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The objective of this work was to morphologically characterize 15 banana cultivars and assess the physical and chemical characteristics of their fruits at two maturation stages, unripe (pre-climacteric) and ripening. The plants were evaluated regarding their pseudostem height and diameter, petiole length, leaf blade length, width and length-to-width ratio. The cultivar Ouro had fruits with lower diameter, total length, market weight and fresh weight at both stages, and also firmer pulp when they were unripe. The cultivar Caru-Roxa had higher fresh fruit and pulp weights, and the cultivar Terrinha had the highest percentage of pulp dry weight percentage in unripe and ripe fruits. The cultivars Maçã and Ouro had higher pulp-to-peel ratio in unripe fruits. The ripe peels had lower fresh weight and thickness and higher dry weight percentage compared to unripe peels. The fruit peel of the cultivar Marmelo had the highest fresh weight at both stages. The cultivars Marmelo and Maçã had higher percentage of peel dry weight percentage at both stages. The unripe pulp had lower soluble solids. The titratable acidity in the pulp increased with ripening. The average plant height ranged from 2.25 to 6.15 m. The cultivars that had the largest pseudostem diameters had also the highest heights, except the Prata-Anã and Prata-Graúda. The cultivar and maturity stage influenced all the characteristics evaluated in fruits, except the total and market lengths, which did not vary with the ripening of fruits.

Musa spp.; Physical and chemical characteristics; Agronomic characterization; Production.


Objetivou-se caracterizar morfologicamente 15 cultivares de bananeiras em dois estádios de maturação. Determinaram-se as características físicas e químicas dos frutos na fase pré-climatérica e após o amadurecimento. Também avaliou-se as plantas quanto a altura e diâmetro do pseudocaule, comprimento do pecíolo e do limbo, largura do limbo e relação comprimento/largura do limbo. A cultivar Ouro apresentou os frutos com menor diâmetro, comprimento total, comercial e massa fresca nos dois estádios, além da polpa mais firme quando verde. A cultivar Caru-Roxa apresentou maior massa fresca dos frutos e da polpa e a ‘Terrinha’, a maior porcentagem de matéria seca nas polpas verde e madura. As cultivares Maçã e a Ouro proporcionaram maior relação polpa/casca na polpa verde. Houve redução da massa fresca e da espessura da casca e acréscimo da matéria seca da casca madura em relação à casca verde. A casca da ‘Marmelo’ apresentou a maior massa fresca nos dois estádios. As cultivares Marmelo e a Maçã apresentaram maior porcentagem de matéria seca em ambos os estádios de maturação da casca. A polpa verde apresentou baixo teor de sólidos solúveis. Houve acréscimo na acidez titulável na polpa com o amadurecimento. A altura média das plantas variou de 2,25 a 6,15 m. As cultivares com maior diâmetro do pseudocaule foram também os mais altos, com exceção da ‘Prata-Anã’ e da ‘Prata-Graúda’. A cultivar e o estádio de maturação influenciaram todas as características avaliadas nos frutos, com exceção dos comprimentos total e comercial, que não variaram com o amadurecimento dos frutos.

Musa spp.; Características físico-químicas; Caracterização agronômica; Produção.


Quality is an important factor in the marketing of banana, especially when intended for fresh consumption. Banana physical and chemical characteristics are influenced by several factors, such as edaphoclimatic conditions, fertilization, cultivar and planting and harvest time, however, to analyze them, assessing the quality of marketed fruits and whether these are within the standards required by consumers, is important (CHITARRA; CHITARRA, 2005CHITARRA, M. I. F.; CHITARRA, A. B. Pós-colheita de frutos e hortaliças: fisiologia e manuseio. 2. ed. Lavras, MG: UFLA, 2005. 785 p. ). Matsuura et al. (2004MATSUURA, F. C. A.; COSTA, J. I. P.; FOLEGATTI, M. I. S. Marketing de banana: preferências do consumidor quanto aos atributos de qualidade dos frutos. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 26, n. 1, p. 48-52, 2004. ) reported that the most important attributes of the fruits, according to the consumer preferences at purchasing banana, are the flavor, shelf life and appearance (length, diameter and color). Therefore, studies on physical and chemical parameters related to fruit quality, such as length, diameter, weight, pulp and peel color, pulp firmness, soluble solids and titratable acidity, seeking to maintain the desirable characteristics required by market standards, is very important.

Researches describing physical and chemical properties of fruits of different banana cultivars are available in the scientific literature (GOMES et al., 2007GOMES, M. C. et al. Avaliação de germoplasma elite de bananeira. Revista Ceres, Viçosa, v. 54, n. 312, p. 185-190, 2007. ; JESUS et al., 2004JESUS, S. C. et al. Caracterização física e química de frutos de diferentes genótipos de bananeira. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 63, n. 3, p. 315-323, 2004. ; NASCIMENTO JUNIOR et al., 2008NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, B. B. et al. O. Diferenças entre bananas de cultivares Prata e Nanicão ao longo do amadurecimento: características físico-químicas e compostos voláteis. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, v. 28, n. 3, p. 649-658, 2008. ; RAMOS; LEONEL; MISCHAN, 2009RAMOS, D. P.; LEONEL, S.; MISCHAN, M. M. Caracterização físico-química dos frutos de genótipos de bananeira produzidos em Botucatu-SP. Ciência e Agrotecnologia , Lavras, v. 33, Sup., p. 1765-1770, 2009. ), however, these studies usually evaluate the pulp of some cultivars only from ripe fruits, not characterizing unripe pulp and peel, which is important due to the high starch content and other antioxidant compounds present in these parts of the unripe fruits that are components of the human diet (BORGES et al., 2014BORGES, C. V. et al. Characterization of metabolic profile of banana genotypes, aiming at biofortified Musa spp. cultivars. Food Chemistry, Amsterdam, v. 145, n. 1, p. 496-504, 2014. ). According to Souza et al. (2011SOUZA, M. E.; LEONEL, S.; MARTIN, R. L. Caracterização do cultivar de bananeira ‘Figo-Cinza’ em dois ciclos de produção. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, Sup., p. 461-465, 2011. ), most studies and technologies for banana crops in Brazil are directed to cultivars from the subgroups Cavendish and Prata, with little information on other subgroups such as Figo and Terra. The characterization of fruits of other cultivars that are known by the population, but little cropped, is important to support the diversification of crops and the supplying of these fruits.

The characterization of the different banana cultivars is also useful information for commercial development and breeding programs that seek cultivars that are resistant to diseases and present good fruit quality and quantity. Therefore, some parameters, such as plant height, pseudostem diameter and leaf blade length and width are important information. Plant height is an important phytotechnical factor for plant breeding, influencing the planting density, easiness of harvest operations, damping off of plants, pseudostem breakage by wind or due to its reduced diameter, and production of large clusters (SANTOS et al., 2006SANTOS, S. C. et al. Caracterização morfológica e avaliação de cultivares de bananeira resistentes a sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) no Sudoeste goiano. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 28, n. 3, p. 449-453, 2006. ). Furthermore, banana plants need adequate leaf area to develop and, consequently, produce high quality bunches (RODRIGUES; DIAS; PACHECO, 2009RODRIGUES, M. G. V.; DIAS, M. S. C.; PACHECO, D. D. Influência de diferentes níveis de desfolha na produção e qualidade dos frutos da bananeira ‘Prata Anã’. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 31, n. 3, p. 755-762, 2009. ).

In this context, the objective of this work was to morphologically characterize 15 banana cultivars and assess the physical and chemical characteristics of their fruits in two maturation stages, unripe (pre-climacteric) and ripening.


Banana (Musa spp.) bunches of 15 cultivars were harvested in a 6-years-old experimental orchard (plant spacing of 3.5 x 2.5 m) of the Federal University of Viçosa, in Viçosa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil (20°45' S, 42°52' W, and altitude of 648 m). The cultivars used were: Ouro (AA), Nanica (AAA), Nanicão (AAA), Caru-Verde (AAA), Caru-Roxa (AAA), Caipira (AAA), Prata (AAB), Prata-Anã (AAB), Maçã (AAB), Mysore (AAB), Pacovan (AAB), Terrinha (AAB), Marmelo (ABB), Prata-Graúda (AAAB) and Caju (unknown genomic group).

The banana crop was conducted in rainfed conditions in a clayey Oxisol (Red-Yellow Latosol; SiBCS, 2006), plain terrain. The plants were subjected to periodic thinning of leaves and sprouts. Single superphosphate (500 g), potassium chloride (600 g), ammonium sulfate (600 g), zinc sulfate (20 g) and of borax (20 g) were applied in each plant group, every year during the rainy season (October to March). Control of pests and diseases were not performed due to their low incidence.

The bunches were harvested when the first signs of yellow color appeared in the fruits, taken apart in clusters, weighed without the rachis, and the number of clusters per bunch and number of fruits per bunch were counted. The second, third and fourth cluster were taken from each bunch to the Fruit Analysis Laboratory of the Federal University of Viçosa, where the fruits were removed from the clusters, eliminating the damaged, diseased and malformed fruits. The fruits were washed in running water and left on absorbent paper for a few minutes to coagulate the latex. Then, 12 fruits at stage-1 color (dark green peel) were selected (DADZIE; ORCHARD, 1997DADZIE, B. K.; ORCHARD, J. E. Evaluación rutinaria postcosecha de híbridos de bananos y plátanos: critérios y métodos. Montpelier: INIBAP, 1997. 63 p. (Guias técnicas Inibap, 2). ), and six of them were immediately evaluated. The remaining six fruits were immersed in an ethephon solution (1.2 g L-1) for 8 minutes to uniform the ripening, air dried for 15 minutes, immersed in a fungicide solution (Procloraz at 0.49 g L-1) for 5 minutes, packed in plastic boxes and kept at room temperature (not controlled) until reaching the stage-6 color (completely yellow peal) (DADZIE; ORCHARD, 1997).

A completely randomized design was used, with 15 treatments (cultivars) and four replications (bunches), with six fruits per sample unit. Pulp and peel of unripe and ripe fruits of each cultivar were analyzed. Characterization of the plants was carried out using the same experimental design with 15 treatments (cultivars) and five replications (plants). Each part of the fruit (pulp and peel), and each color stage was considered as a separate experiment. The pulp and peel of six fruits in the two maturation stages were used for evaluation of all variables. Exceptions were the diameter (only for the whole fruit), firmness and soluble solids content (only for the pulp), and thickness (only for the peel of fruits at both maturation stages).

Fruit diameter was verified in the median area of each fruit, perpendicular to its larger axis, with a digital caliper. Fruit pulp length (market length) and total length (including stalk and style extremity) were measured in the convex face of the fruit with a metallic tape, and the data were expressed in millimeters. Pulp firmness was measured in the median area of each fruit, after removing part of the peel between two edges, using a penetrometer SHIMPO model DFS 100 (Digital Force Gauge), with tip diameter of 8 mm. Six fruits of each cultivar were weighed (g) together and separated into peel and pulp (the peels were weighed separately and the pulp weight was obtained by the difference).

Peel thickness was measured with a digital caliper in the middle part of the fruit peel, between two edges, and the data were expressed in millimeters. Pulp-to-peel ratio was obtained by dividing the pulp fresh weight by the peel fresh weight. Pulp and peel dry weight percentages of unripe and ripe fruits was evaluated by gravimetry.

Peel color was evaluated in the central region of the fruit. The peel was then removed, and the pulp was cut lengthwise to perform readings inside the fruit. A Konica Minolta colorimeter (CR 10) was used to assess the L*, a*, b*, C* and hº values. The coefficients C* and hue were used to express color differences between the peels and pulps of unripe and ripe fruits. Moreover, colors were attributed to the ripe pulps (AMORIM et al., 2009AMORIM, E. P. et al. Genetic diversity of carotenoid-rich bananas evaluated by Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT). Genetics and Molecular Biology, Ribeirão Preto, v. 32, n. 1, p. 96-103, 2009. ).

Soluble solids content was evaluated with a portable digital refractometer (Atago model N1), with readings in the range of 0 to 32 ºBrix. Titratable acidity was evaluated by titration up to pH 8.2, under constant stirring, with a NaOH (0.05 N) solution, previously standardized with potassium biphthalate. The results were expressed in grams of malic acid per 100 g of pulp or peel of each cultivar and maturation stages.

Five plants with emitted inflorescence of each cultivar were selected to evaluations of plant height, measured from the ground to the inflorescence insertion, and pseudostem diameter at 30 cm from the ground, with a ruler tape. The third leaf from the inflorescence of each cultivar was harvested to measure the petiole length, leaf blade length along the midrib, and maximum leaf blade width in the middle of the leaf. The leaf form (erect, bent or curved) and leaf blade length-to-width ratio were also evaluated.

The data of the variables were compared between cultivars by subjected them to analysis of variance and by grouping their means by the criterion of Scott-Knott (p<0.01 or p<0.05), using the System for Statistical Analysis and Genetics (SAEG 9.1). Comparisons within fruit parts and maturation stages were performed by using descriptive statistics.


Four groups were formed regarding the number of clusters per bunch, with the cultivar Mysore standing out among the cultivars. The cultivars Mysore and Caipira stood out with the highest number of fruits per bunch (Table 1), confirming the findings of Silva et al. (2006aSILVA, E. A.; BOLIANI, A. C.; CORRÊA, L. S. Avaliação de cultivares de bananeira (musa sp) na região de Selvíria-MS. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 28, n. 1, p. 101-103, 2006a. ), who characterized seven banana cultivars in Selviria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The cultivar Caipira had the highest number of fruits per bunch; result that was also found by Lédo et al. (2008LÉDO, A. S. et al. Avaliação de genótipos de bananeira na região do baixo São Francisco, Sergipe. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 30, n. 3, p. 691-695, 2008. ), who assessed 17 banana genotypes in Propria, State of Sergipe, Brazil. The banana bunch weight ranged from 7.5 kg (Ouro) to 33.44 kg (Prata-Graúda). The banana cluster average weight depended on the number of fruits per bunch and fruit individual weights. Thus, cultivars with more fruits per bunch and highest average fruit weight had higher production per bunch (LÉDO et al., 2008LÉDO, A. S. et al. Avaliação de genótipos de bananeira na região do baixo São Francisco, Sergipe. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 30, n. 3, p. 691-695, 2008. ).

Table 1
Number of clusters per bunch (CB), fruits per cluster (FC), fruits per bunch (FB), bunch weight (BW), fruit total length (TL), fruit market length (ML) of unripe fruits and their coefficients of variation (CV%) in 15 banana cultivars.

The total and market lengths did not vary with fruit ripening, thus, the data presented for these two characteristics were from ripe fruits (Table 1). The fruit total length ranged from 02.13 cm (Ouro) to 24.58 cm (Terrinha). Seven cultivars were in the group with the highest average market lengths (ML). The variations found in the variables were due to the cultivars used, since AA cultivars, such as Ouro, have small, cylindrical fruits and the peel is thin and more adhered to the pulp, unlike triploid and tetraploid cultivars, which have greater fruits, firmer pulp, marked edges and thicker peel, which may influence their larger average diameter and length. Moreover, the cultivar Terrinha has more prominent extremities, which contribute to a greater total fruit length, unlike Nanicão, which has short tip and pedicel.

The unripe fruit diameters ranged from 29.82 mm (Ouro) to 49.96 mm (Caru-Roxa) when unripe, and from 28 mm (Ouro) to 48.62 mm (Caru-Roxa) when ripe. The cultivar Ouro had firmer ripe pulp (Table 2).

The fruit ripening caused a decrease of about 5% in fruit average diameter (Table 2), which can be related to the dehydration during the maturation process and consequently reduction in peel thickness. This reduction was also found by Jesus et al. (2004JESUS, S. C. et al. Caracterização física e química de frutos de diferentes genótipos de bananeira. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 63, n. 3, p. 315-323, 2004. ).

Table 2
Diameter, pulp firmness of unripe and ripe fruits and their coefficients of variation (CV%) in 15 banana cultivars.

The pulp firmness reduced with ripening. The cultivar Terrinha had the firmest pulp at stage-6 color (Table 2); result also found by Ruiz (2003RUIZ, G. A. C. Relação entre componentes da parede celular e atividade enzimática no pedicelo e a suscetibilidade de bananas ao despencamento natural. 2003. 48 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitotecnia: Área de Concentração em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2003. ) for bananas Terra compared to Prata and Prata-Graúda. This results that can be explained by the difference in starch content of these cultivars, since fruits of the cultivar Terrinha had high starch content in the pulp (12.6%) even when were ripe, and starch has structural function in banana pulp (AQUINO, 2014AQUINO, C. F. Características físicas e químicas e potencial antioxidante dos frutos de 15 cultivares de bananeiras. 2014. 131 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitotecnia: Área de Concentração em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2014. ). Ruiz (2003) found an abrupt decrease in firmness of the cultivars Prata and Prata -Graúda from peel stage-3 color, and of cultivar Terra from stage-5 related to enzymatic degradation of pectic components of the cell wall and middle lamella, and to conversion of starch into sugars during ripening.

Ruiz (2003RUIZ, G. A. C. Relação entre componentes da parede celular e atividade enzimática no pedicelo e a suscetibilidade de bananas ao despencamento natural. 2003. 48 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitotecnia: Área de Concentração em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2003. ) evaluated the pedicel of three banana cultivars and reported high levels of starch in the cultivar Terra as one of the factors that contributed to the maintenance of cell firmness and avoid the banana natural falling. Pereira et al. (2004PEREIRA, M. C. T. et al. Susceptibilidade à queda natural e caracterização dos frutos de diversos genótipos de bananeiras. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 26, n. 3, p. 499-502, 2004. ) found that the firmness of the fruit is related to the resistance to falling, i.e., fruits with firm pulp are less susceptible to falling off. Fruits with firm pulp have greater resistance to transport and greater post-harvest durability.

The fruit weight reduced in about 8%, on average, at ripening. However, the ripe pulp fresh weight increased by 5.6%, on average, compared to the unripe pulp. Moreover, all cultivars had a reduction of approximately 5%, on average, in the ripe pulp dry weight percentage compared to the unripe pulp (Table 3). This results are due to the migration of water from the peel to the pulp and the consumption of carbohydrates in respiration with the fruit ripening.

The cultivars Caru-Roxa and Marmelo stood out with the highest average fresh weight of unripe fruits, while the Ouro and Mysore had the lowest values compared to the other cultivars (Table 3). The cultivars Caru-Roxa and the Marmelo had the highest fresh weight of ripe fruits and the Caru-Roxa had the greatest pulp weight at both maturation stages, while the Terrinha had the highest dry weight percentage at both maturation stages. The cultivars Nanicão, Caru-Verde, Caru-Roxa, Caipira (AAA) and Prata-Graúda (AAAB) had the lowest pulp dry weight percentage for unripe fruits. The differences in pulp dry weight percentages of cultivars are due to the pulp starch content, since these two variables are directly related. The average percentages of ripe pulp dry weight percentage ranged from 23.63 to 37.38% (Table 3); results that are similar to those found by Jesus et al. (2004JESUS, S. C. et al. Caracterização física e química de frutos de diferentes genótipos de bananeira. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 63, n. 3, p. 315-323, 2004. ) (21.1 to 32.3%) and Bezerra and Dias (2009BEZERRA, V. S.; DIAS, J. S. A. Avaliação físico-química de frutos de bananeiras. Acta Amazônica, Manaus, v. 39, n. 2, p. 423-428, 2009. ) (24.09 to 26.32%).

Table 3
Fruit fresh weight (FFW), pulp fresh weight (PFW), pulp dry weight percentage (PDW), pulp-to-peel ratio and their coefficients of variation (CV%) of unripe and ripe fruits in 15 banana cultivars.

The pulp-to-peel ratio of unripe fruits ranged from 1.18 to 2.26 (Table 3). The cultivars Maçã and Ouro had the highest pulp-to-peel ratio and, thus, higher pulp, and the highest pulp yields, despite the reduced diameter and length, since they have fruits with thinner peel, with lower peel weight.

The ripe pulp-to-peel ratio had an average increase of 53% compared to the unripe fruits. This result was due to the migration of water from the peel to the pulp during ripening, from the osmotic pressure gradient caused by the higher concentration of sugars in the pulp compared to the peel. Moreover, the peel loses water to the environment by transpiration process, which reduces its weight. These averages ranged from 1.43 to 4.18 (Table 3), with values similar to those found by Jesus et al. (2004JESUS, S. C. et al. Caracterização física e química de frutos de diferentes genótipos de bananeira. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 63, n. 3, p. 315-323, 2004. ) (1.60 to 4.09) for fruits at stage 6. Pinheiro et al. (2006PINHEIRO, A. C. M. et al. Pós-colheita de bananas-maçã submetidas ao 1-MCP e armazenadas à temperatura ambiente. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 30, n. 2, p. 323-328, 2006. ) also found a significant increase in pulp-to-peel ratio of fruits at stage 7 compared to fruits at stage 3. The cultivar Ouro had the highest pulp-to-peel ratio when ripe and, consequently, greater pulp weight.

The pulp yield is an important parameter for both fresh consumption and industry processing. Cultivars whose fruits have high pulp yield had higher processing yields of final products (concentrates), which may represent greater profitability for industries (CHITARRA; CHITARRA, 2005CHITARRA, M. I. F.; CHITARRA, A. B. Pós-colheita de frutos e hortaliças: fisiologia e manuseio. 2. ed. Lavras, MG: UFLA, 2005. 785 p. ).

Ripe fruits had changes in peel physical aspects compared to unripe fruits, with reduction in the overall average fresh weight and peel thickness and increase in dry weight percentage, due to the loss of water through the peel with fruit ripening (Table 4). The cultivar Marmelo had the highest peel fresh weight for both maturation stages; the cultivars Ouro and Mysore had the lowest average peel fresh weight for both maturation stages and the Maçã for the unripe fruits.

Table 4
Peel fresh weight, dry weight percentage, thickness and their coefficients of variation (CV%) in peels of unripe and ripe fruits of 15 banana cultivars.

The dry weight percentage in the peel increased by 19% with fruit ripening (Table 4) due to the water loss of ripe peel by transpiration and migration to the pulp. The cultivars Marmelo and Maçã had the highest dry weight percentage at both maturation stages, and Ouro had high percentage at ripening. The cultivars Maçã and Ouro had reduced fresh weight, but were among the cultivars with the highest average percentage of peel dry weight at both maturation stages.

The cultivars Marmelo and Prata-Graúda had thicker peel at both maturation stages, as well as the Caru-Roxa at unripe stage. Peel thickness reduced with ripening; the smaller thickness variations between stages was presented by the cultivars Caju (0.68 mm) and Marmelo (0.79 mm), while the cultivar Nanica had the greatest variation (1.69 mm) (Table 4).

The cultivars Caipira, Maçã and Marmelo had lower levels of C* coefficient and high rates of Hue* angle in the unripe pulp, showing that these cultivars had the clearer pulps. However, the color parameters indicate that the cultivars Terrinha and the Caru-Roxa, showed orange pulp color, even at stage-1 color, which were different from the other clear pulp cultivars (Table 5).

The ripe pulp had an increase in color intensity (C*) and a decrease in Hue* angle (Table 5), presenting a yellow-orange color at ripening. The pulp of the cultivar Marmelo remained with white color, even when ripe, while ripe fruits of the Terrinha had pulp of greater intensity of yellow-orange color. Most cultivars had yellow or cream color. Aquino (2014AQUINO, C. F. Características físicas e químicas e potencial antioxidante dos frutos de 15 cultivares de bananeiras. 2014. 131 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitotecnia: Área de Concentração em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2014. ) reported that cultivars with orange pulp color, regardless the maturation stage, have highest carotenoid content compared to those of cream or white pulp color.

The cultivar Caru-Roxa had different color from other cultivars (dark purple peel), presenting the most marked difference between unripe peels (Table 5). The bunches of all cultivars were harvested at the same development stage, thus, the other cultivars had little variations in shades of green color, which were due to particular characteristics of each cultivar evaluated.

The ripe fruits of all cultivars presented peels of intense yellow color, verified by the Hue* angle values, except the Nanica, Nanicão and Caru-Roxa. The cultivars Nanica and Nanicão had greenish-yellow color, even with ripe pulp. The cultivar Caru-Roxa had the lowest color intensity and Hue* values, with red peel in ripe fruits (Table 5).

The peel color change from stage 1 to 6 is characterized by the decrease in chlorophyll content, that cause the appearance of yellow. This color change is due to the enzymatic action on the chlorophyll structure, enabling the expression of carotenoids (NEWILAH et al., 2009), without, however, a measurable synthesis, as found in the pulp.

Table 5
Color parameters of peel and pulp of unripe and ripe fruits (C* and Hue*), ripe pulp color and their coefficients of variation (CV%) in 15 banana cultivars.

Color is related to the attractiveness to the consumer. Bananas that have more intense and bright colors seems to be more attractive, by suggesting that these fruits, with yellow peel are certainly ripe, all the organoleptic characteristics are present, and can be immediately consumed.

Viviani and Leal (2007VIVIANI, L.; LEAL, P. M. Qualidade pós-colheita de banana Prata-Anã armazenada sob diferentes condições. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 29, n. 3, p. 465-470, 2007.) evaluate the behavior of 30 tasters regarding the peel color of bananas Prata-Anã at the time of purchase and found high preference index for fruits that had color considered ideal to consumption (intense yellow), compared to fruits with peels that were yellow with green parts. The red peel and yellow-orange pulp colors of the Caru-Roxa can be an attraction factor for consumers at purchasing the product, when they not associate the purple peel color with cultivars commonly used for cooking or frying, as observed by Matsuura et al. (2004MATSUURA, F. C. A.; COSTA, J. I. P.; FOLEGATTI, M. I. S. Marketing de banana: preferências do consumidor quanto aos atributos de qualidade dos frutos. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 26, n. 1, p. 48-52, 2004. ).

The soluble solids were dependent on the cultivar and the maturation stage. The unripe pulp had lower soluble solids content, with average 5-fold less than the ripe pulp. The Caipira, Maçã, Mysore, Pacovan and Terrinha were grouped as the cultivars of highest average of soluble solids in unripe pulp (Table 6). Ferris et al. (1999FERRIS, R. S. B.; ORTIZ, R.; VUYLSTEKE, D. Fruit quality evaluation of plantains, plantain hybrids, and cooking bananas. Postharvest Biology and Technology, Amsterdam, v. 15, n. 1, p. 73-81, 1999. ) found no differences in soluble solids content in fruit of different banana cultivars at stage 1, in a study conducted in Uganda, however, the differences became more apparent in fruits between stages 3 (more green than yellow peel) and 7 (yellow peel with brown areas). Unripe fruits have high starch content, which is hydrolysed with ripening, resulting in sugar accumulation; and the soluble solids content is an indicative of the sugar content in the fruit (AQUINO, 2014AQUINO, C. F. Características físicas e químicas e potencial antioxidante dos frutos de 15 cultivares de bananeiras. 2014. 131 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitotecnia: Área de Concentração em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2014. ).

The average ºBrix of ripe pulp ranged from 22.01 to 29.53 (Table 6), which were above those reported by Jesus et al. (2004JESUS, S. C. et al. Caracterização física e química de frutos de diferentes genótipos de bananeira. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 63, n. 3, p. 315-323, 2004. ) (19.8 to 27.4 ºBrix), especially in the Ouro (AA) and Prata, Prata-Anã, Pacovan and Terrinha (AAB).

The ripe pulp had a considerable increase in titratable acidity compared to the unripe pulp (Table 6), which was also observed by Nascimento Junior et al. (2008). However, Pinheiro et al. (2006PINHEIRO, A. C. M. et al. Pós-colheita de bananas-maçã submetidas ao 1-MCP e armazenadas à temperatura ambiente. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 30, n. 2, p. 323-328, 2006. ) found little color variation between stages 3 and 7 for cultivar Maçã.

The average titratable acidity of the unripe pulp ranged from 0.14 to 0.28% (Table 6), and were superior to those reported by Ramos et al. (2009RAMOS, D. P.; LEONEL, S.; MISCHAN, M. M. Caracterização físico-química dos frutos de genótipos de bananeira produzidos em Botucatu-SP. Ciência e Agrotecnologia , Lavras, v. 33, Sup., p. 1765-1770, 2009. ) who found 0.08 to 0.18% in fruits of 12 cultivars. The average titratable acidity of the ripe pulp ranged from 0.34 to 0.73%, and were similar to those reported by Gomes et al. (2007GOMES, M. C. et al. Avaliação de germoplasma elite de bananeira. Revista Ceres, Viçosa, v. 54, n. 312, p. 185-190, 2007. ) (0.38 to 0.81%), and higher than those found by Jesus et al. (2004JESUS, S. C. et al. Caracterização física e química de frutos de diferentes genótipos de bananeira. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 63, n. 3, p. 315-323, 2004. ) (0.25 to 0.54%), both evaluating ripe pulp of 10 banana genotypes. The B genotype in the ripe pulp of the cultivars is probably a result of an increased acidity (Table 6). The high acidity of Mysore (AAB) is easily perceived when consuming the fruit. Similarly, the low acidity can be perceived when consuming the Nanica and Nanicão (AAA).

Two groups were formed for the peel acidity percentage at both maturation stages, with the Maçã, Mysore, Terrinha, Marmelo and Prata-Graúda standing out at both stages, and the Prata-Anã at ripening (Table 6). According to Bleinroth (1995BLEINROTH, E. W. Matéria-prima. In MEDINA, J. C. et al. (Eds.). Banana: cultura, matéria-prima, processamento e aspectos econômicos. Campinas: ITAL, 1995. cap. 2, p. 133-196. ), bananas at unripe stage have low acidity, which increases with ripening until reaching a maximum, when the peel is completely yellow, and then decreases, indicating the beginning of senescence.

Table 6
Soluble solids (SS) contents, titratable acidity (TA) percentages and their coefficients of variation (CV%) in pulp and peel of unripe and ripe fruits of 15 banana cultivars.

The cultivars had average plant height ranging from 2.25 to 6.15 m. The cultivar Nanica was the smallest and the Prata, Pacovan, Caru-Roxa and Caru-Verde were tallest plants (Table 7). Moreira (1999MOREIRA, R. S. Banana: teoria e prática de cultivo. 2. ed. Campinas, SP: Fundação Cargill, 1999. 657 p. ) classified banana plant heights in four sizes: up to 2 m (low), 2 to 3.5 m (medium), 3.5 to 6 m (high) and above 6 m (very high). The most widespread cultivars in Brazil (Nanica, Nanicão and Prata-Anã) had the lowest heights, along with the Terrinha and the Ouro.

Table 7
Plant height (PH), pseudostem diameter (PD), petiole length (PL) leaf blade length (LSL), leaf blade width (LSW), leaf blade length-to-width ratio (LSL-LSW), leaf form (LF) and their coefficients of variation (CV%) in 15 banana cultivars

Banana plant height is important from the phytotechnic and breeding point of view, influencing the planting density, crop management and dumping off of plants, directly interfering in the production (SANTOS et al., 2006SANTOS, S. C. et al. Caracterização morfológica e avaliação de cultivares de bananeira resistentes a sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) no Sudoeste goiano. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura , Jaboticabal, v. 28, n. 3, p. 449-453, 2006. ). The higher heights of some cultivars may influence the loss of leaf area due to wind, especially in areas with occurrence of strong winds. The cultivars with larger pseudostem diameter were also the highest, except the Prata-Anã and Prata-Graúda, which stood out in the group with larger diameters (Table 7). According to Borges et al. (2011BORGES, R. S. et al. Avaliação de genótipos de bananeira no norte do estado do Paraná. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, Jaboticabal, v. 33, n. 1, p. 291-296, 2011. ) high plants are less susceptible to dumping off when the pseudostem are thick. The pseudostem diameter is an important factor in banana breeding, which is related to the vigor and the capacity of the plant to support a bunch (SILVA et al., 2006bSILVA, S. O. et al. Avaliação de clones de banana Cavendish. Ciência e Agrotecnologia , Lavras, v. 30, n. 5, p. 832-837, 2006b. ).

The cultivars Prata and Pacovan had the highest total length of plants (pseudostem height plus the petiole length and leaf blade length), exceeding 10 m. Eleven cultivars were grouped with the largest leaf blade widths, including the Prata and Pacovan, the later had the highest leaf blade length-to-width ratio.

According to Moreira (1999MOREIRA, R. S. Banana: teoria e prática de cultivo. 2. ed. Campinas, SP: Fundação Cargill, 1999. 657 p. ), the total leaf area of plants is an important parameter that for the production of assimilates which results in greater bunch weight; and the relation between bunch weight and leaf area cannot be extrapolated to different cultivars, since these are different in each cultivar. Therefore, it may explain the results of the cultivar Nanica, which produced bunches with considerable weight despite its small leaf blade area, and the results of the cultivar Prata, which produced small bunches despite its great leaf blade area. The predominant form of the leaves of the cultivars evaluated was bent.


The cultivar and maturation stage influenced all fruit characteristics evaluated, except the fruit market and total lengths, which did not vary with ripening.

The cultivar Ouro (AA) had shorter fruits, fruits with smaller diameter, and firmer fruits when unripe.

The fruit and pulp of cultivar Caru-Roxa (AAA) had fresh weights higher than those found in the other cultivars evaluated. However, fruits of the cultivar Terrinha (AAB) had higher dry weight percentage and the peels of Marmelo (ABB) had higher fresh weight at both maturation stages.

The soluble solids (SS) content in the ripe pulp was 5-fold greater than the unripe pulp contents. The pulp had higher percentage of titratable acidity, compared to the peel, at both maturation stages.

The cultivars with the largest pseudostem diameter were also the highest, except the Prata-Anã and Prata-Graúda, which had only larger diameters. The cultivars Prata and Pacovan were the highest cultivars.


The authors thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for financial support and for granting scholarships to the authors


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  • 1
    Paper extracted from the doctoral thesis of the first author.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Mar 2017


  • Received
    28 Apr 2015
  • Accepted
    17 June 2016
Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido Avenida Francisco Mota, número 572, Bairro Presidente Costa e Silva, Cep: 5962-5900, Telefone: 55 (84) 3317-8297 - Mossoró - RN - Brazil