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Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs from southeast Brazil: species composition and spatial and temporal variation patterns

Assembléias de diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) em seis reservatórios tropicais no sudeste do Brasil: composição de espécies e padrões de variação temporal e espacial



Relationships between species composition and variation patterns in diatom assemblages over six tropical reservoirs located in Southeast Brazil were explored.


Surface-sediment and phytoplankton diatom assemblages were determined and Canonical Correspondence Analysis was used to verify the set of environmental variables that best explain the species composition variation among sites.


A total of 28 diatom taxa representing 20 genera were identified using light and scanning electron microscopy. Information on their ecological preferences was also provided. Humidophila biscutella is reported for the first time in Brazil whereas Sellaphora sassiana and Humidophila brekkaensis are reported for the first time in São Paulo State. Three groups of potential water quality indicators were delineated: the first suggests oligotrophic conditions, the second is related to cold waters with low luminosity in a mixing regime, and the third is a small group of tolerant species occurring in water with high conductivity, pH and total phosphorus conditions.


present study provided the first insight into the general diatom communities over six tropical reservoirs in Southeast Brazil and provided information on their ecology and distribution aiming bioassessment. The potential of water quality indicator diatom groups here outlined are in line with those reported in the literature and reinforce the importance of PEJU for the maintenance of ecological quality of reservoirs and reference conditions for the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo water sources.

bioassessment; Canonical Correspondence Analysis; trophic state; São Paulo



As relações entre composição de espécies e padrões de variação nas comunidades de diatomáceas foram exploradas em seis reservatórios tropicais localizados no sudeste do Brasil.


Diatomáceas fitoplanctônicas e de sedimentos superficiais foram determinadas e a Análise de Correspondência Canônica foi utilizada para identificar o conjunto de variáveis ambientais que melhor explica a variação da composição das espécies entre as unidades amostrais.


O total de 28 táxons de diatomáceas representando 20 gêneros foi identificado utilizando microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura; e foram fornecidas informações sobre suas preferências ecológicas. Humidophila biscutella é reportada pela primeira vez no Brasil e Sellaphora sassiana e Humidophila brekkaensis foram registradas pela primeira vez no Estado de São Paulo. Foram delineados três grupos de potenciais indicadores da qualidade da água que sugerem condições oligotróficas, águas com baixa luminosidade e em regime de mistura além de um pequeno grupo de espécies tolerantes ocorrentes em águas com elevada condutividade, pH e total fósforo total.


O presente estudo forneceu uma primeira visão sobre as comunidades de diatomáceas em geral de seis reservatórios tropicais do sudeste do Brasil e providenciou informação sobre sua ecologia e distribuição, contribuindo para o conhecimento das diatomáceas tropicais com vista à bioavaliação. Os grupos potenciais de diatomáceas indicadores de qualidade da água delineados seguem o reportado na literatura e reforçam a importância da PEJU para a manutenção da qualidade ecológica dos reservatórios e condições de referência para as fontes de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo.

bioindicação; Análise de Correspondência Canônica; estado trófico; São Paulo

1. Introduction

Diatoms are routinely used in environmental status assessment because of their importance in food webs and biochemical linkages, and due to their sensitivity to physical, chemical and biological disturbances ( Stenger-Kovács et al., 2007 STENGER-KOVÁCS, C., BUCZKÓ, K., HAJNAL, É. and PADISÁK, J. Epiphytic, littoral diatoms as bioindicators of shallow lake trophic status: Trophic Diatom Index for Lakes (TDIL) developed in Hungary. Hydrobiologia, 2007, 589(1), 141-154.
; Bolla et al., 2010 BOLLA, B., BORICS, G., KISS, K.T., RESKÓNÉ, N.M., VÁRBÍRÓ, G. and ÁCS, É. Recommendations for ecological status assessment of Lake Balaton (largest shallow lake of central Europe), based on benthic diatom communities. Vie et Milieu-Life and Environment, 2010, 60(3), 197-208. ; Chételat et al., 2010 CHÉTELAT, J., CLOUTIER, L. and AMYOT, M. Carbon sources for lake food webs in the Canadian High Arctic and other regions of Arctic North America. Polar Biology, 2010, 33(8), 1111-1123.
; Kireta et al., 2012 KIRETA, A.R., REAVIE, E.D., SGRO, G.V., ANGRADI, T.R., BOLGRIEN, D.W., HILL, B.H. and JICHA, T.M. Planktonic and periphytic diatoms as indicators of stress on great rivers of the United States: Testing water quality and disturbance models. Ecological Indicators , 2012, 13(1), 222-231.
; B-Béres et al., 2014 B-BÉRES, V., TÖRÖK, P., KÓKAI, Z., KRASZNAI, E.T., TÓTHMÉRÉSZ, B. and BÁCSI, I. Ecological diatom guilds are useful but not sensitive enough as indicators of extremely changing water regimes. Hydrobiologia, 2014, 738(1), 191-204.
). Diatoms respond predictably to many water chemistry variables, besides having a relatively well known ecology ( Soininen et al., 2007 SOININEN, J., LENNON, J.J. and HILLEBRAND, H. A multivariate analysis of beta diversity across organisms and environments. Ecology, 2007, 88(11), 2830-2838. PMid:18051652. ...
). Factors such as choice of sampling site and methods for preparing and processing samples and identifying taxa can be crucial to the assessment results ( Besse-Lototskaya et al., 2006 BESSE-LOTOTSKAYA, A., VERDONSCHOT, P.F.M. and SINKELDAM, J.A. Uncertainty in diatom assessment: sampling, identification and counting variation. Hydrobiologia, 2006, 566(1), 247-260.
) as their use as environmental indicators requires high taxonomic precision ( Birks, 1994 BIRKS, H.J.B. The importance of pollen and diatom taxonomic precision in quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 1994, 83(1-3), 107-117.

The composition of diatom communities reflects an entire complex of ecological parameters at a particular site (van Dam et al., 1994 VAN DAM, H., MERTENS, A. and SINKELDAM, J. A coded checklist and ecological indicator values of freshwater diatoms from The Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology , 1994, 28(1), 117-133. ...
; Resende et al., 2005 RESENDE, P., AZEITEIRO, U. and PEREIRA, M.J. Diatom ecological preferences in a shallow temperate estuary (Ria de Aveiro, Western Portugal). Hydrobiologia, 2005, 544(1), 77-88.
). In this sense, floristic surveys support not only applied research projects, such as water quality monitoring, but also a wide range of basic research issues from taxonomic revisions and monographs, phylogenetic reconstruction, biogeographical studies, as well as ecological, physiological, restoration, and conservation biology research programs ( Kociolek, 2006 KOCIOLEK, J.P. Some thoughts on the development of a diatom flora for freshwater ecosystems in the continental United States and a listing of recent taxa described from U.S. freshwaters. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Fourth Series, 2006, 57(21), 561-586. ).

Although floristic diatom surveys have been carried out in Brazil (e.g. Ferrari & Ludwig, 2007 FERRARI, F. and LUDWIG, T.A.V. Coscinodiscophyceae, Fragilariophyceae e Bacillariophyceae (Achnanthales) dos rios Ivaí, São João e dos Patos, bacia hidrográfica do rio Ivaí, município de Prudentópolis, PR, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2007, 21(2), 421-441.
; Cavalcante et al., 2014 CAVALCANTE, K.P., TREMARIN, P.I. and LUDWIG, T.A.V. New records of amphoroid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from Cachoeira River, Northeast Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 2014, 74(1), 257-263. PMid:25055112.
; Silva et al., 2016 SILVA, W.J., RUWER, D., NOGUEIRA, I. and DUNCK, B. The genus Pinnularia (Bacillariophyta, Pinnulariaceae) from Lago dos Tigres, Britânia, Goiás, Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 2016, 16(1), e20150028.
), they are greatly concentrated in the South and Southeast regions of the country (e.g. Moura & Bittencourt-Oliveira, 2004 MOURA, A.N. and BITTENCOURT-OLIVEIRA, M.C. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) of the Tibagi River, southern Brazil. Algological Studies, 2004, 112(1), 73-87.
; Bertolli et al., 2010 BERTOLLI, L.M., TREMARIN, P.I. and LUDWIG, T.A.V. Diatomáceas perifíticas em Polygonum hydropiperoides Michaux, reservatório do Passaúna, Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2010, 24(4), 1065-1081.
; Faria et al., 2010 FARIA, D.M., TREMARIN, P.I. and LUDWIG, T.A.V. Diatomáceas perifíticas da represa Itaqui, São José dos Pinhais, Paraná: Fragilariales, Eunotiales, Achnanthales e Gomphonema Ehrenberg. Biota Neotropica , 2010, 10(3), 415-427.
; Souza-Mosimann et al., 2011 SOUZA-MOSIMANN, R.M., LAUDARES-SILVA, R., TALGATTI, D.M. and D’AQUINO-ROSA, V. The diatom flora in Conceição Lagoon, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. Insula, 2011, 40, 25-54. ; Bes et al., 2012 BES, D., ECTOR, L., TORGAN, L.C. and LOBO, E.A. Composition of the epilithic diatom flora from a subtropical river, Southern Brazil. Iheringia. Série Botânica , 2012, 67(1), 93-125. ; Bartozek et al., 2013 BARTOZEK, E.C.R., BUENO, N.C., LUDWIG, T.A.V., TREMARIN, P.I., NARDELLI, M.S. and ROCHA, A.C.R. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) of Iguaçu National Park, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2013, 27(1), 108-123.
; Nardelli et al., 2014 NARDELLI, M.S., BUENO, N.C., LUDWIG, T.A.V., TREMARIN, P.I. and BARTOZEK, E.C.R. Coscinodiscophyceae and Fragilariophyceae (Diatomeae) in the Iguaçu River, Paraná, Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2014, 28(1), 127-140.
; Marra et al., 2016 MARRA, R.C., TREMARIN, P.I., ALGARTE, V.M. and LUDWIG, T.V. Epiphytic diatoms (Diatomeae) from Piraquara II urban reservoir, Paraná state. Biota Neotropica , 2016, 16(4), e20160200.
). Specifically for São Paulo State, studies are mainly a result of the Biota-FAPESP, an important project that aims at identifying the local algal flora (e.g. Carneiro & Bicudo, 2007 CARNEIRO, L.A. and BICUDO, D.C. O gênero Lemnicola (Bacillariophyceae) no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Hoehnea, 2007, 34(2), 253-259.
; Rocha & Bicudo, 2008 ROCHA, A.C.R. and BICUDO, C.E.M. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP. Algas, 25: Bacillariophyceae (Naviculales: Pinnulariaceae). Hoehnea, 2008, 35(4), 597-618.
; Marquardt & Bicudo, 2014 MARQUARDT, G.C. and BICUDO, C.E.M. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP. Algas 36: Bacillariophyceae (Cymbellales). Hoehnea , 2014, 41(2), 209-246.
; Wengrat et al., 2015 WENGRAT, S., MARQUARDT, G.C., BICUDO, D.C., BICUDO, C.E.M., WETZEL, C.E. and ECTOR, L. Type analysis of Cymbella schubartii and two new Encyonopsis species (Bacillariophyceae) from southeastern Brazil. Phytotaxa, 2015, 221(3), 247-264.

In addition, ecological (e.g. Wengrat & Bicudo, 2011 WENGRAT, S. and BICUDO, D.C. Spatial evaluation of water quality in an urban reservoir (Billings Complex, southeastern Brazil). Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2011, 23(2), 200-216.
; Bicudo et al., 2016 BICUDO, D.C., TREMARIN, P.I., ALMEIDA, P.D., ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, S., WENGRAT, S., FAUSTINO, S.B., COSTA, L.F., BARTOZEK, E.C.R., ROCHA, A.C.R., BICUDO, C.E.M. and MORALES, E.A. Ecology and distribution of Aulacoseira species (Bacillariophyta) in tropical reservoirs from Brazil. Diatom Research, 2016, 31(3), 199-215.
) and paleolimnological (e.g. Costa-Böddeker et al., 2012 COSTA-BÖDDEKER, S., BENNION, H., JESUS, T.A., ALBUQUERQUE, A.L.S., FIGUEIRA, R.C.L. and BICUDO, D.C. Paleolimnologically inferred eutrophication of a shallow, tropical, urban reservoir in southeast Brazil. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2012., 48(4), 751-766.
; Fontana et al., 2014 FONTANA, L., ALBUQUERQUE, A.L.S., BRENNER, M., BONOTTO, D.M., SABARIS, T.P.P., PIRES, M.A.F., COTRIM, M.E.B. and BICUDO, D.C. The eutrophication history of a tropical water supply reservoir in Brazil. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2014, 51(1), 29-43.
; Faustino et al., 2016 FAUSTINO, S.B., FONTANA, L., BARTOZEK, E.C.R., BICUDO, C.E.M. and BICUDO, D.C. Composition and distribution of diatom assemblages from core and surface sediments of a water supply reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 2016, 16(2), e20150129.
) surveys are also available under the AcquaSed Project (Base line diagnosis and reconstruction of anthropogenic impacts in the Guarapiranga Reservoir, focusing on the water supply sustainability and water quality management in reservoirs of the Upper Tietê and surrounding basins), thus contributing to the knowledge of tropical diatom with emphasis on bioassessment. This project has also led to the development of a range of taxonomic surveys (e.g. Almeida & Bicudo, 2014 ALMEIDA, P.D. and BICUDO, D.C. Diatomáceas planctônicas e de sedimento superficial em represas de abastecimento da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, SP, Sudeste do Brasil. Hoehnea, 2014, 41(2), 187-207.
; Almeida et al., 2015 ALMEIDA, P.D., WETZEL, C.E., MORALES, E.A., ECTOR, L. and BICUDO, D.C. Staurosirella acidophila sp. nov., a new araphid diatom (Bacillariophyta) from southeastern Brazil: ultrastructure, distribution and autecology. Cryptogamie. Algologie , 2015, 36(3), 255-270.
, 2016 ALMEIDA, P.D., MORALES, E.A., WETZEL, C.E., ECTOR, L. and BICUDO, D.C. Two new diatoms in the genus Fragilaria Lyngbye (Fragilariophyceae) from tropical reservoirs in Brazil and comparison with type material of F. tenera. Phytotaxa , 2016, 246(3), 163-183.
; Marquardt et al., 2016 MARQUARDT, G.C., DA ROCHA, A.C.R., WETZEL, C.E., ECTOR, L. and BICUDO, C.E.M. Encyonema aquasedis sp. nov. and Kurtkrammeria salesopolensis sp. nov.: two new freshwater diatom species (Cymbellales, Bacillariophyceae) from an oligotrophic reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Phytotaxa, 2016, 247(1), 62-74.
; Wengrat et al., 2016 WENGRAT, S., MORALES, E.A., WETZEL, C.E., ALMEIDA, P.D., ECTOR, L. and BICUDO, D.C. Taxonomy and ecology of Fragilaria billingsii sp. nov. and analysis of type material of Synedra rumpens var. fusa (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Brazil. Phytotaxa, 2016, 270(3), 191-202.
). However, there still are considerable gaps in sampling sites in São Paulo in which the size and diversity of habitats can be considered one of the reasons for the large number of unexplored areas.

The aim of this study was to provide the first insight into the general diatom assemblages over six tropical reservoirs in Southeast Brazil by investigating their species composition as well as their distribution along a spatial and temporal gradient to examine the variation in diatom communities among reservoirs, habitats and seasons.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Study area

Reservoirs studied are located at two different basins in southeastern São Paulo State: Ribeira do Iguape/Litoral Sul and Alto Paranapanema. Three reservoirs (Cachoeira do França, Cachoeira da Fumaça and Serraria) are connected with the same water course (Juquiá River), whereas the other three (Jurupará, Salto do Iporanga and Paineiras) are located in three different rivers (Rio dos Peixes, Assungui and Turvo rivers, respectively) ( Figure 1 ). Mean elevation range varied from 17 to 996 m a.s.l. All study sites were located in well preserved areas, most of them located in areas of the PEJU State Park (Parque Estadual do Jurupará). Presently, reservoirs were classified mostly oligotrophic to mesotrophic ( Lamparelli, 2004 LAMPARELLI, M.C. Graus de trofia em corpos d’água do Estado de São Paulo: avaliação dos métodos de monitoramento [Tese de Doutorado]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. ) with no obvious signs of human impact. The area is a protected representative of Atlantic forest in the São Paulo Atlantic Plateau, in which 77 species of fauna and flora currently endangered and 182 endemic species besides more than 300 new species records were recorded ( São Paulo, 2010 SÃO PAULO. Parque Estadual do Jurupará. Resumo Executivo. Plano de Manejo. São Paulo: Fundação Florestal do Estado de São Paulo, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, Governo do Estado de São Paulo, 2010. ). However, the diatom flora is virtually unknown in this area.

Figure 1
Study area and sampling sites.

2.2. Sampling

Samplings covered two distinct habitats (plankton and surface sediments) from 20 sampling sites distributed along the reservoirs during austral summer and winter of 2014. Plankton samples were obtained with van Dorn water sampler along a vertical profile of the reservoirs. Surface sediments were taken with a gravity core (UWITEC) and the top 2 cm sections were saved for analyses.

Environmental parameters (temperature (°C), pH and conductivity) were measured in the field using a multiparameter probe (Horiba U-53) and the analytical procedure for dissolved oxygen, ammonium, nitrate, soluble reactive silica, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, free carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ions followed Standard Methods ( APHA, 2005 AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION – APHA. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. Washington: American Public Health Association, 2005. ). Chlorophyll-a, corrected for phaeophytin was measured using 90% ethanol ( Sartory & Grobbelaar, 1984 SARTORY, D.P. and GROBBELAAR, J.U. Extraction of chlorophyll a from freshwater phytoplankton for spectrophotometric analysis. Hydrobiologia, 1984, 114(3), 177-187. ...
) ( Table 1 ). The Trophic State Index (TSI) was calculated according to Lamparelli (2004) LAMPARELLI, M.C. Graus de trofia em corpos d’água do Estado de São Paulo: avaliação dos métodos de monitoramento [Tese de Doutorado]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. .

Table 1
Means and standard deviation of abiotic variables in the six studied reservoirs. The other variables were eliminated because of collinearity. Abbreviations: Sec (Secchi depth), pH, Cond (Conductivity), TN (Total nitrogen), TP (Total phosphorus), SRS (Soluble reactive silica), Chlo (Chlorophyll-a), TSI (Trophic State Index). FR (Cachoeira do França), FU (Cachoeira da Fumaça), SE (Serraria), JP (Jurupará), SI (Salto do Iporanga), PI (Paineiras). Numbers refer to sample units.

2.3. Slides preparation and counting

Diatom samples were processed by hot digestion using hydrogen peroxide (H2O 2) and HCl (37%). Peroxide and acid were removed through a series of dilutions. Subsequently, the samples were dried onto cover glass and mounted in Naphrax (R.I. = 1.74) according to Battarbee (1986) BATTARBEE, R.W. Diatom analysis. In: B.E. BERGLUND, ed. Handbook of holocene paleoecology and paleohydrology. London: Wiley & Sons, 1986, pp. 527-570. , and examined with a Zeiss Axio Imager A2 light microscope (LM) equipped with DIC and a digital camera model AxioCamMR5. SEM images were taken in three different research centers: LIST, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, UFPR, Universidade Federal do Paraná and Instituto de Botânica. For scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations, cleaned samples were filtered with additional deionized water through a 3 μm isopore polycarbonate membrane filter (Merck Millipore). Filter was mounted on aluminum stubs and coated with platinum using a Modular High Vacuum Coating System BAL-TEC MED 020 (BAL-TEC AG, Balzers, Liechtenstein). An ultrahigh-resolution analytical field emission (FE) scanning electron microscope Hitachi SU-70 (Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, Japan) operated at 5 kV and 10 mm working distance was used for the analyses. SEM images were taken using the lower (SE-L) and upper (SE-U) detector signal at the LIST. Also, a subsample of the oxidized material was placed on aluminum stubs and coated with gold at 1 kV for 5 min in a Balzers Sputtering/SDC030 sputter coater, and SEM observations were made with a JEOL JSM 6360LV, operated at 15 kV at 8 mm distance at the UFPR as well as with a Phillips 20XL operated at 10 kV at the Instituto de Botânica. Micrographs were digitally manipulated and plates containing light and scanning electron microscopy images were created using CorelDraw X7. Morphometric information is provided for all taxa [D: diameter (µm); L: length (µm); W: width (µm); SH: semi cell height (µm); S: striae in 10 µm; A: areolae in 10 µm].

Taxonomy and nomenclature followed classic works and new publications (e.g. Krammer, 2000 KRAMMER, K. The genus Pinnularia. In: H. LANGE-BERTALOT, ed. Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats . Ruggell: A.R.G Gantner Verlag, 2000, pp. 1-703. ; Metzeltin et al., 2005 METZELTIN, D., LANGE-BERTALOT, H. and GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ, F. Diatoms of Uruguay. Compared with other taxa from South America and elsewhere. Iconographia Diatomologica , 2005, 15, 1-736. ; Lange-Bertalot et al., 2011 LANGE-BERTALOT, H., BĄK, M. and WITKOWSKI, A. Eunotia and some related genera . In: H. LANGE-BERTALOT, ed. Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats. Ruggell: A.R.G Gantner Verlag K. G., 2011, pp. 1-747. ) and the on-line catalogue of valid names ( California Academy of Sciences, 2011 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Catalogue of Diatom Names [online]. San Francisco, 2011 [viewed 1 Mar. 2017]. Available from:
). Classification systems followed Medlin & Kaczmarska (2004) MEDLIN, L.K. and KACZMARSKA, I. Evolution of the diatoms: V. Morphological and cytological support for the major clades and taxonomic revision. Phycologia, 2004, 43(3), 245-270.
for supra-ordinal taxa, and Round et al. (1990) ROUND, F.E., CRAWFORD, R.M. and MANN, D.G. The diatoms. Biology & morphology of the genera. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. for subordinal taxa, except for genera published subsequently to this work. To account for the species distribution in Brazil and the State of São Paulo, literature with illustrations or sufficient taxonomic description of the species were considered.

Diatom quantification was made at 1000× magnification using a Zeiss Axioskop 2 microscope. At least 400 valves were counted per slide ( Battarbee, 1986 BATTARBEE, R.W. Diatom analysis. In: B.E. BERGLUND, ed. Handbook of holocene paleoecology and paleohydrology. London: Wiley & Sons, 1986, pp. 527-570. ) with a minimum sampling efficiency of 90% ( Pappas & Stoermer, 1996 PAPPAS, J. and STOERMER, E.F. Quantitative method for determining a representative algal sample count. Journal of Phycology, 1996, 32(4), 693-696.
). Species abundances were calculated and expressed as a percentage of the total diatom count in each sample.

All slides used for diatom identification and enumeration were deposited at the “Herbário Científico do Estado Maria Eneyda P. Kauffmann Fidalgo” (SP), São Paulo State Department of Environment, Brazil.

2.4. Statistical analyses

We used the unimodal-based method based on Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) by checking the length of the first DCA axis (length of gradient 2.5) ( Birks, 2010 BIRKS, H.J.B. Numerical methods for the analysis of diatom assemblage data. In: J.P. SMOL and E.F. STOERMER, eds. The Diatoms: applications for the environmental and earth sciences. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp. 23-54.
). Final ordination was based on a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) in order to extract major gradients among combinations of explanatory variables in a dataset. We used a stepwise function selection to obtain a subset of explanatory variables from the set of all variables available for the constrained ordination. We further performed a PERMANOVA two-way for two different groups: (i) reservoirs and (ii) habitats (surface sediments and phytoplankton for both seasons) in order to evaluate which factor structures the diatom community.

We downweighted our data of rare species by applying a 2% cut off on the relative abundance and eliminated all taxa occurring in less than two samples, because individual samples with rare species may distort the results of the analyses ( Birks, 2010 BIRKS, H.J.B. Numerical methods for the analysis of diatom assemblage data. In: J.P. SMOL and E.F. STOERMER, eds. The Diatoms: applications for the environmental and earth sciences. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp. 23-54.
). Also, much of the observed species were rare and composed singletons making the species richness very high, consequently obstructing the taxonomic identification. The environmental variables were standardized and species abundances were Hellinger-transformed. Hellinger distance is the recommended measure for clustering or ordinating species abundance data ( Legendre & Gallagher, 2001 LEGENDRE, P. and GALLAGHER, E.D. Ecologically meaningful transformations for ordination of species data. Oecologia, 2001, 129(2), 271-280. PMid:28547606.
). Diatom names were coded according to the OMNIDIA software ( Lecointe et al., 1993 LECOINTE, C., COSTE, M. and PRYGIEL, J. “Omnidia”: software for taxonomy, calculation of diatom indices and inventories management. Hydrobiologia , 1993, 269-270(1), 509-513. ...

Ordination techniques were performed in software R v. 3.0.2 ( R Core Team, 2014 R CORE TEAM. R: A language and environment for statistical computing [software]. Vienna: The R Foundation, 2014. ) with the vegan package ( Oksanen et al., 2016 OKSANEN, J., BLANCHET, G.F., KINDT, R., LEGENDRE, P., O’HARA, R.B., GAVIN, L., SIMPSON, P.S., HENRY, M., STEVENS, H. and WAGNER, H. Vegan: community ecology package. R package version 2.3-5 [online]. Vienna: The R Foundation, 2016 [viewed 8 May 2013]. Available from:

3. Results

3.1. Taxonomy

A total of 28 species of diatoms belonging to 20 genera was identified for the planktonic and surface sediments communities of the six sampled reservoirs. Only three species ( Discostella stelligera (Cleve & Grunow) Houk & Klee, Aulacoseira tenella (Nygaard) Simonsen and Spicaticribra kingstonii J.R.Johansen, Kociolek & R.L.Lowe were considered dominant (> 50% in relative abundance) ( Figures 2 A, B and C) and three groups of potential water quality indicators were delineated ( Figure 3 ). Identification was carried out to species level in 27 cases and to genus level in 2 cases. Morphometric data for the studied diatom species are offered in Table 2 , and illustrated in Figures 4 - 132 . Humidophila biscutella (Gerd Moser, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin) R.L.Lowe et al. is reported for the first time in Brazil ( Table 2 , preceded by an asterisk**). Sellaphora sassiana (Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot) C.E.Wetzel and Humidophila brekkaensis (J.B.Petersen) R.L.Lowe et al. were reported for the first time in São Paulo State ( Table 2 , preceded by an asterisk*).

Figure 2
Distribution in samples and relative abundance of diatoms (coded according to OMNIDIA) from Cachoeira da Fumaça (FU), Cachoeira do França (FR), Jurupará (JP), Salto do Iporanga (SI), Serraria (SE) and Paineiras (PI) reservoirs. (A) Phytoplankton (summer), (B) Phytoplankton (winter) and (C) Surface Sediment. The numbers refer to the sampling stations.
Figure 3
CCA ordination biplots of the Cachoeira da Fumaça (FU), Cachoeira do França (FR), Jurupará (JP), Salto do Iporanga (SI), Serraria (SE) and Paineiras (PI) reservoirs (A) and phytoplankton (summer and winter) and surface sediment. Confidence ellipses (α = 0.95) shown. Coded according to Table 2 .
Table 2
List of diatom taxa identified from the reservoirs (>2% relative abundance). Morphometric and meristic limits and ecology according to the literature. D: diameter (µm); L: length (µm); W: width (µm); SH: semi cell height (µm); S: striae in 10 µm; A: areolae in 10 µm; LN: lineolae in 10 µm.
Figures 4-53
Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs (São Paulo, Brazil). LM views. 4-8. Aulacoseira pusilla. 9-12. Aulacoseira tenella. 13-16. Discostella stelligera. 17-21. Cyclotella cf. meneghiniana. 22-26. Spicaticribra kingstonii. 27-29. Melosira varians. 30-33. Discostella stelligera, initial cells. 34-35. Aulacoseira granulata . 36-37. Aulacoseira ambigua. 38-39. Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima. 40-42. Fragilaria billingsii. 43-44. Fragilaria fusa. 45-47. Fragilaria longifusiformis subsp. eurofusiformis Lange-Bertalot & S.Ulrich. 48-51. Eunotia waimiriorum. 52-53. Cocconeis cf. lineata. 52. Raphe valve. 53. Rapheless valve. Scale bar: 10 µm.
Figures 54-96
Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs (São Paulo, Brazil). LM views. 54-56. Staurosira construens. 57-61. Achnanthidium sp. 57-58. Raphe valve. 59-60. Rapheless valve. 61. Girdle view. 62-64. Achnanthidium tropicocatenatum. 62. Raphe valve. 63. Rapheless valve. 64. Girdle view. 65-69. Humidophila brekkaensis . 69. Girdle views. 70-72. Frustulia crassinervia. 73-75. Brachysira microcephala. 76-77. Geissleria punctifera . 78-79. Navicula notha. Figs 80-83. Sellaphora sassiana . 84-86. Encyonopsis subminuta. 87-89. Encyonema sp. 90-93. Encyonema neomesianum. 90. Girdle view. 94-96. Gomphonema naviculoides. Scale bar: 10 µm.
Figures 97-109
Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs (São Paulo, Brazil). SEM views. 97-98. Discostella stelligera. 97. External valve view with details of the convex central area. 98. Internal valve view with convex central area and alveolate stellate pattern. Note marginal fultoportulae between every costae. 99, 102. Spicaticribra rudis. 99. External valve view with larger central areolae. Note position of rimoportula (arrow r) and fultoportulae (arrow f). 102. Internal valve view. Note position of rimoportula (arrow r) and fultoportulae (arrow f). 100-101, 103-104. Aulacoseira tenella. 100. External valve view. Flat valve face with small areolae. 101. Frustule in girdle view showing the straight, inclined to the right (dextrorse) areolae. 103. Internal valve view. 104. Detail of the mantle areolae and very short spines. 105-106. Aulacoseira pusilla . 105. External girdle view. Note the short spines located at the end of each two pervalvar costae. 106. Valve face. 107. Humidophila biscutella . External valve view. 108. Aulacoseira granulata. Valve view of the terminal cell of chain and a very long spine. 109. Aulacoseira ambigua . Girdle view of two valves. Note the fascia. Scale bars: Figs 97-101, 104-106: 5 µm; Figs 102-107: 2 µm; Figs 108, 109: 10 µm.
Figures 110-122
Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs (São Paulo, Brazil). SEM. 110. Fragilaria longifusiformis subsp . eurofusiformis Lange-Bertalot & S.Ulrich. Internal valve view. 111-112. Humidophila brekkaensis. 111. Internal valve view. 112. External valve view. 113-116. Achnanthidium sp. 113. Girdle view. Fig. 114. External view of raphe valve. Fig. 115. External view of rapheless valve. Fig. 116. Internal view of rapheless valve. 117-119. Achnanthidium tropicocatenatum . 117. Girdle view. 118. External view of rapheless valve. 119. Internal view of raphe valve. 120. Cocconeis cf. lineata. External view of rapheless valve. Fig. 121. Eunotia waimiriorum. Internal valve view. 122. Staurosira construens. Internal valve view. Scale bars: Figs 110, 120: 10 µm; Figs 111, 112, 119, 121, 122: 5 µm; Figs 113, 115, 117, 118: 2 µm; Fig. 114: 4 µm; Fig. 116: 1 µm.
Figures 123-132
Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs (São Paulo, Brazil). SEM views. 123. Brachysira microcephala. Internal valve view. 124. Sellaphora sassiana. External valve view. 125, 128. Frustulia crassinervia. 125. External valve view. 128. Internal valve view. 126. Encyonopsis subminuta. External valve view. 127. Geissleria punctifera. Internal valve view. 129. Navicula notha. Internal valve view. 130-131. Encyonema sp. 130. External valve view. 131. Internal valve view. 132. Encyonema neomesianum. External valve view. Scale bars: Figs 123, 126, 127, 129-131: 5 µm; Fig. 124: 1 µm; Figs 125, 132: 10 µm; Fig. 128: 2 µm.

3.2. Canonical correspondence analysis

The CCA biplot with the selected variables are illustrated in Figure 3 . PERMANOVA two-way analysis showed significant among-group differences both among reservoirs and habitats (F=5.36; P>0.05) and habitats (F=4.98; P>0.05). Habitat: reservoirs interaction values were non-significant (F=0.88; P<0.5).

The stepwise selection of environmental variables retained six significant variables in decreasing importance, which influenced diatom distribution: TP, conductivity, pH, SSR, Secchi and TN. These variables accounted for about 36% of the biological variation in the first two CCA axes. The intraset correlations indicated that TP and conductivity were the most significant contributors to axis 1, whereas pH and Secchi were the most significant contributors to axis 2.

There was a trend in the separation of the sites according to the hydrological connectivity between the rivers of the systems ( Figure 3 A), and the ordination plot distinguished four main groups: the first group was represented by reservoirs located at the same watercourse (Cachoeira do França, Serraria and Cachoeira da Fumaça). This group had the highest abundance of Spicaticribra kingstonii (Figures 22-26, 99,102), Staurosira construens Ehrenberg (Figures 54-56, 122), Cyclotella cf. meneghiniana Kützing, Discostella stelligera (Figures 13-16, 97-98) Brachysira microcephala (Grunow) Compère (Figures 73-75 123 ), Gomphonema naviculoides W.Smith (Figures 94-96), Achnanthidium tropicocatenatum Marquardt, C.E.Wetzel & Ector (Figures 62-64, 117-119), Encyonema sp. (Figures 87-89, 130-131), Fragilaria billingsii Wengrat, C.E.Wetzel & E.Morales (Figures 40-42), Eunotia waimiriorum C.E.Wetzel (Figures 48-51, 121) and Aulacoseira tenella (Figures 9-12, 100-101, 103-104), correlated to the Secchi vector, to the plankton during the summer and to the surface sediments habitat.

The second group was composed of the Salto do Iporanga reservoir especially associated with the highest values of conductivity, TP, pH and soluble reactive silica (SRS). Regardless of the habitat, the most correlated species in this group were the benthic ones: Achnanthidium sp. (Figures 57-61, 113-116), Cocconeis cf. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck (Figures 52-53, 120), Humidophila brekkaensis (Figures 65-69, 111-112), H. biscutella (Figure 107), Navicula notha J.H.Wallace (Figures 78-79, 129), Melosira varians C.Agardh (Figures 27-29) and Geissleria punctifera (Hustedt) Metzeltin et al. (Figures 76-77, 127).

Finally, the third group featured in the biplot consisted mainly of the Jurupará and Paineiras reservoirs, which were correlated to the total nitrogen (NT) vector and lowest conductivity and Secchi values. The associated species in this group were Cyclotella cf. meneghiniana (Figures 17-21), Aulacoseira ambigua (Grunow) Simonsen (Figures 36-37, 109), A. granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen (Figures 34-35, A. pusilla (F.Meister) Tuji & Houki ( Figures 4-8, 105-106), A. granulata var. angustissima (O.Müller) Simonsen (Figures 38-39, 108), Sellaphora sassiana (Figures 80-83, 124), Encyonopsis subminuta Krammer & E.Reichardt (Figures 84-86, 126), Encyonema neomesianum Krammer (Figures 90-93, 132), Fragilaria longifusiformis subsp. eurofusiformis Lange-Bertalot & S.Ulrich (Figures 45-47, 110 ), Fragilaria fusa (R.M.Patrick) Wengrat, C.E.Wetzel & E.Morales (Figures 43-44) and Frustulia crassinervia (Brébisson ex Smith) Lange-Bertalot & Krammer (Figures 70-72, 125, 128). These species are known for their planktonic habit and they showed the greatest relative abundance during the winter, in which the water column is in a mixing regime.

4. Discussion

Studies about limnological characteristics for the studied region are extremely rare, especially those considering seasonal and spatial influence. Most of them are restricted to reports on water sources that focus on the characterization of the conservation unit ( CETEC, 2000 CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO DA FUNDAÇÃO PAULISTA DE TECNOLOGIA E EDUCAÇÃO – CETEC. Diagnóstico da situação dos recursos hídricos do Ribeira de Iguape e Litoral Sul -UGRHI-11 [online]. São Paulo: CETEC, 2000 [viewed 8 May 2013]. Available from:
) and to the PEJU Management Plan (Fundação Florestal do Estado de São Paulo), which covers the water sources inserted in the Park area. Among others, there are some studies regarding the surface water quality (Cetesb, Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo) besides reports organized by the Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA), which operates eight plants in the Ribeira de Iguape basin. Concerning the Paineiras reservoir, only one survey was found: an unpublished doctoral dissertation whose theme is the adaptation of the fish assembly index in reservoirs along the Turvo River (SP) ( Ferreira, 2011 FERREIRA, F.C. Adaptação do índice de assembléia de peixes em Reservatórios (IAPR) às áreas das PCH’s - usinas Batista e Jorda flor, rio turvo (SP) [Tese de Doutorado]. Rio Claro: Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2011. ).

The currently measured limnological characteristics of the reservoirs indicate that the systems are under relatively protected conditions, with low anthropogenic impact, promoted by their insertion in the PEJU preservation area. Low concentrations of nutrients in their dissolved forms as well as TN and TP values measured in this study are typical of oligotrophic and mesotrophic environments ( Tundisi, 2006 TUNDISI, J.G. Novas perspectivas para a gestão de recursos hídricos. Revista USP, 2006, 70, 24-35.
; Vercellino & Bicudo, 2006 VERCELLINO, I.S. and BICUDO, D.C. Sucessão da comunidade de algas perifíticas em reservatório oligotrófico tropical (São Paulo, Brasil): comparação entre período seco e chuvoso. Revista Brasileira de Botanica. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2006, 29(3), 363-377.
). However, despite the nutrients played an important role in the diatom community variation, the hydrological connectivity role should not be neglected.

According to the currently calculated TSI, reservoirs in the same watercourse included in the first group showed a better water quality (ultraoligotrophic and oligotrophic) when compared to the second and third groups (mostly mesotrophic) ( Table 1 ). However, it is important to note that there was not a large trophic gradient in the study area, and these eutrophic sites are probably a result of the system anthropic management during the sampling period.

Regarding ecological preference trends of species, our results agree with those found in the literature, with most of the species having been reported in Brazilian reservoirs and oligotrophic environments. Occurring on Cachoeira do França, Cachoeira da Fumaça and Serraria reservoirs (first group), Achnanthidium tropicocatenatum was found in alkaline waters of good quality and with low electrolyte content ( Marquardt et al., 2017b MARQUARDT, G.C., COSTA, L.F., BICUDO, D.C., BICUDO, C.E.M., BLANCO, S., WETZEL, C.E. and ECTOR, L. Type analysis of Achnanthidium minutissimum and A. catenatum and description of A. tropicocatenatum sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a common species in Brazilian reservoirs. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 2017b, 150(3), 313-330.
). Because of the wide morphological variation, the Spicaticribra kingstonii species complex might be a species flock ( Tuji et al., 2012 TUJI, A., LEELAHAKRIENGKRAI, P. and PEERAPORNPISAL, Y. Distribution and phylogeny of Spicaticribra kingstonii-rudis species complex. Memoirs of the National Science Museum National Science, 2012, 48, 139-148. ). Also, S. rudis is frequently reported to the Brazilian southern, southeastern and northeastern regions, found in high temperatures and low conductivity waters ( Ludwig et al., 2008 LUDWIG, T.A.V., TREMARIN, P.I., BECKER, V. and TORGA, L.C. Thalassiosira rudis sp. nov. (Coscinodiscophyceae): a new freshwater species. Diatom Research , 2008, 23(2), 389-399.
); this species occurred in the mesotrophic Paraitinga reservoir ( Rocha, 2012 ROCHA, A.C.R. Influência do hábitat e estado trófico na biodiverisdade e distribuição das diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) em reservatórios da sub-bacia do Alto Rio Tietê, São Paulo [Tese de Doutorado]. Rio Claro: Universidade Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Biociências de Rio Claro, 2012. ), and was abundant in the ultra-oligotrophic Jaguari reservoir ( Nascimento, 2012 NASCIMENTO, M.N. Biodiversidade e distribuição das diatomáceas planctônicas e de sedimento superficial em represa profunda oligotrófica (Sistema Cantareira, Represa Jaguari-Jacareí) [Dissertação de Mestrado]. São Paulo: Instituto de Botânica da Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente, 2012. ) as well those located along the Paranapanema River ( Fontana & Bicudo, 2009 FONTANA, L. and BICUDO, D.C. Diatomáceas (Bacillariophyceae) de sedimentos superficiais dos reservatórios em cascata do Rio Paranapanema (SP/PR, Brasil): Coscinodiscophyceae e Fragilariophyceae. Hoehnea, 2009, 36(3), 375-386.
). Also, Staurosira construens is considered an alkaliphilous and meso-eutraphentic taxon (van Dam et al., 1994 VAN DAM, H., MERTENS, A. and SINKELDAM, J. A coded checklist and ecological indicator values of freshwater diatoms from The Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology , 1994, 28(1), 117-133. ...
; Morales, 2006 MORALES, E.A. Staurosira incerta (Bacillariophyceae) a new fragilarioid taxon from freshwater systems in the United States with comments on the structure of girdle bands in Staurosira Ehrenberg and Staurosirella Williams et Round. In: N. OGNJANOVA-RUMENOVA and K. MANOYLOV, eds. Advances in phycological studies. Festschrift in honour of Prof. Dobrina Temniskova-Topalova. Sofia-Moscow: Pensoft Publishers & University Publishing House, 2006, pp. 133-145. ), registered in the plankton and periphyton in rivers from the Southern region of Brazil (e.g. Flôres et al., 1999 FLÔRES, T.L., MOREIRA-FILHO, H. and LUDWIG, T.A.V. Contribuição ao inventário florístico das diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) do Banhado de Taim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: II. Fragilariaceae. Insula , 1999, 28, 167-187. ; Landucci & Ludwig, 2005 LANDUCCI, M. and LUDWIG, T.A.V. Diatomáceas de rios da bacia hidrográfica Litorânea, PR, Brasil: Coscinodiscophyceae e Fragilariophyceae. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2005, 19(2), 345-357.
) besides an oligotrophic reservoir in São Paulo State ( Barbosa, 2012 BARBOSA, V.S. Ecologia de diatomáceas do Reservatório Cabuçu, Guarulhos, SP-qualidade da água, sazonalidade e correlação com parâmetros físicos e químicos. Revista Geociências, 2012, 11(1), 5-18. ). A further species related to the first group, Discostella stelligera is considered tolerant to nutrient enrichment ( Stoermer, 1978 STOERMER, E.F. Diatoms from the Great Lakes. I. Rare or poorly known species of the genera Diploneis, Oestrupia, and Stauroneis. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 1978, 4(2), 170-177.
). In Brazilian reservoirs, the species was recorded by Faustino et al. (2016) FAUSTINO, S.B., FONTANA, L., BARTOZEK, E.C.R., BICUDO, C.E.M. and BICUDO, D.C. Composition and distribution of diatom assemblages from core and surface sediments of a water supply reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 2016, 16(2), e20150129.
in the Guarapiranga reservoir in mesotrophic to super-eutrophic conditions in 37% of samples. Recent studies suggested that this taxon is part of a key group of diatoms that are frequently dominant members of phytoplankton communities in low to moderate-productivity lakes, and that processes that modify light availability (such as water transparence and water column stability) and nutrient concentration are likely to play a major role in controlling the growth of small centric diatoms in Arctic lakes ( Saros & Anderson, 2015 SAROS, J.E. and ANDERSON, N.J. The ecology of the planktonic diatom Cyclotella and its implications for global environmental change studies. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2015, 90(2), 522-541. PMid:24917134. ...
). In addition, Gomphonema naviculoides is particularly prevalent in the Tropics and also in North America; to date, this species has been identified as G. gracile Ehrenberg ( Reichardt, 2015 REICHARDT, E. Gomphonema gracile Ehrenberg sensu stricto et sensu auct. (Bacillariophyceae): A taxonomic revision. Nova Hedwigia, 2015, 101(3-4), 367-393.
). According to the latest revision of the complex involving Gomphonema gracile , the species tolerates low salt concentration ( Reichardt, 2015 REICHARDT, E. Gomphonema gracile Ehrenberg sensu stricto et sensu auct. (Bacillariophyceae): A taxonomic revision. Nova Hedwigia, 2015, 101(3-4), 367-393.
). Aulacoseira tenella, typically associated with oligotrophic and oligo-mesotrophic reservoirs ( Bicudo et al., 2016 BICUDO, D.C., TREMARIN, P.I., ALMEIDA, P.D., ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, S., WENGRAT, S., FAUSTINO, S.B., COSTA, L.F., BARTOZEK, E.C.R., ROCHA, A.C.R., BICUDO, C.E.M. and MORALES, E.A. Ecology and distribution of Aulacoseira species (Bacillariophyta) in tropical reservoirs from Brazil. Diatom Research, 2016, 31(3), 199-215.
), has been recorded in Brazil lotic ecosystems ( Landucci & Ludwig, 2005 LANDUCCI, M. and LUDWIG, T.A.V. Diatomáceas de rios da bacia hidrográfica Litorânea, PR, Brasil: Coscinodiscophyceae e Fragilariophyceae. Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2005, 19(2), 345-357.
), with low conductivity reservoirs ( Raupp et al., 2006 RAUPP, S.V., TORGAN, L.C. and BAPTISTA, L.R.M. Composição e variação temporal de diatomáceas (Bacillariophyta) no plâncton da represa de Canastra, sul do Brasil. Iheringia. Série Botânica, 2006, 61(1-2), 105-134. ; Eskinazi-Leça et al., 2010 ESKINAZI-LEÇA, E., CUNHA, M.G.G.C., SANTIAGO, M.F., BORGES, G.C.P., LIMA, J.M.C., SILVA, M.H., LIMA, J.P. and MENEZES, M. Bacillariophyceae. In: R.C. FORZZA, J.F.A. BAUMGRATZ, C.E.M. BICUDO, A.A. CARVALHO JÚNIOR, A. COSTA, D.P. COSTA, M. HOPKINS, P.M. LEITMAN, L.G. LOHMANN, L.C. MAIA, G. MARTINELLI, M. MENEZES, M.P. MORIM, M.A.N. COELHO, A.L. PEIXOTO, J.R. PIRANI, J. PRADO, L.P. QUEIROZ, V.C. SOUZA, J.R. STEHMANN, L.S. SYLVESTRE, B.M.T. WALTER and D. ZAPPI, eds. Catálogo de plantas e fungos do Brasil. Vol. 1. Rio de Janeiro: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio, Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, 2010, pp. 262-309. ; Silva et al., 2010 SILVA, A.M., LUDWIG, T.A.V., TREMARIN, P.I. and VERCELLINO, I.S. Diatomáceas perifíticas em um sistema eutrófico brasileiro (Reservatório do Iraí, estado do Paraná). Acta Botanica Brasílica, 2010, 24(4), 997-1016.
; Nascimento, 2012 NASCIMENTO, M.N. Biodiversidade e distribuição das diatomáceas planctônicas e de sedimento superficial em represa profunda oligotrófica (Sistema Cantareira, Represa Jaguari-Jacareí) [Dissertação de Mestrado]. São Paulo: Instituto de Botânica da Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente, 2012. ), as well as in acidophilic ( Camburn & Charles, 2000 CAMBURN, K.E. and CHARLES, D.F. Diatoms of low-alkalinity lakes in the Northeastern United States. Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2000, 152 p. Special Publication, 18. ) and oligotrophic environments ( Siver & Kling, 1997 SIVER, P.A. and KLING, H. Morphological observations of Aulacoseira using scanning electron microscopy. Canadian Journal of Botany, 1997, 75(11), 1807-1835. ...
). Fragilaria billingsii is commonly found in São Paulo State reservoirs, living in slightly acidic waters with moderate to high nutrient enrichment ( Wengrat et al., 2016 WENGRAT, S., MORALES, E.A., WETZEL, C.E., ALMEIDA, P.D., ECTOR, L. and BICUDO, D.C. Taxonomy and ecology of Fragilaria billingsii sp. nov. and analysis of type material of Synedra rumpens var. fusa (Fragilariaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Brazil. Phytotaxa, 2016, 270(3), 191-202.
). Finally, Eunotia waimiriorum is a common colonial planktonic diatom from oligotrophic pristine rivers and streams in the Amazon hydrographical basin ( Wetzel et al., 2010 WETZEL, C.E., ECTOR, L., HOFFMANN, L. and BICUDO, D.C. Colonial planktonic Eunotia (Bacillariophyceae) from Brazilian Amazon: Taxonomy and biogeographical considerations on the E. asterionelloides species complex. Nova Hedwigia , 2010, 91(1-2), 49-86.

Among the diatoms related to the Salto do Iporanga reservoir (second group), Navicula notha is considered a cosmopolitan species, present in oligotrophic environments with low conductivity, slightly acid to near neutral water ( Lange-Bertalot, 2001 LANGE-BERTALOT, H. Navicula sensu stricto. 10 Genera separated from Navicula sensu lato. Frustulia. In: H. LANGE-BERTALOT, ed. Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats . Ruggell: A.R.G Gantner Verlag K. G., 2001, pp. 1-526. ). Geissleria punctifera was considered tolerant to the pollution conditions on rivers and streams in Maringá (Paraná State, Brazil), and was an abundant periphytic diatom in three streams with different anthropic influences ( Moresco et al., 2011 MORESCO, C., TREMARIN, P.I., LUDWIG, T.A.V. and RODRIGUES, L. Diatomáceas perifíticas abundantes em três córregos com diferentes ações antrópicas em Maringá, PR, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Botanica. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2011, 34(3), 359-373.
). Centric diatoms as Melosira varians prefer low light availability conditions. This species is frequent and abundant in environments with vertical column mixing water ( Reynolds et al., 2002 REYNOLDS, C.S., HUSZAR, V., KRUK, C., NASELLI-FLORES, L. and MELO, S. Towards a functional classification of the freshwater phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research , 2002, 24(5), 417-428.
), and has high nutrient requirements and high disturbance tolerance ( B-Béres et al., 2014 B-BÉRES, V., TÖRÖK, P., KÓKAI, Z., KRASZNAI, E.T., TÓTHMÉRÉSZ, B. and BÁCSI, I. Ecological diatom guilds are useful but not sensitive enough as indicators of extremely changing water regimes. Hydrobiologia, 2014, 738(1), 191-204.

Humidophila brekkaensis is reported for the first time in São Paulo State, and had strong correlation to the pH and conductivity vectors. This species was registered in lotic environments from southern Brazil ( Oliveira et al., 2002 OLIVEIRA, M.A., TORGAN, L.C. and RODRIGUES, S.C. Diatomáceas perifíticas dos arroios Sampaio e Sampainho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasílica , 2002, 16(2), 151-160.

Mostly taxa correlated to the Jurupará and Paineiras reservoirs (third group) were ‘araphid’ and ‘centric’ ones. Our studies corroborate Bicudo et al. (2016) BICUDO, D.C., TREMARIN, P.I., ALMEIDA, P.D., ZORZAL-ALMEIDA, S., WENGRAT, S., FAUSTINO, S.B., COSTA, L.F., BARTOZEK, E.C.R., ROCHA, A.C.R., BICUDO, C.E.M. and MORALES, E.A. Ecology and distribution of Aulacoseira species (Bacillariophyta) in tropical reservoirs from Brazil. Diatom Research, 2016, 31(3), 199-215.
in an ecological study focused on Aulacoseira from São Paulo State. In this study, species such as Aulacoseira ambigua and A. granulata were also associated to the water mixing and low light conditions ( Houk, 2003 HOUK, V. Atlas of freshwater centric diatoms with a brief key and descriptions. Part I. Melosiraceae, Orthoseiraceae, Paraliaceae and Aulacoseiraceae. Czech Phycology , 2003, 1, 1-27. Supplement. 41 pls. ; Taylor et al., 2007 TAYLOR, J.C., PRYGIEL, J., VOSLOO, A., REY, P.A. and VAN RENSBURG, L. Can diatom-based pollution indices be used for biomonitoring in South Africa? A case study of the Crocodile West and Marico water management area. Hydrobiologia, 2007, 592(1), 455-464.
) showing higher abundances in colder (winter), slightly acid waters. In the same way, A. granulata var. angustissima was associated to environments with higher TN concentration. The araphid Fragilaria longifusiformis subsp. Eurofusiformis is distributed in freshwater localities in at least two continents from the northern hemisphere, including ponds, lakes, reservoirs and rivers over a wide range of trophic conditions ( Morales & Manoylov, 2006 MORALES, E.A. and MANOYLOV, K.M. Morphological studies on selected taxa in the genus Staurosirella Williams et Round (Bacillariophyceae) from rivers in North America. Diatom Research, 2006, 21(2), 343-364.
). In USA, latter taxa were lacking from the most acidic habitats in both regions, and were most often observed in relatively dilute waters with a specific conductivity below 200 μS cm−1 ( Morales & Manoylov, 2006 MORALES, E.A. and MANOYLOV, K.M. Morphological studies on selected taxa in the genus Staurosirella Williams et Round (Bacillariophyceae) from rivers in North America. Diatom Research, 2006, 21(2), 343-364.
). Finally, Frustulia crassinervia, considered a species that occurs in oligotrophic environments (van Dam et al., 1994 VAN DAM, H., MERTENS, A. and SINKELDAM, J. A coded checklist and ecological indicator values of freshwater diatoms from The Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology , 1994, 28(1), 117-133. ...
) is a characteristic member of phytobenthos in acid, peaty waters (such as Sphagnum bogs), and many ephemeral habitats (Krammer & Lange Bertalot, 1986 KRAMMER, K. and LANGE-BERTALOT, H. Bacillariophyceae 1. Teil: Naviculaceae. In: H. ETTL, J. GERLOFF, H. HEYNIG and D. MOLLENHAUER, eds. Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1986, pp. 1-876. ; Round et al., 1990 ROUND, F.E., CRAWFORD, R.M. and MANN, D.G. The diatoms. Biology & morphology of the genera. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990. ; Veselá et al., 2012 VESELÁ, J., URBÁNKOVÁ, P., ČERNÁ, K. and NEUSTUPA, J. Ecological variation within traditional diatom morphospecies: diversity of Frustulia rhomboides sensu lato (Bacillariophyceae) in European freshwater habitats. Phycologia, 2012, 51(5), 552-561. ...
). Encyonema neomesianum, widely reported in São Paulo State ( Marquardt & Bicudo, 2014 MARQUARDT, G.C. and BICUDO, C.E.M. Criptógamos do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP. Algas 36: Bacillariophyceae (Cymbellales). Hoehnea , 2014, 41(2), 209-246.
), is considered an oligotrophic taxon, with an optimum in alkaline waters ( Moro & Fürstenberger, 1997 MORO, R.S. and FÜRSTENBERGER, C.B. Catálogo dos principais parâmetros ecológicos de diatomáceas não-marinhas. Ponta Grossa: Editora da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, 1997. ).

It is important to note that despite the limited understanding from theory of how factors interact to affect species distribution, there are two important aspects of the landscape spatial structure susceptible to impact the strength of species-sorting: the connectivity matrix (i.e. the spatial arrangement among localities and dispersal rate among them) and the environmental heterogeneity (i.e. variance and range of environmental conditions and their spatial autocorrelation) ( Ai et al., 2013 AI, D., GRAVEL, D., CHU, C. and WANG, G. Spatial structures of the environment and of dispersal impact species distribution in competitive metacommunities. PLoS One , 2013, 8(7), e68927. PMid:23874815.
). Approaches concerning the significance of relationships among the biological, environmental and spatial datasets in the systems currently studied can be found in Marquardt et al. (2017a) MARQUARDT, G.C., BLANCO, S. and BICUDO, C.E.M. Distance decay as a descriptor of the diatom compositional variation in tropical reservoirs. Marine & Freshwater Research , 2017a, 69(1), 105-113. ...

5. Conclusions

This study provided new information on the ecology and distribution of tropical diatoms. Three potential water quality indicator diatom groups were outlined, which indicated oligotrophic conditions, water mixing with low light conditions, and species with higher nutrient requirements occurring in higher conductivity and pH waters, in agreement with those already reported in the literature. We reinforce the Parque Estadual do Jurupará (PEJU, Jurupará State Park) importance for the ecological quality maintenance of the reservoirs and reference conditions for the São Paulo Metropolitan Region water sources.


This study was carried out within the framework of the AcquaSed project supported by funds from FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, grant nº 2009/53898-9), and was undertaken as part of GCM thesis at the Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, Brazil (FAPESP doctoral fellowship nº 2013/10314-2). CEMB thanks CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) for Research Fellowship (nº 305031/2016-3). We deeply appreciate the valuable assistance of personnel from the Votorantim Energia for their valuable logistical support during the fieldwork.

  • Cite as: Marquardt, G.C. et al. Diatom assemblages (Bacillariophyta) in six tropical reservoirs from southeast Brazil: species composition and spatial and temporal variation patterns. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2018, vol. 30, e201.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 Nov 2018
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    07 June 2017
  • Accepted
    22 Feb 2018
Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil