannoma of soft palate. Report of a case. Folia Med (Plovdiv) 2012;54(03):62-64

Most of the articles mentioned the width and length of the lesion, but the depth dimension is rarely reported. The largest diameter/dimensions of the tumor ranged from 5 cm to 1 cm, with an average of 2.4 cm (no information about the dimension of the lesion was reported in 2 cases).1313 Krolls SO, McGinnis JP Jr, Quon D. Multinodular versus plexiform neurilemoma of the hard palate. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994;77(02):154-157 1717 Baliga M, Uppal N, Ramanathan A. Schwannomas of the head and neck: a case series. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2009;8(03):283-286 When studying for an association between the duration of the lesion and lesion size, we found a weak positive correlation (r = 0.25). However, the correlation is statistically insignificant (p= 0.13) (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8
Relationship between lesion size and duration of lesion.

Symptoms were commented in 41 cases (89%). The remaining 5 cases were incidentally detected or asymptomatic. Painless swelling/nodule was the most common symptom, present in 40 cases (87%). One case reported delayed pain over the tumor3737 Sahoo PK, Mandal PK, Ghosh S. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2014;5(01):39-41 while in another patient, pharyngeal pain was present.5353 Murakami N, Fukuya Y. Surgically excising an intraoral schwannoma of the soft palate using a buccinator flap: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2018;49:17-20 Other symptoms were reported in the following frequency: dysphagia (n= 5) 1414 Amir R, Altman KW, Zaheer S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60(09):1069-1071 2323 Chawla O, North S, Yates JM. Schwannoma presenting in the soft palate of a nine-year-old boy. Dent Update 2011;38(05):327-328 2525 Dhupar A, Yadav S, Dhupar V. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A Rare Case. The Internet J Head Neck Surg [1937-819X]. 2010; 4: [about 4p.]. Available from: the-internet-journal-of-head-and-neck-surgery/volume-4-number-2/schwannoma-of-the-hard-palate-a-rare-case.html the...
3131 Venkatachala S, Krishnakumar R, Rubby SA. Soft palate schwannoma. Indian J Surg 2013;75(Suppl 1):319-321 4141 Yaga US, Mengji AK, Besta R, Gollamudi N. Rare case of palatal schwannoma: Case report and review of literature. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2015;27:484-487 dysphonia/garbled speech (n= 3) 1414 Amir R, Altman KW, Zaheer S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60(09):1069-1071 2525 Dhupar A, Yadav S, Dhupar V. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A Rare Case. The Internet J Head Neck Surg [1937-819X]. 2010; 4: [about 4p.]. Available from: the-internet-journal-of-head-and-neck-surgery/volume-4-number-2/schwannoma-of-the-hard-palate-a-rare-case.html the...
3535 Aboh IV, Chisci G, Cascino F, et al. Giant palatal schwannoma. J Craniofac Surg 2014;25(05):e418e20, dyspnea (n= 1) 3535 Aboh IV, Chisci G, Cascino F, et al. Giant palatal schwannoma. J Craniofac Surg 2014;25(05):e418e20, difficult mastication (n = 4) 1313 Krolls SO, McGinnis JP Jr, Quon D. Multinodular versus plexiform neurilemoma of the hard palate. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994;77(02):154-157 2323 Chawla O, North S, Yates JM. Schwannoma presenting in the soft palate of a nine-year-old boy. Dent Update 2011;38(05):327-328 2727 Shetty SR,Mishra C, Shetty P, Kaur A, Babu S. Palatal schwannoma in an elderly woman. Gerodontology 2012;29(02):e1133-e1135 5252 Khalele BA. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A case report and a systematic review of literature. Future Dental Journal 2018:1-6, occasional bleeding (n = 2) 1818 Murthy VA, Ramaswamy S, Sunita M. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Indian J OtolaryngolHeadNeck Surg 2009;61(Suppl 1):52-54 2525 Dhupar A, Yadav S, Dhupar V. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A Rare Case. The Internet J Head Neck Surg [1937-819X]. 2010; 4: [about 4p.]. Available from: the-internet-journal-of-head-and-neck-surgery/volume-4-number-2/schwannoma-of-the-hard-palate-a-rare-case.html the...
, foreign body sensation (n =1) 1414 Amir R, Altman KW, Zaheer S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60(09):1069-1071, difficulty in oral hygiene (n =1) 3535 Aboh IV, Chisci G, Cascino F, et al. Giant palatal schwannoma. J Craniofac Surg 2014;25(05):e418e20 and pharyngeal redness (n= 1) 5353 Murakami N, Fukuya Y. Surgically excising an intraoral schwannoma of the soft palate using a buccinator flap: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2018;49:17-20.

Clinically, most of the lesions were reported as nontender and/or firm/hard. Tenderness was elicited only twice2121 Isildak H, Yilmaz M, Ibrahimov M, Aslan M, Karaman E, Enver O. Schwannoma of the hard palate. J Craniofac Surg 2010;21(01):276-278 3737 Sahoo PK, Mandal PK, Ghosh S. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2014;5(01):39-41, while soft swelling on palpation was reported in four cases 1818 Murthy VA, Ramaswamy S, Sunita M. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Indian J OtolaryngolHeadNeck Surg 2009;61(Suppl 1):52-54 3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025 4343 Morgan GK, Packiaraj I, Rajan A, Rahman A. Rare case of schwannomain anterior palate. J Indian Acad Dent Spec Res. 2015;2:30-33 4444 Sicca C, Cistaro A, Quartuccio N, Sardo E, BerroneM. Correlation of MRI Pattern and Histological Features in a Schwannoma of the Soft Palate in a 13-Year-Old Girl. OMICS J Radiol 2015;4(01):177. Jones et al reported a cystic component in the lesion.1111 Jones JA, McWilliam LJ. Intraoral neurilemmoma (schwannoma): an unusual palatal swelling. Oral Surg OralMed Oral Pathol 1987;63(03):351-353 Most of the lesions had a healthy overlying mucosa without any obvious ulceration. Ulceration of the overlying mucosa was noted in seven other cases apart from present case.1313 Krolls SO, McGinnis JP Jr, Quon D. Multinodular versus plexiform neurilemoma of the hard palate. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994;77(02):154-157 2323 Chawla O, North S, Yates JM. Schwannoma presenting in the soft palate of a nine-year-old boy. Dent Update 2011;38(05):327-328 3030 Rahpeyma A, Jafarian AH, Khajeh Ahmadi S, Sarabadani J. A schwannoma of the soft palate in a child: histological and immunohistochemical features and surgical method. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2012;24(67):95-99 3131 Venkatachala S, Krishnakumar R, Rubby SA. Soft palate schwannoma. Indian J Surg 2013;75(Suppl 1):319-321 3434 Moradzadeh Khiavi M, Taghavi Zenouz A, Mesgarzadeh AH, Sabetmehr O, Mahmoudi SM, Kouhsoltani M. Schwannoma in the midline of hard palate: a case report and review of literature. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect 2014;8(02):114-117 3737 Sahoo PK, Mandal PK, Ghosh S. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2014;5(01):39-41 4444 Sicca C, Cistaro A, Quartuccio N, Sardo E, BerroneM. Correlation of MRI Pattern and Histological Features in a Schwannoma of the Soft Palate in a 13-Year-Old Girl. OMICS J Radiol 2015;4(01):177 The low frequency of ulceration reflects a good encapsulation of this tumor.

Of the histological variant, the conventional subtype dominated and was reported in 40 cases (87%). It was followed by plexiform-3,1313 Krolls SO, McGinnis JP Jr, Quon D. Multinodular versus plexiform neurilemoma of the hard palate. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994;77(02):154-157 2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321 2929 Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis I, Petousis A, Fiska A, Stavrianaki A. Plexiform (multinodular) schwannoma of soft palate. Report of a case. Folia Med (Plovdiv) 2012;54(03):62-64 ancient-2,3232 Gainza-Cirauqui ML, Eguía-Del Valle A, Martínez-Conde R, Coca- Meneses JC, Aguirre-Urizar JM. Ancient Schwannoma of the hard palate. An uncommon case report and review. J Clin Exp Dent 2013;5(01):e62-e65 4949 Vera-Sirera B, Fernades-Ciacha L, Floria LM, Vera-Sempere F. Palatal ancient schwannoma: optical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study with literature review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2017;274(12):4195-4202 and cellular variant- 1.4848 Poonja PA, Sattur AP, Burde KN, Hallikeri K, Anehosur VS. An unusual case of neural palatal swelling. Int J Health Sci (Qassim) 2017;11(03):71-73 Almost all of the cases with conventional phenotype exhibited Verocay bodies and a predominance of Antoni A areas over Antoni B areas. The additional presence of acute and chronic inflammatory infiltrate,2323 Chawla O, North S, Yates JM. Schwannoma presenting in the soft palate of a nine-year-old boy. Dent Update 2011;38(05):327-328 areas of hyalinization, and thin blood vessels with/without thrombus/fibrin,1111 Jones JA, McWilliam LJ. Intraoral neurilemmoma (schwannoma): an unusual palatal swelling. Oral Surg OralMed Oral Pathol 1987;63(03):351-353 2828 Prasanna Kumar D, Meghashri K. Schwannoma of the hard palate: a case report and review of literature. J Adv Oral Research. 2012;3:24-29 3030 Rahpeyma A, Jafarian AH, Khajeh Ahmadi S, Sarabadani J. A schwannoma of the soft palate in a child: histological and immunohistochemical features and surgical method. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2012;24(67):95-99 3131 Venkatachala S, Krishnakumar R, Rubby SA. Soft palate schwannoma. Indian J Surg 2013;75(Suppl 1):319-321 4646 Shi LL, Justicz N, Panella NJ, Henriquez OA. Soft Palate Schwannoma: A Rare Case of an Intraoral Mass. Ann. Clin Case Rep 2016;1:1057 and areas containing epithelioid cells have also been reported from cases with conventional phenotypes.4646 Shi LL, Justicz N, Panella NJ, Henriquez OA. Soft Palate Schwannoma: A Rare Case of an Intraoral Mass. Ann. Clin Case Rep 2016;1:1057 In one report, a note was made about the predominance of neurofibroma-like areas.2121 Isildak H, Yilmaz M, Ibrahimov M, Aslan M, Karaman E, Enver O. Schwannoma of the hard palate. J Craniofac Surg 2010;21(01):276-278

Various IHC staining were performed in 27 patients. S-100 staining was employed in all of the 27 amenable cases, and showed strong immunoreactivity in all of the employed cases. Other authors revealed varying degrees of positive immunoreactivity with different stains: vimentin,1515 Rabbels J, Scheer M, Heibel H, Wickenhauser C, Kübler AC. [Neurinoma of the hard palate in an 11-year-old girl. Case report]. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 2005;9(06):400-403 1919 Lollar KW, Pollak N, Liess BD, Miick R, Zitsch RP III. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Am J Otolaryngol 2010;31(02):139-140 4242 Karatas M, Sarikaya Y, Dogan S, Erdogdu IH, Bulut HT, Yücetas SC. A SlowGrowing Mass of Hard Palate: Schwannoma-Case Report. J Clin Med Case Reports. 2015;2(01):1-4 epithelial membrane antigen (EMA),2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321 4949 Vera-Sirera B, Fernades-Ciacha L, Floria LM, Vera-Sempere F. Palatal ancient schwannoma: optical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study with literature review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2017;274(12):4195-4202 SOX-10 (present case), neuron specific enolase (NSE),1515 Rabbels J, Scheer M, Heibel H, Wickenhauser C, Kübler AC. [Neurinoma of the hard palate in an 11-year-old girl. Case report]. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 2005;9(06):400-403 glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP),2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321 CD-56 and CD-57,2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321 and CD-34 and CD-117.4949 Vera-Sirera B, Fernades-Ciacha L, Floria LM, Vera-Sempere F. Palatal ancient schwannoma: optical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study with literature review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2017;274(12):4195-4202 Immunonegative results were noted with the following stains: actin,2121 Isildak H, Yilmaz M, Ibrahimov M, Aslan M, Karaman E, Enver O. Schwannoma of the hard palate. J Craniofac Surg 2010;21(01):276-278 neurofilament protein (NFP),2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321 5252 Khalele BA. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A case report and a systematic review of literature. Future Dental Journal 2018:1-6 smooth muscle antigen,3737 Sahoo PK, Mandal PK, Ghosh S. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2014;5(01):39-41 cytokeratin,4646 Shi LL, Justicz N, Panella NJ, Henriquez OA. Soft Palate Schwannoma: A Rare Case of an Intraoral Mass. Ann. Clin Case Rep 2016;1:1057 AE1/AE3,2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321 and Calponin.2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321

Various imaging modalities capable of revealing abnormal palatal morphologies were performed on 36 patients, including simple X-ray scan in 1, panoramic radiography (orthopantomogram [OPG]) in 6, maxillary occlusal radiography in 7, CT scan (with or without contrast) in 20, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 7, and positron emission tomography (PET) scan in 1 patient. The principal CT scan finding was an isodense-hypodense soft tissue lesion without any bony erosion/resorption. Partial/complete bony erosion was noted in 6 instances.1515 Rabbels J, Scheer M, Heibel H, Wickenhauser C, Kübler AC. [Neurinoma of the hard palate in an 11-year-old girl. Case report]. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 2005;9(06):400-403 1616 López-Carriches C, Baca-Pérez-Bryan R, Montalvo-Montero S. Schwannoma located in the palate: clinical case and literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14(09):e465-e468 3333 Chikhale NP, Mishra A, Patel RD, Chaturvedi UP, Jayalakshmi V, Cherian S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate: report of a case and review of literature. Int J Head Neck Surg 2013;4:123-125 3737 Sahoo PK, Mandal PK, Ghosh S. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2014;5(01):39-41 3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025 5151 Melo CA, Almeida-Júnior P, de Carvalho Melo AU, et al. Giant schwannoma of the hard palate: a literature review and report of an uncommon case. Gen Dent 2018;66(01):62-65 The lesion was seen eroding into the right maxillary sinus through the floor of the sinus in one case;1515 Rabbels J, Scheer M, Heibel H, Wickenhauser C, Kübler AC. [Neurinoma of the hard palate in an 11-year-old girl. Case report]. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 2005;9(06):400-403 while in another patient, the mass was seen invading the nasal cavity through the palatal bone.3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025 Orthopantomogramand maxillary occlusal radiography showed mostly a radiolucent lesion, without any bony alteration or periapical changes. In MRI exams, the mass appeared hypo-to-isointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images, in almost all of the cases. Small foci of central calcification were evident on MRI in one occasion.4040 Tibbetts KM, Cheng J. Pediatric palate schwannoma. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Extra 2014;9:122-124

With the exception of two cases, all of the lesions were treated with simple surgical removal, either with enucleation, with wide local excision with a good margin, or with a complete resection without incorporating a wide margin. The remaining two cases were treated by partial maxillectomy,3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025 and by en bloc resection.1212 Hieda T, Okina T, Wakae H, et al. A case of neurilemoma of the palate. Kurume Med J 1987;34(02):75-81 The defect was either closed primarily or was allowed to heal by secondary intention. Otherwise, large defects were closed with some form of prosthesis, splints, grafts or flaps. Reconstruction using buccinator myomucosal pedicle flap,3030 Rahpeyma A, Jafarian AH, Khajeh Ahmadi S, Sarabadani J. A schwannoma of the soft palate in a child: histological and immunohistochemical features and surgical method. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2012;24(67):95-99 5353 Murakami N, Fukuya Y. Surgically excising an intraoral schwannoma of the soft palate using a buccinator flap: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2018;49:17-20 split-thickness skin graft,3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025 palatal splint,2525 Dhupar A, Yadav S, Dhupar V. Schwannoma of the hard palate: A Rare Case. The Internet J Head Neck Surg [1937-819X]. 2010; 4: [about 4p.]. Available from: the-internet-journal-of-head-and-neck-surgery/volume-4-number-2/schwannoma-of-the-hard-palate-a-rare-case.html the...
and collagen sheet have been reported by various authors.1515 Rabbels J, Scheer M, Heibel H, Wickenhauser C, Kübler AC. [Neurinoma of the hard palate in an 11-year-old girl. Case report]. Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 2005;9(06):400-403 1717 Baliga M, Uppal N, Ramanathan A. Schwannomas of the head and neck: a case series. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2009;8(03):283-286

Preoperative fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was performed in 10 cases, while incisional biopsy was performed in 13 cases. Fine-needle aspiration cytology was inconclusive in almost all of the cases.

Postoperative follow-up was performed in 29 cases, and the follow-up duration ranged from 11 days to a decade. Recurrence was noted only once,1313 Krolls SO, McGinnis JP Jr, Quon D. Multinodular versus plexiform neurilemoma of the hard palate. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994;77(02):154-157 while none of the included cases reported malignant transformation.


Schwannoma is synonymous with neurinoma, neurilemmoma, and perineural fibroblastoma.2222 Santos PP, Freitas VS, Pinto LP, Freitas RA, de Souza LB. Clinicopathologic analysis of 7 cases of oral schwannoma and review of the literature. Ann Diagn Pathol 2010;14(04):235-239 It arises from cranial, peripheral, or autonomic nerves that contain Schwann cells. It never arises from cranial nerves I and II, since they lack Schwann cells.1616 López-Carriches C, Baca-Pérez-Bryan R, Montalvo-Montero S. Schwannoma located in the palate: clinical case and literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14(09):e465-e468 Sensory nerve is more common, with rare involvement of motor nerve.5454 Kawakami R, Kaneko T, Kadoya M, et al. Schwannoma in the sublingual space. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2004;33(04):259-261

About 25 to 45% of all schwannomas are found in the head and neck region, and only between 1 to 12% of them have an intraoral origin.77 Buric N, Jovanovic G, Pesic Z, et al. Mandible schwannoma (neurilemmoma) presenting as periapical lesion. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2009;38(03):178-181 88 Subhashraj K, Balanand S, Pajaniammalle S. Ancient schwannoma arising from mental nerve. A case report and review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14(01):E12-E14 99 Jahanshahi G, Haghighat A, Azmoodeh F. Intraosseous neurilemmoma of the mandible: report of a rare ancient type. Dent Res J (Isfahan) 2011;8(03):150-153 However, the palatal location is rare. In a review of 52 cases of schwannomas of the head and neck region, only 1 case of schwannoma over the hard palate was reported.5555 LeuYS,ChangKC. Extracranialheadandneckschwannomas:a review of 8 years experience. Acta Otolaryngol 2002;122(04):435-437 A review of the literature on oral, as well as on head and neck schwannomas, showed varying results about the gender predilection of the tumor. Williams et al showed a male predominance of the tumor; for Lucas et al, there was a greater predilection for females,5656 WilliamsHK, CannellH, Silvester K,Williams DM. Neurilemmoma of the head and neck. Br J OralMaxillofac Surg 1993;31(01):32-35 5757 Lucas RB. Pathology of tumors of the oral tissue. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone; 1984 while other authors reported no gender predilection.5858 Hatziotia JC, Asprides H. Neurilemoma (schwannoma) or the oral cavity. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1967;24(04):510-526 5959 Enzinger IM,Weiss SW. Soft Tissue Tumours. 3rd ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 1995:821-850 Although reported in all age groups, schwannomas are more common in the 2nd and 3rd decades of life.2121 Isildak H, Yilmaz M, Ibrahimov M, Aslan M, Karaman E, Enver O. Schwannoma of the hard palate. J Craniofac Surg 2010;21(01):276-278

Intraoral and palatal schwannomas are mostly solitary lesions.3434 Moradzadeh Khiavi M, Taghavi Zenouz A, Mesgarzadeh AH, Sabetmehr O, Mahmoudi SM, Kouhsoltani M. Schwannoma in the midline of hard palate: a case report and review of literature. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect 2014;8(02):114-117 Multiple nerve schwannomas require evaluation for Von-Reklinghausen disease, while bilateral vestibular schwannomas raise suspicion for neurofibromatosis-II.3030 Rahpeyma A, Jafarian AH, Khajeh Ahmadi S, Sarabadani J. A schwannoma of the soft palate in a child: histological and immunohistochemical features and surgical method. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2012;24(67):95-99 The majority of palatal schwannomas have been reported on the lateral aspect of the palate.

Based on its location, schwannomas have been classified either as central (bone) or peripheral (soft tissue) type. The tumor may arise centrally in the bone, may arise within the nutrient canal, or a soft tissue tumor may secondarily erode into the bony tissue.6060 de Lacerda SA, Brentegani LG, Rosa AL, Vespúcio MVO, Salata LA. Intraosseous schwannoma ofmandibular symphysis: case report. Braz Dent J 2006;17(03):255-258 There are two clinical forms of oral schwannomas: the encapsulated form, surrounded by dense fibrous connective tissue, and the pediculate/nonencapsulated form, in which the tumor is located just below the mucous membrane.6161 Hribernik SJ, Gould AR, Alpert B, Jones JL. Well-circumscribed mass of the lateral floor of themouth. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1992;50(07):741-746

Although the etiology of schwannomas is unknown, trauma is considered to be an unclear etiological cause.22 Pfeifle R, Baur DA, Paulino A, Helman J. Schwannoma of the tongue: report of 2 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001;59(07):802-804 There are various theories about its onset: 1) ectodermal tumor derived from Schwann cells; and 2) mesodermal tumor arising from the perineurium.3838 Kudoh M, Harada H, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Omura K, Ishii Y. Massive Neurilemoma of the Hard Plate in Which Preoperative Diagnosis Was Difficult. Case Rep Surg 2015;2015:638025

Most of the cases are asymptomatic, while most of the lesions are slow-growing. A sudden increase in size may be due to internal hemorrhage.1616 López-Carriches C, Baca-Pérez-Bryan R, Montalvo-Montero S. Schwannoma located in the palate: clinical case and literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14(09):e465-e468 The clinical presentation depends upon the site of the tumor, the size of the tumor, and upon the anatomy of the affected nerve.3232 Gainza-Cirauqui ML, Eguía-Del Valle A, Martínez-Conde R, Coca- Meneses JC, Aguirre-Urizar JM. Ancient Schwannoma of the hard palate. An uncommon case report and review. J Clin Exp Dent 2013;5(01):e62-e65

There are four major histological types of schwannoma: conventional, plexiform, cellular, and ancient variant. According to Erlandson, schwannomas are classified into seven subtypes: conventional, cellular, plexiform, cranial nerve, melanotic, ancient, and granular cell schwannomas.6262 Erlandson RA. Peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Ultrastruct Pathol 1985;9(1-2):113-122 However, they have mainly two distinct histological patterns: Antoni types A and B. Antoni patterns were first described by Prof. Nils Ragnar Eugene Antoni. Antoni A areas consist of a hypercellular proliferation of fusiform cells, often arranged in a palisading pattern around a central acellular eosinophilic area known as Verocay bodies, while Antoni B areas are hypocellular and less organized.

The conventional variant consists mostly of Antoni A areas and Verocay bodies, with the occasional presence of Antoni B areas. The additional presence of acute/chronic inflammatory infiltrate, areas of hyalinization, and thin vessels containing thrombin are noted in the conventional variant.2222 Santos PP, Freitas VS, Pinto LP, Freitas RA, de Souza LB. Clinicopathologic analysis of 7 cases of oral schwannoma and review of the literature. Ann Diagn Pathol 2010;14(04):235-239 The cellular variant is characterized by a marked increase in cellularity, with a compact arrangement of spindle cells in fascicles, variable nuclear hyperchromasia and pleomorphism, lack of Verocay bodies, and a predominance of Antoni A areas.4848 Poonja PA, Sattur AP, Burde KN, Hallikeri K, Anehosur VS. An unusual case of neural palatal swelling. Int J Health Sci (Qassim) 2017;11(03):71-73 6464 Oh JE, Choi YW, Choi HY, Myung KB. A case of cellular schwannoma of the lower lip. Korean J Dermatol 2008;46:1282-1284 The cellular variant, due to the increased mitotic activity and to the high potential for body destruction, is often confused with sarcoma.6565 Woodruff JM, Godwin TA, Erlandson RA, Susin M, Martini N. Cellular schwannoma: a variety of schwannoma sometimes mistaken for a malignant tumor. Am J Surg Pathol 1981;5(08):733-744

The ancient variant is characterized by degenerative changes, such as calcification, mild pleomorphism and bizarre nuclei, microcyst formation, dilated vessels, and hemorrhagic phenomena. Some authors believe that the absence of symptoms and the long history of the lesion are the probable cause of transformation into an ancient variant.3232 Gainza-Cirauqui ML, Eguía-Del Valle A, Martínez-Conde R, Coca- Meneses JC, Aguirre-Urizar JM. Ancient Schwannoma of the hard palate. An uncommon case report and review. J Clin Exp Dent 2013;5(01):e62-e65 The plexiform type consists of both Antoni A and B regions with prominent Verocay bodies, like the conventional variant; however, the Schwann cells show a nodular arrangement with capsular delineation.2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321

Immunohistochemistry is important to distinguish schwannoma from other close differentials, and can aid in its diagnosis; however, it is not mandatory to confirm the diagnosis. S-100 is undoubtedly the first immunostaining that comes into mind when dealing with suspected peripheral nerve tumors. Both schwannomas and neurofibromas show moderate to strong reactivity to S-100. However, S-100 has low specificity for diagnosing peripheral nerve cell tumors. One study has found Sox-10 to be more sensitive and specific than S-100 for peripheral nerve tumors.6666 Nonaka D, Chiriboga L, Rubin BP. Sox10: a pan-schwannian and melanocytic marker. Am J Surg Pathol 2008;32(09):1291-1298 Diffuse staining with CD-34 is seen in neurofibromas, while schwannomas only occasionally show some focal staining in noncellular (Antoni-B) areas. Calretinin staining is found to be highly specific for schwannoma and useful in differentiating it from neurofibroma.6767 Fine SW, McClain SA, Li M. Immunohistochemical staining for calretinin is useful for differentiating schwannomas from neurofibromas. Am J Clin Pathol 2004;122(04):552-559 6868 Park JY, Park H, Park NJ, Park JS, Sung HJ, Lee SS. Use of Calretinin, CD56, and CD34 for Differential Diagnosis of Schwannoma and Neurofibroma. J Pathol Transl Med 2011;45(01):30-35 Intensive staining with CD-57 is noted in traumatic neuromas.6969 Chrysomali E, Papanicolaou SI, Dekker NP, Regezi JA. Benign neural tumors of the oral cavity: a comparative immunohistochemical study. Oral Surg OralMed Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1997;84(04):381-390 Schwannomas also stain positive with Leu-7antigen, GFAP, and vimentin.1818 Murthy VA, Ramaswamy S, Sunita M. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Indian J OtolaryngolHeadNeck Surg 2009;61(Suppl 1):52-54 The presence of axons in palisaded encapsulated neuroma (PEN) and, therefore, positive staining with NFP, distinguishes it from schwannomas.7070 Chauvin PJ, Wysocki GP, Daley TD, Pringle GA. Palisaded encapsulated neuroma of oral mucosa. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1992;73(01):71-74 Staining with AE1/AE3 and with calponin can help rule out salivary gland tumors.2424 dos Santos JN, Silva Gurgel CA, Gonçalves Ramos EA, Pereira Júnior FB, Crusoé-Rebello IM, Campos Oliveira M. Plexiform schwannoma mimicking a salivary gland tumor: an unusual case report in pediatric patient. Int J Pediatr Otorhi. 2011;6:317-321

The major differentials are benign salivary gland tumors, benign peripheral nerve tumors (neurofibroma, traumatic neuroma, and PEN), other benign mesenchymal tumors (lipoma and hemangiomas), and odontogenic tumors. Salivary gland tumors are the most common differential in our review, and were considered in 25 cases (54.3%).

Imaging modalities such as CT and MRI are useful during the initial workup to know the extent of the tumor, to delineate any bony erosion, to identify the nerve of origin, and to narrow the differentials.1414 Amir R, Altman KW, Zaheer S. Neurilemmoma of the hard palate. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60(09):1069-1071 1616 López-Carriches C, Baca-Pérez-Bryan R, Montalvo-Montero S. Schwannoma located in the palate: clinical case and literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2009;14(09):e465-e468 1919 Lollar KW, Pollak N, Liess BD, Miick R, Zitsch RP III. Schwannoma of the hard palate. Am J Otolaryngol 2010;31(02):139-140 2121 Isildak H, Yilmaz M, Ibrahimov M, Aslan M, Karaman E, Enver O. Schwannoma of the hard palate. J Craniofac Surg 2010;21(01):276-278 Yamazaki et al reported a case of a rapid growing lesion which was found in MRI to be originating from the mental nerve; therefore, the imaging exam assisted in the preoperative diagnosis of a peripheral nerve tumor that was otherwise considered a malignant lesion.7171 Yamazaki H, Kaneko A, Ota Y, Tsukinoki K. Schwannoma of the mental nerve: usefulness ofpreoperative imaging: a case report.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97(01):122-126 Schwannomas mostly appear iso- to hypointense on T1-weighted MRI images and hyperintense on T2-weighed MRI images. Computed tomography scans generally show a well-circumscribed, soft tissue lesion without any bony erosion. However, schwannomas can occasionally cause pressure erosion of the bone.4242 Karatas M, Sarikaya Y, Dogan S, Erdogdu IH, Bulut HT, Yücetas SC. A SlowGrowing Mass of Hard Palate: Schwannoma-Case Report. J Clin Med Case Reports. 2015;2(01):1-4 7272 Colreavy MP, Lacy PD, Hughes J, et al. Head and neck schwannomas- a 10 year review. J Laryngol Otol 2000;114(02):119-124 The proportion of Antoni-A and B areas has been reported to have a significant influence on the imaging findings. Gomez-Brouchet et al reported that vestibular schwannomas with a homogeneous appearance on MRI were predominantly made of Antoni-A tissues, while those with heterogeneous/cystic features were predominantly composed of Antoni-B/mixed tissues.7373 Gomez-Brouchet A, Delisle MB, Cognard C, et al. Vestibular schwannomas: correlations between magnetic resonance imaging and histopathologic appearance. Otol Neurotol 2001;22(01):79-86

The therapy of choice consists of complete surgical removal. Schwannomas do not recur if they are completely removed. Only one case of benign palatal schwannoma has been found to recur after excision.1313 Krolls SO, McGinnis JP Jr, Quon D. Multinodular versus plexiform neurilemoma of the hard palate. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994;77(02):154-157 Malignant transformation of head and neck schwannomas are exceedingly unusual, although it has been reported.7474 Ghosh BC, Ghosh L, Huvos AG, Fortner JG. Malignant schwannoma. A clinicopathologic study. Cancer 1973;31(01):184-190 7575 Bansal R, Trivedi P, Patel S. Schwannoma of the tongue. Oral Oncology EXTRA. 2005;41(02):15-17

Final Comments

There is barely any paper in the literature focusing extensively on palatal schwannomas, and tackling this benign tumor as an individual entity. Despite divergent inferences from different articles, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Predominance in females, and involvement of the hard palate is twice the involvement of the soft palate.

  • Although reported in all age groups, schwannomas commonly present during the 2nd or 3rd decades of life.

  • Slow-growing tumor with a mean lesion duration of 25.63 months.

  • Mostly present on the lateral aspect of the palate, with occasional reports of midpalatal or panpalatal lesions.

  • Almost always a solitary tumor, presenting as a painless, nontender, and firm swelling.

  • The conventional variant is the most common histological phenotype.

  • Imaging can add to suspicion and can delineate a differential diagnosis, but the diagnosis is confirmed by pathological examination.

  • Benign tumor of the salivary gland is the most common clinical differential.

  • Fine-needle aspiration cytology is mostly inconclusive. Immunohistochemistry can assist in confirming a diagnosis, but is more helpful to rule out close differentials.

  • Complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice.

  • Recurrence and malignant transformation are extremely rare.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 Oct 2019
  • Date of issue
    Jul-Sep 2019


  • Received
    22 Mar 2019
  • Accepted
    13 Apr 2019
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