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Governança Corporativa, Capacidades Dinâmicas e Desempenho das companhias listadas na Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão S/A (B3 S/A)



The main objective is to analyze the direct effect of Corporate Governance (CG) on Dynamic Capabilities (DCs) and on Business Performance (BP), and the moderating and/or mediating impact of DCs on the CG-BP relationship.


The quantitative analysis was performed through PLS-SEM. Data were collected through a survey involving companies listed in B3 S/A from 2014 to 2016, except for companies from the financial sector. The final sample encompassed 195 companies per assessed year, thus totaling 585 observations concerning 2014, 2015 and 2016.


Confirmed the direct and positive effect of CG on DC development, as well as DC’s influence on BP and the mediating effect of DC on the CG - BP relationship. The main conclusion was that DCs are a powerful mediating influence on the CG-BP relationship. Hence, even with efficient corporate governance mechanisms, the companies must make decisions in line with their dynamic capabilities as a way to reach better business performance.


Research cross-section method of data collection; and universe of companies listed in the Brazilian stock market.

Practical implications:

For example, the rejected hypothesis about the direct effect of CG on BP and the confirmation of the indirect effect via DCs suggests the analysis of aspects related to costs with monitoring procedures applied to agency conflicts and to complementary factors that must be achieved in order to boost performance. On practical terms, the results contribute to companies that look for the best and most satisfactory performance in the markets they work in.

Corporate Governance; Dynamic Capabilities; Business Performance; PLS-SEM



O objetivo principal é analisar o efeito direto da Governança Corporativa (CG) nas Capacidades Dinâmicas (CDs) e no Desempenho Empresarial (BP), e o impacto moderador e/ou mediador dos CDs na relação CG-BP.


A análise quantitativa foi realizada por meio do PLS-SEM. Os dados foram coletados por meio de survey, envolvendo empresas listadas no B3 S/A de 2014 a 2016, exceto empresas do setor financeiro. A amostra final englobou 195 empresas por ano avaliado, totalizando 585 observações referentes a 2014, 2015 e 2016.


Confirmação do efeito direto e positivo do GC no desenvolvimento do CD, influência do CD no BP e efeito mediador do CD sobre a relação CG-BP. A principal conclusão foi que as CDs são uma poderosa influência mediadora na relação CG-BP. Assim, mesmo com mecanismos eficientes de governança corporativa, as empresas devem tomar decisões alinhadas às suas capacidades dinâmicas como forma de alcançar melhor desempenho empresarial.


O método de pesquisa transversal de coleta de dados e o universo de empresas listadas na bolsa de valores brasileira.


A exemplo, a hipótese rejeitada sobre o efeito direto do GC no BP e confirmação do efeito indireto via CDs sugere a análise dos aspectos relacionados aos custos com procedimentos de monitoramento aplicados aos conflitos de agência e aos fatores complementares que devem ser alcançados a fim de impulsionar o desempenho. Em termos práticos, os resultados contribuem para as empresas que buscam por melhor e mais satisfatório desempenho nos mercados em que atuam.

Governança Corporativa; Capacidades dinâmicas; Desempenho Empresarial; PLS-SEM


Corporate Governance (CG) became an up-to-date matter because of its importance for the construction of trust relationships, investment-capital attraction, risk reduction and business-performance promotion in the market (Ahmed & Hamdan, 2015AHMED, E; & HAMDAN, A. (2015). The impacto of corporate governance on firm performance: evidence from Bahrain Stock Exchange. European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, 3(5), 25-48.; Wanyama & Olweny, 2013WANYAMA, D; & OLWENY, T. (2013). Effects of corporate governance on financial performance of listed insurance firms in Kenya. Public Policy and Administration Research, 3(4), 96-120.). With regard to business-performance promotion, there is the broad acknowledgement that CG increases BP (Adi, Handayani, & Rahayu, 2013ADI, T. W; HANDAYANI, S. R; & RAHAYU, S. M. (2013). The Influence of Corporate Governance and Capital Structure on Risk, Financial Performance and Firm Value: A Study on the Mining Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2012. European Journal of Business and Management, (29), 200-217.) based on the assumption that the main responsibility of managers (agents) lies on adding value to shareholders (principal) (Darosi, 2014DAROSI, G. C. M. (2014). Governança Corporativa e Desempenho Financeiro nas Sociedades de Energia Elétrica Brasileira. Caderno Profissional de Administração da Caderno Profissional de Administração UNIMEP, 4(2), 29-46.), since it guides the effectiveness of decision-making processes (Adi et al; 2013ADI, T. W; HANDAYANI, S. R; & RAHAYU, S. M. (2013). The Influence of Corporate Governance and Capital Structure on Risk, Financial Performance and Firm Value: A Study on the Mining Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2012. European Journal of Business and Management, (29), 200-217.; Tao & Hutchinson, 2013TAO, N. B; & HUTCHINSON, M. (2013). Corporate governance and risk management: The role of risk management and compensation committees. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, 9(1), 83-99. Doi: 10.1016/j.jcae.2013.03.003

According to the Agency Theory by Jensen and Meckling (1976JENSEN, M. C; & MECKLING, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), 305-360. Doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(76)90026-X
), the argument for the existing relationship between CG and BP states that the adoption of CG practices increases the efficiency of monitoring processes applied to management activities by reducing agency issues. This process, in its turn, leads to better market evaluations that have positive effects on performance (Klapper & Love, 2002KLAPPER, L. F; & LOVE, I. (2002). Corporate governance, investor protection, and performance in emerging markets. Journal of Corporate Finance, 10(5), 703-728.; Vieira & Mendes, 2006VIEIRA, S. P; & MENDES, A. G. S. T. (2006). Governança corporativa: uma análise de sua evolução e impactos no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Organizações em Contexto, 2(3), 48-67.). Therefore, the adoption of CG mechanisms allows better financial decision-making in light of possible risks (Brickley & Zimmerman, 2010BRICKLEY, J. A; & ZIMMERMAN, J. L. (2010). Corporate governance myths: comments on Armstrong, Guay and Weber. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 50, 235-245. Doi: 10.1016/j.jacceco.2010.10.002
), since these mechanisms drive managers and shareholders’ interests (Jensen & Meckling, 1976JENSEN, M. C; & MECKLING, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), 305-360. Doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(76)90026-X
) in decisions about investments in profitable ventures (Shleifer & Vishny, 1997SHLEIFER, A; & VISHNY, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance, 52(2), 737-783. Doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb04820.
) either on the short (managers’ interests) or long-term (shareholders’ interests). Thus, these mechanisms influence the price of the company in the market it works in (Boone, Field, Karpoff & Raheja, 2007BOONE, A. L; FIELD, L. C; KARPOFF, J. M; & RAHEJA, C. G. (2007). The determinants of corporate board size and composition: an empirical analysis. Journal of Financial Economics, 85, 66-101. Doi:
) and improve its reputation in the stock market (Delgado-García, De Quevedo-Puente, & De La Fuente-Sabaté, 2010DELGADO-GARCÍA, J. B; DE QUEVEDO-PUENTE, E; & DE LA FUENTE-SABATÉ, J. M. (2010). The impact of ownership structure on corporate reputation: Evidence from Spain. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18(6), 540-556. Doi: 10.1111/J.1467-8683.2010.00818.x

However, given the competitive rivalry in the current macro-economic scene and the continuous environmental changes, March (1991MARCH, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71-87.) and Sutton (2002SUTTON, J. (2002). Rich trades, scarce capabilities: industrial development revisited. Economic and Social Review, 33(1), 1-22.) suggest that companies need to, simultaneously, improve their current capabilities (exploitation) and search for new ones (exploration) by operating within multiple deadlines (Gavetti & Levinthal, 2000GAVETTI, G; & LEVINTHAL, D. (2000). Looking forward and looking backward: Cognitive and experiential search. Administrative Science Quarterly, 45(1), 113-137. Doi: 10.2307/2666981
) with flexibility and efficiency (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1998BROWN, S. L; & EISENHARDT, K. M. (1998). Competing on the edge: Strategy as structured chaos. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.; Tushman & O’reilly, 1996TUSHMAN, M. L; & O’REILLY, C. A. (1996). Ambidextrous organizations: Managing evolutionary and revolutionary change. Managing Innovation and Change.; Volberda, 1996JANSEN, J. J; VAN DEN BOSCH, F. A; & VOLBERDA, H. W. (2006). Exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and performance: Effects of organizational antecedents and environmental moderators. Management Science, 52(11), 1661-1674. Doi: 10.1287/mnsc.1060.0576
). Accordingly, based on Prahalad and Hamel (1990PRAHALAD, C; & HAMEL, G. (1990). The core competence of the corporation. Harvard Business Review, 79-91.), companies can reach sustainable competitive advantages by developing the dynamics of their “exploitation” and “exploration” capabilities (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000EISENHARDT, K; & MARTIN, J. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21, 10/11, 1105-1121.; March, 1991MARCH, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71-87.; Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997TEECE, D. J; PISANO, G; & SHUEN, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533. Doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199708) 18:7 <509::AID-SMJ882>3.0.CO;2-Z
). Thus, one can understand the relevance in promoting the companies’ capacity to reconfigure themselves (Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J; PISANO, G; & SHUEN, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533. Doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199708) 18:7 <509::AID-SMJ882>3.0.CO;2-Z
, 2009TEH, C. C. (2014). A influência das tensões ambidestras na arquitetura organizacional para inovação: estudo de casos em empresas brasileiras da indústria de transformação. 2014. 242f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção) - Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo).

However, according to Teece (2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.), the occurrence of this resource combination and reconfiguration process (promotion of reconfiguration capability) depends on governance mechanisms, knowledge management, co-specificities and power decentralization. With regards to governance, companies need to establish a structure that enables the constant reconfiguration and combination of their business model, besides promoting governance activities that minimize agency issues to establish appropriate incentive systems and prevent revenue dissipation (Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.). Mechanisms configuring CG tend to provide greater chances that decisions about investments are made in a balanced way in order to improve these DCs (Meirelles & Camargo, 2014MEIRELLES, D. S; & BUENO CAMARGO, Á. A. (2014). Capacidades dinâmicas: o que são e como identificá-las?. RAC-Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 18 (Ed. Esp.), 41-64. Doi: 10.1590/1982-7849rac20141289
; Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.).

Briefly, because the decision-making process is a high-priority requisite to balance and coordinate conflicting activities and adjustments (O’Reilly & Tushman, 2011O’REILLY III, C. A; & TUSHMAN, M. L. (2011). Organizational ambidexterity in action: How managers explore and exploit. California management review, 53(4), 5-22. Doi: 10.1525/cmr.2011.53.4.5
), the adoption of CG practices would pass through more consistent decisions (O’reilly & Tushman, 2011O’REILLY III, C. A; & TUSHMAN, M. L. (2011). Organizational ambidexterity in action: How managers explore and exploit. California management review, 53(4), 5-22. Doi: 10.1525/cmr.2011.53.4.5
) about investments, which would be lined-up to these requisites. This process would give companies the capacity to simultaneously explore its current environment (exploitation) and future opportunities (exploration) in order to reach higher performance (Levinthal & March, 1993LEVINTHAL, D. A; & MARCH, J. G. (1993). The myopia of learning. Strategic Management Journal. 14(S2), 95-112.; Michel & Picot, 2013; Shleifer & Vishny, 1997SHLEIFER, A; & VISHNY, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance, 52(2), 737-783. Doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb04820.
; Tushman & O’reilly, 1996TUSHMAN, M. L; & O’REILLY, C. A. (1996). Ambidextrous organizations: Managing evolutionary and revolutionary change. Managing Innovation and Change.).

In light of the foregoing, three relevant premises are defined in the present research: first, CG is related to company performance in the market they work in, since it drives interests concerning decision-making about investments (Boone et al; 2007BOONE, A. L; FIELD, L. C; KARPOFF, J. M; & RAHEJA, C. G. (2007). The determinants of corporate board size and composition: an empirical analysis. Journal of Financial Economics, 85, 66-101. Doi:
; Jensen & Meckling, 1976JENSEN, M. C; & MECKLING, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), 305-360. Doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(76)90026-X
; Shleifer & Vishny, 1997SHLEIFER, A; & VISHNY, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance, 52(2), 737-783. Doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb04820.
); second, when companies’ DCs are promoted, they guide companies satisfactory performance, as well as to long-term growth (Boone et al; 2007BOONE, A. L; FIELD, L. C; KARPOFF, J. M; & RAHEJA, C. G. (2007). The determinants of corporate board size and composition: an empirical analysis. Journal of Financial Economics, 85, 66-101. Doi:
; Jensen & Meckling, 1976JENSEN, M. C; & MECKLING, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), 305-360. Doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(76)90026-X
; Shleifer & Vishny, 1997SHLEIFER, A; & VISHNY, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance, 52(2), 737-783. Doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb04820.
); and third, CG (as “microfoundation”) aims at promoting DC development (Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.).

Thus, the following question is formulated: what are the effects evidenced by means of CG - DC relationships on the business performance of companies listed in Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão S/S (B3 S/A)? In order to answer this question, one finds the following general aim: assessing the direct effect of CG on DCs and BP (Business Performance), and the moderating and/or mediating impact of DCs on the CG-BP relationship. In order to do so, the current research will fulfill an important theoretical gap by combining CG, DC and BP in a single conceptual model to infer possible dependence relationships among them. This gap results from the fact that, although there are parallel and independent studies about the CG-BP (Love, 2011LOVE, I. (2011). Corporate performance around the world: what we know and what we don’t. World Bank Research Observer, 26(1), 42-70. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 de nov. 2016.
; Škare & Hasic, 2016Škare, M; & Hasić, T. 2016. Corporate governance, firm performance, and economic growth-theoretical analysis. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(1), 35-51. Doi: 10.3846/16111699.2015.1071278.
) and DCs and BPs relationships (Fainshmidt, Pezeshkan, Lance Frazier, Nair and Markowski (2016FAINSHMIDT, S; PEZESHKAN, A; LANCE FRAZIER, M; NAIR, A; & MARKOWSKI, E. (2016). Dynamic capabilities and organizational performance: A meta-analytic evaluation and extension. Journal of Management Studies, 53(8), 1348-1380. Doi: 10.1111/joms.12213
), their results are fragmented and contradictory. In addition, there was no study assessing the herein evaluated model in the herein conducted in-depth review of the national and international literature.

Besides this introduction, the current article has the following structure: section 2 presents the main review of the literature that led to the defined conceptual model; section 3 presents the methodological procedures followed during the research; section 4 presents the analyses of results recorded during the tests; and, finally, section 5 presents the main conclusions.


The theoretical basis substantiating the present study derives from the Agency Theory (Jensen & Meckling, 1976JENSEN, M. C; & MECKLING, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), 305-360. Doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(76)90026-X
; Shleifer & Vishny, 1997SHLEIFER, A; & VISHNY, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance, 52(2), 737-783. Doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb04820.
) and from the Theory of DCs (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000EISENHARDT, K; & MARTIN, J. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21, 10/11, 1105-1121.; March, 1991MARCH, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71-87.; Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.), according to which, BP results from the mitigation of existing agency conflicts (by means of internal CG mechanisms), besides generating balanced and consistent decisions about DC promotion (either exploitation, exploration or ambidextrous) in companies. This model also results from empirical evidences of these theoretical propositions.

2.1 The CG - BP relationships

It is necessary adopting CG practices to minimize conflict of interests in order to monitor management behavior in terms of results and decision-making in relation to the destination given to company resources. Thus, it is evident that CG mechanisms aim at encouraging decision makers to act towards maximizing company price and lining-up the interests of conflicting parts (Catapan, Colauto, & Barros, 2013CATAPAN, A; COLAUTO, R. D; & BARROS, C. M. E. (2003). A relação entre a governança corporativa e o desempenho econômico-financeiro de empresas de capital aberto do Brasil. Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança, 16(2), 16-30.). At this point, good CG practices turn basic principles into real recommendations through the alignment of interests in order to preserve and optimize long-term economic values. This process facilitates fund raising and contributes to the improvement of organizational management quality in order to provide longevity and well-being (IBGC, 2015IBGC. Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (2015). Código das melhores práticas de governança corporativa. 5. ed. São Paulo: IBGC. Disponível em:<Disponível em: >. Acesso em:19 jun. 2016.

Because it is seen as a mechanism to assure investors and creditors about the return of the investments they made (Shleifer & Vishny, 1997SHLEIFER, A; & VISHNY, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance, 52(2), 737-783. Doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb04820.
), corporate governance (CG) allows good company performance since it assures compliance with the interests of all involved parts (Shleifer & Vishny, 1997). Accordingly, Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) establishes that CG, which aims at “optimizing company performance by protecting all interested parts, such as investors, employees and creditors, in order to facilitate access to capital” (CVM, 2002, p. 1). Therefore, CG introduces a set of practices focused on optimizing organizational performance and on favoring company longevity by protecting all interested parts (OECD, 2004OECD (2004). Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico. Principles of corporate governance. Paris. Disponível em: <Disponível em: >. Acesso em:25 jun. 2016.
; Rossetti & Andrade, 2011ROSSETTI, J. P; & ANDRADE, A. (2011). Governança corporativa: fundamentos, desenvolvimento e tendências. 5. ed. São Paulo: Atlas.; Silva, 2012SILVA, E. C. (2012). Governança Corporativa nas empresas: guia prático de orientação para acionistas, investidores, conselheiros de administração e fiscal, executivos, gestores, analistas de mercado e pesquisadores. 3. ed.São Paulo: Atlas.; Silva & Leal, 2007SILVEIRA, A. D. M.; BARROS, L. A. B. C; & FAMÁ, R. (2008). Atributos corporativos e concentração acionária no Brasil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 48(2), 51-66. Doi: 10.1590/S0034-75902008000200005
); thus, CG tends to:

  1. Increase the access to external financing, which can encourage greater investments, growth and the creation of more job positions;

  2. Reduce capital costs and increase company price by making investments more attractive and, consequently, lead to more growth and job positions;

  3. Produce better operational performance through the best allocation of resources and management practices, which reduces the risk of financial crises and provides better relationships with all interested parts (Bebchuk, Cohen, & Ferrell, 2009BEBCHUK, L; COHEN, A; & FERRELL, A. (2009). What matters in corporate governance? Review of Financial Studies, 22(2), 783-827. Disponível em:<Disponível em: >. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2017.

The aim of CG is to provide a beneficial environment for business investments and for the adoption of mechanisms to promote financial and economic development (Ferreira et al; 2013FERREIRA, R. N; FERREIRA, R. DO N; SANTOS, A. C. DOS; LOPES, A. L. M; NAZARETH, L. G. C; & FONSECA, R. A. (2013). Governança Corporativa, Eficiência, Produtividade e Desempenho. Revista de Administração Mackenzie - RAM, São Paulo, 14(4), 134-164. Doi: 10.1590/S1678-69712013000400006.
). Thus, the efficient adoption of CG mechanisms allows the distribution of more profits (in the form of interests or dividends) among investors, rather than being expropriated by the agent who controls the company (La Porta, Lopez- De-Silvanes, & Shleifer, 2002SILVA, A. L. (2002). A influência da estrutura de controle e propriedade no valor de mercado, estrutura de capital e política de dividendos das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.). Consequently, the adoption of these mechanisms enables better decisions about investments given the risks; thus, it has impact on company performance and market price (Adi et al; 2013ADI, T. W; HANDAYANI, S. R; & RAHAYU, S. M. (2013). The Influence of Corporate Governance and Capital Structure on Risk, Financial Performance and Firm Value: A Study on the Mining Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2012. European Journal of Business and Management, (29), 200-217.).

Accordingly, the aim of CG is to protect shareholders’ rights through new rules and regulations and to allow the interested parts (shareholders) to follow up and assess business decisions and shareholders’ rights (Monks & Minow, 2004MONKS, R. A. G; MINOW, N. (2004). Corporate governance. 3. ed. Oxford: Blackwell.), since CG practices determine the way managers must act on the best interest of the involved parts, mainly of shareholders (Leal & Saito, 2003LEAL, R. P. C; & SAITO, R. (2003). Finanças Corporativas no Brasil. RAE Eletrônica, 2 (2), 1-15.), fact that, consequently, gives them value (Staub, Martins, & Rodrigues, 2008STAUB, I. D; MARTINS, H. C; & RODRIGUES, S. B. (2008). Governança corporativa e criação de valor para o acionista: da teoria à prática, os impactos organizacionais e financeiros. Revista Economia & Gestão, 2(3).). Therefore, CG minimizes conflicts of interest between shareholders and the agent through its internal mechanisms, and, consequently, improves company performance (Ahmed & Hamdan, 2015AHMED, E; & HAMDAN, A. (2015). The impacto of corporate governance on firm performance: evidence from Bahrain Stock Exchange. European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, 3(5), 25-48.; Caixe & Krauter, 2014CAIXE, D. F; & KRAUTER, E. (2014). The relation between corporate governance and market value: mitigating endogeneity problems. Brazilian Business Review, 11(1), 90-110. Doi: 10.15728/bbr.2014.11.1.5
; Fama & Jensen, 1983FAMA, E. F; & JENSEN, M. C. (1983). Separation of ownership and control. The journal of law and Economics, 26(2), 301-325.; Klapper & Love, 2002KLAPPER, L. F; & LOVE, I. (2002). Corporate governance, investor protection, and performance in emerging markets. Journal of Corporate Finance, 10(5), 703-728.; Melo, Batista, Macedo, & Costa, 2013MELO, R. S; BATISTA, P. C. DE S; DE MACEDO, A. C. M; & DE COSTA, R. B. L. (2013). A contribuição da governança corporativa para o desempenho das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Revista de Gestão - REGE, 20(1), 79-92. Doi: 10.5700/issn.2177-8736.rege.2013.62001
; Sheifer & Vishny, 1997SHLEIFER, A; & VISHNY, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Finance, 52(2), 737-783. Doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1997.tb04820.
; Rossoni & Machado-Da-Silva, 2013ROSSONI, L; & MACHADO-DA-SILVA, C. (2013). Legitimidade, governança corporativa e desempenho: análise das empresas da BM&FBovespa. Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, 53(3), 272-289. Doi: 10.1590/S0034-75902013000300005
; Silva, Nardi, & Pimenta Júnior, 2012SILVA, E. C. (2012). Governança Corporativa nas empresas: guia prático de orientação para acionistas, investidores, conselheiros de administração e fiscal, executivos, gestores, analistas de mercado e pesquisadores. 3. ed.São Paulo: Atlas.; Silveira, Barros, & Famá, 2008SILVEIRA, A. D. M.; BARROS, L. A. B. C; & FAMÁ, R. (2008). Atributos corporativos e concentração acionária no Brasil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 48(2), 51-66. Doi: 10.1590/S0034-75902008000200005
; Vieira & Mendes, 2006VIEIRA, S. P; & MENDES, A. G. S. T. (2006). Governança corporativa: uma análise de sua evolução e impactos no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Organizações em Contexto, 2(3), 48-67.).

Accordingly, empirical studies have been carried out to test the theoretical proposition that GC influences BP. These studies have been using different CG indicators, such as propriety, composition and features of direction boards, and incentive systems. Claessens, Djankov, Fan and Lang (2002CLAESSENS, S; DJANKOV, S; FAN, J. P. H; & LANG, L. H.P. (2002). Disentangling the incentive and entrenchment effect of large shareholdings. The Journal of Finance, 57(6), 2741-2771. Doi: 10.1111/1540-6262.00511
) conducted a study with 1301 companies from Eastern Asia and found that CG (property structure) has positive influence on company performance, which was measured through “Tobin’s q”. Carvalhal da Silva (2002SILVA, A. L. (2002). A influência da estrutura de controle e propriedade no valor de mercado, estrutura de capital e política de dividendos das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.) developed a research based on measurements taken through “leverage” and “Payout” with 225 Brazilian companies listed in BOVESPA in 2000 and found that CG influences performance. Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003GOMPERS, P; ISHII, J; & METRICK, A. (2003). Corporate governance and equity prices. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(1), 107-156. Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.278920
) performed a study with 1500 North-American companies in the 1990s and found that CG instruments are related to higher market prices and revenues, to greater sales increase and to less investments in assets.

According to Andrade, Salazar, Calegário and Silva (2009ANDRADE, L. P; SALAZAR, G. T; CALEGÁRIO, C. L. L; & SILVA, S. S. (2009). Governança corporativa: uma análise da relação do conselho de administração com o valor de mercado e desempenho das empresas brasileiras. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 10(4). Doi: 10.1590/S1678- 69712009000400002 697120090...
), CG (DB composition) influences BP measured through the price of Brazilian publicly traded companies. Based on Krauter (2013),CAIXE, D. F; & KRAUTER, E. (2013). A Influência da Estrutura de Propriedade e Controle sobre o Valor de Mercado Corporativo no Brasil. Revista de Contabilidade e Finanças - USP, 24(62), 142-153. Doi: 10.1590/S1519-70772013000200005
CG measured through incentive systems (executive compensation) has significant influence on companies’ financial performance.

Some studies did not confirm the CG-BP relationship. An example of such statement is the study by Demsetz and Villalonga (2001DEMSETZ, H; & VILLALONGA, B. (2001). Ownership structure and corporate performance. Journal of Corporate Finance, 7(3), 209-233. Doi: 10.1016/S0929-1199(01)00020-7
), which assessed the results from 223 North-American companies from 1976 to 1980 and did not find conclusive results about whether companies achieved better results due to CG (property structure). Barontini and Bozzi (2011BARONTINI, R; & BOZZI, S. (2011). Board compensation and ownership structure: empirical evidence for Italian listed companies. Journal of Management and Governance, 15(1), p. 59-89. Doi: 10.1007/s10997-009-9118-5
) did not find evidences that CG (measured through incentive systems) influences BP (measured through stock market return and through return over asset - ROA). Although these studies do not confirm this relationship, they are minority in the literature.

Based on the reviewed theoretical propositions and empirical positive results, predominant in the context of Brazilian firms, we formulate the following hypothesis: H1: CG has positive influence on the performance (BP) of companies listed in B3 S/A.

2.2 The CG - DC relationship

Dynamic capabilities lie on the way companies operate their structures, cultures and processes (O’reilly & Tushman, 2008O”REILLY, C. A; & TUSHMAN, M. L. (2013). Organizational ambidexterity: Past, present and future (Research Paper No. 2130). Stanford Research Paper Series.), which require flexible coordination and resource-use strategies (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000EISENHARDT, K; & MARTIN, J. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21, 10/11, 1105-1121.; Griffith & Harvey, 2001GRIFFITH, D. A; & HARVEY, M. G. (2001). A resource perspective of global dynamic capabilities. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(3), 597-606.; Song, Droge, Hanvanich, & Calantone, 2005SONG, M; DROGE, C; HANVANICH, S; & CALANTONE, R. (2005). Marketing and technology resource complementarity: An analysis of their interaction effect in two environmental contexts. Strategic Management Journal, 26(3), 259-276. Doi: 10.1002/smj.450
; Teece et al; 1997TEECE, D. J; PISANO, G; & SHUEN, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533. Doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199708) 18:7 <509::AID-SMJ882>3.0.CO;2-Z
). According to Teece (2007)SILVEIRA, A. D. M.; BARROS, L. A. B. C; & FAMÁ, R. (2008). Atributos corporativos e concentração acionária no Brasil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 48(2), 51-66. Doi: 10.1590/S0034-75902008000200005
, governance mechanisms are essential to support the process of combining and reconfiguring resources, since the better defined the incentive structure to solve agency issues, and to influence internal groups in the company, the greater the likelihood to develop DCs (Meirelles & Camargo, 2014MEIRELLES, D. S; & BUENO CAMARGO, Á. A. (2014). Capacidades dinâmicas: o que são e como identificá-las?. RAC-Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 18 (Ed. Esp.), 41-64. Doi: 10.1590/1982-7849rac20141289

Agency Theory premises can be used to analyze to which extent CG contributes to DC development. In order to minimize conflicts of interest, this theory emphasizes that the separation between property and control creates interest line-up issues mainly concerning managerial salaries and the allocation of corporate benefits. Thus, discretion abuse and the use of corporate assets for private purposes can result from lack of appropriate accountability and oversight. These issues get worse as the company grows and the separation between property and management expands (Herrmann, Sangalli, & Teece, 2017HERRMANN, J. D; SANGALLI, L. C; & TEECE, D. J. (2017). Dynamic capabilities: Fostering an innovation-friendly environment in Brazil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 57(3), 283-287. Doi: 10.1590/s0034-759020170309
). Therefore, this situation requires efficient mechanisms so these potential conflicts of interest do not prevail in strategic decisions about investments on company performance improvement (Teece, 2007SILVEIRA, A. D. M.; BARROS, L. A. B. C; & FAMÁ, R. (2008). Atributos corporativos e concentração acionária no Brasil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 48(2), 51-66. Doi: 10.1590/S0034-75902008000200005
). Thus, C G is the instrument to mediate conflicts that allows companies to achieve balance and make long-term investments, including investments in DCs. The premise lies on the fact that CG, based on its internal mechanisms, opens way to investments in DC development in all its forms: “exploitation”, which presents positive, close and predictable returns; “exploration”, which represents uncertain and, many times, negative returns” (March, 1991MARCH, J. G. (1991). Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science, 2(1), 71-87., p. 85); and “ambidextrous”, which is the combination of the two first ones.

Balanced development of DCs forms is essential to companies, since the exclusive concentration in “exploitation” can make company capabilities obsolete, fact that also requires “exploration” efforts or the radical renewal of their capabilities. Accordingly, O’reilly and Tushman (2008)O”REILLY, C. A; & TUSHMAN, M. L. (2013). Organizational ambidexterity: Past, present and future (Research Paper No. 2130). Stanford Research Paper Series. suggest that a high balance level between DCs, both “exploitation” and “exploration”, requires the integration of a common set of values and a shared view established by top managers, global frame, complementary context and governance process. This balance is easier to be achieved by incorporating internal mechanisms consistent with CG. Briefly, it is possible deducing that CG is a “microfoundation” that allows DC development, either “exploitation”, “exploration” or “ambidextrous” (O’reilly & Tushman, 2008O”REILLY, C. A; & TUSHMAN, M. L. (2013). Organizational ambidexterity: Past, present and future (Research Paper No. 2130). Stanford Research Paper Series.). The minimization of agency conflicts would tend to drive more balanced decisions about investments in these capabilities and, consequently, increase the company price in the market.

Actually, the in-depth literature review performed in this study did not show any empirical studies assessing the CG - DC relationship. Thus, we base on the theoretical propositions to formulate the following hypothesis: H2: CG has positive influence on DCs of companies listed in B3 S/A.

2.3 The DC - BP relationship

In order to reach long-term success, companies must have operational capability and the capacity to compete in the existing markets, as well as to have the dynamic capability to recombine and reconfigure their assets and organizational structures to adapt themselves to emerging markets and new technologies (Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
). Company survival requires companies to combine development and renewal of their existing capabilities (exploitation), and to simultaneously replace them by completely new ones (exploration) (Atuahene-Gima, 2005ATUAHENE-GIMA, K. (2005). Resolving the capability-rigidity paradox in newproduct innovation. Journal of Marketing, v. 69, p. 61-83. Doi: 10.1509/jmkg.2005.69.4.61
) by defining the appropriate ambidextrous level (the use of exploitation and exploration capabilities) to the companies.

Thus, companies need to combine different resources through their DCs (Zahra & George, 2002ZAHRA, S. A., & GEORGE, G. (2002). Absorptive capacity: A review, reconceptualization, and extension. Academy of Management Review, 27(2), 185-203. Doi: 10.2307/4134351
; Wheeler, 2002WHEELER, B. C. (2002). NEBIC: A dynamic capabilities theory for assessing net-enablement. Information Systems Research, 13(2), 125-146. Doi: 10.1287/isre.
), since they affect company development (Liu & Hsu, 2011LIU, H. Y; & HSU, C. W. (2011). Antecedents and consequences of corporate diversification: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Management Decision, 49(9), 1510-1534. Doi: 10.1108/00251741111173961
; Wu, 2006WU, L. Y. (2006). Resources, dynamic capabilities and performance in a dynamic environment: perceptions in Taiwanese IT enterprises. Information & Management, 43(4), 447-454. Doi: 10.1016/
). The absence of this combination of resources could lead to reduced company market price and to consequent financial loss for shareholders (Bowman & Ambrosini, 2003; Wheeler, 2002WHEELER, B. C. (2002). NEBIC: A dynamic capabilities theory for assessing net-enablement. Information Systems Research, 13(2), 125-146. Doi: 10.1287/isre.
; Zahra & George, 2002ZAHRA, S. A., & GEORGE, G. (2002). Absorptive capacity: A review, reconceptualization, and extension. Academy of Management Review, 27(2), 185-203. Doi: 10.2307/4134351

If a company only develops “exploitation” capabilities, it faces the risk of not creating future perspectives to itself and, consequently, it would wear itself, be extinguished or bought. On the other hand, if the company only performs “exploration” activities, it can face higher risks and costs, as well as worse operational issues due to the limited attention given to production, fact that would make it impossible to handle such activities (Teh, 2014TEH, C. C. (2014). A influência das tensões ambidestras na arquitetura organizacional para inovação: estudo de casos em empresas brasileiras da indústria de transformação. 2014. 242f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção) - Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo). Thus, the “exploitation” capability tends to limit the “exploration” one and vice-versa (Kyriakopoulos & Moorman, 2004KYRIAKOPOULOS, K; & MOORMAN, C. (2004). Tradeoffs in marketing exploitation and exploration strategies: The overlooked role of market orientation. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(3), 219-240. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2004.01.001
). Moreover, the existing “exploitation” capabilities tend to provide faster and more precise returns than the new ones (Sethi & Sethi, 2009SETHI, R; & SETHI, A. (2009). Can quality-oriented firms develop innovative new products? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 206-221. Doi: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2009.00346.x

Actually, it has been possible observing that most contributions to the understanding of these activities with performance have been emerging around the company’s capacity to operate with both of them. Organizations reach more success, competitive advantages and longevity as long as they invest in ambidexterity (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004GIBSON, C. B; & BIRKINSHAW, J. (2004). The antecedents, consequences, and mediating role of organizational ambidexterity. Academy of Management Journal, 47(2), 209-226. Doi: 10.2307/20159573
; He & Wong, 2004HE, Z. L; & WONG, P. K. (2004). Exploration vs. exploitation: An empirical test of the ambidexterity hypothesis. Organization science, 15(4), 481-494. Doi: 10.1287/orsc.1040.0078
; Tushman & O’Reilly, 1996TUSHMAN, M. L; & O’REILLY, C. A. (1996). Ambidextrous organizations: Managing evolutionary and revolutionary change. Managing Innovation and Change.), i.e; in the appropriate balance between exploitation and exploration. According to Lubatkin, Simsek, Ling and Veiga (2006LUBATKIN, M. H; SIMSEK, Z; LING, Y; & VEIGA, J. F. (2006). Ambidexterity and performance in small-to medium-sized firms: The pivotal role of top management team behavioral integration. Journal of Management, 32(5), 646-672. Doi: 10.1177/0149206306290712
), there are two distinct positions about the subject: the first is advocated by Barney (1991BARNEY, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120. Doi: 10.1177/014920639101700108
) and Ghemawat and Costa (1993GHEMAWAT, P; & COSTA, J. E. I. R. (1993). The organizational tension between static and dynamic efficiency. Strategic Management Journal, 14(S2), 59-73. Doi: 10.1002/smj.4250141007
), who argue that there is no guarantee that organizational ambidexterity determines organizational performance improvement; the second position, which is advocated by Floyd and Lane (2000FLOYD, S. W; & LANE, P. J. (2000). Strategizing throughout the organization: Managing role conflict in strategic renewal. Academy of management review, 25(1), 154-177.), stands out as a more up-to-date trend about the subject. Based on this second position, organizations need to become ambidextrous in order to remain adaptive and to scape environmental selection forces, which suggests direct relationship between themes.

Different from the relationship between CG and DC, there are many empirical studies assessing the DC - BP relationship. He and Wong (2004HE, Z. L; & WONG, P. K. (2004). Exploration vs. exploitation: An empirical test of the ambidexterity hypothesis. Organization science, 15(4), 481-494. Doi: 10.1287/orsc.1040.0078
), for example, conducted a study with 206 companies in Singapore and Malaysia, and found that ambidexterity was positively related to sales increase. Similar result was observed by Lubatkin et al. (2006LUBATKIN, M. H; SIMSEK, Z; LING, Y; & VEIGA, J. F. (2006). Ambidexterity and performance in small-to medium-sized firms: The pivotal role of top management team behavioral integration. Journal of Management, 32(5), 646-672. Doi: 10.1177/0149206306290712
) in a study performed with CEOs and members of the top management of 139 small and mid-sized companies (SMCs). These authors found that the ambidextrous capability is related to company performance measured through a scale based on sales increase, on greater participation in the market, on gross ROE and on return in total assets. Based on exams in the direct and interactive effects of capabilities, either “exploitation” or “exploration”, on product innovation for foreign markets and on general company performance, Cabral, Coelho, Coelho and Costa (2015CABRAL, J. E. DE O; COELHO, A. F. M; COELHO, F. J. F; & COSTA, M. DA P. B. (2015). Capabilities, Innovation, and Overall Performance in Brazilian Export Firms. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 16(3). Doi: 10.1590/1678-69712015/administracao.v16n3p76-108
) used data from 498 Brazilian exports companies in their research and concluded that exploitation capabilities influence product innovation and global performance (ambidexterity), whereas exploration capabilities, and their interaction with the exploitation ones (ambidexterity), influence the overall performance rather than product innovation.

Therefore, based on the reported empirical evidences, we formulate the following hypothesis: H3: DCs have positive influence on the performance (BP) of companies listed in B3 S/A.

2.4 The Moderating and/or mediating effect of the CG - DC - BP relationship

By assuming the effects of CDs on the CG - BP relationship, one starts from the assumption that companies need to make balanced decisions about their DCs in order to succeed in the market they work in. However, these decisions are consistent and balanced when the company has efficient CG mechanisms to minimize possible conflicts in the decision-making process (Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.). On the other hand, based on the information provided above, some contradictory results were found in research about the CG - BP relationship. Thus, among other possibilities, such as non-linear relationships, it is possible to find DC’s moderating and/or mediating function in the CG - BP relationship. Cabral et al. (2015CABRAL, J. E. DE O; COELHO, A. F. M; COELHO, F. J. F; & COSTA, M. DA P. B. (2015). Capabilities, Innovation, and Overall Performance in Brazilian Export Firms. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 16(3). Doi: 10.1590/1678-69712015/administracao.v16n3p76-108
) found that the relationship between exploitation capabilities and global performance is mediated by product innovation. Therefore, the present study contributes to the theory by defining how exploration capabilities influence general performance, either directly or indirectly, through product innovation. Thus, the following hypotheses are formulated: H4: the CG - BP relationship is positively moderated by DCs; H5: the CG - BP relationship is positively mediated by DCs.

Based on the formulated hypotheses, we have our conceptual model resumed in Figure 1.

Figure 1
The Research Theoretical-Conceptual model


In epistemological terms, based on the taxonomy by Burrel and Morgan (1979)BURRELL, G; & MORGAN, G. (1979). Sociological paradigms and organizational analysis: elements of the sociology of corporate life. London: Heinemann., this study follows a positivist design, objective ontology, determinism in relation to human nature and the nomothetic method. Thus, it emphasizes investigation development based on systematic protocols, scientific rigor and on specific quantitative techniques based on the hypothesis test on generalization possibilities (Burrel & Morgan, 1979BURRELL, G; & MORGAN, G. (1979). Sociological paradigms and organizational analysis: elements of the sociology of corporate life. London: Heinemann.; Paes de Paula, 2016PAES DE PAULA, A. P. (2016). Para além dos paradigmas nos Estudos Organizacionais: o Círculo das Matrizes Epistêmicas. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 14, 26-46. Doi: 10.1590/1679-395131419
). Besides its quantitative nature, the research is also classified as descriptive and of causal inference, since it aims at describing the features of a certain population/phenomenon and at assessing CG - DC - BP relationships. This quantitative analysis was performed through PLS-SEM in the WarpPLS® software (version 5.0). Data were collected through a survey involving 334 companies listed in B3 S/A (Brazilian Stock Market) from 2014 to 2016, except for companies from the financial sector. The sample was defined based on the census form due to the small size of the population. Companies that did not answer the questionnaire, or that could not be reached, were excluded from the study. The final sample encompassed 195 companies per assessed year, thus totaling 585 observations concerning 2014, 2015 and 2016. This sample size was satisfactory for the adopted analytical technique.

Primary data were collected through the application of a structured questionnaire, which was divided in three parts. The first part comprised 12 items, 6 of them related to DC variable “exploitation”, and 6 to the “exploration” one. These variables were measured through Likert scale (5 points), in which disagree completely (1) and agree completely (5) (Lubatkin et al; 2006LUBATKIN, M. H; SIMSEK, Z; LING, Y; & VEIGA, J. F. (2006). Ambidexterity and performance in small-to medium-sized firms: The pivotal role of top management team behavioral integration. Journal of Management, 32(5), 646-672. Doi: 10.1177/0149206306290712
). All scales were selected from the predominant international literature. For this reason, they were translated into Portuguese using the reverse translation method. The second part comprised 20 items about CG practices adopted by the company - “yes” or “no” answers. Each answer “yes” scored 1 and the opposite scored 0. Companies that had adopted only part of the CG practices scored 0.5. The CG index of each company was calculated based on the method suggested by Leal, Carvalhal and Iervolino (2015LEAL, R. P. C; CARVALHAL, A. L; & IEVORLINO, A. P. (2015). One decade of evolution of corporate governance practices in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 13(1), 134-161. Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2611372
). The third, and last, part had 4 items to assess BP through Likert scale - 5 points - (1 - very low, 5 - very high) (Wei, Zhao, & Zhang, 2014WEI, Z; ZHAO, J; & ZHANG, C. (2014). Organizational ambidexterity, market orientation, and firm performance. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 33, 134-153. Doi: 10.1016/j.jengtecman.2014.06.001

Interviews were conducted by Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Administração (CEPA) da Escola de Administração (EA) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Business Studies and Research Center of the Business School of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - by phone, via e-mail or skype - company and respondent data were recorded. The first interviews, around 5% of the sample, were used as a pre-test of the questionnaire. Thus, some questions not understood generating responses from the interviewee, such as “I don’t have this information” or “I don’t know”, have been reformulated or complemented. The total of 195 valid questionnaires were gathered at the end of the data collection process.

The 20 CG items corresponded to the 4 dimensions used in the construct: information outspread (transparency) (six questions); direction board composition and functioning (five questions); ethics and conflicts of interest (four questions); shareholders’ rights (five questions) - the CG index (CGI) is defined at the end. Secondary data were collected through documental search in reports from companies in the sample published in BM&FBOVESPA (B3),® and CVM websites. These sources provided information about: (1) the list of companies in the stratum of a differentiated market, (ii) the economic sector of the company, (iii) year when the company was launched, (iv) assets of companies listed in B3 S/A; and (v) complementary CG data. Part of these data were used to measure control variables: size, measured through the natural log of total assets; age, measured through the total number of years by means of differences among 2017, the years when the listed company was launched and on the year when the assessment was conducted (2014, 2015 and 2016).


Companies in the sample are relatively long lived: 41.7 years, on average. Most of them (14.4%) belong to the power generation and basic services sectors. Most of them (56.4%) are included in B3 S/A special segments: Bovespa Mais (4.6%), in New market (42.6%), in Level 2 (3.6%) and in Level 1(5.6%); thus, they participate in differentiated CG rules, which are lined up to the best international practices that go beyond obligations with the Law of Corporations.

Tests of validity were performed in the first part of the PLS-SEM analysis, which was applied to evaluate the measurement model in order to assure that the adopted items would measure the expected items and highlight the degree of internal consistency required to each one of them (Hair Jr; Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2014HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.). Thus, it was possible observing that data met the basic assumptions recommended for their use, such as: absent values up to 5% of the total sample (Hair Jr. et al; 2014HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.), abnormal data based on Kock (2015KOCK, N. (2015). WarpPLS 5.0 user manual. Laredo, TX: ScriptWarp Systems.), permission to use abnormal data and Variation Inflation Factor (VIF) lower than 3.3 (Nascimento & Macedo, 2016NASCIMENTO, J. C. H. B; & DA SILVA MACEDO, M. A. (2016). Modelagem de Equações Estruturais com Mínimos Quadrados Parciais: um Exemplo daAplicação do SmartPLS® em Pesquisas em Contabilidade. Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade - REPEC, 10(3). Doi: 10.17524/repec.v10i3.1376
). It was also possible observing the existence of high outer load of indicators given the respective BP latent construct of CD constructs (“Exploitation_ 2” (0.628) and “Exploration_1” (0.687)), and CG (“gov_divulg_q1” (0.638), “gov_divulg_q5” (0.669), “gov_direction board_q2” (0.467) and “gov_conflict_q1” (0.6561)), and insufficient reliability scores. However, by following the parameters defined by Hair Jr. et al. (2014)HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall. (between 0.40 and 0.70) these indicators were not eliminated, since they did not increase in reliability and composite reliability above the suggested floor value.

One can notice that the model points to a satisfactory fit, since the lowest value reported for the convergent validity (AVE) recorded 0.516 for the “information outspread” dimension of the CG construct (AVEs > 0.50).The composed reliability presented the following values per construct: DCs - “exploitation” (0.881) and “exploration” dimensions (0.882), BP and CG dimensions (0.919), “information outspread” (0.757), “Direction board” (0.805), “Conflict” (0.813) and “Shareholders’ rights” (0.920). These values confirm the high level of internal consciousness (higher than 0.708) (Hair Jr. et al; 2014HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.). In terms of discriminating validity, all constructs recorded satisfactory discriminating level - correlations between levels were lower than the square root of AVE (Hair Jr. et al; 2014HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.). Based on these results, it was possible evaluating the structural model (Figure 2) by observing the following adjustment procedures: coefficients of determination (R 2), predictive relevance (Q 2), size and significance of the path coefficients, and size of (f 2) and (q 2) effects (Hair Jr. et al; 2014HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.; Nascimento & Macedo, 2016NASCIMENTO, J. C. H. B; & DA SILVA MACEDO, M. A. (2016). Modelagem de Equações Estruturais com Mínimos Quadrados Parciais: um Exemplo daAplicação do SmartPLS® em Pesquisas em Contabilidade. Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade - REPEC, 10(3). Doi: 10.17524/repec.v10i3.1376

Figure 2
Results of the proposed structural model

Results point out that 56% (R2=0.56) of the variance in the endogenous construct (EC) is explained by other latent constructs and control variables found in the structural model. Approximately 92% of the 56% variance in the BP construct is explained by the DC latent construct, which is the only presenting direct explanation power - statistically significant - in the proposed structural model. The remaining 8% of BP latent construct explanation results from control variables “age” and “size” - both included in the structural model. The CG latent construct has low explanation power over BP (almost null), but approximately 27% of the variance in DCs is directly explained by it. The effect strength (f 2) was calculated in order to evaluate the global contribution of the research (Chin, Marcolin & Newsted, 1996CHIN, W. W; MARCOLIN, B. L; & NEWSTED, P. R. (1996). A partial least squares latent variable modelling approach for measuring interaction effects: Results from a Monte Carlo simulation study and voice mail emotion/adoption study. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Information Systems, Cleveland, OH.). The f 2 values recorded for DC (0.95) and CG (0.009) under parameters proposed by Hair Jr. et al. (2014HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.): 0.02, 0.15 and 0.35 to indicate the effects of small, mid and large size, respectively, it was possible concluding that DCs have strong effect on BP, whereas CG has light effect on it (almost null).

The f 2 values (validated redundancy measurements) by Stone-Geisser must be higher than zero (Chin, 1998CHIN, W. W. (1998). Issues and opinion on structural equation modeling. MIS Quarterly, 22(1), vii-xvi.) in order to highlight the existence of the appropriate level of predictive relevance of the analyzed model. Thus, the relative impact of the predictive relevance (f 2) of small, mid and large sizes was found by using an approach similar to that adopted to evaluate the f 2 effect, depending on the f 2 values (Hair Jr. et al; 2014HAIR JR J. F;; BLACK, W. C; BABIN, B. J; & ANDERSON, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. ed. NJ: Prentice Hall.). Accordingly, the DC and CG values 0.973 and 0.081, respectively, highlighted the strong and light effects on the predictive relevance of BP. Finally, with regards to the analysis of the structural model, the indicator of general model adjustment known as Goodness of Fit (GOF) recorded 0.704, thus indicating that the model had excellent appropriate adjustment (Wetzels et al; 2009WETZELS, M; ODEKERKEN-SCHRÖDER, G; & VAN OPPEN, C. (2009). Using PLS path modeling for assessing hierarchical construct models: Guidelines and empirical illustration. MIS quarterly, 177-195.). Mainly with respect to the hypothesis tests, DCs had direct and strong effect on BP (β=0.71), which was statistically significant at 0.01% (ρ<0.001); whereas CG had positive effect on BP (β=0.03), although non-significant (ρ>0.1). CG, in its turn, had positive and statistically significant influence (ρ<0.001) on DCs (β=0.52).

Procedures presented the following results in the moderating and mediating effect tests: the moderating test of DCs in the CG - BP relationship showed non-significant coefficient β=-0.05; the mediating test recorded coefficient β=0.366, with variance accounting for (VAF) 0.302. Therefore, it was possible concluding that there is lack of DC moderation in the CG - BP relationship, since VAF was higher than 20% and lower than 80% in the mediating test; therefore, there is total mediation by DCs in the same relationship.

Thus, of the five formulated hypothesis, three were supported (H2: the positive effect of CG on DCS; H3: the effect of CDs on BP; and H5: the mediating effect of DCs on the CG - BP relationship). The analysis of results recorded for control variables “year”, “age” and “size” in the model highlights that these variables do not change the result between CG and BP (β=0.03ns). However, they reinforce the relationship between CG and DC (β=0.52; p<0.001), and DC and BP (β=0.71; p<0.001), fact that supports H5. Hypotheses 2 and 4 were not supported. Based on the recorded results, the CG - BP relation was not supported within the context of Brazilian companies listed in the stock market (H1). This result goes against results recorded in most previous studies.

A possible explanation for the aforementioned results in emerging economies presenting great capital concentration on their hands (controlling shareholder) is that the agency conflict between major and minor shareholders is much stronger. Therefore, it helps reducing the expected financial return predictions and increasing the costs of capitals in companies, fact that also reduces their price in the market (Silveira, 2002SILVEIRA, A. M. (2002). Governança corporativa, desempenho e valor da empresa no Brasil. (Dissertação de Mestrado) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.). It happens because costs from the process applied to minimize agency conflicts can become higher than the incomes from it (Jensen & Meckling, 1976JENSEN, M. C; & MECKLING, W. H. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4), 305-360. Doi: 10.1016/0304-405X(76)90026-X
; Rogers & Ribeiro, 2006ROGERS, P; & RIBEIRO, K. C. DE S. (2006). Mecanismos de Governança Corporativa no Brasil: evidências do controle pelo mercado de capitais. Contextus-Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão, 4(2). Doi: 10.19094/contextus.v4i2.32076
; Rossetti & Andrade, 2011ROSSETTI, J. P; & ANDRADE, A. (2011). Governança corporativa: fundamentos, desenvolvimento e tendências. 5. ed. São Paulo: Atlas.).

In its turn, CG has positive effect on DCs, and it highlights the importance of adopting its practices as basis or “microfoundation” for DC development in companies listed in B3 S/A. This result corroborates the proposition by Teece (2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.), according to which, CG influences DC development through its efficient mechanisms in order to minimize possible agency conflicts.

Similar to previous studies (Cabral et al; 2015CABRAL, J. E. DE O; COELHO, A. F. M; COELHO, F. J. F; & COSTA, M. DA P. B. (2015). Capabilities, Innovation, and Overall Performance in Brazilian Export Firms. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 16(3). Doi: 10.1590/1678-69712015/administracao.v16n3p76-108
; Cao, Gedajlovic, & Zhang, 2009CAO, Q; GEDAJLOVIC, E; & ZHANG, H. (2009). Unpacking Organizational Ambidexterity: Dimensions, Contingencies, and Synergistic Effects. Organization Science, 20(4), 781-796. Doi: 10.1287/orsc.1090.0426
; Jansen, Van Den Bosch, & Volberda, 2006JANSEN, J. J; VAN DEN BOSCH, F. A; & VOLBERDA, H. W. (2006). Exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and performance: Effects of organizational antecedents and environmental moderators. Management Science, 52(11), 1661-1674. Doi: 10.1287/mnsc.1060.0576
; Lisboa, Skarmeas, & Lages, 2013LISBOA, A; SKARMEAS, D; & LAGES, C. (2013). Export market exploitation and exploration and performance: Linear, moderated, complementary and non-linear effects. International Marketing Review, 30(3), 211-230. Doi: 10.1108/02651331311321972.
; O’reilly & Tushman, 2013O”REILLY, C. A; & TUSHMAN, M. L. (2013). Organizational ambidexterity: Past, present and future (Research Paper No. 2130). Stanford Research Paper Series.; Wei et al; 2014WEI, Z; ZHAO, J; & ZHANG, C. (2014). Organizational ambidexterity, market orientation, and firm performance. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 33, 134-153. Doi: 10.1016/j.jengtecman.2014.06.001
), the result confirming the positive effect of DCs on the performance of companies listed in B3 S/A shows that, overall, investments in DC development enable BP improvement in Brazilian companies. Therefore, this outcome shows the importance of developing the skills and capabilities of these companies to (re)configure their assets/resources in order to adapt them to dynamic changes in the Brazilian market and to search for the appropriate improvement of their business performance (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000EISENHARDT, K; & MARTIN, J. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21, 10/11, 1105-1121.; Teece, 2007TEECE, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350. Doi: 10.1002/smj.640
, 2009TEECE, D. J (2009). Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.; Teece et al; 1997TEECE, D. J; PISANO, G; & SHUEN, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533. Doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199708) 18:7 <509::AID-SMJ882>3.0.CO;2-Z
). Although the hypothesis that CG influences BP was not supported, a relevant result showed that this influence is indirect and mediated by DCs. Hence, the adoption of CG practices had improved BP through DC acquisition/development in companies composing our sample. Results in the present analysis presented “counter-position to the literature” and explored the logics of the overestimated effects shown in previous studies about the relationship between the CG and BP constructs, although they did not take into account the role played by DCs in this relationship. Thus, companies listed in the B3 S/A must understand that CG practices driven towards more balanced and consistent decisions about investments in the development of their DCs, either on the short- or on the long-term, will reflect on their adaptation to the dynamic demands of the Brazilian market and, therefore, will improve their BP.


The aim of this study was to assess the direct effect of CG on DC and BP and the moderating and/or mediating impacts of DCs on the CG - BP relationship. In order to reach this goal, 195 companies listed in B3 S/A were investigated.

Based on the presented results and by framing more than half of the sample to the demands from some special listing segments of B3 S/A, it was possible concluding that these companies have efficient mechanisms to assure shareholders’ rights. These companies outspread information to other stakeholders and their regulations aim at mitigating risks of information asymmetry (BM&FBOVESPA, 2017BM&FBOVESPA (2017). Empresas listadas. São Paulo. Disponível em: <Disponível em: >. Acesso em: 28 jul. 2017.

In conclusion, despite the rigor of companies listed in B3 S/A, their GC does not present direct effect on BP; this effect is indirect and mediated by DCS. Thus, based on the results, the adoption of CG practices must not be expected to influence performance, but to induce other routines (in our study, DCs) to actually improve performance. Accordingly, some points are questioned: Would CG practices only mean more costs to these companies? Or, yet, what would be the most appropriate metric if their returns were measured in the long-term?

In order to answer the first question, it is important highlighting that the Brazilian stock market still concentrates traces of control by major shareholders and it generates high costs to monitor existing conflicts resulting from the relationship between principal and agent. Such relationship, in its turn, can reflect on possible returns expected by companies participating in the study. With regard to the second question, it is important mentioning that national and international empirical studies have been using different formative metrics to measure company performance. Thus, mainly in this item, the proper choice for the right performance metric applied to assess returns from the adoption of CG practices can likely explain the observed divergent empirical results. The option was made for adopting a flexible metric.

The confirmation of the CG effect on DC development allowed concluding that CG - as an efficient mechanism to manage conflict of interest - enabled strategic decision- making to generate satisfactory company performance. The confirmation of the DC effect on the BP of companies listed in B3 S/A made it possible concluding the relevant of this effect to companies that aim at improving their capabilities, mainly the dynamic ones. With regards to the dynamic context emerging in the Brazilian context, exploitation and exploration capabilities are essential for companies to fit and remain competitive.

These conclusions present theoretical and practical implications. The proposed conceptual model provides original contributions for theoretical advancement. These contributions are amplified by the recorded results; for example, the rejected hypothesis about the direct effect of CG on BP and The confirmation of the indirect effect via DCs suggests the analysis of aspects related to costs with monitoring procedures applied to agency conflicts and to complementary factors that must be achieved in order to boost development.

On practical terms, the results contribute to companies that look for the best and most satisfactory performance in the markets they work in. They must guide their actions to implement their efficient CG mechanisms, which must also line-up with strategic decision-making about promoting their DCs. In addition, there is the need of managing possible agency conflicts in the process that could stop the effective implementation of these capabilities. Finally, when it comes to limitations, it is important highlighting the cross-section adopted during data collection. Longitudinal studies are more appropriate to evidence effect tests in periods longer than the ones adopted for the current study. The second limitation of this study concerns the fact that it was restricted to the universe of companies listed in the Brazilian stock market, which was justified by data availability.


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Contribution of authors.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 June 2021
  • Date of issue
    Jan-Mar 2021


  • Received
    02 Sept 2020
  • Accepted
    11 Oct 2020
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Centro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (CCSH), Avenida Roraima nº 1000, Prédio 74C, Sala 4210 - Cidade Universitária, CEP: 97105-900, Tel: +55 (55) 3220-9242 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil