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Tourism consumer behavior: A systematic review of the Brazilian scientific production


This study aimed to analyze the Brazilian scientific production related to tourism consumer behavior without temporal filter, in the databases Spell, Scielo and Scopus, using the systematic review protocol disseminated by Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan (2008). In addition, the bibliometrics by Araújo and Alvarenga (2011) was also adopted as a research strategy. Thus, this research is designed as a descriptive study and with qualitative approach. The search resulted in a sample of 109 papers which were evaluated from three approaches: a) general; b) methodological and; c) theoretical. The papers were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC) and Correspondence Factor Analysis (CFA). About the findings, we identified a progressive interest in the theme after 2014, with the immediately subsequent period being the one with the highest concentration of papers. In relation to the methodological character, the results revealed the preference for descriptive and quantitative researches. The adoption of survey and opinion research were the most recurrent methods. From the DHC and CFA analysis emerged four thematic axes associated with the theme and defined as: “internal influences”, “tourism products”, “decision making” and “segmented tourism”. Therefore, this investigation brings advances to the tourism studies field by enabling a photograph of the Brazilian research and identifying gaps to be filled by future studies.

Tourism Consume; Tourist; Consumption


Esse estudo analisou a produção científica brasileira relacionada ao comportamento do consumidor de turismo no período compreendido entre 1996 a 2019, nas bases Spell, Scielo e Scopus, utilizando o protocolo de revisão sistemática difundido por Cronin, Ryan e Coughlan (2008). Ademais, a bibliometria de Araújo e Alvarenga (2011) também foi utilizada como estratégia de investigação. Desse modo, essa pesquisa delineia-se como um estudo descritivo e de abordagem qualitativa. A busca resultou em uma amostra de 109 artigos que foram avaliados a partir de três abordagens: a) geral; b) metodológica e c) teórica. Os artigos foram analisados por intermédio da estatística descritiva, Classificação Hierárquica Descendente (CHD) e Análise Fatorial de Correspondência (AFC). Entre os achados, identificou-se um interesse progressivo na temática após o ano 2014, sendo o período imediatamente posterior o de maior concentração de artigos. Sob o caráter metodológico, os resultados revelaram a preferência por pesquisas descritivas e quantitativas. O survey e levantamento de opinião foram os métodos mais recorrentes. Das análises CHD e AFC emergiram quatro eixos temáticos associados ao tema e definidos como: “influências internas”, “produtos turísticos”, “processo decisório” e “turismo segmentado”. Destarte, essa investigação traz avanços para a área de turismo ao possibilitar uma fotografia sobre as pesquisas brasileiras e identificar lacunas prolíficas a serem preenchidas por estudos futuros.

Consumidor de Turismo; Turista; Consumo


Este estudio analizó la producción científica brasileña relacionada con el comportamiento del consumidor turístico en el período de 1996 a 2019, en las bases Spell, Scielo y Scopus, utilizando el protocolo de revisión sistemática difundido por Cronin, Ryan y Coughlan (2008). Además, la bibliometría de Araújo y Alvarenga (2011) también se utilizó como estrategia de investigación. Por lo tanto, esta investigación está diseñada como un estudio descriptivo con un enfoque cualitativo. La búsqueda resultó en una muestra de 109 artículos que fueron evaluados a partir de tres enfoques: a) general; b) metodológico y; c) teórico. Los artículos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, Clasificación Jerárquica Descendente (CJD) y Análisis de Factores de Correspondencia (AFC). Entre los resultados, se identificó un interés progresivo en el tema después del año 2014, y el período inmediatamente posterior fue la mayor concentración de artículos. Em relación con el carácter metodológico, los resultados revelaron la preferencia por la investigación descriptiva y cuantitativa, siendo le survey y la encuesta de opinión los métodos más recurrentes. De los análisis CHD y AFC surgieron cuatro ejes temáticos asociados con el tema y definidos como: "influencias internas", "productos turísticos", "toma de decisiones" y "turismo segmentado". Por lo tanto, esta investigación trae avances al campo de los estudios de turismo al permitir una fotografía de la investigación brasileña y identificar vacíos que se llenarán en futuros estudios.

Palabras clave
Consumidor de Turismo; Turista; Consumo


The use of bibliometrics for scientific production analysis in the different knowledge areas allow researchers to visualize the level of development in the field and the interest of academy about the thematic (Araújo & Alvarenga, 2011Araújo, R., & Alvarenga, L. (2011). Bibliometrics in Brazilian postgraduate scientific research from 1987 to 2007. Bibli Meetings: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, 16(31), 51-70.
), contributing to the future investigations, identifying researches gaps to be filled by new studies, and facilitating the transfer of knowledge.

The study about consumer behavior in tourism emerges as a relevant thematic taking tourists, tourist destination agents (Valls, 2002Valls, J.F. (2006). Integral management of sustainable tourist destinations. Cristiano Vasques and Liana Wang (Transl.). Publishing Company FGV, 232p.), as investigation objects, considered by Pechlaner and Osti (2002)Pechlaner, H., & Osti, L. (2002). Reengineering tourism organizations: the case of Italy. Tourism Review, 57(2). as key elements in competitiveness of tourist places. They choose among different tourist destinations, reinforcing the tourist market rivalry. Furthermore, the UNWTO – United Nations World Tourism Organization – highlights the tourists’ role to reach the Sustainable Development Goals embracing, among several targets, the development of a more responsible, plural, and integrator tourism (WTO, 2018World Tourism Organization (WTO). (2018). UNWTO Annual Report 2017, UNWTO, Madrid.

Therefore, to understand the dynamics of the tourist-territory relationship and other elements of the tourist industry are substantial to the progress of tourism as an interdisciplinary subject and traditional service of the leisure and hospitality sector (Bateson & Hoffman, 2016Bateson, J. E.G., & Hoffman, K.D. (2016). Service marketing principles: Concepts, Strategies and Cases. São Paulo: Cengage Learning.). Besides that, the study of consumer behavior emerges as one of the most researched areas in the tourism literature, but there are still few reviews about the topic (Cohen, Prayag, & Moital, 2014Cohen, S. A. , Prayag, G., & Moital, M. (2014). Consumer behaviour in tourism: Concepts, influences and opportunities, Current Issues in Tourism, 17(10), 872-909,

In this context, the main questions are: In Brazil, how has research developed in tourism consumer behavior? Which are the most recurrent themes? Who and where are the most prolific researchers on the theme? Which are the contributions to new studies? In face of these and other questions, the present research aims to present a panorama of the Brazilian scientific production, considering general aspects such as the years of the publications; more prolific authors and institutions; methodological aspects including research design and development; and theorical approach to the identification of the main thematic axis emerging from the papers.

This review differs from the one developed by Silva et al. (2012)Silva, P.R.da., Deboçã, L.P., Silva, A.J.H. da., & Veiga, R.T. (2012). An analysis of scientific production in tourism journals on the topic of consumer behavior in tourism. Revista Turismo Visão e Ação, 14(1), 47-66. for categorizing the analysis in three approaches (general, methodological, and theoretical) and for using the research strategy of systematic review in addition to bibliometrics. Besides, the present study advances in the analysis period from 1996 to 2019, since the previous study examined the period from 2000 to 2010 and, also, in the data analysis technique, through the DHC (Descending Hierarchical Classification) and CFA (Correspondence Factor Analysis).

Thus, the present investigation contributes to progresses in the tourism consumer behavior area, as this is a phenomenon that creates authentic tourist experiences, being the activity a traditional service in the leisure and hospitality sector (Bateson & Hoffman, 2016Bateson, J. E.G., & Hoffman, K.D. (2016). Service marketing principles: Concepts, Strategies and Cases. São Paulo: Cengage Learning.), which is responsible for 10% of world GDP – Gross Domestic Product (WTO, 2018World Tourism Organization (WTO). (2018). UNWTO Annual Report 2017, UNWTO, Madrid.

Accordingly, it is admitted the relevance of service to societies, and the importance of investigating tourist behavior in order to improve the experience in the different stages of the purchase process, taking into account environmental sustainability and the conservation of resources (Valls, 2006Valls, J.F. (2006). Integral management of sustainable tourist destinations. Cristiano Vasques and Liana Wang (Transl.). Publishing Company FGV, 232p.), and enabling the formulation of public policies for the different tourist destinations.


The consumer behavior concerns the analysis during the acquisition process of products and experiences, from the consumption intention to the post purchase (Schiffman & Wisenblit, 2015Schiffman, L.G & Wisenblit, J. (2015). Consumer Behavior. (11 ed.). New York: Pearson.). Thus, it does not include only one marketing perspective, although this perspective is, for the most part, the starting point for investigations related to the theme. Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015)Schiffman, L.G & Wisenblit, J. (2015). Consumer Behavior. (11 ed.). New York: Pearson. built a conceptual model that provides useful insights into consumer behavior. The conceptual model is represented in Figure 1.

From the model it is possible to understand the interrelations in the processes that involve consumer behavior. The construction of individuals' self-concept and lifestyle is not self-directed, but result from internal and external influences, with marketing activities located within an external dynamic formed by a series of other influential factors. In this way, the needs and desires of consumers are the result of several aspects that include social, institutional, cross-cultural, and psychological dimensions (Rodrigues, 2013Rodrigues, P. C. (2013). Consumer Behavior: Is it possible to understand the consumer? Lisboa: Lusíada University, 262p.), which will demand also interdisciplinary efforts.

Figure 1
Conceptual model of consumer behaviorSource: Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015)Schiffman, L.G & Wisenblit, J. (2015). Consumer Behavior. (11 ed.). New York: Pearson..

One of the greatest difficulties in the study of consumer behavior in tourism lies in the particularities of destinations and in the complexity of the tourist phenomenon, which requires researchers to consider different contexts (Lee, Jan, & Yang, 2013Lee, T. H., Jan, F.-H. H., & Yang, C.-C. C. (2013). Conceptualizing and measuring environmentally responsible behaviors from the perspective of community-based tourists. Tourism Management, 36, 454–468.
), not just replicating marketing measurements, initially built for the goods and manufactured industry, and failing to consider the specificities of services (Bateson & Hoffman, 2016Bateson, J. E.G., & Hoffman, K.D. (2016). Service marketing principles: Concepts, Strategies and Cases. São Paulo: Cengage Learning.).

Thus, tourism researchers’ interest in consumer behavior reveals different concerns. Internationally, research has focused on destination image, satisfaction, perceived quality (Ramseook-Munhurrun, Seebaluck, & Naidoo, 2015Ramseook-Munhurrun, P., Seebaluck, V. N., & Naidoo, P. (2015). Examining the Structural Relationships of Destination Image, Perceived Value, Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty: Case of Mauritius. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 175, 252–259.
; Radu & Dobrescu, 2014Radu, A. – C., & Dobrescu, A. I. (2014). A Model for assessing tourists’ satisfaction of the existing information on online environment. Procedia Economics and Finance, 10(14), 16–22.
; Ping, 2011Ping, G. (2011). Analysis the application of e-business for the tourism enterprises’ performance evaluation in china. Energy Procedia, 5, 849–854.
), among other topics that affect socioeconomic dynamics and aim to promote the tourist attractions of different regions.

In Brazil, the trend follows the international agenda when analyzing the sociodemographic profiles of tourists who influence the decision to purchase tourist products (Silva & Mendes-Filho, 2018Silva, G. L. da., & Mendes Filho, L. (2018). Profile and frequency of use of the On-line Travel Agency (OTA) by consumers in hotels in Natal/RN. Revista Acadêmica Observatório de Inovação Do Turismo, 12(1), 22–44.; Silva, Abreu, & Gosling, 2015Silva, J. O. da, Abreu, N. R. de., & Gosling, M. (2015). “Reach of who?!”: A reflection about purchase decision of people with disabilities under the accessibility’s perspective. Economia e Gestão, 15(40), 204–223.; Andrade, 2001Andrade, J. R. (2001). Consumer's behavior and tourist product's choice. Turismo em Análise, 12(1), 7–19.). Brazilian research also reveal interests by segments of marginalized tourists, such as the LGBT community – Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites, Transsexuals or Transgenders (Hoffman et al., 2018Hoffmann, C., Duarte, R., Traverso, L. D., & Bobsin, D. (2018). Gay-Friendly Tourism: Latent Demand Segment. Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade, 10(4), 798–813.
; Sanches, Mancini, & Nascimento, 2011Sanches, T. C., Mancini, L. A., & Nascimento, M. A. N. do. (2011). GLS tourism and the profile of its public consumer in the northern region of Parana. Turismo - Visão e Ação, 13(1), 81–95.), handicapped or people in need of special cares (Lacerda et al., 2016Lacerda, J. O. da S., Mano, R. F., Abreu, N. R. de., & Baldanza, R. F. (2016). “Respect is Checked In!”: Understanding the Atitudinal and Programmatic Dimension in Hotels from the Vision of Hotel Managers and Consumers with Disabilities. Podium-Sport Leisure and Tourism Review, 5(2), 86–98.
; Silva, Abreu & Gosling, 2015Silva, J. O. da, Abreu, N. R. de., & Gosling, M. (2015). “Reach of who?!”: A reflection about purchase decision of people with disabilities under the accessibility’s perspective. Economia e Gestão, 15(40), 204–223.; Faria, Souto, & Rocha, 2011Faria, M. D. de, Souto, S. W., & Rocha, A. M. C. da. (2011). Strategic positioning travel services for people with disabilities: the case of the city of Socorro, SP. Caderno Virtual de Turismo, 11(3), 308–324.), and elderly tourists (Moura et al., 2017Moura, A. C. de, Gosling, M. D. S., Christino, J. M. M., & Macedo, S. B. (2017). Acceptance and use of technology for the choice of touristic destina- tions by persons of the third age: a study using UTAUT2. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa Em Turismo, 11(2), 239.
; Levrini & Maciel, 2016Levrini, G. R. D., & Maciel, G. (2016). Influence factors in the Elderly buying decision process of Tourism services. Marketing & Tourism Review, 1(1), 1–34.
; Lobuono et al., 2016Lobuono, R., Gosling, M. de S., Gonçalves, C. A., & Medeiros, S. A. (2016). Relationship Between Dimensions of Experience, Satisfaction, Word-of-Mouth and Intention to Returning: The perception of cultural event participants. Podium Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 5(2), 15–37.

Finally, the strong market-oriented content aimed at increasing demand, guides Brazilian research and reveals the promotion of conventional tourism practices, including, however, in some investigations, concerns related to the negative impacts of tourism (Costa, Santos, & Aguiar, 2015Costa, C. S. R., Santos, J. G., & Aguiar, E. C. (2015). Sustainability and tourist behavior: a discussion in the light of environmental psychology. Revista de Administração Da UFSM, 8, 35.
; Azevêdo, 2014), since demand for preserved and authentic environments are already a reality (Diaz-Christiansen et al., 2016Diaz-Christiansen, S., López-Guzmán, T., Pérez Gálvez, J. C., & Muñoz Fernández, G. A. (2016). Wetland tourism in natural protected areas: Santay Island (Ecuador). Tourism Management Perspectives, 20, 47–54.
; Brandão, 2014Brandão, J. O. da S. (2014). Community Based Tourism: Redefining the concept of community. In Professional Master's Program in Tourism (p. 230). University of Brasília.). Thus, these investigations are different from the common interests of most studies on consumer behavior, which deal with satisfaction, loyalty, purchasing criteria, and decision-making processes.


The research started with systematic searches in scientific databases, such as: Spell, Scopus and Scielo, using as indexing terms behavior, tourist, consumer, and experience, their respective Portuguese translations, and combinations with Boolean operators. The survey was performed in April 2019 and did not use temporal filter. The search results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Results of the scientific databases searches

In addition, it is important to mention that these databases were chosen due to their interdisciplinary nature of the themes, and the number of journals indexed in each database, including also Brazilian journals. Spell currently has more than 40,000 documents on its platform, in 123 indexed journals. Scielo with 1,654 indexed journals and Scopus with more than 30,000 indexed journals. Searches with terms in English are justified by the internationalization process of Brazilian journals. Therefore, aiming to reach better results with the interdisciplinary theme searches, the mentioned bases were selected for being related to previously formulated objectives.

Furthermore, the research design is descriptive (Vieira, 2002Vieira, V. A. (2002). The types, variables and characteristics of marketing research. Revista da FAE, Curitiba, 5 (1): 61-70 ), with qualitative approach (Minayo, 2001Minayo, M.C.S. (Org.). (2001). Social research: Theory, method and creativity. Petrópolis: Vozes.). The adopted method was the systematic review (Cronin, Ryan, & Coughlan, 2008Cronin, P., Ryan, F., & Coughlan, M. (2008). Undertaking a literature review: a step-by-step approach. British Journal of Nursing, 17(1), 38-43.) and bibliometrics (Araújo & Alvarenga, 2011Araújo, R., & Alvarenga, L. (2011). Bibliometrics in Brazilian postgraduate scientific research from 1987 to 2007. Bibli Meetings: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, 16(31), 51-70.
) which offer a panorama of the Brazilian scientific production on tourism consumer behavior.

The adopted protocol started with (a) the formulation of the research problem; (b) the selection of filtering criteria: duplicated papers, abstracts, titles and non-adherent keywords, and various documents that did not fit as Brazilian papers; (c) the choice and access to the literature; (d) the analysis of the literature included in the review; and, (e) the evaluation and publication of results. The criteria for eliminating the papers and the search outcome for composing the final corpus can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2
Final sample of papers after eliminations

In face of the results and filtering criteria described above, the present review analyzed 109 papers regarding: a) the general information on the papers; b) the methodological aspects and; c) the theoretical approach. The details of each category of analysis are reported next.

For the content analysis, we used the software Iramuteq version 0.7, performing the word cloud analysis, Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC), and Correspondence Factor Analysis (CFA). The word cloud analysis presents visually the comparison among the word found. The DHC provides the grouping of similar elements of the text segments, identifying common words and identifying clusters (Camargo, 2005Camargo, B. V. (2005) Alceste: A computer program for quantitative analysis of textual data. In A. S. P.Moreira, B. V. Camargo, J. C. Jesuíno & S. M. Nóbrega (Eds.), Theoretical-methodological perspectives on social representations (pp. 511-539). João Pessoa, PB: University Publisher of the Federal University of Paraíba.). The CFA, consecutively, presents the classes in a factorial level, providing the visualization of the relations between the words and variables associated with each cluster in the Cartesian axis (Camargo & Justo, 2013Camargo, B. V., & Justo, A. M. (2013). Iramuteq: free software for analyzing textual data. Temas em Psicologia, 21(2), 513-518.
). It is added that the software Iramuteq itself, using the Qui-Square (χ2) statistics, indicates the most representative papers of each class.


In this section the main results from the analysis are described. For better visualization, the results were categorized into three dimensions: general, methodological, and theoretical, as indicated in the previous method section.

The pieces of information were extracted from the papers and organized in an Excel spreadsheet, where they received the first analytical treatment, before being sent to the software Iramuteq, in which they received also statistical treatment.

4.1 General approach

For the initial category of analysis, information related to scientific journals, years of publication of the papers, linked authors and institutions were extracted from the papers.

From the 27 scientific journals (see Table 3) that emerged from searches, the most productive on the subject are the Revista Turismo em Análise (22 papers), Turismo - Visão e Ação (21 papers), Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo (14 papers) , Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade (8 papers), Caderno Virtual de Turismo (5 papers), Marketing & Tourism Review (5 papers), e Revista Acadêmica Observatório de Inovação do Turismo (5 papers), the first three being responsible for more than half of the publications on consumer behavior in tourism.

Table 3
Scientific journals emerged from searches

About the periodicity of publication of the papers, it is possible to identify an increase in the number of published papers (see Figure 2). It must also be pointed, that only half of the first semester of 2019 was considered for searches, this explains the sharp drop in the number of papers in the mentioned year.

Figure 2
Representation of frequencies and classified histogram (Pareto)

It may be observed in the frequency graph shown in Figure 2 that, although there are constant increases and decreases along time periods, after 2014 the attention of academia was progressive. This can be seen in the classified histogram, in which the two classes of 2015 and 2019, referent from 2013 to 2019, correspond to almost 80% of the cumulative percentage, which reveals that the papers are concentrated in that period.

Moving ahead to the analysis about the authors and their respective institutional affiliation, the results revealed that the papers are developed by a maximum of five authors, with single authorship being verified in 18 papers, and the maximum number of authors being verified in only five papers. On the other hand, the results revealed that the preference is for double authorship (34 papers) or triple authorship (35 papers), corresponding to 63.30% of the total of papers analyzed.

The authors who published more in the period from 1996, the year in which the first publication on tourist behavior emerged, to April 2019, are shown in Table 4, as well as each author's institutional affiliation. The number of papers per author is also presented.

The author who produced more about the searched subject was Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (FUMG) with 8 papers, twice as much as the authors Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos, from the University of São Paulo (USP), and Luiz Mendes Filho, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (FURN), who share the second position in the ranking. In third place were the authors José Manoel Gonçalves Gândara, from the Federal University of Paraná, Juliana Maria Magalhães Christino, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (FUMG), Marina Dias de Faria, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FURJ), and Sérgio Marques Júnior, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (FURN), all of them with 3 papers.

Table 4
The most prolific authors in the analyzed sample

About the authors' institutional affiliation, it was found that the Federal University of Minas Gerais (11.16%, 33 authors), University of São Paulo (10.17%, 30 authors) and Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (7.8%, 23 authors) represent the institutions with the highest number of authors, being, therefore, the universities that produce the most on the topic.

4.2 Methodological approach

Moving toward to the next analysis, the methodological categorization begins. The papers were categorized according to their research design and operationalization. For the research design, investigations were classified into: a) Type, whether theoretical or theoretical-empirical; b) nature, whether exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, or exploratory-descriptive; c) approach, whether quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method; d) observation type, whether cross-sectional or longitudinal; e) environment, whether in the laboratory or in the field; design, if correlational, experimental, semi-experimental, or without design, when the research does not fit into any of the previous classifications; and f) method used to carry out the research, whether it was a survey, case study, ethnography, netnography, phenomenology, among other classifications.

A summary chart with the definition of the categories raised for the research design is presented in Chart 1.

Chart 1
Conceptualization of categories for the research design

From the previously defined categories, and endorsed by the respective authors, the results for the research design are summarized in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Description of the research design

Regarding the content of the theoretical studies evaluated, all were categorized as qualitative, and descriptive in nature. Evaluating the theoretical and theoretical-empirical papers, it is obvious that the descriptive nature is predominant in 58% of the papers, and from these descriptive studies, 47.6% did not clearly report this classification in the paper, and another 6.3 % of papers were classified incorrectly, requiring a reclassification. Exploratory-descriptive studies appear in the second place, being responsible for 32% of the evaluated sample. Studies of an explanatory nature were not representative for this sample, emerging as a suggestion for future research.

Next, the results revealed that the majority of researches on the topic has a quantitative approach (47%), but qualitative studies (34%) and those using the two approaches (mixed-method) (19%) showed significant participation for the analyzed sample, indicating interest of the scientific community in studies that enable new perspectives of analysis, since quantitative studies are mostly chosen by researchers in the investigation of consumer behavior in tourism.

For the theoretical-empirical studies, cross-sectional methods represent 93% of the sample with investigations being performed in the field of study (100%). As for the research design, most papers did not report the design (62%), then the correlational studies were the most representative (37%). The experimental and semi-experimental designs were not expressive for this sample, revealing a fruitful field to be explored by new studies. Finally, the methods used to perform the research were identified and categorized, with the survey (26%) and the opinion survey (24%) being the most recurrent (see Graph 1).

Graph 1
Description of the identified methods

For the next methodological category analyzed, research operationalization, the theoretical-empirical papers were classified according to: a) sampling, whether probability or non-probability methods; b) type of sampling, whether simple random, stratified, systematic, by conglomerate, snowball or convenience/accessibility; c) collection instruments, whether questionnaires, interviews, focus groups; d) data collection procedures, whether virtual or presential and; e) data analysis, whether regression analysis, factorial, descriptive statistics, structural equation modeling, comparing means, content or discourse analysis.

The definition of the categories raised for the operationalization of the researches is summarized in Chart 2.

Chart 2
Conceptualization of categories for the operationalization of research

Most papers used non-probability sampling (87%) to compose the sample of the studies and 11% used probability sampling. It should be observed that some studies did not specify the type of sampling used in the investigations, representing 2% of the analyzed sample. For the types of sampling, the sample by convenience or accessibility was the most representative, verified in 71% of the analyzed papers, then the simple random sample and the self-generated sample or snowball corresponded to 7% and 5%, respectively. Graph 2 illustrate the identified types of sampling of the papers.

Graph 2
Description of the operationalization of the research regarding the types of sampling

Moreover, due to the methods (survey and opinion survey) used by the studies, the most recurrent instruments were the questionnaires, responsible for 65% of the samples, converging, therefore, the design with the operationalization of the researches. Then the interviews are presented as more representative, in 12% of the sample.

The instruments were applied in person (54%), virtually (39%) or in both ways (6%). And, for data analysis, several techniques emerged from the papers, with descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling being the most representative and identified in 32 papers.

In addition, a significant percentage of the papers (44.95%) did not report the procedures used in any stage of the design or operationalization of the investigations, requiring inferences or new reclassifications. This result is worrisome in relation to the methodological rigor recommended in academic studies, converging with the understanding of Silva et al. (2012)Silva, P.R.da., Deboçã, L.P., Silva, A.J.H. da., & Veiga, R.T. (2012). An analysis of scientific production in tourism journals on the topic of consumer behavior in tourism. Revista Turismo Visão e Ação, 14(1), 47-66. when identifying the weakness of studies in reporting methods.

4.3 Theoretical framework

After the general and methodological analysis of the papers, the theoretical appreciation of the research components of the sample begins. To carry out the word cloud analysis, the keywords of the 109 papers were used as a textual corpus. Figure 4 shows the most representative lexicographic forms and how they are distributed.

Figure 4
Word cloud analysis

The corpus consisted of a single text, with 22 Text Segments (TSs), from which 821 emerged occurrences, 301 distinct words, and 192 keywords with a single frequency, representing 23.39% of the cases.

Given the most recurring keywords identified in the word cloud analysis, it is observed a strong marketing content in the researches involving consumer behavior in tourism. The occurrences reveal the researchers' general concerns about evaluating travel motivations, reporting the experiences of tourists, and segmenting tourist demand with a view to increasing satisfaction during travels (Silva & Mendes-Filho, 2018Silva, G. L. da., & Mendes Filho, L. (2018). Profile and frequency of use of the On-line Travel Agency (OTA) by consumers in hotels in Natal/RN. Revista Acadêmica Observatório de Inovação Do Turismo, 12(1), 22–44.).

For the analysis of the themes that emerged from the papers, the DHC was performed (Figure 5), using the Reinert method, in which 109 texts were analyzed, divided into 519 TSs, with the use of 396 TSs (76.30%). 18,539 occurrences emerged from the textual corpus, formed by words, forms, and other lexicographic elements, with 3,677 distinct forms, and 2,076 forms with a single occurrence.

Figure 5
Dendrogram from the analyzed sample

The analyzed content was categorized into 5 clusters: Class 1, with 83 TSs (20.96%); Class 2, with 60 TSs (15.15%); Class 3, with 86 TSs (21.72%); Class 4, with 79 TSs (19.95%); and Class 5, with 88 TSs (22.22%). Only forms with χ²> 3.81 (p <0.005) were considered for analysis.

Class 1 - Internal influences - consisted of 20.96% of the sample, strongly represented by the research produced by Costa, Santos and Aguiar (2015)Costa, C. S. R., Santos, J. G., & Aguiar, E. C. (2015). Sustainability and tourist behavior: a discussion in the light of environmental psychology. Revista de Administração Da UFSM, 8, 35.
with χ² = 19.1, Santos, Ramos and Rey-Maquieira (2012)Santos, G. E. de O., Ramos, V., & Rey-Maquieira, J. (2012). Determinants of multi-destination tourism trips in Brazil. Tourism Economics, 18(6), 1331–1349.
, and Valdez-Muñoz (2002), both with χ² = 11.4. Such investigations aggregate discussions related to consumers of destinations under a more internal nature, evaluating perceptions, images, level of knowledge, stimuli, attitudes, identified by Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015)Schiffman, L.G & Wisenblit, J. (2015). Consumer Behavior. (11 ed.). New York: Pearson. as influential in the construction of consumer self-concept and lifestyles.

Although this class has condensed researches from multiple methods, the discussions emerged from the papers convergence to a more theoretical character and empirical tests on already solid theories of consumer behavior. Exemplifying, in this first class, there were recurrent analysis that dealt with Theory of Experience, Theory of Planned Behavior, Theory of Motivation and purchase motivators, and individual determinants.

Class 2 - Tourist products – was formed by 15.15% of the sample, comprising the following words as the most representative forms: product (χ² = 36.79, p <0.0001), activity (χ² = 29.08, p < 0.0001), souvenir (χ² = 28.36, p <0.0001), place (χ² = 27.6, p <0.0001) and practical (χ² = 24.01, p <0.0001), the most representative surveys of this class being those developed by Mariani (2002)Mariani, M. (2002). Perceptions of tourists and inhabitants of the town of Bonito: the place, subjects and tourism. Turismo-Visão e Ação, (11), 27–40. and Almeida and Hostins (2011)Almeida, E. B. de., & Hostins, R. C. L. (2011). Eating Behavior of tourists and food safety in the consumption of corn on the cob and churros on the seafront. Turismo: Visão e Ação, 13(3), 347–361. Retrieved from
, both studies evaluate tourist products at destinations or visualize tourist activities as results of the consumer society.

Therefore, this class represents the efforts of studies in analyzing tourism products and identify tourist perception of offers. As in the first cluster, solid theories were identified in the study of consumer behavior, such as the Theory of Experience and Motivation. However, this second class presents an economic approach to tourist consumption and inserts new constructs of analysis such as reputation, values, and practices of tourists, and debates about the perceived space.

Class 3 - Methodological paths - represented 21.72% of the sample, grouping the studies that used similar methods to analyze the phenomenon. This class originates all other classes by encompassing the methodological strategies of research. The most representative investigations of the class are those from Thomaz et al. (2016)Thomaz, G. M., Biz, A. A., Bettoni, E. M., & Filho, L. M. (2016 Social Media Content Mining: a content analysis of published posts about tourist attractions in Curitiba-PR. Marketing & Tourism Review, 1(2), 1–22.
who used content mining in social media as method, and Silva and Marques-Júnior (2017)Silva, F. F., & Marques-Júnior, S. M. (2017). Factors affecting customer delight of leisure’s tourism from the theme park’s experience. Turismo - Visão e Ação, 19(1), 103.
who used the combination of survey with focus group.

As the third class was not considered for the purpose of defining the thematic axis, since it brought together words and textual segments referring to research procedures and techniques, the central theories of this cluster were not raised. However, in general, the research that integrated this group uses common theories in the study of the theme, mainly the Theory of Planned Behavior and Theory of Experience.

Class 4 - Decision-making process - consisted of 19.95% of the sample. The most representative forms are: decision (χ² = 73, p <0.0001), factor (χ² = 39.9%, p <0.0001), purchase (χ² = 39.6%, p <0.0001) and travel (χ² = 36.88, p <0.0001). The most representative studies in this class are those by Esteves et al. (2013)Esteves, P. S., Slongo, L. A., Esteves, C. S., & Barcelos, R. H. (2013). The emotions of elderly consumers in the process of choice of travel destinations. Revista de Administração da UFSM, 6(3), 561–580.
and Souza, Melo and Barbosa (2012)Souza, A. G. De, Melo, F. V. S., & Barbosa, M. de L. de A. (2012). Perceived risks in online hotel services acquisition: Determinant factors of reduction strategies and their relation with consumer´s demographical characteristics. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo, 6(2), 201–215. who investigate different factors that influence consumers' purchase decisions. Such aspects refer to the last stage of the conceptual model for analyzing consumer behavior by Schiffman and Wisenblit (2015)Schiffman, L.G & Wisenblit, J. (2015). Consumer Behavior. (11 ed.). New York: Pearson., a stage in which needs, and desires are no longer latent.

In the fourth class, as in the previous ones, it was possible to identify the theories guiding the investigations. In addition to the well-known and recurring aforementioned theories, the Expectation Theory, approaches to the purchase decision, the Service Delivery System (SDS) and analysis of different constructs (emotions, perceived risk and reputation) were also observed. The wide areas of service marketing and social psychology were presented as a background for subsequent analysis in this group.

Finally, Class 5 - Segmented Tourism - consisted of 22.22% of the sample, aggregating studies that segment tourism in some way, either by the sociodemographic characteristics of tourists, or by tourist segment (sun and beach, ecotourism, business tourism, among others). The most representative forms of this class are market (χ² = 59, p <0.0001), disabilities (χ² = 30.27), competitive (χ² = 23.68), organization (23.68%, p <0, 0001) and accessibility (χ² = 21.32, p <0.0001).

The researches that most represent this class are those by Lacerda et al. (2016)Lacerda, J. O. da S., Mano, R. F., Abreu, N. R. de., & Baldanza, R. F. (2016). “Respect is Checked In!”: Understanding the Atitudinal and Programmatic Dimension in Hotels from the Vision of Hotel Managers and Consumers with Disabilities. Podium-Sport Leisure and Tourism Review, 5(2), 86–98.
and Oliveira-Matos et al. (2017)Oliveira-Matos, C. de, Chim-Miki, A. F., Mediana-Brito, P., & Batista-Canino, R. M. (2017). Hiking as a tourism modality: a competitive opportunity for Brazil. Podium Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 6(4), 427–449.
, this one presents walking activities as a new segment for tourism development and the one that segments in relation to the physical characteristics of tourists, in this case, disabled or impaired tourists.

Discussions raised about accessibility, emerging markets and marginalized segments are expressive in this cluster, with different theoretical approaches being evidenced. These discussions deal with urban tourism, environmental education, shopping attitude, model of restrictions, loyalty and satisfaction, and geographical mobility.

Although the thematic axis has emerged from papers in different classes, being disregarded as a theme. However, class 3 that relates to the research method, allows the establishment of relations between the clusters at the factorial level, through the CFA. The panorama can be seen in Figure 6.

Figure 6
Correspondence Factor Analysis

On the other hand, even if there was no definition of variables to identify the relations by factors, it is possible to verify how close the classes 2 (gray color) and 4 (blue color) are, and the disposition of the classes in each quadrant, revealing a relatively short distance between classes 1 (red color) and 5 (pink color), in which the first class is related to the internal influences of consumers and the fifth class is more directed to the market and external factors, such as the segmentation of tourists.

4.3.1 Recommendations for further studies

The literature review showed research gaps that can be considered in new investigations, although the concern with identifying a research agenda was not required for all analyzed authors. Therefore, some recommendations emerge as prolific zones.

The first suggestion is the construction and validation of a scale to measure the degree of satisfaction and expectation of foreign tourists in relation to Brazilian tourism. Moreover, the consideration of the cultural factor in the formulation of these scales is important (Pérez-Nebra & Torres, 2002Pérez-Nebra, A. R., & Torres, C. V. (2002). The image of Brazil as a tourist destination: a study of consumer psychology. Turismo - Visão e Ação, (10), 101–114.). The same authors also recommend exploring the different needs and preferences of consumers in relation to products and services with different positions in order to seek generalizations for Brazilian culture or subcultures with similar motivational structures.

Event tourism also emerges as a prominent theme to be explored (Christino, Silva, & Agostini, 2018Christino, J. M. M., Silva, T. S., & Agostini, C. (2018). Motivational factors and determinants of the choice of Tiradentes as a tourist destination. ReUNA, 23(2), 43–59.
; Moyano et al., 2015Moyano, C. A. M., Lengler, J. F. B., Angnes, D. L., & Sampaio, F. V. (2015). Strategy for customer loyalty in tourism: the case of the oktoberfest in Brazil. Turismo - Visão e Ação, 17(2), 387.
; Moretti, Hack, & Zucco, 2015Moretti, S. L. do A., Hack, G. N., & Zucco, F. D. (2015). Behavior and Sources of Information for Tourists: an analysis of the participants of the Latin American Poker Tour 2013 (Viña Del Mar, Chile). Revista Turismo Em Análise, 26(2), 244.
). Moretti, Hack and Zucco, (2015)Moretti, S. L. do A., Hack, G. N., & Zucco, F. D. (2015). Behavior and Sources of Information for Tourists: an analysis of the participants of the Latin American Poker Tour 2013 (Viña Del Mar, Chile). Revista Turismo Em Análise, 26(2), 244.
recommend that detailed research should be performed in events similar to poker events in order to attest to the use of social media as an important spreader of advertising messages. The relevance of this type of approach is related to the market segmentation of poker players whose potential for choice and purchase is highlighted. Another suggestion is to investigate the motivational factors and determinants of the choice of tourists in the city of Tiradentes, Minas Gerais, during specific events in the city (Christino, Silva, & Agostini, 2018Christino, J. M. M., Silva, T. S., & Agostini, C. (2018). Motivational factors and determinants of the choice of Tiradentes as a tourist destination. ReUNA, 23(2), 43–59.

The image of tourist destinations is also a field recommended by researchers (Mayer, Silva, & Bárcia, 2017Mayer, V. F., Silva, A. M. da., & Bárcia, L. C. (2017). The Image of Rio de Janeiro Projected by Tourists in a Social Medium: experience, quality and value. Revista Turismo em Análise, 28(2), 271.
; Bedran, Strehlau, & Melhado, 2014Bedran, F. N., Strehlau, V. I., & Melhado, T. T. (2014). Cosmopolitanism influences on foreign tourists visiting São Paulo. Revista Interdisciplinar de Marketing, 4(1), 50–62. Retrieved from
). Mayer, Silva and Bárcia (2017)Mayer, V. F., Silva, A. M. da., & Bárcia, L. C. (2017). The Image of Rio de Janeiro Projected by Tourists in a Social Medium: experience, quality and value. Revista Turismo em Análise, 28(2), 271.
suggest the use of interpretive analysis methods that can explore the public's imagination that consumes the attractions of the Rio de Janeiro city and other destinations and evaluate how it has been changing over time. In addition to the image formation, Bedran, Strehlau and Melhado (2014)Bedran, F. N., Strehlau, V. I., & Melhado, T. T. (2014). Cosmopolitanism influences on foreign tourists visiting São Paulo. Revista Interdisciplinar de Marketing, 4(1), 50–62. Retrieved from
recommend relating cosmopolitanism and tourist satisfaction towards the city of São Paulo as a tourist destination.

Satisfaction and the measurement of perceived quality, besides recurring in investigations (Brasil, 2008Brasil, Vinicius Sittoni. (2006). The impact of distribution channels in the buying behavior in Tourism: an analysis of the relationship between satisfaction, value and loyalty in the purchase of airline tickets through interpersonal channels and technology- based channels. Turismo-Visão e Ação, 8, 361–378. Retrieved from
; Vareiro & Pinheiro, 2017Vareiro, L. M. da C., & Pinheiro, T. C. de S. (2017). The influence of economic crisis on consumer choice between travel agencies and online operators. Turismo - Visão e Ação, 19(2), 220.
; Magalhães, Suyama, & Faria, 2017Magalhães, J. D. S., Suyama, E., & Faria, D. M. C. P. (2017). Estimation of a demand function for visitors of the caves of Lund Route. Caderno Virtual de Turismo, 17(2), 95–111.
; Valenzuela, 2015Valenzuela, C. M. G. (2015). Interactive Analysis about Tourists’ Valuations and Practices at Museum Egidio Feruglio (Patagonia, Argentina). Revista Turismo Em Análise, 26(1), 139.
), also emerge as suggestions for further studies. For example, Brasil (2008)Brasil, Vinicius Sittoni. (2006). The impact of distribution channels in the buying behavior in Tourism: an analysis of the relationship between satisfaction, value and loyalty in the purchase of airline tickets through interpersonal channels and technology- based channels. Turismo-Visão e Ação, 8, 361–378. Retrieved from
recommends exploring in more detail the determinants of customer satisfaction with the delivery system, more precisely, the elements that expand the experience when purchasing airline tickets. The monitoring of customers, through a database, for measuring, controlling, and improving the quality of services is also suggested (Valenzuela, 2015Valenzuela, C. M. G. (2015). Interactive Analysis about Tourists’ Valuations and Practices at Museum Egidio Feruglio (Patagonia, Argentina). Revista Turismo Em Análise, 26(1), 139.

It is emphasized that, besides the gaps identified by the researchers, the authors explore in their research agendas to the replication of their investigations or methods (Añaña, Anjos, & Pereira, 2016Añaña, E. D. S., Anjos, F. A. dos., & Pereira, M. D. L. (2016). Tourism destinations’ image: assessment vis-à-vis the experience in theory and in the service-centric economy. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa Em Turismo, 10(2), 309.
; Ferreira et al., 2012Ferreira, J. B., Freitas, A. S. de, Rosa, J. P. B., Kurtz, R. G. M., & Carvalho, M. L. A. de. (2012). Purchase motivators in Brazilian airports?: A typology of airports consumers. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo, 6(1), 32–47.; Moyano, Lengler, & Angnes , 2018Moyano, C. A. M., Lengler, J. F. B., & Angnes, D. L. (2018). Strategic marketing matrix for tourism agencies. Observatório de Inovação Do Turismo, 12(2), 93–113.; Moyano et al, 2015Moyano, C. A. M., Lengler, J. F. B., Angnes, D. L., & Sampaio, F. V. (2015). Strategy for customer loyalty in tourism: the case of the oktoberfest in Brazil. Turismo - Visão e Ação, 17(2), 387.
; Bebber, Graciola, & Milan, 2015Bebber, S., Graciola, A. P., & Milan, G. S. (2015). Creating bond with customers as a result of winery visitation. Revista Brasileira de Estratégia, 8(1), 100–115.), the execution of comparative analyses (Schmitt & Moretto Neto, 2007Schmitt, V. G. H., & Moretto Neto, L. (2007). Analysis of the behavior of foreign tourists in Florianópolis: demand for tourist information. RACE. Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia, 6(2), 161–174.; Ferreira et al., 2012Ferreira, J. B., Freitas, A. S. de, Rosa, J. P. B., Kurtz, R. G. M., & Carvalho, M. L. A. de. (2012). Purchase motivators in Brazilian airports?: A typology of airports consumers. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo, 6(1), 32–47.; Lacerda et al., 2016Lacerda, J. O. da S., Mano, R. F., Abreu, N. R. de., & Baldanza, R. F. (2016). “Respect is Checked In!”: Understanding the Atitudinal and Programmatic Dimension in Hotels from the Vision of Hotel Managers and Consumers with Disabilities. Podium-Sport Leisure and Tourism Review, 5(2), 86–98.
; Silva, Abreu, & Gosling, 2015Silva, J. O. da, Abreu, N. R. de., & Gosling, M. (2015). “Reach of who?!”: A reflection about purchase decision of people with disabilities under the accessibility’s perspective. Economia e Gestão, 15(40), 204–223.), and longitudinal studies (Brasil, 2008Brasil, Vinicius Sittoni. (2006). The impact of distribution channels in the buying behavior in Tourism: an analysis of the relationship between satisfaction, value and loyalty in the purchase of airline tickets through interpersonal channels and technology- based channels. Turismo-Visão e Ação, 8, 361–378. Retrieved from
; Mayer, Silva, & Bárcia, 2017Mayer, V. F., Silva, A. M. da., & Bárcia, L. C. (2017). The Image of Rio de Janeiro Projected by Tourists in a Social Medium: experience, quality and value. Revista Turismo em Análise, 28(2), 271.
; Schmitt & Moretto Neto, 2007Schmitt, V. G. H., & Moretto Neto, L. (2007). Analysis of the behavior of foreign tourists in Florianópolis: demand for tourist information. RACE. Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia, 6(2), 161–174.).


This review aimed to contribute to scientific production in the field of knowledge regarding the consumer behavior in tourism by categorizing the findings in three approaches that allowed to outline an overview of research in the area.

The general information made it possible to visualize the productions by period and to identify the most productive authors and institutions. This approach examines useful information to strengthen relations between producers of the same thematic line and make easier the dissemination of knowledge.

Then, in the methodological approach, it was possible to identify fruitful fields for future research, such as studies with an experimental and quasi-experimental design, of an explanatory nature and using mixed-method design, whose results were not expressive for the sample analyzed in this review. Still on this approach, studies developed in the laboratory and with a longitudinal cut are not receiving much attention from the area, inferences arising from the timid results of the analysis carried out under this perspective. Therefore, this is an opportunity for future research, with possibilities of useful and innovative contributions.

DHC and CFA provided support for the analysis related to the theoretical approach, in which five clusters emerged, identified as: “Internal Influences”, “Tourist products”, “Methodological paths”, “Decision-making”, and “Segmented tourism” which discuss, respectively, the internal influences of consumer behavior, tourist perception of offered products, research methodological strategies, influential factors in the purchase decision, and market orientation through tourist segmentation. Of these five, four clusters emerge as thematic axis related to the theme, except for "Methodological paths".

The theoretical approach evidenced the use of theories common in the field of consumer behavior, such as the Theory of Planned Behavior, Theory of Expectation, and Theory of Experience. On the other hand, it allowed us to outline a research agenda based on suggestions raised by the authors in the sample, thus contributing to the development of the area.

However, despite the advances, it is emphasized that the present investigation did not intend to exhaust the scientific literature about the theme in Brazil, although the selected databases put together a significant number of indexed publications and journals, recognizing, therefore, weaknesses that can be considered in the next researches.

Therefore, it is recommended that the next reviews expand the investigations to other bases and compare with foreign publications. Moreover, consider the combination of other indexing terms with the use of Boolean operators. For example, the addition of the term “traveler” that was not considered in this research, and some authors have used it in their investigations on consumer behavior in tourism.

It is also possible to notice, an important gap to be filled regarding to consumer behavior in alternative models of tourism development, not only in marginalized segments, although the latter one appears as a prominent field to be investigated. In the same way as understood by Silva and Gândara (2016)Silva, D. S., & Gândara, J. M. G. (2016). Online reputation of spas at Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil. Marketing & Tourism Review, 1(2), 1–30.
, it is believed that the planning and design of tourism must consider other aspects, in addition to elements of a market and economic nature. And this understanding can be brought to the behavior of the tourism consumer, seeking to understand the whole atmosphere that surrounds the phenomenon and the multiple forms of approach.

Finally, the arising results from this research confirm a recent interest by the academy in the subject and the potential of the thematic axis that emerged in the analysis of the study corpus. Besides that, they reveal an initial stage of theoretical deepening, and a greater focus on empirical tests.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 Oct 2020
  • Date of issue
    Sep-Dec 2020


  • Received
    10 Dec 2019
  • Accepted
    07 May 2020
Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Rua Silveira Martins, 115 - cj. 71, Centro, Cep: 01019-000, Tel: 11 3105-5370 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil