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Ecological guilds of epiphytic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) on Acrostichum danaeifolium Längst. & Fisch in a subtropical wetland in southern Brazil

Guildas ecológicas de diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) epífitas em Acrostichum danaeifolium Langst. & Fisch em uma área úmida subtropical do sul do Brasil



Aim: Seasonal patterns diatom community on Acrostichum danaeifolium were examined in a wetland in southern Brazil.


The adhered diatoms were removed from the plant, species identification and growth forms were performed, and determined physical-chemical parameters of water.


In total, 96 taxa belonging to 46 genera were identified. Nitzschia frustulum, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata and Plagiogramma tenuissimum were abundant species. Distinct growth forms that formed low-and high-profile ecological guilds and a mobile guild were observed. Navicula and Nitzschia were the genera with the greatest number of species, and these diatoms formed mucilage tubes. The water temperature varied from 10-26 °C, the depth from 0.35-0.80 m, the transparency from 0.20-0.23 m, the flow from 9.4-42.12 m3 s–1, the pH from 7.08-8.89, the electrical conductivity from 0.65-15.83 mS cm–1, the total organic phosphorus from 0.03-0.11 mg L–1, and the total organic nitrogen from 0.29-0.49 mg L–1. In summer, marine species such as Thalassiosira eccentrica and Rhaphoneis castracanii were also present.


The high-profile guild prevailed in all seasons of the year, with higher number of growth forms in the guild in winter. The richness found on A. danaeifolium shows that this plant provide a favorable habitat for epiphytic diatoms in wetlands such as Lagoa Pequena.

Acrostichum danaeifolium; epiphytic diatoms; growth forms; ecological guilds


Objetivo: Padrões sazonais da comunidade de diatomáceas epífitas em Acrostichum danaeifolium foram examinados em uma área úmida do sul do Brasil.


As diatomáceas aderidas foram removidas da planta, foi realizada a identificação das espécies e formas de crescimento, e determinados os parâmetros físicos e químicos da água.


Foram identificados 96 táxons distribuídos em 46 gêneros. Nitzschia frustulum, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata e Plagiogramma tenuissimum foram espécies abundantes. Foram observadas diferentes formas de crescimento que formaram guildas ecológicas de baixo e alto perfil e guilda móvel. Navicula e Nitzschia foram gêneros que apresentaram maior número de espécies e formaram tubos de mucilagem. A temperatura da água variou de 10-26 °C, a profundidade de 0,35-0,80 m, transparência de 0,20-0,23 m, fluxo da água de 9,4-42,12 m3 s–1, pH de 7,08-8,89, condutividade elétrica de 0,65-15,83 mS cm–1, fósforo orgânico total de 0,03-0,11 mg L–1, e nitrogênio orgânico total de 0,29-0,49 mg L–1. No verão ocorreram espécies marinhas como Thalassiosira eccentrica e Rhaphoneis castracanii.


A guilda de alto perfil prevaleceu em todas estações do ano, com maior número de formas de crescimento deste perfil no inverno. A riqueza encontrada sobre A. danaeifolium mostra que esta planta promove um habitat favorável para diatomáceas epífitas em áreas úmidas como a Lagoa Pequena.

Acrostichum danaeifolium; diatomáceas epífitas; formas de crescimento; guildas ecológicas

1 Introduction

South America has large expanses of wetlands, and most of them (50%) are located in Brazil. Because wetlands comprise a large number of natural environments, ecological studies of these areas are highlighted as important tasks in limnology (Neiff, 2001Neiff, J.J. Diversity in some tropical wetland systems of South America. In B. Gopal, W.J. Junk and J.A. Davis, orgs. Biodiversity in wetlands: assessment, function and conservation. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers, 2001, pp. 157-186.; Naranjo, 1995Naranjo, L.G. An evaluation of the first inventory of south American wetlands. Vegetatio, 1995, 118(1-2), 125-129.
; Esteves, 2011Esteves, F.A. Fundamentos de Limnologia. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2011, 790 p.). In the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the Lagoa Pequena is a wetland designated as a conservation priority (Base de dados tropical, 2003).

Acrostichum (Pteridaceae) is a pantropical genus (Tryon & Tryon, 1982TrYon, R.M. and TrYon, A.F. Ferns and allied plants with special reference to tropical america. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982, 857 p.). A. aureum L. and A. danaeifolium Langst. & Fisch (neotropical) (Sehnem, 1972Sehnem, A.S.J. Pteridáceas. In P.R. Reitz, org. Flora Ilustrada Catarinense. Itajái: Herbario Barbosa Rodrigues, 1972, pp. 229-232.) occur in Brazil. A. danaeifolium has been described in mangrove areas of Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and Mexico (Coll et al., 2001Coll, M., Fonseca, A.C. and Cortés, J. El manglar y otras asociaciones vegetales de la laguna de Gandoca, Limón, Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 2001, 49, 321-329, Supplement. PMid:15264546.; Mehltreter & Palacios-Rios, 2003Mehltreter, K. and Palacios-Rios, M. Phenological studies of (Pteridaceae, Pteridophyta) at a mangrove site on the Gulf of Mexico. Acrostichum danaeifoliumJournal of Tropical Ecology, 2003, 19(02), 155-162.
; Sharpe, 2010Sharpe, J.M. Responses of the mangrove fern Langsd. & Fisch. (Pteridaceae, Pteridophyta) to disturbances resulting from increased soil salinity and hurricane Georges at the Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research reserve, Porto Rico. Acrostichum danaeifoliumWetlands Ecology and Management, 2010, 18(1), 57-68.
). The species occurs in the United States (Florida), Paraguay, Brazil (Mehltreter & Palacios-Rios, 2003Mehltreter, K. and Palacios-Rios, M. Phenological studies of (Pteridaceae, Pteridophyta) at a mangrove site on the Gulf of Mexico. Acrostichum danaeifoliumJournal of Tropical Ecology, 2003, 19(02), 155-162.
), the inshore and Amazon regions of Peru (Leon & Young, 1996LEON, B. and YOUNG, K.R. Aquatic plants of Peru: diversity, distribuition and conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 1996, 5(10), 1169-1190.
) and in the wetlands of Bolivia (Killen & Schulenberg, 1998Killen, T.J. and Schulenberg, T.S. Vegetation and flora of parque nacional Noel Kempff Mercado. In T.J. Killen and T.S. Schulenberg, orgs. A biological assessment of Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolívia. Washington, D.C: Conservation International, 1998, pp. 86-111.). In the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), it occurs in the Tramandaí wetland (Sehnem, 1972Sehnem, A.S.J. Pteridáceas. In P.R. Reitz, org. Flora Ilustrada Catarinense. Itajái: Herbario Barbosa Rodrigues, 1972, pp. 229-232.).

The vast majority of studies of epiphytic diatoms are focused on macroalgae and the under growth of marine vegetation (Costa et al., 2009Costa, M.M.S., Eskinazi-Leça, E., Pereira, S.M.B. and Bandeira-Pedrosa, M.E. Diatomáceas epífitas em (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux (Rhodophyta) no Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, PE, Nordeste do Brasil. Galaxaura rugosaActa Botanica Brasílica, 2009, 23(3), 713-719.
). In Brazil, there are records of diatoms in angiosperms, such as Polygonum hydropiperoides Michaux. and Potamogeton polygonus Cham. & Schltdl (Bertolli et al., 2010Bertolli, L.M., Tremarin, P.I. and Ludwig, T.A.V. Diatomáceas perifíticas em Polygonum hydropiperoides Michaux, reservatório do Passaúna, Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2010, 24(4), 1065-1081.
; Santos et al., 2011Santos, E.M., Tremarin, P.I. and Ludwig, T.A.V. Diatomáceas perifíticas em Potamogeton polygonus Cham. & Schltdl., citações pioneiras para o estado do Paraná. Biota Neotropica, 2011, 11(3), 303-315.
), and in China there are records of epiphytic diatoms on the angiosperm Kandelia candel L., (Chen et al., 2010Chen, C.-P., Gao, Y.-H. and Lin, P. Geographical and seasonal patterns of epiphytic diatoms on a subtropical mangrove (Kandelia candel) in southern China. Ecological Indicators, 2010, 10(2), 143-147.
). This work focused on the emergent aquatic macrophyte A. danaeifolium because this plant supports the colonization and development of adhered diatoms. There are no records of a study on the relation between epiphytic diatoms and this plant. The study of ecological guilds may reveal the potential of species to use resources and avoid system disturbances (Passy, 2007Passy, S.I. Diatom ecological guilds display distinct and predictable behavior along nutrient and disturbance gradients in running waters. Aquatic Botany, 2007, 86(2), 171-178.
) while also indicating the complexity of the community through the presence of distinct guilds.

In this context, the objective of this work was to determine the specific composition of epiphytic diatom community on A. danaeifolium and the ecological guilds that are present, as well as to determine which environmental factors influence the presence of these guilds.

2 Material and Methods

2.1 Study area

The Pseudônimo stream (31°40’16,4” S and 52°04’51,4” O) is a water course connected to the Patos Lagoon estuary and is associated with the spillway of Lagoa Pequena, a Brazilian subtropical wetland located in the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul (Figure 1). The dominant vegetation is a Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volk ex Schinz & Kell.

Figure 1
Location of Pseudônimo Stream in southern Brazil.

2.2 Sample collection and chemical and physical analysis

Twelve samples were collected seasonally (fall (May), winter (August), spring (December) and summer (January)) during the period from May 2011 to January 2012.

The samples were fixed with 4% formalin. The adhered diatoms were removed with the aid of a 10 mm brush and distilled water jets. Each sample contained 20 ml, and 2 ml was removed for the preparation of the permanent slides with Naphrax® resin, according to the methods of Simonsen (1974)Simonsen, R. The diatom plankton of the Indian Ocean Expedition of R/V “Meteor” 1964-65. Meteor Forschungsergebnisse, 1974, 19, 1-107.. Twenty-four permanent slides were analyzed, which included two slides per sample.

To study the ecological guilds, one sample (not fixed) was collected at each station to facilitate observations of the diatom growth forms on simple slides (slide and cover glass). The slides were observed with an optic microscope Olympus BX 40. The diatoms were grouped according to the growth morphology of the three guild types according to Passy (2007)Passy, S.I. Diatom ecological guilds display distinct and predictable behavior along nutrient and disturbance gradients in running waters. Aquatic Botany, 2007, 86(2), 171-178.

Environmental values were determined for pH (pHmeter Lutron pH-206), electrical conductivity (conductivimeter, Lutron CD-4303), water temperature (thermometer, Arba), depth, water transparency (Secchi disk) and flow rate, which was calculated according to Carvalho (2008)Carvalho, T.M. Técnicas de medição de vazão por meios convencionais e não convencionais. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 2008, 1(1), 73-85.. One-liter water samples were collected to determine total phosphorus (Valderrama, 1981Valderrama, J.C. The simultaneous analisys of total nitrogen and phosphorus in natural waters. Marine Chemistry, 1981, 10(2), 109-122.
; Baumgarten et al., 1996Baumgarten, M.G.Z., Rocha, J.M.B. and Niencheski, L.F.H. Manual de análises em oceanografia química. Rio Grande: Editora da FURG, 1996, 132 p.) and total organic nitrogen (method of Mackereth et al., 1978Mackereth, J.F.H., Heron, J. and Talling, J.F. Water analysis: some revised methods for limnologists. Freshwater Biology, 1978, 36, 121.).

2.3 Analysis of the diatom community

At least 400 valves of diatoms were counted per sample, with counts of approximately 200 valves per permanent slide. Relative abundance was calculated based on the number of valves counted and the number of species found on each slide. Species with values higher than the average calculated for each slide were considered abundant (Lobo & Leighton, 1986Lobo, E. and Leighton, G. Estructuras comunitarias de las fitocenosis planctonicas de los sistemas de desembocaduras de ríos y esteros de la zona central de chile. Revista de Biología Marina Valparaíso, 1986, 22(1), 1-29.). The calculated parameters include diversity index (Shannon), equitability and dominance, and these calculations were performed with the software PAST (Hammer et al., 2001Hammer, O., Harper, D.A.T. and Ryan, P.D. PAST: paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis. Paleontologia Electronica, 2001, p. 4-9.). Also, to compare the specific diversity among the seasons, the “t” test was used (α = 0.05).

The relations between the diatom community and environmental factors (with the exception of the autumn flow data, due to the lack of data) were examined using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) (based on 56 taxa with relative abundance greater than 1% in at least one sample) using the software R (R Development Core Team, 2007R DEVELOPMENT CORE TEAM. R: a language and environment for statistical computing [online]. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2007 [viewed 01 Mar. 2013]. Available from:

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 General characteristics of the diatom community

In total, 96 species of diatoms distributed in 46 genera were identified from the 12 samples examined. Most of the species found were from freshwater and brackish environments and have a cosmopolitan distribution. The two genera that showed the greatest species richness were Nitzschia (19 spp) and Navicula (6 spp) (Figure 2). Species richness was 29 (winter), 72 (autumn), 45 (spring) and 64 (summer).

Figure 2
Relative distribution of the genus that accounts for at least three species of epiphytic diatoms in A. danaeifolium the period of May 2011 to January 2012 (total number of valves counted).

Through the study of live samples (simple slides), the ecological guild was determined to comprise 21 species. In addition, a high density of epiphytic diatoms with different growth forms (erect, adnate, chain, with mucilage tube, stalked (peduncle of mucilage) and mobile), were part of the low-profile, high-profile and motile guilds (Table 1).

Table 1
List of taxa that were used in the canonical correspondence analysis (with abundance ˃1% and acronyms) including 25 abundant species (bold), and 21 growth forms.

A significant difference in diversity was observed in the different seasons (p = 0.001). Greater diversity and numbers of species occurred in autumn and summer; and lower in winter and spring (Table 2). Greater numbers of abundant species occurred in autumn (9) and summer (16); and lower numbers occurred in winter (5) and spring (7) (Table 1).

Table 2
Seasonal changes in the richness, dominance, equitability, and diversity of the diatom community in A. danaeifolium.

The temperature can have a significant effect on the growth and mortality rates of epiphytes (Borowitzka et al., 2006Borowitzka, M.A., Lavery, P.S. and Keulen, M. Epiphytes of seagrasses. In A.D. Larkum, R.J. Orth and C.M. Duarte, eds. Seagrasses: biology, ecology and conservtion. Amsterdam: Springer, 2006, pp. 441-461.) and can be the main parameter related to the species richness and abundance both in winter and in summer. In winter, with a decrease of 8 °C, richness decreases by approximately 60% by decreasing the number of abundant species from nine to five. In summer, with an increase of 14 °C (relative to the winter) species richness increases to approximately 56% and the numbers of the abundant species also increases.

In ecological terms, algae epiphytes are an important food source for invertebrates living in the Patos Lagoon estuary, such as the polychaete Laeonereis acuta (Benvenuti & Colling, 2010Benvenuti, C.E. and Colling, L.A. As comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos. In U. Seeliger and C. Odebrecht, eds. O estuário da Lagoa dos Patos: um século de transformações. Rio Grande: FURG, 2010, 180 p.), and for important fishery species, such as mullet Mugil liza (Vieira, 1991VieIra, J.P. Juvenile mullets (Pisces: Mugilidae) in the Estuary of Lagoa dos Patos, RS, Brazil. Copeia, 1991, 2(2), 409-418.
), the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis and the blue crab Calinectes sapidus (D'Incao & Dumont, 2010D’Incao, F. and Dumont, L.F.C. A comunidade de crustáceos decápodos. In U. Seeliger and C. Odebrecht, eds. O estuário da Lagoa dos Patos: um século de transformações. Rio Grande: FURG, 2010, 180 p.). Thus, epiphytic diatoms of the Pseudônimo Stream can contribute to the trophic relations and productivity of the Lagoa dos Patos estuary.

Abundant species that were present in all seasons of the year were indicated as follows: Nitzschia frustulum, Navicula sp1, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata, Plagiogramma tenuissimum, Gomphonema parvulum, Nitzschia filiformis var. filiformis, Bacillaria paxillifera, Cocconeis placentula, Catenula adhaerens and Planothidium delicatulum, with maximum abundance values of 49%, 39.5%, 31.1%, 13.7%, 10.5%, 7.9%, 7.3%, 4.7% 3.3% and 2.5%. In particular, P. tenuissimum was abundant in three of the study periods, along with B. paxillifera, Navicula sp1 and P. brevistriata.

The occurrence of Navicula and Nitzschia as epiphytes is rare; the most common occurrence was of Cocconeis in marine environments (Chen et al., 2010Chen, C.-P., Gao, Y.-H. and Lin, P. Geographical and seasonal patterns of epiphytic diatoms on a subtropical mangrove (Kandelia candel) in southern China. Ecological Indicators, 2010, 10(2), 143-147.
) and Gomphonema in freshwater environments (Tremarin et al., 2009Tremarin, P.I., Bertolli, L.M., Faria, D.M., Costin, J.C. and Ludwig, T.A.V. Ehrenberg e . GomphonemaGomphosphenia Lange-Bertalot (Bacillariophyceae) do Rio Maurício, Paraná, BrasilBiota Neotropica, 2009, 9(4), 1-20.

Acrostichum danaeifolium showed restricted distribution in Lagoa Pequena, occurring only in a fragment of 500 meters along the western margin of the Pseudônimo Stream (Figure 3).

Figure 3
Acrostichum danaeifolium. (a) General view of the fragment of vegetation along the western margin of the Pseudônimo Stream. (b) Detail of the baculum. (c and d) Vegetation during the normal level (winter) and in (d), detail of the periphyton adhered to the pinnae. (e and f) Period of low water level (summer) with few fronds in contact with water, and in (f) detail of the pinnae (the part collected for observation of the diatoms).

3.2 Seasonal patterns of the diatom community

In the community of diatoms associated with A. danaeifolium, 20% of the taxa were present in all seasons. A high-profile guild was present throughout the entire study period (Figure 4). In the autumn, there was a predominance of mucilage tubes (73.4%). The winter also a high percentage of mucilage tubes (39.3%), along with chain (5.2%), erect (2.1%), peduncle (10.4%) (high-profile guild) and mobile forms (42.7%) (mobile guild). The spring had high percentage of mucilage tubes (25.4%) and chain (2.5%) (high-profile guild) and mobile forms (71.9%) (motile guild). The summer had high percentage of chain (67.7%) (high-profile guild) and mobile forms (32%) (motile guild).

Figure 4
Relative distribution of the growth forms and type of guild (HP = high profile, LP = low profile and MG = mobile guild) in A. danaeifolium in the Pseudônimo Stream in the period of May 2011 to January 2012.

In the summer, a high number of mobile species (6spp) were present; however, the presence of chain-forming species (Bacillaria paxilifera and Pseudostaurosira brevistriata) met the definition for a high-profile guild for this season of the year. The mucilage tubes were formed by the genera Nitzschia, Navicula and Ctenophora (this last one was observed only once in the winter). Three species occurred in the spring, four in summer and seven in autumn. In spring and summer (during lower water flow), a greater number of species were expected to form the high-profile guild because, according to Passy (2007)Passy, S.I. Diatom ecological guilds display distinct and predictable behavior along nutrient and disturbance gradients in running waters. Aquatic Botany, 2007, 86(2), 171-178.
, the lower flow favors this profile. However, this was not observed, and the largest species number observed in the high-profile guild occurred in greater flow (winter).

The sorting of the samples according the physical and chemical variables (Table 3) and the composition of species as descriptors revealed the separation of the samples by the seasons of the year (autumn, winter, spring and summer) in two main groups (Figure 5).

Table 3
Physical and chemical variables in Pseudônimo Stream during the study period (May 2011 to January 2012).
Figure 5
Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showing the distribution of the diatom community in relation to environmental factors (temperature (temp), electrical conductivity (cond), total phosphorus (TP), depth, transparency (transp), total nitrogen (TN) and pH) and seasons (autumn (Aut), winter (Win), spring (Spr) and summer (Sum)).

The first group (summer and autumn) showed a positive correlation with temperature, conductivity and total phosphorus and a negative correlation with the depth, transparency, total nitrogen and pH. This group was defined as predominant in the Pseudônimo Stream.

The second group (winter) showed a positive correlation with water transparency, depth, total nitrogen and pH, and a negative correlation with electrical conductivity, temperature and total phosphorus.

The values of the nutrients observed during the study period in Pseudônimo Stream allowed the stream to be considered of good quality because the phosphorus was within the limits established by the National Council on the Environment (Brasil, 2005BRASIL. Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Resolução CONAMA nº 357 de 2005. Diário Oficial da União (da) República Federativa do Brasil [online], Brasília, DF, 18mar. 2005, pp. 58-63 [viewed 1 Sept. 2012]. Available from:
) for brackish waters of class 1. The sorting of samples also showed that some species of the high-profile guild (chain-forming, tubesand erect) responded (with greater abundance) to environmental factors such as temperature in summer (Pseudostaurosira brevistriata), total phosphorus in autumn (N. subchoaerens var. scotica, N. palea and N. clausii) and water transparency in winter (Navicula sp. and Ctenophora pulchella) (Figure 5).

3.3 Epiphytic diatoms on different substrates

According to Passy (2007)Passy, S.I. Diatom ecological guilds display distinct and predictable behavior along nutrient and disturbance gradients in running waters. Aquatic Botany, 2007, 86(2), 171-178.
, Navicula and Nitzschia are part of the mobile guild, but in A. danaeifolium, Navicula spp. and Nitzchia spp. were found to be mobile and formed mucilage tubes, thus representing both the high-profile guild and the mobile guild.

Of the 25 abundant species in A. danaeifolium, only six (Bacillaria paxilifera, Nitzschia filiformis, Gomphonema parvulum, Nitzschia palea, Cocconeis placentula and Tabularia tabulata) have been recorded as abundant epiphytes on the American continents and in the subtropical region of China (Azevedo, 1999Azevedo, A.C.G. Composição florística das diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) epífitas em duas espécies de Montagne (Rhodophyta). BostrychiaInsula (Madrid), 1999, 28, 101-148.; Chen et al., 2010Chen, C.-P., Gao, Y.-H. and Lin, P. Geographical and seasonal patterns of epiphytic diatoms on a subtropical mangrove (Kandelia candel) in southern China. Ecological Indicators, 2010, 10(2), 143-147.
; Gómez et al., 2003Gómez, N., Licursi, M. and Hualde, R.R. Epiphytic algae on the bulrush Scirpus californicus (Mey) Steud in the Río de la Plata (Argentina): structure and architecture. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement, 2003, 147(3-4), 231-247.; Kulesza et al., 2008Kulesza, A.M., Holomuzki, J.R. and Klarer, D.M. Benthic community structure in Typha angustifolia and herbicide-treated and untreated Phragmites australis.Wetlands, 2008, 28(1), 40-56.

3.4 Seasonal change in diatom community

The low-profile guild was represented by Cocconeis placentula and Gomphonema parvulum; the latter was assigned to this guild for presenting short peduncles, according to Passy (2007)Passy, S.I. Diatom ecological guilds display distinct and predictable behavior along nutrient and disturbance gradients in running waters. Aquatic Botany, 2007, 86(2), 171-178.
. Cocconeis placentula was abundant in the spring and summer, when there was a reduction in the number of mucilage tube-forming species, which favored its abundance.

4 Conclusions

This work presents an unprecedented study on epiphytes in pteridophytes. The richness found on A. danaeifolium shows that this plant provide a favorable habitat for epiphytic diatoms in wetlands such as Lagoa Pequena. Different growth forms occurred on A. danaeifolium.

The high-profile guild was present throughout the study period, and this can be interpreted as an expression of a community adapted to the environmental conditions of the Pseudônimo Stream, mainly in winter. According to Passy (2007)Passy, S.I. Diatom ecological guilds display distinct and predictable behavior along nutrient and disturbance gradients in running waters. Aquatic Botany, 2007, 86(2), 171-178.
, the competitive ability of this guild makes it prevalent in slightly disturbed habitats, as is the case of the Pseudônimo Stream.

Given that A. danaeifolium is present in only a small stretch in the Pseudônimo Stream, conservation strategies should be implemented to ensure the permanence of this plant in the environment.


We thank the staff of the laboratories of Histology and Limnology of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) for allowing the use of the image-capturing microscope and assistence with the analysis of phosphorus and nitrogen in the water, respectively. We also thank Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for providing a fellowship to the first author. Finally, we thank the Lagoa Mirim Agency for providing the maps of the region of the study.


  • Azevedo, A.C.G. Composição florística das diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) epífitas em duas espécies de Montagne (Rhodophyta). BostrychiaInsula (Madrid), 1999, 28, 101-148.
  • Baumgarten, M.G.Z., Rocha, J.M.B. and Niencheski, L.F.H. Manual de análises em oceanografia química. Rio Grande: Editora da FURG, 1996, 132 p.
  • Benvenuti, C.E. and Colling, L.A. As comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos. In U. Seeliger and C. Odebrecht, eds. O estuário da Lagoa dos Patos: um século de transformações. Rio Grande: FURG, 2010, 180 p.
  • Bertolli, L.M., Tremarin, P.I. and Ludwig, T.A.V. Diatomáceas perifíticas em Polygonum hydropiperoides Michaux, reservatório do Passaúna, Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2010, 24(4), 1065-1081.
  • Borowitzka, M.A., Lavery, P.S. and Keulen, M. Epiphytes of seagrasses. In A.D. Larkum, R.J. Orth and C.M. Duarte, eds. Seagrasses: biology, ecology and conservtion. Amsterdam: Springer, 2006, pp. 441-461.
  • BRASIL. Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Resolução CONAMA nº 357 de 2005. Diário Oficial da União (da) República Federativa do Brasil [online], Brasília, DF, 18mar. 2005, pp. 58-63 [viewed 1 Sept. 2012]. Available from:
  • Carvalho, T.M. Técnicas de medição de vazão por meios convencionais e não convencionais. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 2008, 1(1), 73-85.
  • Chen, C.-P., Gao, Y.-H. and Lin, P. Geographical and seasonal patterns of epiphytic diatoms on a subtropical mangrove (Kandelia candel) in southern China. Ecological Indicators, 2010, 10(2), 143-147.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2015


  • Received
    01 Aug 2014
  • Accepted
    29 Oct 2015
Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil