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Biological, physical fitness and motor coordination profile and its associations with the performance of practitioners of rhythmic gymnastics at sports initiation: a systematic review

Perfil biológico, de aptidão física e de coordenação motora e suas associações com o desempenho de praticantes de ginástica rítmica em iniciação esportiva: uma revisão sistemática


Describing the biological, physical fitness and motor coordination profile and its possible associations of these variables with the performance on rhythmic gymnastics (RG) of practitioners of sports initiation. Systematic search of articles carried out from the 20th to the 23rd of July, 2022, on three databases: 1) PubMed; 2) SportDiscus and 3) Google Scholar. The search was conducted through an advanced research tool, from the constructing of descriptors and keywords related to the theme. The selection of descriptors and keywords was performed through consensus of published sources (original and of systematic review articles) and inserted in English language in each database. 10 articles were included in the descriptive summary of data. The greatest part of these studies is of female practitioners, having the data collection in its majority in the European region. The profile of beginner gymnasts was characterized by low values for BMI, BF%, high values for stature, high indexes of flexibility, explosive strength, motor coordination and balance. Flexibility, explosive strength, muscular endurance and high levels of motor coordination were the variables which most presented positive associations with the performance on RG. The values of body mass and skin folds presented a predictive negative power on the success of RG movements. The impact of different variables on the beginner gymnasts’ performance evidences the necessity of working physical and motor components in a way that it supports the objects of development of each practitioner considering the biological, physical and motor aspects.

Key words:
Gymnastics; Initiation; Performance


Descrever o perfil biológico, de aptidão física e de coordenação motora e compreender as possíveis associações entre essas variáveis com o desempenho na ginástica rítmica (GR) de praticantes de iniciação esportiva. Busca sistemática dos artigos realizada de 20 a 23 de julho de 2022 em três bases de dados: 1) PubMed; 2) SportDiscus e 3) Google Scholar. A busca foi realizada mediante ferramenta de pesquisa avançada, a partir da construção de descritores e palavras-chave relacionadas à temática. A seleção dos descritores e palavras-chave foi realizada por meio de consenso em fontes publicadas (artigos originais e de revisão sistemática) e inseridas na língua inglesa em todas base de dados. 10 artigos foram incluídos na síntese descritiva dos dados. A maior parte destes estudos eram com praticantes do sexo feminino, com coleta de dados realizados na sua maioria na região Europeia. O perfil das ginastas iniciantes foi caracterizado por baixos valores para IMC, %GC, altos valores para estatura, altos índices de flexibilidade, força explosiva, coordenação motora e equilíbrio. A flexibilidade, a força explosiva, a resistência muscular e altos níveis de coordenação motora foram as variáveis que mais apresentaram associações positivas com o desempenho na GR. Já os valores de massa corporal e dobras cutâneas apresentam um poder preditivo negativo no sucesso dos movimentos da GR. O impacto de diferentes variáveis no desempenho de ginastas iniciantes, evidencia a necessidade de trabalhar componentes físicos e motores de modo que atenda os objetos de desenvolvimento de cada praticante considerando os aspectos biológicos, físicos e motores

Ginástica; Iniciação; Performance


The sports formation is a phenomenon that presents different stages and it happens throughout one’s life, which can result in experiences that stimulate and keep the subjects active from childhood to adult life11 Silva RMP, Galatti LR, Paes RR. Pedagogia do esporte e iniciação esportiva tardia: perspectivas a partir da modalidade basquetebol. Pensar Prát 2010;13(1):1-15.. The sports initiation (SI) is the first phase of this formation in which basic aspects of one or more modalities are taught and learnt in a specific or planned way aiming the development as a whole, without necessarily driving them to competitions22 Santana WC. Uma proposta pedagógica para o futsal na infância. Rev Virtual EFArtigos 2005;3(4):1-9..

It is known that SI has been a broad discussion on distinctive sports including Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG)33 Caçola P. A iniciação esportiva na ginástica rítmica. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte Lazer Dança 2007;2(1):9-15.. RG is a modality of interest for SI, for it presents movements and abilities very close to the corporal culture found in children’s playing33 Caçola P. A iniciação esportiva na ginástica rítmica. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte Lazer Dança 2007;2(1):9-15., besides contributing to the development of physical and motor abilities44 Toledo E. Fundamentos da ginástica rítmica. In: Nunomura M, Tsukamoto MGC, organizadores. Fundamentos das ginásticas. Jundiaí: Fontoura; 2009. p.143-72.. This sport is characterized for being aesthetic, in which the size and body structure contribute significantly to the practitioner’s performance55 Radaš J, Bobić TT. Posture in top-level croatian rhythmic. Kinesiology 2011;43(1):64-73.. In this context, the term performance refers to a gymnast or group accomplish in a physical, technical shape together with psychological strength with the maximum efficiency possible66 Purenović-Ivanović T, Popović R, Moskovljević L. The contribution of pubertal development to performance scores in high-level rhythmic gymnasts. Acta Gymn 2017;47(3):122-9.
. The ideal development is the result of a complex interaction of several factors77 Claessens AL, Lefevre J, Beunen G, Malina RM. The contribution of anthropometric characteristics to performance scores in elite female gymnasts. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1999;39(4):355-60. PMid:10726438..

Studies on SI suggest that the main morphologic characteristics which describe the beginner gymnasts’ profile are: low values for BMI and BF% and high values for stature88 Genc H, Cigerci AE. The effect of gymnastics training on anthropometric, somatotype and some performance characteristics in preschool girls. Progr Nutr 2020;22(2):547-54.,99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
. The performance on RG, with or without the use of apparatus, is positively related with the flexibility level, explosive power and parameters of pubertal development of beginner practitioners1010 Kolarec M, Horvatin-Fuckar M, Radas J. Correlation between motor skills and performance evaluation of ball routine elements in rhythmic gymnastics. Acta Kinesiol 2013;1:85-9.

11 Menezes LS, Novaes J, Fernandes-Filho J. Qualidades físicas de atletas e praticantes de ginástica rítmica pré e pós-púberes. Rev Salud Publica 2012;14(2):238-47. PMid:23250367.

12 Moskovljević L. The relations between certain motor abilities and success in rhythmic gymnastics in the students of different genders. Fiz Kult 2016;70(2):155-63.
-1313 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
. High levels of general coordination, rhythm coordination, levels of balance and agility are also associated positively with the performance on this modality in the SI1212 Moskovljević L. The relations between certain motor abilities and success in rhythmic gymnastics in the students of different genders. Fiz Kult 2016;70(2):155-63.

13 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
-1414 Giurka G. Research of the coordination abilities in rhythmic gymnastics. Pamukkale J Sport Sci 2018;9(2):1-6..

Although there is an extensive number of articles focused on the association of variables with performance on RG, it is verified a low number of researches which investigate the variables that describe and determine performance levels of children/adolescents in the scope of SI. Great part of the studies found in literature are directed to elite athletes1515 Donti O, Bogdanis GC, Kritikou M, Donti A, Theodorakou K. The relative contribution of physical fitness to the technical execution score in youth rhythmic gymnastics. J Hum Kinet 2016;51(1):143-52. PMid:28149377.

16 Batista A, Garganta R, Ávila-Carvalho L. Flexibility and functional asymmetry in rhythmic gymnastics. Athens J Sports 2019;6(2):77-94.
-1717 Dimitrova A, Ivanova-Pandourska IY. Body composition characteristics in Bulgarian rhythmic gymnasts. Acta Morphol Anthropol 2019;26(3-4):88-93.. Furthermore, it is highlighted the scarcity of reviews which better comprehend the concordance or not among the existing studies aiming the description of these gymnasts’ profile and the possible association of individual variables with performance. It is from this knowledge that teachers and coaches can identify and suggest movements with components that really affect the RG practice1818 Douda HT, Toubekis AG, Avloniti AA, Tokmakidis SP. Physiological and anthropometric determinants of rhythmic gymnastics performance. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2008;3(1):41-54. PMid:19193953.

Thus, the objectives of this systematic review are: (i) to describe the biological characteristics (anthropometric, body composition and maturation), physical fitness characteristics (explosive strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, aerobic endurance and agility) and motor coordination characteristics (balance, rhythm, strength, laterality and speed) of children/adolescents practitioners of RG in the SI; (ii) analyze which are the associations among the biological characteristics (anthropometric, body composition and maturation), physical fitness characteristics (explosive strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, aerobic endurance and agility) and motor coordination characteristics (balance, rhythm, strength, laterality and speed) with the performance of children/adolescents on RG, in the SI.


The report of this review is in agreement with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA)1919 Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ 2021;372(71):n71. PMid:33782057..

Sources of information

The systematic search of the articles was carried out from the 20th to the 23rd of July, 2022 on three databases: 1) Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), through PubMed; 2) SportDiscus, through the platform EBSCOhost and 3) Google Scholar.

Search strategy, descriptors and keywords

The search for articles on the databases was conducted through an advanced research tool, from the constructing of descriptors and keywords related to the theme. The selection of descriptors and keywords was performed through consensus of published sources (original and of systematic review articles) and inserted in English language in every database.

Overall, five descriptors and keywords were defined. The first one was composed by the population of interest in this study: gymnasts”. The second one was composed by the terms related to performance: “performance”. The third one by terms related to the sport of interest: “rhythmic gymnastics”. The fourth one composed by terms related to SI: “initiation”. And the fifth one composed by the term related to the sample level: “novices”.

The operator “AND” was used to relate the blocks of keywords/descriptors among themselves. In addition, quotation marks were used on compound words and to search for exact terms or expressions.

Eligibility criteria

The inclusion criteria were: a) studies with cross-sectional, longitudinal or intervention design which described the profile of RG practitioners in initiation groups related to individual characteristics (biological variables, physical fitness and motor coordination); b) studies with cross-sectional, longitudinal or intervention design which made association of any variable related to individual characteristics (biological variables, physical fitness and motor coordination) with any performance variable on RG in initiation groups; c) population composed by beginner gymnasts, children or adolescents (age range from 6 to 19 years); d) studies published in English, Portuguese or Spanish language.

Exclusion criteria

The exclusion criteria were: a) theses, dissertations, monographs, abstracts, book chapters, conferences, review or point of view articles, validation and/or reproducibility articles; b) children/adolescents diagnosed with acute or chronic diseases, physical or intellectual disability; c) studies aiming eating disorders, injuries, bone densities, psychological issues or biomechanical issues; e) articles without access and incomplete.

Studies selection

Two reviewers (1st and 2nd author) examined independently each database. After extracting the articles from the database, it was applied the exclusion of duplicates and reading the titles and abstracts. Subsequently, the complete texts of the articles were read in full, to select possible eligible studies for this review. Furthermore, it was conducted a search in the references of selected studies, to identify other studies for this review, not identified in the systematic search. The disagreements between both reviewers were solved in a consensus meeting. The opinion of a third reviewer (3rd author) was consulted for non-solved disagreements. The Mendeley reference manager was used to organize the systematic review.

Data extraction

The data were extracted by two independent reviewers. There were extracted information such as: authors, year of publication, country of the data, type of study, age range, sample size, objectives, assessment of the individual variables associated with performance on RG and/or assessment of an individual variable that describes the gymnast profile, assessment of performance variables on RG, main statistical analysis, summary of the results of the association with performance on RG and/or summary of the results of the individual variable that describes the gymnast profile and co-variables used in the analysis.

Risk of bias

The assessment of the risk of bias of the articles was conducted by two researchers independently (1st and 2nd author). In case of disagreement, it was required the opinion of a third researcher (3rd author). For the assessment, it was used the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies, by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH)2020 NHLBI: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [Internet]. Bethesda: NHLBI; c2021 [cited 2022 Nov 11]. Available from:
. The tool criteria included inquiries that aided in the identification of possible risk of bias as to the research problem, population studied, recruited groups, eligibility criteria, sample size, assessed exposure, time-length in relation to the expected effect, interest exposure levels, measures of exposure and assessment, blindness in the assessment of the results, follow-up rate and statistical analysis2020 NHLBI: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [Internet]. Bethesda: NHLBI; c2021 [cited 2022 Nov 11]. Available from:

To each criterium assessed, it was attributed a “yes”, “no”, “not reported” or “not applied”. The final score was calculated based on the number of positive responses. The used calculation was the total of valid questions subtracted from the number of questions answered by “no”, “not reported” or “not applied”. The study score can receive whole value from 1 to 142020 NHLBI: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [Internet]. Bethesda: NHLBI; c2021 [cited 2022 Nov 11]. Available from:
(Table 1).

Table 1
Assessment of methodological quality/risk of bias of the inserted studies (n=10).


The initial search of articles on the data bases registered a total of 431 studies. After reading the titles and abstracts, 28 articles were considered eligible for reading in full. The studies were screened and the following reasons for exclusion were identified: a) were not of RG practitioners; b) were not of beginner gymnasts; c) were not children/adolescents of age range of 6 to 19 years; d) did not present association of individual variables (biological, physical fitness or coordination) with the performance on RG or did not describe the RG practitioners’ profile. Subsequent to this stage, 19 articles were excluded, remaining 9 articles. One study was identified by the citations in the studies included via databases. Overall, 10 studies were included for the descriptive summary (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Flowchart of studies of association of the variables related to individual characteristics with the variable of performance on RG and/or description of RG practitioners’ profile related to individual characteristics.

General characteristics of the studies

In relation to location of the studies, 8 of the 10 articles selected were carried out in Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Serbia and Turkey), 1 in Asia (Indonesia) and 1 in South America (Brazil). Of all the articles, the main common characteristic was of the practitioners were of the female gender. Half of the studies adopted the cross-section type of study and half opted for the intervention type (Table 2).

Table 2
General characteristic of the selected studies (n = 10).

In general, the studies assessed samples from 16 to 127 RG practitioners aging from 6 to 19 years. Thus, 6 studies investigated children (up to 10 years), 4 investigated adolescents (from 10 to 19 years) (Table 2).

As to purposes, the majority of the studies aimed to determine the influence of physical fitness, motor coordination and biological characteristics on performance of RG1313 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
,2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43.

22 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.

23 Šebić-Zuhrić L, Tabaković M, Hmjelovjec I, Atiković A. Predictive values of morphological characteristics in rhythmic gymnastics. Kinesiology 2008;5(1-2):45-50.
-2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.,2727 Kezić A, Miletić D, Lujan I. Motor learning in rhythmic gymnastics: influence of fundamental movement skills. Acta Kinesiol 2018;12(2):20-8.. Three studies verified the effect of a RG specific training on the biological characteristics, on physical fitness, on motor coordination and on performance on RG88 Genc H, Cigerci AE. The effect of gymnastics training on anthropometric, somatotype and some performance characteristics in preschool girls. Progr Nutr 2020;22(2):547-54.,2525 Schemberger PG, Lourenço MRA. Avaliação da flexibilidade em atletas iniciantes de ginástica rítmica. Horizon 2017;4(8):9-16.,2626 Tincea RM. Analysys of static balances in rhythmic gymnastics in children aged between 6 to 8 years. Bull Transilv Univ Bras 2020;13(62):93-100.
. And one study assessed the influence of RG practice on physical fitness and biological characteristics of gymnasts, as well as it associated the biological variables with performance of physical fitness99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
(Table 2).

In relation to risk of bias (Table 1), there were no maximum values, having the study presented a score between 4 and 10 of a total of 14. The exception is the study2727 Kezić A, Miletić D, Lujan I. Motor learning in rhythmic gymnastics: influence of fundamental movement skills. Acta Kinesiol 2018;12(2):20-8., which obtained a score of 10.

A total of 2 studies described the gymnasts’ profile, 6 associated the individual variables with performance on RG and 2 described the profile and associated it with performance.

Flexibility was the most assessed variable to describe the gymnasts’ profile88 Genc H, Cigerci AE. The effect of gymnastics training on anthropometric, somatotype and some performance characteristics in preschool girls. Progr Nutr 2020;22(2):547-54.,99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
,2525 Schemberger PG, Lourenço MRA. Avaliação da flexibilidade em atletas iniciantes de ginástica rítmica. Horizon 2017;4(8):9-16.,2626 Tincea RM. Analysys of static balances in rhythmic gymnastics in children aged between 6 to 8 years. Bull Transilv Univ Bras 2020;13(62):93-100.
. Two studies also assessed the explosive strength and biological characteristics88 Genc H, Cigerci AE. The effect of gymnastics training on anthropometric, somatotype and some performance characteristics in preschool girls. Progr Nutr 2020;22(2):547-54.,99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
. And one study assessed, besides flexibility, muscular endurance and balance2626 Tincea RM. Analysys of static balances in rhythmic gymnastics in children aged between 6 to 8 years. Bull Transilv Univ Bras 2020;13(62):93-100.
(Table 3). According to the results, the main biological characteristics that describe the beginner gymnasts’ profile are low values for BMI, BF% and high stature88 Genc H, Cigerci AE. The effect of gymnastics training on anthropometric, somatotype and some performance characteristics in preschool girls. Progr Nutr 2020;22(2):547-54.,99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
. In relation to the variables of physical fitness there were found high indexes for flexibility and explosive strength in comparison to non-practitioners in the post-test, as effect of a training period on RG88 Genc H, Cigerci AE. The effect of gymnastics training on anthropometric, somatotype and some performance characteristics in preschool girls. Progr Nutr 2020;22(2):547-54.,99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
,2525 Schemberger PG, Lourenço MRA. Avaliação da flexibilidade em atletas iniciantes de ginástica rítmica. Horizon 2017;4(8):9-16.. On motor coordination, it was verified a significant evolution superior to 95% in balance ability2626 Tincea RM. Analysys of static balances in rhythmic gymnastics in children aged between 6 to 8 years. Bull Transilv Univ Bras 2020;13(62):93-100.
(Table 3).

Table 3
Descriptive characteristics of the gymnasts’ profile and of the association between individual variables and performance in RG (n = 10).

To verify the association with performance, flexibility, explosive strength and muscular endurance were the most assessed variable for RG1313 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
,2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43.,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.,2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.,2626 Tincea RM. Analysys of static balances in rhythmic gymnastics in children aged between 6 to 8 years. Bull Transilv Univ Bras 2020;13(62):93-100.
followed by agility1313 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
,2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43.,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.,2727 Kezić A, Miletić D, Lujan I. Motor learning in rhythmic gymnastics: influence of fundamental movement skills. Acta Kinesiol 2018;12(2):20-8. (Table 3). Regarding the biological characteristics, body mass, triceps skinfold and stature were the main assessed measures99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.

23 Šebić-Zuhrić L, Tabaković M, Hmjelovjec I, Atiković A. Predictive values of morphological characteristics in rhythmic gymnastics. Kinesiology 2008;5(1-2):45-50.
-2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605. (Table 2). In relation to the motor coordination, the majority of the studies assessed the general coordination, movement frequency and balance to verify possible association with performance1313 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
,2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43.,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.,2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.,2727 Kezić A, Miletić D, Lujan I. Motor learning in rhythmic gymnastics: influence of fundamental movement skills. Acta Kinesiol 2018;12(2):20-8. (Table 3).

The results evidenced a positive relation between performance on RG of beginner practitioners with flexibility, explosive strength and muscular endurance on RG1313 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
,2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43.,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.,2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.,2626 Tincea RM. Analysys of static balances in rhythmic gymnastics in children aged between 6 to 8 years. Bull Transilv Univ Bras 2020;13(62):93-100.
. The values for body mass and skinfold presented a statistically negative predictive power on the success of the RG movements99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.

23 Šebić-Zuhrić L, Tabaković M, Hmjelovjec I, Atiković A. Predictive values of morphological characteristics in rhythmic gymnastics. Kinesiology 2008;5(1-2):45-50.
-2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.. It is also highlighted the positive association of high levels of motor coordination and coordination on rhythm2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43., as well as levels of balance and agility1212 Moskovljević L. The relations between certain motor abilities and success in rhythmic gymnastics in the students of different genders. Fiz Kult 2016;70(2):155-63.
,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25. with performance on RG. Still in relation to performance of practitioners with apparatus (rope, bow, ball and ribbon), bilateral coordination, coordination of lower limbs, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, running speed, agility and strength were significant predictors2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.,2727 Kezić A, Miletić D, Lujan I. Motor learning in rhythmic gymnastics: influence of fundamental movement skills. Acta Kinesiol 2018;12(2):20-8. (Table 3).


The present systematic review accomplished a descriptive summary of the findings of 10 studies aiming to describe the RG practitioners’ profile and analyze what the variables associated to performance on RG in the SI are. It is highlighted: 1) beginner gymnasts’ profile is characterized mainly by low values for BMI and BF%, high stature and high indexes of flexibility and explosive strength of lower limbs; 2) performance on RG was directly associated to individual variables, overall, for flexibility, explosive strength and muscular endurance with a positive relation; body mass and skin folds with negative power predictor; high levels of agility, balance and motor coordination; 3) the prevalence of physical fitness in the results of the studies as in the description of the gymnasts’ profile as in the associations with performance; 4) existence of studies in the SI with children/adolescents; 5) half of the studies aiming cross-section studies and half aiming intervention studies; 6) low methodological quality of the studies.

RG is a sport which beauty features cause great appreciation of the public. Subsequently, the public creates stereotypes to the gymnasts’ body, associating them to symmetrical, harmonic bodies, linked to a classic aesthetic2525 Schemberger PG, Lourenço MRA. Avaliação da flexibilidade em atletas iniciantes de ginástica rítmica. Horizon 2017;4(8):9-16.. Such association influences the profile of children/adolescents who seek the practice of SI on RG, justifying the results of this research in which beginner gymnasts are characterized by low values of BMI and BF%, and high stature. These are girls of initiation classes, in which the time-length of practice, differently from elite gymnasts, does not exercise such great influence on the body biological characteristics2828 Kums T, Ereline J, Gapeyeva H, Pääsuke M. Vertical jumping performance in young rhythmic gymnasts. Biol Sport 2005;22(3):237-46.. The anthropometric view of RG with characteristics of tall, thin body with long legs is considered advantageous in the beauty of the movements and on judges’ judgment2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605..

Flexibility is a variable that is directly associated to the RG practitioners’ profile. During the warm-up of an RG class this physical fitness component is strongly developed, due to the characteristics of the sport and the requirements of the scoring code2929 FIG: Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique [Internet]. 2022 - 2024 code of points. Rhythmic gymnastics. Lausanne: FIG; 2022 [cited 2022 Jul 7]. Available from:
, which can explain, in part, such finding2525 Schemberger PG, Lourenço MRA. Avaliação da flexibilidade em atletas iniciantes de ginástica rítmica. Horizon 2017;4(8):9-16.. Flexibility on RG is identified during the wave movements, balance, pivots, jumps and acrobatics which are part of a choreographic composition. As a result, it is required that gymnasts have great flexibility to support their greater performance3030 Santos A, Lemos M, Lebre E, Carvalho L. Active and passive lower limb flexibility in high level rhythmic gymnastics. Sci Gymnast J 2015;7(2):55-66..

In addition to flexibility, the gymnasts’ profile in this study evidenced high levels of explosive strength. In a certain way, this was expected, since jumping RG demand great strength of lower limbs, as well as the throwing of specific apparatus for this modality express the explosive strength of upper limbs3131 Laffranchi B. Treinamento desportivo aplicado à ginástica rítmica. Londrina: UNOPAR Editora; 2001.. In this sense, RG initiation programs must be aware of working all physical fitness components, which besides attending the RG demands can serve as basis for other sports in the future3232 Myer GD, Jayanthi N, DiFiori JP, Faigenbaum AD, Kiefer AW, Logerstedt D, et al. Sports specialization, part II: alternative solutions to early sport specialization in youth athletes. Sports Health 2016;8(1):65-73. PMid:26517937.

Concerning the association of the variables with performance on RG, flexibility and explosive strength also stand out for presenting positive associations. RG requires gymnasts with great flexibility added to a positive relation between flexibility and explosive strength3030 Santos A, Lemos M, Lebre E, Carvalho L. Active and passive lower limb flexibility in high level rhythmic gymnastics. Sci Gymnast J 2015;7(2):55-66.. In general, flexibility is linked to the execution of complex movements of great amplitude, whilst explosive strength and endurance are responsible for dynamics, speed and firmness of the gymnasts’ movements1818 Douda HT, Toubekis AG, Avloniti AA, Tokmakidis SP. Physiological and anthropometric determinants of rhythmic gymnastics performance. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2008;3(1):41-54. PMid:19193953.
. As the majority of the studies in this review opted for assessing the gymnasts’ performance based on RG specific elements2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43.,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.,2626 Tincea RM. Analysys of static balances in rhythmic gymnastics in children aged between 6 to 8 years. Bull Transilv Univ Bras 2020;13(62):93-100.
,3131 Laffranchi B. Treinamento desportivo aplicado à ginástica rítmica. Londrina: UNOPAR Editora; 2001., such variables were more evident in the results.

Low level for body mass in gymnastics is considered important to the athletes’ performance in training and competitions1818 Douda HT, Toubekis AG, Avloniti AA, Tokmakidis SP. Physiological and anthropometric determinants of rhythmic gymnastics performance. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2008;3(1):41-54. PMid:19193953.
,2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.. Such statement corroborates with the results of this study in which the high percentage of adipose tissue has an unfavorable effect on the performance of movements in RG already in the context of beginners. This can be explained by the fact of, with the exception of one study99 Campos-Pérez J, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Cámara-Martos F. Relationship between gymnastic rhythmic practice and body composition, physical performance, and trace element status in young girls. Biol Trace Elem Res 2022;200(1):84-95. PMid:33650063.
, all the others2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.

23 Šebić-Zuhrić L, Tabaković M, Hmjelovjec I, Atiković A. Predictive values of morphological characteristics in rhythmic gymnastics. Kinesiology 2008;5(1-2):45-50.
-2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605. conducted tests with RG movements (balance, pivot and jump) in which the adiposity has strong impact on the quality of the execution. Such movements were assessed visually by a specialist, based on the scoring code criteria2929 FIG: Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique [Internet]. 2022 - 2024 code of points. Rhythmic gymnastics. Lausanne: FIG; 2022 [cited 2022 Jul 7]. Available from:
which considers as failure of execution the body imbalance, the lack of lightness and amplitude in the movements. In most cases, such failures are more evident in individuals with ponderal overload. However, the practitioners’ biotype should not be a limiting factor for the development of qualified practices on SI on the RG. It is known that a great number of families seek this modality exactly for its possibilities of motor development and also for weight reduction3333 Galatti LR, Serrano P, Seoane AM, Paes RR. Pedagogia do esporte e basquetebol: aspectos metodológicos para o desenvolvimento motor e técnico do atleta em formação. Rev Arquivos em Movimento 2012;8(2):79-93..

On RG, the fundamental body movements are performed with the handling of the apparatus rope, bow, clubs, ball or ribbon, which demands a high degree of motor coordination and it reflects on high levels of coordination. This corroborates with the results in this research in which it is observed that coordination presented a positive association as much on the performance of body movements as on movements with apparatus1313 Budiarti R, Nugroho W, Nurfadhila R. Contributions of physical condition to gymnastics basic skills of college students. Adv Health Sci Res 2020;29:114-6.
,2121 Miletić D, Sekulić D, Wolf-Cvitak J. The leaping performance of 7-year-old novice rhythmic gymnasts is highly influenced by the condition of their motor abilities. Kinesiology 2004;36(1):35-43.,2222 Miletić D, Kostić R. Motor and morphological conditionality for performing Arabesque and Passe pivots. FU Phys Ed Sport 2006;4(1):17-25.,2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.,2727 Kezić A, Miletić D, Lujan I. Motor learning in rhythmic gymnastics: influence of fundamental movement skills. Acta Kinesiol 2018;12(2):20-8.. The motor skills of running, jumping, throwing, catching, balancing, spinning and landing, which are imminent skills to RG3434 Culjak Z, Miletic D, Kalinski SD, Kezić A, Zuvela F. Fundamental movement skills development under the influence of a gymnastics program and everyday physical activity in seven-year-old children. Iran J Pediatr 2014;24(2):124-30. PMid:25535529., are present in the coordination tests directly or indirectly, justifying such results. In addition, the handling of apparatus, mainly rope, clubs and ribbon, requires high levels of speed, agility and rhythm2424 Miletić D, Katić R, Males B. Some anthropologic factors of performance in rhythmic gymnastics novices. Coll Antropol 2004;28(2):727-37. PMid:15666605.,2727 Kezić A, Miletić D, Lujan I. Motor learning in rhythmic gymnastics: influence of fundamental movement skills. Acta Kinesiol 2018;12(2):20-8..

In general, the insertion of the use of apparatus happens in the categories of older girls due to its complexity of movements, in which the mastery of body elements is already a task3535 Furtado LNR. Formação esportiva em longo prazo: análise de competições de ginástica rítmica nas categorias de base [thesis]. São Paulo (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 2020.. Studies point out the importance of working RG in a broad way, focusing on the interaction between body and apparatus. In spite of obtaining a greater performance, the work of handling materials is highly motivating to practitioners and it is essential in the beginning of the learning/teaching process work33 Caçola P. A iniciação esportiva na ginástica rítmica. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte Lazer Dança 2007;2(1):9-15..

Another highlight of this review is the prevalence of physical fitness in the results of the studies in the description of the gymnasts’ profile as well as in the associations with performance. In a certain way, first, for the fact of the studies having opted to assess this variable and, second, for physical fitness present more significant results when compared to other biological and coordination variables. In contrast, it is important to stand out the necessity of teachers and researchers to consider motor coordination and agility as fundamental during the classes as well as in future researches, since the child may present lesser or greater ease of learning depending on the motor stage they are3636 Gallahue DL, Donnelly FC. Educação Física desenvolvimentista para todas as crianças. São Paulo: Phorte; 2008..

As a positive point in this review, it was verified studies with children/adolescents in the scope of SI in RG. From this, one can observe that the initiation becomes not only as a sports mass space, focused on the formation of future athletes and discovery of talents in childhood, but also a place of varied motor possibilities for children/adolescents33 Caçola P. A iniciação esportiva na ginástica rítmica. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte Lazer Dança 2007;2(1):9-15.. Overall, considering the fact that the majority of researches in literature are generally aimed at older gymnasts focusing yield and those who have already participated in championships3737 Cagno AD, Battaglia C, Fiorilli G, Piazza M, Giombini A, Fagnani F, et al. Motor learning as young gymnast’s talent indicator. J Sports Sci Med 2014;13(4):767-73. PMid:25435768.,3838 Purenović-Ivanović TM, Popović R, Stanković D, Bubanj S. The importance of motor coordination abilities for performance in rhythmic gymnastics. FU Phys Ed Sport 2016;14(1):63-74..

It can also be observed a prevalence of cross-section and intervention studies, which emphasizes the necessity of more research with longitudinal design which bring more subsidies to the understanding of the profile and the association of individual variables with RG practitioners in initiation groups throughout time. Long-term studies on RG, in a general way, are more focused on elite athletes in order to verify the impact of a determined variable on competitive results and the impact of specific RG3737 Cagno AD, Battaglia C, Fiorilli G, Piazza M, Giombini A, Fagnani F, et al. Motor learning as young gymnast’s talent indicator. J Sports Sci Med 2014;13(4):767-73. PMid:25435768.,3939 Poliszczuk T, Broda D, Poliszczuk D. Changes in somatic parameters and dynamic balance in female rhythmic gymnasts over a space of two years. Pol J Sport Tour 2012;19(4):240-5.

It is noteworthy, based on the risk of bias results, that the methodological quality found did not obtain the maximum value of score. This systematic review has as limitations: (i) the majority of the studies carried out in Europe, which enables the questioning of the results of profile and association of the variables with RG practitioners’ performance to beyond this region; (ii) the heterogeneity of age range of the samples and sample size, which is a challenge for the comparisons and interpretations of the results related to performance on RG among the gymnasts. In contrast, as strong points of this article stand out: (i) all articles responded to the proposed objectives; (ii) the analysis of risk of bias; (iii) the result systematization of each study, enabling precision in the understanding of the gymnasts’ profile and association of individual variables with performance on RG.


The findings of 10 articles in this review evidenced as a main result the description of beginner gymnasts with low values for BMI and BF%, high values for stature, high indexes of flexibility explosive strength, motor coordination and balance. In addition, the studies pointed out low values for BMI and BF% in SI classes, as well as in high-performance classes.

As a conclusion, the main variables which have significant positive associations with performance on RG in SI are flexibility, explosive strength, muscular endurance, agility and motor coordination. Body mass and skin folds presented negative associations with performance. Taking into account the impact of variables on beginner gymnasts’ performance, it is evidenced the need of working all physical and motor components, especially the motor coordination, which is characterized by the ease at learning during childhood.

Lastly, it is important to highlight that the results of the systematic review aim to facilitate the educational and sportive intervention, in a way that includes the objectives of development of each child/adolescent considering the biological, physical and motor aspects. That is how the look of sports professionals will be fit to perform in a SI that aims beyond the detection and formation of future high-performance athletes.

  • How to cite this articleSampaio DF, Borges MG, Ribas MCS. Biological, physical fitness and motor coordination profile and its associations with the performance of practitioners of rhythmic gymnastics at sports initiation: a systematic review. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 2023, 25:e92347. DOI:
  • Funding

    The first author was funded by the UNIEDU/FUMDES PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO Program through a Master’s scholarship.
  • Ethical approval

    This research is in accordance with the standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 July 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 Dec 2022
  • Accepted
    29 May 2023
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