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Method for Developing Communication Skills in Autism – DHACA: appearance and content validation



To validate the appearance and content of the DHACA method to develop communication skills in autism.


This qualitative and quantitative validation study included 10 speech-language-hearing judges with expertise in alternative communication. The judges received the communication book, the description of the principles, skills, and strategies in the DHACA method, and a form with items for them to appraise the appearance and content of the method. The validity was calculated with the content validity index.


The response analysis made it possible to calculate the degree of agreement between judges and develop the new instrument version. The calculation of the content validity index revealed excellent content validity. The judges made suggestions regarding the content of the communication book, texts regarding the participation of communication partners and modeling, using cues, and communicative skills.


The degree of agreement between judges ensured the validation of the appearance and content of the DHACA method, considering the items alone and the whole instrument. Hence, its use can be recommended for speech-language-hearing clinical practice.

Autism; Communication; Speech; Language and Hearing Sciences; Assistive Technology; Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems



Validar a aparência e o conteúdo do método de Desenvolvimento das Habilidades de Comunicação no Autismo (DHACA).


Trata-se de estudo de validação de abordagem quali-quantitativa. Participaram do estudo dez juízes fonoaudiólogos com expertise na área da comunicação alternativa. Os juízes receberam o livro de comunicação, bem como a descrição dos princípios, habilidades e estratégias do método DHACA e um formulário com itens relativos à apreciação da aparência e conteúdo do método. A validade foi calculada usando o índice de validade de conteúdo.


A análise das respostas possibilitou o cálculo do grau de concordância entre os juízes e a elaboração da nova versão do instrumento. O cálculo do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo revelou uma validade de conteúdo excelente. Os juízes deram sugestões referentes aos aspectos de conteúdo do livro de comunicação, nos textos de participação do parceiro de comunicação e modelagem, uso de dicas e habilidades comunicativas.


O grau de concordância observado entre os juízes possibilitou a obtenção da validação da aparência e do conteúdo do método DHACA, considerando-se os itens isoladamente e o instrumento como um todo, podendo ter seu uso recomendado na prática clínica fonoaudiológica.

Autismo; Comunicação; Fonoaudiologia; Tecnologia Assistiva; Sistemas de Comunicação Alternativos e Aumentativos


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by changes and impairments in communication and social interaction and restricted and repetitive behavior patterns, interests, and activities, with a wide range of degrees of intensity(11 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Transtorno do espectro autista [Internet]. 2022 [citado em 2022 Jul 8]. Disponível em:

Individuals with ASD have heterogeneous linguistic skills, ranging from the absence of speech or production of few words to the acquisition of more robust verbal skills, though with persistent deficits in situations of functional use, aiming at communication(22 Montenegro ACA, Xavier IALN. Transtorno de linguagem associado ao transtorno do espectro do autismo. In: Feitosa ALF, Depolli GT, Vogeley A, editores. Mapas conceituais em fonoaudiologia: linguagem. Ribeirão Preto: Book Toy; 2022. p. 57-67.).

They commonly have delayed language acquisition and development, with linguistic impairments in pragmatic, semantic, morphosyntactic, and phonological aspects. They have limited communicative social functions and usually communicate to request or refuse something. The most used communicative functions are related to meeting their needs or protesting(22 Montenegro ACA, Xavier IALN. Transtorno de linguagem associado ao transtorno do espectro do autismo. In: Feitosa ALF, Depolli GT, Vogeley A, editores. Mapas conceituais em fonoaudiologia: linguagem. Ribeirão Preto: Book Toy; 2022. p. 57-67.).

ASD descriptions also include impairments in shared attention, eye contact, and communicative intention, which influence communication acquisition and development. The more severe the deficit in these skills, the later their communication develops(22 Montenegro ACA, Xavier IALN. Transtorno de linguagem associado ao transtorno do espectro do autismo. In: Feitosa ALF, Depolli GT, Vogeley A, editores. Mapas conceituais em fonoaudiologia: linguagem. Ribeirão Preto: Book Toy; 2022. p. 57-67.).

The neurotypical language acquisition process evokes various biological and social-pragmatic aspects that enable the development of linguistic skills. Hence, it requires the involvement of sociocognitive skills such as comprehension, shared intentionality, and participation in social-communicative activities with linguistically and symbolically competent people(33 Tomasello M. Origens culturais da aquisição do conhecimento humano. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2003. 342 p.).

Brazilian studies on the effective use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to develop communication in individuals with ASD are still scarce(44 Nunes D, Walter C. AAC and autism in Brazil: a descriptive review. Int J Disabil Dev Educ. 2020;67(3):263-79.
). Most intervention methods used in the country are directly taken from or inspired by protocols developed abroad, which may make them culturally unfeasible or inaccessible to communication partners(44 Nunes D, Walter C. AAC and autism in Brazil: a descriptive review. Int J Disabil Dev Educ. 2020;67(3):263-79.

Another gap is the viability of intervention in less structured contexts, as alternative communication programs are usually applied in rather structured settings in which interlocutors do not use verbal cues. Hence, it may be unfeasible to generalize responses to real communication situations(55 Walter CCF. Comunicação alternativa para pessoas com autismo: o que as pesquisas revelam sobre o uso do PECS por pessoas com autismo. In: Deliberato D, Gonçalves MJ, Macedo EC, editores. Comunicação alternativa: teoria, prática, tecnologia e pesquisa. São Paulo: Memnon Edições Científicas; 2020. 368 p.).

The DHACA method (a Portuguese acronym that stands for Development of Communication Skills in Autism)6 is grounded on the social-pragmatic theory or theory of usage-based language acquisition(33 Tomasello M. Origens culturais da aquisição do conhecimento humano. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2003. 342 p.). The author understands that people acquire language through linguistic activities while interacting with others.

The prerequisites to apply the method as a speech-language-hearing intervention include minimum shared attention, good fine motor coordination, normal eye-hand coordination, and the lack of comorbidities such as intellectual or visual disability. Moreover, imitation skills and symbolic play facilitate method implementation. It must be highlighted that this DHACA version is not indicated to children who do not have the above prerequisites, although it may be adapted in future studies.

This method has six guiding principles and aims to stimulate five skills. The following are the guiding principles: 1) Using visual cues; 2) Shared attention; 3) Participation of communication partners and Modeling; 4) Using cues; 5) Linguistic development; and 6) Functional communication. The skills are as follows: 1) Initial communicative intention; 2) Requesting with fringe vocabulary lexical expansion; 3) Requesting with lexical and morphosyntactic expansion; 4) Morphosyntactic, lexical, and communicative function expansion; and 5) Dialog.

Given the above, DHACA aims to develop functional communication by using a robust alternative communication system as an alternative to bridge the gap in the national literature, as previously mentioned. Therefore, this study aimed to validate the appearance and content of the DHACA method focusing on its recommendation for use in speech-language-hearing clinical practice.


This qualitative-quantitative validation study aimed to validate the appearance and content of the DHACA method to recognize it as reliable and valid to fulfill its purpose. The study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee, no. 5.831.912.

Ten speech-language-hearing judges were invited for content validation. They were divided equally into two groups: a) professionals with more than 5 years of clinical experience in speech-language-hearing intervention in individuals with autism and who had been using the DHACA method for more than 12 months; and b) professionals with more than 5 years of clinical experience in speech-language-hearing intervention in individuals with autism but who were not using the DHACA method.

After they had been selected, each judge received an invitation letter via e-mail to participate in the research, along with an informed consent form and a form for the validation of the appearance and content of the DHACA method.

DHACA uses a communication book with 66 pictograms on a single page and smaller overlapping tabs with other vocabulary pictograms, organized according to lexical categories, and gradually included in the therapeutic process(66 Montenegro ACA, Xavier IALN, Lima RASC. Autismo comunica: comunicação alternativa promovendo acessibilidade comunicacional. In: Araújo AN, Lucena JA, Studart-Pereira L, editores. Relatos de experiência em Fonoaudiologia. Recife: Editora UFPE; 2021. p. 19-33.). These overlapping tabs, organized according to lexical categories, have a single line with 10 pictograms, above which the corresponding words are written. The vocabulary in the method was selected based on the concept of “core words” and “fringe words”. Core words are those more frequently used, mainly pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which occur often in general interactions. Fringe words are less often used, mainly nouns that tend to be specific to the AAC user’s context and interest(77 ASHA: American Speech and Hearing Association. Augmentative and alternative communication [Internet]. 2022 [citado em 2022 Ago 8]. Disponível em:

The organization of the core words vocabulary in the DHACA communication book characterizes it as a robust alternative communication system(88 Montenegro ACA, Silva LKSM, Bonotto RCS, Lima RASC, Xavier IALN. Use of a robust alternative communication system in autism spectrum disorder: a case report. Rev CEFAC. 2022;24(2):e11421.

The initial version of the method resulted from literature analysis and clinical practice of the speech-language-hearing researchers who developed the method. It was submitted to the judges to analyze the content with the following procedures:

  1. Presenting the communication book (Appendix A Appendix A Page of the DHACA Method Communication Book Figure 1A. Essential vocabulary page in DHACA Method Figure 2A. Examples of secondary vocabulary tabs in the DHACA method ) and describing the principles and skills of the DHACA method and their respective strategies.

  2. Analyzing the appearance and content of the communication book by filling out a content analysis form, with which the researchers calculated the content validation index (CVI)(99 Polit DF, Beck CT. The content validity index: are you sure you know what’s being reported? Critique and recommendations. Res Nurs Health. 2006;29(5):489-97. PMid:16977646.
    ) and appraised qualitative aspects pointed out by the examiners.

The answer options in the form sent to the judges were as follows: 1 = Not representative; 2 = Little representative; 3 = Representative item; and 4 = Very representative. Besides the score, there was room for possible suggestions, which generated the study's qualitative data.

Each item’s relevance score (I-CVI) was calculated by adding the agreement in items checked with “3” or “4” by specialists and dividing it by the total number of answers(99 Polit DF, Beck CT. The content validity index: are you sure you know what’s being reported? Critique and recommendations. Res Nurs Health. 2006;29(5):489-97. PMid:16977646.
). The total instrument’s relevance score (T-CVI) was calculated by dividing the total number of items considered relevant by the judges by the total number of items(99 Polit DF, Beck CT. The content validity index: are you sure you know what’s being reported? Critique and recommendations. Res Nurs Health. 2006;29(5):489-97. PMid:16977646.

Changing or excluding techniques, strategies, and appearance in the book was based on the agreement of at least two judges per item.

After the changes, the material was again presented for the judges’ appraisal, which did not lead to any further changes.


The study will first present data on the specialists’ responses regarding the appearance of the book – which includes its physical form and visual aspects. In both the 1st and 2nd rounds, five judges considered it representative, and the other five considered it very representative.

The interrater agreement rate per item regarding the content of the communication book and principles and skills approached in the method reached values above 78% - i.e., above the minimum to be considered representative – as early as the initial analysis. The summarized analysis of the frequency of judges’ responses is shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Distribution of judges according to responses on method representativity (N = 10)

Likewise, the whole instrument analysis reached 99% of agreement, surpassing the minimum rate to consider it representative (90%). In other words, the instrument was validated even in the first analysis, as the I-CVI and T-CVI agreement rates were above the minimum percentage of 0.78 to be considered representative (Table 2).

Table 2
Content Validation Index of individual items and the whole instrument

It is important to point out that specialists made suggestions for some items that scored “3 = representative item” or “4 = very representative” to improve the method. However, only the items in which at least two judges agreed were changed or excluded from the text.

The excerpt below presents the judges’ main suggestions

  1. DHACA book, concerning appearance and content

“Colored backgrounds in the categories would be more interesting than just the borders”. “I miss pictograms for ‘my turn’ and ‘your turn’”. “I have never used the demonstrative pronouns ‘this’ and ‘that’, so I suggest reviewing these pictograms”.

  1. Principle: Participation of communication partners and modeling

“The principle is ‘Participation of the communication partner and modeling’, but the description focuses on modeling – whereas the partner is responsible for modeling... I think it is important to define ‘partner’ (an important role in AAC development)”.

  1. Principle: Using cues

“I do not always see the need for total physical support to teach a new skill. I prefer the hierarchy of cues from less to greater (verbal, visual, physical). This makes the intervention less invasive and more based on a naturalistic profile”.

  1. Principle: Using visual cues

“About the term ‘visual cues’, would it not be interesting to add, ‘participating in an activity together with therapists and another one or two people with complex communication needs to show the use and reach of AAC? In such a strategy, other pairs could illustrate this powerful communication tool”.

  1. Principle: Functional communication

“I suggest including the promotion of communicative functions other than comments and information”. “I suggest including an item ‘Dialog’ – creating a conversation moment: How are you today? Is it going to be sunny or rainy?... etc. Everything that is clearly described gains room”.

Based on the suggestions, some changes were made to the appearance and content of the DHACA book and the guiding principles. In appearance, the background of the core vocabulary pictograms was colored according to their parts of speech, instead of having colors only on the borders. As for book content, the demonstrative pronouns “this” and “that” were removed, while “my” and “your” were included”.

The researcher made the appropriate changes in the protocol, based on the specialists’ analyses in the first round. The revised instrument (second version) was again sent to the specialist judges to assess the material, now changed, continuing the appearance and content validation process.

In the second assessment round, the final version of the instrument reached a high level of agreement between evaluators concerning its appearance and content.

The quantitative analysis of the judges’ responses in the reassessment demonstrated that no further changes were needed in the content of the method, thanks to the I-CVI values above 0.78 in all items and 0.92 T-CVI. Reassessment responses, following the reformulation, were more homogeneous, which ensured greater reliability, as seen in Table 2. Furthermore, the few suggestions made in the reassessment were not considered because they addressed issues related to lexical category personalization criteria, which are organized according to the person’s needs and demands, as described in the principle “linguistic development”.

Since no further changes were needed because of the I-CVI values above 0.78 in all method items, the appearance and content were maintained as defined in this stage. Hence, the DHACA method was considered validated regarding its appearance and content, as it reached a 0.99 T-CVI, fulfilling its purpose.

Thus, the final description of the principles of the DHACA method, with their goals and strategies, is shown in Chart 1, and that of the communicational skills, with their goals and strategies, is shown in Chart 2.

Chart 1
Description of principles in the DHACA method, with objectives and strategies (final version).
Chart 2
Description of skills in the DHACA method, with objectives and strategies (final version).


The DHACA method was developed based on the scientific knowledge and clinical experience of the speech-language-hearing researchers who developed it throughout their professional history working with AAC in children with autism.

This method uses a robust communication system aiming to bridge the gaps in AAC effectiveness in communication development, the feasibility of implementing it in less structured and more naturalistic contexts, and the possibility of having it clinically reproduced in speech-language-hearing intervention in this population(55 Walter CCF. Comunicação alternativa para pessoas com autismo: o que as pesquisas revelam sobre o uso do PECS por pessoas com autismo. In: Deliberato D, Gonçalves MJ, Macedo EC, editores. Comunicação alternativa: teoria, prática, tecnologia e pesquisa. São Paulo: Memnon Edições Científicas; 2020. 368 p.).

The process of validating an intervention method, particularly an AAC one in Brazil, is an innovative factor due to the absence of methods developed for the national context.

The difference in this method is that it is based on the social-pragmatic theory and the linguistic development theory, emphasizing the role of communication partners and the use of various natural contexts. It is a Brazilian method whose linguistic basis is the functional use of the language, from selecting the vocabulary to using communicative functions. Moreover, it considers cultural and individual specificities.

This pioneering Brazilian intervention method describes the skills to be gradually acquired by people with ASD based on linguistic development throughout the intervention, finally aiming at the acquisition of functional communication. It uses a robust, easy-to-handle communication system – a communication book whose core vocabulary comprises pictograms selected based on a bank with high-frequency words(1818 Franco N M. Vocabulary selection and organization for augmentative and alternative communication of children with speech impairment [tese]. Recife: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; 2020 [citado em 2022 Set 16]. Disponível em:
) and fringe vocabulary.

After the analysis of the judges’ agreement in the first assessment, the CVI result validated the appearance and content of the DHACA method(99 Polit DF, Beck CT. The content validity index: are you sure you know what’s being reported? Critique and recommendations. Res Nurs Health. 2006;29(5):489-97. PMid:16977646.
). However, relevant qualitative suggestions were made, leading to adjustments that potentialized the appearance and content of the method. It must be emphasized that five judges are professionals with clinical experience in using other AAC intervention methods. Hence, their approval reinforces the validation of the method.

The suggestions included coloring the background of the pictograms in the core vocabulary according to their parts of speech, instead of having only the borders colored. This change reinforces the concept of a semantic color-coding system, which was already used in the method, but only in the borders. Thus, concepts are grouped regarding their grammatical role, facilitating their use and memorization, and helping children develop their grammar.

Another change was the removal of the demonstrative pronouns “this” and “that” and the inclusion of “my” and “your”. Studies indicate that the acquisition and use of personal and possessive pronouns are related to the interlocutor’s skill in recognizing themselves in their relationship with others and understanding their and the other person’s perspective – i.e., the development of social communication skills(2020 Finnegan EG, Asaro-Saddler K, Zajic MC. Production and comprehension of pronouns in individuals with autism: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Autism. 2021;25(1):3-17. PMid:32838535.
). Besides these possessive pronouns being quite frequently used as well, this resource stimulates the use of first-person pronouns among people with ASD, who have difficulties in this aspect(2121 Barokova M, Tager-Flusberg H. Person-reference in autism spectrum disorder: developmental trends and the role of linguistic input. Autism Res. 2020;13(6):959-69. PMid:31769223.

Selecting core words is crucial to obtain good results. Both the selection and organization of vocabulary are essential tasks for successful AAC use. It must provide access to a large vocabulary that is adequate for communication development and organized to make it easier for children to retrieve pictograms(1818 Franco N M. Vocabulary selection and organization for augmentative and alternative communication of children with speech impairment [tese]. Recife: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; 2020 [citado em 2022 Set 16]. Disponível em:

The suggestion about the content on the participation of communication partners led to highlighting their importance in the skill development process and the use of the resource in various contexts and settings, which agrees with the purpose of the method with a social-pragmatic approach(66 Montenegro ACA, Xavier IALN, Lima RASC. Autismo comunica: comunicação alternativa promovendo acessibilidade comunicacional. In: Araújo AN, Lucena JA, Studart-Pereira L, editores. Relatos de experiência em Fonoaudiologia. Recife: Editora UFPE; 2021. p. 19-33.).

It is believed that the initial use of physical cues favors psychomotor development and the acquisition of new skills. Such cues include sensory support with touches, amplified proprioception, and multimodal sensory input (audios combined with visual models to aid independent movements)(2222 Crawford S. Fundamental movement skill acquisition for children and adults with autism: a practical guide to teaching and assessing individuals on the spectrum. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 2018. 152 p.).

Judges also suggested including different communicative functions in the “Functional communication” text. Hence, it included the description of communicative functions in “Linguistic development”, classifying them as initial, intermediate, and advanced, and the terminology of the DHACA skills was changed. Robust communication systems allow for exploring and developing various communicative functions along with morphosyntactic, semantic, and pragmatic progress(88 Montenegro ACA, Silva LKSM, Bonotto RCS, Lima RASC, Xavier IALN. Use of a robust alternative communication system in autism spectrum disorder: a case report. Rev CEFAC. 2022;24(2):e11421.
). Furthermore, an adequate selection of core and fringe vocabulary enables children to express themselves according to these various communicative functions(1818 Franco N M. Vocabulary selection and organization for augmentative and alternative communication of children with speech impairment [tese]. Recife: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; 2020 [citado em 2022 Set 16]. Disponível em:

As for the last skill, its name was changed from narrative to dialog, considering that its goal is to have functional communication – which involves dialog, rather than only narrative communication.

The gaps in scientifically described AAC intervention methods highlight the importance of validating the content and appearance of the DHACA method. Moreover, evidence-based practices in decision-making are essential to increase the quality of therapeutic intervention.

The DHACA method makes way for further AAC intervention studies in people with ASD, helping improve clinical practices regarding language disorders associated with ASD. As for future perspectives, further studies are being planned to advance in other validation stages with other psychometric properties.


The study validated the content and appearance of the DHACA method, fulfilling the validation stages defined in the literature.

This innovative method contributes to Brazilian speech-language-hearing therapy, considering the importance of using validated instruments and evidence-based practices.

Appendix A Page of the DHACA Method Communication Book

Figure 1A.
Essential vocabulary page in DHACA Method
Figure 2A.
Examples of secondary vocabulary tabs in the DHACA method
  • Study conducted at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE - Recife (PE), Brasil.
  • Financial support: nothing to declare.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Dec 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    02 June 2023
  • Accepted
    13 June 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684, 7º andar, 01420-002 São Paulo - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 - 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil