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We have reached the last issue of the year 2014, and completed our second year managing Audiology – Communication Research.

During this time, we have tried to meet all goals established when we decided to take on the editorship of this Journal and daily reaffirm our commitment to working hard towards its improvement more and more.

We close the year with 60 published articles, and the certainty that we have reached the marks sought by almost all important journals of the country. Also, all the issues were completed within their deadlines, with no delays.

Over the course of this year, some changes were implemented. Since the last trimester, articles ‘ahead of print’ were made available, which was also one of our priorities. In addition, in early November, we moved our submission page for ScholarOne system in order to ease articles submission and review. Our intent is to bring celerity to the editorial process and obtain information that will allow us to continually assess the progress of the Journal, since this new submission system has tools that expedite and control the entire evaluation process.

Next year, the Journal will probably have its first impact factor provided by SciELO, consequently increasing our visibility to everyone involved in this process - national and international authors; and journal’s editors and reviewers, in general. Depending on the index obtained, we can plead better indexing, such as MEDLINE and ISI, which is another priority of our administration.

At this point, an important explanation is necessary, and can greatly aid the computation of our impact factor: while referencing this journal, everyone should always use the same form of abbreviation, ie, the official abbreviation of the journal: Audiol Commun Res, and not the acronym ACR. Referring our journal as ACR, implies in losing citations, because this is not the official abbreviation.

Before commenting on the contents of this issue, we would like to leave a message specifically to our reviewers: praise the good articles! It is good to receive criticism that could help to improve the article, but it is even better to receive a compliment on the scientific quality of the submitted article.

Without further ado, the December issue comprises 12 Original Articles, one Brief Communication, one Case Study, one Review and one Guest Editorial.

The six first articles concerns Language in its various forms: oral, written and sound production. Among those, we have the translation and cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Detailed assessment of speed of writing; another article deals with the phonological impairment and short-term memory in school-aged children with specific language impairment; one article on the characteristics of fricatives consonant orthography in children’s writing; one article describes the articulatory gestures involved in the production of the sounds /r/ and /l/; another article discusses the use of a Clinical Risk Indicators for Children Development Questionnaire in autism spectrum disorders; and one article on the quality of life in fluent and non-fluent aphasics who use augmentative and/or alternative communication.

In this issue, two of the articles are from the field of Audiology, and regards themes like: receptive vocabulary in post-lingual hearing impaired, and analysis of informative material used on adaptation of elderly users of hearing aids.

We have one article which addresses swallowing disorders in elderly, and three in which the voice and its alterations are the theme, like: spectrographic analysis of the effect of vocal warm-up on the voice of choir girls; the second regards the vocal auditory perceptual and acoustic measures, vocal complaints; and the third analyzes the factors influencing voice in the working environment.

Still in this issue, we have a Brief Communication that addresses the changes in the profile of speech language therapists who work in Paraná and Santa Catarina; one review article on ultrasonography and swallowing; and a case study regarding the acoustic reflectance measurements in otosclesoris.

Finally, we also have a Guest Editorial regarding important aspects for all fields of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences: Epidemiological surveillance instruments - terminological and conceptual issues.

We take this opportunity to wish a Merry Christmas and a 2015 full of accomplishments and joys to all our collaborators: authors, reviewers, field editors, in especial to our editorial assistant, Érica Ferraz, and, finally, to the entire board of ABA for sponsoring this important mean of communication of Brazilian science.

Eliane Schochat e Kátia de Almeida
Editors of Audiology - Communication Research

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct-Dec 2014
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil