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Improved drought tolerance in wheat is required to unlock the production potential of the Brazilian Cerrado


Improving rainfed wheat cultivation in central Brazil, where the Cerrado biome (Brazilian savanna) is predominant, remains a bottleneck for future increases in domestic wheat production. In the Cerrado, the limited water availability during the wheat-growing season is an obstacle to increase wheat yield. To address this issue, the physiological and molecular drought response of wheat and the environmental conditions of this region must be better understood. In this review, we characterized the impact of drought on rainfed wheat production in the Cerrado. Based on the peculiarities of this environment, we suggest that certain traits should be prioritized in selection. These traits and their molecular basis are important to raise wheat yields in the Cerrado and also to improve food security in Brazil, one of the top wheat-importing countries in the world.

Triticum aestivum L.; tropical wheat; water stress; water deficit.


The potential area for wheat production in Brazil is estimated at 7.27 million hectares (Mha), including temperate, subtropical and tropical zones (Mingoti et al. 2014Mingoti R, Holler WA and Spadotto CA (2014) Produção potencial de trigo no Brasil. Embrapa Gestão Territorial, Campinas, 2p.). Due to the different climatological/geographical properties throughout this enormous area, four homogeneous regions of adaptation of wheat cultivars (here designated as wheat cultivation regions) were outlined (Figure 1) based on the level of precipitation, temperature and altitude (Scheeren et al. 2008Scheeren PL, Caierão E and Silva MS, Nascimento AJ, Caetano VR, Bassoi MC, Brunetta D, Albrecht JC, Quadros WJ, Sousa PG, Trindade MG, Sobrinho JS, Wiethölter S and Cunha GR (2008) Challenges to wheat production in Brazil. In Reynolds MP, Pietragalla J and Braun HJ (eds) International symposium on wheat yield potential: challenges to international wheat breeding. CIMMYT, Mexico, p. 167-170.). The three southernmost states in Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná), which account for more than 90% of the domestic wheat production, belong mostly to region 1 (humid and cold) and region 2 (humid and moderately cold).

Figure 1
The Cerrado and the four homogeneous regions of adaptation of wheat cultivars (here named wheat cultivation regions) in Brazil. In the map, the cultivation regions are indicated by different colors and the Cerrado by parallel vertical lines. The graphs show the different climatological properties of two representative counties in regions 1 (Passo Fundo/RS) and 4 (Uberaba/MG). The mean precipitation is represented by blue bars while average maximum and minimum temperatures are indicated by red and blue lines, respectively. The sowing and harvest dates of rainfed wheat, which depend on the cultivar and weather conditions, are indicated by arrows.

In the other two cultivation regions, where the Cerrado biome is predominant, the climate conditions are hot and moderately dry (region 3) or hot and dry (region 4). In these regions, wheat can be cultivated under irrigated or rainfed conditions. However, irrigated cultivation inflates the production costs, mainly because of the increased energy expenditure, and may be affected by environmental restrictions, in particular with regard to water availability and use. Therefore, rainfed wheat cultivation is considered the most environmentally friendly way to significantly increase grain production in the Cerrado. Abiotic factors that restrict wheat production in this region are soil acidity (aluminium toxicity), heat and irregular rainfall distribution, with a drought period after the flowering stage (Scheeren et al. 2008Scheeren PL, Caierão E and Silva MS, Nascimento AJ, Caetano VR, Bassoi MC, Brunetta D, Albrecht JC, Quadros WJ, Sousa PG, Trindade MG, Sobrinho JS, Wiethölter S and Cunha GR (2008) Challenges to wheat production in Brazil. In Reynolds MP, Pietragalla J and Braun HJ (eds) International symposium on wheat yield potential: challenges to international wheat breeding. CIMMYT, Mexico, p. 167-170.). Other authors reported that water stress (dry spells) can also be deleterious in the early stages (until tillering) (Ribeiro Junior et al. 2006Ribeiro Junior WQ, Ramos MLG, Vasconcelos U, Trindade MG, Ferreira FM, Siqueira MMH, Silva HLM, Rodrigues GC, Guerra AF, Rocha OC, Amábile RF, Albuquerque AC, Só e Silva M, Albrecht JC and Durães FOM (2006) Fenotipagem para tolerância à seca visando o melhoramento genético do trigo no cerrado. Embrapa Trigo, Passo Fundo , 17p.). Independent of the developmental stage, drought is one of the stresses most detrimental to crop productivity.

In this context, this review pointed out the importance of drought for rainfed wheat production in Brazil by describing the characteristics of the Cerrado, which is the best-represented biome in wheat cultivation region 4. We highlighted the wheat traits and their molecular basis that should be pursued by breeders to increase rainfed wheat productivity in the Cerrado.


Brazil is a major producer and exporter of soybean, poultry, sugar, cellulose, coffee, corn, beef, tobacco, cotton, pork, orange juice and ethanol. On the other hand, Brazil is the one of the largest wheat importers in the world. To compensate for the deficit in internal production, ~6 million tons (Mt) of wheat grain have been imported yearly, which has a significant impact on the trade balance. This impact can be reduced by increasing the area and productivity of wheat cultivation in the four cultivation regions. In central Brazil, an area of ~4 Mha has been estimated as potentially appropriate for wheat in cultivation region 4 (Mingoti et al. 2014Mingoti R, Holler WA and Spadotto CA (2014) Produção potencial de trigo no Brasil. Embrapa Gestão Territorial, Campinas, 2p.), of which 2.7 Mha were classified as adequate for rainfed wheat (Pasinato et al. 2018Pasinato A, Cunha GRD, Fontana DC, Monteiro JEBDA, Nakai AM and Oliveira AFD (2018) Potential area and limitations for the expansion of rainfed wheat in the Cerrado biome of Central Brazil. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 53: 779-790.). However, even when both irrigated and rainfed cultivation are considered, the area in region 4 destined for wheat is only ~120 thousand hectares (CONAB 2017CONAB (2017) Trigo Brasil: série histórica de área plantada, produtividade e produção. Available at: <Available at: >. Accessed on March 10, 2017.
). Based on mean yields of 1.3 to ~2.4 tons per hectare for rainfed wheat in region 4 (Scheeren et al. 2008Scheeren PL, Caierão E and Silva MS, Nascimento AJ, Caetano VR, Bassoi MC, Brunetta D, Albrecht JC, Quadros WJ, Sousa PG, Trindade MG, Sobrinho JS, Wiethölter S and Cunha GR (2008) Challenges to wheat production in Brazil. In Reynolds MP, Pietragalla J and Braun HJ (eds) International symposium on wheat yield potential: challenges to international wheat breeding. CIMMYT, Mexico, p. 167-170., Condé et al. 2013Condé ABT, Andrade AT, Martins FAD, Sobrinho JS, Moresco ER and Caixeta CG (2013) Trigo de sequeiro: potencialidades. Informe Agropecuário 34: 19-23.), an increase in area and productivity of this crop in this region would have a significant effect on reducing the gap between domestic wheat production (~5.5 Mt) and consumption (~10.5 Mt) in Brazil.

A reduction in the heavy dependence on wheat imports is also a major issue of food security in Brazil. Although the rate of Brazilian wheat production is projected to increase (~2.5% per year) more than the consumption (~1.1% per year) until 2026/2027, imports (6.1 Mt) will still be needed to meet nearly half of the estimated demand (12.3 Mt) (MAPA 2017MAPA (2017) Projeções do agronegócio - Brasil 2016/2017 a 2026/2027. MAPA, Brasília, 105p.). Projections until 2050 are even worse, showing import needs of around 60% (10.5 Mt) of the Brazilian domestic consumption (17.8 Mt) (Weigand 2011Weigand C (2011) Wheat import projections towards 2050. US Wheat Associates, Arlington, 13p.). In this context, the future scenario of global wheat production should also be taken into consideration. Based on the current increase in global mean wheat yield (0.9% per year), the wheat production will have increased only ~38% by 2050, i.e., far below the 60-110% increase in global agricultural production needed to meet the future demands (Ray et al. 2013Ray DK, Mueller ND, West PC and Foley JA (2013) Yield trends are insufficient to double global crop production by 2050. PloS One 8: e66428.). Thus, increments in wheat production in the Cerrado will help to protect Brazil from a future scenario in which wheat grain supply might decline.

Other reasons why wheat production in the Cerrado should be increased are: high quality grain (harvest occurs in periods with lower chances of precipitation), grain harvest when supply is low (wheat grain is produced prior to the harvest in the south - main producing region), lower logistics demand/transport costs (important flour mills and consumer markets are not located in the south), improvement in soil quality, reduction in diseases and weeds (wheat is a good option for crop rotation and succession - after summer crops) and improvement in sustainability (wheat biomass - mulch - improves soil fertility and water retention) (Só e Silva et al. 2001Só e Silva M , Andrade JMV, Albrecht JC, Sobrinho JS and Canovas A (2001) No Brasil Central também dá trigo. Cultivar Grandes Culturas 27: 18-23., Ribeiro Junior et al. 2006Ribeiro Junior WQ, Ramos MLG, Vasconcelos U, Trindade MG, Ferreira FM, Siqueira MMH, Silva HLM, Rodrigues GC, Guerra AF, Rocha OC, Amábile RF, Albuquerque AC, Só e Silva M, Albrecht JC and Durães FOM (2006) Fenotipagem para tolerância à seca visando o melhoramento genético do trigo no cerrado. Embrapa Trigo, Passo Fundo , 17p., Pires et al. 2011Pires JLF, Vargas L and Cunha GR (2011) Trigo no Brasil - bases para a produção competitiva e sustentável. Embrapa Trigo, Passo Fundo, 488p., Condé et al. 2013Condé ABT, Andrade AT, Martins FAD, Sobrinho JS, Moresco ER and Caixeta CG (2013) Trigo de sequeiro: potencialidades. Informe Agropecuário 34: 19-23.).


The Cerrado, usually described as Brazilian savanna, is the second largest biome in Brazil. It covers an area of ~204 Mha, at altitudes from sea level to 1,800 m asl, spreading over 22° latitude and across 10 Brazilian states and the Federal District (Sano et al. 2010Sano EE, Rosa R, Brito JL and Ferreira LG (2010) Land cover mapping of the tropical savanna region in Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 166: 113-124.). It has been proposed that the Brazilian Cerrado should be considered a complex of different biomes. Here, we used the term “Cerrado” (capital first letter) to indicate the entire area that is composed of the different vegetation types (Batalha 2011Batalha MA (2011) O cerrado não é um bioma. Biota Neotropica 11: 1-4.). The Cerrado is mostly dominated by tropical climate with clearly differentiated wet and dry seasons and average annual temperatures ranging from 18-22 (C to 23-27 (C in the center-south and north of the region, respectively (Silva et al. 2008Silva FAM, Assad ED and Evangelista BA (2008) Caracterização climática do Bioma Cerrado. In Sano SM, Almeida SP and Ribeiro JF (eds) Cerrado: ecologia e flora. Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, Brasília, p. 69-88.). Most soils are acidic Oxisols, Ultisols and Entisols, with high aluminum (Al) saturation and phosphorus fixation capacity, but low nutrient availability and water-holding capacity (Lopes 1996Lopes AS (1996) Soils under Cerrado: a success story in soil management. Better Crops International 10: 9-15.).

While more than 50% of the soybean, cotton, beef, and maize and a significant part of coffee and Eucalyptus production of Brazil come from the Cerrado, only ~5% of the wheat is harvested in this biome. Most wheat grain in the Cerrado is produced under irrigation (Mega-Environment 1, according to the Wheat Breeding Mega-Environments defined by CIMMYT) where averages can reach more than 4 tons per hectare. However, rainfed wheat cultivation in this region has a higher potential to increase wheat production in comparison to the irrigated cultivation. Rainfed cultivation is indicated for areas above 800 m asl, where average temperatures rarely exceed 25 (C during crop development. In the Cerrado, rainfed wheat (Mega-Environment 4) is sown in February/March and usually, precipitation decreases significantly until the end of the cropping season (Figure 1). Due to the irregular rainfall distribution, which results in a high coefficient of variation, the average rainfall is not a reliable index to precisely estimate the water availability (Assad et al. 1993Assad ED, Sano EE, Masutomo R, Castro LHR and Silva FAM (1993) Veranicos na região dos cerrados brasileiros: freqüência e probalidade de ocorrência. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 28: 993-1003., Silva et al. 2008Silva FAM, Assad ED and Evangelista BA (2008) Caracterização climática do Bioma Cerrado. In Sano SM, Almeida SP and Ribeiro JF (eds) Cerrado: ecologia e flora. Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, Brasília, p. 69-88.). Nevertheless, the annual rainfall in the Cerrado can vary from 464 to 2,234 mm, but is usually between 1,000-1,100 and 1,400-1,600 mm (Lopes 1996Lopes AS (1996) Soils under Cerrado: a success story in soil management. Better Crops International 10: 9-15., Buol 2009Buol SW (2009) Soils and agriculture in central-west and north Brazil. Scientia Agricola 66: 697-707.), with an average of ~1,500 mm (Assad et al. 1993Assad ED, Sano EE, Masutomo R, Castro LHR and Silva FAM (1993) Veranicos na região dos cerrados brasileiros: freqüência e probalidade de ocorrência. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 28: 993-1003.). It is estimated that 80-90% of the annual expected rainfall is concentrated in the rainy season (Assad et al. 1993Assad ED, Sano EE, Masutomo R, Castro LHR and Silva FAM (1993) Veranicos na região dos cerrados brasileiros: freqüência e probalidade de ocorrência. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 28: 993-1003.), although dry spells from one to three weeks can occur during this period (Lopes 1996Lopes AS (1996) Soils under Cerrado: a success story in soil management. Better Crops International 10: 9-15.). A precipitation of ~550 mm is expected from sowing (February) to harvest (June/July) but during the major part of the wheat growing season (March - June), long-term data of ~30 years recorded an average of less than 400 mm (Silva et al. 2008Silva FAM, Assad ED and Evangelista BA (2008) Caracterização climática do Bioma Cerrado. In Sano SM, Almeida SP and Ribeiro JF (eds) Cerrado: ecologia e flora. Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, Brasília, p. 69-88., Marcuzzo et al. 2012Marcuzzo FFN, Cardoso MRD and Faria TG (2012) Chuvas no cerrado da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil: análise histórica e tendência futura. Ateliê Geográfico 6: 112-130.). This precipitation (<400 mm) is near the lower limit of wheat water requirements of 450-650 mm for higher yields, depending on the climate and duration of the growth period (Doorenbos and Kassan 1979Doorenbos J and Kassan AH (1979) Yield response to water - FAO irrigation and drainage paper 33. FAO, Rome, 193p.). Shifting the wheat sowing date to a period with higher water availability is not recommended since this change would increase the risk of losses in grain yield/quality, result in competition with summer crops, require a higher heat tolerance and increase the chances of wheat blast occurrence (disease discussed below).


There are reviews focusing on drought tolerance traits in wheat and the underlying molecular mechanisms (for example, Budak et al. 2015Budak H, Hussain B, Khan Z, Ozturk NZ and Ullah N (2015) From genetics to functional genomics: improvement in drought signaling and tolerance in wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1012., Sheoran et al. 2016Sheoran S, Malik R, Narwal S, Tyagi BS, Mittal V, Kharub AS, Tiwari V and Sharma I (2016) Genetic and molecular dissection of drought tolerance in wheat and barley. Journal of Wheat Research 7: 1-13., Mohammadi 2018Mohammadi R (2018) Breeding for increased drought tolerance in wheat: a review. Crop and Pasture Science 69: 223-241.). Here, we do not intend to be repetitive and to exhaustively review these traits and their molecular basis. Rather, we will point out that, among the nearly 50 traits associated with drought tolerance in wheat (Mohammadi 2018Mohammadi R (2018) Breeding for increased drought tolerance in wheat: a review. Crop and Pasture Science 69: 223-241.), breeders can target a shorter list of only the main traits to increase wheat yield in the Cerrado.

The parameters used here to choose core traits related to drought tolerance as primary targets of selection for increased wheat productivity in the Cerrado were based on the components detailed by Passioura (1977Passioura JB (1977) Grain yield, harvest index and water use of wheat. Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science 43: 117-121.). According to this author, under limited water availability, grain yield is determined by the transpired water (water uptake), transpiration efficiency (water use efficiency) and harvest index. A low number of traits was addressed in order to avoid an inefficient use of resources and labor and eliminate controversial and probably irrelevant traits for wheat cultivation in the Cerrado. For instance, a rapid initial growth (early ground cover) is important to minimize water evaporation from the soil surface (Richards et al. 2010Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ, Watt M, Condon AG, Spielmeyer W and Dolferus R (2010) Breeding for improved water productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selection environment. Functional Plant Biology 37: 85-97., Bellundagi et al. 2013Bellundagi A, Singh GP, Prabhu KV, Arora A, Jain N, Ramya P, Singh AM, Singh PK and Ahlawat A (2013) Early ground cover and other physiological traits as efficient selection criteria for grain yield under moisture deficit stress conditions in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 18: 277-281.) but it could also increase water use before flowering, which could reduce the water available for grain filling (Richards et al. 2010Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ, Watt M, Condon AG, Spielmeyer W and Dolferus R (2010) Breeding for improved water productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selection environment. Functional Plant Biology 37: 85-97.). As wheat in Brazil is normally grown in no-tillage systems, the crop residues left on the soil surface can contribute to minimize water evaporation. Additionally, although water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) accumulation and distribution have been reported as important for wheat production under drought, a recent report has shown that WSC concentration and total WSC per area in wheat are strongly affected by genotype × environment interactions and weakly correlated with yield (Ovenden et al. 2017Ovenden B, Milgate A, Lisle C, Wade LJ, Rebetzke GJ and Holland JB (2017) Selection for water-soluble carbohydrate accumulation and investigation of genetic × environment interactions in an elite wheat breeding population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130: 2445-2461.). Based on these studies, neither early ground cover nor WSC accumulation were considered here.

To improve wheat drought tolerance, not only the related traits and their molecular basis should be taken into account. The timing and severity of drought and interactions with the peculiarities of an environment need to be carefully evaluated because, in a particular region, some traits can be more relevant than others. For instance, when 25 elite wheat genotypes were characterized at the experimental station of CIMMYT, the traits associated most closely with drought were canopy temperature and carbon isotope discrimination, related to water uptake and transpiration efficiency, respectively (Reynolds et al. 2007Reynolds MP, Saint Pierre C, Saad Abu SI, Vargas M and Condon AG (2007) Evaluating potential genetic gains in wheat associated with stress-adaptive trait expression in elite genetic resources under drought and heat stress. Crop Science 47: S172-S189.). On the other hand, in experiments under rainfed conditions in India, a positive correlation of grain yield with early ground cover, flag leaf area, relative water content and canopy temperature was observed (Bellundagi et al. 2013Bellundagi A, Singh GP, Prabhu KV, Arora A, Jain N, Ramya P, Singh AM, Singh PK and Ahlawat A (2013) Early ground cover and other physiological traits as efficient selection criteria for grain yield under moisture deficit stress conditions in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 18: 277-281.). For wheat grown in the Brazilian Cerrado, scientific evidence for the relevance of these traits is rare. Clearly, yield and its components are key traits and deserve careful attention. However, based on the characteristics of the Cerrado, some morpho-physiological traits and their molecular basis, aside from yield components, are promising selection targets with a view to increasing wheat yields. These traits are:

1) Traits associated with water uptake: During first attempts of wheat cultivation in the Cerrado, it was commonly observed that superficial rooting led to water stress during the growth period (Buol 2009Buol SW (2009) Soils and agriculture in central-west and north Brazil. Scientia Agricola 66: 697-707.). Thus, deeper and more vigorous roots are desirable. Even relatively small amounts of subsoil water can be relevant to stabilize grain yield. For instance, under moderate post-anthesis stress, 10.5 mm of additional subsoil water increased grain yield with an efficiency of 59 kg/ (Kirkegaard et al. 2007Kirkegaard JÁ, Lilley JM, Howe GN and Graham JM (2007) Impact of subsoil water use on wheat yield. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 58: 303-315.). Increased root vigor around flowering and grain filling that promote higher water uptake can significantly increase grain yield (Passioura 2006Passioura JB (2006) Increasing crop productivity when water is scarce - from breeding to field management. Agricultural Water Management 80: 176-196.) and an intensified investment in deeper-reaching fine roots, with reduced root proliferation in the surface layers, will enable the plant to access to extra resources, resulting in higher yields (King et al. 2003King J, Gay A, Sylvester-Bradley R, Bingham I, Foulkes J, Gregory P and Robinson D (2003) Modelling cereal root systems for water and nitrogen capture: towards an economic optimum. Annals of Botany 91: 383-390.). The root depth can be estimated by measuring the canopy-air temperature difference and several chromosome regions in wheat have significant effects on canopy temperature (Sheoran et al. 2016Sheoran S, Malik R, Narwal S, Tyagi BS, Mittal V, Kharub AS, Tiwari V and Sharma I (2016) Genetic and molecular dissection of drought tolerance in wheat and barley. Journal of Wheat Research 7: 1-13.). In this case, genotypes with a lower canopy temperature are associated with deeper root depth or intensity, enabling access to greater amounts of water (Reynolds et al. 2007Reynolds MP, Saint Pierre C, Saad Abu SI, Vargas M and Condon AG (2007) Evaluating potential genetic gains in wheat associated with stress-adaptive trait expression in elite genetic resources under drought and heat stress. Crop Science 47: S172-S189.). As soils in the Cerrado have acidic subsoils (Lopes 1996Lopes AS (1996) Soils under Cerrado: a success story in soil management. Better Crops International 10: 9-15.), Al-tolerant wheat genotypes could contribute to deeper root growth. In fact, superior alleles of the two most important genes for Al tolerance in wheat (TaALMT1 and TaMATE1B) are found in wheat cultivars recommended for rainfed cropping in the Cerrado (Pereira et al. 2015Pereira JF, Barichelo D, Ferreira JR, Aguilera JG, Consoli L, Silva Júnior JP, Cargnin A and Bonow S (2015) TaALMT1 and TaMATE1B allelic variability in a collection of Brazilian wheat and its association with root growth on acidic soil. Molecular Breeding 35: 169., Aguilera et al. 2016Aguilera JG, Minozzo JA, Barichello D, Fogaça CM, da Silva Jr JP, Consoli L and Pereira JF (2016) Alleles of organic acid transporter genes are highly correlated with wheat resistance to acidic soil in field conditions. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129: 1317-1331.). These alleles are associated with wheat performance in acid field soils (Aguilera et al. 2016Aguilera JG, Minozzo JA, Barichello D, Fogaça CM, da Silva Jr JP, Consoli L and Pereira JF (2016) Alleles of organic acid transporter genes are highly correlated with wheat resistance to acidic soil in field conditions. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129: 1317-1331.) and the performance in the field is highly correlated with the initial root growth (Pereira 2018Pereira JF (2018) Initial root length in wheat is highly correlated with acid soil tolerance in the field. Scientia Agricola 75: 79-83.). Tracking these alleles during breeding will be an interesting target to eventually improve drought tolerance in central Brazil. Undoubtedly, management practices (lime/gypsum application) also need to be performed to improve root growth in acidic sub-soils, reduce nutritional deficiencies (for instance, calcium deficiency) and ensure higher yields. Osmoregulation (osmotic adjustment) is also a plant mechanism with the function of maintaining water uptake and cell turgor pressure. In a Brazilian wheat cultivar recommended for cultivation in the Cerrado region, starch and sucrose metabolism, associated with osmoregulation, have been named among the most important drought-induced pathways that leaves and roots have in common (Poersch-Bortolon et al. 2016Poersch-Bortolon LB, Pereira JF, Nhani Junior A, Gonzáles HHS, Torres GAM, Consoli L, Arenhart RA, Bodanese-Zanettini MH and Margis-Pinheiro M (2016) Gene expression analysis reveals important pathways for drought response in leaves and roots of a wheat cultivar adapted to rainfed cropping in the Cerrado biome. Genetics and Molecular Biology 39: 629-645.). However, in a large variety of Brazilian wheat cultivars osmoregulation has not been described so far. Another method to evaluate cell turgor and water status in wheat genotypes is the leaf relative water content (RWC), which is correlated with the photosynthetic rate (Siddique et al. 2000Siddique MRB, Hamid A and Islam MS (2000) Drought stress effects on water relations of wheat. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 41: 35-39.).

2) Traits associated with water-use efficiency: Water use efficiency reflects the relationship between photosynthesis and transpiration and is an important indicator of the amount of carbon fixed per unit of water use (biomass/water transpired). In this case, wheat genotypes that reduce water loss through efficient transpiration should be identified and selected. Transpiration efficiency is directly (negatively) associated with carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) and low Δ is being used to select for high wheat yield under rainfed conditions (Condon et al. 2002Condon AG, Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ and Farquhar GD (2002) Improving intrinsic water-use efficiency and crop yield. Crop Science 42: 122-131., 2004Condon AG, Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ and Farquhar GD (2004) Breeding for high water-use efficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 2447-2460.). Measurements of Δ are highly reproducible and little affected by genotype × environment interactions (see review in Richards et al. 2010Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ, Watt M, Condon AG, Spielmeyer W and Dolferus R (2010) Breeding for improved water productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selection environment. Functional Plant Biology 37: 85-97.). However, other methods such as canopy temperature depression and near-infrared reflectance may be alternatives to reduce the costs associated with Δ measurements (Richards et al. 2010Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ, Watt M, Condon AG, Spielmeyer W and Dolferus R (2010) Breeding for improved water productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selection environment. Functional Plant Biology 37: 85-97.). Theoretically, wheat genotypes with low Δ could potentially cope better with the environmental conditions of the Cerrado. Water use efficiency is also associated with cuticular wax (waxiness), since the accumulated wax is assumed to contribute to the maintenance of a relatively high water potential by reducing leaf transpiration (Guo et al. 2016Guo J, Xu W, Yu X, Shen H, Li H, Cheng D, Liu A, Liu J, Liu C, Zhao S and Song J (2016) Cuticular wax accumulation is associated with drought tolerance in wheat near-isogenic lines. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1809.). Under water-limited conditions, wax is correlated with water-use efficiency and yield in wheat (see review in Xue et al. 2017Xue D, Zhang X, Lu X, Chen G and Chen ZH (2017) Molecular and evolutionary mechanisms of cuticular wax for plant drought tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 621.). Some QTLs and genes are associated with Δ and cuticular wax (Xue et al 2006Xue GP, McIntyre CL, Chapman S, Bower NI, Way H, Reverter A, Clarke B and Shorter R (2006) Differential gene expression of wheat progeny with contrasting levels of transpiration efficiency. Plant Molecular Biology 61: 863-881., Diab et al. 2008Diab AA, Kantety RV, Ozturk NZ, Benscher D, Nachit MM and Sorrells ME (2008) Drought-inducible genes and differentially expressed sequence tags associated with components of drought tolerance in durum wheat. Scientific Research and Essay 3: 9-26., Rebetzke et al. 2008Rebetzke GJ, Condon AG, Farquhar GD, Appels R and Richards RA (2008) Quantitative trait loci for carbon isotope discrimination are repeatable across environments and wheat mapping populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118: 123-137., Wu et al. 2011Wu X, Chang X and Jing R (2011) Genetic analysis of carbon isotope discrimination and its relation to yield in a wheat doubled haploid population. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53: 719-730., Aprile et al. 2013Aprile A, Havlickova L, Panna R, Marè C, Borrelli GM, Marone D, Perrotta C, Rampino P, De Bellis L, Curn V, Mastrangelo AM, Rizza F and Cattivelli L (2013) Different stress responsive strategies to drought and heat in two durum wheat cultivars with contrasting water use efficiency. BMC Genomics 14: 821., Wang et al. 2016Wang M, Wang Y, Wu H, Xu J, Li T, Hegebarth D, Jetter R, Chen L and Wang Z (2016) Three TaFAR genes function in the biosynthesis of primary alcohols and the response to abiotic stresses in Triticum aestivum. Scientific Reports 6: 25008.). In some cases, QTLs for Δ are associated with variation in heading date (negative correlation) and/or plant height (positive correlation) (Rebetzke et al. 2008Rebetzke GJ, Condon AG, Farquhar GD, Appels R and Richards RA (2008) Quantitative trait loci for carbon isotope discrimination are repeatable across environments and wheat mapping populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118: 123-137.). In fact, dwarfing alleles have been shown to reduce Δ in wheat (Richards 1992Richards RA (1992) The effect of dwarfing genes in spring wheat in dry environments. II. Growth, water use and water-use efficiency. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 43: 529-539.). Thus, it is essential to know the dwarfing alleles in wheat to breed varieties for the Cerrado.

3) Traits associated with harvest index: Harvest index is an important factor of grain yield. It has been reported that, in areas of the Mediterranean region where wheat plants are exposed to water-shortage in the terminal stage of their development, the heading time of the cultivars was a key component of the harvest index (Kobata et al. 2018Kobata T, Koç M, Barutçular C, Tanno KI and Inagaki M (2018) Harvest index is a critical factor influencing the grain yield of diverse wheat species under rain-fed conditions in the Mediterranean zone of southeastern Turkey and northern Syria. Plant Production Science 21: 1-12.). In this way, early flowering can be considered a mechanism of drought avoidance and yield increase in the Cerrado, since plants would be less affected by terminal drought. Among the four cultivars (BR18-Terena, BRS404, MGS1-Aliança and MGS3-Brilhante) exclusively indicated for rainfed cropping in the Brazilian wheat cultivation region 4 (excluding the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo), only one (BRS404) has a medium developmental cycle and all others have short cycles (Comissão Brasileira de Pesquisa de Trigo e Triticale 2017Comissão Brasileira de Pesquisa de Trigo e Triticale (2017) Informações técnicas para trigo e triticale - safra 2017. Embrapa, Brasília, 240p.). Clearly, as some genomic regions for water-use efficiency (measured by Δ) can be negatively correlated with heading date, any cultivar with very short developmental cycle needs to be properly evaluated to check if the impact on water-use efficiency and yield is as low as possible.

For most of the above morpho-physiological traits, QTL, genes and molecular markers have been reported to underlie these phenotypes. However, this molecular information may vary for each environment and needs to be carefully evaluated. High-throughput sequencing and genotyping, which have become more accurate and affordable in the last years, can improve the analyses of these QTL and markers and also make headway in understanding drought response in wheat. For instance, these high-throughput platforms have increased the number of association mapping studies in wheat, which have revealed markers associated with drought-related traits or yield components under rainfed conditions or different water regimes (Maccaferri et al. 2011Maccaferri M, Sanguineti MC, Demontis A, El-Ahmed A, del Moral LG, Maalouf F, Nachit M, Nserallah N, Ouabbou H, Rhouma S, Royo C, Villegas D and Tuberosa R (2011) Association mapping in durum wheat grown across a broad range of water regimes. Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 409-438., Mora et al. 2015Mora F, Castillo D, Lado B, Matus I, Poland J, Belzile F, von Zitzewitz J and del Pozo A (2015) Genome-wide association mapping of agronomic traits and carbon isotope discrimination in a worldwide germplasm collection of spring wheat using SNP markers. Molecular Breeding 35: 69.). Markers are also important for genomic selection, a promising approach to increase genetic gains (Bhat et al. 2016Bhat JA, Ali S, Salgotra RK, Mir ZA, Dutta S, Jadon V, Tyagi A, Mushtaq M, Jain N, Singh PK, Singh GP and Prabhu KV (2016) Genomic selection in the era of next generation sequencing for complex traits in plant breeding. Frontiers in Genetics 7: 221.). However, the gains obtained so far in terms of raising wheat yields in the Cerrado were still mostly accomplishments of conventional breeding. The reasons are probably related to the fact that breeders need convincing evidences that a specific trait has value for plant performance under field conditions (Rebetzke et al. 2013Rebetzke GJ, Chenu K, Biddulph B, Moeller C, Deery DM, Rattey AR, Bennett D, Barrett-Lennard EG and Mayer JE (2013) A multisite managed environment facility for targeted trait and germplasm phenotyping. Functional Plant Biology 40: 1-13.). It has been shown that molecular markers associated with drought-related traits are not commonly used in wheat breeding programs (Gupta et al. 2010Gupta PK, Langridge P and Mir RR (2010) Marker-assisted wheat breeding: present status and future possibilities. Molecular Breeding 26: 145-161.). Clearly, with the progress of the knowledge related to the molecular plant response to drought, more tools can be developed and used in breeding programs. One of these tools is developing genetically modified or edited plants. Transgenic wheat plants with better drought tolerance were bred by the overexpression of different genes, most commonly transcription factors, although osmoprotectant genes and LEA proteins were also evaluated (see review in Budak et al. 2015Budak H, Hussain B, Khan Z, Ozturk NZ and Ullah N (2015) From genetics to functional genomics: improvement in drought signaling and tolerance in wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1012.). The phenotypes of transgenic wheat plants were analyzed by different methods, most commonly under greenhouse conditions, after withholding water supply for a different number of days. The preferred method to demonstrate the difference in performance is to compare transgenic lines with the conventional genotypes used for transformation, whereas comparisons with conventional drought-resistant genotypes are rare. When evaluating these transgenic lines, proper diagnostic methods must be used to assess the benefits since important components such as wheat biomass and leaf development in the early growth stages appear to be weakly correlated with final biomass and grain yield (Kovalchuk et al. 2017Kovalchuk N, Laga H, Cai J, Kumar P, Parent B, Lu Z, Miklavcic S and Haefele SM (2017) Phenotyping of plants in competitive but controlled environments: a study of drought response in transgenic wheat. Functional Plant Biology 44: 290-301.). Only few studies have analyzed genetically modified wheat plants under both controlled and field conditions. In those cases, improved phenotypes of transgenic plants with good performance under greenhouse conditions (Sivamani et al. 2000Sivamani E, Bahieldin A, Wraith JM, Al-Niemi T, Dyer WE, Ho THD and Qu R (2000) Improved biomass productivity and water use efficiency under water deficit conditions in transgenic wheat constitutively expressing the barley HVA1 gene. Plant Science 155: 1-9., Pellegrineschi et al. 2004Pellegrineschi A, Reynolds M, Pacheco M, Brito RM, Almeraya R, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K and Hoisington D (2004) Stress-induced expression in wheat of the Arabidopsis thaliana DREB1A gene delays water stress symptoms under greenhouse conditions. Genome 47: 493-500.) were not clearly and stably maintained in the field (Bahieldin et al. 2005Bahieldin A, Mahfouz HT, Eissa HF, Saleh OM, Ramadan AM, Ahmed IA, Dyer WE, El-Itriby HA and Madkour MA (2005) Field evaluation of transgenic wheat plants stably expressing the HVA1 gene for drought tolerance. Physiologia Plantarum 123: 421-427., Saint Pierre et al. 2012Saint Pierre C, Crossa JL, Bonnett D, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K and Reynolds MP (2012) Phenotyping transgenic wheat for drought resistance. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 1799-1808.). Theoretically, the use of genes not necessarily directly associated with plant drought response can also increase the plant ability to maintain growth during periods of short water supply. For instance, the transgenic wheat lines over-expressing TaALMT1, the major gene controlling Al-tolerance in wheat, have longer roots in acidic nutrient solution and soil (Pereira et al. 2010Pereira JF, Zhou G, Delhaize E, Richardson T, Zhou M and Ryan PR (2010) Engineering greater aluminium resistance in wheat by over-expressing TaALMT1. Annals of Botany 106: 205-214.). Although these Al-tolerant transgenic lines have not been evaluated in the field, they might have a larger root system when grown in the Cerrado, indicating a putative better performance under drought.


Significant impacts of climate change on agriculture have been predicted by different models since, in a number of regions, water stress will most likely increase. In Brazil, changes in precipitation profiles are uncertain and studies show different trends for some regions, although increased rain in the south and reduced precipitation and increasing frequency/intensity of consecutive dry days in the eastern Amazon and Northeast seem to be reliable forecasts (Marengo 2014Marengo JA (2014) O futuro clima do Brasil. Revista USP 103: 25-32.). Additionally, temperature is very likely to rise throughout South America, with the highest warming projected for the southern Amazon (Marengo 2014Marengo JA (2014) O futuro clima do Brasil. Revista USP 103: 25-32.). However, climate change scenarios usually do not only predict a likely change in rainfall and temperature rises, but also an elevated CO2 level. When a combined effect of elevated CO2 and small temperature increases (2 (C) is evaluated, total biomass and grain yield in wheat could actually improve, regardless of whether the crop is irrigated or affected by drought in the final stages of the development (Oliveira et al. 2013Oliveira ED, Bramley H, Siddique KH, Henty S, Berger J and Palta JA (2013) Can elevated CO2 combined with high temperature ameliorate the effect of terminal drought in wheat? Functional Plant Biology 40: 160-171.). However, temperature increases of 4 (C and 6 (C above the ambient temperature would not improve but rather tend to decrease wheat biomass and grain yield, indicating no advantage of the CO2 fertilization effect under these conditions (Oliveira et al. 2013Oliveira ED, Bramley H, Siddique KH, Henty S, Berger J and Palta JA (2013) Can elevated CO2 combined with high temperature ameliorate the effect of terminal drought in wheat? Functional Plant Biology 40: 160-171.). For Brazil, an analysis of different climate change scenarios indicated that temperature increases of > 3 (C would reverse the positive effects of increased CO2 levels on wheat yield (Streck and Alberto 2006Streck NA and Alberto CM (2006) Estudo numérico do impacto da mudança climática sobre o rendimento de trigo, soja e milho. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 41: 1351-1359.). Clearly, the future scenario is concerning and efforts to develop cultivars with better climate adaption and the implementation of improved management practices are required.

Aside from drought, two other abiotic stresses (soil acidity/Al toxicity and heat) and one biotic stress (wheat blast) must also be addressed in order to increase wheat production in the Brazilian Cerrado. As discussed earlier in this review, the combination of lime/gypsum application and use of Al-tolerant germplasm must be considered to achieve higher crop yields in central Brazil. The other important abiotic stress, heat, can cause irreversible damage to the crop, affecting plant growth and yield. One of the most common heat-related problems in crops is the reduced fertility caused by high temperatures during meiosis and fertilization (see review in Driedonks et al. 2016Driedonks N, Rieu I and Vriezen WH (2016) Breeding for plant heat tolerance at vegetative and reproductive stages. Plant Reproduction 29: 67-79.). In the Cerrado, average maximum temperatures during the wheat cultivation season can reach 25-29 (C. The response to heat stress of the wheat cultivars recommended for the Brazilian Cerrado is varied (Souza and Pimentel 2013Souza MA and Pimentel AJB (2013) Estratégias de seleção para melhoramento do trigo com tolerância ao estresse por calor. Informe Agropecuário 34: 30-39.), however, the mechanisms underlying this response have not been studied. Lastly, an important biotic stress, wheat blast, caused by Magnaporthe oryzae (Triticum haplotype), threatens wheat production in the Cerrado. So far, no resistant wheat genotypes have been detected, not even of synthetic wheat (Cruz et al. 2009Cruz MF, Maciel JLN, Prestes AM, Bombonatto EAS, Pereira JF and Consoli L (2009) Caracterização genética e fenotípica de isolados de Pyricularia grisea do trigo. Tropical Plant Pathology 34: 393-401.). In this context, when breeding for higher wheat yields in the Cerrado, drought tolerance has to be considered along with a better performance against the said other stresses.


The world population is predicted to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050 and, in most countries, life expectancy is expected to increase (United Nations 2015United Nations (2015) World population prospects: The 2015 revision, methodology of the United Nations population estimates and projections. Working Paper No ESA/P/WP.242, 38p.). This larger and wealthier world population will need more food. However, high wheat import levels will still be necessary in Brazil by 2050 (Weigand 2011Weigand C (2011) Wheat import projections towards 2050. US Wheat Associates, Arlington, 13p.). In this context, increases in wheat production in Brazil are imperative. In the Cerrado, a drought-prone environment that represents most of the wheat cultivation region 4, overcoming the difficulties of rainfed cultivation under the regional conditions is considered to be the next frontier to increase domestic wheat production. In wheat breeding, Brazilian researchers should focus on the key drought-related traits discussed in this review that may contribute to higher yields in the wheat cultivation region 4. Undoubtedly, a better understanding of the physiology of wheat adapted to the Cerrado can provide new and other targets for breeders than those listed here. However, so far, little is known about the phenotypic variability of the drought tolerant traits in Brazilian wheat. In the analysis of drought-related traits in wheat, whether based on molecular or physiological studies, the specific environmental characteristics of the Cerrado have to be taken into consideration. Ideally, research in multi-environmental trials, representing the environmental conditions of the Cerrado, should be undertaken to test the adaptability of wheat lines, whether having been introduced from other countries or bred in Brazilian institutions. The key drought-related traits need to be accurately measured and exploited in breeding. To the extent that this type of information is incorporated into breeding programs, the development of wheat cultivars adapted to rainfed cropping in the Cerrado can be accelerated.


We acknowledge the financial support of Embrapa (projects and We are thankful to Aldemir Pasinato (Embrapa Trigo) for valuable discussions and for his assistance in designing Figure 1.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    01 Aug 2019
  • Date of issue
    Apr-Jul 2019


  • Received
    13 Feb 2017
  • Accepted
    15 May 2018
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Departamento de Fitotecnia, 36570-000 Viçosa - Minas Gerais/Brasil, Tel.: (55 31)3899-2611, Fax: (55 31)3899-2611 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil