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Perioperative Nutritional Optimization in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: When and How?


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), are commonly associated with important changes in nutritional status (NS). Both malnutrition and obesity have a negative impact on the course of both diseases, with greater risks of postoperative complications, such as anastomotic dehiscences, reoperations, prolonged hospitalizations, and increased mortality. The diagnostic criteria for identifying individuals at nutritional risk, with clear indication for preoperative nutritional therapy, involves several factors. Oral nutrition should be the first choice of nutritional support. If the patient has difficulty in consuming food, the enteral route is the second option, through elementary (amino acids), semi-elementary (oligopeptides), or polymeric (whole proteins) formulas. When oral or enteral routes are not indicated (in the presence of intestinal obstruction or ischemia, fistula, or bleeding), total parenteral nutrition can meet the daily nutritional needs of the critically ill patient. Nutritional support can be performed exclusively or in an associated way, which will depend on the nutritional severity of the patient with IBD. Nutritional screening should be performed at all stages of the disease, always individually and with professionals with experience in IBD. The reduction of complications in the perioperative period is not only associated with adequate surgical technique, but also with adequate nutritional support and clinical preparation before surgery. Therefore, the dietitian with a focus in IBD has an important role in the multidisciplinary team, collaborating with all stages of treatment and with the optimization of the nutritional status of the surgical patient.

inflammatory bowel diseases; nutritional optimization; perioperarive nutrition


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), are commonly associated with important changes in nutritional status (NS). Preoperative nutritional therapy aims to control symptoms, as well as to prevent and correct malnutrition.11 Brennan GT, Ha I, Hogan C, et al. Does preoperative enteral or parenteral nutrition reduce postoperative complications in Crohn's disease patients: a meta-analysis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;30(09):997-100222 Balestrieri P, Ribolsi M, Guarino MPL, Emerenziani S, Altomare A, Cicala M. Nutritional aspects of inflammatory bowel disease. Nutrients 2020;12(02):1-11 Patients with CD and UC can have nutritional deficiencies, due to impaired nutrient absorption, mainly iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamin B12, B9, vitamins A, C, D and E, fatty acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates.33 Damas OM, Garces L, Abreu MT. Diet as Adjunctive Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Review and Update of the Latest Literature. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 2019;17(02):313-32544 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(03, Suppl 3):s1-s106 The British Society of Gastroenterology Consensus (2019) emphasizes that changes in body composition, with increased visceral fat and decreased lean mass, are frequent in patients with IBD, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, surgical complications, and the length of hospitalizations.44 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(03, Suppl 3):s1-s106

Both malnutrition and obesity have a negative impact on the course of both diseases, with greater risks of postoperative complications, such as anastomotic dehiscences, reoperations, prolonged hospitalizations, and increased mortality.55 Grass F, Pache B, Martin D, Hahnloser D, Demartines N, Hübner M. PreoperativeNutritionalConditioningofCrohn's Patients-Systematic Reviewof Current Evidence and Practice.Nutrients 2017;9(06):2-14

Although the main treatment for IBDs is based on medications, with corticosteroids, aminosalicylates, immunosuppressants, and biologics, surgery remains an important therapeutic option. Approximately 47% of patients with CD and 16% of patients with UC undergo one or more abdominal surgical procedures during the course of the disease.66 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-444 Yamamoto et al. (2019), in a case-control study, observed that postoperative infectious complications were more prevalent in patients who received biological agents with associated malnutrition when compared with those with preserved nutritional status.77 Yamamoto T, Shimoyama T, Umegae S, Kotze PG. Impact of preoperative nutritional status on the incidence rate of surgical complications in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with vs without preoperative biologic therapy: A case-control study. Clin Transl Gastroenterol 2019;10(06):e00050

Malnutrition is often identified preoperatively, and its causes are related to decreased food intake, malabsorption, and increased energy expenditure, especially during the phases of active disease.66 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-444

Patients with sarcopenia (a process of muscle mass loss that is characteristic of aging) generally have a greater need for blood transfusions, higher rates of sepsis, thromboembolic events, and worsening of the clinical status with admission to intensive care units (ICUs).66 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-444 Thus, sarcopenia is associated with worsening postoperative outcomes in patients with IBD.

Preoperative malnutrition increases the risk of complications, even more when associated with the use of biological agents. A case-control study compared 70 IBD patients using biologics up to 8 weeks preoperatively with 70 patients without previous exposure to biological therapy. The authors identified that 43% of patients using biologicals were malnourished, and, of those, 16% had postoperative complications, such as intra-abdominal abscesses, anastomotic and enterocutaneous fistulas, and wound infection. In the control group, 14% of the patients had some kind of complication.77 Yamamoto T, Shimoyama T, Umegae S, Kotze PG. Impact of preoperative nutritional status on the incidence rate of surgical complications in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with vs without preoperative biologic therapy: A case-control study. Clin Transl Gastroenterol 2019;10(06):e00050 Patients who use biological therapy usually have a more severe disease course; however, biologics are not considered the single cause related to higher postoperative morbidity, it is rather their association with risk factors such as malnutrition or previous steroids that causes these complications.

Thus, due to the clear association between malnutrition and increased postoperative complications in patients with IBD undergoing abdominal surgical treatment, there is a need to optimize the nutritional status whenever possible, aiming at reducing postoperative complications. The aim of this review is to detail the indications for preoperative nutritional therapy in patients with CD and UC as well as to discuss the best access routes and types of nutritional supplementation used, according to recent evidence from the literature.

When to Perform Nutritional Optimization?

Patients with IBD require screening for nutritional status in the preoperative period.44 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(03, Suppl 3):s1-s10666 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-444 Nutritional assessment based on objective parameters such as weight, percentage of weight loss in the last 6 months, body mass index (BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)22 Balestrieri P, Ribolsi M, Guarino MPL, Emerenziani S, Altomare A, Cicala M. Nutritional aspects of inflammatory bowel disease. Nutrients 2020;12(02):1-11), triceps skinfold measurement, and laboratory tests such as albumin and prealbumin are basic tools to provide an accurate nutritional diagnosis.44 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(03, Suppl 3):s1-s10688 Bn L, Parian A, LeM, et al. Dietary interventions for induction and maintenance of remission in inflammatory bowel disease. . (Review)Cochrane Libr 2019;2(02):1-83 The diagnostic criteria for identifying individuals at nutritional risk, with clear indication for preoperative nutritional therapy, involve nutritional risk screening (NRS) ≥ 3, or at least one of the following criteria: serum albumin deficit (< 3 g/dL), insufficient food intake for more than 5 days, BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2, and weight loss of 10 to 15% in 6 months.22 Balestrieri P, Ribolsi M, Guarino MPL, Emerenziani S, Altomare A, Cicala M. Nutritional aspects of inflammatory bowel disease. Nutrients 2020;12(02):1-1155 Grass F, Pache B, Martin D, Hahnloser D, Demartines N, Hübner M. PreoperativeNutritionalConditioningofCrohn's Patients-Systematic Reviewof Current Evidence and Practice.Nutrients 2017;9(06):2-1499 Grass F, Hübner M, Schäfer M, et al. Preoperative nutritional screening by the specialist instead of the nutritional risk score might prevent excess nutrition: a multivariate analysis of nutritional risk factors. Nutr J 2015;14(01):371010 Weimann A, Braga M, Carli F, et al. ESPEN guideline: Clinical nutrition in surgery. Clin Nutr 2017;36(03):623-6501111 Bischoff SC, Escher J, Hébuterne X, et al. ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Nutr 2020; 39(03):632-653 The perioperative nutrition screen (PONS) is another screening tool used to determine the nutritional risk indicators described above.1212 Wischmeyer PE, Carli F, Evans DC, et al; Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) 2 Workgroup. American Society for Enhanced recovery and perioperative quality initiative joint consensus statement on nutrition screening and therapy within a surgical enhanced recovery pathway. Anesth Analg 2018;126(06):1883-1895

According to the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) guidance (2020), the classification of IBD patients at risk of severe malnutrition should include the following criteria: weight loss between 10 and 15% in 6 months, BMI ≤ 18.5 Kg/m2, subjective global assessment (SGA) grade C or NRS ≥ 5 and serum albumin < 3 g/dL (with no evidence of kidney or liver dysfunction).1010 Weimann A, Braga M, Carli F, et al. ESPEN guideline: Clinical nutrition in surgery. Clin Nutr 2017;36(03):623-6501111 Bischoff SC, Escher J, Hébuterne X, et al. ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Nutr 2020; 39(03):632-653

The NRS is a method recommended by the ESPEN, and it aims at the early detection of nutritional risk in hospitalized patients. The NRS variables include unwanted weight loss (quantity and time), BMI for adults and weight percentile for height for children, appetite, chewing and swallowing capacity, gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting and diarrhea), factors of the underlying disease, stress, and the patient's clinical status. The classification of the NRS is based on low, moderate, or high risk of malnutrition, and, in patients at risk, a more detailed nutritional assessment is performed. The advantage of the NRS is that it can be applied by nurses and not just dietitians, other health professionals can apply this questionnaire, because of that, it covers a larger number of patients.1313 Araújo MAR, Lima LDS, Ornelas GC, Logrado MHG. Análise comparativa de diferentes métodos de triagem. Com Ciências Saúde. 2010;21(04):331-3421414 Nunes PP, Marshall NG. Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS 2002) como instrumento preditor de desfechos pós-operatórios em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias gastrointestinais. Rev Bras Nutr Clínica. 2015;30(02):120-125

The subjective global assessment (SGA) is a validated instrument for assessing the nutritional status of patients. It includes a history of weight loss in the 6 months prior to assessment, changes in the dietary pattern (degree of change), gastrointestinal symptoms (duration and intensity), metabolic demand for the underlying disease, change in functional capacity (level of muscle strength), and physical examination (assessment of subcutaneous fat loss, edema and/or ascites). The SGA classifies patients as nourished, moderately malnourished, or severely malnourished. It is a simple, cheap, and non-invasive method of evaluation that can be easily applied, so it is an instrument of high reproducibility, sensitivity, and specificity.1313 Araújo MAR, Lima LDS, Ornelas GC, Logrado MHG. Análise comparativa de diferentes métodos de triagem. Com Ciências Saúde. 2010;21(04):331-3421515 Junior Jde S, Castro T, Lima L, Batista F. Comparison of subjective global assessment and the new nutritional diagnosis proposed by ASPEN in surgical patients. BRASPEN J 2016;31 (04):305-310

According to the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization (ECCO) topical review (2020), plasma proteins, such as albumin, should not be used as markers of nutritional status in active IBD, due to impaired plasma concentration for the binding of vitamins to acute phase proteins, and the reduction of their hepatic production (albumin, transferrin), presence of infection and/or trauma. Therefore, the correction of micronutrient deficiency is the best approach to be performed in patients during the phases of disease activity.66 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-444

According to the British Society of Gastroenterology (2019), the correction of anemia in the preoperative period should also be performed, as it is associated with a reduction in the risk of intra-abdominal sepsis in the postoperative period, risk of intestinal obstruction, anastomotic dehiscence, pneumonia, and other infections, including those of the surgical site. Anemia treatment can be performed orally or preferably intravenously. Blood transfusions should be avoided whenever possible, as they contribute to increased risks for anastomotic complications, intra-abdominal abscess, and thromboembolic events.44 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(03, Suppl 3):s1-s106

As noted, there are multiple criteria for identifying malnutrition with repercussions in the perioperative period in patients with CD and UC, according to different societies and study groups on the subject. The definitions are the same for both diseases. We emphasize the importance of an adequate nutritional assessment in the preoperative period in a multidisciplinary fashion, and, whenever possible, patients with an indication for elective procedures must be instructed to perform proper preoperative optimization of the nutritional status, as described below.

How to Perform Nutritional Optimization?

Initially, nutritional management is based on increasing caloric intake, which may or not include oral nutritional supplements. The second strategy would be to perform enteral nutrition (EN), if possible, exclusively, for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. If use of the gastrointestinal tract is contraindicated, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) should be used.55 Grass F, Pache B, Martin D, Hahnloser D, Demartines N, Hübner M. PreoperativeNutritionalConditioningofCrohn's Patients-Systematic Reviewof Current Evidence and Practice.Nutrients 2017;9(06):2-1466 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-4441616 Stoner PL, Kamel A, Ayoub F, et al. Perioperative care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Focus on nutritional support. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2018;2018(7890161):7890161

The calorie intake recommended by ESPEN for patients with IBD is 25 to 30 Kcal/Kg/day and 1.5 g/Kg/day for protein requirements.1010 Weimann A, Braga M, Carli F, et al. ESPEN guideline: Clinical nutrition in surgery. Clin Nutr 2017;36(03):623-6501111 Bischoff SC, Escher J, Hébuterne X, et al. ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Nutr 2020; 39(03):632-6531717 Lakananurak N, Gramlich L. The role of preoperative parenteral nutrition. Nutrients 2020;12(05):1-13 The International Anesthesia Research Society (2018), on the other hand, recommends a protein supply above 1.2 g/Kg/day with the use of whey protein and casein, as they have a greater effect on muscle synthesis.1212 Wischmeyer PE, Carli F, Evans DC, et al; Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) 2 Workgroup. American Society for Enhanced recovery and perioperative quality initiative joint consensus statement on nutrition screening and therapy within a surgical enhanced recovery pathway. Anesth Analg 2018;126(06):1883-1895

Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN), either with elementary (amino acids), semi-elementary (oligopeptides), or polymeric (whole proteins) formulas, can be used for preoperative optimization in complications such as enterocutaneous fistulas.33 Damas OM, Garces L, Abreu MT. Diet as Adjunctive Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Review and Update of the Latest Literature. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 2019;17(02):313-3251818 Connors J, Basseri S, Grant A, et al. Exclusive enteral nutrition therapy in paediatric Crohn's disease results in long-term avoidance of corticosteroids: Results of a propensity-score matched cohort analysis. J Crohn's Colitis 2017;11(09):1063-10701919 Sigall-Boneh R, Pfeffer-Gik T, Segal I, Zangen T, Boaz M, Levine A. Partial enteral nutrition with a Crohn's disease exclusion diet is effective for induction of remission in children and young adults with Crohn's disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2014;20(08): 1353-13602020 Cerantola Y, Grass F, Cristaudi A, DemartinesN, SchäferM,Hübner M. Perioperative nutrition in abdominal surgery: recommendations and reality. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2011;2011 (739347):739347 According to the British Society of Gastroenterology Consensus, the minimum recommendation for EEN is for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, to reduce symptoms and improve the healing conditions of the intestinal mucosa.44 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(03, Suppl 3):s1-s1062121 Vasudevan A, Gibson PR, van Langenberg DR. Time to clinical response and remission for therapeutics in inflammatory bowel diseases:What should the clinician expect, what should patients be told? World J Gastroenterol 2017;23(35):6385-6402 A case-control study with patients with CD on EEN in the preoperative period showed a reduction in C-reactive protein (CRP), surgical time, and a lower risk of abscesses or anastomotic fistulas in the postoperative period. There are no studies that have evaluated the use of EEN in patients with UC.66 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-444

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is indicated for patients who do not meet daily nutritional needs through oral and/or enteral food, have severe malnutrition, or those with intestinal obstruction, high-output fistulas, severe bleeding, or when the microbiota is dysfunctional during periods of disease activity.66 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-4441616 Stoner PL, Kamel A, Ayoub F, et al. Perioperative care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Focus on nutritional support. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2018;2018(7890161):78901611717 Lakananurak N, Gramlich L. The role of preoperative parenteral nutrition. Nutrients 2020;12(05):1-13 The use of preoperative TPN is directly related to a decrease in postoperative complications such as anastomotic dehiscences, thromboembolic events, and septic complications in malnourished patients with CD.2222 Heyland DK, MontalvoM,MacDonald S, Keefe L, Su XY, Drover JW. Total parenteral nutrition in the surgical patient: a meta-analysis. Can J Surg 2001;44(02):102-111 A meta-analysis study showed that nutritional support by enteral or parenteral nutrition in the preoperative period reduces complications in the postoperative period in IBD patients.11 Brennan GT, Ha I, Hogan C, et al. Does preoperative enteral or parenteral nutrition reduce postoperative complications in Crohn's disease patients: a meta-analysis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;30(09):997-1002 The purpose of TPN in the preoperative period is to restore energy and protein storage, reduce and/or correct micronutrient deficiencies, in addition to preventing postsurgical malnutrition in patients at nutritional risk.1717 Lakananurak N, Gramlich L. The role of preoperative parenteral nutrition. Nutrients 2020;12(05):1-13 The duration of TPN in the preoperative period generally varies from 5 to 90 days, and most studies show a period of 7 to 14 days as the ideal.1212 Wischmeyer PE, Carli F, Evans DC, et al; Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) 2 Workgroup. American Society for Enhanced recovery and perioperative quality initiative joint consensus statement on nutrition screening and therapy within a surgical enhanced recovery pathway. Anesth Analg 2018;126(06):1883-18951717 Lakananurak N, Gramlich L. The role of preoperative parenteral nutrition. Nutrients 2020;12(05):1-132323 Jacobson S. Early postoperative complications in patients with Crohn's disease given and not given preoperative total parenteral nutrition. Scand J Gastroenterol 2012;47(02):170-177

The association of EEN and TPN should be considered in patients who need nutritional support of more than 60% for the daily needs that cannot be achieved by EEN alone. Total parenteral nutrition can be used as a support for EEN.1111 Bischoff SC, Escher J, Hébuterne X, et al. ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Nutr 2020; 39(03):632-6531616 Stoner PL, Kamel A, Ayoub F, et al. Perioperative care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Focus on nutritional support. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2018;2018(7890161):7890161 This combination is generally used in patients with severe and chronic malnutrition associated with CD, with strictures and episodes of partial small bowel obstruction, for example.

A recent systematic review (2019) found that EEN is more favorable than TPN, due to the lower incidence of complications and bacterial translocation, preservation of gastrointestinal function, and lower cost.88 Bn L, Parian A, LeM, et al. Dietary interventions for induction and maintenance of remission in inflammatory bowel disease. . (Review)Cochrane Libr 2019;2(02):1-83 However, Lakananurak and Gramlich (2020) demonstrated that ICU patients who received EEN had higher rates of complications (hypoglycemia and vomiting) than patients with TPN.1717 Lakananurak N, Gramlich L. The role of preoperative parenteral nutrition. Nutrients 2020;12(05):1-13 A meta-analysis and 16 other randomized controlled trials in critical conditions demonstrated that there are no evident clinical advantages of EEN over TPN related to mortality, pneumonia, and length of hospital stay.2424 Harvey SE, Parrott F, Harrison DA, et al; CALORIES Trial Investigators. Trial of the route of early nutritional support in critically ill adults. N Engl J Med 2014;371(18):1673-1684 Jankowski et al. (2018) demonstrated that when it came to postoperative complications and mortality, there was no significant difference between enteral or parenteral routes.2525 Jankowski M, Las-Jankowska M, Sousak M, Zegarski W. Contemporary enteral and parenteral nutrition before surgery for gastrointestinal cancers: a literature review. World J Surg Oncol 2018;16(01):1-5 However, EEN optimization can be slower than TPN, which should always be considered when planning the time to perform abdominal surgical procedures, on a case-to-case individual basis.22 Balestrieri P, Ribolsi M, Guarino MPL, Emerenziani S, Altomare A, Cicala M. Nutritional aspects of inflammatory bowel disease. Nutrients 2020;12(02):1-111717 Lakananurak N, Gramlich L. The role of preoperative parenteral nutrition. Nutrients 2020;12(05):1-13

Fiorindi et al. (2020) showed the importance of perioperative nutrition (reduced fasting and increased intake of carbohydrates in the preoperative diet), regardless of nutritional status. These strategies collaborate with the reduction of postoperative complications.2626 Fiorindi C, Cuffaro F, Piemonte G, et al. Effect of long-lasting nutritional prehabilitation on postoperative outcome in elective surgery for IBD. Clin Nutr 2021;40(03):928-935 The protocol for enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) recommends a 6-hour and 2-hour preoperative fasting for liquids, with a carbohydrate-based drink (12% maltodextrin associated or not with proteins) with a volume of 400 mL and 200 mL, respectively, and 8 hours for solid foods, without compromising surgical outcomes. Enhanced recovery after surgery is contraindicated in cases of severe gastroesophageal reflux, intestinal obstruction, gastroparesis, and pyloric stenosis. There is strong evidence that drinks with high carbohydrate concentrations administered 2 to 3 hours before surgery can improve the patient's nutritional status in the postoperative setting, accelerate recovery, and decrease the length of hospital stay.44 Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al; IBD guidelines eDelphi consensus group. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut 2019;68(03, Suppl 3):s1-s1062020 Cerantola Y, Grass F, Cristaudi A, DemartinesN, SchäferM,Hübner M. Perioperative nutrition in abdominal surgery: recommendations and reality. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2011;2011 (739347):7393472424 Harvey SE, Parrott F, Harrison DA, et al; CALORIES Trial Investigators. Trial of the route of early nutritional support in critically ill adults. N Engl J Med 2014;371(18):1673-16842727 Lassen K, Soop M, Nygren J, et al; Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Group. Consensus review of optimal perioperative care in colorectal surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Group recommendations. Arch Surg 2009;144(10): 961-969

Postoperative enteral nutrition must be restarted in the first 24 hours (whenever possible) for patients with malnutrition and those who do not reach the recommended nutritional goals (minimum 60% of their protein/kcal needs orally), because when performed early, it decreases morbidity and mortality rates.1616 Stoner PL, Kamel A, Ayoub F, et al. Perioperative care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Focus on nutritional support. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2018;2018(7890161):78901612020 Cerantola Y, Grass F, Cristaudi A, DemartinesN, SchäferM,Hübner M. Perioperative nutrition in abdominal surgery: recommendations and reality. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2011;2011 (739347):7393472626 Fiorindi C, Cuffaro F, Piemonte G, et al. Effect of long-lasting nutritional prehabilitation on postoperative outcome in elective surgery for IBD. Clin Nutr 2021;40(03):928-935 Clearly, this may not be possible due to the occurrence of postoperative ileus. Nakeeb et al. (2009) demonstrated that nutritional supplements taken orally, with a dose of 200 mL twice a day, until normal feeding is achieved, bring benefits to patients.2828 El Nakeeb A, Fikry A, El Metwally T, et al. Early oral feeding in patients undergoing elective colonic anastomosis. Int J Surg 2009; 7(03):206-209 In the postoperative period, the diet needs to be hyperproteic to achieve the ideal protein goal.1212 Wischmeyer PE, Carli F, Evans DC, et al; Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) 2 Workgroup. American Society for Enhanced recovery and perioperative quality initiative joint consensus statement on nutrition screening and therapy within a surgical enhanced recovery pathway. Anesth Analg 2018;126(06):1883-1895

To date, there is no consensus on the ideal duration of continued nutritional support in the postoperative period. However, Cerantola et al. (2011) and the International Anesthesia Research Society (2018) suggest that nutritional therapy between 3 and 10 days (with 7 days being the most common) is associated with great benefit in the recovery of nutritional status and quality of life of patients with malnutrition. In eutrophic patients, the evidence is not so relevant.1212 Wischmeyer PE, Carli F, Evans DC, et al; Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) 2 Workgroup. American Society for Enhanced recovery and perioperative quality initiative joint consensus statement on nutrition screening and therapy within a surgical enhanced recovery pathway. Anesth Analg 2018;126(06):1883-18952020 Cerantola Y, Grass F, Cristaudi A, DemartinesN, SchäferM,Hübner M. Perioperative nutrition in abdominal surgery: recommendations and reality. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2011;2011 (739347):739347

Immunonutrition with glutamine, arginine, omega 3 fatty acid, and RNA, used in combination, reduces overall complications in patients with IBD (lower rates of infection, length of hospital stay, and mortality) when used pre, peri and postoperatively. However, when these nutrients are used separately, the results are not promising. According to the International Anesthesia Research Society (2018), both nourished and malnourished patients should use immunonutrition, mainly in the pre and perioperative period. The recommended duration of immunonutrition for patients with adequate weight is of at least 7 days. In regard to malnourished patients, they should be evaluated weekly using serum albumin (> 3 g/dL) as a marker for a better decision regarding the duration of use.1212 Wischmeyer PE, Carli F, Evans DC, et al; Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) 2 Workgroup. American Society for Enhanced recovery and perioperative quality initiative joint consensus statement on nutrition screening and therapy within a surgical enhanced recovery pathway. Anesth Analg 2018;126(06):1883-18952020 Cerantola Y, Grass F, Cristaudi A, DemartinesN, SchäferM,Hübner M. Perioperative nutrition in abdominal surgery: recommendations and reality. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2011;2011 (739347):739347

In elective surgeries, nutritional supplementation should be recommended. In cases of emergency surgery (severe acute colitis and severe CD with septic or obstructive complications), nutritional optimization should be postponed, due to increased mortality with delayed surgery.66 Adamina M, Gerasimidis K, Sigall-Boneh R, et al. Perioperative Dietary Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Crohn's Colitis 2020;14(04):431-444

Figure 1 shows an adaptation of an algorithm suggested by ESPEN (2020) in the nutritional management of IBD patients undergoing abdominal surgical procedures.1111 Bischoff SC, Escher J, Hébuterne X, et al. ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Nutr 2020; 39(03):632-653 Nutritional assessment according to the criteria for defining malnutrition serves as a screening tool for preoperative nutritional optimization. Nutritional care must also be defined as important in the perioperative period, and after surgery, for better postoperative outcomes.

Fig. 1
Nutritional optimization for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Adapted from European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism guidelines.1111 Bischoff SC, Escher J, Hébuterne X, et al. ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Nutr 2020; 39(03):632-653

Final Considerations

It is important to provide healthcare professionals involved in the management of IBD knowledge on nutritional tools which identify patients at risk of preoperative malnutrition, both from an objective as well as from a subjective point of view. The screening of nutritional status, performed properly in the preoperative period, is of significant importance to identify patients who need preoperative nutritional optimization, and, consequently, avoid different complications in the postoperative period. Malnourished and active IBD patients present metabolic stress, with a deficit in macro and micronutrients, muscle catabolism and increased basal metabolic rate.

Oral nutrition should be the first choice of nutritional support. If the patient has difficulty in consuming food, the enteral route is the second option, through elementary (amino acids), semi-elementary (oligopeptides), or polymeric (whole proteins) formulas. When oral or enteral routes are not indicated (in the presence of intestinal obstruction or ischemia, fistula, or bleeding), TPN can meet the daily nutritional needs of the critically ill patient. Nutritional support can be performed exclusively or in an associated way, which will depend on the nutritional severity of the patient with IBD.

Nutritional screening should be performed at all stages of the disease, always individually and with professionals with experience in IBD. The reduction of complications in the perioperative period is not only associated with adequate surgical technique, but also with adequate nutritional support and clinical preparation before surgery. Therefore, the dietitian with a focus in IBD has an important role in the multidisciplinary team, collaborating with all stages of treatment and with the optimization of the nutritional status of the surgical patient.


  • 1
    Brennan GT, Ha I, Hogan C, et al. Does preoperative enteral or parenteral nutrition reduce postoperative complications in Crohn's disease patients: a meta-analysis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;30(09):997-1002
  • 2
    Balestrieri P, Ribolsi M, Guarino MPL, Emerenziani S, Altomare A, Cicala M. Nutritional aspects of inflammatory bowel disease. Nutrients 2020;12(02):1-11
  • 3
    Damas OM, Garces L, Abreu MT. Diet as Adjunctive Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Review and Update of the Latest Literature. Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 2019;17(02):313-325
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Nov 2021
  • Date of issue
    Jul-Sep 2021


  • Received
    27 Jan 2021
  • Accepted
    22 Mar 2021
  • Published
    03 June 2021
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