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Scientometric trends of freshwater benthic invertebrates studies in Brazil

Cienciometria dos estudos de invertebrados bentônicos de água doce no Brasil



The aim of this paper is to analyze trends in the literature concerning benthic invertebrates in Brazil, mainly the number of published papers and approaches used.


The Ph.D. database of the Lattes Platform (CNPq) was used as the source of information for the period 1970-2014. We searched for the terms “benthos”, “macroinvertebrates”, and “zoobenthos” in the titles and keywords of the papers listed on the platform. Papers were classified into the following categories: Systematics, Life History, Ecology, and Divulgation. These categories were further divided into subcategories. The percentage of papers in every major category and subcategory was calculated.


The search introduced 1,573 papers, which were mainly related to Ecology and Systematics. From 1970 to 2009, the number of papers published per decade increased exponentially, and the upward trend continues. The number of papers concerning Systematics, especially in Taxonomy, is increasing. Of the papers in Ecology category, those about Structure, Dynamics, and Distribution of the fauna have been increasing since the 1980s, and there has been an evident increase in the production of papers related to environmental damage in the last decade. The rate of production of papers concerning the role of invertebrates in ecosystems and the effects of different Spatial Scales has been increasing since the 2000s.


There is a clear tendency towards the increased continuity of paper production concerning freshwater benthic invertebrates, and relatively new approaches as Conservation and Exotic Species are becoming relevant.

paper production; systematics; life history; ecology; divulgation



Analisar a principais tendências relativas à produção de artigos relacionados a invertebrados bentônicos no Brasil, principalmente no que se refere ao número de trabalhos publicados e abordagens utilizadas.


A base de dados de doutores da Plataforma Lattes (CNPq) foi utilizada como a fonte de informação para o período 1970-2012, usando-se os termos “bentos”, “macroinvertebrados” e “zoobentos” constantes do título ou palavras chaves dos artigos científicos listados na plataforma. Os artigos citados nesta plataforma foram agrupados nas categorias: Sistemática, História de Vida, Ecologia e Divulgação, as quais foram divididas em subcategorias. Calculou-se a abundância relativa (%) de categorias e subcategorias.


Foram analisados 1.573 artigos, os quais foram relacionados principalmente às categorias Ecologia e Sistemática. A produção de artigos aumentou exponencialmente de 1970 a 2009 e os dados posteriores mostram tendência de continuidade de tal aumento. Ainda há uma produção crescente sobre Sistemática, com dominância de artigos relacionados à Taxonomia. Dentro da categoria Ecologia, artigos sobre Estrutura, Dinâmica e Distribuição da fauna têm aumentado desde a década de 1980 e há um aumento evidente da produção relacionada a impactos ambientais na última década. A produção de artigos relacionados ao papel dos invertebrados nos ecossistemas e o efeito de diferentes Escalas Espaciais têm aumentado a partir da década de 2000.


Há uma clara tendência de continuidade do aumento da produção de artigos relacionados aos invertebrados bentônicos, com abordagens mais recentes, como Conservação e Espécies Exóticas, se tornando relevantes.

produção de artigos; sistemática; história de vida; ecologia; divulgação

1 Introduction

Since science is a production system whose products are papers and other publications, it is possible to quantify its results (Spinak, 1998Spinak, E. Indicadores cienciometricos. Ciência da Informação, 1998, 27(2), 141-148.
). The evaluative bibliometrics, i.e., the use of publication and citation analyses as indicators of science output, is one of the primary methods of science quantification (Drew et al., 2016Drew, C.H., Pettibone, K.G., FINCH 3rd., F.O., Giles, D. and Jordan, P. Automated research impact assessment: a new bibliometrics approach. Scientometrics, 2016, 106(3), 987-1005. PMid:26989272.

The results of research are, in part, a product of the historical context. Therefore, any effort to analyze the papers on freshwater benthic invertebrates in Brazil should be based on the development of this science in that country. Only then it would be possible to understand the tendencies associated with paper production.

The earliest studies were mainly made by foreign researchers, among them Herman Kleerekoper (a Dutch scientist who made his studies in several Brazilian areas) and Ernst Fittkau (a German entomologist who was in Amazonia). Although he was not a benthologist, Kleerekoper reported on benthic invertebrates in the longitudinal zones of Mogi-Guaçu River in his essential book “Introdução ao Estudo da Limnologia” (Kleerekoper, 1944Kleerekoper, H. Introdução ao estudo da Limnologia. Rio de Janeiro: Ministério da Agricultura, 1944.). In the same text, the author already made a reference to the relevance of the biota of reference sites to the assessment of pollution, an idea that is pivotal for current benthologists. Starting in the 1960s, Fittkau conducted ecological studies on Amazonian Chironomidae, publishing several papers on this topic (e.g., Fittkau, 1967Fittkau, E.J. On the ecology of Amazonian rain-forest streams. In H Lent, ed. Atas do Simpósio sobre Biota Amazônica. Rio de Janeiro: Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, 1967, pp. 97-108, vol. 3., 1971Fittkau, E.J. Distribution and ecology of Amazonian chironomids (Diptera). Canadian Entomologist, 1971, 103(3), 407-413.
). Nevertheless, the studies on freshwater benthic invertebrates were relatively sparse and only had a boost in the mid-1970s, when more Brazilian scientists were being trained, in part as a result of the creation of the early graduate courses in zoology. The Course of Biological Sciences (Entomology) of the Federal University of Paraná, created in 1969, was the first, followed by the Course of Zoology of the University of São Paulo in 1970.

The first coordinator (from 1970 to 1972) of the latter course was Claudio Froehlich, who had been studying the zoology of benthic insects, using immatures (mainly Plecoptera) since the 1960s (e.g., Froehlich, 1960Froehlich, C.G. Some Gripopterygids and Notonemourines (Plecoptera) from South America. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, 1960, 56, 3-24., 1969Froehlich, C.G. Studies on Brazilian Plecoptera 1. Some Gripopterygidae from the biological station at Paranapiacaba, state of Sao Paulo. Beiträge zur Neotropischen Fauna, 1969, 6(1), 17-39.
). In the 1970s, Dr Froehlich supervised the graduate studies of Aristides de Almeida Rocha and Gisela Yuka Shimizu. Their master’s and Ph.D. theses pioneered the use of benthic invertebrates as bioindicators of eutrophication in Brazilian reservoirs, but these works did not lead to publication. The master thesis of Giovanni Strixino, completed in 1971, was also supervised by Froehlich. In the early 1980s, Giovanni Strixino and Susana Trivinho Strixino were already producing papers about benthic invertebrates, more specifically Chironomidae (e.g., Strixino & Trivinho-Strixino, 1982Strixino, G. and Trivinho-Strixino, S. Macrobentos da represa do Monjolinho (São Carlos-SP). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 1982, 42, 165-170.; Trivinho-Strixino & Strixino, 1981Trivinho-Strixino, S. and Strixino, G. Nova espécie do gênero Meigen do sul do Brasil (Diptera: Chironomidae). ChironomusRevista Brasileira de Entomologia, 1981, 25, 333-340.). Also in the 1980s, people, such as Norma Würdig and Alice Takeda, who had not completed their graduate studies in freshwater ecosystems began to work in this area and over time became a reference among professionals working with freshwater benthic invertebrates. Dr Würdig completed her Ph.D. in 1984 studying ostracods in the lagoons of Rio Grande do Sul State, but in the late 1980s she began to publish papers on freshwater ostracodes (Würdig & Freitas, 1988Würdig, N.L. and Freitas, S.M.F. Distribuição especial e temporal da comunidade de ostracodes na Lagoa Emboaba, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 1988, 2, 677-700.). Dr Takeda finished her Ph.D. in 1988 working with Spartina alterniflora, but she had already published her first work on freshwater benthos in 1990 (Takeda et al., 1990Takeda, A.M., Shimizu, G.Y. and Higuti, J. Zoobentos de uma lagoa marginal (Lagoa Fechada, Rio Baia, Alto Paraná). Ciencia e Cultura, 1990, 42(11), 1003-1007.). The above-mentioned researchers were concentrated in Southeast and South regions of Brazil. In North region, the Swiss geneticist Ilse Walker, that begun to work in the INPA (National Institute of Amazon Researches) in 1976, also changed and directed her focus to the invertebrates, becoming a specialist on benthic food webs (e.g., Walker, 1978Walker, I. Rede de alimentação de invertebrados das águas pretas do sistema Rio Negro. Observações sobre a predação de uma Amoeba do tipo Amoeba discoides.Acta Amazonica, 1978, 8, 423-438.). Some relevant names were probably forgotten in this brief history about the start of studies on freshwater benthic invertebrates in Brazil. Clearly, this oversight did not diminish the importance of their contribution to the development of that area of study.

From that initial period, the number of Brazilian scientists dedicated to the freshwater zoobenthos increased substantially, and a considerable number of them were students of the previously cited people. This increase occurred simultaneously with the flourishing of graduate courses on the core areas of zoology and ecology in the country. We can use the data from the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES, 2016COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR – CAPES. Pataforma Sucupira. Brasília: CAPES, 2016 [viewed 19 Apr. 2016]. Available from:
) to get an idea about the rate of implementation of these courses. Between 1969 and 1981, the number of graduate courses in zoology in Brazil reached ten. Twelve new courses were created between 1994 and 2003, and fifteen between 2012 and 2015. The core area of ecology, in turn, was stablished with five graduate courses in 1976. New courses were added slowly until 2000, when they reached a total of seventeen. However, from 2004 until 2010, twenty new courses were created, and in 2015, the total reached fifty-six.

Considering the history of the research on benthic invertebrates in Brazil, this study uses evaluative biometrics to analyze the dominant trends in research based on the number of published papers and the approaches used.

2 Material and Methods

The Lattes Platform, i.e. the Brazilian data bank on science and technology production maintained by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), was used as the source of information because it contains the greatest number of curricula vitae of Brazilian scientists other than foreign researchers working in Brazil.

Only the Ph.D. database was used, bearing in mind that papers published by masters, undergraduates, and technicians have a high probability of having a Ph.D. as coauthor, so those papers would also appear in the Ph.D. curricula. The search by subject for the terms “benthos”, “macroinvertebrates”, and “zoobenthos”, each in turn (in Portuguese and English), in the paper title or keywords resulted in about 1,300 curricula to be analyzed for the period 1970-2014. We considered only people working in freshwater environments, leaving 280 curricula actually used (Table 1).

Table 1
Names of researchers whose curricula were used in this paper.

From the bibliographic production of each researcher, we used only the reports published in scientific journals, from now on denominate simply papers. First of all, these papers were distributed among four broad categories: Systematics, Life History, Ecology, and Divulgation. The three first categories were further classified into subcategories. Systematics was subdivided into a) Inventories/Records/Occurrence/Lists, grouping papers that deal with inventories and lists of organisms, records of occurrence and geographic distribution of taxa; and b) Systematics/Taxonomy, including the description of species and studies involving phylogenetic relationships. Papers related to Life History were classified according to the subcategories a) Anatomy/Biometry; b) Bionomy/Behaviour; c) Growth/Body Development; d) Physiology; and e) Reproduction/Life Cycle. Finally, the broad category Ecology was subdivided into a) Bioindicators, related to the use of benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of anthropic impacts; b) Conservation, relating benthic invertebrates and conservation degree of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; c) Exotic Species, besides the effect of occurrence of non-native species in ecosystems could be included in other categories, e.g., Conservation, we prefer to maintain a specific subcategory due to the increasing introduction and effects of exotic species worldwide; d) Feeding Habits/Trophic Relationships/Food Chains and Webs, including the papers related to dietary issues; e) Other Interactions/Associations, dealing with relationships which do not involve trophic interaction; f) Methodology, grouping papers about sampling of organisms and other methodologic issues; g) Paleolimnology; h) Processes, related to the role of benthic invertebrates in the functioning of ecosystems (e.g., in the detritus degradation); i) Spatial Scales, related specifically to the comparison of the effect of different scales on the benthic community; j) Structure/Dynamic/Distribution, including papers about composition, density, biomass, richness and diversity of organisms, and temporal and spatial changes in the structure of populations or communities; k) Toxicology, including the use of benthic invertebrates in ecotoxicological studies; l) Volunteer Monitoring, grouping papers related to the use of benthic invertebrates as indicators of water quality by volunteer people; and m) Other Approaches (e.g., factors that affect the colonization by benthic organisms).

We calculated the relative abundance (%) of categories to the total of papers and the subcategories to the total in each category.

3 Results and Discussion

As in other countries, the Brazilian science development depends broadly on the governmental policies and support for science and technology. There are two major national institutions related to this subject in the country, both of them created in 1951. The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) aims to foster and foment scientific and technological development, as well as contributing to the formulation of national policies of science and technology. An interesting record of the history of CNPq genesis can be found in Motoyama (1985)Motoyama, S.A. A gênese do CNPq. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Historia da Ciencia, 1985, 2, 27-46.. Besides supplying funds and grants to research, as does CNPq, the Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) has an important role in the expansion and consolidation of stricto sensu graduate courses. In 1995, CAPES was restructured and became responsible for the following and evaluation of those courses (CAPES, 2008COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR – CAPES. História e missão. Brasília: CAPES, 2008 [viewed 19 June 2016]. Available from:
). In this sense, the increased number of graduate courses in zoology and ecology, mainly from the middle of the 1990’s till now, came out of the joint efforts of CAPES and Brazilian universities. Moreover, Brazilian states have their research foundations that also provide researchers with funds and grants. Among them, FAPESP in São Paulo State (1960) and FAPERGS in the Rio Grande do Sul State (1964) are the oldest. The work of all these institutions contributed to the increase of scientists in Brazil, among them a large number of people studying benthic invertebrates.

On to the scientific production of those professionals, we analyzed 1,573 papers published between 1970 and 2014 that were mainly related to Ecology and Systematics (Figure 1). From 1970 to 2009, paper production increased exponentially (Figure 2). Moreover, in the period from 2010 to 2014 the total of published papers already amounted to circa 70% (68.2%) of the production of the decade from 2000 to 2009. The increase of paper publication became more marked from the 1990s, reflecting the increasing support for the science in Brazil from that time onwards.

Figure 1
Numbers and relative abundance of papers published per decade (excepting the 2010-2014 period), concerning the broad categories of studies in freshwater benthic invertebrates in Brazil.
Figure 2
Total production of papers concerning freshwater benthic invertebrates per decade (excepting the 2010-2014 period) in Brazil.

On relation to the different categories of papers, we suspected that the production of Life History papers had been underestimated. Possibly, a considerable number of authors working on that issue were not using the terms “benthos”, “macroinvertebrates”, or “zoobenthos” in their papers. The same could be true of papers related to Systematics. Nevertheless, there has been an increasing production of papers on Systematics, with most of the papers focusing on Taxonomy (Table 2). This fact demonstrates that the knowledge about freshwater benthic invertebrate fauna is still incomplete in Brazil, and we need to continue hardly working on this issue.

Table 2
Numbers and relative abundance (parentheses) of four broad categories of papers concerning Brazilian benthic invertebrates from 1970 to 2014.

Concerning the category Ecology, although scientific works associating benthic invertebrates and environmental changes have been performed since the 1970s, the production of papers related to this issue only had an evident increase in the 2000s. This fact becomes especially apparent by the increase in papers on Conservation, Exotic species, and the use of invertebrates as Bioindicators (Table 2). With the increased impact on waterbodies we found an increased use of benthic invertebrates as indicators and correlated papers about them. Another consequence was the concern with the aquatic biota conservation, including those invertebrates. The increment on papers about Conservation is in part a result of the increase of professionals concerned about it and prepared to deal with this issue, but there is also a rising demand to solve environmental problems related to habitat degradation, coupling the stoppage or minimization of impact and habitat restoring. Moreover, conservation and exotic species are closely related issues. Since new records of exotic species are increasing in Brazil, so is the knowledge about their impacts on native biota, and more papers about non-native species are being produced.

In the last decades, the scope of the scientific approaches used for benthic invertebrates is expanding. Papers concerning the role of invertebrates in Food Chains and Webs and other Processes in the ecosystems are achieving greater relevance since the 2000s, though still with a low relative abundance. The same is true for papers on the effects of different Spatial Scales. Despite this shift in approach, traditional descriptive papers, such as those concerning local Structure, Dynamics, and Distribution of fauna, are numerous and growing in number (Table 2). Sometimes these papers are considered to be regionally constrained and without interest to be published in high impact journals, which could be discouraging for some researchers. However, they continue to be important because Brazilian freshwater benthic fauna is still barely known, and now we cannot set aside these approaches as our counterparts in developed countries. The increase in the number of papers related to Divulgation since the 2000s (Table 2) followed the popularization of science. However, this production remains modest, showing that perhaps Brazilian benthologists have only recently woken up to the relevance of informing about benthic invertebrates and their role in aquatic environments. In this sense, our delay in the use of volunteer biomonitoring is also comprehensible. In other countries, the role of volunteers in the monitoring of freshwaters is recognized for decades. In the U.S., e.g., volunteer practices have been in use since the 1990s and the Environmental Protection Agency considers that data gathered by volunteers can be used in state reports on the environmental quality of water bodies (USEPA, 1997US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY – USEPA. Volunteer stream monitoring: a methods manual. Washington: USEPA, 1997.). However, though studies using bioindicators began in the 1970s in Brazil, papers concerning the use of volunteer data arose only over the last five years covered by this research (e.g., Buss, 2008Buss, D.F. Desenvolvimento de um índice biológico para use de voluntários na avaliação da qualidade da água de rios. Oecologia Brasiliensis, 2008, 12, 516-526.; França & Callisto, 2012França, J.S. and Callisto, M. Macroinvertebrados bentônicos como bioindicadores de qualidade de água: experiências em educação ambiental e mobilização social. Revista Extensão, 2012, 2, 197-206.).

This paper presented the first attempt of scientometric analysis of papers concerning freshwater benthic invertebrates in Brazil. Further research should seek refinements, such as the categorization of papers by environment (e.g., lentic/lotic; lakes/reservoirs/rivers/streams), organization levels (e.g., individuals, populations, communities), geographic area (as new research groups are arising out of the South and Southeastern regions where the researchers are concentrated), dissemination (e.g., national or international journal, open or no open access journal, citation index), impact (e.g., the impact factor of each publication area) and collaboration networks. As there is relevant information published in books and chapters, these data could also be included.


Authors are grateful to anonymous referees whose suggestions greatly improved the paper.

  • Cite as: Brandimarte, A.L. and Melo, A.L.U. Scientometric trends of freshwater benthic invertebrates studies in Brazil. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2016, vol. 28, e20.


  • Buss, D.F. Desenvolvimento de um índice biológico para use de voluntários na avaliação da qualidade da água de rios. Oecologia Brasiliensis, 2008, 12, 516-526.
  • COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR – CAPES. História e missão. Brasília: CAPES, 2008 [viewed 19 June 2016]. Available from:
  • COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR – CAPES. Pataforma Sucupira. Brasília: CAPES, 2016 [viewed 19 Apr. 2016]. Available from:
  • Drew, C.H., Pettibone, K.G., FINCH 3rd., F.O., Giles, D. and Jordan, P. Automated research impact assessment: a new bibliometrics approach. Scientometrics, 2016, 106(3), 987-1005. PMid:26989272.
  • Fittkau, E.J. On the ecology of Amazonian rain-forest streams. In H Lent, ed. Atas do Simpósio sobre Biota Amazônica. Rio de Janeiro: Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, 1967, pp. 97-108, vol. 3.
  • Fittkau, E.J. Distribution and ecology of Amazonian chironomids (Diptera). Canadian Entomologist, 1971, 103(3), 407-413.
  • França, J.S. and Callisto, M. Macroinvertebrados bentônicos como bioindicadores de qualidade de água: experiências em educação ambiental e mobilização social. Revista Extensão, 2012, 2, 197-206.
  • Froehlich, C.G. Some Gripopterygids and Notonemourines (Plecoptera) from South America. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, 1960, 56, 3-24.
  • Froehlich, C.G. Studies on Brazilian Plecoptera 1. Some Gripopterygidae from the biological station at Paranapiacaba, state of Sao Paulo. Beiträge zur Neotropischen Fauna, 1969, 6(1), 17-39.
  • Kleerekoper, H. Introdução ao estudo da Limnologia. Rio de Janeiro: Ministério da Agricultura, 1944.
  • Motoyama, S.A. A gênese do CNPq. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Historia da Ciencia, 1985, 2, 27-46.
  • Spinak, E. Indicadores cienciometricos. Ciência da Informação, 1998, 27(2), 141-148.
  • Strixino, G. and Trivinho-Strixino, S. Macrobentos da represa do Monjolinho (São Carlos-SP). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 1982, 42, 165-170.
  • Takeda, A.M., Shimizu, G.Y. and Higuti, J. Zoobentos de uma lagoa marginal (Lagoa Fechada, Rio Baia, Alto Paraná). Ciencia e Cultura, 1990, 42(11), 1003-1007.
  • Trivinho-Strixino, S. and Strixino, G. Nova espécie do gênero Meigen do sul do Brasil (Diptera: Chironomidae). ChironomusRevista Brasileira de Entomologia, 1981, 25, 333-340.
  • US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY – USEPA. Volunteer stream monitoring: a methods manual. Washington: USEPA, 1997.
  • Walker, I. Rede de alimentação de invertebrados das águas pretas do sistema Rio Negro. Observações sobre a predação de uma Amoeba do tipo Amoeba discoides.Acta Amazonica, 1978, 8, 423-438.
  • Würdig, N.L. and Freitas, S.M.F. Distribuição especial e temporal da comunidade de ostracodes na Lagoa Emboaba, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 1988, 2, 677-700.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    30 June 2016
  • Accepted
    19 Oct 2016
Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil