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Association Between Early Admission at School and Oral Health and Nutritional Status of Children in the City of São Paulo, Brazil



To investigate the possible relationship between early admission to the school of children in early childhood and oral health conditions (OH) and nutritional status (NS).

Material and Methods:

Cross-sectional study conducted with 140 children aged 3-4 years, selected for convenience, in 4 public schools in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, during 2016, divided into children with early (IE) and late (IL) admission at school. Comparisons between groups were performed for the presence of overweight / obesity (OW / OB), caries lesions (CL), malocclusion (MO) and dental biofilm (DB), in addition to socioeconomic and dietary data. Multiple regression analysis was applied to determine the association between age of admission at school and OH and NS.


Children with IE had CL = 28.1%; DB = 46.9%; MO = 54.7% and OW / OB = 25.9%. Children with IE had IL = 29.8%; DB = 35.1%; MO = 61.4% and OW / OB = 30.8%. No significant association was found between age of admission at school and CL: 1.40 (0.53-3.73) 0.490; DB: 0.51 (0.22-1.16) 0.112; MO: 1.77 (0.77-4.05) 0.173 and OW / OB: 1.27 (0.55-2.92) 0.568, [OR (95% CI) p].


The age of admission at school of children in early childhood did not show a significant association with OH and NS.

Oral Health; Nutritional Status; Preschool; Eating Habits


Food care and education during early childhood used to be entirely carried out by the family nucleus in the past, which responsibility was largely attributed to the mother. In the last decades, with the greater insertion of women in the labor market, the family routine dynamics has changed. One of the first achievements in Brazil was the expansion of social assistance for infants aged 0-3 years through daycare centers. Subsequently, from the growing recognition of the State's duty to early childhood education, public policies began to establish better designs for children's insertion in early childhood education [1[1] Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Secretaria da Educação Básica. Monitoramento do Uso dos Indicadores da Qualidade na Educação Infantil. Brasília. 2011. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019]. [In Portuguese].

Early Childhood Education is currently recognized in the Brazilian constitution as a human and social right of all children aged 0-5 years and a State's duty [2[2] Chalita G, Cipriano E. Educação Infantil: Histórias, avanços e desafios. In: Haddad AE. São Paulo Carinhosa: O Que Grandes Cidades e Políticas Intersetoriais Podem Fazer Pela Primeira Infância. São Paulo: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura; 2016. p. 302-313. [In Portuguese].]. These institutions include Early Childhood Education Centers (CEI) for children up to 3 years old and the Pre-School (Municipal Schools for Early Childhood Education - EMEI) for children aged 4-5 years. CEIs and EMEIs differ by length of stay, full time at CEI and part-time at EMEI [3[3] Fisher E. Alimentação Escolar na Cidade de São Paulo. Do Copo do Leite à Educação Além do Prato. In: Haddad AE. São Paulo Carinhosa: O Que Grandes Cidades e Políticas Intersetoriais Podem Fazer Pela Primeira Infância. São Paulo: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura; 2016. p. 314-327. [In Portuguese].]. Enrollment in early childhood education becomes mandatory when the child turns 4 or 5 years of age, [4[4] Brasil. Resolução CNE/CEB 5/2009. Ministério da Educação. Diário da União. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019]. [In Portuguese].
] being optional until 3 years of age.

In the context of expanding the State's commitment to child development, school feeding programs have played a positive and important role in nutrition and healthy food promotion for children [5[5] Zenebe M, Gebremedhin S, Henry CJ, Regassa N. School feeding program has resulted in improved dietary diversity, nutritional status and class attendance of schoolchildren. Ital J Pediatr 2018; 44(1):16.
], as it is the case in Brazil of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE). PNAE is the second-largest school feeding program in the world and the only one recognized by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a world reference [6[6] FAO. Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura. Programa de Cooperação Internacional Brasil-FAO[Internet]. Fortalecimento dos Programas de Alimentação Escolar no âmbito da Iniciativa América Latina e Caribe Sem Fome 2025. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019]. [In Portuguese].
]. From the year 2009, through a new federal law, PNAE strengthened Food and Nutrition Education (EAN) for students from all basic public schools, establishing goals for the supply of fresh food acquired from family farming, low in sugar and fat [7[7] Brasil. Lei no 11.947. Dispõe Sobre o Atendimento da Alimentação Escolar e do Programa Dinheiro Direito na Escola aos Alunos da Educação Básica. Diário Oficial da União. 2009. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019]. [In Portuguese].
]. This law was implemented in the city of São Paulo from the year 2013.

According to their age group, children attending CEIs remain full time at school, receiving five balanced daily meals based on Food Guides. In addition, educational activities on healthy eating are carried out to promote and establish good eating habits since early years, reducing the risks of chronic diseases and protecting them for future stages of development [3[3] Fisher E. Alimentação Escolar na Cidade de São Paulo. Do Copo do Leite à Educação Além do Prato. In: Haddad AE. São Paulo Carinhosa: O Que Grandes Cidades e Políticas Intersetoriais Podem Fazer Pela Primeira Infância. São Paulo: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura; 2016. p. 314-327. [In Portuguese].]. A national study carried out in Brazil showed that 57% of children aged 0-3 years do not attend CEI and are cared for at home and 12% are under the care of someone other than their parents [8[8] Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal. Primeiríssima Infância: Creche: Necessidades e Interesses de Famílias e Crianças. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019]. [In Portuguese].

When parents choose to take care of their children at home, it is important to ensure a warm and stimulating physical and family environment, as well as healthy eating habits, from the transition from breastfeeding to family feeding. Children exposed to early stimulating environments are more likely to develop physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially than children in adverse and vulnerable conditions [9[9] Bick J, Nelson CA. Early experience and brain development. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci 2017; 8(1-2).
]. Food safety and the establishment of healthy eating habits during the first years of life are essential for the child's growth and development [10[10] Chaffee BW, Feldens CA, Rodrigues PH, Vítolo MR. Feeding practices in infancy associated with caries incidence in early childhood. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2015; 43(4):338-48.
]. A systematic review of child health shows that deficiency in micronutrient consumption and excess energy consumption are probably associated with replacing fresh or minimally processed foods with ultra-processed foods [11[11] Carvalho CA, Fonsêca PCA, Priore SE, Franceschini SCC, Novaes JF. Food consumption and nutritional adequacy in Brazilian children: a systematic review. Rev Paul Pediatr 2015; 33(2):211-21.

Oral health can also be strongly influenced by dietary patterns [10[10] Chaffee BW, Feldens CA, Rodrigues PH, Vítolo MR. Feeding practices in infancy associated with caries incidence in early childhood. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2015; 43(4):338-48.
]. Among chronic noncommunicable diseases in childhood, which has a high consumption of added sugar as a common risk factor, dental caries and obesity stand out, which, in addition to compromising the child's general health, have high treatment costs [12[12] National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Dental Caries (Age 2 to 11). Available from: [Accessed on Oct 20, 2018].

In this context, early childhood education is of strategic importance for health promotion, especially in families in a situation of social and economic vulnerability and parents with low schooling [2[2] Chalita G, Cipriano E. Educação Infantil: Histórias, avanços e desafios. In: Haddad AE. São Paulo Carinhosa: O Que Grandes Cidades e Políticas Intersetoriais Podem Fazer Pela Primeira Infância. São Paulo: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura; 2016. p. 302-313. [In Portuguese].]. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible association between the early admission of children in early childhood education with oral health conditions and nutritional status. The hypothesis is that early admission at school may have a protective effect on these children's oral health and nutritional status.

Material and Methods

Study Scenario

The municipality of São Paulo (MSP) has thirteen Regional Education Directorships (DRE) distributed in five macro-regions (northern, southern, southeastern, western, eastern regions) [13[13] São Paulo. Secretaria Municipal de Educação. Portal Institucional. Diretorias Regionais de Educação -DREs. São Paulo: Cidade São Paulo. Educação. Available from: [Accessed on Aug 03, 2020]. [In Portuguese].
]. Two DREs were chosen (western and southern regions) that had considerable number of children, both with early and late admission, and within these DREs, two CEIs were chosen, which also had a large number of children with early and late admission, according to the enrollment data provided by the respective DRE.

Sample Population

A convenience sample involving 140 children aged 42-55 months was divided into two groups, according to the median age of admission of children to the CEI (months): early admission (IE) (≤23 months, n = 71) and late entry (IL) (> 23 months, n = 69). The age of admission was calculated by the difference between the date of initial enrollment in the CEI and the child's date of birth, data provided by each CEI.

Data Collection

The criteria for diagnosis and determination of dental caries lesions' presence were those recommended by the World Health Organization [14[14] World Health Organization. Oral Health Surveys: Basic Methods. World Health Organization; 2013. 137p.]. For active white spot (WS) lesions, white, opaque and porous WS was considered [15[15] Fejerskov O, Nyvad B, Kidd EAM. Aspectos Clínicos das Lesões Cariosas. In: Fejerskov O, Nyvad B, Kidd EAM. Cárie Dentária. A Doença e Seu Tratamento Clínico. 2. ed. São Paulo: Santos, 2005. [In Portuguese].].

To assess the presence of malocclusion, the Foster and Hamilton criteria [16[16] Foster TD, Hamilton MC. Occlusion in the primary dentition. Study of children at 2 and one-halfto 3 years of age. Br Dent J 1969; 126(2):76-9.] were adopted, being considered present if it had at least one type of occlusal alteration. To assess the presence of dental biofilm 52,51,62,61, dull-tipped WHO probe was used, according to the modified visible plaque index [17[17] Alaluusua S, Malmivirta R. Early plaque accumulation - a sign for caries risk in young children. CommunityDent Oral Epidemiol 1994; 22(5):273-6.
] criterion, considered positive, only when dental biofilm was observed on the buccal surfaces of the four examined teeth.

To determine the child's nutritional status, according to age, children were weighed and measured, and the Anthro software from the World Health Organization [18[18] World Health Organization. WHO Anthro (version 3.2.2, January 2011) and macros. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019].
] was used, taking as reference the Body Mass Index (BMI) [BMI = weight / (height)2]. A questionnaire was also applied to parents / guardians via telephone about socioeconomic conditions [19[19] Barros AJD, Victora CG. Indicador econômico para o Brasil baseado no censo demográfico de 2000. Rev Saúde Pública 2005; 39(4):523-9.
], eating habits at home and the child's oral hygiene.

Fieldwork and data collection were carried out between September 2016 and August 2017. The data collection team was composed of 5 researchers: a dentist, two nutritionists and two collaborators (undergraduate students). The dentist was previously trained and calibrated for the diagnosis of dental caries lesions (DCL, Kappa: 0.84), including initial white spot lesions (WS, Kappa: 0.83); malocclusion (MO, Kappa: 0.92); dental biofilm (DB, Kappa: 0.85). The two nutritionists received training and calibration at the Laboratory of Nutritional Assessment of Populations of the School of Public Health at USP (Kappa1 = 0.91; Kappa2 = 0.087).

Prior to fieldwork, a pilot study was carried out to test the questionnaire methodology and clinical evaluation in 28 children enrolled in CEI with the same characteristics as the sample. Children who participated in the pilot study were excluded from the main survey.

Due to the age of children, an initial approach was performed one day before the clinical examination, involving playful activities with the use of a dummy simulating the clinical evaluation so that children were familiarized with the examiner and with data collection procedures. Oral clinical examination was carried out in an environment prepared at CEI during the day with natural light, using sterilized material and properly dressed staff. Oral clinical examination was visual-tactile, in the following order: occlusion (child standing in front of the examiner with the Frankfurt Plan parallel to the ground at maximum intercuspation), evaluation of the presence of dental biofilm and caries lesions (previous cleaning and drying of teeth with gauze) using a dull-tipped WHO probe, the latter with the child lying in the knee-knee position.

Weight and height were measured with the child barefoot and with light clothes, collecting and recording weight and height using previously calibrated measuring instruments (electronic scale and stadiometer).

Data Analysis

The association between qualitative variables and outcomes was assessed using the Pearson's chi-square test. In the analysis of factors associated with the main outcomes (oral health and nutritional status), univariate and multiple logistic regression was used, calculating the odds ratio (OR) value and its respective 95% confidence interval (95% CI).

The stepwise forward method allowed the construction of the final model of factors associated with the outcomes. Initially, variables in the univariate regression had p <0.20 were considered for the construction of the multiple model. Variables that were independently associated with the outcome were included in the final model, adjusted for the main study variable. The significance level adopted was 5% for all hypothesis tests. Analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical software for Windows v.25 and Stata / MP 14.0 for Windows.

Ethical Considerations

This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry - University of São Paulo (CAAE: 55796616.4.0000.0075). All procedures were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.


There was no significant difference between groups of children (IE and IL) concerning socioeconomic variables and household eating habits. The sample consisted mostly of female children and mothers with schooling up to high school. Regarding eating habits, undesirable eating practices were observed, especially regarding the early introduction of beverages with added sugar (≤12 months of age) and bottle use (Table 1).

Table 1
Sample composition in relation to outcome variables and age of admission of children at CEI.

The general and comparative percentages referring to children's oral health and nutritional status with early and late admission in early childhood education are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Oral health conditions and nutritional status according to the age of admission at CEI.

No variable was found independently associated with nutritional status. The age of admission at CEI was not associated with the analyzed outcomes, but it was included as an adjustment variable in the multiple regression model. Visit to the dentist was associated with the presence of caries lesions (OR: 4.56; 95% CI: 1.69-12.32; p=0.003). Pacifier user was independently associated with the presence of malocclusion (OR: 2.75; 95% CI: 1.20-6.28; p=0.016). Children with DLC and WS were almost three times more likely to have dental biofilm than children who did not have DCL and WS (OR: 2.92; 95% CI: 1.21-7.05; p=0.017). (Table 2).

Table 2
Multiple regression analysis of factors associated with oral health and nutritional status


In Brazil, access to health and education are established as constitutional rights. The school offers an environment conducive to educational activities in relation to healthy habits. PNAE promotes food and nutritional safety by offering balanced food according to age groups. The quality indicators for early childhood education in the city of São Paulo, developed and implemented since 2013, include a specific topic in the health promotion indicator, called "responsibility for the healthy feeding of infants and children" [20[20] São Paulo. Secretaria Municipal de Educação. Diretoria de Orientação Técnica. Indicadores de Qualidade da Educação Infantil Paulistana. São Paulo, 2016. Pág.72. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019]. [In Portuguese].
]. The implementation of school feeding programs in vulnerable populations shows positive effects on the improvement of nutritional status and school performance of students [5[5] Zenebe M, Gebremedhin S, Henry CJ, Regassa N. School feeding program has resulted in improved dietary diversity, nutritional status and class attendance of schoolchildren. Ital J Pediatr 2018; 44(1):16.
]. The school feeding program also shows positive effects on students' oral health compared to schools without a program [21[21] Moysés ST, Moysés SJ, Watt RG, Sheiham A. Associations between health promoting schools' policies and indicators of oral health in Brazil. Health Promot Int 2003; 18(3):209-18.

Despite the fact that gender inequalities still playing a relevant role, the growing female insertion in the labor market stands out [22[22] Organização Internacional do Trabalho/Nações Unidad (OIT/ONU). OIT: Participação das Mulheres no Mercado de Trabalho Ainda é Menor que dos Homens. Available from: [Accessed on Sept 6, 2020]. [In Portuguese].
], which can lead to a decrease in the time dedicated to activities of preparing family meals, stress or tiredness in child care at home. While not enrolled in CEI, children can also have their daycare transferred to other people (older siblings, grandparents, hired caregivers), influencing the acquisition of eating habits [8[8] Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal. Primeiríssima Infância: Creche: Necessidades e Interesses de Famílias e Crianças. Available from: [Accessed on Nov 17, 2019]. [In Portuguese].

Diet patterns have undergone change in contemporary society [23[23] Fonseca AB, Souza TSN, Frozi DS, pereira RA. Dietary modernity and food consumption: socio-anthropological contributions to research in nutrition. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva 2011; 16(9):3853-62.
]. There was a time when the consumption of fresh foods prepared just before meals predominated, that has been gradually replaced by an increase in the consumption of processed and ultra-processed foods, which do not depend on prior preparation, motivated, among other factors, by urban lifestyle, socioeconomic, cultural factors and advertising strategies target at children [24[24] Louzada MLC, Martins APB, Canella DS, Baraldi LG, Levy RB, Claro RM, et al. Ultra-processed foods and the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil. Rev Saúde Pública 2015; 49:38.

[25] Warkentin S, Mais LA, Latorre MRDO, Carnell S, Taddei JAAC. Relationships between parent feeding behaviors and parent and child characteristics in Brazilian preschoolers: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2018; 18(1):704.

[26] Saldiva SRDM, Venancio SI, Santana AC, Castro ALS, Escuder MML, Giugliani ERJ. The consumption of unhealthy foods by Brazilian children is influenced by their mother's educational level. Nutr J 2014; 13:33.
-27[27] Kelly B, Hebden L, King L, Xiao Y, Yu Y, He G, et al. Children's exposure to food advertising on free-to-air television: na Asia-Pacific perspective. Health Promot Int 2016; 31(1):144-52.
]. These changes resulted in children's eating patterns alterations, with the early introduction of ultra-processed foods soon after the transition phase from breastfeeding to complementary feeding [28[28] Dallazen C, Silva SA, Gonçalves VSS, Nilson EAF, Crispim SP, Lang RMF, et al. Introduction of inappropriate complementary feeding in the first year of life and associated factors in children with low socioeconomic status. Cad Saúde Pública 2018; 34(2):e00202816.

Inadequate eating patterns affect oral health, while frequent and early consumption of cariogenic food and / or liquids (rich in sucrose) in addition to the presence of dental biofilm (oral hygiene deficiency) increases the risk of developing dental caries disease [10[10] Chaffee BW, Feldens CA, Rodrigues PH, Vítolo MR. Feeding practices in infancy associated with caries incidence in early childhood. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2015; 43(4):338-48.

Even knowing that schools promote healthy eating habits, the results of this study did not show any significant difference between groups of children (early and late admission at CEI), in relation to eating habits, oral health and nutritional status. In general, both groups showed undesirable practices (early introduction of sweets and soft drinks, prolonged use of pacifiers and babybottles). These aspects demand orientation guidance to both parents and teachers so that they can act proactively towards health promotion and prevention of the main oral health problems. These results may have been influenced by the study design and sample composition. It is worth mentioning that, given the lack of previous studies on the association between outcomes and age of admission at school, this study can be considered an exploratory study for future research, in which a probabilistic sample with population representation can be established.

In addition, it should be highlighted that the use of babybottle is associated with the consumption of sweetened liquids at high frequency and during sleeping periods, predisposing the infant to the appearance of caries lesions, a situation that must be taken into account for the adoption of preventive measures against dental caries disease. The use of pacifier involves emotional and psychological aspects, also complementing the need for suction from the interruption of breastfeeding, which can contribute to the persistence of the non-nutritive sucking habit [29[29] Yonezu T, Arano-Kojima T, Kumazawa K, Shintani S. Association between feeding methods and sucking habits: a cross-sectional study of infants in their first 18 months of life. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll 2013; 54(4):215-21.
]. The results of this study show a high prevalence of babybottle (45%) and pacifier use (25%), and as a result, a high prevalence of malocclusions - 57.9%. The most prevalent occlusal changes were overjet and anterior open bite, which is generally related to prolonged use of pacifiers and bottles.

Dental caries is a disease that affects general health, manifesting in its most advanced stages through signs and symptoms such as infection, swelling, pain, among others, thus influencing life quality [30[30] Corrêa-Faria P, Daher A, Freire MCM, Abreu MHNG, Bönecker M, Costa LR. Impact of untreated dental caries severity on the quality of life of preschool children and their families: a cross-sectional study. Qual Life Res 2018; 27(12):3191-8.
]. One of these symptoms resulting from severe caries injuries is pain of dental origin, being in most cases the main reason for dental visits. This study showed an association between visits to the dentist in the last 12 months and the presence of caries lesions in children. It is possible that the association of visits to the dentist in the last 12 months is motivated by some consequence or effect of early child caries. Another result was that the presence of dental biofilm was associated with the presence of initial caries lesions (WS). Studies have verified this association by showing that the presence of dental biofilm is an indicator of caries risk [17[17] Alaluusua S, Malmivirta R. Early plaque accumulation - a sign for caries risk in young children. CommunityDent Oral Epidemiol 1994; 22(5):273-6.
]. Caries disease is a process of demineralization of the affected teeth, determined by the influence of etiological factors acting over a certain period of time, which in its initial stages is clinically visible through WS. The early diagnosis of carious lesions in young children is important to reverse or inactivate these lesions.

Regarding nutritional status, there was no significant difference between children with early and late admission at CEI. It is suggested that factors such as gestational period, family influence, physical inactivity, economic status, sleep duration, family structure, may also have influenced on that [31[31] Dattilo AM. Modifiable risk factors and interventions for childhood obesity prevention within the first 1,000 days. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser 2017; 87:183-96.
]. In both groups, prevalence of normal nutritional status according to age and BMI was observed, evidencing the association between access to food and the offer of healthy food promoted by PNAE. It was observed that 28% of children were overweight / obese. Weight gain in early childhood is a predictor of obesity in adolescence and adulthood [32[32] Freedman DS, Khan LK, Dietz WH, Srinivasan SR, Berenson GS. Relationship of childhood obesity to coronary heart disease risk factors in adulthood: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Pediatrics 2001; 108(3):712-8.
]. Therefore, education concerning healthy nutritional habits in partnership with the family nucleus must be reinforced, considering that children in this age group is not autonomous their food choice, and that CEI can play an important role in the acquisition of good eating habits. Upon completing the 1st cycle of early childhood education at CEI and moving to EMEI, the child stops remaining at school full time, which results in greater influence of family eating habits. In this sense, the CEI period (0 to 3 years of age) represents a very important window of opportunity for promoting good eating habits for the role families, which may have repercussions in the medium and long term on the oral and general health of children and their families.

In general, this work showed that, in addition to the educational issues, there are other factors that can influence the acquisition of children eating habits and health promotion, which are reflected in their nutritional status and health oral. Public policy must be continued to ensure healthy nutrition and oral health for children, especially during the first years of life. On the other hand, this work also showed the need to focus on oral hygiene habits and behavioral habits in relation to the use of pacifiers and babybottles, habits that influence children's oral health. Despite limitations in relation to sample size and selection, part of the obtained results related to oral health and nutritional status are compatible with similar studies, as well as the use of measurement instruments tested in other studies that reinforce the validity of our results. As this study has a cross-sectional design, causality could not be established since effect and exposure are being simultaneously evaluated. However, further longitudinal studies with representative population-based samples should be carried out.


Visiting the dentist, the presence of dental caries and white spot lesions, and the use of pacifiers were associated with the prevalence of oral health conditions. However, the age at which the child was admitted at CEI was not associated with oral health conditions and nutritional status in this group of children.

  • Financial Support
    This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001.
  • Data Availability
    The data used to support the findings of this study can be made available upon request to the corresponding author.


To the Regional Directors of Education of Butantã and Campo Limpo, directors, teachers and employees of the Child Education Centers of the Municipality of São Paulo, who helped in the conduction of this research.


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  • [2]
    Chalita G, Cipriano E. Educação Infantil: Histórias, avanços e desafios. In: Haddad AE. São Paulo Carinhosa: O Que Grandes Cidades e Políticas Intersetoriais Podem Fazer Pela Primeira Infância. São Paulo: Secretaria Municipal de Cultura; 2016. p. 302-313. [In Portuguese].
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    Moysés ST, Moysés SJ, Watt RG, Sheiham A. Associations between health promoting schools' policies and indicators of oral health in Brazil. Health Promot Int 2003; 18(3):209-18.
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  • [23]
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Edited by

Academic Editor: Alessandro Leite Cavalcanti

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    01 Mar 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    10 Jan 2020
  • Reviewed
    20 Aug 2020
  • Accepted
    15 Oct 2020
Associação de Apoio à Pesquisa em Saúde Bucal Avenida Epitácio Pessoa, 4161 - Sala 06, Miramar, CEP: 58020-388, João Pessoa, PB - Brasil, Tel.: 55-83-98773 2150 - João Pessoa - PB - Brazil