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Simultaneity of risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections in Brazilian adolescents, 2012



to analyze the simultaneity of two groups of risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections in Brazilian adolescents.


cross-sectional study with data from the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey 2012; the outcomes were (1) simultaneous consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs (at least two), and (2) no use of condom and having two or more sexual partners.


simultaneity of consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs was present in 14.7% of the boys and 21.5% of the girls, and was more prevalent among white individuals, with more educated mothers, and who did not live with their parents; approximately 12.0% of the adolescents presented simultaneity of no use of condom and having two or more sexual partners; this was more common among younger boys, not white (PR=1.22; 95%CI 1.10;1.36), and who did not live with their parents (PR=1.78; 95%CI 1.48;2.16), whilst among girls, this outcome was associated with higher age.


both outcomes were associated with different characteristics, depending on the sex of the adolescent.

Adolescent Behavior; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Cross-Sectional Studies; Sexual Behavior; School Health



analisar a simultaneidade de dois grupos de comportamentos de risco para infecções sexualmente transmissíveis em adolescentes brasileiros.


estudo transversal com dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar 2012; os desfechos foram (1) simultaneidade de consumo de álcool, fumo e drogas (pelo menos dois) e (2) não uso de camisinha e relação sexual com dois ou mais parceiros.


a simultaneidade de consumo de álcool, fumo e drogas foi de 14,7% nos meninos e 21,5% nas meninas, mais prevalente em brancos, com mães mais escolarizadas, que não moravam com os pais; aproximadamente 12,0% dos adolescentes apresentaram simultaneidade de não uso de camisinha e dois ou mais parceiros, sendo mais frequente nos meninos mais novos, não brancos (RP=1,22; IC95% 1,10;1,36) e que não moravam com os pais (RP=1,78; IC95% 1,48;2,16), enquanto nas meninas, esse desfecho associou-se a maior idade.


ambos desfechos associaram-se a diferentes características, dependendo do sexo do adolescente.

Comportamento do Adolescente; Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis; Estudos Transversais; Comportamento Sexual; Saúde Escolar



analizar la simultaneidad de dos grupos de comportamientos de riesgo para infecciones de transmisión sexual, en adolescentes brasileños.


estudio transversal con datos de la Investigación en Salud Escolar Nacional, 2012; las variables de desenlace fueron (1) simultaneidad de alcohol, tabaco y drogas (al menos dos) y (2) no uso de condones y relaciones sexuales con dos o más compañeros.


14,7% de los niños y 21,5% de las niñas presentaron simultaneidad de alcohol, tabaco y drogas, fue más frecuente entre blancos, con madres más educadas, y que no viven con sus padres; aproximadamente 12,0% de los adolescentes mostraron simultaneidad de no usar condón y dos o más compañeros sexuales, más común entre más jóvenes, no blancos [RP=1,22 (IC95% 1,10;1,36) ] y que no viven con sus padres [RP=1,78 (IC95% 1,48;2,16) ], en las niñas, este resultado se asoció con un aumento de la edad.


ambos resultados se asociaron con diferentes características, en función del sexo de los adolescentes.

Conducta del Adolescente; Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual; Estudios Transversales; Conducta Sexual; Salud Escolar.


Adolescence is a period of physical, psychological, behavioral and social changes, which can impact the individuals over their lives.11. Dick B, Ferguson BJ. Health for the world's adolescents: a second chance in the second decade. J Adolesc Health. 2015 Jan;56(1):3-6. The development of sexual characteristics and the beginning of sex life are among the main changes that happen during adolescence.22. Sawyer SM, Afifi RA, Bearinger LH, Blakemore SJ, Dick B, Ezeh AC, et al. Adolescence: a foundation for future health. Lancet. 2012 Apr;379(9826):1630-40. Literature points to a decrease in puberty age, thus adolescents are exposed to vulnerability contexts at earlier ages, including getting infected by causative agents of sexually transmitted infections (STI).33. Cruzeiro ALS, Mattos Souza LD, da Silva RA, Pinheiro RT, da Rocha CLA, Horta BL. Comportamento sexual de risco: fatores associados ao número de parceiros sexuais e ao uso de preservativo em adolescentes. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2010 Jun;15 supl 1:1149-58.

The STI are considered a Public Health issue worldwide.11. Dick B, Ferguson BJ. Health for the world's adolescents: a second chance in the second decade. J Adolesc Health. 2015 Jan;56(1):3-6. Since the 1990s, some important changes in society regarding sexual education have been observed, such as the availability of books and materials for adolescents, as well as more freedom to get information and to discuss about this subject.44. Coleman J, Roker D (editors). Teenage sexuality: health, risk and education. Amsterdam: Hardwood Academic Publishers;1998. In spite of all this, adolescents still show little knowledge about the transmission of STI.55. Bretas JRS, Ohara CVS, Jardim DP, Muroya RL. Conhecimentos de adolescentes sobre Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis: subsídios para prevenção. Acta Paul Enferm. 2009 nov-dez;22(6):786-92. Oliveira et al.,66. Oliveira DC, Pontes APM, Gomes AMT, Ribeiro MCM. Conhecimentos e práticas de adolescentes acerca das DST/HIV/AIDS em duas escolas públicas municipais do Rio de Janeiro. Esc Anna Nery Rev Enferm. 2009 out-dez;13(4):833-41. in a study conducted in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro in 2003, with adolescents enrolled at high school, observed that 10.8% of those adolescents believed that the use of contraceptive pills and 16.9% believed that having sex only with their boyfriend or girlfriend, prevented from STI.

The chances of contracting STI tend to increase as the age of beginning of sex life decreases, for both sexes.77. Lee SY, Lee HJ, Kim TK, Lee SG, Park EC. Sexually transmitted infections and first sexual intercourse age in adolescents: the nationwide retrospective cross-sectional study. J Sex Med. 2015 Dec;12(12):2313-23. According to a study by Lee et al.77. Lee SY, Lee HJ, Kim TK, Lee SG, Park EC. Sexually transmitted infections and first sexual intercourse age in adolescents: the nationwide retrospective cross-sectional study. J Sex Med. 2015 Dec;12(12):2313-23. conducted in South Korea in 2015, male adolescents who begin their sex lives in the fifth year of schooling have 6.32 more chances of contracting STI than those at the twelfth year. In turn, girls who begin their sex life in the fifth year of schooling have 3.98 more chances of getting STI when comparing to those at the twelfth year.

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the incidence of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) among Brazilian adolescents aged 15 to 24, in 2012, was of 11.8 per 100 thousand inhabitants.88. Ministério da Saúde (BR). Boletim Epidemiológico HIV-AIDS. Bol Epidemiol. 2012 dez;1(1):1-60. There are few data available on the occurrence of other STI, due to some difficulties in obtaining these data and to the big number of diseases. Among the STI, we could highlight the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),99. Pathela P, Braunstein SL, Blank S, Schillinger JA. HIV incidence among men with and without sexually transmitted rectal infections: estimates from matching against an HIV case registry. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Oct;57(8):1203-9.,1010. Peterman TA, Newman DR, Maddox L, Schmitt K, Shiver S. High risk for HIV following syphilis diagnosis among men in Florida, 2000-2011. Public Health Rep. 2014 Mar-Apr;129(2):164-9. important cause of disability-related years of life lost among adolescents worldwide.1111. Kyu HH, Pinho C, Wagner JA, Brown JC, Bertozzi-Villa A, Charlson FJ, et al. Global and national burden of diseases and injuries among children and adolescents between 1990 and 2013: findings from the global burden of disease 2013 study. JAMA Pediatr. 2016 Mar;170(3):267-87.,1212. Gore FM, Bloem PJ, Patton GC, Ferguson J, Joseph V, Coffey C, et al. Global burden of disease in young people aged 10-24 years: a systematic analysis. Lancet. 2011 Jun;377(9783):2093-102.

Number of partners, unsafe sex, use of alcohol and illicit drugs and smoking have stood out in literature as risk behaviors for the occurrence of STI.1313. Taquette SR, Vilhena MM, Paula MC. Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis na adolescência: estudo de fatores de risco. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2004 mai-jun;37(3):210-4.,1414. Taquette SR, Andrade RB, Vilhena MM, Paula MC. A relação entre as características sociais e comportamentais da adolescente e as doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2005 mai-jun;51(3):148-52. Although the use of alcohol/drugs and smoking are not considered direct causes, these factors are believed to represent a behavior pattern of adolescents, given the association between them and STI.33. Cruzeiro ALS, Mattos Souza LD, da Silva RA, Pinheiro RT, da Rocha CLA, Horta BL. Comportamento sexual de risco: fatores associados ao número de parceiros sexuais e ao uso de preservativo em adolescentes. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2010 Jun;15 supl 1:1149-58.,1313. Taquette SR, Vilhena MM, Paula MC. Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis na adolescência: estudo de fatores de risco. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2004 mai-jun;37(3):210-4. From the social point of view, factors as low socioeconomic level, sex, and intrafamily violence may contribute to the occurrence of STI.1313. Taquette SR, Vilhena MM, Paula MC. Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis na adolescência: estudo de fatores de risco. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2004 mai-jun;37(3):210-4.

The isolated prevalences of consumption of alcohol, drugs and tobacco and no use of condom in sexual intercourse among adolescents are not known.33. Cruzeiro ALS, Mattos Souza LD, da Silva RA, Pinheiro RT, da Rocha CLA, Horta BL. Comportamento sexual de risco: fatores associados ao número de parceiros sexuais e ao uso de preservativo em adolescentes. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2010 Jun;15 supl 1:1149-58.,1515. Oliveira-Campos M, Nunes ML, Madeira FC, Santos MG, Bregmann SR, Malta DC, et al. Comportamento sexual em adolescentes brasileiros, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014;17 supl 1:116-30.

16. Malta DC, Machado IE, Porto DL, Silva MMA, Freitas PC, Costa AWN, et al. Consumo de álcool entre adolescentes brasileiros segundo a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Escolar (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014;17 supl 1:203-14.
-1717. Horta RL, Horta BL, Costa AWN, Prado RR, Oliveira-Campos M, Malta DC. Uso na vida de substâncias ilícitas e fatores associados entre escolares brasileiros, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014; 17 supl 1:31-45. Studies conducted with students who participated in the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE) in 2012 showed that 75.3% of the adolescents used condoms in their last sexual intercourse,1515. Oliveira-Campos M, Nunes ML, Madeira FC, Santos MG, Bregmann SR, Malta DC, et al. Comportamento sexual em adolescentes brasileiros, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014;17 supl 1:116-30. 26.1% consumed alcohol in the last 30 days,1616. Malta DC, Machado IE, Porto DL, Silva MMA, Freitas PC, Costa AWN, et al. Consumo de álcool entre adolescentes brasileiros segundo a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Escolar (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014;17 supl 1:203-14. 22.6% had already smoked - and about one third of them (27.2%) smoked regularly1818. Barreto SM, Giatti L, Oliveira-Campos M, Andreazzi MA, Malta DC. Experimentação e uso atual de cigarro e outros produtos do tabaco entre escolares nas capitais brasileiras (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014;17 supl 1:62-76. - and 7.3% reported having used illicit drugs at least once in their lives.1717. Horta RL, Horta BL, Costa AWN, Prado RR, Oliveira-Campos M, Malta DC. Uso na vida de substâncias ilícitas e fatores associados entre escolares brasileiros, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014; 17 supl 1:31-45.

However, these factors tend to influence sexual behavior interrelatedly, not in an isolate way. Thus, understanding the simultaneous influence of these risk behaviors for STI may contribute to a broader and more effective approach towards health public policies. Notwithstanding, there are few studies that explore the prevalence of simultaneity of these factors and the profile of adolescents.

The objective of this present study was to analyze the simultaneity of two groups of risk behaviors for STI in Brazilian adolescents.


This cross-sectional study used data from the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey - PeNSE -, which is a national school-based survey, conducted in in 2012. A total of 109,104 students enrolled at the 9th grade of Primary School all over Brazil, from both public and private institutions, were interviewed. PeNSE was carried by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in a partnership with the Ministry of Health.1919. Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão (BR). Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Diretoria de Pesquisas. Coordenação de População e Indicadores Sociais. Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar: 2012. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; 2013.

The survey covered the 26 capitals of Brazilian states and the Federal District (FD). The sample of each one of the 27 geographic strata (state capitals + FD) was allocated proportionally to the number of schools, according to their type of management (public or private). For each stratum, a two-stage cluster sampling was selected, in which the first were the schools and the second were the eligible classes, representing an equiprobability selection. All the students of the selected classes were invited to join the study. For data collection, researchers used smartphones with a self-administered questionnaire. Besides the sociodemographic characteristics of the adolescents, other aspects regarding the youngsters were also investigated: behavioral, environmental and disease-related. More details regarding the sampling can be found in another publication.1919. Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão (BR). Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Diretoria de Pesquisas. Coordenação de População e Indicadores Sociais. Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar: 2012. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; 2013.

Simultaneity of risk behaviors for STI was approached from two behavior groups, resulting in two different outcomes. The first outcome considered as simultaneity the presence of two or more of the following behaviors:

  • - alcohol consumption in the last thirty days

  • “In the last 30 days, in how many days did you take at least a glass or a dose of alcoholic beverage? (One dose correspond to one can of beer or one glass of wine or one dose of cachaça or whiskey, etc.)”

  • - smoking in the last thirty days

  • “In the last 30 days, in how many days did you smoke cigarette?”; and

  • - having tried any drug at least once

  • “Have you ever used any drug, such as: marijuana, cocaine, crack, solvents mix (cola, loló, lança perfume), ecstasy, oxy, etc.?”

The second outcome considered as simultaneity the presence of the two following behaviors:

  • - having had more than one sexual partner

  • “In your life, how many people did you have sexual intercourse (had sex) with?”; and

  • - having had sexual intercourse without using condom

  • “In the last time you had sexual intercourse (had sex), did you or your partner use condom?”

Simultaneity of the five behaviors was not assessed, because the variables ‘alcohol consumption’, ‘smoking’, and ‘drugs use’ may influence on the number of sex partners and the use of condoms.33. Cruzeiro ALS, Mattos Souza LD, da Silva RA, Pinheiro RT, da Rocha CLA, Horta BL. Comportamento sexual de risco: fatores associados ao número de parceiros sexuais e ao uso de preservativo em adolescentes. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2010 Jun;15 supl 1:1149-58.,1515. Oliveira-Campos M, Nunes ML, Madeira FC, Santos MG, Bregmann SR, Malta DC, et al. Comportamento sexual em adolescentes brasileiros, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2012). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2014;17 supl 1:116-30. For this study, the sample involved only adolescents who had already had sexual intercourse.

The exposition variables were:

  • - age (in years: 13 or less; 14; 15; 16 or over);

  • - self-referred ethnicity/skin color (white, not white [black, brown, Asian or indigenous]);

  • - mother’s education level (no schooling; incomplete Primary School; complete Primary School; complete High School; Higher Education degree);

  • - living with parents (living with the father and the mother; living with the father or the mother; not living with the parents); and

  • - administrative dependence of the school (public; private)

All the analyses were stratified by sex, since there is a consensus in literature regarding the difference on the risk behavior pattern between boys and girls.33. Cruzeiro ALS, Mattos Souza LD, da Silva RA, Pinheiro RT, da Rocha CLA, Horta BL. Comportamento sexual de risco: fatores associados ao número de parceiros sexuais e ao uso de preservativo em adolescentes. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2010 Jun;15 supl 1:1149-58.,1313. Taquette SR, Vilhena MM, Paula MC. Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis na adolescência: estudo de fatores de risco. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2004 mai-jun;37(3):210-4.,2020. Malta DC, Mascarenhas MDM, Porto DL, et al. Prevalência do consumo de álcool e drogas entre adolescentes: análise dos dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Escolar. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2011 set;14 supl:136-46.,2121. Gonçalves H, Machado EC, Soares ALG, Camargo-Figuera FA, Seerig LM, Mesenburg MA, et al. Início da vida sexual entre adolescentes (10 a 14 anos) e comportamentos em saúde. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2015 jan-mar;18(1):25-41.

The analyses were conducted using the program Stata 12.1 (StataCorp, College Station, Texas, USA), and the survey function (svy) to consider the sample design. First, we described the sample according to the exposition variables and the risk behaviors for STI. For association analyses, Poisson regression was used, which is suitable for estimating prevalence in cross-sectional studies, through the use of the hierarchical model.2222. Barros AJD, Hirakata VN. Alternatives for logistic regression in cross-sectional studies: an empirical comparison of models that directly estimate the prevalence ratio. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2003;3:21. The variables ‘age’, ‘ethnicity/skin color’; ‘maternal education level’ and ‘living with the parents’ were included in the first hierarchical level. The variable ‘administrative dependence of the school’ was included in the second hierarchical level. To select the variables, we adopted the backward procedure per levels, considering a p-value <0.20. The magnitude of associations was determined by the prevalence ratio (PR) and the 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were presented. All associations with p<0.05 were considered as statistically significant.

This study was conducted exclusively with secondary data from PeNSE 2012, with no individuals identification. PeNSE 2012 was approved by the National Ethics in Research Committee - Conep (Record No. 16.805).


The sample was formed of 32,835 adolescents who reported having already had sex at least once, which represented one third of the total sample (28.7%). With regard to the sample characteristics, most of the participants were male (65.0%), studied in public schools (89.1%), were 14 years old (36.4%), were black/brown/Asian/indigenous - not white - (67.1%), had mothers with incomplete Primary School (34.3%) and lived with both parents (53.4%) (Table 1).

Table 1
- Description of the sample, total and stratified by sex, of adolescents who reported having had sexual intercourse at least once, according to independent variables, and prevalences of risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections, National Adolescent School-based Health Survey, Brazil, 2012

Concerning the risk behavior for STI among boys, 10.3% reported having smoked in the last 30 days and 41.5% reported having drunk alcoholic beverages in the last 30 days; 15.0% have tried illicit drugs at least once,19.1% did not use condom in their last sexual intercourse and 66.1% reported having had two or more sexual partners. Among girls, 16.6% had smoked and 53.8% had drunk in the last 30 days, 18.5% have tried illicit drugs at least once, 25.8% did not use condom in their last sexual intercourse and 41.9% affirmed having had two or more sexual partners (Table 1).

Simultaneity of two or more risk behaviors, between consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, was present in 14.7% of boys and 21.5% of girls, whilst the prevalence of no use of condom and having two or more sexual partners was of approximately 12.0% for both sexes (Figure 1).

Figure 1
- Prevalences and 95% confidence intervals of simultaneity of risk behaviors in two groups (no use of condom and two or more sexual partners; alcohol, tobacco and drugs use) for sexually transmitted infections, National Adolescent School-based Health Survey, Brazil, 2012 (n= 32,835)

Table 2 presents the prevalences, crude and adjusted analysis of the association between the simultaneity for each risk behavior group for STI (alcohol, tobacco and drugs; number of partners and no use of condom) and the independent variables for boys. The adjusted analysis shows that the variables ‘age’, ‘ethnicity/skin color’, ‘maternal education level’ and ‘living with the parents’ were associated to the simultaneity of the group consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. With regard to age, we observed an increasing trend in the risk of having two or more behaviors for STI as age increased. Not white skinned boys showed prevalence 16% lower of two or more behaviors. Adolescents whose mothers had a Higher Education degree showed an occurrence 1.45 times higher of having two or more behaviors, when compared to those whose mothers had no schooling. Boys who did not live with their parents presented prevalence 39% higher of simultaneity of behaviors, when compared to those who lived with both parents.

Table 2
- Prevalences, crude and adjusted analysis of the association between simultaneity of risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections and independent variables in male adolescents, National Adolescent School-based Health Survey, Brazil, 2012 (n=16,715)

Concerning simultaneity in the group of number of partners and no use of condom, the variables ‘age’, ‘ethnicity/skin color’ and ‘living with the parents’ were associated with the presence of two behaviors after adjusted analysis. With regard to age, boys aged 16 or older showed an occurrence 11% lower of two risk behaviors when comparing to those aged 13 or less. Not white skinned boys showed prevalence 1.22 times higher for those two behaviors. Boys who did not live with their parents presented prevalence 78% higher of simultaneity of behaviors, when compared to those who lived with both their parents (Table 2).

Table 3 presents the prevalences, crude and adjusted analysis of the association between the simultaneity for each risk behavior group for STI (consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs; number of partners and no use of condom) and the independent variables for girls. The adjusted analysis shows that the variables ‘ethnicity/skin color’, ‘maternal education level’ and ‘living with the parents’ were associated to the simultaneity of the group alcohol, tobacco and drugs use. Not white skinned girls presented 14% lower occurrence of two or more risk behaviors. Concerning maternal education level, those girls whose mothers had Higher Education degree showed prevalence 1.29 times higher of simultaneity of behaviors when comparing to those whose mothers had no schooling. Girls who lived with one of the parents presented an occurrence of simultaneity 25% higher, when compared to those who lived with both parents.

Table 3
- Prevalences, crude and adjusted analysis of the association between simultaneity of risk behaviors for sexually transmitted infections and independent variables in female adolescents, National Adolescent School-based Health Survey, Brazil, 2012 (n=9,289)

With regard to simultaneity in the group of number of partners and no use of condom, only the variable ‘age’ was associated to the presence of two behaviors after adjusted analysis, with a linear increasing trend as age increased (p<0.001) (Table 3).


In this study, we observed that more than one fifth of the girls presented two or more risk behaviors - alcohol, tobacco and drugs - for STI. White-skinned adolescents, with more educated mothers and who did not live with the parents presented higher occurrence of the outcome alcohol, tobacco and drugs. No use of condom and having had two or more sexual partners was more frequent among younger boys, not white, and who did not live with the parents, whilst for girls, this outcome was associated to higher age.

The high frequency of simultaneity of risk behaviors for STI among the adolescents surveyed is worrisome from the Public Health point of view, because school has also the roles to educate, inform and encourage the adoption of healthy practices.2323. Campos HM, Schall VT, Nogueira MJ. Saúde sexual e reprodutiva de adolescentes: interlocuções com a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE). Saude debate. 2013 abr-jun;37(97):336-46.

With regard to the outcome alcohol, tobacco and drugs, for both sexes, adolescents whose mothers had Higher Education degree presented higher prevalence of two or more behaviors. By using socioeconomic proxy, other studies conducted with adolescents found results pointing to the same direction: a study of PeNSE 2009,2020. Malta DC, Mascarenhas MDM, Porto DL, et al. Prevalência do consumo de álcool e drogas entre adolescentes: análise dos dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Escolar. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2011 set;14 supl:136-46. observed higher consumption of alcohol among students from private schools; another study, by Horta et al.,2424. Horta RL, Horta BL, Pinheiro RT, Morales B, Strey MN. Tabaco, álcool e outras drogas entre adolescentes em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: uma perspectiva de gênero. Cad Saude Publica. 2007 abr;23(4):775-83. conducted in 2002, with a sample of the population from Pelotas, a municipality in the South of Brazil, found higher prevalence in the consumption of alcoholic beverages among those who belong to economic classes A-B. Adolescents have tried alcohol too early, and individuals with better socioeconomic conditions - and higher purchase power - can have more access to these products. Due to the fact that alcohol is a licit drug, which is socially accepted, it is easy to buy it in parties, bars and stores, and have it at home; and this can be the gateway to other drugs.2121. Gonçalves H, Machado EC, Soares ALG, Camargo-Figuera FA, Seerig LM, Mesenburg MA, et al. Início da vida sexual entre adolescentes (10 a 14 anos) e comportamentos em saúde. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2015 jan-mar;18(1):25-41.

As boys got older, the occurrence of two or more behaviors increased, which can be explained by the higher number of opportunities of being exposed to environments with easier access to those drugs. These results are similar to those found by Horta et al.:2424. Horta RL, Horta BL, Pinheiro RT, Morales B, Strey MN. Tabaco, álcool e outras drogas entre adolescentes em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: uma perspectiva de gênero. Cad Saude Publica. 2007 abr;23(4):775-83. adolescents aged 15 presented prevalence of alcohol consumption 25% lower and of smoking 47% lower than those aged 18.

Results regarding ethnicity/skin color and simultaneity of alcohol, tobacco and drugs also comply with the results found above. Both boys and girls, not white, presented less occurrence of two or more risk behaviors. Considering that maternal ethnicity/skin color and education level can be a socioeconomic proxy, the results of the present study suggest that adolescents with better socioeconomic conditions present higher risk of having two or more risk behaviors in the group alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

On the other hand, when it comes to no use of condom and having had two or more partners, the ethnicity/skin color not white presented higher occurrence of simultaneity for these behaviors. This finding suggests that the studied behaviors should have different approaches concerning public policies. Based on the results observed, considering maternal ethnicity/skin color and education level, the findings suggest that adolescents with higher risk of simultaneity for alcohol, tobacco and drugs are those with better socioeconomic level, whereas the highest risk of no use of condom and number of partners was associated to lower socioeconomic levels. These latter are possibly connected to education issues, both at school and at home.2525. Malta DC, Porto DL, Melo FCM. Família e proteção ao uso de tabaco, álcool e drogas em adolescentes, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde dos Escolares. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2011;14 supl 1:166-77. However, a study that investigated the behavior in the beginning of sex life found that adolescents with lower socioeconomic indicators had higher prevalence of early sexual initiation, and that sexual activity during adolescence is strongly related to risk behaviors, such as not using condom.2121. Gonçalves H, Machado EC, Soares ALG, Camargo-Figuera FA, Seerig LM, Mesenburg MA, et al. Início da vida sexual entre adolescentes (10 a 14 anos) e comportamentos em saúde. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2015 jan-mar;18(1):25-41.

With regard to living with the parents, when we consider the outcome alcohol, tobacco and drugs among boys, those who did not live with their parents or who lived with only one parent presented higher prevalence of simultaneity. Among girls, those who lived with only one parent presented higher occurrence of at least two of those behaviors. A systematic review, which aimed to assess the association between parental practices and the consumption of psychoactive substances, showed that adolescents whose parents are more attentive to the activities developed by them present less involvement with alcohol, drugs and tobacco.2626. Paiva FS, Ronzani TM. Estilos parentais e consumo de drogas entre adolescentes: revisão sistemática. Psicol estud. 2009 jan-mar;14(1):177-83. Among boys, the prevalence of two behaviors - no use of condom and two or more partners - was 80% higher among those who did not live with any parent, whilst, for those who live with one parent, it was 19% higher. Among girls, after adjustment, living with the parents lost effect on the simultaneity risk of no use of condom and having had two or more partners.

An important issue to be discussed is the direction of the association found between no use of condom and having had two or more partners and age. Lower occurrence of these behaviors among older boys was clear, whilst among girls the frequency increased with age, being 93% higher among those aged 16 or over. A possible explanation for this association could be the age of sexual initiation and the type of relationship at the moment; however this has not been assessed in this study. Some studies2525. Malta DC, Porto DL, Melo FCM. Família e proteção ao uso de tabaco, álcool e drogas em adolescentes, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde dos Escolares. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2011;14 supl 1:166-77.,2727. Sasaki RSA, Leles CR, Malta DC, Sardinha LMV, Freire MCM. Prevalência de relação sexual e fatores associados em adolescentes escolares de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2015 jan;20(1):95-104. which assessed the age of sexual initiation found that this happens earlier for boys, and they usually begin their sex lives in occasional relationships, tending to use condoms.33. Cruzeiro ALS, Mattos Souza LD, da Silva RA, Pinheiro RT, da Rocha CLA, Horta BL. Comportamento sexual de risco: fatores associados ao número de parceiros sexuais e ao uso de preservativo em adolescentes. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2010 Jun;15 supl 1:1149-58. Another possibility is that girls usually begin their sex lives when they are in a stable relationship, in which confidence, stability, low apparent risk and woman submission may contribute to a lower frequency in the use of condoms, leading to a risk behavior.33. Cruzeiro ALS, Mattos Souza LD, da Silva RA, Pinheiro RT, da Rocha CLA, Horta BL. Comportamento sexual de risco: fatores associados ao número de parceiros sexuais e ao uso de preservativo em adolescentes. Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2010 Jun;15 supl 1:1149-58.,2121. Gonçalves H, Machado EC, Soares ALG, Camargo-Figuera FA, Seerig LM, Mesenburg MA, et al. Início da vida sexual entre adolescentes (10 a 14 anos) e comportamentos em saúde. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2015 jan-mar;18(1):25-41.

The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs is associated to the increase in the number of sexual partners and no use of condom, and these latter are directly related to sexually transmitted infections.2828. Boislard PMA, Poulin F. Individual, familial, friends-related and contextual predictors of early sexual intercourse. J Adolesc. 2011 Apr;34(2):289-300. These findings may show a connection between these factors, taking into consideration that the occurrence of at least one of these behaviors can lead adolescents to trying new things that put them into unsafe practices for their own health.2121. Gonçalves H, Machado EC, Soares ALG, Camargo-Figuera FA, Seerig LM, Mesenburg MA, et al. Início da vida sexual entre adolescentes (10 a 14 anos) e comportamentos em saúde. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2015 jan-mar;18(1):25-41. Still, literature shows that the use of tobacco and illicit drugs, besides contributing to sexual intercourse under alcohol influence, increases the risk of having multiple partners, for both sexes.

This study presents some limitations. Although approximately 90% of the Brazilian adolescents have access to school,2929. Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Diretoria de Pesquisas. Coordenação de Trabalho e Rendimento. Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; 2011. it is possible that those who dropout school or seldom go to classes have different risk behaviors, which may have led to an underestimate of the real prevalences for that age group. For example, the use of illicit drugs is known to be associated with the lack of school attendance.2424. Horta RL, Horta BL, Pinheiro RT, Morales B, Strey MN. Tabaco, álcool e outras drogas entre adolescentes em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: uma perspectiva de gênero. Cad Saude Publica. 2007 abr;23(4):775-83.

Another limitation is the fact that the population studied is composed only by adolescents who have already began their sex lives, so it is necessary to be cautious not to extrapolate the results. Besides that, PeNSE does not represent adolescents according to age group, since the sample is based on the school year, for day shifts. Therefore, the prevalences found cannot be used as representative of the ages included in the sample - even knowing that most adolescents in this age group study on day shifts. We cannot dismiss the possibility of residual confounding, due to the lack of a robust variable for income and/or economic bracket. The variables for alcohol, tobacco and drugs use do not reflect the weekly behavior of adolescents, but it is believed that, for this age group, the use in the last 30 days (for tobacco and alcohol) and once in their lives (for drugs) is already enough to be considered risk behavior.

The lack of variables for STI is also a limitation, since we cannot be certain if the behaviors analyzed in the present study are associated to diseases in this sample. Besides, it is important to highlight that the collection of information on behavior variables and sexual diseases is always difficult, mainly in this age group: adolescents may not reveal the truth, underestimating the estimates.

As aforementioned, we chose to work with the outcomes in separate groups in order to better explore the way they were grouped, because, when analyzing all the risk behaviors some effects were blurred (data not presented). Thus, it could be possible to think that alcohol, tobacco and drugs are more distant from sexually transmitted diseases, and can be the gateway for other behaviors; and the number of partners and no use of condom are closer. From a conceptual model, taking into consideration the STI, it would be plausible that the effect of alcohol, tobacco and drugs could be measured by the number of partners and no use of condom; however, this type of analysis was not approached, since the outcome was the simultaneity of risk behaviors for STI.

Although literature on risk factors for STI in adolescents is relatively wide, as far as we know, this is the first study that assesses the simultaneity of these factors. This type of analysis allows a broader view on the reality and helps the development of public policies and interventions, since a risk factor hardly occurs independently from other.

School-based interventions that aim to prevent risk behaviors should be conducted or remodeled. Although some ages present higher risk, education actions should be timely conducted so the adolescent acquires the knowledge and chooses the safer option. We suggest more population-based and longitudinal studies to be conducted, so the factors associated to simultaneity of risk factors for sexually transmitted infections - STI - can be investigated, contributing with a better understanding of these relations.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2017


  • Received
    18 Aug 2016
  • Accepted
    11 Jan 2017
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