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This study seeks to identify the perceptions of teachers at a Higher Education Institution concerning career satisfaction.


a survey was carried out on how much quantitative and adapted study by Costa (2014)COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.. The results show the need for constant improvement of the face of the teaching career, and the results show that the required competencies are associated with the perception of justice regarding the occupation of new associated hierarchical and evaluation systems, in addition, it stands out for the perception of stability career.


from an inferential point of view, the results show that happiness in professional life and hair positively affected shared teamwork through a good network of professional contacts and happiness in personal and family life.

Practical implications:

for future studies, it is suggested the expansion or scope of the research for teachers of all courses of the Institution under analysis.


reflected on aspects related to the career, highlighting that professional identity is associated with the feeling of pride provided by the exercise of the profession, since the effects generated have an impact on the development and evolution of society.

Satisfaction; Career; University education; Teaching



O presente estudo procura identificar as percepções dos docentes da Instituição Ensino Superior em relação a satisfação na carreira.


a pesquisa foi de cunho quantitativo e o estudo foi adaptado de Costa (2014)COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.. Os resultados evidenciam que a necessidade de constante aprimoramento faz parte da carreira docente e os resultados evidenciam que as competências requeridas estão associadas à percepção de justiça quanto à ocupação de níveis hierárquicos e sistemas de avaliação associados, além disso, destaca-se à percepção de estabilidade na carreira.


do ponto de vista inferencial, os resultados mostram que a felicidade na vida profissional é afetada positivamente pelo trabalho em equipe compartilhado, por uma boa rede de contatos profissionais e pela felicidade na vida pessoal e familiar.

Implicações práticas:

para estudos futuros, sugere-se ampliar o escopo da pesquisa para os docentes de todos os cursos da Instituição analisada.


refletiu sobre aspectos relacionados à carreira, destacando-se que a identidade profissional está associada ao sentimento de orgulho propiciado pelo exercício da profissão, visto que os efeitos gerados têm impacto no desenvolvimento e evolução da sociedade.

Satisfação; Carreira; Ensino Superior; Docência


Teaching is considered one of the most essential and proven professions and has undergone different metamorphoses in its celebrated itinerary. In this scenario, the competitive environment has been reflected in the professional career, and the positions occupied during the professional trajectory resulting from the activities performed (Costa, 2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.). In this point of view, satisfaction in the work environment has been highlighted in studies for its importance and touches on different points that study this connection of the individual in the organizational environment.

The first career insights emerge in the 60s associated with several themes and only in the 80s, which investigated the researchers’ questions about the importance and there was an intensification of studies under the different biases of the individuals’ behavior, such as unproductivity, absenteeism as well as career, motivation, identity (Nóvoa, 2000NÓVOA, A. (2000). Os professores e as histórias da sua vida. In: NÓVOA, A. (Org.). Vida de professores. 2. ed. Porto: Porto Editora, 2000. ; Martins, 2008; König & Rothland, 2012KÖNIG, J., & ROTHLAND, M. (2012). Motivations for choosing teaching as a career: Effects on general pedagogical knowledge during initial teacher education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3):289-315.). However, Farias and Nascimento (2012FARIAS, G. O., & NASCIMENTO, J. V. (2012). Construção da identidade profissional: metamorfose na carreira docente em educação física. In: FARIAS, Gelcemar Oliveira; NASCIMENTO, Juarez. Vieira. (Org.). Construção da identidade profissional em Educação Física: da formação a ação. Florianópolis: Editora da UDESC.) highlight that the teaching career has fluctuated in teachers’ perceptions being characterized as cycles. It is important to note that in the last few decades, the valuation of teaching practice in educational institutions emerged, running on endless courses (Collin, Karsenti & Komis, 2012).

Thus, when studying the career, the subjective perception of each individual must be taken into account, considering the positive results that include positions, salary projection, satisfaction with life inside and outside the professional environment, as self-worth that stimulates and adds values social and professional. Wage factors, time for leisure, and family can also be assessed (Costa, 2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.). According to the author, the perception of career success is one of the guiding principles of professional decisions of talents in the job market and people management practices do not always meet the career expectations of those that the company wants to attract.

However, it is still notorious for highlighting that the concept of career has been changing over the years at levels of importance (Zamir, 2018ZAMIR, S. (2018). A Teaching Career: Mobility and Stagnation. Athens Journal of Education, v5 n2 p145-160.). In this perspective, the educational vertex has been breaking paradigms with regard to these variables, since social transitions have impacted and fostered a metamorphosis in teaching practices and consequently in the teaching-learning process (Lindoino et al, 2020LIDOINO, A. C. P., SANTOS, D. M. DOS., & REIS, G. DE A. (2020). Reflections about continuing teachers formation in contemporaneity. Research, Society and Development, v. 9, n.9.).

The teaching career is responsible for the training of professionals from different areas and who contribute to a high standard of living in a society, so we could not fail to conceptualize the importance of the teacher. In this context, it is necessary to give special attention to the teaching career, which is so important and not always valued, where the growth prospects become increasingly challenging.

Therefore, this article seeks to analyze teacher satisfaction by answering the following research problem: What are teachers’ perceptions at the Higher Education Institution about career success? Based on the exposed problem, this work adopts as a general objective, to identify the perceptions of the professors of the Higher Education Institution concerning career satisfaction.

In the next chapter, the theoretical contribution of the study will be explained, composed of the thematic education followed by professional and career development, methodological path, presentation of results, and conclusions.


2.1 Education and its insights in teaching

The emergence and growth of educational systems contribute to the generalization of the idea that education corresponds fundamentally (and for some exclusively), to the teaching-learning times and spaces within the framework of educational systems and other formalized educational contexts (Alves & Azevedo, 2010ALVES, M.G, & AZEVEDO, N.R. (2010). Investigar em Educação. Desafios da construção de conhecimento e da formação de investigadores num campo multireferenciado. Caparica: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FCT/UIED. ). The training of teachers to work in secondary education is the responsibility of private and public universities and the Institutes of Open and Distance Education (EaD) (Deixa, Chicote & Calisto, 2020DEIXA, G.; CHICOTE, R. S.; GONÇALVES, E. C. (2020). A influência da indução de professores principiantes na qualidade de ensino no 1º grau do Ensino Básico em Moçambique. Formação Docente - Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, v. 12, n. 24, p. 151-164, 11 ago.). Thus, after graduation, teachers do not have follow-up, to perceive their development in practice (Deixa, Chicote & Calisto, 2020DEIXA, G.; CHICOTE, R. S.; GONÇALVES, E. C. (2020). A influência da indução de professores principiantes na qualidade de ensino no 1º grau do Ensino Básico em Moçambique. Formação Docente - Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa sobre Formação de Professores, v. 12, n. 24, p. 151-164, 11 ago.). Thus, it is necessary to invest in continuing education programs for teachers, so that there is greater quality in learning, both for students and teachers (Lopes, 2019LOPES, A. L. S.; VIEIRA, M. M. S.; MIRANDA, L. F. (2019). Programa de Formação Permanente de Professores de Engenharia: um olhar sobre os resultados das avaliações docentes institucionais. In: Henrique Ajuz Holzmann, Micheli Kuckla.. (Org.). Possibilidades e enfoques para o Ensino das Engenharias. 1ed.Ponta Grossa: Atena. v. 1, p. 47-54.).

However, it is essential to understand education in a more comprehensive and holistic aspect, which goes beyond the boundaries of formalized teaching-learning environments (Mcculloch, 2012MCCULLOCH, G. (2012). História da educação e formação de professores. Revista Brasileira de Educação, Caxambu-Minas Gerais, v.17, n.49, p.121-132, jan./abr.; Kusznerik & Schneckenberg, 2018KUSZNERIK, C., & SCHNECKENBERG, M. (2018). Formação inicial e continuada como fator de valorização da carreira docente nas políticas públicas educacionais. Jornal de Políticas Educacionais. V. 12, n. 1. ).

Cachapuz et al, (2004CACHAPUZ, A., PRAIA, J., & JORGE, M. (2004). Da Educação em Ciências às orientações das ciências: um repensar epistemológico. Revista Ciência & Educação, 10(3), 363- 381.), argue that it is necessary, a new science of education, which contains as a base a vision of learning, in which interaction is a key concept. Being that, the new science of education is understandable insofar as the institutionalization of the Sciences of education is processed by several scientific disciplines, simultaneously, with the growth of several professional groups in the educational sector (Ball & Forzani, 2017).

In this way, education is a social practice present in different moments and spaces of social life (Dourado et al, 2007DOURADO, L.F., OLIVEIRA, J.F., & SANTOS, C.A. (2007) A qualidade da educação: conceitos e definições. Série Documental: Textos para Discussão, Brasília, DF, 24(22), 5-34.). However, education is based on public policies, which play an important role in developing a nation. According to the Federal Constitution, national education is expressed through Municipal, State, Federal education systems and the provision of school education in the private sector (Vieira, 2007VIEIRA, M. F. (2007). Gerenciamento de projetos de tecnologia da informação. 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Campus.).

In this way, education depends on political circumstances and involves constant negotiation and conflict. The nature of education is linked to the destination of work, and there is a close relationship between education and the economic model of a society (Mészários, 2014MÉSZÁROS, I. (2014). Reflexões sobre a Nova Internacional. Margem esquerda - ensaios marxistas, São Paulo, 22, 67-90.). However, the oldest occupation of our civilization is teaching, existing even before the formalization of education systems (Pena & Mesquita, 2020). In this vein, Tardif (2013TARDIF, M. (2013) Saberes Docentes e Formação Profissional. 15. ed. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes.) argues that the core of the teaching career lasts for centuries and is based on a tripod composed of vocation, craft, and profession.

Teaching is to be continually improving to help build society. Quality education is a complex phenomenon and must be versed from several perspectives. Quality in education is understood as encompassing the relationship between material and human resources and the relationship that occurs at school and in the classroom (Masson & Morreti, 2015MASSON, G, & MORRETI, J. S. S. (2015) . A valorização dos professores em municípios do Paraná: análise dos planos de carreira. Jornal de Políticas Educacionais . v. 9, n.17, 18. p. 111-124. jan/jun/ e ago/dez. ). Thus, for the role of the teacher, specific professional knowledge needs to exist, which can contribute to the construction of conceptions about the teaching career (Pena & Mesquita, 2020).

Thus, the teaching career includes, in addition to knowledge and competence, certain synchrony between personal and organizational development. The career must consider the subjective perception of each individual, considering the positive results that include positions, salary projection, as self-worth that stimulates and adds social and professional values (COSTA, 2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.). Note the importance of the need for the teacher to be reflective and critical, since the teachers who articulate the practice and theory in a search for quality in education (Diniz-Pereira & Cañete, 2009DINIZ-PEREIRA, J. E., & CAÑETE, L. S. C. (2009). A escrita do diário de bordo e as possibilidades da reflexão crítica sobre a prática docente. In M. P. Lacerda (Org.), A escrita inscrita na formação docente (p. 17-36). Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Rovelle., Nóvoa, 2012).

In the next topic will be explained about professional development and career.

2.2 Professional development and career: what has been studied about these themes?

The choice of professional career presents itself as a determination of the trajectory for the job market. Several authors have turned their attention to the difficulties encountered in entering the profession, using their socialization (Hargreaves, 1998HARGREAVES, A. (1998). Os professores em tempos de mudança: O trabalho e a cultura dos professores na idade pós-moderna. Lisboa: McGraw Hill.), exposing knowledge, its evolution and studying the relationship between previous training and professional development (Duarte & Oliveira, 2014DUARTE, A. W. B., & OLIVEIRA, D. A. 92014). Valorização profissional docente nos sistemas de ensino de Minas Gerais e Pernambuco. Práxis Educacional, Vitória da Conquista, v.10, n.17, p.67-97, jul./dez.).

In this scenario, the insertion of the profession must be analyzed through multidimensional perspectives (Akkari & Tardif, 2011AKKARI, A.; TARDIF, M. (2011). A inserção profissional no ensino: alguns pontos de referência sobre uma realidade complexa. In: GUIMARÃES, Célia Maria (Org.). Formação e profissão docente. Araraquara-SP: Junqueira & Marin, p. 124-141.), that is, encompassing aspects that go beyond the search for a diploma, which impacts and build identity and learning. In this way, professional development begins in the initial training, making it necessary to take collective attitudes, acquire knowledge that contributes to professional development. Thus, professional development cannot be understood as an accumulation of certificates or knowledge, but comprises learning in different contexts, where knowledge about teaching and learning is produced in a process of dialogue (Almeida & Megid, 2021DE ALMEIDA, A., & MEGID, M. A. (2021). Contribuições de um Grupo Colaborativo no Desenvolvimento Profissional de professores da infância. Com a Palavra, O Professor, 6(14), 271-291.
). Thus, the development of the profession emerges through public educational policies, and teachers have to seek professional improvement and improvements in their work performance (Oliveira, 2009).

To promote the professional development of teachers and reflect on the teaching and learning environment, three main factors are needed: a) a good proposal for innovation with adequate social support for the transformations that take place in the exercise of teaching activities; b) a certain continuity that allows changes to be maintained over time; c) material resources (Vaillant, 2009VAILLANT, D. (2009). Políticas para un desarrollo profesional docente efectivo. In: MEDRANO, Consuelo Vélez de; VAILLANT, Denise. Aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional docente. Madrid: Santillana, p. 29-37.). Complementing the author, it is necessary to aspire to consensus and politics to view the diversity of positions present in every school institution or educational system.

The teacher’s professional development is discussed as the ability of the teacher to identify significant interests in the teaching and learning processes, seeking to enhance the dialogues with experienced colleagues (Gatti & Barreto, 2009). In this way, for the professional development of teachers, systemic action strategies are needed that consider the demands of each context and not partial policies (Vaillant, 2009VAILLANT, D. (2009). Políticas para un desarrollo profesional docente efectivo. In: MEDRANO, Consuelo Vélez de; VAILLANT, Denise. Aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional docente. Madrid: Santillana, p. 29-37.). Thus, teacher learning can be analyzed based on the redefinition of their knowledge, ideas, practices, actions, within other processes experienced by them (Almeida & Megid, 2021DE ALMEIDA, A., & MEGID, M. A. (2021). Contribuições de um Grupo Colaborativo no Desenvolvimento Profissional de professores da infância. Com a Palavra, O Professor, 6(14), 271-291.

From this, for the teacher to develop professionally, it is necessary to focus on his professional career. According to Costa (2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.), the professional career can be understood as the position occupied in the professional teaching trajectory, resulting from the activities performed during life. The construct of the teacher’s professional development career refers to the improvement of learning, through various training opportunities, formal or not, collective, individual or even institutional (Hobolt & Farias, 2020HOBOLD, M. S.; FARIAS, I. M. S. (2020). Didática e formação de professores: contributos para o desenvolvimento profissional docente no contexto das DCNs. Revista Cocar, v. 14, n. 28, p. 102-125, jan./abr.). The career is a process of continuous formation, personal and professional development, which includes personal characteristics, beliefs, life history, the context of the teaching exercise, and the knowledge and skills that it builds in training (Hargreaves & Fullan, 1992).

Also, the career path is affected both by personal experiences and by organizational influences, which deliberate its discontinuity and the occurrence of different responses from the individual in each professional development cycle (Costa et al, 2004). For Chatterjee (2013CHATTERJEE, S. (2013). A conceptual framework examining the antecedents of career decisiveness using motivation systems theory. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 14(4):196-209.), career constitutes the sequence of activities and positions developed by people over time in an organization. Being that, the professional trajectory of a person throughout his life, refers to a traveled career (Wood JR & Filho, 2004WOOD JR., T., & PICARELLI, F, V. (2004). Remuneração Estratégica: A Nova Vantagem Competitiva. São Paulo: Atlas .; Zamir, 2018ZAMIR, S. (2018). A Teaching Career: Mobility and Stagnation. Athens Journal of Education, v5 n2 p145-160.).

When studying the theme, it is pertinent to highlight some compositions that influence the teaching career at its core. Among the subjects, one can add to the motivation that, according to Johnson and Birkeland (2003JOHNSON, S., BIRKELAND, S., & PURSUING. (2003). A “Sense of Success”: New Teachers Explain Their Career Decisions. American Educational Research Journal, 40, 581-617.), which are the essential foundations that translate the profession’s predilection. Besides, job satisfaction has gained evidence in several national and international studies that show that it is a variable that influences positive and negative perspectives depending on the context in which it will be analyzed (Gu, 2013GU, M. M. (2013). From pre-service to in-service teachers: A longitudinal investigation of the professional development of English language teachers in secondary schools. Educational Studies, 39(5), 503-521.; Talukder, 2019TALUKDER, A. K. M. M. H. (2019). Supervisor Support and Organizational Commitment: The Role of Work-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction, and Work-Life Balance. Journal of Employment Counseling, 56(3), 98-116.).

In this sense, the main manager of the career must be the employee himself, and his plans must be aligned with the company’s plans, where he is inserted, or of other opportunities offered in the job market (Dutra, 2009DUTRA, J.S. (2009). Gestão de carreiras na empresa contemporânea. São Paulo: Atlas.; Kusznerik & Schneckenberg, 2018KUSZNERIK, C., & SCHNECKENBERG, M. (2018). Formação inicial e continuada como fator de valorização da carreira docente nas políticas públicas educacionais. Jornal de Políticas Educacionais. V. 12, n. 1. ). The perception of career success is one of the guiding principles of professional decisions, talents in the job market, and people management practices do not always meet the career expectations of those that the company wants to attract (Costa, 2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.). Professional development is something continuous that is not disconnected from teaching and learning, as it modifies teachers’ knowledge, their theoretical and daily development, always based on their daily practice (Hobolt & Farias, 2020HOBOLD, M. S.; FARIAS, I. M. S. (2020). Didática e formação de professores: contributos para o desenvolvimento profissional docente no contexto das DCNs. Revista Cocar, v. 14, n. 28, p. 102-125, jan./abr.). Therefore, the success of the professional career refers to the change in work related to professional or psychologically positive results, prioritizing salary levels, feeling of competence and achievement, and prestige (Costa, 2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.).

Thus, the professional career consists of a challenge and a concern to reconcile personal and professional life (Bravo et al, 2019BRAVO, R., CATALÁN, S., & PINA, J. M. (2019). Analysing teamwork in higher education: an empirical study on the antecedents and consequences of team cohesiveness. Studies in Higher Education, 44(7), 1153-1165. ). In short, career management admits the development of professional skills and can still retain, attract and develop talents in an essential way in the organization (Silva et al, 2013).

The study methodology is presented below.


The study aims to identify professors’ perceptions at the Higher Education Institution about success and career satisfaction. The present work is characterized as descriptive research with a quantitative approach. For Bervian et al, (2007BERVIAN, P., CERVO, A.L., & SILVA, R (2007). Metodologia Científica: São Paulo; Pearson Prentice 6ª ed.), descriptive research observes, records, analyzes the facts concerning others and their characteristics. According to Gressler (2003GRESSLER, L. A. (2003). Introdução à pesquisa: projetos e relatórios. São Paulo: Loyola.), the quantitative approach is characterized by the formulation of hypotheses, operational definitions of the variables, quantification in the modalities of data and information collection, use of statistical treatment.

For data collection, a questionnaire developed and based on the study by Costa (2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.) was applied as a collection tool adapted to the institution’s reality, as shown in table 1. The questionnaire consisting of a Likert scale from (1 to 5), according to the construction of the initial document, the number 1 being scaled as, strongly disagrees, and the 5, fully agreeing, answering for each question a number referring to their observed opinion of the professors.

Table 1
Study variables

The subjects of this study were the professors of the Administration course at the Higher Education Institution, with a return of 79% of the sample. Regarding data collection, the survey was conducted in-person to identify the perception of these teachers in relation to success and satisfaction in their careers. The sample was chosen in a non-probabilistic and intentional way. For statistical analysis of the data, Microsoft Excel, SPSS version 23 (correlation analysis), and SAS Enterprise Guide version 7.13 (regression analysis) were used.

In the next topic, the results of the research will be presented.


4.1 Descriptive Statistics

The analysis of the results considered the values of the means and standard deviations for the questions belonging to the instrument applied to the respondents. Table 1 shows the questions that reflected the highest and lowest averages found, considering the scale of 1 to 5 points. In this context, it was decided to discuss the most relevant issues, considering the values of the averages.

Table 1
Main results in relation to the averages

Regarding the averages of the responses of the applied scale, it was possible to verify that most of the questions presented high values greater than 3. As for the highest values, the statements Q16, Q40, Q43 correspond, since the first refers to the perception that the career is ethical, in this way, the role of professional training that the teaching career is dedicated to stands out, involving not only the transmission of technical knowledge but also, being related to the ethical issues that must be present in the exercise of all professions (Cordero & Salmerón, 2017CORDERO, G., & SALMERÓN, A. (2017). El servicio Profesional Docente y las licenciaturas en ciencias de la educación. Elementos para el análisis. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior, 8(23). 3-24.).

Questions Q40 and Q43 refer to the idea that the work performed is useful for other people’s lives and cause positive effects in society. In this sense, the results of the teaching work are propagated beyond its initial audience, being conditioned to the formation of an entire society. According to Koetz et al. (2013KOETZ, L., REMPEL, C., & PERICO, E. (2013). Qualidade de vida de professores de Instituições de Ensino Superior Comunitárias do Rio Grande do Sul. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 18, (4),1019-1028., p.1022), “Being a teacher is related to participating in people’s independence, making them freer, less economically, politically and socially dependent [...]”, in addition to teaching, they contribute to training critical citizens, capable of consciously discerning their choices.

Additionally, the third-highest average reflects the idea that there is no violation of values during the working career, and this question is directly related to the first, about the transmission of ethical values that are part of the teacher’s work in the professional training of citizens. In this context, the teaching profession has a primary and even deterministic role in the socio-economic development of a country, insofar as it is responsible for training the contingent of professionals from all sectors of the economy.

As for the lowest values of means, questions Q13 and Q1 stand out, since the first refers to the non-identification of respondents with the statement that they should present unusual ideas, in this sense, the stipulated guidelines regarding the grid stand out curriculum, bibliography to be followed and other pedagogical instruments that, in a certain way, are configured in factors that aim to organize academic work life, but at the same time outline scripts of restricted performance, inhibiting creativity and innovation. It is worth mentioning that the performance influenced by the performance of the teachers is not only related to the degree of degree presented, but also by the interpersonal relationship between colleagues and supervisors, and initiatives to articulate innovative projects, quality of the classes taught, capable of generating demand and preference among students and raise promising professional destiny for its graduates.

Question Q1 presented the second-lowest average value, about the other questions, refers to the perception of fair remuneration about investment in the career. In this context, not only monetary values with formal preparation and qualification are considered, but also factors such as time, physical, psychological, and emotional stress with which the teacher had to manage during the academic trajectory. This data corroborates the study by Cordero Arroyo & Jiménez Moreno (2018)CORDERO ARROYO, G., & JIMÉNEZ MORENO, J. A. (2018). La política de ingreso ala carrera docente en México: Resultados de una supuesta idoneidad. Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas, 26(5)., who argued about the teacher’s concerns with his career.

In this sense, while for some teachers, success is related to the impact of their actions on people’s lives that helps to form and indirectly on the development of societies, it can also be related exclusively to the remuneration gains that the career provides. According to Costa (2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.), the success of the professional career refers to the change in work related to professional or psychologically positive results, being able to prioritize salary levels, feeling of competence and achievement, prestige, among others.

As for the Pearson correlation matrix shown in Table 2, it was possible to verify that most of the questions presented significant correlation coefficients regarding the values of p <0.05 and p <0.01. However, we sought to highlight the coefficients that presented p-value <0.01, since they represent greater significance in the level of association between the variables.

Table 2
Correlation Matrix

Thus, the results are discussed considering the arrangement of the questions in ascending order from the column to the left of the table. First, question Q1 has a strong positive correlation with questions Q12, Q21, Q22, Q32, and Q36. In this sense, it is argued that the perception of justice regarding the remuneration received in relation to the investment in the career is associated with the perception of justice about the remuneration of other known people, based on this, the expenditure of time and other factors for qualification in a determined profession must be associated with fair remuneration, both in relation to the profession itself and to the others. Additionally, Q1 showed a strong positive correlation with the perception of coherence with the occupied hierarchical level, tranquility about future material and financial needs, and with coherence regarding career promotion opportunities.

Concerning question Q2, it has a strong positive correlation in relation to questions Q21, Q26, and Q45. In this context, the question reflects the perception that a career allows one to enjoy life beyond work, showing a strong positive correlation with the perception of coherence with the occupied hierarchical level, with professional challenges in relation to skills, and the perception of help among colleagues. In this sense, it is inferred that the search for a profession that makes it possible to enjoy life beyond work has associated with issues of hierarchical position within the organization and together, the demand for challenges presented and mutual help between colleagues (Chatterjee, 2013CHATTERJEE, S. (2013). A conceptual framework examining the antecedents of career decisiveness using motivation systems theory. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 14(4):196-209.).

Question Q3 has a strong positive correlation with question Q18, from that, it appears that the perception of pride in what you do is positively associated with the professional identity built over the years covered in your career. In the view of Tamayo and Abbad (2006TAMAYO, N., & ABBAD, G.S. (2006). Autoconceito profissional e suporte à transferência e impacto do treinamento no trabalho. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 10 (3), 09-28.), professional self-concept is understood as: “the individual’s perception of himself in relation to the work and the tasks he performs.” According to the definition by Formiga et al. (2015FORMIGA, N.S., FLEURY, L.F.O., SOUZA, M.A., & SOUZA, M.A.F. (2015). Verificação da estrutura fatorial da escala de autoconceito profissional em funcionários de diferentes empresas brasileiras. Actualidades en Psicología, 29, (118), 47-55.), the definition of the term professional self-concept considers “interaction with the other and living with co-workers, taking into account personal capacities with a focus on performing tasks, based on motivation.” In this sense, the feeling of pride in what they do is constructed during the interaction with the academic community, involving students, peers, and leaders who, throughout their career, help clarify their professional identity.

Question Q5 has a strong positive correlation with questions Q25 and Q35. Thus, the perception of one’s own performance shows a degree of association in relation to the perception of differentiated competence and obtaining success in assessments of one’s own competence. This condition denotes a relationship between satisfactory performance and consistency between competencies and respective assessments (Zamir, 2018ZAMIR, S. (2018). A Teaching Career: Mobility and Stagnation. Athens Journal of Education, v5 n2 p145-160.).

Question Q10 has a strong positive correlation in relation to questions Q29 and Q41. In this sense, the perception of professional prestige with regard to satisfaction with the occupied hierarchical position is associated with the condition of always learning and developing in the career and the condition of satisfaction in relation to the achievement of goals for occupying a hierarchical level. Thus, professional development is related to the condition of keeping up to date through self-education, reading books and articles, in addition to specialization courses, free courses, and lectures in the relevant area (Kusznerik & Schneckenberg, 2018KUSZNERIK, C., & SCHNECKENBERG, M. (2018). Formação inicial e continuada como fator de valorização da carreira docente nas políticas públicas educacionais. Jornal de Políticas Educacionais. V. 12, n. 1. ).

Question Q13 has a strong positive correlation in relation to questions Q14 and Q43. Thus, the perception of the demand for unusual ideas is associated with the perception of the work’s complexity and usefulness. In this sense, they can represent disparate logics, according to Sobrinho (2007SOBRINHO, D. J. (2007). Dilemas da educação superior no mundo globalizado: sociedade do conhecimento ou economia do conhecimento? Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, 28, (8), 281-285, 2007., p.5) when considering the contradictory and challenging demands to be overcome by the university in its classic configuration, such as “reconciling the general and permanent values of the democratic society with the interests immediate and pragmatic aspects of the market,” invariably fall on the teaching work.

Question Q18 has a strong positive correlation with question Q39, which refers to the condition of construction of identity throughout the career in relation to the recognition of clients about the activities developed at work. Once again, the construction of identity in the teaching career is related to the perception of students, who in question Q39 are referred to as clients, since they reflect the result of the teaching work.

Question Q19 has a strong positive correlation in relation to questions Q21, Q25, Q35, Q41. In this sense, the condition of career recognition from friends and family is associated with issues that refer to career success, regarding the occupation of hierarchical levels consistent with their ability, having differentiated competence, obtaining success in evaluations, and achieving goals of the hierarchical level.

Question 21 has a strong positive correlation in relation to questions Q26 and Q41. In this way, the perception of occupying hierarchical levels consistent with one’s own ability is associated with the perception of the challenges of working according to the skills and having achieved professional goals in relation to this. In this way, the association between the issues may reflect a perception of a fair relationship between the occupation of hierarchical levels, required skills, and professional goals achieved.

Question Q22 has a strong positive correlation in relation to question Q32, this condition refers to the idea of tranquility about financial and material needs and stability at work with regard to the inviolability of values practiced during the execution of the work. This result reinforces the teacher’s role in the transmission and practice of ethical values in the classroom, which refers to career stability since this role will always be required by society.

Question Q26 has a strong positive correlation with question Q45, since the association refers to the perception of the challenges faced at work in relation to skills is associated with the perception of help received from co-workers. According to Costa, et al. (2004a), the career trajectory is affected both by personal experiences and by organizational influences, which deliberate its discontinuity and the occurrence of different responses from the individual in each professional development cycle, thus a collaborative work environment in which there is help cooperation between colleagues collaborates for individual professional development and, as a consequence, for the entire team.

The degree of association between question Q27 with question Q 32 with the highest value of the coefficient found (0.859) and, subsequently with question Q41, stands out. In this context, they refer to the association between the perception of the stability of professional life in relation to the tranquility of having a job or job in the future and having reached my goals at the hierarchical level in my career. In this sense, the favorable condition for the teaching career, in line with the stability and vision of a peaceful future that the career provides, especially in public institutions (Kusznerik & Schneckenberg, 2018KUSZNERIK, C., & SCHNECKENBERG, M. (2018). Formação inicial e continuada como fator de valorização da carreira docente nas políticas públicas educacionais. Jornal de Políticas Educacionais. V. 12, n. 1. ).

The Q32 question has a strong positive correlation in relation to the Q 41 question. In this sense, the perception of the tranquility of having a job or work in the future is associated with the perception of having reached goals of a hierarchical level in the career. Question Q35 has a strong positive correlation in relation to question Q41. In this sense, it reflects the association between the perception of being successful in evaluations and having reached my goals at the hierarchical level in my career. Such results reflect the synergy between the perceptions of stability, performance evaluation, success, and occupation at hierarchical levels, showing that despite the weaknesses, the teaching career provides advancement in professional development through career advancement policies.

4.2 Inferential Statistics

The regression analysis was applied in order to identify the factors that favor the happiness and career satisfaction of higher education teachers. Therefore, career happiness (Q24 - I feel happy with my professional life) was modeled as a dependent variable, while the most explanatory independent variables were identified using the stepwise regression method.

At α = 0.0001, the independent variables x1 (Q6 - I and the teams I work with have achieved successful results together), x2 (Q33 - I have a good network of professional contacts) and x3 (Q37 - I am happy with my personal and family life) explain 92.7% of the variability of y, with an R2 of 0.9271. Table 3 shows the ANOVA data for the regression model.

Table 3
ANOVA table

Given the p-value of 0.0001, the general regression model is adequate, considering the level of significance. Table 4 lists the estimated parameters for the multiple regression for the stepwise method.

Table 4
Estimates of multiple regression parameters

From the analysis of Table 4, it is evident that the p-value of the intercept is very high (0.8087), and therefore, it fails to reject the null hypothesis, so, its parameter estimate may be equal to zero. Thus, the intercept will not integrate the regression equation.

The p-values of 0.0001 of the other variables included in the model (x1, x2, and x3) are significant at α = 0.05. In this way, the three variables can be included in the multiple regression equation. The regression equation is outlined as follows:

Regression equation: y = 0 . 254 x 1 + 0 . 267 x 2 + 0 . 533 x 3

From the results, it appears that happiness in professional life is positively affected by shared teamwork (x1), a good network of professional contacts (x2), and happiness in personal and family life (x3). From a theoretical point of view, these findings are in line with studies that relate the importance of work-family balance for general well-being (Talukder, 2019TALUKDER, A. K. M. M. H. (2019). Supervisor Support and Organizational Commitment: The Role of Work-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction, and Work-Life Balance. Journal of Employment Counseling, 56(3), 98-116.) and the positive effects of teamwork and networks on satisfaction (Bravo, Catalán & Pina, 2019BRAVO, R., CATALÁN, S., & PINA, J. M. (2019). Analysing teamwork in higher education: an empirical study on the antecedents and consequences of team cohesiveness. Studies in Higher Education, 44(7), 1153-1165. ).

Based on the evidence mentioned above, the final considerations of the study will be explained.


The main objective of the study was to identify the perceptions of professors at a higher education institution concerning career satisfaction. Thus, the need for constant improvement is part of the teaching career, and the results show that the required skills are associated with the perception of justice regarding the occupation of hierarchical levels and associated assessment systems, in addition, it stands out to the perception of career stability.

In this perspective, education is related to contextual political conditions since there is a close relationship with the economic model of society (Mészários, 2014MÉSZÁROS, I. (2014). Reflexões sobre a Nova Internacional. Margem esquerda - ensaios marxistas, São Paulo, 22, 67-90.). In this sense, the valorization of intellectual work in the so-called “knowledge society” puts the role of teaching work in evidence, making it increasingly multifunctional, as it requires constant updating in the ways of teaching and learning and the construction of knowledge (Hoffmann et al, 2018HOFFMANN, C., MARCHI, J., COMORETTO, E., & MOURA, G.L. (2018). Relações entre autoconceito profissional e produtivismo na pós-graduação. Psicologia & Sociedade, 30, 1-10.).

In this sense, the result of the highest value of the correlation coefficient found (0.859) is emphasized, between the questions Q27 - I have stability in my professional life and Q 32- I am calm about having a job or work in the future that refer to the association between the perception of the stability of professional life in relation to tranquility regarding having a job or job in the future, corroborating with the study by Costa (2014COSTA, L.V. (2014). Sucesso na carreira. In: Siqueira, Mirlene Maria Matias (organizadora). Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: ferramentas de diagnóstico e de gestão. Porto Alegre: Artmed.) and Talukder (2019TALUKDER, A. K. M. M. H. (2019). Supervisor Support and Organizational Commitment: The Role of Work-Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction, and Work-Life Balance. Journal of Employment Counseling, 56(3), 98-116.) when he highlights that stable teachers have a greater propensity to happiness and professional motivation.

Regarding the regression analysis, the following regression equation was outlined, using the stepwise method: y=0.254x1+0.267 x2+0.533 x3. The results show that happiness in professional life is positively affected by shared teamwork (x1), by a good network of professional contacts (x2), and by happiness in personal and family life (x3).

Additionally, the present work reflected on aspects related to the career, highlighting that the professional identity is associated with the feeling of pride provided by the exercise of the profession, since the effects generated have an impact on the development and evolution of society. For future studies, it is suggested to expand the scope of the research for teachers of all courses of the analyzed Institution.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    21 Feb 2022
  • Date of issue
    Sep-Oct 2021


  • Received
    13 Mar 2021
  • Accepted
    14 Oct 2021
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Avenida Roraima nº 1000, Prédio 74C, Sala 4210 - Cidade Universitária - Centro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (CCSH) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Cep: 97105-900, Tel: +55 (55) 3220-9242 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil